The British Prime Minister – when challenged about the effect of his tax attack on farmers – cites the BBC to support his claim that ‘not many will be effected ‘. The Far Left State Broadcaster has its’ uses if you are a socialist ..
Midweek 20th November 2024
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Zephir November 20, 2024 at 1:41 pm
” How do you get a nun pregnant?
Dress her up like an alter boy. ”
As the punch-line of the old joke goes…
When a nun has a baby they fire a dirty old Canon.
But these days they’d probably move him to another diocese.
Spinning – my instant response to that was to delete it as my Roman Catholic sensitivity was deeply insulted …. But how can I ?
Apologies. Look upon it as the ugly side of ecumenicalism.
I’m sure the young lady from your team was an innocent participant.
Unless she did it out of habit (boom, boom).
I’ll pray for your soul …
On that topic is there any equivalent in the UK to Cardinal Vigano. If there was I would probably sign up straight away. I find him like David Kurten always on the same page.
Atlas – I don’t know who that cardinal is – I don’t follow the politics or hierarchy of the Church – just the word of God – which is why im still delighted by the vote for President Trump leading – I hope – less babies being killed ….
From my perspective the RC church is pretty solid in doctrine and doesn’t have the lunacy of the C of E – but still gets the devil assaulting the innocent from time to time …
“£500m defence cuts as ships, drones and helicopters scrapped”
Just as we are facing dangerous times !
“You just cannot make it up”
Securing our Borders | Our Plan to Stop the Boats
The answer is blowing in the wind.
From Guido
Starmer used BBC Verify last night to support the government’s claim that only 500 estates annually will be affected by Labour’s farm tax:
“All of you can check out what that means in terms of impact, I think the BBC has already done it…It means the vast majority of farms are unaffected by this, and I think it’s just important we keep making that clear.”
In its video yesterday BBC Verify said that for 70,000 farms to be hit, as the CLA claims, “is almost certainly an overestimate” and the “true share of farms affected going forward is likely to be much closer to the Treasury estimates.” Making the same error as the Treasury – using old figures and only accounting for one half of the capped threshold…
At the time, Labour ministers highlighted a report suggesting 13,000 migrants a year would come, but that proved to be a huge underestimate.
Former minister Jack Straw has said the policy was a “spectacular mistake”.
“They based themselves on a report that predicted a maximum of 13,000 net migration a year.
“We said at the time that this prediction was ‘almost worthless’.
“In the event the population of East Europeans increased by nearly a million in the following ten years.
nearly a million
nearly a million
nearly a million
At the time the government quoted research suggesting the move would increase the UK population by 13,000 a year – although the author of that report has since said it was misinterpreted.
“Labour relied on research suggesting 13,000 migrants a year would arrive.
But the influx was much larger than expected and contributed to net migration rising above 200,000 a year.”
Maybe the BBC should be summoned…or is this just an exercise in trying to ‘get ‘X’ and Musk? The BBC that tried to incite riots with its coverage of the Kaba shooting and Mark Duggan whose mother came on the BBC many times proclaiming that the police had executed or assassinated her son…the BBC did not object or qualify that claim at all.
“Homelessness narrative must change, says William”
“The rules are that the estate must be left to the next in line to the throne and, if so, then estate is completely exempt from inheritance tax. Any gifts the Queen may have left to others will be subject to inheritance tax in the usual away.”
Revealed bbc the labour party mouthpiece and it’s lying verify:
“BBC’s ‘truth-checking’ unit under fire for ‘quietly deleting statement’ after saying government ‘was right about number of farmers to be hit by inheritance tax raid’ ”
Proposed three years in jail for dancing and saying hurty words (if you are white):
“‘Party animal’ rioter who was hit in head and groin by flying bricks as he taunted police faces jail”
Probably 3 years in jail is just ridiculous
but actually, after the (supposed) automatic third off reduction, for pleading guilty, it means he was looking at 4.5 years.
Riot caused by twat at Hope not Hate spreading false reports
All still on the loose ???
“Disturbances after hundreds at demonstration.
The hundreds had been near a McDonald’s close to Heartlands Hospital in the Bordesley Green area.
During the evening several vehicles and a pub, The Clumsy Swan in Yardley, were attacked by a group of Muslim youths, who broke away from the main demonstration and were wearing masks and carrying weapons.
The West Midlands force said there had been at least three cases of criminal damage, one offence where someone was seen carrying an offensive weapon and one of assault. ”
Can you believe the hypocrisy of this lying, cheating mob in charge ?
“A quiz question: who wrote in April 2022: “Honesty and integrity matter in our politics, and for our democracy. Today the Conservatives failed to stand up for either.”? Yes, you guessed it, that little vignette, gleefully rubbing salt into Boris Johnson’s gaping wounds, was authored by none other than our esteemed Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves.
And who could disagree with her about the importance of honesty and integrity? Of course they are important. Crucial, in fact. But if you’re going to point your wagging lefty finger at your opponents, you’d better make darn sure that your own past is free of blemish or blame.
And that, of course, is impossible. All of us, even Reeves, are sinners. None of us, however virtuous we might believe our politics to be, can claim to be free of fault, deception or some form of dishonesty at some stage in our lives. And these days, it’s all there, somewhere, on the Internet.
That’s why it is so dangerous – crushingly stupid even – to weaponise the issue of integrity. Because at some stage your opponents will discover something about you just by asking Mr Google and his close mate Mr Twitter. And you will not only then be accused of lying, as Rachel Reeves is now, but of the ultimate political sin: rank hypocrisy. The British people will forgive a lot, but we draw the line at hypocrites.
And let’s be blunt about this. No political party in British history, and, for all I know, world history, has used the issue of “integrity” quite as ruthlessly as Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves. It was never enough for them merely to disagree with the Conservative government, or to try to explain why Labour might be a better bet. No, they chose instead to overreach by a country mile, telling the public that the Conservatives weren’t just wrong, but were uniquely dishonest, disreputable and corrupt. Venal, vile and vituperative. I mean, what about that piece of cake Boris ate!
In normal circumstances, I really couldn’t care less whether Rachel Reeves editorialised her CV to make it sound more impressive, or whether she incorrectly claimed to be a junior chess champion when really she wasn’t at all, or whether she was actually working in retail banking rather than as an economist as she suggested, or whether she claimed credit for something she’d actually nicked from Wikipedia.
Yes, she stands accused of all those things, and they’re all, in their own way, a little reprehensible. But it’s not like she drowns puppies in her spare time.
Yet, when we consider just how ruthlessly Reeves and Starmer laid into their political opponents for their own human failings, I have to ask why we should show Reeves any leniency at all. Why should we forgive her for natural human failings when she fails to do the same for others, and when she actually goes further and says they’re not fit for office?
And why, for that matter, should we believe her when she says she discovered a “black hole” of £22 billion in the public accounts? Why should we take a blind bit of notice when she claims to have had the worst economic inheritance of any incoming Chancellor since the war? Why, in fact, should we believe that for all her virtue-signalling and posturing during her grubby budget speech this month that she is anything other than the kind of politician she accuses Boris Johnson of being?
Once you get a reputation for lying, it’s tough to recover. But once you’re seen as a hypocrite, it’s impossible. That is the hole that Reeves has dug for herself.”
And, as World War 3 breaks out….
Trump claimed to be capable of getting a truce in Ukraine. So the absolute bastards in the Biden den of thieves engineer an upgrade to the situation by allowing US missiles to be used against Russia and bring their wagging dogs in the UK Labour Party with them.
This is likely to cost lots of European lives and it is all down to that absolute vile twat Biden and his despicable henchmen.
As Starmer praised the BBC’s reporrting on Labour’s anti-farmer tax policy we hear that BBC ‘Verify’ has been rubberstamping its approval using a Labour stooge….
‘The BBC Verify unit used a Labour Party activist to back its analysis of government figures on the farm tax.
The broadcaster’s fact-checking service quoted Dan Neidle as an “independent tax expert” in a piece assessing how many British farms would be affected by the inheritance tax raid.
Mr Neidle, a retired City lawyer, made headlines last year when he pursued Nadhim Zahawi, the Conservative Party chairman at the time, over his tax affairs.
In a BBC Verify story on the corporation’s website, titled “How many farms will be affected by Budget tax rises?”, Mr Neidle sided with the Treasury’s low estimate.
It said: “Dan Neidle, an independent tax expert, says the number of actual farms affected is likely to be below 500 per year.”
The Country Land and Business Association (CLBA) has produced a much higher figure, which Mr Neidle dismissed on X as “hyperbolic fake stats”.
Dishonest reporting by the BBC about the reasons for Ford’s downsizing….the BBC dodging the real one…government imposed nut zero rules about EV car sales…as the Telegraph reports…
‘Ford cuts 800 jobs amid fears of ‘irreversible damage’ from electric car rules’
‘In crunch talks with the Government, manufacturers told Louise Haigh on Wednesday night that “urgent action” on strict EV sales quotas was needed to protect UK jobs and investment.
A government spokesman said the Department for Transport planned to work “constructively and in close partnership with the sector”, in a sign that more support could be provided.
However, the Government stuck to a Labour commitment to phase out sales of petrol cars by 2030.
The ZEV mandate requires 22pc of automakers’ cars sold this year to be electric, climbing to 28pc next year and continuing to increase later in the decade.
Companies that miss the targets face fines of £15,000 per vehicle or being forced to buy credits from manufacturers that exceed the quota.
Just 18pc of new cars sold so far this year have been electric, with many manufacturers falling well below the target.
Ford demanded the Government loosen the targets during early years of low demand and called for schemes to improve demand for EVs.’
Just where is that in this BBC report which blames…
‘difficult trading conditions, including intense competition and weak demand for electric vehicles.
“The automotive industry is going through a period of massive disruption at the moment,” explained Ms Brankin.
“We’ve got unprecedented competition, regulation and lots of economic headwinds”’
The BBC claims the real reason is that Ford is trying to go ‘highend’…
‘ The carmaker is attempting to move away from its past as a mass-manufacturer of cheap “runabouts”, and position itself as more upmarket brand, focused on electric cars. Last year, it stopped making the Fiesta after nearly five decades.’
Only once you”ve passed all that guff do you get to the BBC’s admission well down the page that nut zero rules are having a major impact on car manufacturers [and in the news bulletin I heard this was not mentioned at all…just that Ford was going ‘highend’ and failing]….but of course the BBC does its best to trash this narrative…and adds…
‘But according to Vicky Read, chief executive of charging firm Charge UK a weakening of the mandate would be the wrong move.
“The government must hold its nerve and use the meeting to signal support for a policy that is evidently working,” she said.’
The BBC doing its best to cover up the green destruction of the car industry across Europe.
Captain Tom is back.
“Capt Tom’s family benefitted from charity – inquiry”
Like virtually everyone else in that sector.
‘The Charity Commission said … people “would understandably feel misled”.’
Yes, not like the RNLI who take peoples money to rescue seamen and use it to taxi illegal immigrants here.
“The father-of-two died aged 100 in February 2021, with coronavirus.”
Caught in an NHS hospital…
“Rennie, who had been chief executive of LGBTYS from 2003 to 2008 and is also a previous SNP adviser, was jailed in 2009 after being revealed as a member of a paedophile ring.”
“Benefitted” is rather downplaying it..
“The hypocrisy of Captain Tom’s daughter exposed in damning report: Watchdog finds Hannah Ingram Moore and her husband ‘misled’ public as they pocketed £1.5m from foundation set up in lockdown hero’s name”
Say it all really, goodbye Jaguar…
“The American marketing guru who masterminded Jaguar’s woke rebrand: BLM-supporting designer from New York who lives with Scottish husband and their cockapoo Mia boasted of British car icon’s ‘transformative journey'”
“‘It’s cultural vandalism’: Design experts ridicule Jaguar’s woke rebrand as ‘the most destructive marketing move ever’ while car giant shrugs off criticism despite customers’ ‘boycott’ threats”
Californian designer Joseph Alessio said it would be ‘taught in schools as how not to do a rebrand,’ while another designer labelled it ‘one of the most destructive marketing moves ever attempted.’
And public relations experts have told MailOnline they are stumped by the firm’s decisions – from the ‘vandalism’ of the company’s iconic logo to the apparent casting off of decades of motoring heritage to attract new buyers.
Brand and culture expert Nick Ede says he was ‘baffled’ by the marketing push – which featured precisely no cars – while Oli Garnett, co-founder of creative design agency Something Familiar, called the rebrand a ‘dog’s dinner’.
Jaguar, meanwhile, has doubled down on the rebrand, sending sassy and saccharine replies to detractors on social media who question the wisdom of moving away from the kind of thinking that birthed iconic vehicles such as the E-Type.
Some owners have even threatened to end their car deals early to, in the words of one social media user, ‘avoid the humiliation of being seen in one again’.
‘All of their iconic brand strategy they worked hard to build, a trusted legacy of luxury, something quintessentially British… I would agree.’
‘I feel like Jaguar don’t know where they are. They’re talking about alienating literally all their customers, which is a really bad thing to do, especially with a British heritage brand.
‘Others like Barbour, they keep their heritage in the background because it’s important to them, it gives them authenticity and gravitas.
‘Whereas Jaguar seems to be saying, “no, no, we don’t care about anyone who has bought one of our cars, It’s all about the future now”.
Sad end for a once Great British Company…….used to live near a Dealership in the early 1960s and as a young lad would drool through the Showroom windows ! .
All new Jag’s will be rainbow colours or brown only then 😄
Where’s my Country gone 😪
Yes, agreed although my worst car ever was an X type, never out of the garage, despite only 35 K on the clock, I strongly suspect a car assembled just before going home time on a Friday afternoon…
I was musing about the political situation in the US v UK – if you assume we have a presidential system like them – the UK is 4 years behind the US – 17.7% of the electorate in the UK voted starmer – -with maybe 70% not bothering to vote at all – because there’s no difference between red and blue .
So if someone comes along who offers a real change to support the UK – they’d do really well – some are saying Clarkson ( no chance ) Farage ( heart not in it now ) – so Who ?
Probably convinced that the shock value will gets loads of publicity and bring the brand more attention and recognition by being controversial…as it has….could of course backfire enormously…depends where they go from here when they launch the actual vehicle.
And… a lovely Xmas present for us all with her “wife” as well…
“Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi moving to ENGLAND after Trump win as they become latest stars to flee US”
“Dozen British Storm Shadow missiles fired into Russia ‘were personally approved by Keir Starmer’ after Putin signed off on changes to nuclear doctrine”
Oh, just wunnerful, the great warrior eh?
One minute inheritance tax, and the next..
I have decided I will appreciate brussel sprouts more:
“Terrifying moment wild tiger gives farmer the fright of his life”
Remove the gear stick.
Cubiclists jumping the gun a bit here, aren’t they?
The Captain Tom Foundation was registered as a grant-making charity two months after the veteran’s walk began, and celebrities including Sir David Beckham and Dame Judy Dench later helped to promote its various fundraisers.
Brissles will be somewhat energised and she has every right to be so – I certainly am, but there again, what do Vitrify care about the truth…!
Hello ! my ears were burning 😀
Wash your mouth out Scrobs – the royal brown nose warrior in chief hasn’t got the SIr …… yet.
One of the scum far-left thugs has just died.
Just one example of a toxic act and terrible legacies that they tend to leave behind was legislating the building of dense housing.
Rabbit hutches, podules, banlieues – call them what you will. Tempting to suggest this policy got transferred to the WEF. You will own nothing and be happy.
Just after WW2 our politicians, and especially leftists understood the value of gardens and our ‘dig for victory program. Working class people were able to produce their own food. The result was the building of council houses with substantial gardens. Flats too would have pleasant green spaces around them.
Now all this green space must be filled with concrete and urban junkies.
Bye John.
A good day to avoid the BBC
BBC in full mourning mode – funerial music on the music stations – sad voices on the news …. His big achievement ?a big bank balance – good riddence…
Then there is the ‘captain top ‘ nonsense – good luck to the family for ripping the charity mugs off . Much of the charity industry is self serving with big pay and ‘diversity officers ‘ . Keep it in your pocket or be discerning in contributions …
Hello Fedup2
The amount of times I see a begging advert and then google how much the CEO’s earn before the camel, donkey, horse gets any money 🙁
Andy – yes and the advertising budgets for some of those daytime charity commercials exploiting human emotions -must be quite something – everyone gets a taste of the tax free money …..
How marxists view countryside folk:
FFS the far left marxist bbc even have a minute by minute live feed GIVE IT A REST
This vainglorious labour leading tosser now sees himself as some kind of statesman poncing around the world pontificating to anyone stupid enough to listen, with those bloody stupid ever present “designer” glasses.
(never worn during the election..funny that).
“The primary purpose of government is to maintain order and stability so that people can live safely, productively, and happily. In a democracy, the source of a government’s authority is the people, the collective body of citizens by and for whom the government is established.”
and yet:
“Dozen British Storm Shadow missiles fired into Russia ‘were personally approved by Keir Starmer’ ”
“British farming is already in a grim state. Labour’s new measures will only make it worse”
“Pensioners will ‘freeze to death’ in cold snap after Labour’s ‘cruel’ cuts”
” Richard Tice claims Sir Keir Starmer’s “obsession” with reaching net zero will “kill jobs” and send energy prices soaring in Britain. the Prime Minister announced at the COP29 climate summit in Azerbaijan that the UK aims to cut its emissions by 81 per cent by 2035. “
“I’m terrified we’re on the brink of nuclear war and this hopeless Government is provoking Putin into pushing the button”
bbc report:-
Ukraine fires UK-supplied Storm Shadow missiles at Russia for first time
Well what a load of speculation, might have, don’t know, perhaps they did, maybe they didn’t!
Sooner or later a storm shadow (ugh) will hit a ‘Russian school ‘ in a way the Russians are so good of doing and really kick things off .
I heard some military type yesterday explaining the need for intelligent land mines because the Russians are sending waves of troops at Ukrainian positions overwhelming them …. How very ‘Hollywood ‘ ….
Could it be that Obama is inflaming Eastern Europe in order for Trump to be unable to start carrying out the job he has promised to do for American normal voters ….?
Someone said, after their second assassination failed, that even they would not be stupid, twisted or evil enough to start World War 3 to stop Trump…well……
Never underestimate what the ideologically driven Left will do when they believe their ends justify any means. Just look through history and how many millions they murdered for no reason other than intolerance of their views.
And I include Hitler in that. It amuses me endlessly that they call the far-right ‘Nazis’. It literally means ‘National Socialist’.
Nazis were very keen environmentalists too…
“How Green Were the Nazis? Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich.
The Nazis created nature preserves, championed sustainable forestry, curbed air pollution, and designed the autobahn highway network as a way of bringing Germans closer to nature. How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich is the first book to examine the Third Reich’s environmental policies and to offer an in-depth exploration of the intersections between brown ideologies and green practices.
Environmentalists and conservationists in Germany welcomed the rise of the Nazi regime with open arms and hoped that it would bring about legal and institutional changes. ”
Any ceasefire and negotiated peace will be on the basis of where the front line is at the time.
Russia are continually moving forward at the moment. I suspect they think that if Ukraine hold the Kursk pocket, they can trade it for a much larger piece of Ukraine. Hence the desperation to stop Russia taking it back.
It is of course futile. The more reinforcements Ukraine have to send to their best units in the Kursk pocket, the fewer they have for the real fighting. Putin has been happy to sit back and keep dropping glide bombs on them – but Trumps election has changed the game. Now it’s all about taking land in anticipation of a settlement.
That’s when the comedian Zelensky’s wild assertions will be conveniently forgotten by the BBC.
Russian investigators have painstakingly pieced together the fragments from one of the missiles that struck it’s territory and a message written on the side said:
“Avec un grand Bisoux”
bBC Verified Fact (c) 2024
On the charity theme – here is a piece from the DT about the down fall of a BBC luvvie called ‘Rosie Millard ‘ at the ‘children in need charity industry –
The chair of the BBC Children in Need charity has quit over grants awarded to an LGBT organisation hit by child sex abuse scandals.
Rosie Millard, 59, accused the charity of “institutional failure” in a letter, seen by The Times, announcing she would step down after six years.
The writer and broadcaster criticised its chief executive Simon Antrobus for his response to revelations that £466,000 was awarded in grants to LGBT Youth Scotland, which supports gay and transgender people aged 13 to 25.
Children in Need started giving the charity grants seven months after James Rennie, the then chief executive of LGBTYS, was convicted of child sex assaults in 2009.
This year Andrew Easton, who co-authored schools guidance for LGBTYS, was convicted of sharing indecent images of children including newborn babies.
‘That they could write this is astonishing’
The grants to LGBTYS were only suspended in May after Ms Millard said she alerted them to the 2009 case, and, following a review, funding was withdrawn three months later.
She said Mr Antrobus did not respond with the “necessary level of seriousness”, claimed he only cut the funding out of fear of negative publicity and alleged that, on hearing about the abuse, he had said it ruined his enjoyment of a Bruce Springsteen concert.
Ms Millard also alleged that another Children in Need employee had suggested a victim was “out to get” LGBTYS.
She said in the letter: “That they could write this about the reported rape of a child is astonishing.”
In a statement on Wednesday night she said: “It has been an honour and a privilege to serve as Chair of BBC Children in Need.
“Witnessing the incredible impact of our supporters’ generosity on the lives of children and young people has been truly inspiring. I’m immensely proud of the collective achievements we’ve made together.”
Tim Davie, the BBC’s director-general, praised Ms Millard for her “significant impact on countless children”.
Mhairi Crawford, chief executive of LGBTYS, told the newspaper Millard’s resignation letter “demonstrates the ideologically driven nature of her attacks on our organisation”.
Crawford said: “We are pleased to see confirmation that Children in Need’s investigations into the work of LGBT Youth Scotland found nothing to report. Time and time again, those with anti-inclusivity motives point to historic allegations in attempts to destroy our reputation.
“Allegations that have been investigated and cleared by Police Scotland, and proven to have had no link to our work.”
A BBC Children in Need spokesperson said: “Nothing is more important to us than the safety of all children and young people.
“When allegations were made in relation to LGBT Youth Scotland, their grant was immediately suspended with the full support of the Board and a review began. In order to do this thoroughly and fairly the review took three months and culminated in the decision to withdraw funding.
“The Children in Need Board of Trustees are supportive of the actions taken by the CEO and senior leadership team and stand by the decisions made.
“Rosie at all times retained the Board’s support. In the wake of her resignation, in order to ensure any lessons learned are captured, the Trustees have instigated a review of ways of working between the Board and Executive in which Rosie has kindly agreed to participate.”ENDS
Rosie will next be seen in public collecting her gong in the New Year Dishonour List..
BTW knight-Ayton ‘manages Ms Millard’s after dinner speech career … along with a whole host of Far left swamp dwellers …
Now a front runner for the new Archbishop of Canterbury.
Remember – as we were told many times by the BBC – every penny you give goes to children in need.
The BBC charity ‘children in need’ that is.
Who then take nearly 10 million of it for themselves before giving the rest out to causes THEY choose. And I assume the quality of the people who make their choices is similar to those at the BBC who choose our Eurovision song. Remember when the public got to do that ??.
Would that be this Rosie Millard?
Or a different one?
Prescott provides respite from the al fayed fixation and coming nuclear war as well as lefty sorrow over Biden /obama / Harris –
Wonder if Prescott will get the ‘historic sex abuse ‘ treatment in the weekend press ?
I have resisted the urge to query some of the hagiography excess today from the likes of Toenails and Bliar on Today, but this has tipped me over…
Green visionary John Prescott made a super – department to factor environment into other policy areas; stopped new roads being built into cities; played a central role in forging the seminal climate agreement #kyotoprotocol; dived with me to raise alarm on heating oceans.
Another legacy BBC/Labour combo.
That dive line is laughable, especially given 2 Jags was happy to flit around the world Starmer style with his entourage as a ‘climate Rapporteur’.
11 comments in 1 hr.
You mean John Prescott who said he would not accept a peerage right up until they offered it to him ?.
The one whose wife walked past the supermarket checkout queues to a member of staff and said ‘Do you know who I am ?’ so she could jump them ?..
The Left are virtue-signalling hypocrites. Every last one of them. Scrape through the veneer and you find a shallow, jealous, nasty person filled with hate.
Just like maxi demonstrates here when he’s had a few (appletinis or lines, not sure which) on a Thursday night and his guard is down.
Being abused by Prescott has been described by one as:
“A wardrobe falling on you with the key still in the door”
I believe that might have been a Tory ‘giant of politics’.
That reminds me, my grandfather always used to say:
“When one door closes, another one opens”
Lovely grandfather, terrible cabinet maker.
“When one door closes, another one opens”
– apart from that it’s a pretty good car.
I had a Mini like that once.
Many wish she had…
The Telegraph has a story bout the new head of Hezbollah saying that it is unacceptable for Israel to be setting conditions at the peace negotiations which include a) a veto on which countries could contribute troops to any peace keeping force and b) retain the right to operate in Lebanon if Hezbollah break the terms of any cease fire.
Of course the longer he ‘negotiates ‘ the weaker his position becomes as the Israelis continue to steadily write down Hezbollah. So I expect that Netanyahu is happy for him to object as much as he likes.
But the interesting thing is that the story was open for comment but after only 19 comments it was closed to further comment! Usually an article on such a topic would get a minimum of several hundred and possibly a few thousand comments.
Why did the DT close down the comments so quickly?
All comments were mocking of Hezbollah and their demonstrable weakness when faced by the IDF . But surely the DT must have realised that the readership would overwhelmingly back Israel ,it has done so repeatedly ?
Perhaps the money men were worried that potential new rich Arabs owners might be put off by realising how pro Israel the readership actually is even if the editorial policy is less so.
Regardless my admiration for the IDF continues to grow and grow and of course for the Israeli government which provides for and backs their troops to the hilt. Our own politicians and top brass look like pigmies in comparison. Basically our leaders have abandoned us.
It’s not nice to think they abandoned us but the fact is they never spared us a single thought.
…I think ‘Mohammed ‘ who has the job of monitoring comments at the Telegraph – might have a view ….
Evidence that BBC verify uses socialists pretending to be independent –
The BBC Verify unit used a Labour Party activist to back its analysis of government figures on the farm tax.
The broadcaster’s fact-checking service quoted Dan Neidle as an “independent tax expert” in a piece assessing how many British farms would be affected by the inheritance tax raid.
Mr Neidle, a retired City lawyer, made headlines last year when he pursued Nadhim Zahawi, the Conservative Party chairman at the time, over his tax affairs.
In a BBC Verify story on the corporation’s website, titled “How many farms will be affected by Budget tax rises?”, Mr Neidle sided with the Treasury’s low estimate.
It said: “Dan Neidle, an independent tax expert, says the number of actual farms affected is likely to be below 500 per year.”
The Country Land and Business Association (CLBA) has produced a much higher figure, which Mr Neidle dismissed on X as “hyperbolic fake stats”.
The BBC Verify piece has since been amended, with Mr Neidle’s “below 500 per year” claim removed and his title amended to “founder of the independent Tax Policy Associates”.
It continues to dismiss the CLBA’s assertion that a total of 70,000 farms will be hit by the tax change as “not necessarily the right number to use”.
An accompanying video, presented by the BBC Verify journalist Ben Chu, told viewers that “the true share of farms affected going forward is likely to be much closer to the Treasury estimates”.
The web story has also been amended because the original mistakenly confused hectares with acres.
Mr Neidle, a former partner with the City law firm Clifford Chance, is a Labour member who helps with appeals hearings on the party’s national constitutional committee.
Earlier this year, he told The New Statesman that he did not regard himself as an activist “unless it’s possible to be a centrist activist” and insisted he was not partisan, saying: “If I had reason to think Rachel Reeves had avoided tax, if anyone thinks I wouldn’t be on to that, they haven’t met me!”
A BBC spokesman defended the inclusion of Mr Neidle, saying: “There are more than 10 different people/organisations cited in this piece, representing a wide range of views and opinions. Dan Neidle is a tax expert who is commenting as the founder of Tax Policy Associates, an organisation giving advice to a wide range of people.”
The broadcaster said that Mr Neidle’s title had been changed in the online article “to more accurately and comprehensively describe who he is”, and that his claim about the number of affected farms being below 500 per year was removed “for brevity”.
It added: “This is an independent factual analysis, quoting a number of different organisations and individuals who have a range of different viewpoints.
“It’s routine for us to update online articles, and we’ll continue to update our analysis of this policy as more information and explanation becomes available. If the changes are material or change our conclusion, we add a note informing readers, for transparency.”ENDS
The Labour-supporting tabloid Daily Mirror tops the gynaeceum that is BBC online news print press line-up once more this morning.
And from that heart-on-sleeve leftist sentimentalist red top – which brought us such tall stories as NHS nurses and resting Eastenders actors resorting to foodbanks… Mr AsI mines the rich paydirt made of those contradiction revealing headlines occasionally to be discovered in close proximity.
Cashing in on legacy of a hero… – teases the cover page trailer for the page 8 & 9 story
Meanwhile: Farewell Liam… Famous friends and family join to mourn tragic singer (Mirror)
We should pause for moment to quietly reflect… this wasn’t Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix or even Janis Joplin. This was some guy from a boyband manufactured for the TV talent show The X Factor. Thank you Simon Cowell.
Lest we forget
Mr AsI cheated a little with his editing of the Mirror’s headlines – like the BBC did when they ran that film of Queen Elizabeth backwards or fast-forwards or some such to create a false impression.
The BBC has apologised to the Queen for mistakenly showing footage that wrongly implied she walked out of a portrait session during a documentary. (There’s one from deep down in the archives – BBC, 2007)
Mr AsI fesses up about his own mistaken editing – just for effect – straight away this morning and puts the record straight: Cashing in on legacy of a hero… Capt Tom daughter slated for taking £1m in his name (Mirror) – but of course that entire Captain Tom business was just another media-manipulation operation elevating some hero on behalf of our NHS.
From Capt Tom to Maj Tom
London Overground: New names and colours to be revealed at stations today after £6.3million rebrand Liberty, Lioness, Mildmay, Suffragette, Weaver and Windrush lines join Tube map (Evening Standard)
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner – but I’m oddly put in mind of Suffragette City, David Bowie, 1972
Fragments of the lyrics (edited for effect) thereof one will dedicate this morning to our Mayor little man Khan
Hey man, ah leave me alone…
Hey man, my school day’s insane
Hey man, my work’s down the drain
Ah don’t lean on me man, ’cause you can’t afford the ticket
I’m back from Suffragette City
Hey man, ah Henry, don’t be unkind, go away
Hey man, I can’t take you this time, no way
Of course were Mr AsI keen to discover a paradoxical regime narrative-busting headline which is in inself a self-contained howling non sequitur… then how about these onions – the Telegraph goes with: Defence cuts as UK missiles hit Russia
Don’t poke the bear
Time for a calm down dear interlude
I’m not fat enough for Ozempic – and I’m jealous of my friends who are (‘i’ newspaper)
From our punkhawalas to Park Lane Poonawallas – via that pandemic
The billionaire Poonawalla family behind the group that manufactured millions of doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine has bought a £42mn house in London’s Mayfair (FT)
If only there were a well-funded judge-led official public inquiry that could look into that.
So what is the UK Covid-19 Inquiry up to at the moment?
A quote here from Mancunian poet punk rocker Mark E Smith seems appropriate: “Are you still doing what you were doing two years ago? Well, don’t make a career out of it”
The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has reached a major milestone with more than 50,000 people submitting their experiences of life during the pandemic to Every Story Matters (The UK Covid-19 Inquiry) – sounds like some local library’s elderly people’s oral history project to me.
Sometimes these segueways…
Bananas? Grass? Buttons? living with a rare phobia (Guardian)
Sounds to me like Sybil Fawlty’s mother… as brilliantly comedically conveyed by Prunella Scales
Old people are wonderful when they have so much life, aren’t they? Gives us all hope, doesn’t it? My mother on the other hand is a little bit of a trial, really. You know, it’s all right when they have the lifeforce, but Mother – well, she’s got more of the deathforce really. She’s a worrier. She has these, well, morbid fears they are, really. Vans is one. Rats. Doorknobs. Birds. Heights. Open spaces. Confined spaces. It’s very difficult getting the space right for her really, you know. Footballs. Bicycles. Cows. And she’s always on about men following her, I don’t know what she thinks they’re going to do to her. Vomit on her, Basil says.
Presumably one of the londonistan tube stations to have a name change is ‘white city’ as it is now a big lie …
Complete failure to integrate, demonstrated by refusal to learn our language.
Don’t know what that says, like 95% of our country
Or that
Been like this for many years.
Actually the story here is the tens if not hundreds of millions wasted by converting old but perfectly functional train stations to Elizabeth Line ones. Disability access (expensive lifts) to the fast line platforms at stations where the trains never actually stop. And if you want the most secure but solitary and boring job in the world, become an entry/exit gate ‘supervisor’ on the opposite exit to the ticket office. Job creation gone mad. But hey, the taxpayer will foot the bill.
Hanwell, home of the first Marshall amps….
Revolutionary, changed the face of music but, not good enough for Khan to commemorate at the station.
On 5 April 2012 Jim Marshall “The Father of Loud” passed away having developed sound systems that have become iconic in the world of rock ‘n’ roll. Born and raised in Southall, he started a small music shop at 76 Uxbridge Road, Hanwell W7 3SU just under two miles away from the Ealing Club. In September 1962 he began developing and supplying his own brand of amps with a new raw, dirty and affordable sound.
That uniquely British sound grew in conjunction with the emerging music scene that established itself around the Ealing Club. The March 1962 edition of Jazz News that advertised Alexis Korner’s Ealing rhythm and blues nights also contained an ad for J&T Marshall Musical Instruments.
Cyril Davies, a major inspiration behind many of the first generation of British rock was a customer in Hanwell, purchasing harmonicas from the shop run by the drum teacher Jim Marshall and his son saxophonist Terry Marshall.
Young innovative guitarists were regular visitors. Pete Townshend and John Entwistle of the Who in particular but all of guitarists who played at the Ealing Club are likely to have visited the Marshall shop along with Richie Blackmore, Ronnie Wood, Jeff Beck and Peter Green.
Marshall is, without doubt, the sound of rock. It was heard for the very first time in public one Sunday night in 1963 with the first live performance ever to use the classic ‘loud’ Marshall JTM45 guitar amplifier. The band assembled to test the pre-production amp included future Jimi Hendrix Experience drummer Mitch Mitchell — who worked in the Marshall shop in Hanwell, and saxophonist Terry Marshall, the ‘T’ in ‘JTM’.
Eric Clapton would fall for the warm overdrive of JTM45 amp that the company would develop for him in 1964 into the Bluesbreaker combo. Subsequently, Mitchell — by then an experienced drummer following a year-long weekly residency at the Ealing Club — brought Jimi Hendrix to Hanwell to purchase his amps to use in the Experience.
Since the unveiling on 6 April 2013 of a blue plaque to honour Marshall at the site if his first shop, the annual Hanwell Hootie festival has helped foster an increasingly vibrant live music scene in Hanwell and Ealing.
“THE fast-food chain, Burger King, is withdrawing its ice-cream cones after the lid of the dessert offended a Muslim.”
Bradford – UK City of Culture
@ AsI
That Windrush overground, is it a boat train ?
As for the other one:
The wife & I have just been to the cinema to see that film, Suffragette.
Two hours of a woman’s struggle… full of tears, aggression, sadness, anger and frustration.
Anyway, after she finally managed to park the car in the cinema car park, we rushed in and caught the credits.
I decided to ensure my wife woke up with a big smile on her face this morning.
Now I can’t have felt pens in the house anymore.
When I heard a bit of Toady this morning, Emma ‘would be Paxman’ was speaking in absolute funereal tones.
Had a member of The Royal Family died? Had there been a terrible accident?
Nope. John Prescott had died.
The BBC. As unbiased as….errr….hiring Labour activists on to BBC verify and then pretending to be impartial.
I’m surprised they diagnosed John Prescott with dementia; he always behaved like that!
Labour “royalty” like this shower we have now. Where, o where, are the sensible politicians (of all parties)
This is hilarious and shows the pathetic levels the BBC can sink to, including the header picture. Why a woman always looking at a piece of paper, Getty Images?
If item 4. on the list is P(r)eachey serious, the time is long overdue for the D-G to sack Kevin Peachey. What a waste of space Kevin Peachey is at the BBC. Why can’t Faisal Islam handle the Economics Editorship and also be the ‘Cost of Living’ Correspondent? Faisal Islam apparently doesn’t turn up for work much at the BBC and doesn’t Blog like Steffie Flanders used to do – every day.
The BBC: overmanned and overpaid.
They forgot item 5.
The Labour government is bitter and twisted, spiteful, vindictive, only interested in the public sector, totally useless and couldn’t organise a drinking session in a brewery.
Well, OK. Maybe more than 5.
Sluff, 🙂 🙂 🙂
V good.
Here we go libtards….
Ceasfire in Gaza still ? #Bekind still ?
“Moscow threatens to attack POLAND: Kremlin warns it can strike US base using ‘advanced weapons’ as NATO scrambles jets and Putin unleashes ICBM in Ukraine for first time after Storm Shadow strike
Ukraine’s air force reported an ICBM had been fired from southern Russian base. It is the first time Ukraine has been hit with an ICBM since war broke out in 2022. ”
“Covid put intense pressure on NHS but it did not collapse, Hancock tells inquiry”
Matt Hancock paid £320K for I’m a Celebrity appearance
bbc seem to love this Labour party/government
Has Labour promised the bbc no review into the tele tax and an increase in its funding
Fingers down throat time, with the lovely reports coming out re John Prescott
“He was truly a one-off’: Starmer pays tribute to Labour ‘giant’ John Prescott”
Entered the House of Lords on 8 July 2010
Previously MP for Kingston upon Hull East until 12 April 2010 — did not stand for re-election
Left the House of Lords on 9 July 2024
Entered the House of Commons on 18 June 1970 — General election
Also represented Kingston upon Hull East
House of Commons Banqueting Office Function List 1 April 2004 to 30 September 2009
Abbott, Diane 28/04/2004 Disarm trust Reception 80 Strangers Dining Room
Abbott, Diane 14/09/2005 Joseph Rowntree Project Reception 80 Members Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion
Abbott, Diane 15/09/2005 John Loughborough 25th Anniversary Reception 100 Terrace Pavilion
Abbott, Diane 03/10/2005 Publicis Ltd Dinner 24 Dining Room B
Abbott, Diane 06/03/2006 Achieve Parliamentary Presentation Reception 50 Dining Room A
Abbott, Diane 13/03/2006 Caribean Board Reception 50 Strangers Dining Room
Abbott, Diane 23/03/2006 Editor’s Forum Reception 15 Dining Room C
Abbott, Diane 08/09/2006 London Schools and the Black Child Awards Reception 150 Churchill Dining Room, Dining Room D
Abbott, Diane 15/11/2006 UJIMA Housing Group Dinner 10 Astor Suite
Abbott, Diane 26/04/2007 Rethink Breakfast 6 Dining Room D
Abbott, Diane 11/06/2007 Celebrating Black Women in Public Life Reception 150 Terrace Pavilion
Abbott, Diane 05/10/2007 LSBC Awards Ceremony Reception 150 Members Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion
Abbott, Diane 03/10/2008 London Schools/Black Child Awards Reception 200 Members Dining Room, Strangers Dining Room,
Terrace Pavilion, Members Dining Room, Strangers
Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion
Abbott, Diane 25/02/2009 Womans Right to Abortion in Northern Ireland Reception 30 Dining Room B
Abbott, Diane 14/07/2009 Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia APPG Reception 80 Strangers Dining Room
When a swamp trougher pops off i often wonder what his constituents thought of him – I know he comes from those places where a pig would win wearing a red badge – but what did he improve ?
Will they name that bridge after him – ? Does it carry much traffic ?
More room on the labour bench now that his fat bottom meets its demise ….
200 people ….. no wonder people love them .. FREE PARTIES …..”Abbott, Diane 03/10/2008 London Schools/Black Child Awards Reception 200 Members Dining Room, Strangers Dining Room,”
** no bridge
ajs, great motorcycles, make motorcycles great again. If the Licence Fee is increased, as you suggest, it will only add to inflation. 🙁
Will that lead to Chancellor Reeve’s sacking? I hope so.
200 people – no wonder people keep voting for them … FREE MEALS…..
Click to access Functions%20and%20Events.pdf
Abbott, Diane 03/10/2008 London Schools/Black Child Awards Reception 200 Members Dining Room, Strangers Dining Room,
Terrace Pavilion, Members Dining Room, Strangers
Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion
FREE JABS FOR BARRY “500K From Chinese Spy” Gardiner.
Gardiner, Barry 20/11/2008 Astrazeneca Dinner 12 Astor Suite
Click to access Functions%20and%20Events.pdf
Gardiner, Barry 08/01/2009 60th Birthday Dinner 20 Dining Room B
I have no idea about what the Tate brothers have done or not done but the fact that they wind-up the liberal bed-wetters and that the bBC hate them must be a point in their favour.
I wonder why the bBC will not report on this latest court ruling:
The Tate brothers are a couple of controversial ‘influencers’ who don’t fit neatly into the usual left/right, progressive / traditionalist categories.
Further complicated by Andrew Tate becoming a Muslim, sort of. The progressive liberal left hate them for their misogyny, and traditionalists aren’t too keen on them either.
World at one
The BBC have put naughtiePLC back on his lead after drowning in the Trump victory – now they’ve got him doing an effing eulogy for comrade Prescott –
It seems the International Criminal Court has been infiltrated and taken over by Islamist activists.
The latest totally ridiculous moves against Israel handing out charges of war crime against living Israelis and dead Hamas leaders in should is an outrage to democracy not to mention humanity itself and should be seen as such by any non-partisan level-headed member of the human race.
Iraq to lower the ‘age of consent’ for girls to nine
A new law proposed by ultra conservative Shia Muslim parties seeks to strip women and girls of their rights
Staff working for the UN in Iraq are allegedly demanding bribes in return for helping businessmen win contracts on postwar reconstruction projects in the country, a Guardian investigation has found.
The Guardian has found that bribes of up to 15% of the contract value have been demanded by UNDP staff, according to three employees and four contractors. In return, the employee helps the contractor navigate the UNDP’s complex bidding system to ensure they pass the vetting process.
This is how it works Digg. It’s no different from the BBC.
Positions are mandated for certain ethnic groups by the Left in their ideological belief that over time, they will be seamlessly integrated and become like all the white people.
Unfortunately it never works. They simply abuse the position they were not fit to be given to push their own stone-age religious agenda. But nobody can stop them because the Left themselves made it racist to ever question their motives.
That’s why the output of the UN, the ICC and the BBC has become so warped. Yet they still keep doing it. Their solution to the failed multicultural experiment is to force the same thing even more and expect a different outcome.