Don’t tell anyone but we don’t refer to global warming any more.
in New Speak we have to refer to it as CLIMATE CHANGE.
Big Brother has spoken!!!
Lefty, I know the green blob may have changed to ‘climate change’ to cover all eventualities but people still know the expression‘global warming’. For the past few days I have greatly enjoyed any mention of the weather using the response ‘yes, it’s global warming’. It is amazing how it has then allowed people to speak freely, rather than the state approved message.
Immediately thick politicians listened to crackpot ‘scientists’ with nutcase ‘theories, and decided to invent the untruthful mantra af ‘climate change’, they instigated a ‘marketplace’, where real investors saw an enormous opportunity to make billions from these idiots!
Elected MPs should have understood that the whole issue was a scam from start to half-way, as we are now, but the real investors have cashed in and are looooong gone now, leaving Joe Public to pick up the bills as decreed by the ridiculous Miliband and his stupid little chums.
Of course, the naivete of various shoo-ins at the Beeb like Harrabin and Packham, jumped on the bandwagon as fast as their little feet could chase the cart, and the ‘job’ for the Beeboid starry-eyed stupidity was cast in stone as state broadcaster!
It’s taking a while for the scam to sink in, and TTK knows this, as when Reform get him chucked out, the bubble will be at bursting point and ready to blow!
The UK is holding back on their (to be) surprise announcements at the COP gathering in AbuJabiAzer:
1. The UK is now rated as a “Poor Country” and as such will be on the receiving end of donations from the “Rich Nations”.
2. As a concession to the “Poor Countries” the UK will be throwing into the hat, Ed Millipede to do as the recipient “Poor Countries” wish with him.
I’ll bet the Swiss are all for the transfer of money to the “Poor Countries” as it will result in many more personal bank accounts opened up in the name of the “Poor” countries leader………….
G, Scrobie & Deborah esp., Ed Minibrain will be no loss to the UK as he is almost certain to ensure that Labour will be out of power(!) at the 2029 GE or, alternatively, will be forced – at great expense – to nationalise the foreign-owned wind farms and legislate to end the Contracts for Difference which makes all electricity so expensive to customers.
I personally believe the AGW & Climate Change to be a Satanic Deception as do some others at my church. The Lord Jesus Christ reminded His disciples in Mathew’s Gospel chapter 24, verse 5, Mark’s Gospel ch13 v6, and Luke’s Gospel ch21 v8 (known to some as the Olivet Discourse because it took place on Mt. Olivet near Jerusalem) “Take heed that you are not deceived for many shall come in My name, saying ‘I am Christ’ and shall deceive many.
The proponents of Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change have deceived many (including Ed Minibrain but he is a bear of v_ l_ b_ ) and are claiming to have a plan to save the world. I know some sincere people in my church who have all sorts of scientific degrees, who I believe, to be deceived in this way.
Shalom. And have a good weekend all who read the posts and post on this site.
In scenes redolent of 1930s Germany and USA, the Jew is started to become hated – especially Bibi Netanyahu – in many places. I am glad the President Elect Trump is pushing back on the International Criminal Court. Israel’s enemies are very many and that includes, sadly, the ICC and the UN and its agencies. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and success for the IDF in defeating Hamas, freeing the reminaing hostages who are alive and in defeating Hezbollah and Fatah.
Problem is that a few MPs have fingers in the climate change pie themselves.
Too many see you next Tuesdays making bank by conning idiots (do gooders mostly).
And we all pick up the tab.
But at least people get to feel good about themselves, while they restrict their freedoms and put themselves into wage slave poverty forever, as a few con men and con women make millions.
Outrageous – BBC. Reports that the sentencing of Donald trump – an already convicted Felon – for a white collar crime – is to be held over until he completes his presidency . Surely he should be sentenced now ?
Or was it just lawfare ?
I really hope president trump has a long list to put a republican department of justice on Obama Biden and the rest …
Fed, I think felons in the US after they get elected to the Presidency get to pardon themselves. The nasty piece of work that is the Democratic Party and their Lawfare chums don’t want that to happen. They are vicious enough at the DNC to want DJT doing time!
Unlike X you can just look at top posts without registering.
It is So funny as they are all desperately trying to convince eachother they are all so nice and just want to post pics of the moon and cats and things and “what a relief to be free of the hatred on X,” conveniently ignoring the simple fact that 90 % of the spite and vitreol came from them.
They have no one to offload on now so will soon start turning on each other.
They still cannot resist the occasional urge to attack Trump though and ANYONE of the centre right. And of course that couple from MNBC that spoke to Trump.
Another funny thing is they KEEP saying “I wonder what they will do on X without us to attack”.
Well libtards, they have discussions without trying to cancel anyone of the opposing opinion, so are not reduced to moon and cat pics…
Looks like this one went straight to ‘regions’ at the BBC. I for one never saw the story until I found it elsewhere and searched to see if the BBC had covered it.
The lack of interest is surprising considering it involves the most nasty domestic violence you can imagine:
Apparently he “beat and kicked and stamped” his partner to death in the “confined space” of his bedroom, causing 20 rib fractures and a brain injury.’
This story should have the BBC misandrists and feminists activists foaming at the mouth and making lots of noise about what b@st@rds men are.
But it appears they are all silent. Why might that be ?.
Of course you know why. Here’s the man who did it: Raj Sidpara
The BBC don’t give a shit what happened to her because the scum who did it is a BAME and they are protected to be used as ‘victims’ against white people. And it looks like their colleagues at The Guardian who are also monstrous hypocrites didn’t even cover this trial at all!. And they have the ultimate in poisonous feminists. They just have a BBC-style ‘basic facts only’ article about the original arrest.
Where is this on the BBC as Guido reported yesterday?….
‘The well-respected S&P Global flash UK PMI composite output index, which is regarded as a measure of the the general health of the private sector, has plummeted. The index fell from 51.8 last month to 49.9 today – the lowest measure since October 2023. Falling below 50 means the majority of companies’ output is in decline…’
Normally the BBC is all over these figures and predicting ‘recession’ when at such levels…and when it’s Tory government…but now they don’t even report it….indeed barely mention the state of business confidence…the only mention seems to be them reporting what the papers say…a Times headline…
How is it that the BBC isn’t reporting this and doing so in its most downbeat tones as it has for the last 14 years?
There was the same headline in the DT on line yesterday. From where I work I believe that I have seen the first evidence of panic within government – they are likely to be 4 weeks or so ahead of the news headlines.
pug, the Times is slightly eroneous in that frontage article. Shares were up yesterday. The £ was down against the $ but up against the € and down against the Yen. Some people were predicting the £ would be $1.35 by now but that must be if Kamala Harris had beaten Donald Trump!
There is mounting criticism of Reeves for lying about her CV…and yet absolute silenced from the BBC.
Contrast with its treatment of Boris whom it went out of its way to label him a liar…a dangerous liar. When he refused to tell the BBC how many children he hasd they insisted this meant he was unfit to be PM…how could we trust such a dodgy character who wasn’t open with every detail about his life?…the BBC weaponising his kids and of course any such revelations would have put them and their mothers in the glare of the news…but the BBC was ready to use them to get to Boris…so very moral and ethical.
Well Rachel from accounts was rumoured to resign Friday – no way – the reds will distract from attention to her – but surely she is damaged goods now – and if labour manages to get Britain into a recession the pressure will build that she is just not up to the job.
TTK will get someone in from Blackrock . His admission ( implicit ) that the likes of Blackrock / bill gates buying up farming land is just pretty shocking . .. he must have take the hugest of bungs ….
Sarah Smith describing ‘Trump’ as ‘Convicted but not sentenced’ clutching at straws as it looks like the whole Stormy Daniels case being thrown out.
She further injects her own hope that ‘The case could be put on hiatus for the four years of Trump’s presidency’
No doubt comrade smith will turn up at Prescott s funeral with the rest of the troughers . I really hope the new trump press secretary will put the legacy media in the White House car park …
A friend recommended I watch A House Through Time, Series 5: Two Cities at War written and performed by David Olusoga (well it was a performance). I am not sure how long I would have lasted but the German house was round the corner from where my father lived as a child. David Olusoga’s style is staccato with breaks in his delivery where no break is necessary. There are lots of clips of him walking and not talking. I am sure the camera didn’t need him in every shot as the audience took in the ramp from where Jewish deportations occurred. Closeups of Olusoga’s unkempt hair made me want to itch as I wondered how he could run a comb through it. Of course he found a gentleman from Togo living in the Berlin block but there was no mention of climate change.
But assumptions were huge. A British man injured in WW1 went to Egypt in the late 1920s where he sadly died. Now he may have caught a stomach bug, had appendicitis or any illness. But without evidence the man had definitely (not maybe) died of his war wounds so Mr Olusoga claimed. There were so many other examples. The series was littered with so many other explosive claims which when it boiled down to it meant they had found descendants, or been to Kew or even a quick look on Ancestry. Mr Olusoga’s excitement claiming in-depth research when he produced newspaper clippings which had probably come from an online search of the British Newspaper Archive.
For a BBC programme today I suspect it is as good as one might expect. But comparing it to Civilisation or World at War shows up how shallow the series was. Little money was spent on research, but lots on drones, 3d computer drawings of the blocks. There had obviously been lots of money spent on sending Mr Olusoga to Berlin and other travels. I did wonder how many other blocks were considered but the information about the residents was shallow. It was all sensationalist and no depth.
Deborah – the BBC seems to put on a lot of shows which have a tittle including the word ‘with ‘ eg ‘Rome with that lefty woman with a very bad chip ‘… and show with ‘with ‘ in the title tells us it’s more about the ‘presenter ‘ than the subject matter .
Americans do better documentaries now – the US civil war one by Ken Burn is a masterpiece …. but BBC shows ( not documentaries anymore ) not for me . An African presenter? Don’t even bother ….
“I was in the local with the wife, when she comes back from the bar looking all shocked she was. I says, “What’s up?”
“That big fella at the bar. You know what ee just said to me? He says, ‘I’d love to fill your c…t with Guinness and drink it all up,’ Are you going to do something about it or not?”
I says, “If you think I’m gonna fight some c..t who can still stand up and fight after drinking 27 pints of Guinness, you get get f…ked.”
This lying mob, it just gets worse, even at the Bank of England doubts are starting, and, of course, when caught out now trying to blame someone else:
“amid accusations that she had lied about her qualifications on her CV, the profile was updated to read that the Chancellor has been involved in ‘retail banking’ at Halifax, The Telegraph reported.
The blame for this ‘error’ has now been placed on an unnamed member of the Chancellor’s staff, according to a source close to Reeves.
Prior to joining Halifax, Reeves worked at the Bank of England for over half a decade, but further questions over that portion of her career history have also begun to emerge.
The Labour Party itself claimed Reeves had worked at the Bank of England ‘for the best part of a decade’.
In reality, the current Chancellor had spent 18 months of her six year stint on a secondment at the US Embassy.
She began her time at the bank as a London School of Economics Master’s student.
Further queries have since followed around the superiority of her previous roles.
Reeves has previously claimed in multiple social media posts that she is a ‘former Bank of England economist’.
However, old tweets from 2012 have surfaced in which the Chancellor described herself as a ‘very junior Japan analyst’.”
It would be interesting if a BBC investigative journalist (surely an oxymoron) were to see how many ex-senior politicians held non-executive directorships in companies that could be traced back to Blackrock/Soros/Gates
“It was a well-worn script for Reeves, who before, during and after the General Election set out her stall as a hardcore economic wonk.
‘Rachel has spent her professional career as an economist,’ was how her personal website put it. She worked as an economist at the Bank of England, the British Embassy in Washington DC and latterly at Halifax Bank of Scotland [HBOS],’ read an official biography handed to organisers of speaking gigs.
‘I spent a decade working as an economist at the Bank of England and loved it,’ she told a magazine in 2021.
During TV interviews, Reeves likes to begin answers with the words ‘as an economist’. In PR films uploaded to her social media, she has often boasted: ‘I worked at the Bank of England for the best part of a decade.’ And so on.”
Specifically, Reeves claimed on LinkedIn that she was a ‘full time’ economist at the Bank of England from September 2000 to December 2006. Then her profile said she moved to HBOS as an ‘economist: full time’ until December 2009. In other words, her CV reflected the official narrative, which she had so endlessly talked about.
But then something very odd happened. A couple of weeks back, the document was stealthily edited in a way that made her career look significantly less impressive than before. ”
“Why Trump is looking to Britain as he plans to crack down on illegal migrants – as an example of how NOT to do it.
“As the proud son of an even prouder Scotswoman, Trump is widely said to be troubled by the left-wing zealotry of Keir Starmer’s administration. He’s also determined to show the West that the world’s most powerful democracy can and will stop uncontrolled mass migration.
‘We see that cultural cohesion in the UK has collapsed,’ says an immigration adviser at Trump’s Palm Beach estate in Mar-a-Lago. ‘We see that Western notions of free speech and public behaviour have collapsed. We look at that and we think: “Hmm . . . we don’t really want that for America.” ’
heresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
““Why Trump is looking to Britain as he plans to crack down on illegal migrants….”.
Wot? Perhaps as a sort of ‘Offshore’ Rwanda? As the UK is willing to take all comers (particular if criminal) the UK can house them while they, make their formal application to become a US resident?
“set up accommodation sites on surplus military sites in Wethersfield and Scampton for up to 3,700 asylum seekers across both sites, while preserving their heritage
open a non-military site in Bexhill, East Sussex which will also be used for accommodation for up to 1,200 people
explore the use of vessels to provide accommodation in line with the approach taken by the Netherlands and Scotland”
introduce a temporary licensing exemption to houses of multiple occupancy regulations for asylum seekers which will help move people out of hotels more quickly
There has been a lot of nonsense in the media about Starmers Labour government which includes his “Inventive”Chancellor Rachel ( l might have worked at the Bank of England ) Reeves attacking farmers and failing to understand farming generally.
It transpires that nothing could be further from the truth ….Starmer is actively giving lots of farmers free money ..yes, a big,big give away of funds…..The eagle eyed amongst us will have noticed the only problem is that the £535 million that l refer to , is part of the very generous overseas aid budget.for foreign farming.
So that clears that up..”Starmer loves a farmer”…it even rhymes.
A balanced and calm account of the real number of farms affected by the plan to end their 100% exemption from inheritance tax in 2026 and replace it with £1m+50% https://bit.ly/4i2egnZ official estimates of 500 or so a year are more accurate than those produced by campaigners
We used to enjoy the comic understatement of John Le Mesurier, in character as that world-weary, often lugubrious, Sergeant Wilson. In some typical scenario in which our cocksure gungho Captain Mainwaring proposed his platoon of bungling Saturday night soldiers use live ammunition, the deferential Wilson would simply observe: “Do you think that’s wise, Sir?”
And in similiar vein the Financial Times remarks on: Jaguar’s boss denies going ‘woke’ after online critics pounce on bold rebrand
Bold indeed.
Just me, or ought those scare quotes in that headline to appear around the FT’s editorial commentary choice of the word ‘bold’ rather than the widely applied and well understood term ‘woke’?
One of the best known chants of our football club fans is that of the supporters of Millwall FC: “No one likes us, no one likes us. No one likes us, we don’t care! We are Millwall, super Millwall…!”
And so it would appear that similar attitude applies to our loveless landslide elected by default Labour government.
Rachel Reeves pledged to work with business and lead the most ‘pro-growth’ Treasury (FT) – I dare say the power, size, reach and influence of that department will indeed grow under Labour. As of course will every aspect of the dead hand of the public sector over our ailing economy.
‘Thumbs down’ to Labour… Business blames Budget for gloom… Activity shrinks and pound falls… NI rise dents confidence (FT)
They may both be globalists. They may each adhere to the cult of global warming. Both may find the derogatory epithet ‘Far Right’ comes readily to hand. But I sense Labour just lost the support of the pink corporate FT
They do say socialism has never properly been tried: Visitors check out as Cuba felled by cocktail of woes… Power cuts and taps with no water add to guests unhappiness… Tourists… ask first for a mojito… hotels are unable to oblige as they have no mint (FT)
The formerly patriotic, latterly serious newspaper of record, the Times, used to gift Keir Starmer many a good write up. Pre-election there seemed to something of a bromance between them. What a short honeymoon that was. The consumation can oftentimes disappoint the expectation.
UK economy takes a hit after Labour tax increases… Pound, stocks and retail sales all suffer falls (Times)
I think Labour just lost the Times. The man of the moment appears featured on the frontpage: Jeremy Clarkson… ‘I didn’t think about farmers either when I lived in London’ (Times)
Whatever the weather, whatever the economic gloom… there’s always room for a calm down dear…
Caitlin Moran I want to decide when I die (Times)
Our mate Matt in the Telegraph knocks it out of the park again this morning. He sketches a police desk sergeant (as though they still exist) responding to some chap who has turned up at his local police station counter (as though they still exist): “That’s not a non-crime hate incident, sir, that’s your energy bill”
The Mirror side-steps our economic woes (which used to send our NHS nurses tripping the light fantastic down to the food bank under our former cost of living crisis) and instead goes with: TV Sarah: My Strictly revelation… Flying high Sarah Hadland & Vito Coppola – No, me neither?
Our small and medium sized farmers once “Had Land” – but Labour are out to divest them of that.
Oh, and for their top frontpage national news story the socialistic Daily Mirror goes with a Court Diary report: Royal Exclusive… King to tour India – well, goodness gracious me!
Maybe the king can wait for next year – fewer AIR MILES – HA HA HAHA
“Welcome to Bradford 2025, your next UK City of Culture. We’ve just revealed the first events for our thrilling year of culture, creativity and the arts – and we’ll be announcing much more in the months to come. See you next year.” https://bradford2025.co.uk/
It does seem perverse to wish the UK further ill in order to get rid of the reds . Let’s face it – we knew they would be bad – but not quite the vindictive Far Left Corbyn impersonator that is one term Starmer .
We know nothing will improve – NHS money will disappear – houses won’t get beyond planning – more invaders will arise – public borrowing will go up for overseas give aways .
Can any one think of something that will improve under the red regime – discounting their bank balances ? I really objectively can’t ….
FU2 starmer will only be a maximum of 18 months of one term. How he had the capacity to be head of the CPS I do not know – probably the current state of the criminal justice system might reflect his tenure and complete lack of capacity.
The bookies have Wes Streeting as the next leader of the labour party at 5:1. Another white male in the party of diversity.
Non – surprised that the Wes is favourite – I would have that the gobby northern would be a shoe due to a combo of Corbyn disciple – unions – sugar daddy ….
I’ll wager that not one of my fellow contributors here, think that the UK has been managed well over the decades. Mismanagement is rife particularly over the subject of the UK’s Armed Forces.
Mark Felton is respected for reporting accuracy. Take a look at this video which must be representative of the utter mismanagement of this country.
“Can Russia Attack Britain? What A Conventional Attack Might Look Like”
Im a great fan of Mark Felton and his straightforward British history YouTube pieces attract millions .
As for the UK – a whole series of managed decline laced if empire guilt at the highest levels fired up by 1960s Marxism – which is now fully in charge of every part of the State – whether red is concealed by green or not .
Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on business on August 6, 1945, and was seriously injured. He travelled back to Nagasaki the following day. You can take it from there.
“Accommodating asylum seekers in the private rented sector and on alternative sites costs a fraction of the current costs of hotels which are £6 million a day or about £2.3 billion a year.”
The vast majority are single adult males. The government are under a legal obligation to accommodate those who would be otherwise be destitute.
From: Home Office and The Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP
Published 29 March 2023
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics..’
My church – the RCs – is against the ‘let’s kill people ‘ thing – which is being ‘debated ‘ for about 15 minutes in the Commons
on Friday 29th – when everyone’s gone home ..
Trickery will pass it as human life loses its’ value year by year …
Anyway – a useful side debate has been raised about Palliative care = which seem to range from very good to very bad .
I’ve been on the receiving end of very bad and it was my final straw with their NHS – and look forward to the day starmer sells it to Blackrock to knock down hospitals and build flats for invaders …
The assisted killing bill might get better discussion in the upper chamber but somehow I doubt it …
Looking at the CV of the lawyer who has just got an arrest warrant for the Israeli PM and defence minister – you need to look hard to find that he I’d a Pakistani Muslim . Enough said – and a proper gravy train tick box …
For further information, please contact Fadi El Abdallah, Spokesperson and Head of Public Affairs Unit, International Criminal Court, by telephone at: +31 (0)70 515-9152 or +31 (0)6 46448938 or by e-mail at: fadi.el-abdallah@icc-cpi.int
King Charles III and his wife Queen Camilla are likely to visit India after Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his desire to host the couple, according to media reports. King Charles’ visit is seen as a strategic move to bolster economic and cultural relationships with India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.29 mins ago
July 2019 18 months to save the Planet and HUman race.
Today’s Dan Wootton show focuses on Cameron Bell
The police atatement “She repeatedly made racist remarks and told members of the group that they should visit other hotels in the area as part of the disorder.”
David Atherton
I have tried to see if there is any justification for jailing care worker Ms Cameron Bell, 23, for 9 months for violent disorder in Tamworth.
The court heard she was not present at the Holiday Inn Express riot.
She live streamed on TikTok the protesters returning home, who were making “racist” comments.
She referred to asylum seekers as “tramps”.
Mark Heath told Dan Wootton I will be interviewing Cameron Bell on her release from prison in a matter of days!
If you have any questions you want me to ask her, please drop your questions in the comments!
“The barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open to them. And it’s your own multicultural authorities who will do it for you”
― Christopher Hitchens
The UK is rotting from the inside out
Good morning Simon, islam have had a free pass in this country for decades, in the UK you can mock and ridicule any religion except islam, ask the batley school teacher who is still in hiding 4 years down the line
“In 2022, two-thirds of live births in London occurred to parents where either one or both parents were born outside of the UK; London continues to have the highest percentage of such births out of all the English regions and Wales.”
The Lord Chancellor, formally titled Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, is a senior minister of the Crown within the Government of the United Kingdom. The lord chancellor is the minister of justice for England and Wales and the highest-ranking Great Officer of State in Scotland[a] and England[b], nominally outranking the prime minister. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Chancellor
“Following Labour’s victory in the 2024 general election, Mahmood was appointed Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice in Starmer’s government. During her tenure, she has implemented an early release scheme for thousands of prisoners in order to reduce prison overcrowding.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shabana_Mahmood
“The barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open to them. And it’s your own multicultural authorities who will do it for you”
― Christopher Hitchens
Stew – I added some comments from the youtube as above … this is how it looked October 2018 …
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
2018 Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
2018 London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
2018 CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime2018 Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
2018 BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
YouTube today new videos from TR supporters protesting outside TalkTV against Peter Cardwell for smear-labelling TR “racist” on November 8th
and then refusing to enter debate, just doubling down by telling people to “do some basic research”
(BTW when a Muslim guy was falsely accused of Rape in Barrow, TR went to great lengths to help him.
The strongest claim against TR is that instead of saying the word fully TR has once or twice used the P-word)
TR protest today .. https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1860286310423945319
Staliner is now talking about introducing “Respect Orders” to deal with anti-social behaviour in “our communities”
Easy to see where this tyrannical monster is going with this. The lawfare is off the charts. Will non-Muslims be a protected community?
Anti-social behaviour has a huge impact on our communities.That’s why we are introducing Respect Orders. pic.twitter.com/DSO8bShiaG— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) November 22, 2024
“Hello. Is that the police? Yes, I’d like to claim a breach of Respect Orders.”
“What seems to be the problem Sir, Madam or whatever title you prefer, I’m not assuming your gender you see, diversity is our strength?”
“Erm.. quite. Just call be Dave or Sir. Yes, my neighbours have been very noisy all night. People shouting and laughing. People coming and going all hours of the night. I’ve got to get up for work in the orphanage I run. But this family don’t care. Music playing all night. They even slaughtered some livestock in their back garden.”
“Oh. This sounds terrible. Can you tell me any more about your neighbours before we come around?”
“Yes, officer. They’re a Muslim family and I think they must be celebrating Eid or something, but the noise and chaos is just..”
“Stop right there, Sir. You need to be more accepting of diverse and rich cultures. We’ll send around a police car now to arrest you immediately for breaching respect orders.”
“You stand before the courts today for sentencing. Your crime, violating a respect order, is so serious, that I must hand out a custodial sentence. When asked what you thought about the migrant hotels, you said you did not agree with them. This shows a complete lack of respect for diversity and difference and you are hereby sentenced to ten years in prison. Take him down.”
“Balls, the children’s secretary and a close ally of Gordon Brown, and Cooper, the chief secretary to the Treasury, face a complaint that they may have broken the spirit or letter of the rules on Commons’ housing allowances.”
What the farmers’ protest tells us about their argument with the government
This could be retitled “When the bubble goes to watch the farmers protest”
Mason, because of his bubble immersion, has missed the point that many people in this country who do not traditionally revolt are fed up. In the case of the farmers it is very clear that given the low rate of return on the notional value of land, the appropriate tax is capital gains tax (if you want capital taxes). There are many people beyond the farmers who are fed up and it will impact on the long term effectiveness of the UK. That is beyond the comprehension of our ruling elite and Mason simply sits comfortably in that bubble and feeds their egos. Nothing to learn from this one then.
Starmer had illegal Covid parties
Rayner illegally bought a discount council house she was not living in
but now that Rachel Reeves is shown to lie on her CV, people think she is on the brink of reseigning
… doh rules only to apply to the “wrong sort” of people , not to lib mob
Oh and their is something fishy about Starmer’s family and the way he doesn’t live at his wife’s house sometimes, which is about to come out, except it never does come out
Oh and the Nick Brown case
The media and establishment have a thick rug they sweep over Labour problems
All media at 1pm
“Euston station in Central London has reopened after a controlled explosion.
Police were investigating a suspect package.
All trains are now running as normal.”
I hope it is that the police are being unnecessarily twitchy, perhaps because of Ukraines firing our missiles into Russia. But there seems to have been an awful lot of controlled explosions in the last few days; Euston, Gatwick, Glasgow and Chester. I do wonder what is going on. Could the BBC report (I assume they aren’t doing so).
Birmingham last night : DOUBLE Shooting leaves One dead & another Fighting for life in Edgbaston;
WM Police attended Rotton Pk Rd last night at 11pm;
a Victim in 30’s found shot at bus stop rushed to hospital
a victim in 20’s found in a car & pronounced deceased at the scene!
A man in 30s has been arrested for suspicion of murder.
Excellent news – the COP Green crap thing is hopefully falling apart – maybe President Trump can kill the gravy train completely in 2025 …. TTK will still be giving billions to third world dross whilst old British people freeze ….
1/ The rise in the energy price cap will cause concern for families struggling with the cost of living.
That is why the government will do all we can to help people.
3/ As long as Britain remains exposed to the rollercoaster of global fossil fuel markets, we will be vulnerable to energy price rises over which we have no control.
Our clean energy mission is the only way to take back control of our energy, with cheaper and more secure power.
4/ That is why we are acting at speed on this mission to give families the energy security they deserve.
Every wind turbine and solar panel we install, every home we insulate will help to protect consumers and bring down bills once and for all.
Which African countries would you trust with hundreds of billions of pounds without the whole of the government and their multiple wives and kids hot tailing it to the Bentley / Mercedes showroom ?
Answers on a postage stamp…c/o… “What happened to the bloody Live Aid money ? ”
“The UN’s climate summit COP29 is on the verge of collapse after a bitter fallout between richer and poorer countries over money
Developing countries have dismissed an offer of $250bn (£199bn) per year to help them tackle climate change – some want a figure closer to $500bn
In a dramatic turn, several countries walked out of negotiations, saying they wanted a “fair deal” but feel they haven’t been heard.”
Putin has no need to nuke the UK. The process of self-detruction is well underway
Stop Press: Male ‘transgender’ police officers can strip-search women under new guidance issued by the British Transport Police (BTP), allowing male staff “identifying as female” to intimately search women so long as they have a gender recognition certificate (GRC). The Telegraph has more.
It costs £5 to apply. You might be able to get help paying the fee if you get benefits or are on a low income.
Having a certificate means you can:
update your birth or adoption certificate, if it was registered in the UK
get married or form a civil partnership in your affirmed gender
update your marriage or civil partnership certificate, if it was registered in the UK
have your affirmed gender on your death certificate when you die
It will not change your legal status as the father or mother of a child.
It costs £5 to apply. You might be able to get help paying the fee if you get benefits or are on a low income.
“Still locked in intense consultations,” writes Evans Njewa, chair of the Least Developed Countries group, who is from Malawi.
“I’ve got the Lilongwe Ferrari dealer on speed dial..”
“Corruption has taken many forms in Malawi, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, abuse of power, and political corruption. Public officials have been known to demand bribes for services, while politicians have embezzled funds meant for development projects.
In Transparency International’s 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index, Malawi scored 34 on a scale from 0 (“highly corrupt”) to 100 (“very clean”).
The causes of corruption in Malawi are multifaceted.[8] Greed, lack of transparency, poverty, and low salaries have contributed to the problem. Weak institutions, lack of rule of law, and power imbalances have also enabled corruption to thrive. The effects of corruption have been devastating. Economic development has been stifled, poverty has persisted, and public trust in government has been eroded.[8] Essential services like healthcare and education have suffered due to diversion of funds. Various institutions and individuals have been affected by corruption, including government ministries, parastatals, the police, and politicians. The mining sector has also been plagued by corruption, with officials accepting bribes to award contracts.
Corruption is rife in Malawi and poses serious compliance risks to businesses investing in the country. All sectors of the economy suffer from widespread corruption, and large networks of clientelism and patronage exist. In addition, extensive bureaucracy and red tape provide a fertile environment for facilitation payments and bribery. Companies contend with corruption and bribery in almost all operations, from obtaining licenses to bidding on public contracts. Malawi has a comprehensive anti-corruption legal framework, yet enforcement is poor and officials sometimes engage in corruption with impunity. The Penal Code and the Corrupt Practices Act criminalize active and passive bribery, extortion, and abuse of office, among other offenses, in both the public and the private sectors. Gifts are also criminalized, yet the practice is widespread.”
The UK will invest up to £90.5 million over eight years [2018-2026] to provide direct benefits to 1.7 million poor and vulnerable people in Malawi [approximately 300,000 households]. The programme also supports environmental and resilience outcomes through reducing deforestation directly and indirectly.
Nations which were given hospitals, schools, industrialisation, sanitation, roads, railways, planes, electricity, television, radio, phones and the internet by us (among everything else useful in their lives), are now saying WE somehow owe THEM money.
Well ok then. Here’s the deal.
We’ll pay up after you repay us for all the inventions and ideas of ours you’ve been using. And you can pay back all that foreign aid too. And for the crime your descendents have committed in our nations.
We’ll send over teams to destroy your roads and infrastructure, and you can start from scratch, Mr Mud Hut guy.
On a serious note, who’s surprised that it’s simply turned into Africans with their hands out? Any money will go right into the hands of corrupt leaders and their families (who usually ‘work’ as NGOs).
They’ll always ‘beg’ like this because they have no shame
A complete reversal is needed. All the population of the west go to Africa and all the Africans come to Europe and inherit everything there.
A ‘New Start’ for Europeans. Problem being, when the Africans etc are finished destroying Europe, they will want to return to a developed, strong Africa………….
“Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.”
― Christopher Hitchens
How the msm works: until the eve of Trump’s landslide win, the US networks were still calling him Hitler, a murderer, a threat to women, blacks, gays, democracy, bla bla.
Days later, seeing which way the wind was blowing and witnessing a collapse in their audience numbers, broadcasters like MSNBC were having conversations with Trump “to find common ground”. Common ground with Hitler? Like, perhaps he’ll agree to only murder 3 million Jews? This clearly showed up their lies. Either they really believed he was Hitler, in which case what the hell were they doing fraternising with such a monster, or they were lying all along. Either way, viewers weren’t impressed.
And sure enough, after their meeting with Hitler, Morning Joe experienced a further drop in numbers by outraged viewers.
I have throughly enjoyed being accused of being a leftie woke Tory racist by people who definitely never watch the show because nobody does (except the 3million people who do)
Thanks everyone
6 comments in an hour.
Admittedly more than he got having been flown out to the USA.
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It’s snowing, feezing cold and frosty…………must be global warming
Don’t tell anyone but we don’t refer to global warming any more.
in New Speak we have to refer to it as CLIMATE CHANGE.
Big Brother has spoken!!!
Lefty, I know the green blob may have changed to ‘climate change’ to cover all eventualities but people still know the expression‘global warming’. For the past few days I have greatly enjoyed any mention of the weather using the response ‘yes, it’s global warming’. It is amazing how it has then allowed people to speak freely, rather than the state approved message.
Immediately thick politicians listened to crackpot ‘scientists’ with nutcase ‘theories, and decided to invent the untruthful mantra af ‘climate change’, they instigated a ‘marketplace’, where real investors saw an enormous opportunity to make billions from these idiots!
Elected MPs should have understood that the whole issue was a scam from start to half-way, as we are now, but the real investors have cashed in and are looooong gone now, leaving Joe Public to pick up the bills as decreed by the ridiculous Miliband and his stupid little chums.
Of course, the naivete of various shoo-ins at the Beeb like Harrabin and Packham, jumped on the bandwagon as fast as their little feet could chase the cart, and the ‘job’ for the Beeboid starry-eyed stupidity was cast in stone as state broadcaster!
It’s taking a while for the scam to sink in, and TTK knows this, as when Reform get him chucked out, the bubble will be at bursting point and ready to blow!
The UK is holding back on their (to be) surprise announcements at the COP gathering in AbuJabiAzer:
1. The UK is now rated as a “Poor Country” and as such will be on the receiving end of donations from the “Rich Nations”.
2. As a concession to the “Poor Countries” the UK will be throwing into the hat, Ed Millipede to do as the recipient “Poor Countries” wish with him.
I’ll bet the Swiss are all for the transfer of money to the “Poor Countries” as it will result in many more personal bank accounts opened up in the name of the “Poor” countries leader………….
UK to demand everyone who used Industrialisation to build their economy pay UK £1000000 trillion – back dated
G, Scrobie & Deborah esp., Ed Minibrain will be no loss to the UK as he is almost certain to ensure that Labour will be out of power(!) at the 2029 GE or, alternatively, will be forced – at great expense – to nationalise the foreign-owned wind farms and legislate to end the Contracts for Difference which makes all electricity so expensive to customers.
I personally believe the AGW & Climate Change to be a Satanic Deception as do some others at my church. The Lord Jesus Christ reminded His disciples in Mathew’s Gospel chapter 24, verse 5, Mark’s Gospel ch13 v6, and Luke’s Gospel ch21 v8 (known to some as the Olivet Discourse because it took place on Mt. Olivet near Jerusalem) “Take heed that you are not deceived for many shall come in My name, saying ‘I am Christ’ and shall deceive many.
The proponents of Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change have deceived many (including Ed Minibrain but he is a bear of v_ l_ b_ ) and are claiming to have a plan to save the world. I know some sincere people in my church who have all sorts of scientific degrees, who I believe, to be deceived in this way.
Shalom. And have a good weekend all who read the posts and post on this site.
In scenes redolent of 1930s Germany and USA, the Jew is started to become hated – especially Bibi Netanyahu – in many places. I am glad the President Elect Trump is pushing back on the International Criminal Court. Israel’s enemies are very many and that includes, sadly, the ICC and the UN and its agencies. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and success for the IDF in defeating Hamas, freeing the reminaing hostages who are alive and in defeating Hezbollah and Fatah.
Problem is that a few MPs have fingers in the climate change pie themselves.
Too many see you next Tuesdays making bank by conning idiots (do gooders mostly).
And we all pick up the tab.
But at least people get to feel good about themselves, while they restrict their freedoms and put themselves into wage slave poverty forever, as a few con men and con women make millions.
You promised me eight inches
Another beauty ….
And Comcast owns sky ……
Outrageous – BBC. Reports that the sentencing of Donald trump – an already convicted Felon – for a white collar crime – is to be held over until he completes his presidency . Surely he should be sentenced now ?
Or was it just lawfare ?
I really hope president trump has a long list to put a republican department of justice on Obama Biden and the rest …
Fed, I think felons in the US after they get elected to the Presidency get to pardon themselves. The nasty piece of work that is the Democratic Party and their Lawfare chums don’t want that to happen. They are vicious enough at the DNC to want DJT doing time!
Farming tax row – BBC Verify on which figures are more reliable and why
Once folk have stopped laughing… #ccbgb
I thought the BBC were giving X the cold shoulder, because of Musk supporting Trump?
lol, they have run multiple articles advertising Bluesky.
I can’t even begin to imagine what an isolated bubble of leftist hatred that place is.
Unlike X you can just look at top posts without registering.
It is So funny as they are all desperately trying to convince eachother they are all so nice and just want to post pics of the moon and cats and things and “what a relief to be free of the hatred on X,” conveniently ignoring the simple fact that 90 % of the spite and vitreol came from them.
They have no one to offload on now so will soon start turning on each other.
They still cannot resist the occasional urge to attack Trump though and ANYONE of the centre right. And of course that couple from MNBC that spoke to Trump.
Another funny thing is they KEEP saying “I wonder what they will do on X without us to attack”.
Well libtards, they have discussions without trying to cancel anyone of the opposing opinion, so are not reduced to moon and cat pics…
They will all keep their X accounts of course because that’s where they will go to vent their hate.
I see Jaguar are taking a leaf out of the Conservative book “Try To Appeal To Folks Who Will Never Ever Vote For You ” and commit suicide .
Two great British organisations going down the pan .
Oh well it might even give us hope , if it happens to the BBC .
Man killed partner in ‘violent and vicious attack’
Looks like this one went straight to ‘regions’ at the BBC. I for one never saw the story until I found it elsewhere and searched to see if the BBC had covered it.
The lack of interest is surprising considering it involves the most nasty domestic violence you can imagine:
Apparently he “beat and kicked and stamped” his partner to death in the “confined space” of his bedroom, causing 20 rib fractures and a brain injury.’
This story should have the BBC misandrists and feminists activists foaming at the mouth and making lots of noise about what b@st@rds men are.
But it appears they are all silent. Why might that be ?.

Of course you know why. Here’s the man who did it: Raj Sidpara
The BBC don’t give a shit what happened to her because the scum who did it is a BAME and they are protected to be used as ‘victims’ against white people. And it looks like their colleagues at The Guardian who are also monstrous hypocrites didn’t even cover this trial at all!. And they have the ultimate in poisonous feminists. They just have a BBC-style ‘basic facts only’ article about the original arrest.
1400 Islamophobic kids ignored in Rotherham.
** wearing a Hijab would solve this!
Oh for a time machine…
Where is this on the BBC as Guido reported yesterday?….
‘The well-respected S&P Global flash UK PMI composite output index, which is regarded as a measure of the the general health of the private sector, has plummeted. The index fell from 51.8 last month to 49.9 today – the lowest measure since October 2023. Falling below 50 means the majority of companies’ output is in decline…’
Normally the BBC is all over these figures and predicting ‘recession’ when at such levels…and when it’s Tory government…but now they don’t even report it….indeed barely mention the state of business confidence…the only mention seems to be them reporting what the papers say…a Times headline…
How is it that the BBC isn’t reporting this and doing so in its most downbeat tones as it has for the last 14 years?
There was the same headline in the DT on line yesterday. From where I work I believe that I have seen the first evidence of panic within government – they are likely to be 4 weeks or so ahead of the news headlines.
Omission is the greatest lie – deploy the squirrels.
pug, the Times is slightly eroneous in that frontage article. Shares were up yesterday. The £ was down against the $ but up against the € and down against the Yen. Some people were predicting the £ would be $1.35 by now but that must be if Kamala Harris had beaten Donald Trump!
As ever, it is what the BBC avoids that is most damning.
Likely this will not get a mention, or debate.
Maybe they’re hoping the inhabitants of the HoP, and public, won’t see it.
There is mounting criticism of Reeves for lying about her CV…and yet absolute silenced from the BBC.
Contrast with its treatment of Boris whom it went out of its way to label him a liar…a dangerous liar. When he refused to tell the BBC how many children he hasd they insisted this meant he was unfit to be PM…how could we trust such a dodgy character who wasn’t open with every detail about his life?…the BBC weaponising his kids and of course any such revelations would have put them and their mothers in the glare of the news…but the BBC was ready to use them to get to Boris…so very moral and ethical.
The bBC need to be very careful here. Having historically weaponised children then it should be consistently applied in the future.
Will China step up if Trump takes a step back on climate change?
Another ‘The answer is no but we wish it was yes’ BBC ‘question’ headline.
The noteworthy thing for this article is it has a ‘classic BBC’ lie just like they used on Clarkson:
The picture infers that if we close down the smoking factory, it will stop climate change.
A deliberate lie. It won’t. And they know it – which is why they never say it directly.
Well Rachel from accounts was rumoured to resign Friday – no way – the reds will distract from attention to her – but surely she is damaged goods now – and if labour manages to get Britain into a recession the pressure will build that she is just not up to the job.
TTK will get someone in from Blackrock . His admission ( implicit ) that the likes of Blackrock / bill gates buying up farming land is just pretty shocking . .. he must have take the hugest of bungs ….
Sarah Smith describing ‘Trump’ as ‘Convicted but not sentenced’ clutching at straws as it looks like the whole Stormy Daniels case being thrown out.
She further injects her own hope that ‘The case could be put on hiatus for the four years of Trump’s presidency’
No doubt comrade smith will turn up at Prescott s funeral with the rest of the troughers . I really hope the new trump press secretary will put the legacy media in the White House car park …
A friend recommended I watch A House Through Time, Series 5: Two Cities at War written and performed by David Olusoga (well it was a performance). I am not sure how long I would have lasted but the German house was round the corner from where my father lived as a child. David Olusoga’s style is staccato with breaks in his delivery where no break is necessary. There are lots of clips of him walking and not talking. I am sure the camera didn’t need him in every shot as the audience took in the ramp from where Jewish deportations occurred. Closeups of Olusoga’s unkempt hair made me want to itch as I wondered how he could run a comb through it. Of course he found a gentleman from Togo living in the Berlin block but there was no mention of climate change.
But assumptions were huge. A British man injured in WW1 went to Egypt in the late 1920s where he sadly died. Now he may have caught a stomach bug, had appendicitis or any illness. But without evidence the man had definitely (not maybe) died of his war wounds so Mr Olusoga claimed. There were so many other examples. The series was littered with so many other explosive claims which when it boiled down to it meant they had found descendants, or been to Kew or even a quick look on Ancestry. Mr Olusoga’s excitement claiming in-depth research when he produced newspaper clippings which had probably come from an online search of the British Newspaper Archive.
For a BBC programme today I suspect it is as good as one might expect. But comparing it to Civilisation or World at War shows up how shallow the series was. Little money was spent on research, but lots on drones, 3d computer drawings of the blocks. There had obviously been lots of money spent on sending Mr Olusoga to Berlin and other travels. I did wonder how many other blocks were considered but the information about the residents was shallow. It was all sensationalist and no depth.
Deborah – the BBC seems to put on a lot of shows which have a tittle including the word ‘with ‘ eg ‘Rome with that lefty woman with a very bad chip ‘… and show with ‘with ‘ in the title tells us it’s more about the ‘presenter ‘ than the subject matter .
Americans do better documentaries now – the US civil war one by Ken Burn is a masterpiece …. but BBC shows ( not documentaries anymore ) not for me . An African presenter? Don’t even bother ….
Olusoga is to history what Bernard Manning was to political correctness.
“I was in the local with the wife, when she comes back from the bar looking all shocked she was. I says, “What’s up?”
“That big fella at the bar. You know what ee just said to me? He says, ‘I’d love to fill your c…t with Guinness and drink it all up,’ Are you going to do something about it or not?”
I says, “If you think I’m gonna fight some c..t who can still stand up and fight after drinking 27 pints of Guinness, you get get f…ked.”
Bernard Manning, Blue Peter Studios 1983.
This lying mob, it just gets worse, even at the Bank of England doubts are starting, and, of course, when caught out now trying to blame someone else:
“amid accusations that she had lied about her qualifications on her CV, the profile was updated to read that the Chancellor has been involved in ‘retail banking’ at Halifax, The Telegraph reported.
The blame for this ‘error’ has now been placed on an unnamed member of the Chancellor’s staff, according to a source close to Reeves.
Prior to joining Halifax, Reeves worked at the Bank of England for over half a decade, but further questions over that portion of her career history have also begun to emerge.
The Labour Party itself claimed Reeves had worked at the Bank of England ‘for the best part of a decade’.
In reality, the current Chancellor had spent 18 months of her six year stint on a secondment at the US Embassy.
She began her time at the bank as a London School of Economics Master’s student.
Further queries have since followed around the superiority of her previous roles.
Reeves has previously claimed in multiple social media posts that she is a ‘former Bank of England economist’.
However, old tweets from 2012 have surfaced in which the Chancellor described herself as a ‘very junior Japan analyst’.”
It would be interesting if a BBC investigative journalist (surely an oxymoron) were to see how many ex-senior politicians held non-executive directorships in companies that could be traced back to Blackrock/Soros/Gates
“It was a well-worn script for Reeves, who before, during and after the General Election set out her stall as a hardcore economic wonk.
‘Rachel has spent her professional career as an economist,’ was how her personal website put it. She worked as an economist at the Bank of England, the British Embassy in Washington DC and latterly at Halifax Bank of Scotland [HBOS],’ read an official biography handed to organisers of speaking gigs.
‘I spent a decade working as an economist at the Bank of England and loved it,’ she told a magazine in 2021.
During TV interviews, Reeves likes to begin answers with the words ‘as an economist’. In PR films uploaded to her social media, she has often boasted: ‘I worked at the Bank of England for the best part of a decade.’ And so on.”
Specifically, Reeves claimed on LinkedIn that she was a ‘full time’ economist at the Bank of England from September 2000 to December 2006. Then her profile said she moved to HBOS as an ‘economist: full time’ until December 2009. In other words, her CV reflected the official narrative, which she had so endlessly talked about.
But then something very odd happened. A couple of weeks back, the document was stealthily edited in a way that made her career look significantly less impressive than before. ”
Couldn’t have said it better myself :
“Why Trump is looking to Britain as he plans to crack down on illegal migrants – as an example of how NOT to do it.
“As the proud son of an even prouder Scotswoman, Trump is widely said to be troubled by the left-wing zealotry of Keir Starmer’s administration. He’s also determined to show the West that the world’s most powerful democracy can and will stop uncontrolled mass migration.
‘We see that cultural cohesion in the UK has collapsed,’ says an immigration adviser at Trump’s Palm Beach estate in Mar-a-Lago. ‘We see that Western notions of free speech and public behaviour have collapsed. We look at that and we think: “Hmm . . . we don’t really want that for America.” ’
Theresa May almost made it .. almost ….
heresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
““Why Trump is looking to Britain as he plans to crack down on illegal migrants….”.
Wot? Perhaps as a sort of ‘Offshore’ Rwanda? As the UK is willing to take all comers (particular if criminal) the UK can house them while they, make their formal application to become a US resident?
I would look forward to plod dealing with MS-13
That would be funny!
“set up accommodation sites on surplus military sites in Wethersfield and Scampton for up to 3,700 asylum seekers across both sites, while preserving their heritage
open a non-military site in Bexhill, East Sussex which will also be used for accommodation for up to 1,200 people
explore the use of vessels to provide accommodation in line with the approach taken by the Netherlands and Scotland”
introduce a temporary licensing exemption to houses of multiple occupancy regulations for asylum seekers which will help move people out of hotels more quickly
There has been a lot of nonsense in the media about Starmers Labour government which includes his “Inventive”Chancellor Rachel ( l might have worked at the Bank of England ) Reeves attacking farmers and failing to understand farming generally.
It transpires that nothing could be further from the truth ….Starmer is actively giving lots of farmers free money ..yes, a big,big give away of funds…..The eagle eyed amongst us will have noticed the only problem is that the £535 million that l refer to , is part of the very generous overseas aid budget.for foreign farming.
So that clears that up..”Starmer loves a farmer”…it even rhymes.
Starmer loves a foriegn farmer.
BBC Verify – The Truth About Rachel Reeves.
Hamas are our economic friends (c) Jeremy Corbyn
BBC kapos are lining up.
A balanced and calm account of the real number of farms affected by the plan to end their 100% exemption from inheritance tax in 2026 and replace it with £1m+50% https://bit.ly/4i2egnZ official estimates of 500 or so a year are more accurate than those produced by campaigners
I wonder what the conversion factor is?
We used to enjoy the comic understatement of John Le Mesurier, in character as that world-weary, often lugubrious, Sergeant Wilson. In some typical scenario in which our cocksure gungho Captain Mainwaring proposed his platoon of bungling Saturday night soldiers use live ammunition, the deferential Wilson would simply observe: “Do you think that’s wise, Sir?”
And in similiar vein the Financial Times remarks on: Jaguar’s boss denies going ‘woke’ after online critics pounce on bold rebrand
Bold indeed.
Just me, or ought those scare quotes in that headline to appear around the FT’s editorial commentary choice of the word ‘bold’ rather than the widely applied and well understood term ‘woke’?
One of the best known chants of our football club fans is that of the supporters of Millwall FC: “No one likes us, no one likes us. No one likes us, we don’t care! We are Millwall, super Millwall…!”
And so it would appear that similar attitude applies to our loveless landslide elected by default Labour government.
Rachel Reeves pledged to work with business and lead the most ‘pro-growth’ Treasury (FT) – I dare say the power, size, reach and influence of that department will indeed grow under Labour. As of course will every aspect of the dead hand of the public sector over our ailing economy.
‘Thumbs down’ to Labour… Business blames Budget for gloom… Activity shrinks and pound falls… NI rise dents confidence (FT)
They may both be globalists. They may each adhere to the cult of global warming. Both may find the derogatory epithet ‘Far Right’ comes readily to hand. But I sense Labour just lost the support of the pink corporate FT
They do say socialism has never properly been tried: Visitors check out as Cuba felled by cocktail of woes… Power cuts and taps with no water add to guests unhappiness… Tourists… ask first for a mojito… hotels are unable to oblige as they have no mint (FT)
The formerly patriotic, latterly serious newspaper of record, the Times, used to gift Keir Starmer many a good write up. Pre-election there seemed to something of a bromance between them. What a short honeymoon that was. The consumation can oftentimes disappoint the expectation.
UK economy takes a hit after Labour tax increases… Pound, stocks and retail sales all suffer falls (Times)
I think Labour just lost the Times. The man of the moment appears featured on the frontpage: Jeremy Clarkson… ‘I didn’t think about farmers either when I lived in London’ (Times)
Whatever the weather, whatever the economic gloom… there’s always room for a calm down dear…
Caitlin Moran I want to decide when I die (Times)
Our mate Matt in the Telegraph knocks it out of the park again this morning. He sketches a police desk sergeant (as though they still exist) responding to some chap who has turned up at his local police station counter (as though they still exist): “That’s not a non-crime hate incident, sir, that’s your energy bill”
The Mirror side-steps our economic woes (which used to send our NHS nurses tripping the light fantastic down to the food bank under our former cost of living crisis) and instead goes with: TV Sarah: My Strictly revelation… Flying high Sarah Hadland & Vito Coppola – No, me neither?
Our small and medium sized farmers once “Had Land” – but Labour are out to divest them of that.
Oh, and for their top frontpage national news story the socialistic Daily Mirror goes with a Court Diary report: Royal Exclusive… King to tour India – well, goodness gracious me!
sureyl AsISeeItCancel – “
Royal Exclusive… King to tour India” India to arrive on UK shores to visit King?Indubitably, sir.
Chas only needs to take a trip down as far as Hackney Wick to get the same thing going for him.
Maybe the king can wait for next year – fewer AIR MILES – HA HA HAHA
“Welcome to Bradford 2025, your next UK City of Culture. We’ve just revealed the first events for our thrilling year of culture, creativity and the arts – and we’ll be announcing much more in the months to come. See you next year.”
It does seem perverse to wish the UK further ill in order to get rid of the reds . Let’s face it – we knew they would be bad – but not quite the vindictive Far Left Corbyn impersonator that is one term Starmer .
We know nothing will improve – NHS money will disappear – houses won’t get beyond planning – more invaders will arise – public borrowing will go up for overseas give aways .
Can any one think of something that will improve under the red regime – discounting their bank balances ? I really objectively can’t ….
FU2 starmer will only be a maximum of 18 months of one term. How he had the capacity to be head of the CPS I do not know – probably the current state of the criminal justice system might reflect his tenure and complete lack of capacity.
The bookies have Wes Streeting as the next leader of the labour party at 5:1. Another white male in the party of diversity.
Non – surprised that the Wes is favourite – I would have that the gobby northern would be a shoe due to a combo of Corbyn disciple – unions – sugar daddy ….
At least no skeletons in his closet as folk get banged up for norty tweets.
Thanks for leaving me with the indelible image of a bunch of thickset tattooed skinheads all singing “Super Millwall”.
“Oh referee, that’s a little off.. what do you think Auberon ?”
I’ll wager that not one of my fellow contributors here, think that the UK has been managed well over the decades. Mismanagement is rife particularly over the subject of the UK’s Armed Forces.
Mark Felton is respected for reporting accuracy. Take a look at this video which must be representative of the utter mismanagement of this country.
“Can Russia Attack Britain? What A Conventional Attack Might Look Like”
I know what it might sound like (spoiler alert)
Or, to quote the Mayor of Hiroshima’s last words:
“What the f@ck was tha..”
Joe Biden turns over his ‘final’ Cabinet meeting to Jill Biden. Who’s in charge here, again?
Im a great fan of Mark Felton and his straightforward British history YouTube pieces attract millions .
As for the UK – a whole series of managed decline laced if empire guilt at the highest levels fired up by 1960s Marxism – which is now fully in charge of every part of the State – whether red is concealed by green or not .
Only extreme hardship can provide a remedy ….
why would the wikkid wusskies bother?
– Starmer’s crew are doing their “best” to make certain there’s nothing to beat or conquer?
Level playing field! HA HAHA (c) Boris
Fun fact:
Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on business on August 6, 1945, and was seriously injured. He travelled back to Nagasaki the following day. You can take it from there.
His middle name was Lucky.
“Accommodating asylum seekers in the private rented sector and on alternative sites costs a fraction of the current costs of hotels which are £6 million a day or about £2.3 billion a year.”
The vast majority are single adult males. The government are under a legal obligation to accommodate those who would be otherwise be destitute.
From: Home Office and The Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP
Published 29 March 2023
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics..’
* It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit
* The government are under a legal obligation to accommodate those who would be otherwise be destitute
* The vast majority are single adult males.
the sort of country one desires to inhabit
the sort of country one desires to inhabit
Not the BBC ..
My church – the RCs – is against the ‘let’s kill people ‘ thing – which is being ‘debated ‘ for about 15 minutes in the Commons
on Friday 29th – when everyone’s gone home ..
Trickery will pass it as human life loses its’ value year by year …
Anyway – a useful side debate has been raised about Palliative care = which seem to range from very good to very bad .
I’ve been on the receiving end of very bad and it was my final straw with their NHS – and look forward to the day starmer sells it to Blackrock to knock down hospitals and build flats for invaders …
The assisted killing bill might get better discussion in the upper chamber but somehow I doubt it …
Looking at the CV of the lawyer who has just got an arrest warrant for the Israeli PM and defence minister – you need to look hard to find that he I’d a Pakistani Muslim . Enough said – and a proper gravy train tick box …
Keep going IDF … flatten it
Abd(ALLAH) Willing …
For further information, please contact Fadi El Abdallah, Spokesperson and Head of Public Affairs Unit, International Criminal Court, by telephone at: +31 (0)70 515-9152 or +31 (0)6 46448938 or by e-mail at: fadi.el-abdallah@icc-cpi.int
Prince Charles: we have 18 months to save human race
Prince of Wales speaks out about climate change at gathering of Commonwealth leaders
https://theweek.com/102232/prince-charles-we-have-18-months-to-save-human-race published 12 July 2019
King Charles III and his wife Queen Camilla are likely to visit India after Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his desire to host the couple, according to media reports. King Charles’ visit is seen as a strategic move to bolster economic and cultural relationships with India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.29 mins ago
July 2019 18 months to save the Planet and HUman race.
Nov 2024 – jumps on plane to India.
“King Charles III and his wife Queen Camilla…….”
Formerly / otherwise known as, Camila Parker-Bowles
Today’s Dan Wootton show focuses on Cameron Bell
The police atatement
“She repeatedly made racist remarks and told members of the group that they should visit other hotels in the area as part of the disorder.”
David Atherton
I have tried to see if there is any justification for jailing care worker Ms Cameron Bell, 23, for 9 months for violent disorder in Tamworth.
The court heard she was not present at the Holiday Inn Express riot.
She live streamed on TikTok the protesters returning home, who were making “racist” comments.
She referred to asylum seekers as “tramps”.
Mark Heath told Dan Wootton
I will be interviewing Cameron Bell on her release from prison in a matter of days!
If you have any questions you want me to ask her, please drop your questions in the comments!
.. https://youtu.be/OzzPlEdfpZ8
The video also deals with the Peter Lynch case.
“The barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open to them. And it’s your own multicultural authorities who will do it for you”
― Christopher Hitchens
The UK is rotting from the inside out
Good morning Simon, islam have had a free pass in this country for decades, in the UK you can mock and ridicule any religion except islam, ask the batley school teacher who is still in hiding 4 years down the line
“In 2022, two-thirds of live births in London occurred to parents where either one or both parents were born outside of the UK; London continues to have the highest percentage of such births out of all the English regions and Wales.”
The Lord Chancellor, formally titled Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, is a senior minister of the Crown within the Government of the United Kingdom. The lord chancellor is the minister of justice for England and Wales and the highest-ranking Great Officer of State in Scotland[a] and England[b], nominally outranking the prime minister.
“Following Labour’s victory in the 2024 general election, Mahmood was appointed Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice in Starmer’s government. During her tenure, she has implemented an early release scheme for thousands of prisoners in order to reduce prison overcrowding.”
“The barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open to them. And it’s your own multicultural authorities who will do it for you”
― Christopher Hitchens
“How come Muslims now run London, the BBC and the British judicial system?” History Debunked video
Examples he quotes
The head of the BBC
His brother the head of Radio4
The Lord Chancellor who came to UK aged 16
The Mayor of London
Stew – I added some comments from the youtube as above … this is how it looked October 2018 …
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
2018 Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
2018 London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
2018 CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime2018 Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
2018 BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
YouTube today new videos from TR supporters protesting outside TalkTV against Peter Cardwell for smear-labelling TR “racist” on November 8th
and then refusing to enter debate, just doubling down by telling people to “do some basic research”
Don Keith summed it up .. https://x.com/RealDonKeith/status/1857018010558415126
(BTW when a Muslim guy was falsely accused of Rape in Barrow, TR went to great lengths to help him.
The strongest claim against TR is that instead of saying the word fully TR has once or twice used the P-word)
TR protest today .. https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1860286310423945319
Staliner is now talking about introducing “Respect Orders” to deal with anti-social behaviour in “our communities”
Easy to see where this tyrannical monster is going with this. The lawfare is off the charts. Will non-Muslims be a protected community?
“Hello. Is that the police? Yes, I’d like to claim a breach of Respect Orders.”
“What seems to be the problem Sir, Madam or whatever title you prefer, I’m not assuming your gender you see, diversity is our strength?”
“Erm.. quite. Just call be Dave or Sir. Yes, my neighbours have been very noisy all night. People shouting and laughing. People coming and going all hours of the night. I’ve got to get up for work in the orphanage I run. But this family don’t care. Music playing all night. They even slaughtered some livestock in their back garden.”
“Oh. This sounds terrible. Can you tell me any more about your neighbours before we come around?”
“Yes, officer. They’re a Muslim family and I think they must be celebrating Eid or something, but the noise and chaos is just..”
“Stop right there, Sir. You need to be more accepting of diverse and rich cultures. We’ll send around a police car now to arrest you immediately for breaching respect orders.”
“You stand before the courts today for sentencing. Your crime, violating a respect order, is so serious, that I must hand out a custodial sentence. When asked what you thought about the migrant hotels, you said you did not agree with them. This shows a complete lack of respect for diversity and difference and you are hereby sentenced to ten years in prison. Take him down.”
More laws – smoke and mirrors.
A government can tax or ban! That is all.
“Yvette Cooper to set out crackdown on antisocial behaviour including jail terms”
Cabinet couple under investigation over expenses
“Balls, the children’s secretary and a close ally of Gordon Brown, and Cooper, the chief secretary to the Treasury, face a complaint that they may have broken the spirit or letter of the rules on Commons’ housing allowances.”
Prison officer speaks up about justice system craziness after Southport
What the farmers’ protest tells us about their argument with the government
This could be retitled “When the bubble goes to watch the farmers protest”
Mason, because of his bubble immersion, has missed the point that many people in this country who do not traditionally revolt are fed up. In the case of the farmers it is very clear that given the low rate of return on the notional value of land, the appropriate tax is capital gains tax (if you want capital taxes). There are many people beyond the farmers who are fed up and it will impact on the long term effectiveness of the UK. That is beyond the comprehension of our ruling elite and Mason simply sits comfortably in that bubble and feeds their egos. Nothing to learn from this one then.
Love the BBC choice of photo – kids on a tractor – HA HA AH HAHA HAH HA H AH A!
Starmer had illegal Covid parties
Rayner illegally bought a discount council house she was not living in
but now that Rachel Reeves is shown to lie on her CV, people think she is on the brink of reseigning
… doh rules only to apply to the “wrong sort” of people , not to lib mob
Oh and their is something fishy about Starmer’s family and the way he doesn’t live at his wife’s house sometimes, which is about to come out, except it never does come out
Oh and the Nick Brown case
The media and establishment have a thick rug they sweep over Labour problems
Stew there is a bit of a smell. We can be sure that verify will not be taking too hard a look.
All media at 1pm
“Euston station in Central London has reopened after a controlled explosion.
Police were investigating a suspect package.
All trains are now running as normal.”
I hope it is that the police are being unnecessarily twitchy, perhaps because of Ukraines firing our missiles into Russia. But there seems to have been an awful lot of controlled explosions in the last few days; Euston, Gatwick, Glasgow and Chester. I do wonder what is going on. Could the BBC report (I assume they aren’t doing so).
Birmingham last night : DOUBLE Shooting leaves One dead & another Fighting for life in Edgbaston;
WM Police attended Rotton Pk Rd last night at 11pm;
a Victim in 30’s found shot at bus stop rushed to hospital
a victim in 20’s found in a car & pronounced deceased at the scene!
A man in 30s has been arrested for suspicion of murder.
BBC report came at 11am
Excellent news – the COP Green crap thing is hopefully falling apart – maybe President Trump can kill the gravy train completely in 2025 …. TTK will still be giving billions to third world dross whilst old British people freeze ….
Great to speak to @BBCNewsround at COP29 👇
1/ The rise in the energy price cap will cause concern for families struggling with the cost of living.
That is why the government will do all we can to help people.
3/ As long as Britain remains exposed to the rollercoaster of global fossil fuel markets, we will be vulnerable to energy price rises over which we have no control.
Our clean energy mission is the only way to take back control of our energy, with cheaper and more secure power.
4/ That is why we are acting at speed on this mission to give families the energy security they deserve.
Every wind turbine and solar panel we install, every home we insulate will help to protect consumers and bring down bills once and for all.
““Shame” shouted some climate campaigners, “pay up!” shouted others.”
pay up! ** it’s not about the money
pay up! ** it’s not about the money
pay up! ** it’s not about the money
“Normally these would bring down a government. We are a morally bankrupt society.”
Revealed: why Michael Fallon was forced to quit as defence secretary
On Tuesday, the Sun revealed that Fallon had admitted to repeatedly touching the journalist Julia Hartley-Brewer’s knee at a conference dinner 15 years ago.
Top bbc klimate COP 29 reporter, no doubt winning an award for interviewing some bloke on his way to the toilet:
“Behind closed doors are the countries who have not walked out. Plus civil society observers who are allowed to watch UN meetings.
Every time someone walks out, a crowd of journalists with cameras chase after them.
Along with many others, I just ran at speed after a man in a suit flanked by security officers and press, thinking they might say something useful.
But it turns out it was someone from an NGO group, on his way to the toilet.”
Klimate blackmail, survey time:
Which African countries would you trust with hundreds of billions of pounds without the whole of the government and their multiple wives and kids hot tailing it to the Bentley / Mercedes showroom ?
Answers on a postage stamp…c/o… “What happened to the bloody Live Aid money ? ”
“The UN’s climate summit COP29 is on the verge of collapse after a bitter fallout between richer and poorer countries over money
Developing countries have dismissed an offer of $250bn (£199bn) per year to help them tackle climate change – some want a figure closer to $500bn
In a dramatic turn, several countries walked out of negotiations, saying they wanted a “fair deal” but feel they haven’t been heard.”
“fair deal”?
Why not 10000 trillion over 10000 trillion years!
Putin has no need to nuke the UK. The process of self-detruction is well underway
Stop Press: Male ‘transgender’ police officers can strip-search women under new guidance issued by the British Transport Police (BTP), allowing male staff “identifying as female” to intimately search women so long as they have a gender recognition certificate (GRC). The Telegraph has more.
It costs £5 to apply. You might be able to get help paying the fee if you get benefits or are on a low income.
Having a certificate means you can:
update your birth or adoption certificate, if it was registered in the UK
get married or form a civil partnership in your affirmed gender
update your marriage or civil partnership certificate, if it was registered in the UK
have your affirmed gender on your death certificate when you die
It will not change your legal status as the father or mother of a child.
It costs £5 to apply. You might be able to get help paying the fee if you get benefits or are on a low income.
Anti-social behaviour has a huge impact on our communities.
That’s why we are introducing Respect Orders
As Director of Public Prosecutions, I saw the terrible effect of anti-social behaviour first hand – and fought for justice for victims.
As Prime Minister, I am delivering on my promise to tackle it with new Respect Orders, so people face the consequences of their actions.
————–1400 raped kids … NET ZERO CLIMATE CHANGE …………………
“Still locked in intense consultations,” writes Evans Njewa, chair of the Least Developed Countries group, who is from Malawi.
“I’ve got the Lilongwe Ferrari dealer on speed dial..”
“Corruption has taken many forms in Malawi, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, abuse of power, and political corruption. Public officials have been known to demand bribes for services, while politicians have embezzled funds meant for development projects.
In Transparency International’s 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index, Malawi scored 34 on a scale from 0 (“highly corrupt”) to 100 (“very clean”).
The causes of corruption in Malawi are multifaceted.[8] Greed, lack of transparency, poverty, and low salaries have contributed to the problem. Weak institutions, lack of rule of law, and power imbalances have also enabled corruption to thrive. The effects of corruption have been devastating. Economic development has been stifled, poverty has persisted, and public trust in government has been eroded.[8] Essential services like healthcare and education have suffered due to diversion of funds. Various institutions and individuals have been affected by corruption, including government ministries, parastatals, the police, and politicians. The mining sector has also been plagued by corruption, with officials accepting bribes to award contracts.
Corruption is rife in Malawi and poses serious compliance risks to businesses investing in the country. All sectors of the economy suffer from widespread corruption, and large networks of clientelism and patronage exist. In addition, extensive bureaucracy and red tape provide a fertile environment for facilitation payments and bribery. Companies contend with corruption and bribery in almost all operations, from obtaining licenses to bidding on public contracts. Malawi has a comprehensive anti-corruption legal framework, yet enforcement is poor and officials sometimes engage in corruption with impunity. The Penal Code and the Corrupt Practices Act criminalize active and passive bribery, extortion, and abuse of office, among other offenses, in both the public and the private sectors. Gifts are also criminalized, yet the practice is widespread.”
The UK will invest up to £90.5 million over eight years [2018-2026] to provide direct benefits to 1.7 million poor and vulnerable people in Malawi [approximately 300,000 households]. The programme also supports environmental and resilience outcomes through reducing deforestation directly and indirectly.
Participating Organisation(s)
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority AID TO MALAWI
The total amount of money available to spend. Some budgets may not be shown if programmes are in an active procurement phase.
Climate Resilient Livelihoods through UN Consortium
copied from order-order.com comment
Nations which were given hospitals, schools, industrialisation, sanitation, roads, railways, planes, electricity, television, radio, phones and the internet by us (among everything else useful in their lives), are now saying WE somehow owe THEM money.
Well ok then. Here’s the deal.
We’ll pay up after you repay us for all the inventions and ideas of ours you’ve been using. And you can pay back all that foreign aid too. And for the crime your descendents have committed in our nations.
We’ll send over teams to destroy your roads and infrastructure, and you can start from scratch, Mr Mud Hut guy.
On a serious note, who’s surprised that it’s simply turned into Africans with their hands out? Any money will go right into the hands of corrupt leaders and their families (who usually ‘work’ as NGOs).
They’ll always ‘beg’ like this because they have no shame
Tell them to shove it up their vuvuzelas.
Participating Organisation(s)
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority???!! HAH AH AHAHAH !
A complete reversal is needed. All the population of the west go to Africa and all the Africans come to Europe and inherit everything there.
A ‘New Start’ for Europeans. Problem being, when the Africans etc are finished destroying Europe, they will want to return to a developed, strong Africa………….
That’s something I have suggested myself.
The deal is that they can’t bang on our doors if they eff things up.
Yes, LC.. reminds me of a feline trait…
Marking one’s territory is essential, don’t knock it Z. Just as much as meowing at the door to go out and then refusing to go out.
Gets them every time.
Or littering the doorstep with a range of animal parts every morning, like scene from an animal version of Silence of the Lambs.
They love it really.
“Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.”
― Christopher Hitchens
Talking of which…
Zephir, our cat who came to live with us through various strange circumstances did not like water at all unless it was to drink!
How the msm works: until the eve of Trump’s landslide win, the US networks were still calling him Hitler, a murderer, a threat to women, blacks, gays, democracy, bla bla.
Days later, seeing which way the wind was blowing and witnessing a collapse in their audience numbers, broadcasters like MSNBC were having conversations with Trump “to find common ground”. Common ground with Hitler? Like, perhaps he’ll agree to only murder 3 million Jews? This clearly showed up their lies. Either they really believed he was Hitler, in which case what the hell were they doing fraternising with such a monster, or they were lying all along. Either way, viewers weren’t impressed.
And sure enough, after their meeting with Hitler, Morning Joe experienced a further drop in numbers by outraged viewers.
I have throughly enjoyed being accused of being a leftie woke Tory racist by people who definitely never watch the show because nobody does (except the 3million people who do)
Thanks everyone
6 comments in an hour.
Admittedly more than he got having been flown out to the USA.
Hislop toeing the BBC/ Labour line, as usual.
Matt Chorley
Politics live from Westminster: weekdays from 2pm on
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Did I just hear that right ?
Or was I dreaming?
At COP29, ‘developing’ countries are complaining that ‘rich’ countries are ‘only’ offering $300bn to combat climate change.
What would they spend the money on, apart from the Swiss bank accounts of their leaders?
Ed Milliband needs to be institutionalised, preferably in the cold, unheated home of pensioners who cannot afford to put on their heating.
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Today’s Matt is… worth it.
If anyone can locate and link.
“My latest cartoon for tomorrow’s
Buy a print of my cartoons at http://telegraph.co.uk/mattprints”
Original artwork from http://chrisbeetles.com