The BBC make things worse for us by removing the Market Data which was not as good as its predecessor. The predecessor had the silver and copper prices which are both important. The only thing that I think has improved on the BBC web-site is that it is now easier to reject the cookies that the BBC want to implant on your device.
Here is the BBC’s excuse for removing the Market Data:
The BBC has discontinued its market data feeds on both the website and red button (UK only) services. We have previously provided delayed updates on major stock prices, currencies, and commodities.
This change is part of our broader initiative to make savings, streamline operations and improve other essential aspects of the BBC’s digital journalism.
This forms part of the BBC’s strategy to deliver value for all of its audiences. We will continue to deliver comprehensive coverage of significant business and economic stories through our TV and radio broadcasts, as well as our news website and other digital platforms.
Although we will no longer supply market data in this format, you can continue to access this information through various alternative sources. BBC News will continue to provide market data headlines on the News Channel and on BBC Radio 4.
The BBC said they will remove Market Data at the end of November 2024. I don’t think you can trust or
The currency exchange rates provided on the Red button were useful here in France. It mean’t I could see what my state pension would be when paid into my French bank. That won’t apply now. However by removing this service they will assist the Labour Party when they actually trash Sterling.Oh by the way I signed the petition. I’m still registered to vote in UK elections.
NV, i did a search this morning for a reliable alternative to the BBC(!). The FT was suggested as an alternative so I clicked on that. I now have it bookmarked. You have to negotiate the dreaded cookies away. That is the only improvement I can think of on the BBC web-site. It is now easy to reject their cookies. Apart from that everything is worse about the BBC web-site, including the weather provided by Meteo.
The BBC have realised that Market Data is going to reveal just how quickly the new bloke in No 10 will be creating havoc with the UK’s financial performance in the next few weeks and months with their left-wing based random punitive taxes and regulations.
Any responsible public news outlet would want to put this information out there transparently in the interests of Joe Public. Instead the BBC are obviously prepared to try to hide it to protect their man in No 10. The weak excuse that they are simply diverting resources is typical BBC left-wing protectionism and fudging.
I’ve put a long piece about ‘bbc verilie’ at the end of the previous thread – it show how the so called deliverer of truth is as biased as the rest of the BBC far left output …
Does he keep saying ‘come onto Marianna Spring’ on purpose ?.
I expect a few of her seniors have done the same thing. I can’t think of another reason a proven liar can be kept on as their ‘disinformation specialist’.
On the subject of Marianna, I would love to see the posts and personal messages she writes using her ‘anonymous’ troll profiles on social media to illicit the responses she wants.
Of course we will never find that out. I suspect she is the only one who knows the truth about that. Her boss will just get to see the posts she wants him to see.
I notice many of maxis posts here were written in a specific style where they intentionally provoked and insulted but stayed within certain parameters as if he had a rule book he had to abide by. Occasionally though he must have been high on something and couldn’t help himself – which is when we got a look at his true character. And it wasn’t pleasant at all.
Britain sends more people to jail than any other Western European country .
To the BBC sending criminals to prison is a Bad Thing , exemplified by their notion that all things are good in the EU .
Britain takes in less asylum seekers than [France ] .
So we should take more because they do .
Its not the other Western countries should do as we do and send more of their scum to jail , or they should not take in bogus asylum seekers that disrupt their countries .
Oh no , to the BBC whatever an EU country does we should the same , or more of the same .
Paul Thorpe says he’ already arranged for the females in his family to move abroad
“Then a 100 yards from where my daughter lives a guy called Mohammed has been charged with rape”
(charged is not the same as convicted of course)
Here we have another excellent example of the BBC protecting the Leftist-infested UN:
‘The agreement largely tracks UN Security Council resolution 1701, which ended the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah.
Under resolution 1701, areas south of the Litani should be free of any armed personnel or weapons other than those of the Lebanese state and the UN peacekeeping force (Unifil).’
‘But both sides claimed violations of the resolution.’
‘Israel says Hezbollah was allowed to build extensive infrastructure in the area, while Lebanon says Israel’s violations included military flights over its territory.’
Classic BBC : Israels violations ‘INCLUDE’ military flights. Inferring directly that there are many others but not mentioning any of them. And of course those flights are absolutely insignificant in comparison.
The BBC are trying to say both sides were to blame equally for the failure of that resolution. No mention of the UN at all.
Here’s what wiki says:
‘As of 2024, the resolution was not fully implemented. Hezbollah and other armed groups in southern Lebanon have not withdrawn at all; in particular, Hezbollah has since significantly increased their weapons capabilities, amassing approx. 120,000–200,000 munitions (short-range guided ballistic missiles, short- and intermediate-range unguided ballistic missiles, and short- and long-range unguided rockets), and has increased the deployment of its armed forces south of the Litani River, developing tunnels, weapon stashes, airstrips and military installations.’
Not ‘Israel says’ BBC – implying nobody else does. It’s fact. And entirely justifies the military flights.
And whose job was it to ensure the agreemenet was respected ? – The UN and the 10,000 soldiers they fund to keep there. But they have done absolutely nothing. They are utterly unfit for purpose. They have proved it time and time again in this conflict – yet nobody has been forced to resign.
Yet to the BBC’s eternal shame, their credibility has never been called into question once. Because they too take the side of the Muslim terrorists over the Jews. They never criticise these left-wing activists because the long-term agenda is more important.
The UN should be abolished. Like the BBC, it is now infested with left-wing activists sucking at the teat of public money.
No author given for this one for some reason – but I doubt it’s either of their two biggest racist terrorist-supprters Fergal Keane or Jezza because their rhetoric is always 80% irrelevant empathy to sway your opinion.
JohnC, the BBC are biased. The BBC are biased in favour of the Palestinians, the Gazans and Hamas. They also appear to be biased in favour of Fatah in the West Bank. There is a video featuring a Sky News Australia presenter and Douglas Murray on the previous Thread which if the video is correct ought to to result in Tim Davie’s resignation. Maybe someone, Stew?, can post a link?
Someone wants even more afgees ‘bought to Britain ‘ – Justin loves it – yeah come on bring another plane load in – it’s an exception – it’s a one off – it’s only a few – don’t worry about the boats … bring in more ….bloody despair ….nearly broke the wireless again … good for the blood pressure though …
They’ve got the hots for a special needs school called ‘whitefields’ in my neck of the woods – the socialist republic of Waltham Forest … bus load after bus load of in bred third world defectives …- lots of pakis – very few white types … apparently the ‘staff’ have been mistreating them .. silence from the council …silence from the union … silence from the school ….
Does anyone ask why there’s so many special needs from a certain group? I bet not, because it’s their culture innit. That’s the problem with genetics it’ll show the truth eventually but in their old land the problems didn’t survive and were quickly buried. In the west the medical profession throws everything at them to keep them alive and the taxpayers pick up the bill again.
Mrs kitty – when the school empties out the traffic jam in the area is a disaster . The local nickname for them is ‘windowlickers ‘ and if you get stuck behind a bus load’s true …
The cost is rising …. These assaults it is revealed – took place around 2014 … the bbc sure likes sin from the past – see al fayed …
I don’t approve of beating kids up of course, but the videos I saw didn’t look as terrible as the BBC them made out to be.
Perhaps there are worse videos that they did not show? I doubt it though.
Looks like a few parents are going for compo, after the CPS originally dropped charges (not that I trust the CPS nowadays anyway).
I’d like to know what the BBC or the families of the cousin marriage offspringers suggest when a child or teenager is smashing the place up and won’t stop. Perhaps this child also lashes out at other kids and teachers too?
Their solution seems to be, ‘Just let him smash the place up and then kick the shit out of the kid in the wheelchair. In fact, so what if he sets the building on fire and kills everyone? Just let him do what he wants!”
Yes, don’t slap or kick the kid around, but restraint is sometimes needed with children like this (for the safety of others and themselves) and it won’t always look pretty with a spinning top of a child.
But if you can get a few seconds of footage of a female honky teacher being a bit rough with a brown child…burn the witch!
If £1B is paid by electricity consumers to windfarm operators NOT to produce electricity then this figure should be doubled because we also lose the electricity.
What Jess above does not understand is that to produce the electricity to run the heat pumps gas fired power stations are required (mostly) and they are only 30% efficient (carnot cycle). So unless Jess finds a magical way of producing electricity reliably without needing a carnot cycle turbine then her idea using heatpumps to save energy is a pipedream.
There has been a development in the symptoms of that well known modern disease , Trump Derangement Syndrome , TDS .
Some of those who suffer from it , particularly those who work in the US government deep state or in the Democratic Party have developed a new and very embarrassing symptom.
This is Loose Bowel Syndrome, LBS , when the sufferer suddenly and uncontrollably evacuates their bowel . This new symptom has developed since Nov 6 th and is affecting increasing numbers of senior figures in US government agencies .
The Dept of Justice , FBI and CIA are very badly affected with many panic meetings having to be held in lavatories as participants don’t know when the next evacuation may happen.
President elect Trump has grimly suggested that the main cause of LBS is fear of justice and that the only treatment may be to take a powerful purgative.
Double – 64 days – president trump put out a long tweet the other day listing his targets in the department of justice – he doesn’t seem to be letting the past years go – and hopefully will look for full revenge .
He will need a lot of loyal eager lawyers to change the justice department and the other poisoned Federal departments …
I think that Trump must put the US national interest first which, thankfully, will also be in the interest of every other democratic nation.
The national interest of the United States will be best served by those anti democratic forces which have tried by abusing their power and use of illegal means , to remove a legitimately elected President or to limit his ability to act , being subject to the full legal process .
Additionally all US government agencies must be purged of those who believe that it is their right to oppose the democratic will of the people. Examples must be made. Justice must be seen to be done.
To ignore the subversion of democracy that has taken place over the last eight years for the sake of national unity would be a huge mistake . These people cannot be allowed to get away with their multiple anti democratic activities because if they are allowed to democracy everywhere will be undermined.
The United States must set an example for the rest of the free world to follow. This isn’t about personal revenge , this is about fighting on behalf of ordinary people for the future of democracy.
Naughtie plc rolled out to pave the way for assisting killing – more than the Normal daily NHS practice … Naughtie really loves his own voice – far more than the subject …
BTW – the vote to kill on Friday looks likely not to happen because there needs more research … but the medical mafia will keep using the Liverpool pathways and morphine overdoses anyway ….
Might be wrong on this – but the MP for Luton – Sarah Owen – a lefty of course – is strangely silent on the closure of the van plant …. The red ‘business secretary ‘ is to have a panic ‘review ‘ of crap electric cars but I bet those 1000 plus jobs are gone ….
But the local MP ? Who those unemployed people may have voted for? No where … does she get a PMQ stand up ? I bet not ….
Growth growth growth …
Outpouring of love, compassion and empathy in this Taylor Swift-themed and nothing to do with terror edition
What is the main reason most men don’t like Taylor Swift’s music/Taylor herself. (Reddit discussion)
Answers: Obviously I know blatant sexism is probably the answer as to why men not being able to relate to some of her songs subject matter.
Taylor’s music heavily calls men out on the ways they act towards girls in relationships
she was unapologetically a teen girl and (most) men immediately dismiss anything teen girls like bc misogyny… She’s an extremely successful and talented woman that likes glitter and cats and fairytales — many men just can’t fathom that.
We are now sadly well aware of officially instigated efforts to cover-up violent incidents (often terrorism inspired) when perpetrated by immigrants here in the UK. Whether the protective smoke screen happens to be those familiar claims of mental issues, under-18 so-called child legal anonymity, or media descriptions of the perpetrator as – for instance – a presbyterian local man… the plotting is sinister but often cack-handedly obvious.
The more sinister and subtle ‘community cohesion’ strategy is the official manipulation of the terror incident victims’ families.
When the post hoc clean-up campaign response goes awry things can get very messy:
Police chief faces watchdog probe over Nottingham attack cover-up claims… A Chief Constable is to be investigated by the police watchdog over claims that she covered up failings linked to the Nottingham stabbings… Kate Meynell will face an Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) probe after she allegedly tried to stop journalists revealing knifeman Valdo Calocane had been reported twice to cops for stalking before killing Barnaby Webber, Grace O’Malley-Kumar and Ian Coates in 2023… Ms Meynell called a private press briefing to reveal the two incidents – but then made reporters sign Non-Disclosure Agreements forbidding them from publishing what she said… the relatives said of the coming probe: “It is no less than she deserves.” In a joint statement, they said: “We believe she chose to hold a non-reportable media briefing to withhold information and shackle the press from reporting further gross actions of her force.” (Daily Mirror)
BBC doesn’t have consent for documentary on Nottingham killings, say victims’ families. Victim’s mother said the families were not asked to contribute to the documentary (Independent)
Nottingham attacks: Sons upset at not being told of vigil… sons of a school caretaker killed in attacks in Nottingham have said they are upset they were not told of and invited to a huge public vigil held two days after his death… The families were invited to the vigil by Nottingham City Council through their family liaison officers… but the sons of Mr Coates were not assigned an officer as they were initially not classed as next of kin… the council said the vigil was organised to support the outpouring of “love, compassion and empathy” following the killings. (BBC)
The regime does at least seem to have learned from past mistakes in handling the potential fall out from these incidents.
They say keep you friends close and your enemies closer. Well, our authorities are now keeping the victims extremely close.
Kate Middleton Invites Families from Taylor Swift-Themed Dance Class Attack to Her Carol Service ( – The Princess of Wales giving – and indeed given – the common touch there as the mere Ms Middleton.
Kate Middleton’s words of comfort for families of Southport stabbing victims: Princess hugs relatives and says ‘thank you’ to 999 workers as she and William reunite for first public engagement since Christmas concert (Daily Mail) – One begins to suspect this Kate Middleton business is an official order from William Windsor to the media as part of his Royal with a small ‘r’ PR initiative.
One hears Taylor Swift has some hit records titled: I knew you were trouble; Cruel Summer; Bad blood and; Shake it off
And so to this morning’s press and the regime clean-up campaign begins: Dance class teacher Leanne Lucas has spoken for the first time of the horric knife attack that left three little girls dead (giveaway freebie Metro)
And you can bet your bottom dollar she won’t be telling any tales out of dance class. She won’t be criticising any authorities and certainly not any government immigration policies.
Can we change the subject to something less terrorisng please?
The 28-year-old – injured protecting children at the Taylor Swift-themed event in Southport – spoke at a vigil for women and girls who have lost their lives to male violence (giveaway freebie Metro)
So this is the tack the authorities are going to take. It was a MAN wot done it.
Islam will not change our way of life
** concerts will be cancelled to save lives, Taylor is a hero.
Austrian security officials say a 19-year-old was planning to kill “a large crowd of people” in a suicide attack at a Taylor Swift concert in Vienna.
Asiseeit – I understand the ‘trial ‘ is in January – I wonder if the full facts of what happened will be made public ? More likely yet another case where a TTK judge makes an order with holding details from the public for ‘community safety ‘ reasons –
I e – satisfying the Muslims again …
When you ask politicians a difficult question and they begin with “well, let me tell you what I’m focussing on” … you need to interrupt them with “No. I’d rather you answer my question”.
To his credit, about the only BBC staffer to not tolerate it.
“Wot I am tellin’ you Androo is wot I yam tellin’ yew…”
Perhaps the UK has inadvertently done the right thing.
By not Fracking it leaves the Gas in the ground for future generations. When the world is running out of Gas, and the price sky rockets the temptation to drill will be too much.
Thus giving a windfall to future tax payers.
A gift from God.
Luton van factory closure.
I had to laugh – I bet most of the workers voted for Labour in the belief they stand for the working man.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.. . .
“64 days – president trump put out a long tweet the other day listing his targets in the department of justice – he doesn’t seem to be letting the past years go – and hopefully will look for full revenge .
He will need a lot of loyal eager lawyers to change the justice department and the other poisoned Federal departments …”
Good, crush the bastards, there are those who were merely present at the Jan 6 incident still in jail for years now, some for three years without trial, there are those over here in jail for shouting in the street, they wanted to jail Trump on 92 charges when he stood for president, they had co ordinated committees looking for anything to charge him with.
They have deliberately allowed around 10 MILLION illegal immigrants into the country without checking who they are or their criminal history, then shipped them around the country under cover of darkness.
They have deliberately reduced cities like San Fransisco into drug ridden crime infested hell holes with thousands of homeless on the streets, by stopping police acting.
I say again crush the bastards, into jail for years without remission they have no mercy within themselves for anyone disagreeing with them, or insight into their racism, sexism and far left fascism.
Make sure they never achieve any kind of employment in office ever, ever again.
“Shocking Milestone: 1400 Days Incarcerated With NO TRIAL for J6er Jake Lang”
“Nearly 1,000 people have been arrested in connection with the events of Jan. 6, 2021. This website provides current information about each one, including relevant news articles, an arrest map, and list of those currently incarcerated. We also provide ways for you to contact those in prison, and to help cover their legal and living expenses. If you would like to provide corrections, updates, or requests, please please contact us.”
“Here Are the Seven Men Shot in the Head by Capitol Police on January 6, 2021 Without Warning – VIDEO and PHOTOS
Published November 26, 2024 by jan6
A new video was released recently depicting the seven men and Trump supporters who were shot in the head without warning by Capitol Police on January 6, 2021. According to earlier reports, Capitol Police Inspector Thomas Loyd Jr. ordered police to fire on the unsuspecting Trump supporters. There is now video that shows the Trump supporters were not acting violently and had no idea they police were about to start firing rubber bullets at their heads.”
“J6er Patriot Cheered on by Inmates While Released from Prison to Halfway House After 2.5+ Years of Abuse, Harassment and Neglect”
“Recovering J6 Prisoner James Grant, Tells-All About Biden’s J6 Torture Chamber, Needs Immediate Help After Release”
Im hoping there will be a massive executive pardon on 20 January followed by the arrest of the ‘law enforcement ‘ involved …. Might well happen … after all – they’ve been political prisoners for 4 years …
There may be about 40 million planet killing vehicles on Britain’s roads…plus around 1 million electric saviours. Soooo…how’s it gonna work then? How are all these vehicles going to be replaced and what are the consequences?
Still many reasons not to buy electric….a major one is the time for recharging…even a rapid charge is too long…and very expensive…in one test it worked out more expensive to rapid recharge an EV than use a diesel. And then Reeves will want to start slapping some sort of tax on EV use as revenue from fuel tax dries up.
And how will they transition out of petrol/diesel use? As people drift to EVs fuel will get more and more expensive and trucks, which will be the last to go electric, will cost vastly more to fill up and transport your goods…inflation will soar, and on top of that the poorest[and not so poor] will be driven off the roads as they can’t afford either fossil fuels or the electric bill. The whole infrastructure supplying fuel [and servicing your car] will collapse or be exhorbitantly expensive, jobs will go in the millions but some will be created digging up the roads and installing all the cabling and recharging infrastructure…not a problem though as no-one will be using the roads as they have no cars.
Never mind…I have the greatest faith in Ed Miliband…or at least in the BBC to cover up for him and to tell us everything is going splendidly and will be a wonderful brave new world….in those 15 minute neighbourhood gulags where you won’t need a car and you never leave.
That’s what socialists want.
They don’t want individuals living their own lives exercising their own requirements using their own cars.
They want collectivised transport by which they can control us.
All the climate change guff is just a convenient means to an end.
Am I making this up? Well just think how they are collectivising the raising of children by ‘safeguarding’ them increasingly from their parents. In other words the state is a better parent than the parents. Occasionally this is true, as with baby Peter or the awful woman keeping her child in a bed drawer. But away from the hot spot cases, drip by drip, un-noticed, the state muscles in and guess what, taxes have to rise to pay for the ever expanding social services budgets.
LOL….from Guido…JK Rowling’s reaction to the BBC trolling us with its choice of women’s footballer of the year…
‘Taking to X, Rowling didn’t hold back: “Presumably the BBC decided this was more time efficient than going door to door to spit directly in women’s faces.” ‘
Lucky escape America….this is so so painful and unwatchable…the dangers of DEI picks….used now by the CIA instead of waterboarding…it’s way more effective….
Two questions from labour Muslim MPs wanting Muslims to be specially protected by separate laws …. Sooner or later non Muslims will be threatened directly by that third world invasion ….
And the girl who is the MP for Luton did ask the usual question about the closure of Vauxhall … blah blah blah – Green crap …
On the upside – there’s now more space for mosques in Luton as well as – soon – in
billingsgate -following a bigg bung to the corporation of London from the Arabs ….
“Female fire worker sues for harassment claiming her male boss is a ‘sexual predator’ after he said his wife had a Mulberry handbag just like hers.
He asked her if she would later be going to Mulberry shop – where bags can cost more than £1,500 – and said he had spent a ‘considerable amount of money’ on handbags for his wife.
Ms Amber included Mr McCarthy’s comments in a series of tribunal claims she made against Bradford-based West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
However, the tribunal found that while his Mulberry remarks were ‘unwise’ and a ‘clumsy attempt’ to gain Ms Amber’s confidence, this did not amount to sexual harassment.
Ms Amber lost her claims for race discrimination, disability discrimination, sexual harassment and unfair dismissal, though did successfully sue for victimisation.
The tribunal, held in Leeds, heard that Ms Amber started working as an information governance assistant at the fire and rescue service in 2016.
In March 2022 she went on sick leave for work-related stress which lasted until she resigned in January last year.”
Make sure that name is out there as a warning to all potential employers.
Good thing is, most employers ‘Google’ the names of potential employees and try to find their social media.
She sounds like a mad witch so she’ll be posting every two minutes on Crapbook or whatever.
She’s f…ed because it’ll be easy enough to find articles about her.
‘“Bloomberg News today announced that award-winning broadcaster and journalist Mishal Husain is joining as Editor-at-Large on Bloomberg Weekend Edition. In this new role, Mishal will host a brand new flagship multi-platform global interview series, to be launched with audio, video and in digital, as a central feature of Bloomberg’s recently launched weekend offering. She will also work on other editorial projects for the global news brand.”’
But mostly she’ll be talking about Gaza and the evil Israelis.
Cunning plan to stop oldies turning on their heating and polluting the planet as they are the most likely to do so….and of course the added benefit is that they may well die off as a result…so the Treasury will be happy with fewer pensions to dole out and we can safely have a second brexit referendum without them voting for the rerun of the 1930’s that is Brexit according to the BBC.
See how Guru-Murthy, Channel 4 Presenter missed off the “Isn’t it possible that things like… “ and turned the quote into a definitive response, not a ‘you need to think about it’ question.
“Isn’t it possible that things like the Iraq war did not create the problem of murderous Islamic Fundamentalists, but the war has unquestionably sharpened the resentment…” – Krishnan Guru-Murthy quotes Boris Johnson
“The Iraq war did not create the problem of “ – Krishnan Guru-Murthy shortens quote from Boris Johnson.
“Isn’t it possible that things like the Iraq war…” Boris shows doubt @0:11
“The Iraq war …” Channel 4 Presenter removes any doubt by shortening the quote from Boris @0:41
What organisation can write stories that do not show the true story and keep them on their website without apology – and then lecture people on how to spot misleading news?
– Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 {biasedbbc post}
On Monday Rachel from accounts promised the CBI no further tax rises on businesses in this parliament ….
..TTK was asked to confirm her ‘promise ‘ – he didn’t …. This should be a big story because it shows Rachel from Accounts will promise anything – for anyone – and lie ….. badly …..
How about making it in the US. Thought the bbc would be keen as its green to ship locally, instead of 1/2 way around the globe and the “carbon footprint”
As a small brand facing significant competition, Ms Mosee said she was not in a strong position to raise prices on her bags, which typically sell for about $180 a piece.
“More Foxes would go to the pub if the pub name was changed.” (c) BBC Verified FACT
Wild times in the UK “An animal rights group has been accused of undermining real issues after asking a pub to change its name, claiming it is offensive to foxes.”
Im still looking out how the media dealt with the US election . Two days before the election James Plc Naughtie did a piece where he didn’t predict the outcome – but he did predict the result would be close and that there would be days weeks months of arguments about results ….
… so jimmy boy – someone who has so much experience – so much time at the BBC – can get it so obviously wrong .
But – of course – if you fail to accept the theft in 2020 – and swallow liberal group think – you might believe that a dolt like Harris could win …. But don’t look for the election theft … eh jimmy boy ….
BBC Verify wrong as as they backed the government narrative? Surely not!
From Guido…
‘New figures have been produced by the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers on the Budget’s Farm Tax. Surprise surprise, the Treasury underestimated the number of farms affected by five times…
The CAAV says that BBC Verify and the Treasury are wrong and 2,500 farms will be affected every year: “What they got wrong is, they didn’t know what to ask and HMRC couldn’t answer them even if they had.” They say HMT has missed out a substantial number of farmers who only claim BPR – farmers who own the land but not the farmhouse, for example, along with tenanted businesses. As everyone has been saying for some time now…’
Verify should just change name to ‘BBC Rubber Stamp Whatever Starmer & Co say’
“The government has now incorporated counter terrorism policing into the Defence and Security Media Advisory Committee notice system. A D-Notice instructs news outlets not to print details which are considered sensitive for national security reasons.
The system’s extension was “unanimously agreed” and effectively restricts newspapers or broadcasters from providing details to the public on matters of counter terror policing deemed sensitive by the government. An eyebrow-raising choice – D-Notices are usually for things like protecting the identity of intelligence officials or very specific ongoing military operations…”
Just when you thought the BBC ‘s self-important, warped sense of woke, student-politics priorities couldn’t get any worse………..we have this.
‘Animal rights pub name row ‘undermines real issues’
An animal rights group has been accused of undermining real issues after asking a pub to change its name, claiming it is offensive to foxes’
But here is my favourite bit. Quote
‘ The BBC has contacted the pub for a response’.
MAN RUNS OUT OF THINGS TO SAY …. “The One Show – Greatest Showman Robbie Williams details his heartbreak after thinking he was cast in The Greatest Showman”
Surely the government has already passed the Assisted Dying Policy.
They’ve cut winter fuel payments to pensioners so people can now freeze to death. And some might even choose to do so.
I’m already considering booking myself into the local Care Home, (just been told I need a new boiler). At least the only decisions will be my choice of meal and which colour cardi to wear !
I understand Starmer is considering the introduction of Blasphemy Laws including against for instance criticism of the Koran.
(He does like forcing in a new Law or two doesn’t he?)
We are actually witnessing a British Prime Minister not ruling out handing over UK legal power to Islamist institutions bent on taking control of this (and other) Western Countries.
Unbelievable and quite possibly verging on Treason!
That’s too far. The country will be gone forever if he does that. It would be the first step to destroying the whole of Western traditions, culture and democracy as other countries will follow suit. Frightening!
I understand the petition ( heading for 3 million ) is to be ‘debated ‘ in their parliament on Monday 6th January … im betting the debate will last less than 5 minutes with about 20 MPs present …
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
And the BBC continue to back the Labour Party.
The BBC make things worse for us by removing the Market Data which was not as good as its predecessor. The predecessor had the silver and copper prices which are both important. The only thing that I think has improved on the BBC web-site is that it is now easier to reject the cookies that the BBC want to implant on your device.
Here is the BBC’s excuse for removing the Market Data:
The BBC has discontinued its market data feeds on both the website and red button (UK only) services. We have previously provided delayed updates on major stock prices, currencies, and commodities.
This change is part of our broader initiative to make savings, streamline operations and improve other essential aspects of the BBC’s digital journalism.
This forms part of the BBC’s strategy to deliver value for all of its audiences. We will continue to deliver comprehensive coverage of significant business and economic stories through our TV and radio broadcasts, as well as our news website and other digital platforms.
Although we will no longer supply market data in this format, you can continue to access this information through various alternative sources. BBC News will continue to provide market data headlines on the News Channel and on BBC Radio 4.
The BBC said they will remove Market Data at the end of November 2024. I don’t think you can trust or
… rely on anything the BBC says. If you really want to read my bletherings I have put up the edited version on the previous Thread.
The currency exchange rates provided on the Red button were useful here in France. It mean’t I could see what my state pension would be when paid into my French bank. That won’t apply now. However by removing this service they will assist the Labour Party when they actually trash Sterling.Oh by the way I signed the petition. I’m still registered to vote in UK elections.
NV, i did a search this morning for a reliable alternative to the BBC(!). The FT was suggested as an alternative so I clicked on that. I now have it bookmarked. You have to negotiate the dreaded cookies away. That is the only improvement I can think of on the BBC web-site. It is now easy to reject their cookies. Apart from that everything is worse about the BBC web-site, including the weather provided by Meteo.
The BBC have realised that Market Data is going to reveal just how quickly the new bloke in No 10 will be creating havoc with the UK’s financial performance in the next few weeks and months with their left-wing based random punitive taxes and regulations.
Any responsible public news outlet would want to put this information out there transparently in the interests of Joe Public. Instead the BBC are obviously prepared to try to hide it to protect their man in No 10. The weak excuse that they are simply diverting resources is typical BBC left-wing protectionism and fudging.
And, the democrats think they are above the law when stopped drunk in their cars:
I’ve put a long piece about ‘bbc verilie’ at the end of the previous thread – it show how the so called deliverer of truth is as biased as the rest of the BBC far left output …
Fed, the edit facility is not working properly. I think it just my PC. That edit worked OK. For some inexplicable reason, now working OK.
Battle of Ideas on BBC fact checking
Does he keep saying ‘come onto Marianna Spring’ on purpose ?.
I expect a few of her seniors have done the same thing. I can’t think of another reason a proven liar can be kept on as their ‘disinformation specialist’.
Stew – worth the 5 mins listen.
Link to Fed’s post near the end of the old thread
It’s a DailyTelegraph article about BBC Verify
On the subject of Marianna, I would love to see the posts and personal messages she writes using her ‘anonymous’ troll profiles on social media to illicit the responses she wants.
Of course we will never find that out. I suspect she is the only one who knows the truth about that. Her boss will just get to see the posts she wants him to see.
I notice many of maxis posts here were written in a specific style where they intentionally provoked and insulted but stayed within certain parameters as if he had a rule book he had to abide by. Occasionally though he must have been high on something and couldn’t help himself – which is when we got a look at his true character. And it wasn’t pleasant at all.
I had forgotten about Maxi. When was his/her/they’s last sighting?
Non – ‘won’t be seeing him no more ‘….although im waiting for a return …
Heels Up’s latest video is inspiring.
“No, you’ll regret this.
I’m an elected official.”
And they say these people get into politics to help others?
What a load of bull. Pretty much every politician I’ve known gets into politics for one reason. Themselves.
It’s power, influence and money they want. If anyone thinks they give a damn about anything else, they’re idiots.
Lefties are even worse. Like this one.
They are mostly psychopaths or sociopaths.
Although she looked a bit of a sort, so I might’ve ‘negotiated’ with her on not getting arrested.
Two aspects the BBC like to tell us .
Britain sends more people to jail than any other Western European country .
To the BBC sending criminals to prison is a Bad Thing , exemplified by their notion that all things are good in the EU .
Britain takes in less asylum seekers than [France ] .
So we should take more because they do .
Its not the other Western countries should do as we do and send more of their scum to jail , or they should not take in bogus asylum seekers that disrupt their countries .
Oh no , to the BBC whatever an EU country does we should the same , or more of the same .
Except things like paying a much higher pension, presumably.
Paul Thorpe says he’ already arranged for the females in his family to move abroad
“Then a 100 yards from where my daughter lives a guy called Mohammed has been charged with rape”
(charged is not the same as convicted of course)
What we know about Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire deal
Here we have another excellent example of the BBC protecting the Leftist-infested UN:
‘The agreement largely tracks UN Security Council resolution 1701, which ended the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah.
Under resolution 1701, areas south of the Litani should be free of any armed personnel or weapons other than those of the Lebanese state and the UN peacekeeping force (Unifil).’
‘But both sides claimed violations of the resolution.’
‘Israel says Hezbollah was allowed to build extensive infrastructure in the area, while Lebanon says Israel’s violations included military flights over its territory.’
Classic BBC : Israels violations ‘INCLUDE’ military flights. Inferring directly that there are many others but not mentioning any of them. And of course those flights are absolutely insignificant in comparison.
The BBC are trying to say both sides were to blame equally for the failure of that resolution. No mention of the UN at all.
Here’s what wiki says:
‘As of 2024, the resolution was not fully implemented. Hezbollah and other armed groups in southern Lebanon have not withdrawn at all; in particular, Hezbollah has since significantly increased their weapons capabilities, amassing approx. 120,000–200,000 munitions (short-range guided ballistic missiles, short- and intermediate-range unguided ballistic missiles, and short- and long-range unguided rockets), and has increased the deployment of its armed forces south of the Litani River, developing tunnels, weapon stashes, airstrips and military installations.’
Not ‘Israel says’ BBC – implying nobody else does. It’s fact. And entirely justifies the military flights.
And whose job was it to ensure the agreemenet was respected ? – The UN and the 10,000 soldiers they fund to keep there. But they have done absolutely nothing. They are utterly unfit for purpose. They have proved it time and time again in this conflict – yet nobody has been forced to resign.
Yet to the BBC’s eternal shame, their credibility has never been called into question once. Because they too take the side of the Muslim terrorists over the Jews. They never criticise these left-wing activists because the long-term agenda is more important.
The UN should be abolished. Like the BBC, it is now infested with left-wing activists sucking at the teat of public money.
No author given for this one for some reason – but I doubt it’s either of their two biggest racist terrorist-supprters Fergal Keane or Jezza because their rhetoric is always 80% irrelevant empathy to sway your opinion.
JohnC, the BBC are biased. The BBC are biased in favour of the Palestinians, the Gazans and Hamas. They also appear to be biased in favour of Fatah in the West Bank. There is a video featuring a Sky News Australia presenter and Douglas Murray on the previous Thread which if the video is correct ought to to result in Tim Davie’s resignation. Maybe someone, Stew?, can post a link?
Someone wants even more afgees ‘bought to Britain ‘ – Justin loves it – yeah come on bring another plane load in – it’s an exception – it’s a one off – it’s only a few – don’t worry about the boats … bring in more ….bloody despair ….nearly broke the wireless again … good for the blood pressure though …
Next time anyone mentions “islamophobia” have a look at how these expert “victims” treat other minorities:
“Jewish girl, 16, rushed to hospital ‘after being smashed in face and head with glass bottles’ when yob launched ‘hate crime attack’ on school group”
‘hate crime attack’ – it is a crime – keep it within the law.
They’ve got the hots for a special needs school called ‘whitefields’ in my neck of the woods – the socialist republic of Waltham Forest … bus load after bus load of in bred third world defectives …- lots of pakis – very few white types … apparently the ‘staff’ have been mistreating them .. silence from the council …silence from the union … silence from the school ….
Does anyone ask why there’s so many special needs from a certain group? I bet not, because it’s their culture innit. That’s the problem with genetics it’ll show the truth eventually but in their old land the problems didn’t survive and were quickly buried. In the west the medical profession throws everything at them to keep them alive and the taxpayers pick up the bill again.
Mrs kitty – when the school empties out the traffic jam in the area is a disaster . The local nickname for them is ‘windowlickers ‘ and if you get stuck behind a bus load’s true …
The cost is rising …. These assaults it is revealed – took place around 2014 … the bbc sure likes sin from the past – see al fayed …
I don’t approve of beating kids up of course, but the videos I saw didn’t look as terrible as the BBC them made out to be.
Perhaps there are worse videos that they did not show? I doubt it though.
Looks like a few parents are going for compo, after the CPS originally dropped charges (not that I trust the CPS nowadays anyway).
I’d like to know what the BBC or the families of the cousin marriage offspringers suggest when a child or teenager is smashing the place up and won’t stop. Perhaps this child also lashes out at other kids and teachers too?
Their solution seems to be, ‘Just let him smash the place up and then kick the shit out of the kid in the wheelchair. In fact, so what if he sets the building on fire and kills everyone? Just let him do what he wants!”
Yes, don’t slap or kick the kid around, but restraint is sometimes needed with children like this (for the safety of others and themselves) and it won’t always look pretty with a spinning top of a child.
But if you can get a few seconds of footage of a female honky teacher being a bit rough with a brown child…burn the witch!
That would be the family trees that don’t branch, not so much a gene pool, more of a puddle.
Got one around here, gets taken to school and back by private taxi with a council woman in Hi vis as escort as well.
No doubt like her mother will be breeding in a council house on benefits for life at 16 and so it goes on from generation to generation.
Kids like this cost a fortune. You’re talking 70k a month in some cases.
Now, we should try our best to support children like this, but not for those who marry a close relative and have kids with them.
If we keep paying out, it’ll just encourage the rest of the ‘communidie’ to do the same.
Which happens, of course.
Just don’t pay anything extra than child benefit for those who deliberately married their cousin and had kids with them.
Stop encouraging this shit!
Think about it\
and the deranged billionaire funded green nut jobs at ECIU are ignoring fracking
If £1B is paid by electricity consumers to windfarm operators NOT to produce electricity then this figure should be doubled because we also lose the electricity.
What Jess above does not understand is that to produce the electricity to run the heat pumps gas fired power stations are required (mostly) and they are only 30% efficient (carnot cycle). So unless Jess finds a magical way of producing electricity reliably without needing a carnot cycle turbine then her idea using heatpumps to save energy is a pipedream.
Mitigating the adverse effects of offshore wind farms on air defence radar: concept demonstrations
Published 24 May 2022
What happens to all the old wind turbines?
7 February 2020
There has been a development in the symptoms of that well known modern disease , Trump Derangement Syndrome , TDS .
Some of those who suffer from it , particularly those who work in the US government deep state or in the Democratic Party have developed a new and very embarrassing symptom.
This is Loose Bowel Syndrome, LBS , when the sufferer suddenly and uncontrollably evacuates their bowel . This new symptom has developed since Nov 6 th and is affecting increasing numbers of senior figures in US government agencies .
The Dept of Justice , FBI and CIA are very badly affected with many panic meetings having to be held in lavatories as participants don’t know when the next evacuation may happen.
President elect Trump has grimly suggested that the main cause of LBS is fear of justice and that the only treatment may be to take a powerful purgative.
Double – 64 days – president trump put out a long tweet the other day listing his targets in the department of justice – he doesn’t seem to be letting the past years go – and hopefully will look for full revenge .
He will need a lot of loyal eager lawyers to change the justice department and the other poisoned Federal departments …
I think that Trump must put the US national interest first which, thankfully, will also be in the interest of every other democratic nation.
The national interest of the United States will be best served by those anti democratic forces which have tried by abusing their power and use of illegal means , to remove a legitimately elected President or to limit his ability to act , being subject to the full legal process .
Additionally all US government agencies must be purged of those who believe that it is their right to oppose the democratic will of the people. Examples must be made. Justice must be seen to be done.
To ignore the subversion of democracy that has taken place over the last eight years for the sake of national unity would be a huge mistake . These people cannot be allowed to get away with their multiple anti democratic activities because if they are allowed to democracy everywhere will be undermined.
The United States must set an example for the rest of the free world to follow. This isn’t about personal revenge , this is about fighting on behalf of ordinary people for the future of democracy.
Naughtie plc rolled out to pave the way for assisting killing – more than the Normal daily NHS practice … Naughtie really loves his own voice – far more than the subject …
BTW – the vote to kill on Friday looks likely not to happen because there needs more research … but the medical mafia will keep using the Liverpool pathways and morphine overdoses anyway ….
Might be wrong on this – but the MP for Luton – Sarah Owen – a lefty of course – is strangely silent on the closure of the van plant …. The red ‘business secretary ‘ is to have a panic ‘review ‘ of crap electric cars but I bet those 1000 plus jobs are gone ….
But the local MP ? Who those unemployed people may have voted for? No where … does she get a PMQ stand up ? I bet not ….
Growth growth growth …
Outpouring of love, compassion and empathy in this Taylor Swift-themed and nothing to do with terror edition
What is the main reason most men don’t like Taylor Swift’s music/Taylor herself. (Reddit discussion)
Answers: Obviously I know blatant sexism is probably the answer as to why men not being able to relate to some of her songs subject matter.
Taylor’s music heavily calls men out on the ways they act towards girls in relationships
she was unapologetically a teen girl and (most) men immediately dismiss anything teen girls like bc misogyny… She’s an extremely successful and talented woman that likes glitter and cats and fairytales — many men just can’t fathom that.
We are now sadly well aware of officially instigated efforts to cover-up violent incidents (often terrorism inspired) when perpetrated by immigrants here in the UK. Whether the protective smoke screen happens to be those familiar claims of mental issues, under-18 so-called child legal anonymity, or media descriptions of the perpetrator as – for instance – a presbyterian local man… the plotting is sinister but often cack-handedly obvious.
The more sinister and subtle ‘community cohesion’ strategy is the official manipulation of the terror incident victims’ families.
When the post hoc clean-up campaign response goes awry things can get very messy:
Police chief faces watchdog probe over Nottingham attack cover-up claims… A Chief Constable is to be investigated by the police watchdog over claims that she covered up failings linked to the Nottingham stabbings… Kate Meynell will face an Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) probe after she allegedly tried to stop journalists revealing knifeman Valdo Calocane had been reported twice to cops for stalking before killing Barnaby Webber, Grace O’Malley-Kumar and Ian Coates in 2023… Ms Meynell called a private press briefing to reveal the two incidents – but then made reporters sign Non-Disclosure Agreements forbidding them from publishing what she said… the relatives said of the coming probe: “It is no less than she deserves.” In a joint statement, they said: “We believe she chose to hold a non-reportable media briefing to withhold information and shackle the press from reporting further gross actions of her force.” (Daily Mirror)
BBC doesn’t have consent for documentary on Nottingham killings, say victims’ families. Victim’s mother said the families were not asked to contribute to the documentary (Independent)
Nottingham attacks: Sons upset at not being told of vigil… sons of a school caretaker killed in attacks in Nottingham have said they are upset they were not told of and invited to a huge public vigil held two days after his death… The families were invited to the vigil by Nottingham City Council through their family liaison officers… but the sons of Mr Coates were not assigned an officer as they were initially not classed as next of kin… the council said the vigil was organised to support the outpouring of “love, compassion and empathy” following the killings. (BBC)
The regime does at least seem to have learned from past mistakes in handling the potential fall out from these incidents.
They say keep you friends close and your enemies closer. Well, our authorities are now keeping the victims extremely close.
Kate Middleton Invites Families from Taylor Swift-Themed Dance Class Attack to Her Carol Service ( – The Princess of Wales giving – and indeed given – the common touch there as the mere Ms Middleton.
Kate Middleton’s words of comfort for families of Southport stabbing victims: Princess hugs relatives and says ‘thank you’ to 999 workers as she and William reunite for first public engagement since Christmas concert (Daily Mail) – One begins to suspect this Kate Middleton business is an official order from William Windsor to the media as part of his Royal with a small ‘r’ PR initiative.
One hears Taylor Swift has some hit records titled: I knew you were trouble; Cruel Summer; Bad blood and; Shake it off
And so to this morning’s press and the regime clean-up campaign begins: Dance class teacher Leanne Lucas has spoken for the first time of the horric knife attack that left three little girls dead (giveaway freebie Metro)
And you can bet your bottom dollar she won’t be telling any tales out of dance class. She won’t be criticising any authorities and certainly not any government immigration policies.
Can we change the subject to something less terrorisng please?
The 28-year-old – injured protecting children at the Taylor Swift-themed event in Southport – spoke at a vigil for women and girls who have lost their lives to male violence (giveaway freebie Metro)
So this is the tack the authorities are going to take. It was a MAN wot done it.
Islam will not change our way of life
** concerts will be cancelled to save lives, Taylor is a hero.
Austrian security officials say a 19-year-old was planning to kill “a large crowd of people” in a suicide attack at a Taylor Swift concert in Vienna.
Asiseeit – I understand the ‘trial ‘ is in January – I wonder if the full facts of what happened will be made public ? More likely yet another case where a TTK judge makes an order with holding details from the public for ‘community safety ‘ reasons –
I e – satisfying the Muslims again …
Sign the petition
2,753,798 signatures
The moors murderers picture of TTK and Rachel from accounts is still kicking about on X
lol!! Please can you make it smaller Mark I can’t see it all and I feel like I’m not getting the full benefit of the joke 🙂
2 750 000 …
When you ask politicians a difficult question and they begin with “well, let me tell you what I’m focussing on” … you need to interrupt them with “No. I’d rather you answer my question”.
To his credit, about the only BBC staffer to not tolerate it.
“Wot I am tellin’ you Androo is wot I yam tellin’ yew…”
Perhaps the UK has inadvertently done the right thing.
By not Fracking it leaves the Gas in the ground for future generations. When the world is running out of Gas, and the price sky rockets the temptation to drill will be too much.
Thus giving a windfall to future tax payers.
A gift from God.
Luton van factory closure.
I had to laugh – I bet most of the workers voted for Labour in the belief they stand for the working man.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.. . .
Interesting interview by BBC 3.5bn team?
And Port Talbot did the same. . .
“64 days – president trump put out a long tweet the other day listing his targets in the department of justice – he doesn’t seem to be letting the past years go – and hopefully will look for full revenge .
He will need a lot of loyal eager lawyers to change the justice department and the other poisoned Federal departments …”
Good, crush the bastards, there are those who were merely present at the Jan 6 incident still in jail for years now, some for three years without trial, there are those over here in jail for shouting in the street, they wanted to jail Trump on 92 charges when he stood for president, they had co ordinated committees looking for anything to charge him with.
They have deliberately allowed around 10 MILLION illegal immigrants into the country without checking who they are or their criminal history, then shipped them around the country under cover of darkness.
They have deliberately reduced cities like San Fransisco into drug ridden crime infested hell holes with thousands of homeless on the streets, by stopping police acting.
I say again crush the bastards, into jail for years without remission they have no mercy within themselves for anyone disagreeing with them, or insight into their racism, sexism and far left fascism.
Make sure they never achieve any kind of employment in office ever, ever again.
“Shocking Milestone: 1400 Days Incarcerated With NO TRIAL for J6er Jake Lang”
American Gulag
“Nearly 1,000 people have been arrested in connection with the events of Jan. 6, 2021. This website provides current information about each one, including relevant news articles, an arrest map, and list of those currently incarcerated. We also provide ways for you to contact those in prison, and to help cover their legal and living expenses. If you would like to provide corrections, updates, or requests, please please contact us.”
“Here Are the Seven Men Shot in the Head by Capitol Police on January 6, 2021 Without Warning – VIDEO and PHOTOS
Published November 26, 2024 by jan6
A new video was released recently depicting the seven men and Trump supporters who were shot in the head without warning by Capitol Police on January 6, 2021. According to earlier reports, Capitol Police Inspector Thomas Loyd Jr. ordered police to fire on the unsuspecting Trump supporters. There is now video that shows the Trump supporters were not acting violently and had no idea they police were about to start firing rubber bullets at their heads.”
“J6er Patriot Cheered on by Inmates While Released from Prison to Halfway House After 2.5+ Years of Abuse, Harassment and Neglect”
“Recovering J6 Prisoner James Grant, Tells-All About Biden’s J6 Torture Chamber, Needs Immediate Help After Release”
Im hoping there will be a massive executive pardon on 20 January followed by the arrest of the ‘law enforcement ‘ involved …. Might well happen … after all – they’ve been political prisoners for 4 years …
Maybe Keir starmer can release them so illegal migrants can go into jail?
Zephir, is that date correct? I thought it was January 6, 2020.
There may be about 40 million planet killing vehicles on Britain’s roads…plus around 1 million electric saviours. Soooo…how’s it gonna work then? How are all these vehicles going to be replaced and what are the consequences?
Still many reasons not to buy electric….a major one is the time for recharging…even a rapid charge is too long…and very expensive…in one test it worked out more expensive to rapid recharge an EV than use a diesel. And then Reeves will want to start slapping some sort of tax on EV use as revenue from fuel tax dries up.
And how will they transition out of petrol/diesel use? As people drift to EVs fuel will get more and more expensive and trucks, which will be the last to go electric, will cost vastly more to fill up and transport your goods…inflation will soar, and on top of that the poorest[and not so poor] will be driven off the roads as they can’t afford either fossil fuels or the electric bill. The whole infrastructure supplying fuel [and servicing your car] will collapse or be exhorbitantly expensive, jobs will go in the millions but some will be created digging up the roads and installing all the cabling and recharging infrastructure…not a problem though as no-one will be using the roads as they have no cars.
Never mind…I have the greatest faith in Ed Miliband…or at least in the BBC to cover up for him and to tell us everything is going splendidly and will be a wonderful brave new world….in those 15 minute neighbourhood gulags where you won’t need a car and you never leave.
Well, some like Ed Millipede won’t have any issues leaving their 15 minute cities in their electric Jaguars.
He’ll be driving on roads that look as empty as the ones on car adverts.
It’s almost as if ‘get the plebs off the roads’ is the plan here?
“We can’t just ban them from the roads because they’re not multi millionaires. We’ll just tell the gullible idiots that they’re saving the planet.”
Of course he won’t. He’ll be in a Zil.
That’s what socialists want.
They don’t want individuals living their own lives exercising their own requirements using their own cars.
They want collectivised transport by which they can control us.
All the climate change guff is just a convenient means to an end.
Am I making this up? Well just think how they are collectivising the raising of children by ‘safeguarding’ them increasingly from their parents. In other words the state is a better parent than the parents. Occasionally this is true, as with baby Peter or the awful woman keeping her child in a bed drawer. But away from the hot spot cases, drip by drip, un-noticed, the state muscles in and guess what, taxes have to rise to pay for the ever expanding social services budgets.
LOL….from Guido…JK Rowling’s reaction to the BBC trolling us with its choice of women’s footballer of the year…
‘Taking to X, Rowling didn’t hold back: “Presumably the BBC decided this was more time efficient than going door to door to spit directly in women’s faces.” ‘
The tackle test indeed …
If it’s a bloke (as I suspect, haven’t seen it) then yes, it’s sad.
But part of me is saying, ‘Well ladies. You wanted this!”
It’s mostly women (real ones) pushing the tranny stuff in my experience.
Who do you think was bringing all those drag queens into schools to read to little kids?
I think iabout 80-90%, of primary teachers are females.
Go figure.
Possibly a minority of young with everything the loud minority pushing boundaries.
Lucky escape America….this is so so painful and unwatchable…the dangers of DEI picks….used now by the CIA instead of waterboarding…it’s way more effective….
1.4 billion and celebrity endorsement! HA HA HA AHHAHA HA HA!
Could have feed 1 million kids
pug, I wonder if Kamala Harris wished a Happy Thanksgiving to the President Elect?
She’d need to sober up first …
Quite obvious the US dodged a bullet with this moron.
Obama says go to the back of the Queue!
Kamal Harris 1 billion could have been 46666 nurses on $30K
Two questions from labour Muslim MPs wanting Muslims to be specially protected by separate laws …. Sooner or later non Muslims will be threatened directly by that third world invasion ….
And the girl who is the MP for Luton did ask the usual question about the closure of Vauxhall … blah blah blah – Green crap …
On the upside – there’s now more space for mosques in Luton as well as – soon – in
billingsgate -following a bigg bung to the corporation of London from the Arabs ….
Never forgive or forget RIP
I was so pleased to see that at MP raised the killing of Peter Lynch in PMQs …. But of course none of the scum did …
He is remembered on X though …. Goes around comes around for TTK … right 77 brigade ?
This is what happens with DEI hires:
“Female fire worker sues for harassment claiming her male boss is a ‘sexual predator’ after he said his wife had a Mulberry handbag just like hers.
He asked her if she would later be going to Mulberry shop – where bags can cost more than £1,500 – and said he had spent a ‘considerable amount of money’ on handbags for his wife.
Ms Amber included Mr McCarthy’s comments in a series of tribunal claims she made against Bradford-based West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
However, the tribunal found that while his Mulberry remarks were ‘unwise’ and a ‘clumsy attempt’ to gain Ms Amber’s confidence, this did not amount to sexual harassment.
Ms Amber lost her claims for race discrimination, disability discrimination, sexual harassment and unfair dismissal, though did successfully sue for victimisation.
The tribunal, held in Leeds, heard that Ms Amber started working as an information governance assistant at the fire and rescue service in 2016.
In March 2022 she went on sick leave for work-related stress which lasted until she resigned in January last year.”
Make sure that name is out there as a warning to all potential employers.
Good thing is, most employers ‘Google’ the names of potential employees and try to find their social media.
She sounds like a mad witch so she’ll be posting every two minutes on Crapbook or whatever.
She’s f…ed because it’ll be easy enough to find articles about her.
‘“Bloomberg News today announced that award-winning broadcaster and journalist Mishal Husain is joining as Editor-at-Large on Bloomberg Weekend Edition. In this new role, Mishal will host a brand new flagship multi-platform global interview series, to be launched with audio, video and in digital, as a central feature of Bloomberg’s recently launched weekend offering. She will also work on other editorial projects for the global news brand.”’
But mostly she’ll be talking about Gaza and the evil Israelis.
She can laugh with her Friend …”BBC hosts replaced after joke about UK flag”
Choose pod over turning the heating on …
Argos are already retailing a DIY death pod – ideal for Christmas …
One careful owner
It’s self assembly with Japanese instructions.
I nearly threw myself out the window trying to put it together.
Lasts a lifetime
Wonder how the guarantee system works on one of those Death Pods if it fails to off you?
Do you go back to the shop, where the Agros shop assistant then caves your head in with a lump hammer?
Is it a used EV that’s previously been in an accident?
Is zer gas sponsored by IG Farben?
Cunning plan to stop oldies turning on their heating and polluting the planet as they are the most likely to do so….and of course the added benefit is that they may well die off as a result…so the Treasury will be happy with fewer pensions to dole out and we can safely have a second brexit referendum without them voting for the rerun of the 1930’s that is Brexit according to the BBC.
“Pro-Assisted Dying Poll Actually Suggests Low Public Support”
Comments are closed
HA HA HAH! Freedom to discuss!
Meesh is officially leaving ‘today ‘ . She is going to ‘radio Hamas ‘ and broadcast in Urdu …..
KGM is devastated.
Rather set the BBC up with this as caption:
“ I can’t believe they let her go – Mishal has been one of the best things on BBC News for ages.”
Channel 4
See how Guru-Murthy, Channel 4 Presenter missed off the “Isn’t it possible that things like… “ and turned the quote into a definitive response, not a ‘you need to think about it’ question.
“Isn’t it possible that things like the Iraq war did not create the problem of murderous Islamic Fundamentalists, but the war has unquestionably sharpened the resentment…” – Krishnan Guru-Murthy quotes Boris Johnson
“The Iraq war did not create the problem of “ – Krishnan Guru-Murthy shortens quote from Boris Johnson.
“Isn’t it possible that things like the Iraq war…” Boris shows doubt @0:11
“The Iraq war …” Channel 4 Presenter removes any doubt by shortening the quote from Boris @0:41
What organisation can write stories that do not show the true story and keep them on their website without apology – and then lecture people on how to spot misleading news?
– Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 {biasedbbc post}
These are getting funnier.
What a loss.
Brilliant journalist and really fine person
Sopes does have a special insight into colleagues.
Meanwhile Maz tees one up…
Looking forward to appearing on @bbcquestiontime tomorrow. What would you like to hear discussed?
More than 600 migrants cross Channel in one day
I used to fancy the arse off her (seems like a lifetime ago).
Then, as her arse grew, she became more annoying and ugly. It’s almost as if there was a correlation in her case
By the time she had the ‘Kenny Everett Rod Stewart’ arse, she was unbearable.
Mishal H was definitely good looking unless you looked at those eyes. There is something deeply disturbing about them. Frightening.
On Monday Rachel from accounts promised the CBI no further tax rises on businesses in this parliament ….
..TTK was asked to confirm her ‘promise ‘ – he didn’t …. This should be a big story because it shows Rachel from Accounts will promise anything – for anyone – and lie ….. badly …..
On Monday Rachel from accounts promised the CBI no further tax rises on businesses in this parliament ….”
bbc has found some women who will suffer when tariffs are applied
‘It’s going to be hard’: US firms race to get ahead of Trump tariffs
How about making it in the US. Thought the bbc would be keen as its green to ship locally, instead of 1/2 way around the globe and the “carbon footprint”
“Handbag designer Sherrill Mosee says Trump’s tariff threats are already having an impact”
As a small brand facing significant competition, Ms Mosee said she was not in a strong position to raise prices on her bags, which typically sell for about $180 a piece.
“More Foxes would go to the pub if the pub name was changed.” (c) BBC Verified FACT
Wild times in the UK “An animal rights group has been accused of undermining real issues after asking a pub to change its name, claiming it is offensive to foxes.”
“Why India’s latest Sun mission finding is crucial for the world”
India census: Half of homes have phones but no toilets
Government response to the Independent Commission on Aid Impact’s review ‘UK aid to India’, March 2023
Published 25 April 2023
Im still looking out how the media dealt with the US election . Two days before the election James Plc Naughtie did a piece where he didn’t predict the outcome – but he did predict the result would be close and that there would be days weeks months of arguments about results ….
… so jimmy boy – someone who has so much experience – so much time at the BBC – can get it so obviously wrong .
But – of course – if you fail to accept the theft in 2020 – and swallow liberal group think – you might believe that a dolt like Harris could win …. But don’t look for the election theft … eh jimmy boy ….
BBC Verify wrong as as they backed the government narrative? Surely not!
From Guido…
‘New figures have been produced by the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers on the Budget’s Farm Tax. Surprise surprise, the Treasury underestimated the number of farms affected by five times…
The CAAV says that BBC Verify and the Treasury are wrong and 2,500 farms will be affected every year: “What they got wrong is, they didn’t know what to ask and HMRC couldn’t answer them even if they had.” They say HMT has missed out a substantial number of farmers who only claim BPR – farmers who own the land but not the farmhouse, for example, along with tenanted businesses. As everyone has been saying for some time now…’
Verify should just change name to ‘BBC Rubber Stamp Whatever Starmer & Co say’
So we divide all gov figures by 5 from now on?
> divide by 5?
I think this depends. If it is something like HS2 timescales and cost then maybe a X10 is appropriate.
High Speed (Money Spending) 2
“The government has now incorporated counter terrorism policing into the Defence and Security Media Advisory Committee notice system. A D-Notice instructs news outlets not to print details which are considered sensitive for national security reasons.
The system’s extension was “unanimously agreed” and effectively restricts newspapers or broadcasters from providing details to the public on matters of counter terror policing deemed sensitive by the government. An eyebrow-raising choice – D-Notices are usually for things like protecting the identity of intelligence officials or very specific ongoing military operations…”
Just when you thought the BBC ‘s self-important, warped sense of woke, student-politics priorities couldn’t get any worse………..we have this.
‘Animal rights pub name row ‘undermines real issues’
An animal rights group has been accused of undermining real issues after asking a pub to change its name, claiming it is offensive to foxes’
But here is my favourite bit. Quote
‘ The BBC has contacted the pub for a response’.
BBC webshite News.Truly, the envy of the world.
Fantasy > Reality
on matters of counter terror policing deemed sensitive by the government.
on matters deemed by the government.
BBC left out the disorder in N17 by kurds over the arrest of terrorists – presumably to be deported to Turkey for Christmas ..
MAN RUNS OUT OF THINGS TO SAY …. “The One Show – Greatest Showman Robbie Williams details his heartbreak after thinking he was cast in The Greatest Showman”
thinking he was
thinking he was
Anybody know what’s happened to the comments on Guido?
No Comment!
Surely the government has already passed the Assisted Dying Policy.
They’ve cut winter fuel payments to pensioners so people can now freeze to death. And some might even choose to do so.
I’m already considering booking myself into the local Care Home, (just been told I need a new boiler). At least the only decisions will be my choice of meal and which colour cardi to wear !
(no coarse comments thank you )
I understand Starmer is considering the introduction of Blasphemy Laws including against for instance criticism of the Koran.
(He does like forcing in a new Law or two doesn’t he?)
We are actually witnessing a British Prime Minister not ruling out handing over UK legal power to Islamist institutions bent on taking control of this (and other) Western Countries.
Unbelievable and quite possibly verging on Treason!
That’s too far. The country will be gone forever if he does that. It would be the first step to destroying the whole of Western traditions, culture and democracy as other countries will follow suit. Frightening!
Even Farage will not resist Islam.
I understand the petition ( heading for 3 million ) is to be ‘debated ‘ in their parliament on Monday 6th January … im betting the debate will last less than 5 minutes with about 20 MPs present …
Rather than voting we can join the EU and let them make the decisions for our 650 MPs so they can have time to fill in their expense sheets.
Muhammad held onto the boy’s top spot, while Olivia makes a triumphant return to number one in the girl’s list.
Baby names: Most popular boy and girl names of 2023
Is that a surreal post ?( and it disappeared .. spooky )
SHOCKING! Starmer Backs Islamic Blasphemy Laws