The TV licence is to increase by £5 from 1st April 2025.£174.50. That should make a good few people stop paying . The communist government has said the licence will increase with inflation – so it looks like another £5 hike in 2026 …are you still paying for the Labour Party Broadcaster ?
Weekend 30 November 2024
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Who will be first to off themselves? That is the question.
Unleash the book sales!
Matt Hancock urges MPs to back assisted dying after constituent’s cancer tragedy changed his mind
Assisted dying is just another expression for murder, it’s as simple as that! You only have to consider the wording.
If something is in your way you need the means to get rid of it.
Every murderer in history has involved assisted dying.
In a nutshell, if something or someone gets in the way of your expectation of the way things should be you eliminate them which makes your choice the only way to go,
For me, I don’t think my view will change much but I would like to think that those who support this mediaeval murderous way ahead will one day face their maker to explain.
I’m in two minds. I see benefits and also disadvantages. I understand the legal “slippage” that takes place. It is a fact that when the first case involving new legislation comes to court, the judges will “interpret” what’s meant in the wording. They will explore the reasoning leading up to the final wording of the legislation to identify all motivations. Assuming, somewhere along the way, a Minister or the despot TTK made a recorded point such as, “…..a wonderful way to get rid of old people”. That would be taken into account as well.
Other main point is, will the legilsation contain the capacity of the, “Appropriated Minister” to create Secondary Legislation. Used to “fine-tune”……………
The TV tax is just another indirect tax, which you pay if you use the service, or you save the money if you don’t want the stuff!
Every year or so, I declare online that I do not use the BBC’s services, (sic), and get a letter back saying thank you for telling us, then another confirming I don’t use them, but they may call round. It’s dead easy, and me being nearly as truthful as George Washington, (except that few pints/glasses/buckets and various-non-attributable shenenigans eighteen years ago in the wine bar, well, all the wine bars in the square mile), I really don’t watch the BBC or anything else they feel they can get away with!
I’m probably being naive, but there again, their reputation for left-wing bias is bared on their website, and on their woeful radio output, and, the comments from friends here always confirm my decision not to pay their indirect tax as history!
I wouldn’t have any particular objection to the tax if it didn’t basically all go to an organisation that is treasonous, massively biased to the left and untrustworthy to the nth degree.
The hard left Labour Government have decided to reward their promoter and PR agency with a pay rise, index linked as well. Indeed, an inflation linked Tax.
I’ve no doubt the BBC will be very grateful and will keep the biased output going with the benefit of even more of our money.
Emily still out of favour with TTK – no transport gig for her -..pass the white van🏴
Dear god in heaven what is it??
Fed, I think you are a just tad optimistic that inflation will be so low 2025/2026 that there will only be another £5 increase in the TV Licence. I find one product that I buy has had a 17% increase although that could be down to the price of a commodity. The Matt cartoon in the Torygrope has it right today: “How much is a book of 12 First Class stamps or will it be cheaper to buy the Post Office/Royal Mail?”
Up2 yes I realised that after I posted . I want higher interest rates and inflation ….. anything to destroy the reds or destabilise politics in Britain ….
… elsewhere – in the 10pm bbc news the resignation of a labour minister doesn’t feature any more – criminal minister – doesn’t count for the BBC …. It’s all,about state killing …. A good day for the devil ….
‘I got quick cash in my account but it was too good to be true’
Basically criminals laundering thier money by passing it through people’s accounts, and paying them a fee.
“At the time, he was saving to pay a photographer for a portfolio to help him pursue a modelling career.’
If only the bank hadn’t blocked his account, he’d be a top model by now…
“I was told I couldn’t have a bank account for up to six years,” Derai says.
That sounds like bull, as banks have basic accounts for bankrupts, blacklisted people etc.
Just think for one minute…. MP’s with no relative experience of dying relatives are deciding whether people should live or die. I hope they can nod off to sleep to tonight!
This needs much, much more consideration than a nod through by K’s army of lefty idiots before they hit the night clubs.
Normally the British state sets up inquiries and reviews and commissions and the likes at the drop of a hat – even for the most trivial incident – eg Lawrence . Yet when it comes to the adoption of state killing – it’s done because a labour MP got 5 hours to ‘debate ‘ it ….. it’s okay though – because the same people will discuss it in ‘committee ‘ and then vote it through ….
It will be law next year – then there will be a completion to get the first killing – perhaps Leadbeater will volunteer – or maybe Rantzen …..
Such a subject deserves a royal commission to iron out the detail – not make it up on the hoof .
The problem with the debate was the sobbing soppy MPs recounting individual experience and colouring the discussion . I know I sound hard – I’ve been the helpless relative wasting loved ones die – but there’s a difference between personal emotion and cold legal process .
The weak need to be protected from interested parties wanting them gone …
Teen convicted of killing 17-year-old in Hackney after stabbing him in chest with machete
Teen rides to the ‘scene’ on his bike, gets into a confrontation with ‘Nathan Bawuah’ on the street, produces a machete and kills him.
Another ‘enrichment’ who cannot be named because of ‘legal reasons’ and was found guilty of manslaughter, not murder.
And the entire story not reported anywhere on the BBC as far as I can ascertain.
Handyman jailed for killing retired nurse, 74, during burglary in south London
‘Hugo Da Silva Pires, 29, overpowered church leader Nelly Akomah, 76, in her home and made off with her phone, purse, electronics and bible late on June 20, 2023.
Ms Akomah was found dead at the property in Ladbrook Road, Croydon, south London, the next day.’
Again, the trial and jailing are not reported on the BBC.
So I checked the only whitey murder on there and sure enough he’s right there as a main page headline:
Man jailed for murdering brother-in-law in shooting spree
Unsurprisingly this one gets a very lengthy article with picture of the murderer, lots of description and analysis about what happened and plenty of empathy for the victims.
How many times have I reported this clear racial bias in BBC reporting now ?. They are racists. Period. But of course being extreme Lefties, they think THEIR racism is OK because it helps their ideological agenda. As I mentioned earlier, these people have no conscience whatsoever.
Yes I think these armholes refer to it as “positive discrimination”
so that’s OK then INNIT!
Well I see the grifting psychos have voted to be able to legally off us with the correct paperwork.
We need a party that will introduce a solid constitution. Get on it Reform.
1 An American style First Amendment.
2. A hypocratic oath that means something like it was supposed to. i.e, your government can’t just kill you with a few pen strokes for not commiting a crime.
3. No ‘sponsorships’ for political parties and MPs. No second jobs either.
Start there. And make it solid so no future parliament can take those rights away. Sorry if wanting to be able to say what I feel or not be murdered by the state for nothing, or want our leaders to not be bought and paid for makes me a Nazi bigot or something, but that’s just how it is.
Oh of course, there’ll be checks and balances.
Definitely no slippery slope, because that never happens, does it?
Expect the BBC to wheel out a few extreme cases to show how right they are.
May I suggest the 300 or so MPs who voted to be able to kill us, be the first to test the pods?
Come on. They’re ‘humane’ aren’t they?
Saint Jo’s replacement is just as bad as she was. Yes, it was terrible she got murdered, but I’m not going to say she was good at her job just because of that.
She was a nightmare of an MP and it’s no surprise her dreadful replacement was the one pushing this.
Btw, anyone noticed all the assisted dying ads suddenly show only white people being offed?
And you racists thought only black people were in adverts nowadays!
I propose it be called the Shipman law
Or The Harold Way for short.
People should be warned.
“What happens after I die ?”
Lots of things , they just don’t involve you.
Shhhh ! Don’t invite No.1/HMRC to take an interest…..
Someone’s changed their attitude…
“Canadian PM Justin Trudeau visits Trump at Mar-a-Lago amid steep tariff threats.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has flown to Florida to meet with President-elect Trump at his Mar-a-Lago club after Trump threatened to impose sweeping tariffs on Canadian products.
A person familiar with the matter said Trudeau will have dinner with Trump. The official was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter and spoke on condition of anonymity.”
“The visit comes days after Trump threatened to impose 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico over failures by both nations to curb the flow of illegal immigrants and illicit drugs from those countries into the U.S.”
Funny how loss of money money changes the far left’s collective minds
“It is important to understand that Donald Trump, when he makes statements like that, he plans on carrying them out. There’s no question about it,” Trudeau said.
Bushra Bibi led a protest to free Imran Khan – what happened next is a mystery
‘But as the sun rose on Wednesday morning, there was no sign of Bushra Bibi, nor the thousands of protesters who had marched through the country to the heart of the capital, demanding the release of their jailed leader.
Exactly what happened to the so-called “final march”, and Bushra Bibi, when the city went dark is still unclear.’
Exactly the same as what happened here after the Soutport protests against immigration BBC. They were all locked up, given mandatory prison sentences just for being there and won’t walk the streets again for a couple of years at least year.
Only you weren’t bothered about it when it happened to British right-wing white males (who probably voted for Brexit). In fact you positively relished it.
Unbiased my arse.
RAF fighters track Russian bomber over North Sea
Every time they want to rouse the rabble against Russia, the BBC start reporting these stories with the vague inference Russia are coming to bomb us.
NATO intercepted Russian military aircraft over 300 times in 2023
The BBC are just pathetic. They are like immature 6th form activists (as is Starmer). Has it always been like this ?.
Has it always been like this?
I think that the BBC was once a serious and reliable news source but in my experience that changed when Lady Thatcher was elected in 1979 . From that point on the BBC’s objectivity began to disappear and it’s leftist bias became increasingly dominant.By the end of Lady T’s time in Downing Street 1990 the BBC was rabidly left wing. Indeed one of Mrs T’s greatest errors was not throttling it when she had the chance.
Since that time it has just got worse and worse and become a proselytising fog horn for a whole range of anti British causes. This pollutes every aspect of its output and makes its drama and documentaries unwatchable.
I salute those who you who still consume its poison. Without you I wouldn’t have a clue what the foul corporation was up to. But do remember that consuming the BBC is highly damaging to your mental health.
I have long held the opinion that the BBC has done more damage to our country than any other institution. If Lady Thatcher had killed it off in the eighties I’m sure that Britain would be a much better place with a brighter future than it is today.
It constantly amazes me that so many people still pay the License Fee for the anti British sewage it produces.
Double – I guess Mrs T didn’t think reforming the BBC was that important . After all the political class don’t use it so have no real idea of the influence it had then and has now .
No one since has had the courage to take it on . And it would take a strong leader in the right circumstances to deal with it .
Unfortunately every so often it tries to become ‘aunty’ again – but as the years pass more and more people see it for what it is .
We have 5 years before there’s any prospect of change . The mess made by the Marxists will take a while to put right ….
The BBC, like every other public body, is paid for by the tax-payer, and this is the main reaon while Labour, or the New Communists, are happy with the situation, as they’ll never understand private capital, except to grab it where they can for their crackpot ideals!
Might watch Dr Zhivago again soon…
Fed & Doublethinker, I think the rot set in at the BBC before the 1970s/1980s, probably in the late 1960s, a period of relatively high inflation. But it was also the period of ‘entitlement’ and where the politicians were too cowardly to say “No” to the BBC and I think the LF started to increase every few years.
The TV Licence Fee started its inexorable climb in the late 1960s with the introduction of colour TV.
I reckon it’s when they dun away with Pans People …. 🤪
A change of approach came about at the start of, “That Was The Week That Was”. Millicent Martin et al.
> NATO intercepted Russian military aircraft over 300 times in 2023
This is completely true. There is a radar station in Norfolk that used to track all these Russian bombers that would come over the northern seas to avoid NATO interceptions and then down the North sea. It was completely normal to send off UK fighters to escort them as they flew past the UK. This station is now a museum that you can visit and speak to the military men that used to work there. I guess the work has now been privatised to companies like SERCO filling me with confidence – not.
A visit to this old radar station in Norfolk (open in the Summer) is very much recommended.
………to see the way it was done properly”
I believe the BBC bigwigs a few years back decided that to survive and attract a new younger audience they had to take on board a younger and therefore less experienced workforce to stay relevant in the cool new World.
However they were probably unaware of just how lefty and activist these youngsters were being turned out of trendy Marxist leaning UNI’s.
Of course once these youngsters were in place the BBC was in a quandary, They couldn’t wind back the clock as this would involve cries of prejudice etc, etc.
So the Country is stuck with a National Broadcaster which is only able to report the news one way to avoid internal strife.
The BBC is being called out with increasing noise, even by other news outlets for it’s blatant bias on “certain” topics and is on borrowed time now for the majority in the Country.
I was hoping to hear more detail of the demise of the Labour transport secretary . The bbc has ‘moved ‘ on . It’s all about some nobody called ‘Greg Wallace ‘ and his attitude toward girls … makes a change from Al Fayed – at least this one is currently alive – although by the sound of it the BBC would like him to take to a killer pod …
Shortly on remake to contain all black faces. Now that would, current day, be accurate…………..
There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind Fed that if it were the conservatives, the focus would not be the villain herself : they would be going after Boris for appointing her.
They just keep throwing shit and all the TNI partners keep repeating it. Gradually more and more sticks until the person in question becomes thoroughly hated by the ignorant masses.
That’s how the BBC work now. Since they filled up with activists under their ‘woke’ recruitment policies, they are driven by hate.
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff relegate the mildly conservative Daily Telegraph to the lowly ‘and finally’ spot in their online print press line-up this morning – which piques our interest.
For a brief moment one begins to wince as one notes the frontpage pin-up: Blanchett gets political – Oh dear… here we go yet again. Has she dissed The Donald? Has she showed up on a red carpet wearing a designer Hamas bandana perhaps? Getting out of a limo did she gift the paparazzi a quick flash of her Hezbollah knickers?
Was Cate Blanchett’s Cannes dress a pro-Palestinian protest – or an optical illusion? The actor’s red carpet gown looked a lot like the Palestinian flag (Guardian, May 2024)
However, as one reads on one finds this Saturday’s Telegraph cover girl: tells… about her role as a female German chancellor in her new film Rumours. ‘Politicians’ body language is so stilted: It’s disconnected from anything resembling a human being’, she says – and I think we can agree with Ms Blanchett there.
MPs back assisted dying – declares the BBC’s top print pick the Daily Mirror as the gynaeceum’s second choice Daily Express revels in the news: ‘Now future generations will be spared ordeals we suffer’
I’m afraid life is a veil of tears, Esther. Life is the ordeal we suffer. The tribulations of life that Christian doctrine says are left behind only when one leaves the world and enters Heaven. [Wikipedia, free internet encyclopedia edition, chapter and verse not given. The article is a ‘stub’. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it, apparently]
Isn’t it remarkable how our governing liberal establishment, which puts such huge efforts into nudging, persuading and correcting what it sees as some of our poor basic choices – such as what we eat and drink and smoke – convinces itself that we can happily choose when to end it all? Without fear or favour.
The Daily Mail, which Mr AsI tends to characterise as ‘ever excitable’, makes a sensible editorial choice as it goes with the headline: MPs vote for a leap into the unknown (Martin Beckford, Policy Editor) – bravo, Mr Beckford.
Daily Mail Comment NOW MPs must face the wider implications of this legislation – the changing relationship it inevitably brings between the NHS and its patients, the pressure it will exert on the frail elderly… gapping holes in the legal and medical safeguards… morality of State-sponsored suicide
Mr AsI would tend to support the a return to the death penalty for murderous offences. Theoretically. In an ideal society. And I don’t mean absolute certainty in the legal process. If one per cent of the executed are found to be innocent then I’m prepared to accept that. Society ought to consider itself as at war with murderers and in war there are inevitably a few innocent casualties.
The reason Mr AsI would not – in this present reality – bring back hanging is the absolute carnival the opposition would make of the first case to go wrong.
And that sort of fear should have prevented MPs from voting for State-sponsored euthenasia. But of course the liberal regime controls the media, the arguments, the culture. The BBC. Sadly there will be no backlash. It’s the ever advancing liberal inhuman ratchet. Just look at the abuses of assisted dying legislation in Canada. But do they ever back track? Never.
Black Friday indeed.
Man charged over shooting of girl, 8, and father… Jazz Reid, 32, of Kensington in west London, was also charged with possession of a firearm and ammunition and is due to appear at Thames Magistrates’ Court on Friday. (BBC) – wot, no mug shot?
Ah yes – the no mugshot – the no name – the no address – the no nationality – the no speculation – reassure ‘the community ‘ the no mention – the no story – or ‘it’s not terrorism = it’s Islamic terrorism – or cannot be named for legal reasons – or ‘legal restrictions” –
It’s a free country with a strong media …..
“Blanchett gets political” – takes AK47 to the fight?
AISI, shock! horror! the Guardian was missing from the BBC’s line-up although it is mentioned in the Blog. I know why the BBC often miss out the Sun newspaper from their line-up: it is too right wing for the Lefties at the BBC. Today’s edition of the Sun will make uncomfortable reading for Tim Davie: apparently the BBC were warned about Greg Wallace 12 years ago, it is claimed in the Sun newspaper.
“It’s been an emotional process.”
The Leadbeater woman.
Say no more. All about ’emotions’. Her emotions.
Nuff said.
This on the BBC mega thread thing:
“Kruger briefly interrupted after using the term ‘assisted suicide’
published at 17:50 29 November
17:50 29 November
Kruger says that if there are concerns about how the NHS addresses concerns about coercion “then let’s deal with that”.
But he adds: “Let’s not license suicide. Which by the way, again evidence from around the world shows increases suicide in the general population. So suicide is contagious.”
“Kruger continues to make his case, using the phrase “assisted suicide” before he is interrupted by an MP in the Commons who says: “it’s not suicide, that’s offensive.” The MP goes on to ask him to “correct” his language.”
Not only the nose-ringed bint who the BBC don’t name, who sat there with a face like a slapped arse that was sucking a lemon, but it seemed on the clip I saw, that the speaker told the MP to ‘correct his language’ too.
For goodness sake!
They call it ‘assisted suicide’ on the continent. It’s not passed through the legal process yet, so he can call it what the f…k he likes!
And so what? It is state assisted suicide! If that makes ridiculous tarts with nose rings upset, so be it!
Kruger should’ve said, ‘Does one not have Parliamentary privilege? I see it, as do many, as state assisted suicide. So I will not be withdrawing my comments, just because some ridiculous nose ringed witch, who should be nowhere near political power looking like that, feels offended. Boo bloody hoo, Mr Speaker.
This is how it is. You choose the words you want to use to describe something, and I’ll choose mine. Ok?”
I haven’t been keeping up with the goings on in Parliament in recent times (the MPs annoy me too much), but what the heck is it with this latest speaker?
He seems to be running the TTK fan club as far as I can see, along with the BBC.
“Correct your language”?
How about go f…k yourself, Mr Speaker, you woke pr…k?
All labour seem to be doing, is introducing laws and legal procedures that nobody asked for or wanted.
And I’ve heard a few MPs, ‘experts’ and emotional bints saying “going to sleep”
You’re not “going to sleep”. You wake up from sleep.
You’re being killed or at best, commiting suicide. You’ll be brown bread and there’s no more waking up, you silly moos.
Holland now has cases where women in their 20s with depression are being allowed to off themselves.
They’re even getting 17 year old girls coming in asking to be put to death because they’re ‘sad’.
Canada has suggested some in financial distress top themselves. I think I heard a case of a homeless guy having it suggested to him.
Slippery slope?
You betcha.
The West now helps you leave quickly with no fuss.
The West will help you make way for a more deserving society member.
The West now talks about helping you DIE and not how to live longer.
“5656 suicides were registered in 2023*. This is 372 more than in 2022.
The overall suicide rate was 11.2 per 100,000**, which is an increase on the previous year.
The male suicide rate was 17.1 per 100,000**, compared to a female suicide rate of 5.6 per 100,000**.
Males aged 45-49 years were found to have the highest suicide rate (25.3 per 100,000).
There is regional variation in the suicide rates. The highest rate and biggest increase was in the North West (14.7 deaths per 100,000 people, compared with 12.5 deaths per 100,000 in 2022). The lowest rate was once again in London (7.3 per 100,000**).”
The brave daughter who is tackling an ethnic taboo that costs the NHS millions: Aisha refused to marry a cousin, so great were her fears over rising numbers of disabled children
** used to be the Left motto to persuade others.
“Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering
This article is more than 6 months old
Zoraya ter Beek, who has chronic depression, anxiety, trauma and unspecified personality disorder, expected to end her life soon”
Ter Beek’s difficulties began in early childhood. She has chronic depression, anxiety, trauma and unspecified personality disorder. She has also been diagnosed with autism. When she met her partner, she thought the safe environment he offered would heal her. “But I continued to self-harm and feel suicidal.”
“Now the point has come, we’re ready for it and we’re finding a certain peace. I feel guilty too. But sometimes when you love someone, you have to let them go.”
Yes, that was the one thanks MM.
“Don’t call it suicide, that’s offensive.”
I think what she really means is, “Please don’t call it what it is, it makes me look like a bad person.”
Like calling murder ‘abortion’ or not wanting your town turned into Islamabad with blasphemy laws for Islam and Islam only ‘islamophobic’.
Like there’s something wrong with you if you don’t want that in Britain!
Good morning I’m going to do the garden in an hour or two to calm down. If I get electrocuted by the mower don’t put me in the death pod until Wednesday at least if I’m not responding.
I bet they’ve got one with my name on it already though. I once voted UKIP so it’s a given.
Pro Life – Pro Death
Undocumented migrant – illegal migrant
United in Diversity – destroying local culture
My favourite is true.
“Diversity is our strength.”
This is true. You just need to think about what is being said and by whom.
It is indeed ‘their’ strength, but certainly not ours!
Labour now rammed with state system folk.
And female versions in love with photographs of themselves.
“She achieved more in a few short months than most politicians achieve in a lifetime.
Gloria De Piero on Lou Haigh: ‘This feisty reformer can teach us all something’ – LabourList”
“Photo du Jour: @kimleadbeater joins supporters of her assisted dying bill in Parliament Square after MPs voted in the House of Commons. By Stefan Rousseau/PA”
Gloria wanting to get back as a red MP then – why not give the criminal a phone call – courtesy of Aviva …..
Criminal record check on all MPs …
And I say to the “nose ringed bint/witch ” that abortion is the murder of our unborn. 250,000 p.a. Stick that where the sun don’t shine.
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Malcolm Gladwell 2000
In the final case study in the book, Gladwell discusses a few different forms of social epidemics. The assisted dying vote prompted Mr AsI to recall reading this book but think also our recent transgenderism craze.
‘In the South Pacific islands of Micronesia, there was a teenager named Sima. Sima’s father woke up him one morning and ordered him to find a pole knife in town. Sima was unable to find such a knife, and his father was so furious that he kicked Sima out of the house and told him to never come back. Shortly afterwards, Sima hanged himself. At the time, suicide was almost unheard of in Micronesia. But within the intervening four decades, suicide has become hugely common in Micronesia—roughly eight times the suicide rate of the United States. The prevalence of suicide in Micronesia is particularly unusual because almost all of the suicide cases are teenaged boys who experience arguments with their families or lovers. Anthropologists have even argued that suicide is a established part of Micronesian culture, expressed and even celebrated in music, literature, and film.’
(Lit Charts)
COBRA EFFECT …. The phrase “perverse incentive” is often used in economics to describe an incentive structure with undesirable results, particularly when those effects are unexpected and contrary to the intentions of its designers.[1]
Lots of ranting about the Bill on here, but the State has always “moved the sick on” by the Liverpool Pathway exercised in hospitals. Deprivation of food and water in the last days, yet little has been said about that.
Personally I hope I am put out of misery, like I would my dog, but I have a back up plan. Assuming I still function to swallow and have the use of my hands, then my stash of pills and a slug of a good Scotch is my get out clause, and won’t be sorry to go. I’ve had the best time and years this country has offered, so won’t have to endure the horrors to come in future years.
“I’ve had the best time and years this country has offered, so won’t have to endure the horrors to come in future years.”
Enjoy the show that is performing in front of your very eyes.
The past is always better as you made it through it!
Scotch sounds great – expect Labour to ban it!
Brissles, Can I suggest a party special….
My dog was severely burnt requiring a general anaesthetic to change his dressings several times a day, requiring a team of vets around the clock, was fed via a tube and a DNA order was paced on his cage. When he read the DNA order he tore out his tube, ate from a bowl, and gradually improved, going on to live a full and happy life for 5 more years. Treatment costs amounted to many thousands, but good people set up a fund and donations came from Russia, the Philippines, US etc. During his life he raised many thousands for charitable causes.
Remember when Sopes was flogging soap for potentate wives?
Capturing the scent of Palestinian life in a bottle
Eau de Just Launched Grad (not detectable by media)
Luckily, the BBC’s fave Islamist has the skinny.
Still, some does stick.
Rochdale has also fallen to Islamist influence today, with the flag of the fake state of Palestine raised by the council. Another British town aligning with terrorists—what a sad day for our country.
Capturing the scent of Palestinian life in a bottle
“Trevor Kavanagh On “Very Sinister” Shouts Of ‘Allahu Akbar’ At Green Councillor’s Election Victory”
“In certain texts of the hadith, Aisha was betrothed at 6 years old and married at 9. Today, some Muslim fundamentalists defend and deploy the Aisha marital hadith to justify child marriage in our own time.28 Oct 2022”
Iraq to lower the ‘age of consent’ for girls to nine
A new law proposed by ultra conservative Shia Muslim parties seeks to strip women and girls of their rights
Iraq to lower the ‘age of consent’ for girls to nine
A new law proposed by ultra conservative Shia Muslim parties seeks to strip women and girls of their rights
Lilia Sebouai
Related Topics
Global Health Security, Iraq, Middle East, Marriage, Islam
07 November 2024
Isn’t it amazing when the utter hypocrite misandrist feminists at the BBC and Guardian can turn a blind eye to when it suits them ?.
Like the Left in general: scratch through the veneer of hypocrisy and you discover they are driven by hate.
Syrian rebels take control of majority of Aleppo, observers say
It’s only subtle here, but it’s clear the BBC favour the ‘rebels’. They are being coy because they are actually Al-Qeada and ISIS – but watch how they are treated as legitimate democracy-lovers and Russia are the evil murderers as this progresses.
Indeed they do write:
‘More than half a million people have been killed in the civil war that erupted after the government cracked down on pro-democracy protests in 2011.’
The elephant in this room is that the BBC are in no small part responsible for those half-a-million deaths because of the way they encouraged and mis-represented the truth of what was going on. They kept very quiet about ISIS and the other terrorists. They glorified them just as they glorify those gullible women activists in Afghanistan who we never heard about again. And when the real slaughter started after Russia joined in and the USA pulled out, the BBC shamefully dropped the story altogether and ignored the horrific reality of what they had helped create.
The reality of course is that Russia annihilated the terrorist groups behind it and saved us the job. They also annihilated a lot of civilians in the process as well of course because they don’t mess around waiting to be fired on first. If a group were hiding in a village, they simply lined up the rocket launchers and destroyed the whole village. And the BBC were silent.
‘Google’ the following (I used Duckduckgo).
‘Canadian paralympian I asked for a ramp and got offered euthanasia’
You’ll find results from pretty much every media outlet you can think of. Even the Independent.
I couldn’t see the BBC’s report on it though. Unless it was on page 70 or something.
But I’m sure it’s just an honest, unbiased omission.
Make Cows Fart Again
Russian cows get VR headsets ‘to reduce anxiety’
I thought it was a crafty disguise ….
They’re watching The Sound of Moosic.
** must remember to use that!
from comments
From the DT – BBC – a rural champion *
* rural = outside the M25
STARTS The BBC is reviewing the organisation’s role of rural champion, prompting claims that countryside affairs will be further marginalised in its coverage.
BBC chiefs created the role 10 years ago following a review commissioned by the BBC Trust, which found that the broadcaster’s rural coverage had a “metropolitan bias”.
It came after numerous complaints that the BBC failed to properly represent rural issues.
This followed the corporation’s coverage of the Liberty and Livelihood March in 2002, which saw tens of thousands of people protest against the ban on hunting.
But the BBC’s decision to review the role has led to fears that its coverage of rural, countryside and agricultural matters will again be downgraded.
The BBC has rejected the claims, saying it remains “committed” to covering rural affairs.
Dimitri Houtart, who was executive editor for BBC audio until he stepped down in August, had held the post of rural champion since 2014.
He reportedly spoke to Tim Davie, BBC director-general, before leaving, saying he needed to be replaced in the role.
Following his departure, Jenny Kumah was appointed the BBC’s South West England and rural affairs correspondent.
Tim Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, said the BBC should be strengthening the role of a rural champion rather than treating the countryside as an afterthought
He said: “The BBC has had a challenging relationship with the countryside since the early 2000s. On the one hand the countryside provides the backdrop of some of its most successful programmes, on the other rural communities feel increasingly unrepresented by the BBC.
“Ten years ago a BBC Trust report found that the BBC’s programming had a ‘metropolitan bias’ and at least part of the role of the rural champion should have been to address that. We would argue that the role needs strengthening, not being downgraded, if the countryside is to get a fair deal from the BBC.”
Heather Hancock, who wrote a report on the BBC’s countryside coverage in 2003 and went on to head up the 2014 review that led to the creation of the champion’s role, said she was “dismayed and utterly perplexed” by the decision to now review it.
“The BBC has a duty to cover rural lives, rural issues, and the part the countryside plays in national life,” she told Farmer’s Weekly, adding: “Given the significance of farming, nature, food and water in daily national news coverage, the decision to downgrade rural expertise and editorial leadership jeopardises the intelligent, expert and informed reporting that we ought to expect from the BBC.
“I urge the BBC to reconsider. It shouldn’t need an external report every decade to remind the BBC to keep faith with rural communities and everyone who cares about the countryside.”
The row over the post of rural champion follows controversy over reports by BBC Verify that new inheritance tax changes would not impact as many farmers as feared. The data has been challenged by many in the agricultural sector.
The BBC rejected accusations that reviewing the role of rural champion would mean a downgrading of its reporting on countryside matters.
A BBC spokesman said: “We’re committed to covering rural affairs across the BBC and have a number of dedicated programmes on TV and radio, as well as covering stories across BBC News.
“We have appointed a new executive editor to lead our rural affairs output on Radio 4 and the post chairs the BBC’s rural advisory committee, which includes rural stakeholders and shares insight from across farming communities, as well as providing advice and feedback on the BBC’s coverage and programming.
“We are reviewing the rural affairs champion title, but the role of the executive editor and our commitment to rural affairs remains unchanged.”ENDS
From the Daily Express on-line:
“BBC’s The Archers is the longest-running present-day drama, with more than 20,000 episodes airing over almost 75 years.
However, a recent instalment of the soap angered some fans, who claimed it was glossing over issues like Labour’s recently introduced inheritance tax fee for farmers with land worth over £1 million. One disgruntled fan pointed out that it portrayed rural characters as being comfortable with the tax hikes, and that it then swiftly changed the subject.
Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, the listener wrote: “BBC rural radio soap opera The Archers covers the recent mass farmers protest: ‘There’s a lot of anger about this new inheritance tax on farms,’ admits David.
“‘But we need those taxes to pay for things like the NHS,’ says Leonard. And with that, the entire subject is covered.”
Sharing the annoyance, someone replied in the comments section: “The BBC seems to have taken on the job of introducing State propaganda via bad *soaps*. Presumably all would-be writers have to submit potential scripts to the Ministry of Creativity for approval.”
Another chimed in: “I do not understand how anyone maintains a) that the BBC has a right wing bias and b) that it is in anyway impartial.”
A third agreed: “That’s been the normal routine at the BBC for decades. It’s why they’ve haemorrhaged listeners & viewers.”
A fourth then groaned: “‘Free’ healthcare being used as the argument to extract half of the wealth of a nation is almost comical.”
One indignant listener followed up with a swipe at the “pathetic” BBC, agreeing: “Yes I’m sure ending family farming for the sake of 5 days NHS funding is worth it. Job done.”
The snippet sparked a wider debate about whether the licence fee is worth paying for, or whether the corporation should instead rely on advertising revenue to fund its content, as some argued that it was consistently failing to be “impartial” or to feature a broad enough range of opinions.
Meanwhile, the farmers’ protest in London’s Westminster earlier this month attracted over 20,000 angry members of the public, joined by none other than Jeremy Clarkson.
He too challenged the BBC, predicting that the new law would lead to “96 per cent of farmers” having to pay the tax.
A BBC journalist on site at the protest tried to justify the tax hikes introduced by Rachel Reeves by bringing up the strain placed on the NHS, and Jeremy responded by telling the crowd: “Did you hear that? The BBC thinks you should be paying for everything.”
… … …”
Main sentiment : I have no objection to Ed Miliband taking a plane flight, I just wish he wouldn’t return
Irish general election today. I do hope they do better than we did.
Counting gets under way in Irish election
O’Gorman had been put in the unenviable position of having responsibility for asylum seeker integration and accommodation – something the
current government struggled to get a handle on amid a misinformation campaign from the far right and lack of available beds for refugees.
misinformation campaign from the far right
lack of available beds for refugees
misinformation campaign from the far right
lack of available beds for refugees
“We’re now supposed to explicitly encourage children to judge themselves and one another on the basis of nationality and skin colour…What a regressive and terrible thing to teach a child.”
Me speaking about “white privilege” & “Irish privilege” being pushed in Irish schools.
NHS needs an Assisted Living Bill?
An article in TCW shows just how the MSM should be, but isn’t
The author has a perfectly understandable viewpoint, well expressed. Yet many readers have an opposite opinion but are allowed to comment, rather than “comments not allowed” as it so often enforced by the BBC, Guardian, Telegraph et al.
Sort by “Best”
Week in Westminster
Aural self abuse . Naturally it was all about how great their commons can be . But resigning criminal labour ministers ? One . Single . Sentence . But it was presentet by a lefty foreigner so should have expected it . .
Week after week of partygate. Criminal ministers ? Not so much
R4 now ‘the evil Chinese government operates a two-tier justice system in Hong Kong
Anti-government protesters are kept for years on remand and then given long prison sentences’ (paraphrase)
BBC and the libmob have no introspection
A laugh out loud moment – substitute jimmy li for Tommy Robinson and china Hong Kong for Britain and you are near the truth .
I don’t think the chief propaganda man in verify will be pleased …
Thieving scum
That wind could have paid for how many NHS diversity managers or NHS ASSISTED DEATH ASSISTANTS?
BBC now has to be aware by now that it is backing the horse’s derrière that is #NetZero and its maniac jockey.
A couple of days ago, the BBC opened up for comments an article about sagging demand for EVs.
Ford calls for incentives to buy electric cars as backlash grows
When I last looked on Thursday, the comments had reached over 10,000. I could not help but notice the abundance of common sense exhibited by our fellow citizens, a currency that is seemingly in short supply among our elected politicians.
Awaiting the #questionasaheadline softeners: ‘Do ‘we’ need to cough up even more so rich folk can swan about pretending to save the planet?’
Thieving scum twice over because not only is the electricity stolen but the consumers have to pay for it to be stolen.
Curtailment = Fancy word for theft
Our esteemed leader Mr Starmer, he must be esteemed , think of all the votes he got in July….three times as many as the petition calling for another election, anyway, as I said yesterday , despite his call in early July , when full to the brim with “victory soup” he spluttered some guff about , honesty and openness in politics , still no update on the NEW AND FURTHER information about the louise Haigh case. That new information tipped the balance it seems.
I hate to admit it but I’m starting to think he’s having us on. Either that , or the NEW AND FURTHER information is so upsetting he’s just taking the hit for us all and is shielding us from it, yes,perhaps it’s too upsetting. Now that would be leadership and of a type we haven’t enjoyed for years.
Despite his good intentions I suspect most people just think the whole thing stinks!
Why can’t we know what this new information is?
You cannot know what the people on top think – they do all the thinking for you so you can do nothing else…. HA HAHAHAH !
Comrade starmer = comrade Corbyn .
Fortunately it isn’t going to get any easier for Labour – or us . More and more comrades will get disgruntled and form their little conspiracies – along with leaks about an unhappy ship .
Also – the absence of any improvement in anything will push down – along with Presidenr Trump / Elon Musk despising the socialist / democrat regime – be nice if they could bring them down ….
Louise Haigh’s desk drawer
Guess what it looks like
Popcorn at the Royal Society – a professor – catlady has resigned because Elon Musk is “Fellow’ … at least she’ll have more time to feed her cats ….
Dorothy Bishop is a British psychologist and professor of developmental neuropsychology at the University of Oxford. She is a leading researcher on language disorders, a Fellow of the Royal Society and the British Academy, and a co-founder of RADLD.
– Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder.
An expert in children’s communication disorder! Is she, the expert, bullying a man that has achcieved much despite his struggle with autism?
She said “he appears to be modelling himself on a Bond villain” Challenging science blah bla blah,
It’s funny when they feel threatened. 🙂
Yeah yeah Lucy – but how many cats ? 😎
She certainly sounds raddled.
‘The Archers has come under fire for appearing to underplay the effects of the Government’s inheritance tax raid on family farms.
David Archer, one of the show’s main characters and a farmer, said in the episode: “There’s a lot of anger about this new inheritance tax on farms.”
Leonard Berry, his friend, replied: “But we need those taxes to pay for things like the NHS.”
The pair then changed the topic of conversation.
This was the only instance in which the show approached the subject of the inheritance tax changes.’
OK then….let’s grab the bulk of BBC funding and build some hospitals and pay for some more nurses. The BBC is now just a mouthpiece, witness the above, for Labour and if it acts like a government department it should be treated as one…and have its budget renegotiated to pay for the NHS and schools….money better spent I’d say.
Pug – it sounds like one of those nazi or Russian propaganda shows where they put the need for more arians / tractors for the fuhrer / comrade Stalin / starmer ….
The bottomless pit of the NHS – they’ll be killing them off this weekend … it’s okay – they voted for it ….
The Telegraph reports…
‘Anti-Semitism at the BBC now ‘normal’ after Oct 7, whistleblower claims’
Yeah…no surprise there….but odd of the NUJ to call for BBC workers to show their support for Hamas, sorry…Gazans, by wearing something relevant….odd because the BBC staff show their support day in day out by their ‘journalism’….if it’s Muslim it’s gotta be good.
Witness Mishal Husain determined not to leave the BBC without promoting the Islamic cause…she did after all say when she arrived on Today that she would be using it to present a more positive view of Islam.
This morning we had on an actor who played a part in C4’s ‘Person of Interest’…coming up this Monday. Apparently it’s all to do with suspicion of Muslims and mental health…shocking that he should be targeted by Prevent when it’s his mental health that’s the problem says Mishal.
Lol…no irony there when so many Muslim terrorists are ‘excused’ by the mental health get out…thus if a Muslim is having issues and showing other signs then perhaps Prevent is right to check him out.
And of course…why not be suspicious of Muslims? Got a lot of history there…lots and lots of history that would concern any rational person. Nearly twenty years on and we’re still getting Islamic terrorism…though the government and media do their best to cover it up…witness recent events….and it’s not just the bombs and knives….it’s the violence-backed pressure for institutions to adopt Islamic practices, to live by Islamic rules….witness schools in so many cases…not least Batley where a teacher is still in hiding from the ‘community’…but all but forgotten by the BBC.
Naturally Husain didn’t put any other point of view or counter argument…she was fully onboard with the ‘Muslims being innocent victims’ narrative.
Bloomberg [irony…Jewish] is welcome to her.
The BBC are delighted to smear Tulsi Gabbard as some sort of Russian stooge just because she wasn’t all gung-ho about the war in Ukraine.
Or, rather, they use their trick of quoting others, and “some worry that…”
Which basically means “some of us here at the BBC worry that…”
Footnote: the article states, “The Trump transition team has not responded to a request for comment from the BBC.”
Good, never talk to the BBC. Remember Trump’s famous: “Here’s another beauty” ?
I think the likes of the BBC are frightened of her – she is being tipped as a successor to Trump in 2029 – military service and a lot of experience – good communicator – loyal – and other things ….
Wouldn’t that be great? 8+ years of sanity and BBC-phobia at the very top.
“The Trump transition team has not responded to a request for comment from the BBC.” – BBC have not responded to BBC’s request on BBC Huw Edwards – I remember that one!
DT had that article too, a few days ago – clearly one from the shared resources for anti- Trumpers pile.
2 year anniversary of Labour NON-transparency about Nick Brown MP
Not really news – but from the DT – anti semitism in the Hamas Broadcasting company is ‘institutional ‘
STARTS whistleblower has said anti-Semitism at the BBC has become “normalised” and accused the broadcaster of failing to take seriously repeated claims of anti-Semitic behaviour and attitudes within the organisation.
The experienced member of staff, who is Jewish, said they had been forced to endure anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli comments on a near-daily basis, only for their concerns to be dismissed by managers.
Writing anonymously for The Telegraph, they said: “Anti-Semitism exists in the newsrooms of Britain’s public service broadcaster. It has done for years, and it is alive and well today, refuelled by the events of Oct 7 and after.
“I have experienced it first hand, too much, in my career at the corporation, both before and since the Hamas attacks.”
Their claims come after Jay Rayner, who last week resigned as The Observer’s restaurant critic, accused its sister title The Guardian of employing anti-Semites and its editor of lacking the courage to take them on.
The Guardian said it took the allegations seriously and had a zero-tolerance approach to anti-Semitism.
Referring to the paper’s response, the whistleblower said: “I’ve heard those kinds of platitudes before, namely from my own employer, the BBC.”
They also accuse Tim Davie, the BBC’s director general, of failing to get a grip on the problem of anti-Semitism within the corporation, despite his emailing all staff in February to say there was no place for racist abuse of any kind within the BBC.
The whistleblower, who has asked for their identity not to be revealed for fear of being “marked out”, writes: “For Jewish staff, the experience of anti-Semitism and Israel bashing is a daily one and Tim Davies’s statement rings hollow. Actions speak louder than words, and sadly when it comes to anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism at the BBC, its actions practically are mute.”
The whistleblower, who has worked at the BBC for a number of years, said the problem had grown worse since the conflict in Gaza following Hamas’s Oct 7 attack on Israel, in which 1,200 Jews were killed and 251 people were taken hostage.
The BBC staffer said: “There have been multiple cases of staff comfortably expressing odious views about Zionists, Israel, genocide and Jews on social media, happily with their names on public display. Some have been mentioned in the media, many more have not been publicised and are currently being investigated by HR.”
The Telegraph has previously reported that BBC presenters and correspondents have been accused of posting “toxic” and “anti-Israel” content about the Gaza conflict on social media.
In September, Danny Cohen, the BBC’s director of television from 2013 to 2015, published a report claiming the corporation’s “institutionally hostile” coverage of Israel has made Britain unsafe for Jews.
The whistleblower said anti-Israel attitudes – which many argue are a cover for anti-Semitic views – appeared to be widespread within the BBC even before the Oct 7 attacks.
They said: “During a particularly bad spate of terrorist attacks in Israel, a colleague – who knew I was Jewish and Zionist – gleefully said to me: ‘Mark my words, this will be the beginning of the end of Israel.’
“On another occasion, I overheard a senior reporter tell an editor: ‘Israel is an apartheid state. It’s a fact’. . . Israel, of course, is no such thing, and as a Jew to hear it said with conviction at such a level of seniority is deeply offensive, stomach-churning.”
‘Deeply concerned’
More than 200 Jewish employees across the organisation co-signed a letter to the BBC board in August expressing “very serious concerns about anti-Jewish racism” at the corporation, along with evidential documentation.
Dr Samir Shah, the BBC chair, responded by accepting that “on a small number of occasions, staff conduct has fallen below expectations,” but dismissed the signatories’ call for a formal investigation.
A BBC spokesman said: “We are deeply concerned to read this article about the experiences of a member of staff; it’s unacceptable that anyone should face this in their workplace. We deplore anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination or harassment.
“We urge the writer to discuss this with their manager, or if they feel unable to do so, to contact our confidential bullying and harassment helpline or use our whistleblowing service so that these issues can be investigated and addressed, and the staff member can receive the appropriate support.”
‘Anti-Semitism is alive and well today’
By a BBC whistleblower
Like many other Jewish people in the media in this country, I read with dismay about the resignation of restaurant critic Jay Rayner from Guardian newspapers because of what he said were anti-Semitic staff.
I also read with a sense of tedium the Guardian’s boilerplate response: “We take allegations of this nature extremely seriously… [we have] a zero-tolerance approach to anti-Semitism…”
I’ve heard those kinds of platitudes before, namely from my own employer, the BBC. The fact of the matter is: Rayner’s experience is not unique to the Guardian.
Anti-Semitism exists in the newsrooms of Britain’s public service broadcaster. It has done for years, and it is alive and well today, refuelled by the events of Oct 7 and after.
I have experienced it first hand, too much, in my career at the corporation, both before and since the Hamas attacks. Here are some examples of what I personally encountered in what can be considered “normal” times pre-Oct 7.
During a particularly bad spate of terrorist attacks in Israel, a colleague – who knew I was Jewish and Zionist – gleefully said to me: “Mark my words, this will be the beginning of the end of Israel.”
On another occasion, I overheard a senior reporter tell an editor: “Israel is an apartheid state. It’s a fact.” The editor accepted the statement without so much as a raised eyebrow. Israel, of course, is no such thing, and as a Jew to hear it said with conviction at such a level of seniority is deeply offensive, stomach-churning. Could I have said something? Possibly – but I did not want to mark myself out.
When the chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, wrote a letter in The Times warning about the perils to Britain’s Jewish community of the then Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn becoming prime minister, I witnessed a news producer turn to another and declare openly: “The chief rabbi is a pal of Boris. It’s all part of a plot to smear Corbyn,” like he could have been talking about the weather. The other person reacted to this anti-Semitic conspiracy theory with a blasé “mmm”.
On another occasion, a colleague mentioned that they were going on a reporting trip to Israel, to which another, sat on the same group of desks as me, replied: “You mean Palestine.” The first colleague just laughed. “You mean Palestine” is said only by those who reject the existence of the Jewish state. Everybody knew I was Jewish but no one cared, even though that kind of statement means erasing my identity. How have we reached a point where someone felt so relaxed at the BBC as to feel able to make an anti-Semitic political point out loud?
On yet another occasion, while at the coffee station with a journalist, they felt the need to say to my face: “My sympathies lie with the Palestinians.” I don’t even recall having a discussion leading up to it but it was in effect throwing down a gauntlet, a kind of squaring up to a Jew in the office as if to say: “Israel is simply wrong and I feel so strongly about it that I’m letting you know.” Would anyone say to an Indian colleague: “My sympathies lie with Pakistan,” or vice-versa? Of course not, it would be unthinkable.
These are just some of the incidents that have happened to me directly – and all these occurred before Oct 7. I am not even including the severest examples here, because to do so could risk identifying myself.
This may not seem much to ordinary readers, who might consider such remarks as normal office banter, but if you take just the examples given here and imagine if each case was offensive to black people, or Muslims, or gay people, or women… well, suddenly, it takes on a different feel. And the harshest thing about these kinds of comments? It’s the fact that none provoked any reaction other than indifference. No “you shouldn’t say that”, nor “I’m not sure that’s the right thing to say in front of a Jewish person”. Not even awkward embarrassment. Nope. Nothing. Because at the BBC, these kinds of expressions have become normalised.
So, one might argue: “But these are just individuals, it’s not collective.” Indeed – but now take what has happened since Oct 7. There have been multiple cases of staff comfortably expressing odious views about Zionists, Israel, genocide and Jews on social media, happily with their names on public display.
Some have been mentioned in the media, many more have not been publicised and are currently being investigated by HR. Of course, the BBC, with its own template response, will say it takes all such cases seriously and has robust procedures for dealing with this kind of misconduct.
It is true that, in February of this year, after an employee wrote horrific anti-Semitic posts on Facebook before being sacked, Tim Davie, the director general, issued an all-staff email declaring: “Sadly in recent weeks we have been alerted to some anti-Semitic behaviour by people who worked with us. I want to be clear that there can be no place at the BBC for racist abuse of any kind, whether towards our Jewish colleagues or indeed colleagues from any background or belief. Any form of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or racist abuse is abhorrent, and we will always act whenever it occurs.”
But then why is an on-screen presenter who was twice investigated (the BBC never discloses whether a complaint has even been upheld against an individual, let alone what kind of sanction it might have decided was appropriate) for posting streams of anti-Israel “likes” and comments, including an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, still on air as if nothing ever happened? And why is the piece of analysis on the Israel-Palestinian conflict written by a then BBC Academy lecturer who was found to have just a month later endorsed a post that declared, “The IDF should not exist. The state of Israel should not exist” still online, as if it is an impartial, informative piece of proper journalism? And why is the BBC not in the least bit bothered that a member of staff who works for the BBC’s charity arm, which includes Children in Need and Red Nose Day, lamenting on an all-staff communications network that a Palestinian man had allegedly died “in the hands of Zionist Israeli soldiers” in “this genocide”?
To regain the confidence of Jewish employees, a start would be for the BBC board to issue a clear directive to staff that using the term Zionist negatively in the workplace is unacceptable – but that would risk uproar. Instead, the BBC’s response to this grotesque display of anti-Semitism was: “We don’t think a single deleted post on an internal messaging tool made by one person in an organisation of over 17,000 people usefully demonstrates anything about the BBC, except that we require everyone to follow the mandatory standards in our code of conduct.”
What that PR line did not reveal was that this post had actually remained there for four days, had been liked by four other members of staff, and had been viewed by more than 3,000 others – not one of whom objected or raised a complaint. It was only removed after it was noticed by a Jewish member of staff. Three thousand out of 17,000 staff suddenly tip the scales.
What it did reveal though is that the BBC does not have zero tolerance for anti-Semitism. It has more of a lackadaisical policy, otherwise in each of these cases the offenders would have been fired.
Just this summer, over 200 Jewish employees across the BBC co-signed a letter to the board expressing “very serious concerns about anti-Jewish racism” at the corporation, along with evidential documentation. The response of Dr Samir Shah, the BBC chair, was to accept that “on a small number of occasions, staff conduct has fallen below expectations,” but dismissed the signatories’ call for a formal investigation. In other words, nothing to see here, you’re overreacting.
For Jewish staff, the experience of anti-Semitism and Israel bashing is a daily one and Tim Davies’s statement rings hollow. Actions speak louder than words, and sadly when it comes to anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism at the BBC, its actions practically are mute.ENDS
Aspokesman from the BBC said ‘death to Jews – death to Israel – or words to that effect …..( that’s my interpretation – the rarity of a whistleblower in the BBC ……
“The Guardian said it took the allegations seriously and had a zero-tolerance approach to anti-Semitism.”
Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
She walks away from fellow Tube passenger after he asked what she meant while filming her
The Mother of the House is an honorific title given by tradition to the female Member of Parliament of the House of Commons in the United Kingdom with the longest uninterrupted service.[1]
Since 4 July 2024 the Mother of the House is Diane Abbott.
The New Culture Forum crushes the ‘BBC Verify’ service.
Incidentally, a quick look at that BBC page reveals that it ‘verifies’ Trump, Musk, Israel and the BBC’s other ideological enemies hugely more than those it aligns with. Funny that.
Hamas never lies, apparently.
Libmob : “Big water companies bad,
Under them #1 land gets flooded #2 pollution gets in the sea
Libmob : “Green councils are good they plant more trees and go the NATURAL way , rewilding no cutting back etc.
Doh, from what I see the “go natural way” has led to huge amounts more leaves and vegetation so drains get blocked
and that causes more flooding, leading to flooding and pollution in the sea
“Green councils are good ” ALLAH AKBAR – Mohammed used horse to get to the MOON! YEAH! FUCK ELONS MUSK! HORSES ARE THE FUTURE OF GREEN TRAVEL!
Why not store the water and use it to power mini dams?
UK water has little inherent energy
It’s different for countries which have mountains. There is a height difference to the sea so they can use dam power Norway, Switzerland.
Green dreaming = magical thinking …. usually
Could at least ensure local water fall is capture and released at a slower rate? I might be sounding like Ed Milliband now so feel free to lobotomise me!
In the UK – average – river based hydro power is viable about 25% of the time – so water mills are about the same as wind turbines…
Fri ITV local newsPR show,. #PRasNews “Lincolnshire Police are beating hare coursers”
#2 #PRasNews for LabourMP Louis Haigh “Here we have a load of local people saying she is a good person” ( all have a ring through their nose, blue hair etc.)
#3 #PRasNews for the Hull Maritime Museum renovations
oh BTW they will be 2 year late ..opens in 2027
work started in 2022
(BBC ran the same item)
#4 sport
#5 #PRasNews for Boston Xmas tree festival
BBC was a bit more newsy
eg “big solar farm idea could mean end of local farms”
#PRasNews for Gainsborough FA cup match
Viewers comments ..generally anti-net zero and solar.
BBC1 news now : Eulogy to St Alex of Sammond
Featuring the Proclaimers with a Pro Independence POLITICAL song.
Local news “Scunthorpe man lay down in a road at 5am. Then got run over”
” a cyclist was killed by a van on the Lincs coast”
PRasNews for a Vilence against women march in Hull.
“Gainsborouh got beat”
Ben Habib leaving Reform UK.
IMHO this is a shame as Ben is good and has worked very hard.