I remember once catching those channels that were run by football clubs. MUTV, Liverpool TV or ArsenalTV etc
Obviously very biased channels.
They remind me of Starmer TV. Or the BBC as it’s also known.
If TTK ate a live baby during Children in Need and strangled a few OAPs to death on our screens, the BBC would still be getting carpet burns on their knees.
Marky – I’ve just realised that in the time it took to do that post another one arrived – and now with this post – that’s another 2 … another house , GP , benefits , …
TWatO Watch #1 – the Montacutie and BBC do not recognise the elephant in the room!
The Republic of Ireland is going to the polls this weekend. The race is desperately close according to the BBC; the main issues are the cost of living and immigration the lack of affordable accommodation. The BBC have a sound clip from a female student at University, still living with parents who has a long commute to the University of several hours. An additional sound clip from an older female who is a teacher who again, iirc doesn’t want to live with her parents so is paying a fortune to rent somewhere. We are not told how much the rent is for this woman.
The BBC resolutely and determinedly ignore illegal immigration when talking about the Irish Election. The problem that must not speak its name! There is, I understand, a problem in the Irish Republic with large boats not the small ones that carry illegal immigrants into Kent, taking illegal immigrants from England & Wales across the Irish Sea.
“She sounds like she’s drunk? It’s pretty awful.”
People are bewildered by a video of Kamala Harris telling people not to let others “take your power.”
Has our perception of her simply changed after her loss?
“The Mauritian Government, with whom Powell originally negotiated the deal, has subsequently collapsed in a massive wiretapping scandal. At an election held on 10th November, the then government was expelled from office in a landslide defeat. There’s a new Mauritian PM, whom Powell tried to ingratiate himself with in person this week…”
Smarmer isn’t acknowledging Labour’s and his own part in the immigration crisis.
It started with our alignment with free movement from the EU under the Bliar Government. We were lied to about the numbers when it was completely obvious to anyone with a brain cell that hordes would come over from East Europe. The forecast numbers were ludicrously low and a lie.
While the Tories were in power the far left Labour were obstructing any Tory approach that might have controlled the numbers. Smarmer, as a human rights Lawyer was instrumental in this. He did it for political reasons, not because he actually believed in higher immigration or charity to asylum seekers. He knew it would cause trouble for the Tories, something he was keen to exploit. His speech today was a masterpiece in misdirection propaganda, Goebels would be proud.
Smarmer is an even more a revolting person than Bliar and that’s saying something.
“In fact, the OBR analysis shows that migrants earning the average wage contribute financially to the economy for nearly their whole life, until they pass the age of 90.
They’re even more financially beneficial for the UK than representative British residents, as the state hadn’t spent anything on them throughout their youth abroad.”
Slight flaw- somehow it doesn’t sit with reality…
At least their plan : let’s just import ready made adults and replace the indigenous population is out in the open.
I felt guilty still watching Harris voters in their deep depression over the Win by the True President – but it seems the press is still covering it – including footage of a ‘group scream ‘ by a bunch of cat ladies on the shore of a lake in thecStatec… suffer long ‘ladies ….’….
Meanwhile the US Thanksgiving picked up an additional meaning this year …
‘Shocking attack on Jews!’ BBC sparks outrage after staff urged to wear Palestinian colours and keffiyeh in ‘workplace day of action’
An umbrella organisation which incorporates several unions has urged workers to “wear something red, green, black or a Palestinian keffiyeh to visibly show solidarity” with Palestine.
This is the place democrats have been in charge of for years and decided to decriminalise, and tie the police’ hands to deal with it. San Francisco a once beautiful city and now …
We have a choice, we can either listen to their words, or open our eyes and look at what they have done….
“As the pandemic recedes, nearly a quarter of offices downtown are said to be vacant, the worst rate in the nation. Drug-overdose deaths are surging; reports of theft on downtown streets, including an almost two-hundred-per-cent increase in car break-ins in 2021, have crossed the national media to censorious response. 16 Oct 2023”
And, over here, anyone mentions “community cohesion” as an excuse for overlooking a certain community and their crimes, fails to recognise the simple fact that there is one “community” that consistently fails to “cohese”
Anyone else getting a whiff of machination from the MP’s assisted dying vote?
In my opinion it’s a decision that will affect every living person in this Country one way or another and should be decided totally regardless of political affiliation and should therefore be subject to a National Referendum to give every living adult voice a chance to express a view regardless of politics. It cannot be simply left to what will effectively be a committee of political animals surely?
The people who are pushing this would no doubt disagree as it would no doubt put the decision out of the hands of those pushing for it to become a fact regardless of any dissent.
With every year the din coming from the Muslim sector in the UK gets louder, bolder and more threatening as they increase in numbers. It is only a matter of time now until we are subjected to the sort of street riots and religious persecution that is a fact of life in Pakistan and The Middle East.
We need a list of all the “good” people who enabled this probably starting with Blair…..
1985 … Batley (where 3 teachers are still in hiding in 2024) ……
“Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.”
“JK Rowling says BBC is ‘spitting in women’s faces’ by naming Barbra Banda their Women’s Footballer of the Year…”
Yes, JK, and they’ve been spitting in all our faces for years.
your next UK City of Culture.
your next UK City of Culture.
your next UK City of Culture.
We’ve just revealed the first events for our thrilling year of culture, creativity and the arts – and we’ll be announcing much more in the months to come. See you next year.
The Asian or British Asian population of Bradford increased from 26.8% in 2011 to
32.1% in 2021.
The White British population has decreased from 63.9% in 2011 to 56.7% in 2021.
Christians form the largest faith group – 33.4% (a decrease from the 2011 total of
45.9%), followed by Muslims – 30.5% (an increase from the 2011 total of 24.7%).
28.2% do not have a religion – an increase from the 2011 total of 20.7%.
12.4% of the population aged 3 and more do not have English as a main language
65.1% of the population identify as British – the highest percentage in England
The Asian or British Asian population of Bradford increased from 26.8% in 2011 to
32.1% in 2021.
The White British population has decreased from 63.9% in 2011 to 56.7% in 2021.
Christians form the largest faith group – 33.4% (a decrease from the 2011 total of
45.9%), followed by Muslims – 30.5% (an increase from the 2011 total of 24.7%).
28.2% do not have a religion – an increase from the 2011 total of 20.7%.
12.4% of the population aged 3 and more do not have English as a main language
65.1% of the population identify as British – the highest percentage in England
65.1% of the population identify as British – the highest percentage in England
BBC Londonistan reporting how hard it is to get BAME people to donate stem cells.
Don’t worry. I’m sure racist whiteys can be relied on to pick up the slack
BBC wetting their little panties..
One of the Londonistan overground railway lines has been named as the ‘Windrush’ Line.
It’s being hailed as a learning opportunity.
Cue lots of black people rejoicing.
Sun, sand and savagery: Whatever happened to Jamaica, paradise island?
The holiday-brochure chic of its resorts belies the unremittingly harsh underbelly of the real Jamaica. Here, the eminence of drugs and guns have created a society in which ‘respect’ has replaced civic values – and where a lack of it results in a trip to the morgue. Ian Thomson ventures into the heart of the country to ask, what went wrong?
Ian Thomson
Sunday 10 May 2009
Some areas of Jamaica, particularly population centers such as Kingston, Montego Bay and Spanish Town, experience high levels of crime and violence.[1] Jamaica has had one of the highest intentional homicide rates in the world for many years, according to United Nations estimates.[2] Former Prime Minister P. J. Patterson described the situation as “a national challenge of unprecedented proportions”.[3]
When Jamaica gained independence in 1962, the murder rate was 3.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest in the world.[4] In 2022, Jamaica had 1,508 murders, for a murder rate of 53.34 per 100,000 people,[5] the highest murder rate in the world.[2][6]
Gregg Wallace and Kirsty Walk? Lol…I don’t want to go all Lawrence Fox but……Maybe Wallace has a drink problem not a women problem. If it had been a trans ‘woman’ I expect he’d be celebrated and applauded by the BBC.
Forgive my apparent ignorance but can you please inform me –Who are Gregg Wallet and Krusty Wart? Are they some sort of wokeratie BBC nutters or what? I am confused .com
The Transport Secretary has admitted pleading guilty to misleading the police a decade ago.
Sky News revealed that Louise Haigh appeared at Camberwell Green magistrates’ court, in south-east London, in late 2014 – six months before she was elected as an MP – after making a false report to officers that her mobile phone had been stolen.
She had said she was “mugged while on a night out” in 2013 and gave police a list of items she believed had been taken, including a work mobile phone.
Ms Haigh said she later found that the phone had not been lost, and was called in for questioning by the police.
On Thursday night, the Tories said the revelations were “extremely concerning” and asked Sir Keir Starmer what he knew and when. The Transport Secretary said the shadow cabinet, in which Sir Keir served, was informed of the conviction when she was promoted to it.
Before entering politics, Ms Haigh was a special constable in the Metropolitan Police, serving between 2009 and 2011 in the south London borough of Lambeth.
In a statement to Sky News, she said: “In 2013 I was mugged while on a night out. I was a young woman and the experience was terrifying.
“I reported it to the police and gave them a list of what I believed had been taken, including a work mobile phone that had been issued by my employer. Some time later, I discovered that the mobile in question had not been taken. In the interim, I had been issued with another work phone.
“The original work device being switched on triggered police attention, and I was asked to come in for questioning. My solicitor advised me not to comment during that interview, and I regret following that advice.
“The police referred the matter to the CPS, and I appeared before Southwark magistrates. Under the advice of my solicitor, I pleaded guilty – despite the fact this was a genuine mistake from which I did not make any gain. The magistrates accepted all of these arguments and gave me the lowest possible outcome, a discharge, available.”
It is understood that Ms Haigh’s conviction is now classified as “spent”. She had been working as a public policy manager at Aviva, the insurance firm, and two sources said she lost her job because of the incident.ENDS
Do we know the skin colour of the assailant. In today’s world the BBC would consider it a very important matter as to whether it was news worthy or not. The BBC are very colour sensitive.
Zephir, and who does Louise Haigh blame for her conviction? The lawyer who adivised her to say nothing during the police interview and to plead guilty to the Magistrate.
And who now leads the Labour Party. A former lawyer who headed the Crown Prosecution Service, one now known as Sir Keir Starmer or to us TTK.
Up2 – the circumstance of this resignation seems – odd – is there something missing ? Why was the conviction from a long time ago not disclosed earlier ? What happened at Aviva ? How could TTK appoint her knowing there was a concealed conviction in the background ? Was he forced to give her a job ? Has he engineered the disclosure to get rid of her ?
Is she a diversion from something else ?
I think Zephir has listed above – the long list of wrongs by this regime in its’ first 4 months …. What is needed is more digging to find criminal MPs of all types ….
Today im listening to parliant TV on the nhs killing bill – which is already being debated ….
I’m amazed at how many of the things these goons who obtained power through the political corruption of the civil service and the BBC are only just coming to light now they have shown themselves to be the incompent far-Left fascists the rest of us knew them to be.
It’s almost like they were all covered up. Meanwhile the BBC ran ‘live update’s regularly to discredit the Tories and enabled Labour take power ?.
How do we stop the left from destroying civilisation as we know it ?. Can Nigel and Reform really do it ?.
It’s all just common sense observation to me Doc – as it clearly is to you too. The post makes itself.
The Left never express their honest view (if they even have one): they express the view they think their ideology expects them to. It’s a form of permanent, subconcious virtue-signalling.
Its that time of year again when the BBC turn its attention to Polar bears. They claimed (In August this year) that Bears were dying out due to Climate Change. …
BBC said: ‘The species is in decline, and scientists attribute it to the loss of sea ice caused by global warming – leading to shrinking of their hunting and breeding grounds..’
Nope. BBC made it all up. They have had to admit they made it all up and accepted that they did. (below)
It’s not ‘standards’ the BBC and the Left are missing Philip.
They have no conscience and no shame. I’m frequently amazed at what they do. Their reporting of what Hamas do (or should I say complete lack of reporting) is an excellent example.
I remember a story about a leftist group who went online and booked many of the seats at a Trump rally so that on the day, a lot of seats were empty. They said they knew it was wrong but the ends justified it. Just a small thing but it’s enormous in the magnitude of what it tells us about the way their minds work. It’s the same mind-set which eventually led to the killing fields and the gas chambers once they had absolute power.
Just reading the complete lies and misinformation in this BBC report.
Apparently if you put ‘Zelensky said …’ you can print as many lies as you want at the BBC. Even when you are fully aware of the truth.
‘There were no fatalities, but it left more than one million people in Ukraine without power.’
Looks like Russia hit exactly what they went for then. And they weren’t targetting civilians as we have been told so often that they do.
‘”Cluster warheads [are] a particularly dangerous type of Russian weaponry used against civilians,” he said, adding that they “significantly complicated” the work of rescuers and repair crews.’
What about Ukraines cluster bombs BBC ?. Not that long ago, the BBC were telling us that Ukraine getting cluster bombs was a good thing (with a ‘Zelensky says …’ type report).
‘US officials believe Russia is likely only to have a small number of the experimental Oreshnik missiles and would need time to produce more of them.’
Just like how we were told they would soon run out of missiles not long after the start of the war yet they just kept coming.
Responding in his nightly address, Zelensky said Putin “has no interest in ending this war” and sought to “prevent others from ending this war”.
The biggest lie of all. The USA are the ones who don’t want it to stop. That’s why they blew up NordStream and keep on escalating the conflict. Just like allowing the strikes into Russia itself when it seems it might all die down ready for Trump to stop it. Putin has said several times he is willing to negotiate.
These attacks are very clearly a response to the recent escalation by the USA. The BBC don’t mention that once in this whole report.
But this is the most chilling part of all and shows just who really are the ones who want to escalate this conflict:
‘… in the New York Times newspaper last week that unnamed Western officials had suggested giving Ukraine nuclear weapons before US President Joe Biden leaves office in January.’
Hurry up Trump and clear this swamp. ‘By any means necessary’ to use their own phrase.
Convicted felon – comrade Louise Haig – has had to resign after a paper found out she is a convicted felon – a criminal -sitting as an MP in the British cabinet.
Im listening to comrade Robinson on the Today programme busily playing this down … no comments about the great leader – a lawyer – who chose to employ this felon as a cabinet minister
And strangely there is no opposition comment –
Is this a good day to bury bad news ? On the day when ‘state sponsored NHS killing is ‘debated ‘ here is the first ‘victim ‘….
There is also no mention of which communist is going to replace this criminal ….
Well done Fedup you beat me to it with identical sentiments.
Fraud probably sums up everything about our transport systems. What else could we expect from something run by communist cnuts? A system in chaos, cancelled, or crammed.
How convenient when the minister is under the gun that the DfT release a statement like this where they ‘want to listen to us’:
This Friday (29 November), MPs will vote on 29 November on a Bill that, if passed, will legalise assisted suicide.The inventor of the Sarco gas chamber assisted suicide pod, the founder of ‘Exit International’, Dr Philip Nitschke (who the media nickname “Dr Death” and “the Elon Musk of assisted suicide”), has announced that he intends to launch an assisted suicide service using the Sarco pods in the UK if the Bill becomes law.
Leading legal academics have confirmed with The Telegraph that these horrific assisted suicide pods will be legal under the proposed legislation, as the proposer of the Bill, Kim Leadbeater MP, has chosen to include a section in the proposed legislation that allows for assisted suicide to be completed using a “medical device” which could include the Sarco pod:
“It is understood she disclosed her conviction ‘in full’ to Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer when she was appointed to his Shadow Cabinet in 2020 – four years ago.”
I’m off to Wetherspoons this lunchtime to form a shadow cabinet.
The bloke in the corner that says he was in the SAS, he’s the chancellor.
The woman hanging onto the bar rail shouting “Tory scum” on probation for housing fraud is a shoe in for deputy primeminister.
Foreign secretary is a difficult choice with all the available talent.
I’ve got a keen eye on one who says his dad was a slave, although it was only for 30 minutes from W H Smiths security guards
It seems one of the most enjoyable aspects of this Corbyn disciples’ demise is how high on her moral horse she was with the ‘partygate ‘ nonsense …..
The compliant MSM / BBC won’t turn on the great leader because they are his – there is no hostility to him because he is a comrade …..
4years 8 months to go …
As for the facts of the case – it looks like Aviva was desperate to get rid of her ( a sort of Rachel from accounts) and her deceit about the mobile phone was the mechanism they got to get rid of her…
.. would be nice to hear from people involved in her crimes
Transport Secretary Louise Haigh resigns after admitting conviction for misleading police
Daily Telegraph
Louise Haigh, the Transport Secretary, has resigned after she admitted pleading guilty to misleading the police a decade ago.
Ms Haigh appeared at Camberwell Green Magistrates’ Court in 2014, six months before her election as an MP, after making a false report to officers that her mobile phone had been stolen.
She said she was “mugged while on a night out” in 2013 and gave police a list of items she believed had been taken including a work mobile phone, Sky News reported.
Ms Haigh told the news channel she later found that the phone had not been lost, and was called in for questioning by the police.
In a letter to Sir Keir Starmer released on Friday morning, Ms Haigh said she was “sorry to leave under these circumstances” but was best placed to support him “from outside government”.
Ms Haigh wrote: “As you know, in 2013 I was mugged in London. As a 24-year-old woman, the experience was terrifying. In the immediate aftermath, I reported the incident to the police.
“I gave the police a list of my possessions that I believed had been stolen, including my work phone. Some time later, I discovered that the handset in question was still in my house. I should have immediately informed my employer and not doing so straight away was a mistake.
“I appreciate that whatever the facts of the matter, this issue will inevitably be a distraction from delivering on the work of this government and the policies to which we are both committed.”
Today programme desperate to avoid such a major story by talking about some TV presenter who made saucy out of context comments …. Look squirrels ….worth a listen for the far left bias ….
As I write im listening to some nonsense about pictures – comrade Robinson ….. if this was a blue labour mp the screams for the government to go would be loud and high pitched . Instead the BBC squirms its’ way through ….
Haigh, 37, reportedly admitted an offence in 2014 following the 2013 ‘mugging’, when she reported to police the device was stolen.
In a statement, Haigh has said she discovered ‘some time later’ that the phone had not been taken.
She said the matter was a ‘genuine mistake’ from which she ‘did not make any gain’, and that magistrates gave her the ‘lowest possible outcome’.
The former special constable and shadow police minister pleaded guilty to fraud by misrepresentation in 2014 after an internal investigation by her then-employer, insurance giant Aviva.
She went ‘no reply ‘ in the police interview and pleaded guilty – plenty of evidence of dishonesty for someone made MP and then cabinet minister on behalf of Corbyn ….
Many will advise whatever you are arrested for give “no reply”
A duty solicitor meanwhile will advise against this if you can clear it up as you are clearly not guilty and have nothing to hide (personal experience)
If you know you have committed a crime, no comment is probably advisable go figure
Zephir – yes I’d go with ‘no reply ‘ as well – particularly if guilty and the evidence against you is pretty strong . At the best of times it’s advisable to avoid plod because of their Far Leff Zeal …
Im looking forward to reading of past comments of this Marxist – particularly when she was ‘policing shadow minister’ working for comrade Corbyn ….
Im getting the impression comrade Corbyn is running the show in the same way Obama has done in the states . Corbyn knows he is too toxic for the public so has put a hired face in his place – Namely TTK ..
A familiar name – Danny shaw – who was a bbc home affairs type – now an ‘advisor ‘ to comrade evette cooper balls …. BBC far left ? …this is from his website
STARTS At the end of 2023, I took a seven-month break from media work when I joined Yvette Cooper’s team in the lead-up to the General Election, helping shape Labour’s policies on crime, policing, security and immigration and prepare the Party for government. ENDS
It reports that a china man has been sent to prison for 7 years for spying against china. His family says he had been targeted for speaking to the outside world … I instantly thought of Tommy Robinson – whose birthday it was on Thursday – happy birthday Tommy – chin up ….
Louise Haigh has resigned as transport secretary after pleading guilty to a criminal offence related to incorrectly telling police that a work mobile phone was stolen in 2013.
Popping that into Google BBC 2Tier translate: ‘lying’.
Jesus H Christ. Another blatant liar in the cabinet. WTF ? – the BBC would be having a field day if it were Boris.
But the really dirty trick the BBC have don ein this article is that halfway down, in huge letters and for no apparent reason they write:
‘Genuine Mistake’
She gets a much better account than Boris ever did. The BBC describe her excuse at length:
‘She said she reported the phone as one of a number of items she believed had been stolen, and was issued with a new work phone.’
‘Some time later, she discovered the handset was still in her house, and she switched it on, which “triggered police attention” and she was called in for questioning.’
“My solicitor advised me not to comment during that interview and I regret following that advice,” she said, and the matter was sent to magistrates.’
So the work phone of an Aviva ‘public policy manager’ was hidden so well in her house that she didn’t find it until ‘some time later’ and after she had been issued a new phone ??. Ridiculous.
What a disgusting set of hypocrites they are. The BBC and this shambles of a government.
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-14481009/Harry-Potter-Doctor-star-dies-aged-63-tributes.html Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
I remember once catching those channels that were run by football clubs. MUTV, Liverpool TV or ArsenalTV etc
Obviously very biased channels.
They remind me of Starmer TV. Or the BBC as it’s also known.
If TTK ate a live baby during Children in Need and strangled a few OAPs to death on our screens, the BBC would still be getting carpet burns on their knees.
Do the math – 525 600 minutes in a year – so 1 000 000 ‘new people divided by 525 000 is = too effing many – what’s that – 1 every 90 seconds ?
1 NHS Doctor every 90 seconds! THEN NHS IS SAVED!
Marky – I’ve just realised that in the time it took to do that post another one arrived – and now with this post – that’s another 2 … another house , GP , benefits , …
Starmer quizzed by the BBC on the obscene net immigration figures just revealed.
He manages to reply to every question with absolute meaningless, empty balderdash…
He should be drawing up peoples wills, not running the Country!
Would you want the thick twat drawing up your will?
I’m betting he wouldn’t even spell my name right.
One for #bbcverify to avoid?
BBC staff quit journalists’ union after being told to dress in Palestinian colours.
TWatO Watch #1 – the Montacutie and BBC do not recognise the elephant in the room!
The Republic of Ireland is going to the polls this weekend. The race is desperately close according to the BBC; the main issues are the cost of living and
immigrationthe lack of affordable accommodation. The BBC have a sound clip from a female student at University, still living with parents who has a long commute to the University of several hours. An additional sound clip from an older female who is a teacher who again, iirc doesn’t want to live with her parents so is paying a fortune to rent somewhere. We are not told how much the rent is for this woman.The BBC resolutely and determinedly ignore illegal immigration when talking about the Irish Election. The problem that must not speak its name! There is, I understand, a problem in the Irish Republic with large boats not the small ones that carry illegal immigrants into Kent, taking illegal immigrants from England & Wales across the Irish Sea.
Police dismantle tent city in Dublin
On occasion, biting one’s lip is not enough.
“She sounds like she’s drunk? It’s pretty awful.”
People are bewildered by a video of Kamala Harris telling people not to let others “take your power.”
Has our perception of her simply changed after her loss?
Biden falls over his dog in the background?
Some have suggested she was drunk and talking to a mirror …
“The Mauritian Government, with whom Powell originally negotiated the deal, has subsequently collapsed in a massive wiretapping scandal. At an election held on 10th November, the then government was expelled from office in a landslide defeat. There’s a new Mauritian PM, whom Powell tried to ingratiate himself with in person this week…”
Smarmer isn’t acknowledging Labour’s and his own part in the immigration crisis.
It started with our alignment with free movement from the EU under the Bliar Government. We were lied to about the numbers when it was completely obvious to anyone with a brain cell that hordes would come over from East Europe. The forecast numbers were ludicrously low and a lie.
While the Tories were in power the far left Labour were obstructing any Tory approach that might have controlled the numbers. Smarmer, as a human rights Lawyer was instrumental in this. He did it for political reasons, not because he actually believed in higher immigration or charity to asylum seekers. He knew it would cause trouble for the Tories, something he was keen to exploit. His speech today was a masterpiece in misdirection propaganda, Goebels would be proud.
Smarmer is an even more a revolting person than Bliar and that’s saying something.
BBC singing the praises of migrants via statistics…
“Who are the ‘low-wage migrants’ that cost more than they contribute?
published at 16:45
By Gerry Georgieva
“In fact, the OBR analysis shows that migrants earning the average wage contribute financially to the economy for nearly their whole life, until they pass the age of 90.
They’re even more financially beneficial for the UK than representative British residents, as the state hadn’t spent anything on them throughout their youth abroad.”
Slight flaw- somehow it doesn’t sit with reality…
At least their plan : let’s just import ready made adults and replace the indigenous population is out in the open.
Foreign Aid …
“Migrant workers send home £8bn to families”
20 November 2018
Migration Watch showed conclusively that legal migration costs us billions.
For the umpteenth time! “Stop the Boats “
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak: My Plan to Stop the Boats
I felt guilty still watching Harris voters in their deep depression over the Win by the True President – but it seems the press is still covering it – including footage of a ‘group scream ‘ by a bunch of cat ladies on the shore of a lake in thecStatec… suffer long ‘ladies ….’….
Meanwhile the US Thanksgiving picked up an additional meaning this year …
One more reason to stop paying the extortion tax.
‘Shocking attack on Jews!’ BBC sparks outrage after staff urged to wear Palestinian colours and keffiyeh in ‘workplace day of action’
An umbrella organisation which incorporates several unions has urged workers to “wear something red, green, black or a Palestinian keffiyeh to visibly show solidarity” with Palestine.
No more of this then for the poor cat ladies ?
This is the place democrats have been in charge of for years and decided to decriminalise, and tie the police’ hands to deal with it. San Francisco a once beautiful city and now …
We have a choice, we can either listen to their words, or open our eyes and look at what they have done….
“As the pandemic recedes, nearly a quarter of offices downtown are said to be vacant, the worst rate in the nation. Drug-overdose deaths are surging; reports of theft on downtown streets, including an almost two-hundred-per-cent increase in car break-ins in 2021, have crossed the national media to censorious response. 16 Oct 2023”
And, over here, anyone mentions “community cohesion” as an excuse for overlooking a certain community and their crimes, fails to recognise the simple fact that there is one “community” that consistently fails to “cohese”
Bury Park road, Luton :
Bury Park Road, Luton
Anyone else getting a whiff of machination from the MP’s assisted dying vote?
In my opinion it’s a decision that will affect every living person in this Country one way or another and should be decided totally regardless of political affiliation and should therefore be subject to a National Referendum to give every living adult voice a chance to express a view regardless of politics. It cannot be simply left to what will effectively be a committee of political animals surely?
The people who are pushing this would no doubt disagree as it would no doubt put the decision out of the hands of those pushing for it to become a fact regardless of any dissent.
Bury Park Road, Luton
Bury Park Road, Luton
With every year the din coming from the Muslim sector in the UK gets louder, bolder and more threatening as they increase in numbers. It is only a matter of time now until we are subjected to the sort of street riots and religious persecution that is a fact of life in Pakistan and The Middle East.
We need a list of all the “good” people who enabled this probably starting with Blair…..
Reckon conversion to Friday’s/Saturdays being the weekend will come soon…………..
Friday’s head/hand chopping /stoning day.
1985 … Batley (where 3 teachers are still in hiding in 2024) ……
“Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.”
I can’t believe this is a thing
Google to fix AI picture bot after ‘woke’ criticism
22 February
“It’s embarrassingly hard to get Google Gemini to acknowledge that white people exist,” computer scientist Debarghya Das, wrote, external.
It’s amazing what happened in the blackout!
Just wait ’till they get their hands on Scrooge……..
“JK Rowling says BBC is ‘spitting in women’s faces’ by naming Barbra Banda their Women’s Footballer of the Year…”
Yes, JK, and they’ve been spitting in all our faces for years.
Ban spitting? HA HA AH A HAH AHA HH AHAH !
Welcome to Bradford 2025,
your next UK City of Culture.
your next UK City of Culture.
your next UK City of Culture.
We’ve just revealed the first events for our thrilling year of culture, creativity and the arts – and we’ll be announcing much more in the months to come. See you next year.
The Asian or British Asian population of Bradford increased from 26.8% in 2011 to
32.1% in 2021.
The White British population has decreased from 63.9% in 2011 to 56.7% in 2021.
Christians form the largest faith group – 33.4% (a decrease from the 2011 total of
45.9%), followed by Muslims – 30.5% (an increase from the 2011 total of 24.7%).
28.2% do not have a religion – an increase from the 2011 total of 20.7%.
12.4% of the population aged 3 and more do not have English as a main language
65.1% of the population identify as British – the highest percentage in England
Click to access 2021-census-ethnic-group-religion-and-language.pdf
The Asian or British Asian population of Bradford increased from 26.8% in 2011 to
32.1% in 2021.
The White British population has decreased from 63.9% in 2011 to 56.7% in 2021.
Christians form the largest faith group – 33.4% (a decrease from the 2011 total of
45.9%), followed by Muslims – 30.5% (an increase from the 2011 total of 24.7%).
28.2% do not have a religion – an increase from the 2011 total of 20.7%.
12.4% of the population aged 3 and more do not have English as a main language
65.1% of the population identify as British – the highest percentage in England
65.1% of the population identify as British – the highest percentage in England
NOT 99%
BBC Londonistan reporting how hard it is to get BAME people to donate stem cells.
Don’t worry. I’m sure racist whiteys can be relied on to pick up the slack
BBC wetting their little panties..
One of the Londonistan overground railway lines has been named as the ‘Windrush’ Line.
It’s being hailed as a learning opportunity.
Cue lots of black people rejoicing.
And lots of other people throwing up.
Sun, sand and savagery: Whatever happened to Jamaica, paradise island?
The holiday-brochure chic of its resorts belies the unremittingly harsh underbelly of the real Jamaica. Here, the eminence of drugs and guns have created a society in which ‘respect’ has replaced civic values – and where a lack of it results in a trip to the morgue. Ian Thomson ventures into the heart of the country to ask, what went wrong?
Ian Thomson
Sunday 10 May 2009
I think jam still has the death penalty . The murder rate is horrendous – and we import it …
Some areas of Jamaica, particularly population centers such as Kingston, Montego Bay and Spanish Town, experience high levels of crime and violence.[1] Jamaica has had one of the highest intentional homicide rates in the world for many years, according to United Nations estimates.[2] Former Prime Minister P. J. Patterson described the situation as “a national challenge of unprecedented proportions”.[3]
When Jamaica gained independence in 1962, the murder rate was 3.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest in the world.[4] In 2022, Jamaica had 1,508 murders, for a murder rate of 53.34 per 100,000 people,[5] the highest murder rate in the world.[2][6]
Say No More!!!
The UK even paid for the construction of a jail in Jamaica so’s we could send the criminals back.
Compliments of our own, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” (oh how they must regret descibing themselves as that)
I think some scumbag privy councillors in UK stopped the Jam death penalty. Guess who the scum far-left thug lawyer was who drove that legal case!
If karmela had won she’d have a ‘line’ too
Gregg Wallace and Kirsty Walk? Lol…I don’t want to go all Lawrence Fox but……Maybe Wallace has a drink problem not a women problem. If it had been a trans ‘woman’ I expect he’d be celebrated and applauded by the BBC.
Forgive my apparent ignorance but can you please inform me –Who are Gregg Wallet and Krusty Wart? Are they some sort of wokeratie BBC nutters or what? I am confused .com
On DT – the first red minister to resign ? ENJOY
The Transport Secretary has admitted pleading guilty to misleading the police a decade ago.
Sky News revealed that Louise Haigh appeared at Camberwell Green magistrates’ court, in south-east London, in late 2014 – six months before she was elected as an MP – after making a false report to officers that her mobile phone had been stolen.
She had said she was “mugged while on a night out” in 2013 and gave police a list of items she believed had been taken, including a work mobile phone.
Ms Haigh said she later found that the phone had not been lost, and was called in for questioning by the police.
On Thursday night, the Tories said the revelations were “extremely concerning” and asked Sir Keir Starmer what he knew and when. The Transport Secretary said the shadow cabinet, in which Sir Keir served, was informed of the conviction when she was promoted to it.
Before entering politics, Ms Haigh was a special constable in the Metropolitan Police, serving between 2009 and 2011 in the south London borough of Lambeth.
In a statement to Sky News, she said: “In 2013 I was mugged while on a night out. I was a young woman and the experience was terrifying.
“I reported it to the police and gave them a list of what I believed had been taken, including a work mobile phone that had been issued by my employer. Some time later, I discovered that the mobile in question had not been taken. In the interim, I had been issued with another work phone.
“The original work device being switched on triggered police attention, and I was asked to come in for questioning. My solicitor advised me not to comment during that interview, and I regret following that advice.
“The police referred the matter to the CPS, and I appeared before Southwark magistrates. Under the advice of my solicitor, I pleaded guilty – despite the fact this was a genuine mistake from which I did not make any gain. The magistrates accepted all of these arguments and gave me the lowest possible outcome, a discharge, available.”
It is understood that Ms Haigh’s conviction is now classified as “spent”. She had been working as a public policy manager at Aviva, the insurance firm, and two sources said she lost her job because of the incident.ENDS
will the bbc give much coverage to this TTK job ?
An hour on from your post……..and still nothing on the BBC.
Waiting for orders from 2TK to blame it on Brexit ?
Do we know the skin colour of the assailant. In today’s world the BBC would consider it a very important matter as to whether it was news worthy or not. The BBC are very colour sensitive.
Maybe being harsh, but she would have been 26 at the time, not a naive 18 year old “young woman”.
For clarification, NOT on the bbc news so far:
“Transport Secretary Louise Haigh has fraud conviction as she admits misleading police after claiming that her phone had been stolen”
Zephir, and who does Louise Haigh blame for her conviction? The lawyer who adivised her to say nothing during the police interview and to plead guilty to the Magistrate.
And who now leads the Labour Party. A former lawyer who headed the Crown Prosecution Service, one now known as Sir Keir Starmer or to us TTK.
Up2 – the circumstance of this resignation seems – odd – is there something missing ? Why was the conviction from a long time ago not disclosed earlier ? What happened at Aviva ? How could TTK appoint her knowing there was a concealed conviction in the background ? Was he forced to give her a job ? Has he engineered the disclosure to get rid of her ?
Is she a diversion from something else ?
I think Zephir has listed above – the long list of wrongs by this regime in its’ first 4 months …. What is needed is more digging to find criminal MPs of all types ….
Today im listening to parliant TV on the nhs killing bill – which is already being debated ….
Sorry I’m a bit late to the party. I could have reduced the anguish/gnashing of teeth.
The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Act 2022.
Just sayin……………….
Correction, 2 minutes ago, no doubt grinding of teeth
Haigh admits pleading guilty to 2014 criminal offence
Compare and contrast
A timeline of Donald Trump’s many (alleged) crimes and convictions
Louise Haigh: “Still significant unanswered questions”
I’m amazed at how many of the things these goons who obtained power through the political corruption of the civil service and the BBC are only just coming to light now they have shown themselves to be the incompent far-Left fascists the rest of us knew them to be.
It’s almost like they were all covered up. Meanwhile the BBC ran ‘live update’s regularly to discredit the Tories and enabled Labour take power ?.
How do we stop the left from destroying civilisation as we know it ?. Can Nigel and Reform really do it ?.
John C. Are we related? Your posts mirror my views so closely I sometimes do not need to repeat what you have just posted.
It’s all just common sense observation to me Doc – as it clearly is to you too. The post makes itself.
The Left never express their honest view (if they even have one): they express the view they think their ideology expects them to. It’s a form of permanent, subconcious virtue-signalling.
Its that time of year again when the BBC turn its attention to Polar bears. They claimed (In August this year) that Bears were dying out due to Climate Change. …
BBC said:
‘The species is in decline, and scientists attribute it to the loss of sea ice caused by global warming – leading to shrinking of their hunting and breeding grounds..’
Nope. BBC made it all up. They have had to admit they made it all up and accepted that they did. (below)
They will do the same again tomorrow. They have no standards.
Thanks goodness for Paul Homewood who is able to spot the BBC lies they publish daily.
But Polar Bears are WHITE!
What about WHITE humanity?
Shouldn’t they be a protected species like the common seagull?
It’s not ‘standards’ the BBC and the Left are missing Philip.
They have no conscience and no shame. I’m frequently amazed at what they do. Their reporting of what Hamas do (or should I say complete lack of reporting) is an excellent example.
I remember a story about a leftist group who went online and booked many of the seats at a Trump rally so that on the day, a lot of seats were empty. They said they knew it was wrong but the ends justified it. Just a small thing but it’s enormous in the magnitude of what it tells us about the way their minds work. It’s the same mind-set which eventually led to the killing fields and the gas chambers once they had absolute power.
Reform has DEI- ed already
Putin threatens Kyiv decision-makers after striking energy grid
Just reading the complete lies and misinformation in this BBC report.
Apparently if you put ‘Zelensky said …’ you can print as many lies as you want at the BBC. Even when you are fully aware of the truth.
‘There were no fatalities, but it left more than one million people in Ukraine without power.’
Looks like Russia hit exactly what they went for then. And they weren’t targetting civilians as we have been told so often that they do.
‘”Cluster warheads [are] a particularly dangerous type of Russian weaponry used against civilians,” he said, adding that they “significantly complicated” the work of rescuers and repair crews.’
What about Ukraines cluster bombs BBC ?. Not that long ago, the BBC were telling us that Ukraine getting cluster bombs was a good thing (with a ‘Zelensky says …’ type report).
‘US officials believe Russia is likely only to have a small number of the experimental Oreshnik missiles and would need time to produce more of them.’
Just like how we were told they would soon run out of missiles not long after the start of the war yet they just kept coming.
Responding in his nightly address, Zelensky said Putin “has no interest in ending this war” and sought to “prevent others from ending this war”.
The biggest lie of all. The USA are the ones who don’t want it to stop. That’s why they blew up NordStream and keep on escalating the conflict. Just like allowing the strikes into Russia itself when it seems it might all die down ready for Trump to stop it. Putin has said several times he is willing to negotiate.
These attacks are very clearly a response to the recent escalation by the USA. The BBC don’t mention that once in this whole report.
But this is the most chilling part of all and shows just who really are the ones who want to escalate this conflict:
‘… in the New York Times newspaper last week that unnamed Western officials had suggested giving Ukraine nuclear weapons before US President Joe Biden leaves office in January.’
Hurry up Trump and clear this swamp. ‘By any means necessary’ to use their own phrase.
Only about 15,000 signatures from the 3 million mark now.
The deplorables are back, after their last trip to Stevenage, enough to give a labour cabinet an attack of the vapours
Screaming cat ladies are missing their DEI wonderland
Well I heard Ms Harris sing (slur) about us,
I hope Ms Harris does remember.
A Southern man don’t need her around.
Use with caution.
Guaranteed to give a libtard an apoplectic fit.
Think of the NHS.
Communist Minister Resigns
Convicted felon – comrade Louise Haig – has had to resign after a paper found out she is a convicted felon – a criminal -sitting as an MP in the British cabinet.
Im listening to comrade Robinson on the Today programme busily playing this down … no comments about the great leader – a lawyer – who chose to employ this felon as a cabinet minister
And strangely there is no opposition comment –
Is this a good day to bury bad news ? On the day when ‘state sponsored NHS killing is ‘debated ‘ here is the first ‘victim ‘….
There is also no mention of which communist is going to replace this criminal ….
More follows …
The question has to be asked, that despite political opinion
Is this the worse government ever ?
Within four short months
free gifts scandal
council housing fraud scandal
influencing the judiciary on Southport protesters scandal
Suicide in Jail for protester scandal
Fuel help for pensioners scandal
Lying about tax scandal
Chancellor false CV scandal
Chancellor plagiarising her book scandal
Foreign secretary slandering US president scandal
where is the bbc holding power to account ? erm squirrel
Well done Fedup you beat me to it with identical sentiments.
Fraud probably sums up everything about our transport systems. What else could we expect from something run by communist cnuts? A system in chaos, cancelled, or crammed.
How convenient when the minister is under the gun that the DfT release a statement like this where they ‘want to listen to us’:
You wait for ages for a bus and they never come once.
This Friday (29 November), MPs will vote on 29 November on a Bill that, if passed, will legalise assisted suicide.The inventor of the Sarco gas chamber assisted suicide pod, the founder of ‘Exit International’, Dr Philip Nitschke (who the media nickname “Dr Death” and “the Elon Musk of assisted suicide”), has announced that he intends to launch an assisted suicide service using the Sarco pods in the UK if the Bill becomes law.
Leading legal academics have confirmed with The Telegraph that these horrific assisted suicide pods will be legal under the proposed legislation, as the proposer of the Bill, Kim Leadbeater MP, has chosen to include a section in the proposed legislation that allows for assisted suicide to be completed using a “medical device” which could include the Sarco pod:
“It is understood she disclosed her conviction ‘in full’ to Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer when she was appointed to his Shadow Cabinet in 2020 – four years ago.”
I’m off to Wetherspoons this lunchtime to form a shadow cabinet.
The bloke in the corner that says he was in the SAS, he’s the chancellor.
The woman hanging onto the bar rail shouting “Tory scum” on probation for housing fraud is a shoe in for deputy primeminister.
Foreign secretary is a difficult choice with all the available talent.
I’ve got a keen eye on one who says his dad was a slave, although it was only for 30 minutes from W H Smiths security guards
It seems one of the most enjoyable aspects of this Corbyn disciples’ demise is how high on her moral horse she was with the ‘partygate ‘ nonsense …..
The compliant MSM / BBC won’t turn on the great leader because they are his – there is no hostility to him because he is a comrade …..
4years 8 months to go …
As for the facts of the case – it looks like Aviva was desperate to get rid of her ( a sort of Rachel from accounts) and her deceit about the mobile phone was the mechanism they got to get rid of her…
.. would be nice to hear from people involved in her crimes
@F2 there is only one thing missing
You need a relevent qualification to work in accounts.
Transport Secretary Louise Haigh resigns after admitting conviction for misleading police
Daily Telegraph
Louise Haigh, the Transport Secretary, has resigned after she admitted pleading guilty to misleading the police a decade ago.
Ms Haigh appeared at Camberwell Green Magistrates’ Court in 2014, six months before her election as an MP, after making a false report to officers that her mobile phone had been stolen.
She said she was “mugged while on a night out” in 2013 and gave police a list of items she believed had been taken including a work mobile phone, Sky News reported.
Ms Haigh told the news channel she later found that the phone had not been lost, and was called in for questioning by the police.
In a letter to Sir Keir Starmer released on Friday morning, Ms Haigh said she was “sorry to leave under these circumstances” but was best placed to support him “from outside government”.
Ms Haigh wrote: “As you know, in 2013 I was mugged in London. As a 24-year-old woman, the experience was terrifying. In the immediate aftermath, I reported the incident to the police.
“I gave the police a list of my possessions that I believed had been stolen, including my work phone. Some time later, I discovered that the handset in question was still in my house. I should have immediately informed my employer and not doing so straight away was a mistake.
“I appreciate that whatever the facts of the matter, this issue will inevitably be a distraction from delivering on the work of this government and the policies to which we are both committed.”
Today programme desperate to avoid such a major story by talking about some TV presenter who made saucy out of context comments …. Look squirrels ….worth a listen for the far left bias ….
As I write im listening to some nonsense about pictures – comrade Robinson ….. if this was a blue labour mp the screams for the government to go would be loud and high pitched . Instead the BBC squirms its’ way through ….
“Holding power to account”
The marxist bbc don’t even hide it now.
The devil is in the detail: insurance fraud ?
Haigh, 37, reportedly admitted an offence in 2014 following the 2013 ‘mugging’, when she reported to police the device was stolen.
In a statement, Haigh has said she discovered ‘some time later’ that the phone had not been taken.
She said the matter was a ‘genuine mistake’ from which she ‘did not make any gain’, and that magistrates gave her the ‘lowest possible outcome’.
The former special constable and shadow police minister pleaded guilty to fraud by misrepresentation in 2014 after an internal investigation by her then-employer, insurance giant Aviva.
She went ‘no reply ‘ in the police interview and pleaded guilty – plenty of evidence of dishonesty for someone made MP and then cabinet minister on behalf of Corbyn ….
Many will advise whatever you are arrested for give “no reply”
A duty solicitor meanwhile will advise against this if you can clear it up as you are clearly not guilty and have nothing to hide (personal experience)
If you know you have committed a crime, no comment is probably advisable go figure
Maybe say you are a trapped Muslim in a Christian body who would like to wear a Hijab and pray for Palestine?
Go away
Zephir – yes I’d go with ‘no reply ‘ as well – particularly if guilty and the evidence against you is pretty strong . At the best of times it’s advisable to avoid plod because of their Far Leff Zeal …
Im looking forward to reading of past comments of this Marxist – particularly when she was ‘policing shadow minister’ working for comrade Corbyn ….
Im getting the impression comrade Corbyn is running the show in the same way Obama has done in the states . Corbyn knows he is too toxic for the public so has put a hired face in his place – Namely TTK ..
Would be interesting to know if they still meet – Corbyn and Kier – in secret.
A familiar name – Danny shaw – who was a bbc home affairs type – now an ‘advisor ‘ to comrade evette cooper balls …. BBC far left ? …this is from his website
STARTS At the end of 2023, I took a seven-month break from media work when I joined Yvette Cooper’s team in the lead-up to the General Election, helping shape Labour’s policies on crime, policing, security and immigration and prepare the Party for government. ENDS
BBC propaganda news – irony alert
It reports that a china man has been sent to prison for 7 years for spying against china. His family says he had been targeted for speaking to the outside world … I instantly thought of Tommy Robinson – whose birthday it was on Thursday – happy birthday Tommy – chin up ….
And my best wishes to him.
His problem is, he is not a politician, he tells the unvarnished truth.
Anyone that knows Luton (as I do) knows what he is talking about.
BTW if anyone can give ONE example of him being racist I would be surprised.
“Haigh said that company mobile phones had been stolen or had gone missing on *repeated occasions* ”
so they Aviva sacked her
So it was not a nothing burger
was she let off too lightly ?
‘It’s also the season of a dramatic increase in stolen or ‘mislaid’ Apple kit in and around W1A…. 🤔
For goodness sake, how often have we had to listen to the endlessly repeated phrase “Tory sleaze”
and, in four months..
plus ca change..
Have to love BBC Editorial Guidelines.
Louise Haigh has resigned as transport secretary after pleading guilty to a criminal offence related to incorrectly telling police that a work mobile phone was stolen in 2013.
Popping that into Google BBC 2Tier translate: ‘lying’.
Empty the prisons of murderers and arrest her and put her in prison! HA HA HAH AH A!
Well done there GW with the homework, I was also struggling with the semantics of “incorrect”
I had a little trawl around the bbc for how their language is ” flexible”
“Former President Donald Trump was often accused of having a complete disregard for the truth.”
there you go, that took 30 seconds, I could continue but ..I see a squirel in the garden
and the cat’s seen it this could end up bad
Some are only just getting into the actual facts of the past around this that the BBC seems unaware of.
As Steve Fry might coin… “quite interesting”.
Impressive Starmer seemed/s cool with it and her various high profile twitter opinions since.
For “incorrectly telling” substitute lying.
Transport secretary Louise Haigh quits over historic fraud
Jesus H Christ. Another blatant liar in the cabinet. WTF ? – the BBC would be having a field day if it were Boris.
But the really dirty trick the BBC have don ein this article is that halfway down, in huge letters and for no apparent reason they write:
‘Genuine Mistake’
She gets a much better account than Boris ever did. The BBC describe her excuse at length:
‘She said she reported the phone as one of a number of items she believed had been stolen, and was issued with a new work phone.’
‘Some time later, she discovered the handset was still in her house, and she switched it on, which “triggered police attention” and she was called in for questioning.’
“My solicitor advised me not to comment during that interview and I regret following that advice,” she said, and the matter was sent to magistrates.’
So the work phone of an Aviva ‘public policy manager’ was hidden so well in her house that she didn’t find it until ‘some time later’ and after she had been issued a new phone ??. Ridiculous.
What a disgusting set of hypocrites they are. The BBC and this shambles of a government.