The TV licence is to increase by £5 from 1st April 2025.£174.50. That should make a good few people stop paying . The communist government has said the licence will increase with inflation – so it looks like another £5 hike in 2026 …are you still paying for the Labour Party Broadcaster ?
Weekend 30 November 2024
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Very good watch scary but good
“Hate crime is abhorrent and has no place in society. The Government published their plan to tackle hate crime, “Action Against Hate”, in July 2016. This Government believe that the enforcement of criminal legislation has an important role in tackling online hate. We also need deterrence and prevention, which require a broader response, from counter-narrative activity through to effective management from the internet industry.” {theyworkforyou}
Phillip Lee The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice
WHO is going to define what constitutes “hate crime/hate speech?
Any ideas?
To hate something like a religion that says all must die?
To hate a prime minister who locks everyone up?
To hate you politicians for importing new NON HATING CITIZENS?
“In common language, “hate speech” refers to offensive discourse targeting a group or an individual based on inherent characteristics (such as race, religion or gender) and that may threaten social peace.”
“Hate motivated crime and speech are illegal under EU law. The 2008 Framework Decision on combating certain forms of expressions of racism and xenophobia requires the criminalisation of public incitement to violence or hatred based on race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin.”
Inciting hatred
In England and Wales it can be an offence to stir up hatred on the grounds of:
Sexual Orientation.
(There is no similar offence relating to disability or transgender)
“Of course we believe in free speech. You can say anything we want”
2 920 000
Very slow, need help
I do not wish to be thought of as a conspiracy theorist, but a thought crossed my mind re Greg Wallace.
Does the blatantly black loving Corporation have a file on all the dodgy people in their employ, you know the one that gets opened when their political ober fuhrers are up to their necks inthe nasty brown stuff?
“Here we go TTK here’s somebody we can drip feed to the restoration our scum sucking comrades in the MSM, that will take their minds off what you are actually doing.
I’ll join you in the conspiracy room, what are they deflecting about now? That was my first thought.
A ridiculous amount of articles on him in the DT. They are claiming some sort of scoop on it I think. The paper becomes more like the Daily Mail every day.
It was only a matter of time. The police, no doubt under orders from on high, want to arrest Tousi and shut down his channel.
I think he might be wasting his breath – he should carry on with his channel or wait to be arrested . He should not ‘voluntarily ‘ attend a police station for an ‘interview ‘ because at the end he will be arrested – either charged and kept in custody – or released with strict bail conditions which they will use to arrest him for ‘breach ‘ and keep him in custody to be killed ….. it’s the TTK way …
They’ll be encouraged because they will see he is frightened ….
Why not ask why being interviewed before going?
Or ask Anjhem Choudary to repesent you? Or Keir Starmer?
We truly are fucked.
“Successive governments have turned our country into a motel not a home.
The ties that bind us are frayed, a high trust society has become a low trust one, once a beacon of free speech Britain now languishes among repressive regimes. Our public services are no longer first world.
I hate the people who did this.”
It seems Allison has been red-pilled sharpish.
Perhaps she’ll tell all her mates at the Telegraph, and word will spread.
“tell all her mates at the Telegraph, and word will spread”
2021 ….
“Laurence Fox’s home ‘raided by police’
Laurence Fox puffs away at a cigar as officers appear to bag up items from his living room”
Marky – October 2023 …?
History repeats!
A Day In The Life Of Rachel Reeves
Left out her husband – who is a professor or Enid blyton studies and is a fat cat civil servant of course ….
Petition crawling towards 3 million now … 78K away
TV nonces.
‘Family ‘desperate’ as Britons missing after sinking’
Type of story the BBC love, posh mixed race non-job couple: her in the charity sector, him an IT consultant.
“Jenny Cawson, 36, and her husband Tariq Sinada, 49, from Devon, are believed to be among seven people still unaccounted for after the Sea Story went down off the coast of Egypt early on Monday.”
You need to be feebleminded to get in that boat, it looks almost as top heavy as that one with the super tall sail, that sank a few months ago in the Med.
No suprise a big wave tossed it clean over.
The boat behind looks a more sensible shape.
You report a mugging and claim your phone was nicked.
You give the police a photo of the handset.
Metadata attached to the photo lead officers to believe it had been taken AFTER the date at which you alleged the phone had been stolen.
Sky News
“Sources close to Ms Haigh did not respond when approached about the allegation”
A stupid burglar is still a burglar
Not only does it prove she lied at the time but that she lied just now saying it was not deliberate.
Absolute 100% liar.
I feel a disgust and contempt at Starmer and his cronies which I have never felt for a previous government.
Silenced and erased, Hong Kong’s decade of protest is now a defiant memory
‘The politicians’ stalls at the fair are gone, protests have been silenced and pro-democracy campaigners jailed. ‘
Just like the anti-immigration protestors BBC. Jailed for just being there and you loved it. Every conviction was celebrated using the front page ‘live feed’ propaganda system and even a woman buying eggs for someone else to throw was held up as an enemy of the state.
The hypocrisy and double-standards of the BBC are simply staggering. They have no shame whatsoever about what they do.
Hamas terrorist opens fire at Israeli civilian bus in West Bank; 8 wounded, 3 seriously
Hamas can machine-gun a civilian bus in cold blood with the sole intent of killing the civilians inside it and the BBC don’t even report it.
They have taken ‘lying by omission’ to a new level for this war.
‘They threw her body into the ocean’ – woman dies on boat headed for French island
Another very lengthy BBC epic report about a Muslin ‘victim’ – Fathi Hussein. Complete with buckets of empathy through lines like:
‘”She used to hate the ocean. I don’t know why and how she took that decision. I wish I could give her a hug,” she adds.’
‘Samira says the pain of not knowing how her sister felt in her final moments will stay with her forever.
“I wish she could talk to me and tell me about her decision. She could have said bye to me… now, I don’t know how to process her death,” she says.’
The important thing here is that she was only thrown overboard AFTER she died.
Here’s the author:

Compare this ‘tragedy’ with this one:
‘Migrants killed in ‘religious clash’ on Mediterranean boat’
First is the massive omission that they were Christians and they were murdered by Muslims, not just killed.
And this is the ENTIRE report of it by the BBC:
‘Italian police say they have arrested 15 Muslim migrants after they allegedly threw 12 Christians overboard following a row on a boat heading to Italy.
The Christian migrants, said to be from Ghana and Nigeria, are all feared dead.
The 15 Muslim migrants involved in the row with Christians were arrested in the Sicilian city of Palermo and charged with “multiple aggravated murder motivated by religious hate”.
The suspects, who are from the Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mali and Guinea, were among 105 migrants travelling in an inflatable boat that left Libya on Tuesday.
Eyewitnesses told police how the altercation resulted in Christians being thrown overboard, and that some of the survivors had formed human chains to avoid a similar fate.’
That’s it. And they only tell us it was ‘religious hate’ because it was the official charge.
These are the people the BBC protect and who are coming here in their tens of thousands to get their free hotel rooms and benefits.
Does the BBC sell “I’M BASHING BRITAIN” tee shirts?
If true, who will stramer go scuttling off to to sort this ? Met police ?
A few friendly far left judges ?
“Elon Musk ‘could be about to give Nigel Farage $100m’ in an attempt to make him next prime minister and hurt Keir Starmer”
The people using their ‘power’ to tackle HIV stigma
Dare one go near the comments?
“With the medication and the campaign, we’ve got everything we need to have no more new cases of HIV.
“We’ve got that power and that is so incredible,” she added.
The billboards are on display in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
Monkeypox is spreading among gay men worldwide
People with well-controlled HIV are not at increased risk
Liz Highleyman
25 May 2022
Or, maybe Starmer will complain to some lefties in the FBI about Musk, oh wait….
“Trump nominates Kash Patel to serve as FBI director: ‘Advocate for truth’. Trump said Kash Patel, 44, is an ‘America First fighter’
“He played a pivotal role in uncovering the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, standing as an advocate for truth, accountability, and the Constitution.”
Patel has been a fierce critic of bureaucracy and corruption. In 2023, Patel published a book called “Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and the Battle for Our Democracy,” which delved into “the major players and tactics within the permanent government bureaucracy,” according to the book’s description.”
I was listening to the ‘highlights ‘ of the NHS Killing bill . One ‘cat Eccles ‘ labour MP for Stourbridge (7% majority ) raised a point of order that an MP making a speech used the word ‘suicide ‘ and that this was offensive .
‘Cat ‘ was struck down by the speaker ( as an idiot ) … suicide is used in the bill … but makes you really think about the calibre of these MPs – I know they are venal and corrupt and self serving – but to be that thick ….?
If you see the very brief wiki entry for ‘cat’ you get the answer …
What time is it Eccles ?
Sky making BBC look less laughable.
Starmer’s next first-time challenge is a test of his worldview – but he’s quietly building a reliable team
That’s a hard act to follow, but I think they’ve managed it….
Articles on islamophobia month next ?
Makes a change from islamoFIBia.
FREE MEAL with his FREE GLASSES** and his wife’s FREE KNICKERS**
** from another man
All that needs to be said is, where are their cats ?
“Disgraced MasterChef star Gregg Wallace has lashed out at ‘middle-class women of a certain age’ in a rant online after he was accused of sexist behaviour.
Wearing a Matt Hampson Foundation t-shirt as he filmed himself for his Instagram story this morning, Wallace said he has worked with people of ‘all different ages, all different backgrounds and all different walks of life’.
Speaking about the complaints against him, he said they are ‘coming from a handful of middle-class women of a certain age’ and declared ‘this isn’t right’.”
If he worked at the BBC, Gregg should know full well that if the army of feminist misandrists manage to pin #metoo onto a pale-and-stal white male, whether he is guilty or not is totally irrelevant. He is finished.
The baying mob will destroy him without trial. They remind me of the eager groups of Muslims holding rocks and can’t wait for the stoning to start.
Judging from all the sheeple I see in town nowadays..
I thought they all loved a Gregg’s sausage.
All standing around in the required knee length black padded coat they have all got in the last month (sleeveless for the hard core) , with a Gregg’s paper bag in hand.
It must be the malign influence of Thick Tok or something similar.
Speaking of which there is a certain radio presenter that offends me:
1) Kackling worse than Kamala
2) Konstant denigration of her male co-presenter
Enough for a Non-Crime Hate Incident?
“Fuel Minister Liz Kendall, who axed £300 payment to pensioners, lives in £4million Notting Hill home with her banker partner – and their heating bill is paid by YOU
The Cabinet Minister who axed pensioners’ winter fuel payments has her own £350-a-month energy bills paid by the taxpayer – while she lives in a £4 million London mansion.
Liz Kendall has been branded a hypocrite for removing the payment for ten million pensioners while bills at her second home are being met from the public purse.
The Work and Pensions Secretary’s main base is a four-bedroom property in Notting Hill, West London, which she shares with her partner, an Old Etonian investment banker. But she is allowed to claim costs for the second property she rents in her Leicester West constituency.”
She lives in a London mansion, but taxpayer doesn’t pay her fuel bills there
They do pay her Leicester bill which was £3,800 over 15 or 16 months
“The Cabinet minister bought her home in London with her Old Etonian banker partner, but she is allowed to claim costs for the second property she rents in her Leicester West constituency.
The most recent costs showed she claimed a total of £3,810 in energy between April 2023 and this July.”
Claiming fuels bills for your second home is notml though some MPs like Farage don’t claim.
My guess is that the building is more like a political bisiness office rather than pure empty home.
Can we claim to run MPs surgeries and thus claim our heating bills back?
Maybe if the police visit your house you can claim they used your heating whilst in the property?
BBC online news is rather keen to tell us: Starmer to unveil ‘milestones’ on election pledges… Writing for the Sun on Sunday, Starmer described the strategy as “the most ambitious yet honest delivery plan in a generation” as the government was “knuckling down” on delivering its election promises. (BBC)
They’re knuckling down…? Makes a change from taking the knee, I suppose.
Sun on Sunday, that’s a bit of a come down from his previous pre-election bromance with the Times
Today’s frontpage of that particular tabloid organ, however, neither headlines nor teases the Starmer article. On the contrary, our Sun on Sunday goes with the TV soap opera celeb story: Corrie fired me over a sex lie… The Martin Platt actor, 59, was dramatically axed…
Were the Sun interested in leading with a Westminster politics hard luck story this weekend we can imagine that might have read: Keir fired me over a mobile phone lie… The red-haired Transport Secretary, 37, was dramatically axed…
Meanwhile, Londoners will see their transport system upgraded under Labour with Mayor Khan installing new improved virtue-signalling on their railways: London Overground rebrand goes live: Here are the new names and colours of the lines… to celebrate “untold elements of London’s cultural history” with names relating to the Windrush generation and England women’s football team… estimated to have cost £6.3m (Sky News)
But we digress.
In his Sun article, the prime minister reminded readers of the state of public services when the Tories left government in the summer. (BBC)
But to reiterate, the Sun devotes its cover to celeb stories and tucks Keir away somewhere within the inside pages. Beyond Mr AsI’s remit, strictlt speaking, but he can speculate…
One may evisage Starmer going for a topless photoshoot for the Sun’s celebrated Page 3 – taking one’s shirt off is all the rage for us chaps, you know: BBC News has also heard from a former MasterChef worker who says he [Gregg Wallace] showed her topless pictures of himself. (BBC)
Here’s our imagined saucy Sun page 3 copy: Alluring Keir, 62, matured in Oxted in Surrey, the son of a toolmaker. His middle name is sexy (in fact it’s Rodney) but if you’re already thinking plonker, think again. Our Keir and his sometime partner Victoria’s secret is they were a three-times-a-week couple (Lateral flow and PCR tests) during Keir’s many Lockdown duvet days.
Keir’s News in Briefs
Keir is certain Kim Jong-Ill Leadbeater was right to take Britain down the road to State-sponsored euthenasia. He said “You don’t need to be a great statesman (and I’m not) to realise we will be much better off without millions of elderly people moaning about losing their winter fuel allowance. We should be proud that our distressed farmers who are thinking their only way out is suicide will now have confidence that our NHS will be there to help them”
Stolen valour?
Blitz, Directed by Steve McQueen (2024)… Steve McQueen depicts the Luftwaffe’s bombing of London from the perspective of a mixed race child protagonist… presents a challenge for a British filmmaker setting out to re-envision it… through fresh eyes – those of a nine-year old, mixed-race boy called George… Benjamin Clementine is serene and otherworldly as Ife, a guardian angel ARP warden (as far from Bill Pertwee as Warden Hodges in Dad’s Army as it is possible to get!). (Writers Mosaic from the Royal Literary Fund ‘ showcases a variety of literary voices and cultures across the UK, with a focus on UK writers of the global majority’)
“Put that light out !!!”
“Silenced and erased, Hong Kong’s decade of protest is now a defiant memory”
Let me guess, they’ve stopped because basically they’re all over here.
When we imported them wholesale to shore up the immigrant numbers post Brexit.
Sure enough:
“At a Tesco’s café in Watford in the UK, Kasumi Law remembered what she missed about her old home.”
2nd guess she has a whinge about life here:
“A screenshot from Kasumi’s viral video about her difficulty adjusting to life in the UK”
“Can’t get hold of a bat kebab for the life of me”
Has she tried Just Eat?
“defiant memory” – ha ha ha hah aha hahaha!
@CharlotteCGill keeps trying to expose Alastair Campbell’s libmob mafia
… My guess is they’ll wait until she accidentally crosses a line .. and then get her in courtto try and shut her down forever.
Times Radio honking on and on and on and on this morning about some chef or other who offended the girlies on some sh1te bBC program or other. Clearly the necessary action in my personal order of preference is:
1) Close down the whole bBC to protect against evil males.
2) Put the girlies in burquas and send them up to the balcony because they are ‘pur defenceless wee beasties’
3) Screen male-only programs like top-gear and Clarksons Farm
100 years of feminism and the yapping has only got worse – which means it clearly isn’t working.
“Belgium’s sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law”
“I had to work while I was nine months pregnant,” says Sophie, a sex worker in Belgium. “I was having sex with clients one week before giving birth.”
No doubt they were paying top premium rate to satisfy their fetish and you were getting your cut.
‘When Sophie had her fifth child by Caesarean, she was told she needed bed rest for six weeks. But she says that wasn’t an option, and she went back to work immediately.
“I couldn’t afford to stop because I needed the money.” ‘
If she can’t save up enough money to take a break, she’s in the wrong job.
Money doesn’t seem a problem for Julia Crumière
‘ a volunteer with Isala – an NGO that helps sex workers on the streets in Belgium.
“It is dangerous because it normalises a profession that is always violent at its core,” ‘
Maybe force the NGO to pay it’s staff wages, and give the job to postnatal prostitutes?
Next week maternity/paternity leave for drug dealers and hitmen.
Male prostitues in hiding?
Females in USA cross legs due to Trump being voted in?!
My wife insists on watching Laura kuenssberg in a Sunday morning walking through the room I noticed Hugh fearnley whittingstall on the panel is he a permanent fixture. What does a chef bring to the table regarding politics?
“Hugh fearnley whittingstall” – they get paid to appear so £500 for an hours work is quiet nice.
Diane Abbott HAS got a head for figures… as long as they are her own! Blundering Shadow Home Secretary made £110,000 in licence fee payers’ cash for appearing on BBC TV
Pays the private school fees.
“Diane Abbott’s son ‘had crystal meth delivered to her £1.2million home and chased her with scissors claiming to have a gun in his dressing gown pocket’, court hears”
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is a GREEN-supremacist Party representative
@HughFW tweeted on Jul 5
A brilliant night for the @TheGreenParty who I’m so proud to support.
Massive congratulations to
@sianberry @carla_denyer @EllieChowns and @AdrianRamsay
And a huge 💚 heartfelt thanks to @CarolineLucas
for flying the green flag and being the best British MP for the last decade
Today 3 tweets from @BBCpolitics about him
Then also Sep 7th , June 30th, June 29th, March 10 twice, March 9,
“A man, either a doctor or an engineer, needs to make an immediate emergency call so snatches a woman’s phone as the London tube doors are closing. Yet another life saved by a foreign boat migrant. Diversity is our strength.”
@BBCNewsnight CHOSE to tweet to help Louise Haigh promote an unevidenced ridiculous claim
“Louise Haigh believes a member of the police force at the time of that investigation [which led to her fraud conviction] was involved in a form of stalking of her.”
They get a kicking in the replies
When Boris refused to be interviewed by Andrew Neil the BBC was shocked and alarmed…this was what third world dictators did…this was a huge threat to our democracy…it was big news…on the BBC.
However…times have changed and as Labour refuse to go on the Andrew Neil show now there’s no such concern or alarm as Labour dodges the forensic dissection that Neil would provide no doubt….as demonstrated in his Mail column wear he tears Labour a new one.
Of course Neil no longer works for the BBC and this is Labour not Boris….so maybe it’s important news only when it fits a certain ideological template.
‘At the start of the election campaign this summer I opined that the Labour front bench had a distinctly juvenile, B-team feel to it (I was similarly rude about the Tory front bench).
The party has boycotted my radio show ever since. A pity. But I can see no reason to revise my assessment. Indeed, I’m beginning to think I might have been overly generous.’
It’s been flagged up that Smarmer intends to give the Elgin Marbles to Greece. It seems typical of the left wing liberal types that they try to make themselves out to be the good guys with this type of stunt. I can only suggest that Smarmer, the odious prick, must try harder.
As far as I’m concerned he’s giving away our history and heritage without the consent of the British people. Let’s face it, the Elgin Marbles were bought by Britain when it was at the height of its powers, the Marbles echo back to a time when places like Greece were fly blown nonentities.
I’m not actually sure that Smarmer has the right to give away the Marbles, the British Museum is an independent Trust who are trusted to care for the objects that have been donated.
“Starmer loses his marbles?” (c) BBC Verified.
Harris Sultan
The cop’s thinking: must go and arrest some more white supremacists.
Stop the heating in Parliament so 650MPS get to be closer to their elderly winter allowance FREE citizens!
“Zelensky suggests war could end if unoccupied Ukraine comes under Nato”
@ Eddy – That’s the Trump effect, even before he takes office!
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – The West: Sleepwalking to DISASTER. (The 2024 NCF Smith Lecture)
“Many (NGO/Charities) just seek naked unchecked power.” @39
Angela Merkel: German multiculturalism has ‘utterly failed’
This article is more than 14 years old
Chancellor’s assertion that onus is on new arrivals to do more to integrate into German society stirs anti-immigration debate
Duh, Angela. We could have told you that years ago, when you threw open the doors to the Third World.
Now even the Guardian is noticing!
Incidentally, while most Third World immigration is bad, some is much worse – let’s say from a certain religio-political ideology.
I wonder if Ayaan Hirsi Ali will be invited to share her thoughts on the BBC? After all, they love strong, empowered black women who have thrown off the shackles of oppression…
Oh, hang on, the oppressor is Islam, so maybe not so much.
We’ll call you, darling… erm, love the suit, very bold.
@Ayaan tweeted on Nov 8
“The BBC and similar outlets are either in denial
or part of the problem.
Fortunately, they have made themselves irrelevant.”
Times Radio tell us that it is ‘very concerning’ that Musk could give Reform a wedge of money.
Nothing on the BBC yet despite so many trigger points for Beeboids…I’m guessing they’re having trauma therapy before they can bring themselves to get ‘dirty’…and of course shape the story so that it is entirely negative…naturally it’ll be about billionaires interfering in foreign elections….no such qualms about Soros though…boot’s on other foot now.
Even the thought that more light be shone on who exactly funds political parties and politicians – so it will be interesting to see how the swamp responds to Elon Musk – whether he funds Reform or not ….
Shopping for some TV nibbles to have to hand over Christmas while watching the box – imagine my surprise to see Monkey Nuts rebranded as “mnuts”
I jest of course.
mpox – formerly known as monkeypox – linked to the recent outbreak in parts of Africa, has been detected in the UK (BBC, October 2024)
In shock news for our American audience: “Whatcha talkin ’bout Wallace?”
Gregg Wallace hits out at ‘handful’ of accusers (BBC)
Remind me, how precisely did Keir Starmer define ‘working people’?
Belgium’s sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law (BBC)
“She Works Hard for the Money” Donna Summer (1983)
You don’t have to put on the red light
Those days are over
The Police (1979)
A former police inspector has been banned from policing after messaging a sex worker and posing for a Tinder profile picture in uniform and holding a firearm. (BBC) – The Police (2024)
Genius…or actual film?…I would love to see the real meeting….this could of course be every BBC editorial meeting…including Gays for Palestine…just dream of being spanked by a sweaty Hamas militant…before being thrown off the top of a high building.
Learning to fly …. “Iran denies security forces killed 16-year-old, says she fell off roof By Reuters October 7, 20229:06 AM UTCUpdated ago”
Jaguar Advert 2024 – Anti Woke Edition | AI Generated
Jag coulda saved themselves millions.
Hopefully AI will put those lefty woke ad companies out of business.
There are people who recall how the US State Department and CIA originally nurtured and supported the Taliban so as to cause problems for the Russians in Afghanistan.
Some people will claim it was the US that encouraged first Al Qaeda and then the radical muslim Islamic State group to further their interests in the Middle East.
It was a good idea but things just got a bit out of hand.
Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true.
Who are the rebels seizing control of Syria’s second city? The attack was led by the Islamist militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) – which has a long and involved history in the Syrian conflict… HTS was set up under a different name, Jabhat al-Nusra, in 2011 as a direct affiliate of Al Qaeda. (BBC)
What is this ‘Greg Wallace ‘ thing ? Why hasn’t he been arrested and charged if he sexually assaulted someone ?
Can’t they just go back to someone dead like saville of Al Fayed ?
I rarely watch BBC News for obvious reasons.
But last night i couldn’t sleep so watched a few minutes at 4am.
First, 10 minutes of war porn from Gaza.
Next, 10 minutes denigrating Trump’s new FBI chief.
Then i remembered why i rarely watch the BBC.
Off switch. Give me insomnia, any day.
Those ‘rebels’ the BBC refer to in Syria look suspiciously just like isis.
Same uniforms. Beards. Vehicles. Chants.
I’m sure it’s nothing.
It makes them sound like the good guys in Star Wars.
Using weapons provided by Biden after afgee …
Obama’s green party !
Levelling the playing field.
I’ve just seen TTK’s speech outside no.10.
I notice the BBC journo got to ask the first question.
His speech and the questions were like something you’d hear at a 1970s National Front Rally.
What is he up to?
Surely TTK should be arrested for hate speech? Or is it ok when he does it?
Zephir – I reckon ‘cat’ might have been affected by being ‘Eccles ‘ from an early age … had cake and ate it …
As we get more and more muslims / islamists in positions of authority, we can expect more and more pro-islamist bias in our police, judiciary, government, army, BBC and other institutions.
For them, religious affiliation and loyalty trumps all other considerations such as patriotism, unbiased justice etc.
Here’s just one example.
That video is 6 months old
Feb 13
“Heba Alhayek, 29, and Pauline Ankunda, 26, and Noimutu Olayinka Taiwo, 27,
were handed 12-month conditional discharges at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, after Deputy Senior District Judge Tan Ikram said he had “decided not to punish” them.”
Heba Alhayek came to the UK as an asylum seeker claiming to be fleeing Hamas
I don’t see any news about her case
I don’t care if it’s 6 months old, it just appeared in my feed and it’s more relevant now than ever.
You should join BBC’s 60-strong team of useless fact-checkers, I’m sure you’d be happier there.
Or maybe you have already.
Never mind, it won’t be too long before we see Ed Milibande with a bloody ukelele again. Or a bleeding pink boat.
Two Tier fact checking ? Impalement’s too good for ’em.
Nothing wrong with bleeding ukuleles – I’ve just started lessons !
BRISSLES AND ED – “Playing under a Windfarm” tour 2025! Can’t wait – I tried but gave up early.
@Vlad, whoa what are you frothing at ?
Thankyou I think people should be free to post, without having bullies scream at them.
You mentioned no date
I just happened to add a comment which added the date
That adds information as did my checking for updates
cos the video says she may be deported, well seems she hasn’t been
The video says Judge Tan Ikram will be under big investigation for the parachute verdict
but no AFAIK that never happened
He just continued making strange verdicts
except June 12th
\\Senior judge handed formal warning for ‘liked’ pro-Palestine LinkedIn post
…had identified himself as a judge on LinkedIn, in breach of judicial social media guidelines.
The JCIO ruling set out that Judge Ikram had “accepted that inadvertently ‘liking’ the post had raised concerns about his impartiality”, and he conceded he was not familiar with the latest rules for social media use.//
Yes, people should be free to post without being accused of frothing, bullying and screaming.
@Vlad no you don’t get to play the victim, since you threw the first punch. Did I punch you ? Did I criticise you ?
…No . I just watched the video and added a comment with the info I found, which included that the video is 6 months old
2017 …
Disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
“Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association chairman Adrien Berry said: ‘It is hard to see how he first passed the judicial exams and then why it has taken so long for his lack of knowledge to be exposed.”
When you give people special privilege above the law, you get no law and 1400 raped and tortured children over 16 years … ‘In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that at least 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–15, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men.’
Did he buy his law degree in Pakistan, or was he awarded it here for being blind, brown and muslim? That’s a lot of points on the the DEI scale.
Maybe that’s what they mean by justice being blind.
He was in his second year at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad when he lost his sight. Nevertheless, he went on to receive his B.A., LL.B., LL.M., as well as diplomas in Air and Space Law and International Law.
He is the first blind person in the world to become a Doctor of Civil Law (McGill University). In addition, he is a member of the Higher Education Academy. He sat as a First-tier Immigration Judge for a number of years. In 2018 he was heavily criticised by a panel of Upper Tribunal judiciary as to certain “shambolic” judgments of his which were consequently set aside for very serious errors of law.
Whether the decisions are looked at together or separately, they show that nobody should assume that Judge Majid has an adequate knowledge of the law or of his task as a judge…
His other accomplishments include:
Reader in international law, London Metropolitan University
Part-time immigration judge, until he resigned on 7 December 2017 following extensive criticism of his legal ability (see Criticism, below) [1]
Adjunct professor in law, Webster University
Visiting professor (1996), Quaid-e-Azam University
Senior research fellow (2001), Islamabad Policy Research Institute
Erasmus Lecturer, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany
Not BBC – but on X There have been moves recently to replace the dollar as the ‘save haven ‘ currency – President Trump has tweeted that any country signing up to this scheme will face 100% tariffs and ‘goodbye ‘ from America .
I think it was a real tweet – but time are achanging ….
“I’m not going to be polite and nice to Elon Musk.”
To quote the real US President “here’s another beauty”:
Game set and match for an NCHI – but then I forget our wet police is 2T.
Former My Chemical Romance drummer dies aged 44
Vaguely heard of the band name, but not the music or any of the members.
Ok i clicked to hear how a reasonably young person ended up dead.
But it’s the hopeless BBC so no clue is given , except he had bad wrists and had to retire from drumming .
He was Trump supporter who was found dead at home, last seen alive on Nov 4th
He had recently tweeted he was glad the word tr*nny is no longer banned
So libmob are putting out hatey tweets about him
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
4 August 2019
“It would be a big step to letting people know it’s just a headscarf – nothing else,” she said.
“The hijab is mandatory for all muslim women to wear once they hit puberty. And most people hit puberty in secondary school. But yet, we’re not allowed to wear hijabs in school.11 Feb 2023”
“It would be a big step to letting people know it’s just a headscarf – nothing else,” she said.
“”The hijab is mandatory for all muslim women to wear once they hit puberty. “
Certain migrants will never assimilate, they should just go home.
They will make the UK their new home (c) Anjhem Choudary says what right do you have to implement UK law?
That’s if she’s lucky. In Iran and many other muslin hellholes, she’ll be arrested, jailed, beaten up, tortured and probably raped.
If her motive is seen as blasphemous, she could be stoned to death or executed in some other way.
2 933 000
New citizens coming soon … please wait ….
The DT has a headline ‘is gregg Wallace the most obnoxious man in Britain ?’ What a stupid question . We know the answer is …TTK …. Nearly at 3 million petition …