Weekend 30 November 2024

The TV licence is to increase by £5 from 1st April 2025.£174.50. That should make a good few people stop paying . The communist government has said the licence will increase with inflation – so it looks like another £5 hike in 2026 …are you still paying for the Labour Party Broadcaster ?

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278 Responses to Weekend 30 November 2024

  1. digg says:

    Incredible story of a blind, immigration judge who knew almost nothing about immigration law….


    So given he held the post for some time, the question must be who the hell vets the judges? Or is it all down to an old pals club thing or maybe rotated choices based on ethnicity?

    It’s a total joke!


  2. pugnazious says:

    Greg Wallace will be disappointed…

    ‘ The study of Britain’s greatest cultural export is in the middle of a crisis. The number of students taking English literature at A-level dropped from 83,000 in 2013 to 54,000 in 2023. The number applying to study it at university dropped by a third over a similar period.’

    Might argue with ‘greatest cultural export’…some might say it was football….but anyway…it’s surely a disaster…without such a course where will we find the next Roger Harrabin whose study of Eng Lit qualified him as a climate change scientist able to authoritatively on the subject and demand that anyone who wasn’t a ‘scientist’ shut the f up?


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      No surprise really, there aren’t as many English people as there used to be. When your culture is from the Indian subcontinent, would you want to learn about Chaucer and Shakespeare? Why would you? They are of a past which is rapidly disappearing. The future does not belong to white people in this country.


  3. pugnazious says:

    Top news in the world…working class lad Greg Wallace said something saucy and middle-class women of a certain age were shocked to the core.

    So far nothing of any great note has been reported as to anything he has said or done….even those who complain say it wasn’t that bad and not at all about being a ‘sex predator’…they were just jokes….however…as one middleclass woman of a certain age said this morning…we’ve moved on [apparently] and this type of bawdiness just isn’t acceptable anymore.

    Hmmm…she doesn’t work where I work….we’d all be headline news….the women as bad if not worse than the men.

    Amused at how shocked they are about his middle-aged women comment…wasn’t so long ago that the BBC was telling white, middle-aged women to shut up and move out of the way of POCs.

    Ironically this from the Times which is hitting Wallace hard [BBC rival of course]…

    ‘Get out of the way Karens, BBC podcast tells white women’
    ‘The BBC has been criticised over a podcast that told white women to “read some books”, “get out of the way” and “stop being so loud”.

    Guests reeled off a list of advice to white female listeners on not becoming “Karens”, a pejorative American term for entitled or demanding middle-aged women, often used to denote a Caucasian unsympathetic to the challenges faced by black people.’

    It is extraordinary that Wallace is such a big news story based on what’s been revealed so far….what’s not being said of course is anything about the jokes etc that all the other people involved in the programmes also made. You could pick any one person and say they said something ‘offensive’ and you’d get a load of others coming out of the woodwork to say they heard them say something too…but they wouldn’t mention others’ or their own comments.

    So far it’s more ‘Carry On’ than Saville.


  4. Zephir says:

    And the pile on continues against the “condemned” in the media, with that favourite of councils and the like, who want to attack, they use the catch all word “inappropriate” ..

    “Ant McPartlin, 49, condemned over ‘inappropriate’ virginity jibes to female I’m A Celeb producers.”


    Meanwhile, Jo Brand, apparently a comedian and bbc favourite:

    “What’s the ideal man” to which she replied “a dead one”?

    “I took my husband to the hospital yesterday to have 17 stitches out – that’ll teach him to buy me a sewing kit for my birthday.”

    “The way to a man’s heart is through his hanky pocket with a breadknife.”


  5. Zephir says:

    Funny, but Ukraine had a president, Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych who is now in exile.

    He was replaced by Zelensky, after a “popular uprising” erm OK (see below) , when he refused to apply to join the EU and now:

    “Georgia’s controversial prime minister has accused ‘foreign instructors’ of being behind the violence that has consumed Tbilisi for the last three nights, as a British man was arrested for breaking into the country’s parliament building.

    Georgia plunged into a full-on civil revolt as countless protesters overran Tbilisi and clashed with police, following the government’s decision to shelve its EU accession bid.”



    • Zephir says:

      In November 2013, Yanukovych made a sudden decision, amidst economic pressure from Russia, to withdraw from signing an association agreement with the EU and instead accept a Russian trade deal and loan bailout. This sparked mass protests against him that ultimately led to his ousting as president.


  6. pugnazious says:

    Whilst Greg ‘Carry On’ Wallace is top news for his bawdy comments this fellow doesn’t seem to get a mention on the BBC….

    ‘Hamada Salah, an ‘asylum seeker’ living in Newcastle, subjected two lone women to horrifying sexual assaults on a TransPennine Express train.

    One victim endured Salah’s lewd attempts to touch her under the table, purposefully brushing against her legs, while he also tried to look up her skirt. When he moved on to another carriage, he showed pornography to an elderly woman and rubbed his groin next to her.

    The court heard Salah even called one victim “the perfect age for sex” and laughed when caught showing obscene images. His punishment? A suspended sentence of 44 weeks, meaning he’s free to walk our streets after what Judge Carolyn Scott herself described as a “terrible ordeal” for the victims.

    Yeah…not even in the local news…but they do have this as top story on the Tees page…

    ‘Police officers are being trained to become stalking specialists to step up the response to violence against women and girls.

    County Durham and Darlington Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Joy Allen has funded the training of 20 police officers to become so-called Stalking Champions so that the crime is “treated with the seriousness it deserves”.’

    If only the BBC treated sex crimes by asylum seekers with the seriousness it deserves…maybe even report it.


  7. pugnazious says:

    Ah yes…such racism in Britain…

    ‘”It was difficult to get a building site job wearing a turban, which wasn’t allowed,” recalls hardware business owner Jagjit Singh Rayat.

    Ahead of his retirement, Mr Rayat has been reflecting on how he helped shape a moment in modern British history by advocating for religious freedom in the workplace.

    He was part of a successful campaign in 1988 that helped to change the law, to allow Sikhs to wear turbans instead of safety helmets on building sites.’

    They won’t let me go on with my Afro….


    • Zephir says:

      Likely the following is conveniently ignored in the article you quote ? These are US figures, the same applies here, you will be thrown off most reputable sites for not wearing correct PPE:

      “Work-related Traumatic Brain Injury in Construction.

      The construction industry has the greatest number of both fatal and nonfatal WR TBI among U.S. workplaces. From 2003 to 2010, 2,210 construction workers died because of a TBI (a rate of 2.6 per 100,000 full time equivalent workers). These deaths represented 25% of all construction fatalities and 24% of all WR TBI fatalities among all industries during that period.

      Construction Workers at Risk

      Construction workers are at higher risk for TBIs because of their work in dynamic environments where they can be struck by falling and flying objects or fall from elevation. Falls, especially from roofs, ladders, and scaffolds, led to more than half of fatal WR TBIs .

      Research shows that:

      Workers in small construction companies (<20 employees) were over 2.5 times more likely than those in larger companies (≥100 employees) to die from a TBI;

      Older workers (≥65 years) were almost 4 times more likely than younger workers (25–34 years) to have a fatal TBI;

      The TBI fatality rate was significantly higher for foreign-born than for native-born workers; and

      Structural iron and steel workers and roofers had the highest fatal TBI rate among construction workers.



      • Zephir says:


        Construction sites without the correct protection can potentially be very dangerous places, especially when it comes to head injuries. To help understand the scale of the issue and identify potential areas for improvement, Headway and leading safety manufacturer Centurion surveyed people who work in the construction industry to find out more about their understanding of head injury, personal protection equipment and the support they receive from their employers.
        Brain injury is more common than you think, and its impact can be life-changing for both the individual hurt but also their wider family. Ensuring your head protection is worn and cared for correctly is key to remaining safe.

        Head injury and workplace safety facts:

        There were 348,453 UK admissions to hospital with acquired brain injury in 2016-17. That is 531 admissions per 100,000 of the population.

        20% of all injuries whether fatal and non-fatal in the UK since 2013 are head related. Of all non-fatal injuries reported under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations for 2017-18, 13% are head related.

        Head protection account for only 3% of PPE purchases, yet account for over 20% of injuries.

        On average people spend £25-£30 on a pair of safety boots, but only £5-£8 on their safety helmet.

        Click to access workplace-hard-hat-safety-survey-results.pdf


        • MarkyMark says:

          “The Helmet Law and the Sikh Exemption

          In the UK, all motorcycle riders and passengers are required by law to wear a helmet while the vehicle is in motion. However, an exemption exists for Sikh riders based on their religious beliefs. This means that Sikh riders who wear a turban as part of their faith cannot be fined or charged with a motoring offense for not wearing a helmet.

          A Brief History of Motorcycle Helmets and the Law

          1930s: Following the death of T.E. Lawrence (“Lawrence of Arabia”) in a motorcycle accident, neurosurgeon Hugh Cairns begins advocating for helmet use by riders.
          1940s: The British Army mandates helmet use for all soldiers riding motorcycles, leading to a significant reduction in fatalities.
          1956 and 1962: Attempts to introduce national helmet laws in the UK fail.
          1973: The Motorcycle Helmets Act finally passes, with notable exceptions including Sikhs.



      • pugnazious says:

        God will surely shield him…no need for a hard hat.


  8. StewGreen says:

    Saturday ITV newsPR prog . item was about a protest against Labour
    what !! have the lefty media changed
    No the protest was run by pro-Labour union Unite, and was against winter fuel allowance being cut



    • MarkyMark says:

      “DONCASTER: None of the four MPs decided to show their faces at our meeting of constituents to discuss the cuts to winter fuel… So we had to take matters into our own hands 🤷”

      Name of donor: Unite
      Address of donor: Unite House, 128 Theobalds Road, Holborn, London WC1X 8TN
      Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £4,000 Donor status: trade union

      Name of donor: Arena Racing Company
      Address of donor: Arena Racing Company 4th Floor Millbank Tower 21-24 Millbank London SW1P 4QP
      Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Attendance at the Doncaster St Leger Race Day as a guest of ARC My wife also attended as a guest, value £960

      Name of donor: Unite the Union
      Address of donor: 128 Theobalds Road, London SW9 6DE

      Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £3,000 received via the Labour Party by my CLP to support my candidacy in the General Election

      Donor status: trade union


  9. StewGreen says:

    Bradford : child rape images
    Guess what sentence he got ?



    • MarkyMark says:


      “Paedophile, Adnan Amjad, 37, caught with 27 images of children as young as five being raped, has walked free.

      Judge Ahmed Nadim said: “There was evidence that you explore your sexuality in a way that is outside the norms of society.””


  10. StewGreen says:

    The local ITV news page has a bit of news, then a propaganda banner
    The loaded word “Climate CRISIS” removed now
    replaced by “Climate explainers”
    still the items are GreenPR BS



  11. Jeff says:

    I must confess I’ve never watched Master Chef and wouldn’t have known Greg Wallace if tripped over him outside my local boozer, but he’s certainly hit the headlines…not for the best of reasons…

    I also know little (nothing) about the people involved or their allegations, but what did have me spitting my mid-afternoon cup of rosy, was hearing the delightful Diane Abbott’s take on this kerfuffle. I mean, of all people…

    According to the saintly Diane, Greg needs to watch what he says, “The world has moved on”, the venerable and wise Abbott intoned sagely. She sits there like some smug buddha, giving advice, with BBC sycophants hanging on her every word.

    However, it was Diane that told us that white people love to divide and conquer. She implied that black mothers did more for their children than white mums. She criticised Harriet Hatemen for sending her children to private schools whilst doing the same thing with her own son.

    She did this, so she said, to keep him away from the rough influences of “certain elements in state schools”, but he still turned out to be a wrong un.

    Exposing himself in a hospital, assaulting numerous NHS workers and attacking several police officers.

    But Greg told a few saucy jokes…


  12. MarkyMark says:

    “Earlier on Saturday, MasterChef producers announced they have appointed a “rigorous” law firm to lead an investigation into Wallace’s alleged misconduct.

    On the appointment of London law firm Lewis Silkin, a Banijay UK spokesperson said it was a “highly experienced specialist investigations team which has overseen a broad range of high-profile workplace investigations”.”


    Ideas. People. Possibilities.
    Ideas. People. Possibilities.

    Banijay UK is part of Banijay Entertainment.

    Banijay Entertainment S.A. is a French multinational television production and distribution company which is the world’s largest international content producer and distributor with over 130 production companies across 23 territories, and a multi-genre catalogue containing over 185,000 hours of original programming. Wikipedia
    Subsidiaries: Endemol Shine Group, Endemol UK, Banijay Rights · See more
    Parent organizations: Banijay Group NV, Pegasus Entrepreneurial Acquisition Company Europe B.V.
    CEO: Marco Bassetti (2013–)


    • Fedup2 says:

      It seems touch and go whether the BBC will continue to broadcast programmes with Greg what’s his name in them – and apparently there are ‘Christmas specials ‘ which I did hear are going ahead …
      I was trying to think of some ‘special innuendo ‘ but can’t be asked . How can such triviality exercise so much ‘media ‘ time ?


  13. MarkyMark says:

    “Birmingham Hall Green and Moseley MP Tahir Ali raised the issue of hate crimes against Muslims as part of Islamophobia awareness month on November.”
    Tahir Ali

    Pakistan x 38
    Qatar x 20
    Unite x 2

    “APPG for Hajj and Umrah visit to meet with the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah to discuss challenges specific to British Muslims, and the UK Mission in Riyadh, Ambassador and UK Consul General covering Mecca and Madinah. Plus meetings with the Deputy Minister for Madinah and holy sites stakeholders.”


  14. Northern Voter says:

    Regarding Gregg Wallace’s problem I had a thought. Why are all the people on the out’s white males (OK I know most of them deserve it) where are all the good looking girlie’s complaining about the lesbians in the employ of Pravda. Someone like Sue Perkins, Sandy Toksvig and the rest must have sidled up to them gave them a friendly rub on the back and said “You doing anything after”, you know in a jokey way but of course they don’t take umbrage do they, they just suck up to them even more.


  15. Fedup2 says:

    According to TTKs’ mouthpiece – Patrick pat McFadden those wishing to have someone kill them wil be able to pay for the ‘service ‘ .
    Perhaps ms ranzen could start saving now because in a few months time it will be law … others might be able to go to a shark – sorry – lawyer ( spellcheck ) who specialises in drafting wills to ensure the estate pays off the ‘killing loan ‘….

    Such nonsense is bound to happen when a law is to be passed which will not have been fully thought through by a bunch of lefty dolts in their wonderful parliament … but life I’d cheap – and im sure death will be too …


    • MarkyMark says:

      First person to use Sarco suicide pod, 64, was ‘found with strangulation marks’: Boss still in custody over US woman’s death in Swiss woodland


    • moggiemoo says:

      So, they’re making hitmen legal?


    • Flotsam says:

      Although not a Solicitor, I do know a fair bit about Wills. Firstly it’s a fundamental tenet of our legal system that a person has a free choice of Solicitor and should not be “assigned” one by a third party. Secondly the idea that a Testator should be forced to assign a Beneficiary a portion of their Estate is Improper, undue influence. A Will drawn up in this way could probably be overturned.

      Having watched my Father dying of Cancer and probably being poisoned by his grasping and thieving “Partner” has cautioned me to making changes n this area.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Flotsam – i just put it out there ‘ because those parliamentary airheads have never -and will not – think through what they are voting for ….
        It is unbelievable that such a grave issue is being put through without proper research and thought – any relying on the experience of Wyoming ? Or Holland is just … stupid …

        I’ve gone through all that end of life ‘care ‘ – so poor – as we;L as probate …. Undue influence – fraud – and I know emotion has triumphed over reason so far … tearful mp s don’t make for clear debate …


        • MarkyMark says:

          NUDGE NUDGE!


          Celebrities, including Sol Campbell and Boris Johnson, have lent their support to an online campaign to raise awareness of organ donation in the UK, as new figures reveal that 4,000 people are spending their second Christmas or more waiting for a life-saving organ transplant.

          The campaign asks people to post a picture of their Christmas list online – made up of 3 wishes (#donationwish), 2 supporting organ donation and 1 fun wish – and to let their loved ones know that they want to be an organ donor and help to save others’ lives.

          NUDGE NUDGE!
          NUDGE NUDGE!

          It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.

          making better choices in their own interests
          ** own interests may be in line with uk gov and celebrities, who will not do the same as they say.


        • Flotsam says:

          One of the reasons this Act is making headway is because of the large number of lefties in Parliament and the relatively young age profile. Lefties, as we are all aware, believe in State control so why not have State control of people dying?


  16. MarkyMark says:

    “Posting, publishing or supporting political statements critical of China or the Chinese authorities could be viewed as illegal.”


    “The Chinese authorities formally recognise 5 religions: Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Protestantism and Taoism. Only officially registered religious organisations are permitted to carry out religious activities”

    there is no trial by jury, the presiding judge or judges will reach a verdict and then pass sentence if they find the accused guilty if a case goes to trial, the conviction rate is 99%

    conviction rate is 99%
    conviction rate is 99%
    conviction rate is 99%

    The Chinese authorities control internet access. Internet access can be limited around key political events and dates. Some services are permanently blocked, including:

    Other websites may sometimes be blocked.

    There’s no Chinese law guaranteeing freedom from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation.


  17. MarkyMark says:

    “Sweden has reduced net migration to zero – here is how they did it
    We are importing workers at a time when millions are being trapped in welfare. The Nordic nation has found a way out”




  18. tomo says:

    Of course any mention of this from the BBC will repeat the lies



  19. StewGreen says:

    Radio4 now has a prog with Michael Mosley, seems to be a massive of tips to live a longer life
    He’ll probably live to 150 with all he knows …/sarc

    Radio4 = “the lefty mates club”


  20. vlad says:

    What is it with Mohammedans and car-ramming?
    This charmer, Mohammed Alam, deliberately drove into a group of friends after starting a fight, seriously injuring one.
    Nothing on the Beeb, naturally.

