571 Responses to Midweek 8th January 2024

  1. DiamondLights says:

    The Mayor of London Sir Sadiq Khan said: ‘My thoughts are with the family, friends and wider community in Greenwich following the appalling fatal stabbing of a 14-year-old boy.

    ‘This heart-breaking violence has absolutely no place in our city.

    ‘I am in close contact with police leaders – an investigation is underway and local residents will see increased patrols in the local area.’

    The attack on the 472 bus was on the main road into Woolwich – not Greenwich. As a resident of Greenwich I, and many others, do not wish to be tarred by the same broad brush as Woolwich, which has long suffered from neglect, lack of infrastructure and social problems.

    What will Sir Sadiq actually do about the gang violence and knife crime in our capital? Absolutely nothing whatsoever I suspect.

    We all know the underlying reasons for the violence. We all know it’ll continue in perpetuity.

    Stop and search anyone??


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      There was a time London was a white British city. It isn’t any more.


  2. wwfc says:

    Good watch


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Neil Oliver exposes the shocking truth about UK immigrant grooming gangs and the years of government cover-ups. As Keir Starmer and Labour claim to address the scandal, Oliver reveals how it’s more about political convenience than real action. With Elon Musk drawing global attention to the issue on X, the pressure is mounting. Are we seeing genuine justice or just a cynical PR move?”


      2021 …………………. Grooming Gangs
      Volume 688: debated on Wednesday 3 February 2021

      That this House has considered e-petitions 300239 and 327566 relating to grooming gangs.

      One of the key problems has been the lack of data, which has made it difficult to go into detail regarding the characteristics of the grooming gangs and those involved.

      I think it is right to say that the abuse of young girls conducted by grooming gangs has shaken society and we should do everything in our power to eradicate it.


  3. Fedup2 says:

    PMQs –
    For the record – 21 minutes on rape gang table tennis . An argument for ‘no inquiry ‘ put forward by TTK was that it would take too long – to 2031…

    Such an argument – in my view – is ‘unusual ‘ – so many politicians call for ‘inquiries ‘ at the drop of a hat – for instance the dolt Eddie davey sounds like he has Tourette’s when he often calls for inquiries …. But not this time .

    Maybe there will be a full inquiry one day – maybe not – but the damage has been done – is being done – and will continue to be done by paki rape gangs feeling free to go about their ‘’’’hobby ‘…knowing the race cover up will be maintained …

    6 months into the regime – and presidenr trump hasn’t even taken aim at the Marxist regime yet …. Popcorn time ..

    BTW – the killing of a 14 year old school boy / gangsta doesn’t warrent a PMQ question any more … obviously not a ‘Lawrence ‘…

    Btw 2
    A question about a cricket match against afgee – apparently the afgee treat their ladies badly – using the Paki rape gang model …

    The evil of Islam is all around …


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The evil of Islam is all around …” – oh wait …

      “”This exhibition, offers visitors an academic, well-researched and documented record of the impressive and effective achievements made by Arab and Muslim scientists, during this golden era and the effect of these achievements on the progress of human civilization. It shows how Arab and Muslim scientists created strong links that connected to, and built on the civilizations before them and paved the way for more achievements by later civilizations.”

      “The Saudi Ambassador visits the ‘1001 Inventions’ exhibition at the Science Museum in London”


    • tomo says:

      The adjective most frequently used to promote the competence of prominent barristers in the UK is “brilliant.”

      This term is often seen in legal circles, media descriptions, and professional accolades to highlight the exceptional skill, intellect, and courtroom prowess of leading barristers.

      Other adjectives like “eminent,” “distinguished,” or “accomplished” are also used, but “brilliant” stands out for its emphasis on intellectual and strategic acumen.

      – don’t see anything there that comes close in Kier Starmer…. he’s a burgers and chips sort


  4. Eddy Booth says:

    “Police hunt killer of boy stabbed on London bus”


    If only they’d had 12+ cameras on each bus, then they’d be able to issue a description.

    “..he believed, just two weeks ago, the victim had laid flowers for another teenager who met a violent death.”

    Aww did he place a teddy bear there as well.

    So long as they’re just killing each other


    • Flotsam says:

      Up and coming rapper seems to have had the usual murder gig before the fame gig.


      • Deborah says:

        I was so pleased to hear that the Met Police will work ‘at pace’ to find the murderer. To me this suggests that detectives usually work leisurely on murder cases.


  5. Fedup2 says:

    True eddy – true

    .. the the democrat republic of California fire is burning – they are probably still counting election votes making sure any ‘trump ‘ votes are first into the fire ….


  6. Fedup2 says:

    So – Andy dilnott – who dun a report into social care in 2011 – has protested about the length of time the new TTK inquiry will take ….
    ……contrast that with the proposed inquiry into a public inquiry into widespread paki rape gangs – which won’t take place cos it will take too long ….


  7. Eddy Booth says:



  8. Fedup2 says:

    World at one

    Look squirrels ( actually Greenland ) – why report on paki rape gangs when you can report on the future invasion of Greenland ….? People still pay for the BBC ,,… now more squirrels


  9. wwfc says:

    Mother pays tribute to son killed on London bus



  10. Flotsam says:

    I noticed during PMQ’s today the odious SNP leader Stephen Flynn played the Moslem/Pakistani card when he applauded Smarmer’s non replies to the Pakistani rape questions. Flynn always takes the pro Moslem, pro Asian, pro Gaza line with everything. Perhaps if he and the SNP had taken to supporting native Scots people the SNP wouldn’t have lost most of their seats.

    It’s left me wondering. All of the Pakistani rape gang incidents seem to be in English towns. I haven’t heard of it going on in Scotland.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The usually mouthy Muslim MPs noticeably silent about their friends in the rape gangs / labour councils ….


    • MarkyMark says:



      • Fedup2 says:

        There is stuff on X which asks where paki paedo racist rape gangs are a purely England phenomenon – the answer across Europe is definitely ‘no ‘ – if white guilt stands off – the third world smell the weakness and exploit it ….


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      If there is a Pakistani population it will be happening. If it is not reported, it is because the SNP does not want it to be.


  11. Flotsam says:

    Also from today’s PMQ’s Smarmer was asked why there had been no prosecution of Mohammed Al Fayed. Smarmer said it never crossed his desk! Anyone believe that?


  12. MarkyMark says:





  13. vlad says:

    First the BBC (and most of the msm) referred to them by the rather genteel euphemism of ‘grooming gangs’ – that’s if they even bothered to talk about them at all.
    Then ‘rape gangs’ began to be used, and the term ‘Asian’ crept in. (Which is highly insulting to all those non-raping Asians.)
    Now, some brave news outlets are referring to them as Pakistani rape gangs, which is closer to the truth. (Though not the BBC, natch.)

    But what is still often omitted is the term “Muslim”.
    Because it’s not a mere coincidence that the overwhelming majority are muslims. Nor is it some sort of ‘aberration’ of islam. No, it’s central to islam for the following reasons:

    First, islam’s relaxed attitude to child sex. Bear in mind that their ‘prophet’ himself – the “perfect man” and the model to be emulated by his followers – married Aisha at 6 and consummated by 9. Some learned muslim scholars speculate that between 6 and 9, Mohammed practised something called ‘thigh-ing’. I’ll leave it to your imagination what that disgusting term means.

    Secondly, islam’s highly misogynistic attitude to women, who are seen as inferior to men, there for men’s enjoyment, and who must obey them unquestioningly under threat of a beating.
    Furthermore, men who cannot defend their womenfolk are seen as weak and to be despised.

    Equally significant is islam’s attitude to the liberal West in general. Islam divides the world into the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam) and the House of War (Dar al-harb).
    By that definition, the UK is a territory to be conquered. Sex Jihad is part of that conquest, and our womenfolk are the spoils of war. (Incidentally, in the time of Mohammed the women of conquered peoples were routinely used as sex slaves, including by the Perfect Man himself.)

    The heroic Ayaan Hirsi Ali – the subject of numerous fatwas and death threats – makes many of these points below, and a few more besides. Incidentally, how strange that the pro-feminist, pro-third world BBC completely ignores such a brave, thoughtful and articulate feminist from the third world. Wrong kind of feminism, BBC?




  14. Zephir says:

    Why can NO ONE seem to stop the boats ?

    KALERGI PLAN: The Seven Stages of Multiculturalism

    The whole Pan-European movement out of which the EU was born, was created by Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. He gave us our anthem: Ode to Joy and Our flag. He also invented the concepts of Total European Integration, Multiculturalism and the New World Order.
    Backed by the Zionist banker Max Warburg, Kalergi was a eugenics-philosopher whose books expounded the belief that the original peoples of Europe should be eliminated by being mixed with Africans and Asians – to destroy their national identity and create a single mestizo race.
    As well as giving some background to the enigmatic figure of Count Kalergi, this book helps identify for theoretical purposes Seven Stages of the process of Multiculturalism. Using these individual stages helps in the understanding of the overall process. The UK Government talk about Diversity and Multiculturalism, whilst in reality Diversity is only Stage Two of a Seven Stage Multicultural Process and in 2015 we’re already half-way through Stage Five.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Nuke France to end the boats!

      “Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.”



    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      I thought Ode to Joy was a Beethoven composition.


      • Zephir says:

        Yes, this one made sure it was adopted by Europe:

        In 1971 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe decided to propose adopting the prelude to the “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony as the anthem, taking up a suggestion made by Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi in 1955.

        The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe officially announced the European Anthem on 19 January 1972 at Strasbourg: the prelude to “Ode to Joy”, 4th movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s 9th symphony.

        Conductor Herbert von Karajan was asked to write three instrumental arrangements – for solo piano, for wind instruments and for symphony orchestra and he conducted the performance used to make the official recording. Karajan decided on a decidedly slower tempo, using crotchet (quarter note) = 120 whereas Beethoven had written minim (half note) = 80

        The anthem was launched via a major information campaign on Europe Day in 1972, without a public holiday, since it is close to May Day. In 1985, it was adopted by EU heads of state and government as the official anthem of the then European Community – since 1993 the European Union. It is not intended to replace the national anthems of the member states but rather to celebrate the values they all share and their unity in diversity. It expresses the ideals of a united Europe: freedom, peace, and solidarity.


        • MarkyMark says:

          “freedom, peace, and solidarity”

          freedom – except on VAT
          peace – see EU enlargement project to take over the world
          solidarity – send all your money to Brussels!


      • Mrs Kitty says:

        @ Lucy 2.40 pm Next time you watch “Die Hard “ you’ll hear Ode to Joy in the background many times and at the end when the vault opens, very apt I thought a bunch of thieves using this music.


        • Scroblene says:

          There’s a bit in one of the many stories of POWs in camps during WW2…

          The prisoners are all in their hut, listening to a record playing on a wind-up gramophone.

          A German officer enters the hut, and exclaimed, “Ach, Beethoven; he is a good German”!

          Some wag from the back of the hut calls out, “Yes, he’s dead”!


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Now we know that the invaders are raping our girls, boys, AND Shetland ponies maybe we can take the rubber boats back to France and claim asylum, and a 4-star hotel on the basis that we are fleeing war, stab zones, rape, and a marxist run hell-hole.


  15. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Regent Street and Savile Row Central London evacuated. Police carry out controlled explosion due to a bomb threat.

    As per MSN news


  16. Fedup2 says:

    I forgot – there was a pmq question ( Sneer ) about the MP for Clackton receiving funds from Elon Musk – they all laughed – the speaker was the truly vile Eddie Davey who seems fixated with Mr Musk . There was no mention of Soros or Blackrock or Bill Gates …or wealthy Muslims buying peerages and the Labour Party …


  17. Zephir says:

    This is how to do it….get rid of Trudeau and:

    “Mexico disperses migrant caravans heading to US ahead of Trump inauguration.

    President-elect Trump has threatens Mexico with 25% tariffs on goods — unless it stops illegal crossings”



  18. Fedup2 says:

    In 2015 Jess Phillips called George Galloway a ‘rape apologist ‘ – she twittered that she did it ( unless this is made up – but it looks real …. Goes around …


  19. Zephir says:

    Now Africa has joined in…herding gangs ?

    Getting them hooked on carrots and handfuls of sugar cubes ?

    “Man, 43, accused of having sex with a Shetland pony after breaking into farm appears in court.

    Damion Ogeare, 43, is accused of having sex with the animal in a stable after trespassing onto the farm in Trowbridge, Wiltshire.”



    • MarkyMark says:

      “Damion Ogeare, 43, is accused of having sex with the animal in a stable after trespassing onto the farm in Trowbridge, Wiltshire.

      He appeared at Salisbury Crown Court, Wilts, for a plea and trial preparation hearing and spoke only to confirm his name.”


    • Flotsam says:

      When asked if he had raped the horse his response was “Neigh, neigh, neigh”


  20. Zephir says:

    Erm….are they asking the sun or the wind gods ?

    “National Grid asks power plants to generate extra electricity TONIGHT over surging demand to heat homes as temperatures plunge to -16C.

    The Capacity Market Notice was issued to start at 4.30pm in a bid to maintain the operational national reserve, a day after its forecasts showed tight margins between 4pm and 7pm today. The notice was cancelled an hour later.”



  21. digg says:

    So the Labour Part determined stonewall against a national investigation into grooming gathers pace. TTK and his merry ladies are desperately trying to roll logs under the very idea…

    Strange if you ask me as no one is suggesting ditching the investigations that have already been carried out, just broadening it to a National investigation to eliminate the possibility of any local bias or resistance which under the circumstances makes total sense to me!


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Yet he says we need action.


      • Zephir says:

        Only this week when someone from another country has publicly shamed him into it.

        It’s what he did when he thought he was under the radar that proves what a nasty bastard he truly is, such as refusing to meet with a representative of the Rotherham victims and visiting Oldham to help the labour councillors prevent any investigations.

        And, of course NOTHING done about the recommendations from the last whitewash, until this week when they had no choice.

        All logged in fine detail, with dates and times, by Recusant 9


    • MarkyMark says:

      “What’s the image that stays most with you? The teenage girl with four simultaneous men inside her? The rape victim forced to marry her abuser with her social worker in attendance? The fathers who tracked down their daughters to a rape house and were arrested by the police? There are any number of images unforgettable, even if you tried. For me it’s the girl doused in petrol and warned not to talk to the police (the police who would have told her she had it coming).”



      • Fedup2 says:

        Imagine if someone did a ‘drama ‘ like the post office scandal ….?


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        MM, a girl raped with a broken bottle. Her injuries took 3 months to heal. (I imagine the scars will be lifelong). The torture some of these young people endured requires a Hamas level of demonic hatred to deliver. These “groomers” are worse than savage.


        • MarkyMark says:

          “..I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues (Simon Schama BBC@£200K) ability to get big laughs on gang rape…I’m not much of a feminist but I draw the line at the 3 year old getting raped, and the seven year old getting gang raped in a basement. (audience claps)” – Mark Steyn {youtube The Munk debate @4:46}

          Simon Schama BBC@£200K – I knew I’d seen that name Schama before. This is what Simon said earlier to ignite Mark Steyn’s response ….

          “…I’m just struck by how obsessed by sex these two guys (Farage/Steyn) are, it’s a bit sad really… (audience laughs, Simon smiles)” – Simon Schama (£200K BBC Salary) {youtube The Munk debate @2:00}

          Suggest you watch the whole debate…to form your own opinion of Simon “BBC on 200K” Schama, whose salary is from a TV Tax extracted from people who are struggling in the UK, a license that had 180,000 (near Simon’s Wage) prosecuted due to none payment. And sent 70 people to jai


    • Fedup2 says:

      It also gives power to demand attendance and give evidence on oath . A lot of retired plod and social workers might worry…


  22. wwfc says:


  23. Fedup2 says:

    The final PMQ question was why did starmer as DPP never do anything about the Muslim sex offender called a’ fayed …

    He replied ‘it never came across my desk ‘…. I bet he made sure it didn’t …..


    • Zephir says:

      Came across the desks of many young internees though


    • MarkyMark says:

      Lord Alli came across his desk?


    • Scroblene says:

      Typical blame-shifting comment from a serial skiver!

      He must have heard about the scandal, so why didn’t the lazy sod go and find out what the issue was?


  24. Fedup2 says:

    Bank of England now having to offer gilt rates of 5.21interest to get institutions to buy them ….higher than the truss mess ….

    That uk credit card
    is getting more expensive …

    Rachel from accounts is gonna have to up the taxes again in the spring announcement ….


  25. Sluff says:

    I watched the BBC2 doc about the 7/7 terrorist bombings.
    By the end of the second episode the Police have identified the bombers, where they live, and what type of community they live in.

    But somehow the BBC have managed to make no mention at all of their religion.
    Funny, that.


  26. Eddy Booth says:

    “Cold snap grips UK as -20C possible overnight”


    If only we’d released more carbon dioxide, my hands wouldn’t be like icebergs, modern gloves are useless.

    Just watching this gulag documentary as relevant as ever, with our glorious leader Kweer Stalin at the helm.


  27. Philip_2 says:

    The creator of an anti-Sir Keir Starmer charity single has been stripped of his job as a BBC newsreader after revealing his identity.

    Chris Middleton, a freelance newsreader for BBC Newcastle, had his shifts cancelled after revealing himself as the writer of Freezing This Christmas by Sir Starmer and the Granny Harmers.


    > He should have been promoted, but being ‘anti Labour austerity’ is clearly a treasonable offense. BBC have to be in lock step, all dissenters will be eliminated – (as one Dalek used to say).


  28. Jeff says:

    Not on the MSM yet, not even GB News, but Tousi TV is reporting a “suspected terrorist incident “in central London.

    I think it involves a car with (possible) explosives. I don’t know any more than that.

    Just thought I’d let you all know…


    • Zephir says:

      A “suspicious” vehicle reported in Regent Street, after a controlled explosion they decided it was not suspicious.

      I’d like to see his insurance claim.

      And on that basis I’m reporting my neighbour’s bloody great filthy works van permanantly parked outside my house as suspicious.


  29. Sluff says:

    Some off topic housing musings.
    Rachel from accounts has reduced the free stamp duty allowance for houses, both to first time and subsequent buyers. What I didn’t realise was that at some stage and not I think by Rachel, the graded levels of stamp duty appear to have been scrapped. The minimum is now 5% and 10% above about £900 k.

    In other words it costs at least £90,000 to move from a £900 k house into another £900 k house. Less for cheaper properties but say £25 k for a £500 k house, which in Londonistan and many other places south of Chesterfield will not get you very much at all.

    What is the result? Instead of moving to a bigger property as your family grows, you instead extend your existing house. The issue is acute in areas of ahem high ethnicity and multigenerational living. A 3 bed semi can be extended sideways and/ or convert the garage to an extra room. Then put 2 bedrooms in the loft space. And voila! A 6 bed house paid for in large part by not having to pay stamp duty.

    Which means there are more and more large houses and fewer and fewer 2 or 3 bedrooms semis, which for decades have been the basis of the family home. So how then does one move gradually up the housing ladder, unless you have an extended family. The modest jump up from a 2 bed flat is much much harder.

    The nett result is a distortion of housing, which is rarely if ever discussed, but a positive for extended families, invariably not, shall we say, of Anglo-Saxon ancestry.

    Unintended consequence born out of incompetence or deliberately engineered policy neatly staying below the radar? A narrow call in my opinion.


    • Zephir says:

      Oh yes, and while working in Luton the number of breeze block “buildings ” with curtains hidden in the back gardens of a certain demographic discovered was truly amazing.

      The council of course did NOTHING about it.


    • moggiemoo says:

      I was just about allowed a single storey extension, at the rear, on my 3 bed semi. When it was sold to a family of a certain religion, they were allowed a 2 storey extension to the side and a granny annexe at the end of the garden. When I questioned that with the council I was told, straight out, you’re the wrong colour, mate. Funny that.


      • Scroblene says:

        You can build a conservatory in most places, Mogs, as it’s permitted development, subject to certain provisions!

        Cover the inside with huge curtains, and you could house about three families…


  30. micknotmike says:

    The bbc (And their partners in crime) are having a tough time selling the tale of the “boy” who was stabbed on a london bus.
    According to gbnews (Who I hate more and more as time goes on; I particualy despise the coloured girl who sounds as if she uses evo-stik for mouthwash), the “victim” sent a text asking for help obtaining a knife. He used a somali word which i have no wish to learn). His loving mum (Think d.lawrence) insists that he only wanted it for protection. Yeah right.

    It reminds me of the old “got in with a bad crowd” line. Take ten boys one is good, but got in with nine bad’uns.

    The next one gives the same argument. After they have all stated their case, they are all saints and they are all killers. It don’t work, mate. I favour the latter conclusion and intend to stay a long way away from them.


    • Zephir says:

      Yes she makes Rod Stewart sound squeaky..


    • Fedup2 says:

      He was due in court on Thursday charged with taking a machete to school ….. mummy says he was ‘groomed ‘ by drugs gangs .. daddy is nowhere to be seen ..

      The kid will probably be a role model …


  31. taffman says:

    Is Great Britain waking up to the fact that the “Multi Cult” gang and its woke support crew are not working .
    Anything on the Biased Broadcaster about the foreign rape gangs ?
    Reform ! Far Right ?
    No . Right by Far !


  32. JohnC says:

    Mother ‘not surprised’ son killed on London bus

    Once again the BBC have collared some victim at their peak of misery and interviewed them for another empathy-fest.

    ‘Kelyan was kind and good at football, his mother Mary Bokassa said’
    ‘ Kelyan was “underweight, very hungry, tattooed and exposed to drugs” and he experienced some “extremely challenging times”, but they had just enjoyed Christmas together and he was back at school.’
    “He cares about the people around him. He loved to have his friends around and when they were round he would want to cook for them,” Ms Bokassa added in a tearful tribute to her son.
    “He was very articulate.
    “He knows what he likes and knows how to express it.
    “He was good in music. Anything he loves… he was doing to his best ability. He was good at football… and he was was extremely good at drawing.”

    Buried deep in the small gaps of these tributes to an apparently amazing son, we also learn:
    ‘Kelyan was due in court next week facing a charge of carrying a machete.’
    ‘Kelyan attended Newhaven School, a pupil referral unit and specialist school in Eltham.’. BBC speak for a special school as he was expelled from his proper one.
    ‘he had previously been found to have taken knives into his primary school and was taken into care for a number of years.’

    And why no mention of his father BBC ?.

    As entirely expected, the BBC are trying to infer it was not any his families fault. They nearly – but not quite – say it’s because the authorities are racist:
    ‘She said she asked for help and tried to prevent him from associating with gangs but did not receive support from the authorities’
    Never their fault is it BBC ?.

    What I want to know is why the BBC have suddenly become so interested in Londonistan stabbings. All the others are given a brief facts-only article if they even report it at all. Unless whitey did the killing of course. Then it’s big news.

    I couldn’t all be trying to divert attention from the rape gangs could it ?. As I have said many times, these Leftist scumbags don’t give a shit about who murders who unless they can use it for one of their agendas.


  33. Zephir says:

    No more black hole, it seems:

    “Labour ‘offering to pay Mauritius nearly £9billion’ as part of Chagos Islands deal in bid to rush through agreement before Donald Trump re-enters the White House.

    According to the Financial Times and Bloomberg, the Government is now offering to frontload a tranche of payments to Mauritius in order to finalise the draft agreement.

    Ministers have so far kept silent on how much it will cost the UK to lease the military base on Diego Garcia, the largest of the Chagos Islands, under the terms of the deal.

    But it is reported Britain is offering about £90million a year for the initial 99-year lease, which would be a total of £8.9billion.

    It is also claimed – as a sweetener to finalise the deal before Mr Trump officially becomes US President again on 20 January – that the Government is proposing to pay an initial sum covering several years’ worth of payments.

    Downing Street did not deny the Chagos Islands deal could cost £90million a year – but No10 said it would not get into a ‘running commentary on those discussions’.”


  34. JohnC says:

    Rapper convicted over Tommy Robinson video

    ‘Omar Abdirizak, 31, denied sending a message of a menacing character contrary to the Communications Act 2003.’

    ‘The video, which attracted more than two million views, was reposted by Yaxley-Lennon alongside a claim that it was a threat to murder him due to “lies” by the media and politicians, the court heard.’

    One would think this conviction would certainly make the main news page considering the relevance to current events. However the BBC have seen fit to send it straight to ‘Birmigham and Black Country’ region so we don’t see it.

    They would rather poke their own eyes out than show us anything like this. They hate Tommy with the kind of nasty passion only the Left possess.


    • digg says:

      TR was given a jail sentence for far less threatening comments so it will be very interesting to see how TTK’s “balanced” justice system deals with this piece of gutter garbage.


  35. non-licence payer says:

    This was my response to Tomo’s Tousi interview with Raja Miah – but that was yesterday:

    “Sir Raja Miah.

    Oldham, the Post Office, Grenfell. A trilogy of corruption and incompetence.”


  36. pugnazious says:

    The BBC having to admit all is not rosy in the Labour pruned to death garden…..however….one, it’s Trump’s fault and two….Reeves’ budget may, just may, have had an impact but you know what?….nothing to write home about.


    ‘Globally, there has been a rise in the cost of government borrowing in recent months sparked by investor concerns that US President-elect Donald Trump’s plans to impose new tariffs on goods entering the US from Canada, Mexico and China would push up inflation.

    Laith Khalaf, head of investment analysis at AJ Bell, said chancellor Rachel Reeves’ Budget in October, which increased borrowing, may have had a small impact but said the UK rises were similar to those in the US.’

    Curious how the BBC can find what must be the one and only analyst who thinks the budget has done little damage.

    The Telegraph quotes the same guy, along with many others, and he also said this…

    ‘Laith Khalaf, head of investment analysis at AJ Bell, said: “It’s somewhat odd that bond yields have risen to new highs so long after interest rates have peaked, which suggests markets were complacent about inflation and overly confident that the Bank of England would cut rates sharply.”’

    Not so ‘odd’ if you factor in Reeves’ budget perhaps? Which might indicate the budget is somewhat more damaging than suggested by him.

    The BBC writes this up as if it was the market’s fault that Reeves’ ‘almost perfect’ budget might fail rather than her own policy decisions….

    ‘Gabriel McKeown, head of macroeconomics at Sad Rabbit Investments, said the rise in borrowing costs “has effectively eviscerated Reeves’ fiscal headroom, threatening to derail Labour’s investment promises and potentially necessitate a painful recalibration of spending plans.”‘

    Note how the Telegraph words the same thing in a more honest way….

    ‘Ben Nicholl, a senior fund manager at Royal London Asset Management, told the FT: “The Chancellor has no room left against her fiscal rules given the upward move in yields, and the market is questioning what the next move is from here.

    “Raising taxes or cutting back on departmental spending will only put further downward pressure on growth, which in turn puts pressure on tax revenues when borrowing is already high.”’

    It is remarkable how the BBC covers for Labour whether on heating allowances, inheritance tax, gang rape inquiries or the dodgy budget.


  37. tomo says:

    I see the despicablr, “deplorable” far-ite media are now attacking Musk

    He’s done for now



    the replies….


    The locomotive of the narrative derailed and the carriages, it seems – still have some momentum


  38. vlad says:

    Without wishing to take sides in the Farage-Tommy dispute, it seems to me that Farage has his eye on one day becoming PM, or at least playing a significant role in Westminster. He knows that any ‘rapprochement’ with Tommy will forever be used to demonise him as a fascist and scupper any chance of his achieving those aims.
    So, rightly or wrongly, his recent comments are just Realpolitik.
    Musk, on the other hand, is fortunate enough not to have to worry too much about public opinion (and votes).


    • tomo says:

      Farage has been forced into an error – he isn’t forced to say anything to the media (Ben Habib seems to be doing a fair job)

      I’d have been happier if he’d simply refused to comment and let the press invent stuff – maybe even try a bit of the sort of ambush the ambusher similar to TR dished up to drunken slob John Sweeney on Panorama (iirc)

      It annoyed me that Farage hinted darkly that there was more, a lot more to the Southport business and then didn’t follow through – he needs to carefully pick his position and stick it to the lot of them – they’ll show no restraint in the other direction – that’s a certainty -low blows are to be expected.

      The UK MSM need to be taught some harsh lessons.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Farage had no problems backing the odious Tony Blair a few years ago

      “Nigel Farage backs Tony Blair to lead Britain’s vaccination programme during dig at ‘low grade’ government”


      ‘ “Nigel Farage has said Tony Blair should lead the UK’s vaccination programme, adding the former Labour prime minister “commands respect” and is “seriously bright” ‘


  39. tomo says:

    Electricity prices going bonkers



    Anyone seen the stupid twat with the blue ukulele lately? Maybe he’s waiting for his turn with the brain cell after Rachael, Wes and Keir have used it.


    • MarkyMark says:


      Green Finance Institute Ltd – £99,000.00
      Donation Source: (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
      Payment Type: InKind
      Payment Description: Providing policy support on the Labour Party’s National Wealth Fund, with a taskforce reporting jointly to me and another MP
      Value: 99000.00
      Donor Name: Green Finance Institute Ltd

      Lisbet Rausing – £233,600.00
      Donation Source: (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
      Payment Type: Cash
      Payment Description: to the central Labour Party to cover staffing costs for my frontbench role, paid in an initial instalment of £20,200 on 15 June 2023, then £19,400 a month thereafter until May 2024. This arrangement is expected to continue until the general election; the value above covers the first twelve months only.
      Value: 233600.00
      Is Sole Beneficiary: True
      Donor Name: Lisbet Rausing



      Lisbet RAUSING

      Anna Lisbet Kristina Rausing (born 9 June 1960) is a science historian and philanthropist. She is a co-founder of Arcadia,[1] one of the UK’s largest philanthropic foundations.


      Her grandfather, Ruben Rausing, was co-founder of the Swedish packaging company Tetra Pak.

      Rausing and Baldwin also founded Lund Trust. Since 2002 Lund Trust has given more than $77.7 million to charities in the UK and internationally.[22]



  40. Lucy Pevensey says:

    The vote is in.
    Ayes 111
    Scumbag pedo-protectors 364

    How MPs in each party voted on Kemi Badenoch’s amendment:

    🔵 Tories: 101 voted for, 16 abstained (including Rishi Sunak)
    🔴 Labour: 350 voted against, 49 abstained
    🟠 Lib Dems: All 72 abstained
    🟣 Reform UK: All 5 voted for
    🟢 Green: 2 voted against, 2 abstained


  41. tomo says:

    Tripe with everything

    Say hello to Mrs Kinnock




    • MarkyMark says:

      No way!

      “Born 14 December 1966 (age 58)
      Copenhagen, Denmark
      Political party Social Democrats
      Other political
      affiliations Labour
      Spouse Stephen Kinnock ​(m. 1996)”


      “He did once call the House of Lords “unelected busybodies… descendants of brigands, muggers, bribers and gangsters”, though it’s different now, with as many TV presenters as footpads. And the ceremony is much shorter.”


      • Fedup2 says:

        If I recall comrade Glenys left around £1.5 million in her recent will – I bet the family tucked plenty away from the tax man .. wouldn’t want socialists paying taxes for their NHS would we …? Snouts in the family trough ….


        • StewGreen says:

          Yes, “Her will shows her estate was worth £1,514,275”
          I expect Labour MPs would donate their wealth to good causes
          Perhaps she did that with £4m and this is what she had left over.


  42. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Suella Braverman abstained.


  43. vlad says:

    So Trump is to annex Greenland, Canada, Panama… any chance he might include the UK?


  44. Lucy Pevensey says:



  45. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I kid you not. Posted 1 hour ago. Labour tweeted this-



    • StewGreen says:

      Such extraordinary claims
      need extraordinary evidence
      Yep it’s true it’s here .. https://x.com/UKLabour/status/1877085411639509389

      Yes it’s ratioed … but only just

      ONe reply
      “Labour set the police tonight on a Muslim rape gang survivor.”
      (South Yorkshire Police phoned Sammy Woodhouse and asked her to lay off reporting some things
      Things that she says are already in the public domain)

      Top reply
      “You simply cannot spin the fact you just voted against an inquiry into the systemic rape of thousands of girls by Pakistani gangs. No slogan, no graphic, no meme can turn this around for you.”


    • tomo says:

      Did it have a dodgy soundtrack?


  46. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Sorry about the size. It is unintentional.


  47. digg says:

    Not a single Labour MP had the guts to vote for a comprehensive national grooming investigation. What a total bunch of Lilly-liveried cowards….

    Jobs before girls lives or upsetting Muslim voters I guess.

    Got to keep their jobs under Gruppenfurer, TTK and his merry band of sturmer ladies I guess…


  48. StewGreen says:

    Laurence Fox @LozzaFox got 11,000 Likes
    It’s now clear.
    @KemiBadenoch has revealed @UKLabour for what they are.
    This isn’t a government.
    * It’s a Pakistani Muslim child rape support group. *
    All for the votes of barbarians.
    Shame on this nation.

    @LozzaFox got 13,000 Likes for
    It is plain for all to see.
    @Keir_Starmer is ordering @UKLabour MP’s to vote to cover up the rape of young girls in exchange for Muslim votes.
    Power at any price.
    He is the most dangerous prime minister this country has ever had.
    Come the Revolution.


  49. G.W.F. says:

    BBC LA fires — climate change

    James Woods
    This fire is not from “climate change,” you ignorant asshole. It’s because liberal idiots like you elect liberal idiots like Gavin Newsom and Karen Bass. One doesn’t understand the first thing about fire management and the other can’t fill the water reservoirs.

    The irony of James Woods, known for his skepticism about climate change, losing his home to the very wildfires linked to climate change impacts in California, is striking.