571 Responses to Midweek 8th January 2024

  1. Zephir says:

    The UK’s international reputation goes from strength the strength.

    From the USA:



    • pugnazious says:

      Yeah…don’t be angry.


      • Zephir says:

        Isn’t it funny, muslims in the UK and the racebaiting industry blacks are angry at just about everything, screaming and shouting with their placards on every street


    • Up2snuff says:

      Zephir, your post 4.42 p.m. yesterday is a spoof or fake as there is a clue in the words said to be used by TTK.

      Be careful where you share it.


      • Zephir says:

        Correct, well spotted, it is from a very popular site full of them called Babylon Bee…


  2. pugnazious says:

    ‘Clear racism at Al Fayed’s Harrods, former staff tell BBC’

    The Blacks have got on the bandwagon….they can’t be left out…

    ‘Many black staff members at London’s world-famous Harrods department store would leave the shop floor before Mohamed Al Fayed toured the premises, former employees have told the BBC.’

    Was there no racism in any of his other activities?

    Can’t remember the BBC being so concerned about the ‘whiteness’ of the girls he abused and raped….but then, apparently men of his heritage raping white girls seems to be not newsworthy generally…in fact something to cover-up if anything.

    ‘Henry said the only staff who stayed on the shop floor were “young, thin, blonde”, although some non-white door guards also remained.

    Since the BBC’s investigation was broadcast, we have heard scores of accounts of Al Fayed – who died in 2023 aged 94 – favouring women with these traits.’

    ‘I just love raping white girls’

    Is that not racist?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Did Al lock the doors like BBC’s Jimmy Savile?


    • StewGreen says:

      Of course he didn’t say that last statement.
      Extraordinary claim but no evidence presented.
      Oh I see what you mean .. he seems to have only raped blondes.


  3. pugnazious says:

    Andy Burnham….the Far-Right mayor of Manchester…from the Telegraph…

    ‘Andy Burnham has split with Sir Keir Starmer to call for a national inquiry into grooming gangs.

    The Labour Mayor of Greater Manchester said he believed there was a case for a “limited national inquiry” that draws on local reviews into historic child sexual exploitation.’

    Burnham is a ‘goto’ for the BBC…normally….can’t see any comment about him on the BBC on this very prominent issue….nor indeed any comment that Phillips gave ground and suggested they might have a national inquiry if the victims want one.

    Oh hang on…..there is a report…he appeared on BBC Radio in Manchester but the web report has been tucked away in the ‘politics’ page…you might think it would be a notable story given he’s going against Starmer and how ‘controversial’ it is….and it’s in a BBC interview when he said this.


    Curious how the BBC is downplaying his comments.

    Guessing the BBC also isn’t too keen on an inquiry….which should look at the media’s part in this….did a reluctance to report allow politicians and police to dodge the issue? A BBC reporter from the North stated that he was amazed that the police hadn’t acting…but what did he report? No news reports mean little public awareness and no pressure on politicians to ‘do something’.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yeah let’s hear it for the Far Right end of the Labour Party – Burnham on manoeuvres as he can see at the current rate TTK and Rachel from accounts might be gone by 2026 if the polls keep diving and the reds get killed in local elections – please …..
      Did Rachel fly economy ? I recall the episode last year when a picture of her on a plane to the US was doctored to pretend she wasn’t on the lash in first class …


  4. SpinningReith says:

    Re: Jess Phillips …

    atlas shrugged
    ” Yikes with nashers like that she would need to be careful. ”

    Rob in Cheshire
    ” One day Shergar might want them back. ”

    As my father used to say ‘she could eat an apple through a chain-link fence!’.


  5. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I don’t know what’s bizarre about this. Except that parliamentarians are not accustomed to being questioned properly.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      What an excellent set of questions from Rupert Lowe MP.

      You might think these questions would have backing by feminist MPs. But no all they could come up with was blah blah blah. They seem to think that these rapes can be stopped by sex education and more big state with funding going to more feminist organisations.

      Many of the abused children were in ‘care’ or more accurately in ‘harm’ but we need to know how many to see the size of the problem. Sarah Champions solutions to nationalise our children will not work.


      • Philip_2 says:

        What is even more worrying is that this bill to combat sexual abuse will not name the perpetrators, will not expose the Labour councils involved, will not question Police involved in any cover up and will not blame a particular group funding the Labour Party in key areas where it continues to be ignored, and will be ignored as long as they vote Labour. Some of the reports are so TOXIC (multiple sexual abuses and torture) that they should be exposed as war crimes against the state. Total shame. We have an enemy within UK and they will not name it. Nor will the BBC admit to (or VERIFY) any such bias of ignoring serious errors of state by Blair and his henchman, one of whom hopes to be the UK Ambassador, alongside David Lammy who welcomes such immigrants then and now. It can only get worse.


  6. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – pro-Palestianian British Broadcasting Corporation reaches a new low

    The Montacutie spent several minutes interviewing, iirc, Richard Casey who has resigned! He was something to do with the Biden Administration and is concerned for the Palestinian people. Not because they are being exploited by Hamas and ripped off by Hamas but because of big bad Israel and the way they are treating the Palestinians in Gaza and within their borders and also in the West Bank. Biased BBC? Yes.

    You can read more about Casey here: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-official-resigned-after-being-tired-writing-about-dead-kids-gaza


  7. Sluff says:

    On BBC ‘Pointless’, assistant Gok Wan (who is gay) has been replaced by Ron Rinder ( who is gay).
    The likelihood of this happening by chance is between 9 and 16 in 10,000. Let’s say 1 in 1000. About 0.1%.

    But this is the BBC, so the chance appears to be 100%.

    Maybe on Pointless, the BBC version of equality is one straight and one gay presenter.
    I’m amazed their obsession with Drag Queens hasn’t made it onto the programme.


    • Zephir says:

      The name of the show says it all, it should be the title of their webshite also.


  8. Zephir says:

    “RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Have I got a deal for you, Donald… forget Greenland and buy Britain instead!”


  9. tomo says:

    Lee Hurst is correct



    • Zephir says:

      “council house” arrest for a few weeks before the tenancy and benefits kick in.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think – even if TTK is forced into some sort of paki rape gang inquiry -the terms of reference – the chair – the timescale – the lot – will be so fixed as to make it meaningless – as in – reporting sometime after 2030 like that monster Bloody Sunday farce .
      But it will – hopefully – cause discomfort to some who concealed – ignored – aided – abetted …. I mean when you think about it – where were the teachers ? The medics ? Yet alone the obviously guilty – plod -social services – lawyers – councils – ….
      And with the likes of mark steyn in the wilderness on both the Paki rape gangs and vaccine deaths yoy wonder about the value of a ‘free press ‘. But Thank You Elon …-


      • Zephir says:

        Of course they will do the usual and wait until they are all retired, I’m just amazed some of the perpetrators are still walking the streets with no natural justice…..


        • Fedup2 says:

          I understand that people used the excuse that these girls were ‘trash ‘ ….. but the sheer scale and nature and organisation of those gangs – and the complete failure to deal with them – really shows the corruption in Britain – in the name of ‘multiculturalism ‘ and over evils .. but there’s a lot of stuff we just don’t know ….. where were the vigilantes – if the system allow it ?


      • tomo says:

        I think we all know that no inquiry run by the present public sector and their klingons (lawyers like Starmer) would ever sanction councillors / council officials / plod managers for their utterly grotesque antics. It’d just be a money pit and nobody would loose their jobs / pensions.

        Our pubic servants are now, I feel, the enemy – I’m not comfortable with that at all – they shouldn’t be.

        Law as a political tool ….

        Perhaps it’s time to try taking the law back and launching a few private criminal prosecutions ? (and yes, I’m aware that CPS could stymy that but there actually is provision for funding this from the public purse) Starmer and crew would just hate that 🙂


    • pugnazious says:

      Don’t give the BBC ideas….I see a 10 parter following her ‘desperate struggle’ to travel back here.


  10. StewGreen says:

    Why is BBC Two programming changed to have a Los Angeles fires news special.

    The presenter Maryam Moshiri@BBCMaryam weets
    “Join me at 1900GMT for a BBC News special on the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles. WATCH on BBC News -BBC TWO -online – BBCIplayer and LISTEN on BBC Sounds and BBC World Service. “


    She’s got just 11 Likes


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yeah fire porn – emptying swimming pools to splash fires — right …im setting up a tour of torched celebrity homes – who voted democrat ( sick eh ?)


      • Zephir says:

        Just waiting for someone to melt some brass into a puddle, then sell it on ebay as an oscar..


      • StewGreen says:

        And because UK media is very DIVERSE
        on Channel4 at the same time as the BBC show there is “LA on Fire a C4 News Special”


    • tomo says:

      Clii-mat change – wouldn’t have happened if California had higher taxes and more windmills.

      Trump fires is what they are


      • atlas_shrugged says:

        DEI help is at hand. Once they recruit some more blue-haired lesbian fire fighters the fires will be under control. This is the important thing.


  11. StewGreen says:

    WHY I LEFT REFORM – Howard Cox resignation bombshell
    This happened 7 hours ago
    Why is it not on the Farage show ?

    “Reform HQ said you must mot criticise our policy on TR”
    “The thing is I don’t have much awareness of TR. so I don’t support TR, but all I have ever said is that I do support the things that TR seems to support, same for Musk and for Trump
    TR seems to be a political prisoner and should not be in jail”
    “since I resigned
    no Reform HQ person has contacted me”

    TR’s account has put out an emphatic statement apparently from TR’s ex-wife
    “Stephen (Tommy) has never ever been charged or accused of violence towards me or any other woman. These lies have to stop”
    It has 23,000 Likes


    • Zephir says:

      He IS a political prisoner, he was found guilty of a civil offence, which would normally require a minor punishment. BUT the attorney general, a political appointment, decided to make it a criminal offence, again, this would normally require a minor punishment but, not this time.


    • StewGreen says:

      I do appreciate that TR’s wife benefits from TR’s family wealth
      and she would support the father of her children
      but there is no evidence of him being violent towards women
      You’d think HnH would have already produced it.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      I’m not surprised Reform is losing people. I’ve experienced some quite unpleasant arrogance from some of their members for criticising the direction the party is taking.


      • StewGreen says:

        Why worry what other members say ?
        They might well be stooges send by Labour/Tory to destabilise itt.
        I think that’s what happened with UKIP


  12. Zephir says:

    With this bunch at the helm, who posted false information during the riots…..



  13. Zephir says:


  14. Guest Who says:

    Just opened my iPad after a jaunt.

    How Elon Musk seized on baseless memo claim to fuel wave of misinformation


    Next: “How BBC Newsnight seized on what suited to try and do over McAlpine”.


    • StewGreen says:

      The memo does seem an incredible claim
      but since it was made by Nazir the NW chief prosecutor.. people do prefer to take it as fact
      Nazir in that BBC Twitter thread backtracks
      “I’ve always said that this was what some senior officers told me to justify the attitude that some of their colleagues had about the girls being abused
      I’ve always said that I never saw a circular
      I’ve always said that my research only found one that was remotely relevant”


  15. Zephir says:


  16. Fedup2 says:

    5pm R4 news
    That even Davies had an ‘leading economist ‘ on – Lord someone of banknotes . The message ? It’s ok . The economy is okay . No need to worry . It’s laughable . It’s all political . Rachel is fine .. the UK economy is okay – it’s laughable ( again ) … it reminded me of the air being wasted before the 2008 crash …. No doubt the ‘calm down ‘ is orchestrated by TTK as his eyes glaze over about what could be about to happen …
    Taxes or rates up in February – or both ….. hopefully president trump will declare economic war on this Marxist regime soon …


    • Zephir says:

      Yep trade sanctions until we get an inquiry, preferably led by a team from the USA with no stone unturned……


      • non-licence payer says:

        Z I have seen a better suggestion. Treat the British MPs who voted against the amendment in a similar fashion to Netanyahu and sanction them. Tick tock.


  17. Guest Who says:

    Meanwhile, the great and goof of the MSM allow stuff like this to pass unremarked.


    Luckily X exists for actual facts to be presented in counter.


  18. tomo says:

    I’m willing to bet that the goons at Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (pfff….) were a bit squeaky bum then…

    BBC no show





    • Zephir says:

      I noticed it and posted something about national grid requiring power plants to produce more


  19. Guest Who says:

    See, the real cause is ‘market trouble’.

    Market trouble threatens Labour’s economic plans

    Seems folk are not buying it.


    • Guest Who says:

      Meanwhile, VD invokes ‘verify’




      • StewGreen says:

        Derbyshire’s tweet quoting BBC Verify about BBCveify finding the Nazir circular claim is untrue .. is not ratioed
        2,900 agree with her and about 1,100 oppose her


    • Philip_2 says:

      Comments from Watt up disclose detail: ‘Looking at the National Grid yesterday, The price of electricity at 4.30pm hit £1352.90 per MWh. Seems rather a lot. It also appears we are dependent on Europe to keep us going.. as well. Another possible problem is that this FRIDAY as the wind is dropping to zero…. So we shall be IMPORTING a huge amount at the HIGHEST cost once again. We have the HIGHEST electricity costs in the world. Twice as high as Germany which is now near bankrupt.

      I shall be watching here:


  20. Guest Who says:

    Luckily, they know how to rally support.

    Humza Yousaf accuses Elon Musk of inflaming racial tensions

    Well, ok, it went hooters aloft too.


    • digg says:

      There is not one left wing political animal in the UK who can even face up to Elon Musk… He would eat them alive,….Because they are crap.


    • StewGreen says:

      So Humza is blaming the MESSENGER (Musk)
      Instead of talking about the 2 baddies: The rapists and the passive authorities


  21. digg says:

    Beginning to look like every Labour voter who got this shower of shit into government is going to get what they asked for…

    I hope they enjoy the ride….

    It’s going to be a total shit show…..


  22. atlas_shrugged says:

    Are Londonistan shopping centres ‘safe and effective’?


    Will the BBC show this enthusiastic bladed enrichment?


  23. wwfc says:

    Why are UK borrowing costs rising and what does it mean for me?🤣🤣🤣



  24. StewGreen says:

    Bitcoin rubbish dump story is being run yet again by BBC online
    7th time or something


  25. pugnazious says:


    ‘How Elon Musk seized on baseless memo claim to fuel wave of misinformation’

    Er….Why Elon Musk? The ‘baseless memo’ came from Nazir Afzal – the former Crown Prosecution Service chief prosecutor for north-west England….in…a….BBC interview.

    Soooo….not really Musk’s fault if he used the world’s most trusted news organisation’s own broadcast of an interview with a man who is in a position to know things…..

    The BBC is claiming no such memo existed because they can’t find it…or at least one with the exact form of words……but that doesn’t mean a memo or instruction [possibly verbal in briefings] to the same effect didn’t exist…and that became the police’s understanding of how to behave.

    This is a bizarre attempt to discredit Musk when clearly it is not he who is at fault here…he just gets his news from the world’s most trustworthy boradcaster…he can’t be blamed if they were spreading what they now claim is a lie.

    And at the end of the day the police did stand back and watch as young girls were raped and abused on an industrial scale…odd the BBC is doing everything it can to distract from the real problem.

    And of course it’s desperate attempt by the BBC to shiftfire as they realise it is their own reporting that has fuelled a tidal wave of misinformation…lol.



  26. Fedup2 says:

    Watching Lord Glasman ( blue labour ) talking to Farage on GBnews demanding an inquiry warms my cold heart .it has nothing to do with Lord glasman being born in the same bit of londonistan at about the same time as me … 77 brigade to file …


  27. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Things aren’t absurdly bad enough, let’s make it even worse!

    “The UK government’s counter-extremism unit is reportedly conducting an investigation into Elon Musk for his criticism of Britain’s failure to investigate the nation’s infamous “grooming gang” scandal. In recent weeks, the tech mogul has used his social media platform X to launch a series of attacks on the Labour government. Musk’s criticism is in response to Jess Phillips, Labour’s safeguarding minister, who rejected an inquiry into Muslim Pakistani “grooming gangs” on the grounds that it is not the responsibility of Parliament to investigate the matter, which includes years of alleged child sexual exploitation.”

    Several sources are reporting. Nothing is changing, even now that we have become notorious for worst possible reason our rotten establishment shields the Muslims and pursues innocent objectors.


  28. Zephir says:

    Mass rape of our children, and now the jews:

    “Met Police rule pro-Palestine protest will not be allowed to gather near London synagogue as MPs and peers put pressure on force.

    The Metropolitan Police said it has ‘no choice’ but to use powers to prevent a massive pro-Palestinian march planned to set off just yards away from a central London synagogue.

    We know this has been a cause of increased concern for many Jewish Londoners who have altered their plans, avoided parts of central London and reduced attendance at religious services.

    ‘On Tuesday, I wrote to the PSC to inform them that we have reached the view that a protest forming up so close to a synagogue on a Saturday – the Jewish holy day – when congregants will be attending Shabbat services, risks causing serious disruption.

    Commander Slonecki also acknowledged a letter sent to Scotland Yard signed by more than 80 cross-party signatories urging the Met Police to enforce its powers and stop the demonstrators gathering close to the synagogue.

    The letter said families attending religious services on Saturdays have suffered more than a year of disruption from pro-Palestine demos and called on the police to invoke their powers.

    ‘We urge the Met to act urgently and make it clear that protests near synagogues will no longer be permitted.

    ‘The moving-off points must be moved and routes altered to ensure Jewish families going to or returning from services no longer have to make their way through crowds of demonstrators.
    ‘It is unthinkable that any other religious minority would be allowed to endure the disruption that the Jewish community have suffered for more than a year.

    Commander Slonecki said Met Police was continuing dialogue with the PSC, but organisers have yet to change their plans.

    He added: ‘We had hoped that the PSC would reflect on our decision and on the likely impact of their plans on the wider community, however they have said they will not change their position, continuing to encourage protesters to form up in Portland Place.

    ‘In those circumstances we have no choice but to use the powers available to us.”



    • Zephir says:


      ‘We had hoped that the PSC would reflect on our decision and on the likely impact of their plans on the wider community, however they have said they will not change their position, continuing to encourage protesters to form up in Portland Place.


  29. Zephir says:

    “Whilst Cartels control our streets, the police pose for pictures alongside criminals handing out sweets

    It was only a matter of time before I was called in to a police station. If I’m honest, I’m surprised that it has taken this long. I know that for the best part of a year senior Labour Party politicians have attempted to have me arrested. So far they had failed and I have continued to raise concerns regarding the failings of those that lead my hometown of Oldham.

    What I am not surprised about, however, is the smear campaign directed towards me by a number of key senior politicians in Oldham including Jim McMahon, Debbie Abrahams, Angela Rayner, Sean Fielding and of course Arooj Shah. As well as mobilising their friends in the mainstream media to print lies about me, members of criminal Cartels that benefit from their relationship with these politicians have also attempted to silence me.

    On Sunday 5th July 2020, I spoke at length with DC ANDY DAY from Greater Manchester Police. DC Day requested that I ‘volunteer’ for an interview under caution regarding a complaint he was investigating under Section 106 of the Representation of People’s Act. He would neither specify who had made the complaint or how I may have broken the law, though he did make it clear to me that should I not ‘volunteer’ then the Police had the powers of arrest.

    Fearing that, as with the recent case of KAISER REHMAN who was arrested from outside his family home whilst his daughter watched him be taken away and that the Police would arrest me whilst I was visiting my dying mother or picking up my daughter from school, I arranged to go to Oldham Police Station and ‘volunteer’ to be interviewed under caution. I think that it is important that at this point that I make it clear that DS ANDY DAY was nothing but courteous during the 3 1/2 hours I spent in the police’s company.

    DS Day disclosed two pieces of evidence and I have spent the night awake, restless and ill at ease with what he shared with me. The complaint had been made by the OLDHAM EAST & SADDLEWORTH MP, DEBBIE ABRAHAMS. ”



  30. Zephir says:



  31. Zephir says:



  32. tomo says:



  33. tomo says:

    I shouldn’t have laughed – but I did….

    Women’s handbags…. I wonder if anybody’ll ask the clown press secretary at the White House?

    It being Hollywood – they’re doubtless very expensive handbags?

    One for @BBCVerify tossers (and Guardian wankers)


    • Guest Who says:

      X is a goldmine of X hating counter argument teams.

      Seems these are canvas buckets.

      So really, fighting a raging inferno with… a bucket… is not an issue.


  34. tomo says:


    Musk adds direct questions to Starmer tweets… is that an innovation?



    • Guest Who says:

      Starmer will soon need to hire BBC ECU to ‘handle’ this if people keep asking questions.


      • Zephir says:

        Why is the leader and many other rape gang torture criminals STILL in this country after ten years after being told they were to be deported ?


  35. non-licence payer says:

    It is great to read on our bBC website and realise that all is calm in the UK. Luckily we have escaped the clutches of the evil Liz Truss and bond yields are now under control.
    Public sector pay rises have encouraged Stakhanoic activity and GDP growth is surging.
    Efforts are going so well that we do not need to root out the corruption and criminality that sits behind select local authorities.
    Crime is under control as evidenced by the jails being full, and we know that we must be doing well because people are risking their lives crossing the channel.
    This is called bBCland.
    Bizarrely, despite the success of bBCland I am now advising my children to leave this paradise.


    • Guest Who says:

      But, at least, there is a ton of advice on the wrong places* to be if you need assistance from public services.

      The scariest part of this woke nonsense is when she admits she’s not strong enough to carry a man out of a fire, but it’s really the man’s fault for being in that situation to begin with.

      Frankly she looks well able to carry her wife out of anything. The ladder might be an issue.

      * https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cgedv58e7ygo
      Failures in London Fire Brigade’s training and a lack of a strategy to evacuate the building

      Lessons learned: “Do not be where fires break out, especially fridges”


      • Zephir says:

        I have said it before on here, I know FIT strong men who failed the fire brigade selection back in the day as they only took the best, now, if you are a wimmin they will lower the standard for you.

        This is putting lives at risk.


  36. tomo says:

    First of Starmer crew to throw a stress sickie?



    • Zephir says:

      Not an economist, a liar as proven.


      • tomo says:

        Rachael learning some arithmetic the hard way …..

        No sympathy here – nada, zip – none


        • Zephir says:

          NONE of them deserve one iota of sympathy when they meet their inevitable end, they literally have blood on their hands RE prison suicides for those who should NEVER have been in prison.

          They have lied and lied and lied and vicously slandered anyone who disagrees with them.

          They have apparently tried to imprison people in Oldham RE rape gangs and will use any means necessary to destroy others.

          OR exonerate themselves, think Greater Manchester Police and Rayner.


        • MarkyMark says:

          “Making fun of the figures in Abbot’s interview, and urging Homaidan al-Turki’s release”





  37. vlad says:

    The BBC are treating as axiomatic that the Californian fires are caused by Climate Change: “the biggest blazes remain totally uncontained – with weather conditions and the underlying impact of climate change expected to continue fanning the flames for days to come.”

    Nothing to do with the ideologically driven Democrat officials, the useless Governor, the diversity-hire Mayor of LA, the DEI-infected Fire and Forestry services that prioritise black and female quotas over actual ability.

    Meanwhile the residents – including all those Hollywood luvvies – know exactly who’s to blame and are getting red-pilled faster than their mansions are turning to ash.



  38. tomo says:

    More Turdeau than I can take in one sitting



  39. Fedup2 says:

    The ‘meme ‘? Thing of President trump playing a sad violin whilst trudo sobs through his poor me resignation speech is worth it ….


  40. Fedup2 says:

    Robinson has a chat with the air head nandy who reads out the finance page the treasury has given her about how it’s all okay .. it’s a global thing .., it’s okay ….

    And quickly swivels to try to talk about ‘media growth ‘ …. It’s all looking good for a crashed economy …..

    Before that our Justin talks to a carefully selected LA fire chap who danced around the causes ( democrats ) who failed to prepare for normal natural processes – aka – the dry weather … the governor – mayor – politicians – didn’t get a mention by anyone … probably still fixing the vote against Trump …

    The style of today now is non confrontational – not much by way of challenge – but let’s face it – the Marxists are in charge now


    • Guest Who says:

      Toenails has this odd notion the FT adds credibility


      The @FT is reporting that @elonmusk has discussed how to remove @Keir_Starmer. Last night he used his considerable power to boost the @AfD ahead of the German elections. He funded @DonaldTrump get out the vote campaign. That’s why this week on the Today Podcast we ask …



      • Zephir says:

        Bit like the bbc, London Mayor and labour mob over here with President Donald Trump….


  41. Guest Who says:

    Just the national broadcaster of the U.K. misinforming and interfering in other country’s elections.

    Musk interviews German far-right frontwoman



  42. Zephir says:

    The “previous ” enquiry, “did not look at pakistani rape grooming gangs” it was one paragraph……


    • Fedup2 says:

      The bbc will be desperate for non paki rape gangs so that they can pretend Islam is ‘okay ‘ – they tried yesterday with Dundee but the rape gang was Romanians importing girls to become Slave prostitutes … not the same as gang raping white 13 year olds ….

      But the paki Muslim rape gang ‘story ‘ Is about to be wiped away in the run up to the inauguration ….

      This spectator pieces echoes what I’ve been saying about attention spans …. The BBC – with its ‘far left ‘ total agenda moves on very quickly when it wants too ….

      …. The chap suggesting failing to deal with the paki rape gangs could lead to real disorder – not the trivial stuff of last summer …. I think that is inevitable (77 brigade to note ‘community tension)…


      • MarkyMark says:

        How Saudi Arabia exports radical Islam
        Saudi Arabia has spent billions promoting its extremist version of Islam. What has it wrought?

        “To combat the spread of Shiite Islam and ensure that the Islamic world is primarily Sunni. In recent years, the ancient Sunni-Shiite conflict in Iraq, Yemen, and throughout the Middle East has grown more overt, bitter, and violent. Now that Iran has agreed to rein in its nuclear program in return for the lifting of international economic sanctions, Riyadh fears a newly enriched Tehran will be more aggressive in spreading its Shiite doctrine and promoting Shiite-led revolutions.

        Saudi diplomats keep close tabs on Iranian involvement everywhere, from Tajikistan, which has strong historical Persian ties, to China, where the tiny, beleaguered Uighur population — which is Muslim — is growing more religious.


  43. Zephir says:

    The far left labour and democrat playbook, repeat as required :

    ” misinformation and disinformation on social media”

    “the far right”

    “attacks on democracy”

    “interfering in our countries politics and elections”

    “they have put a target on my back”

    “racism and misogyny”

    “asylum seekers fleeing war”


  44. MarkyMark says:

    “On Monday it will welcome its first clients who will come in to inject illegally-bought heroin or cocaine under medical supervision.

    The Thistle is based in Glasgow’s east end, where there is a high population of users who take drugs in public.

    Funded by the Scottish government, its aim is to reduce overdoses and drug-related harm as well as making drug use less visible to the community.”



    Who cares if George Osborne did, or did not, take cocaine in his youth?
    This article is more than 11 years old
    Suzanne Moore

    The Chinese super-rich can go anywhere and they do, easily getting into other European countries. Here they scoop up designer brands and degrees at top universities but we need them to invest in our infrastructure because … we don’t. Particularly the energy industry. So Osborne needs to wipe that genetically modified sneer off his face as he is really going cap in hand on this trip.

    p.s. Reeves MP is off to China now in 2025 with the same cap!


  45. AsISeeIt says:

    Fanning the flames edition

    Our BBC’s utter obsession with local news from California is catching on… like wildfire…

    Lost Angeles… swathes of city ravaged by flames… Apocalypse… (freebie ad sheet Metro)

    Lost Angeles… Hollywood stars’ houses destroyed (The Sun)

    The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked that one for their header for the online frontpage line-up this morning: ‘Lost Angeles’ and ‘Musk seeks plan to oust Starmer’ (BBC)

    The brash red top Sun winning a rare top two spot in the BBC league table. The tabloid going with: 5 dead as city fires rage on

    We’ll see that and up the ante says the Beeb – double or quits: At least 10 confirmed dead in Los Angeles wildfires (BBC)

    I like the Telegraph’s headline which has a certain self-aware element of knowingness about it: Hollywood sifts through the debris of its own disaster movie (Dispatch by Susie Coen in Los Angeles)

    The formerly serious, now largely female interest Times similarly highlights the main point of media interest in the story: Stars’ homes burn in LA firestorm

    While we’re alighted at the frontpage of the former Thunderer, let’s take in a quick calm down dear: I earn more than my boyfriend. So what? (Times)

    The ever earnest Daily Mirror – a title always keen to bring us news of starving NHS nurses rummaging through waste bins for a much-needed snack – reflects some of its usual heartfelt support for the frontline public sector: Firefight of their lives… Home is razed as firefighter looks on

    What’s up mate, no water left in that hose? No wonder you’re standing about looking on.

    Counting the cost… The FT – inevitably – does the bean counting: Fire damage put at $20bn

    Meanwhile, despite the cold weather hereabouts, the Guardian perceives that this would be the ideal moment to run with global warming as their top headline: World temperatures overshoot 1.5C Paris deal limit for first time… Data shows 2024 was hottest year on record as climate crisis worsens

    Quite how on earth one takes an annual global temperature and quite what that signifies rather escapes Mr AsI. But in case one were in any doubt as to the veracity of these claims the Guan handily inserts a none too subtle reminder of news from California within their headline story columns: Los Angeles fire reaches Hollywood… At least five people have been killed…

    The associations they want you to make and the sheer agit prop is blatant of course.

    Five dead reported in the dead tree press – old news says our BBC: Wildfires in Los Angeles have killed at least 10 people, as forecasters warn more high winds could further fan the flames (BBC)


  46. Althepalerp says:

    Keep a close watch.. . .



  47. Zephir says:



  48. Zephir says:



  49. Zephir says:

    DEI incomptent mayor: 15 trips to….Cuba.

    BREAKING: Brain-Dead LA Mayor Karen Bass, Who Oversaw The Destruction Of Los Angeles, Is A Card-Carrying Communist Agent Working For Cuba.



  50. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – Rachel from Accounts is off to China …

    …… and hopefully she will not come back for Starmer’s sake if for no-one else. She is on record on the front page of the Daily Mirror for 8 July 2024 stating “I will make every Brit better off.” That will take some ‘weaseling’ to get out of and difficult to blame The Wicked Torees after Rachel Reeves has wrecked the UK economy.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I feel a bit sorry for the Chinese security service ( 77 brigade ) having to listen to all those bugged recordings of Rachel from accounts , the half wit from the Bank of England and the bloke from the FCA on a jolly …. Methinks the Chinese minds might be on Washington in 10 days ….


      • MarkyMark says:

        Cheeky song for you Fedup2!

        Imagine… Communism (John Lennon Parody)

        Comment “One of Polish commentators at 2024 olympic games was fired for the comment about this song at olympic games. He said “Imagine – means world without heaven, nations, religion, and this is the vision of the peace supposed to seize everyone. It’s the vision…. of communism….. unfortunately….” – Przemysław Babiarz, reporter who said truth but Polish government didn’t like it…”


        • vlad says:

          And the Poles, of all people, have first-hand experience of the delights of Communism.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Marky – im still getting the AI version of rubber soul on YouTube done in the style of Motown …. Quite frightening …

          The Lenin – sorry -Lennon video of imagine always seemed a bit off – done in his Home Counties mansion …


          • MarkyMark says:

            Fedup2 – this image of imagine did it for me .. glorious .. UP THE WORKERS 4fihgeij7f031.jpg


            • tomo says:


              Yep there’s more than a little truth in that

              iirc he wasn’t above some flat out larceny of other people’s work either.

              Frank Zappa I believe wasn’t a fan