571 Responses to Midweek 8th January 2024

  1. MarkyMark says:

    Oh dear … “The Greenland question is a delicate one for Denmark, whose prime minister officially apologised only recently for spearheading a 1950s social experiment which saw Inuit children removed from their families to be re-educated as “model Danes”.”



  2. MarkyMark says:

    2025 … “There are three for left-handed people, three for right-handed and two are accessible for wheelchairs.”


    “After injecting they move to a recovery space with comfortable chairs, again under supervision with equipment available to the staff if they need to intervene.

    The third area is the café area, where people can stay a bit longer, and is where it is hoped staff will be able to engage with people to offer any other services they might need.”


    • atlas_shrugged says:


      The infamous ‘wet-houses’ where people can drink and take drugs in ‘safety’.

      I asked one of the Cranebridge councillors what the difference was between a wet-house and a chamber where the occupants are given zyklon-B. He replied that the urban-junkie occupants of a Cranebridge wethouse AKA ‘kill zone’ are doing it voluntary.

      It took me a long time to understand the motives of anyone who would want to be involved with such a proposal. I credit Gilbert who wrote a book about the Nuremberg trial. He said about the people on trial that they had no compassion or empathy.

      My own thoughts are that the organisers also gain with employment, a feeling of virtue for doing a public service etc:

      Click to access community-safety-strategic-assessment-asb-drugs-impact-2017-09.pdf

      Personally I have more sympathies with the magnificent Chinese and their system. After a short 5-minute trial the drug pushers are taken outside and a small magic pill is delivered at high velocity to the back of the head. Certainly anyone pushing drugs on children should have this experience.


    • tomo says:

      Why… am I thinking Rab C Nesbit?


  3. Zephir says:

    Our Pinocchio primeminister lying again (and again and again)

    “Sir Keir Starmer has been accused of being “deeply dishonest” over claims Labour is deporting more Channel migrants.

    On Thursday, the Prime Minister said the number of failed asylum seekers being sent home has increased to 16,400 since his party won power.

    He referenced the figure as he defended his plan to sanction people smugglers, prompting fury from critics.

    Shadow Home Secretary Chris Philp told the Daily Express the vast majority of those being deported “have nothing to do with small boat arrivals”.

    Mr Philp said: “This government is only returning tiny numbers who entered the UK by small boat, amounting to about 5% of arrivals since they came to office.

    “Letting 95% of people who cross by small boat stay in the UK is not a deterrent. The Government is being deeply dishonest by claiming returns that mainly have nothing to do with small boat arrivals will act as a deterrent.”



  4. Flotsam says:

    It’s pretty obvious that Smarmer hasn’t a clue. He has a very odd world view which I would describe a mechanistic or even sociopathic. This combined with his control freakery and Stalinist ideas makes him a very dangerous man. He treats everyone as either black or white, they are either on side or off side, innocent or guilty. The problem for him is that running the country involves thinking in shades of grey rather than a legal exercise.


  5. MarkyMark says:

    “Reeves’ China trip defended after borrowing cost nerves”


    Will Rachel fly over Russia to save energy as China does with it’s planes?

    Since Russia closed its airspace to airlines from dozens of countries at the end of February – in response to sanctions levied for its invasion of Ukraine – about 400 flights per month that had previously been routed over the country are being forced to take a wider berth, according to Flightradar24.”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Marky – I bet there’s no press conference – but if there is – the only question will be – are you out of touch – ? Wouldn’t you be better back in accounts ?


  6. chancygardner says:

    Starmer reminds me of of the cyborg played by Arnold Shwarzenegger in the film Terminator.

    He was described as follows:

    ‘That Terminator is out there! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead!’

    Indeed, there is an argument that Starmer has been replaced by an AI double. The real Starmer could be a kindly old gentleman, in exile somewhere, smoking a pipe and telling bedtime stories to orphans.

    You only need to refer to the false jolity and robotic fiiiiive, fooooour, threeeee, twoooo, one delivery of the Christmas tree light up outside number 10, to subscribe to this notion.

    I rest my case.


  7. Fedup2 says:

    The vote about the Muslim paki paedo racist rape gang inquiry is recorded in the DT – neither the leader of the Labour Party – nor the leader of the liberals – nor braverman – voted … odd eh ?
    Maybe it’s about self incrimination …


  8. vlad says:

    Unbelievably, the imbecilic Biden (remember him?) wound up a press conference on the fires raging in California by announcing “the good news” that he was now a great grandfather.
    Yes, while thousands have lost their homes under his watch, many have died, and the financial cost is astronomical, the old fool boasts about being a great grandfather

    Talk about ‘tone deaf’. The man ultimately responsible for the apocalyptic disaster raging, stands there grinning like a moron at his ‘good news’ while those around him – including noisome Newsom, the second person most responsible – clap wildly like trained seals.

    It’s all reminiscent of David Brent announcing that “many of you will lose your jobs, but the good news is… I’ve been promoted.”

    David’s “Bad News and Irrelevant News”


  9. Zephir says:

    @ Vlad, he reportedly handed the mic over to the Harris thing and said “fire away, no pun intended”


  10. Zephir says:

    “Britain’s gas supply has reached ‘concerningly low’ levels and could run out in a matter of days after an Arctic blast sent temperatures plunging.

    The icy weather over the last few days has seen demand for gas-fired power stations skyrocket, energy firm Centrica said.

    Now it’s feared a fresh blast of freezing weather – which could see temperatures drop to a bone-chilling -20C – could trigger an energy crisis.

    The UK is heavily reliant on natural gas to keep the homes of millions of Brits warm during the winter. It also uses a significant amount to power the electricity grid.

    But as of Thursday, storage sites across the UK were 26 per cent down on last year’s supply, leaving them around ‘half full’, Centrica said.

    ‘This means the UK has less than a week of gas demand in store,’ the energy giant warned.

    It comes as the nation came ‘within a whisker’ of wide-scale blackouts earlier this week, in its closest shave since 2011. ”



  11. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I stumbled across this by cance. Not directly related to anything else but wow! The male human being is awesome to behold.


  12. MarkyMark says:

    “Families are still struggling with the cost of living and I’m fighting to put more money in the pockets of working people.

    That’s why we protected their payslips with no rise in their national insurance, income tax or VAT, boosted the national living wage and froze fuel duty.”



    Banking hubs are revitalising our high streets, giving local businesses and residents access to essential face to face banking services.

    Delighted to be in Darwen today with
    opening the UK’s 100th banking hub.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      > Banking hubs are revitalising our high streets, giving local businesses and residents access to essential face to face banking services

      Except you cannot get cash from the banking hub, or pay in cash, and your own bank will only be open one day per week instead of 6 days per week. There might be a Costa coffee place open in your town or a nail bar – other than that the place is like a Ukranian front line village i.e. absent of all normal commercial activity.

      You can’t put lipstick on a pig.


      • MarkyMark says:

        BBC BReaking: Pizza is the gateway drug to drugs?

        “German police raid pizzeria serving side order of cocaine”

        When police went to detain the pizzeria manager at his apartment, the 36-year-old reportedly threw a bag of drugs out of the window, which “fell right into the arms of the police officers”, Düsseldorf police said.

        Police found 1.6kg (3.5lb) of cocaine, 400g (14.1oz) of cannabis and €268,000 (£223,120) in cash in the apartment.

        The restaurant manager was released by police a few days later, and he reopened his restaurant and continued to sell the drug and pizza combination


  13. vlad says:

    NOT on the BBC: Remember the poor lickle 14 year-old aspiring doctor and engineer recently stabbed to death on a bus?
    It turns out he was more of an aspiring drill rapper (the most violent type of a violent genre) and was due in court for a machete offence.

    Did he deserve to die? Of course not, but let’s not pretend he wasn’t part of the violent criminal sub-culture brought to us courtesy of diversity.

    Remember: diversity is our strength.



    • MarkyMark says:

      David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
      Published 3 October 2012

      ………………. SCISSOR CRIME……………..
      Diane Abbott’s son ‘had crystal meth delivered to her £1.2million home and chased her with scissors claiming to have a gun’


    • JohnC says:

      That headline should have been ‘Look ! – Elephant !’

      A shameless attempt to divert attention from the rape gangs. If the BBC cared one bit, they wouldn’t sweep all the others under the carper because they contradict the ‘victims of racism’ image of blacks the Left have fabricated so they can be used as weapons against righty-whitey.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        Ze Big Brother Corporation hez your name on ze list.
        Come ze Great Revolution ve vill examine ze list
        Sieg Heil!


  14. JohnC says:

    I’m complete fed up with the BBC telling us Trump refuses to rule out military action against Greenland. It’s obvious he would never do that. Biden might, but not Trump. And as usual, I expected that the liars at the BBC have twisted what he said to the point where they are basically lying. So I used google and none of these shameless Leftist news sites are telling me his exact words. Only their summary of it.

    So I searched more until I found the actual video of the press conference. And here is what was said:

    Reporter: ‘Can you assure the world that as you try to get control of these areas, you are not going to use miltary or economic coersion ?’
    Trump: ‘No.’

    That’s it!. It’s absolutely ridiculous to lump ‘military’ and ‘economic’ as well as Greenland and the Panama canal in the same question like this and I suspect a very deliberate trick so they could run all the headlines that Trump is threatening military action against Greenland.

    Once again I check the truth and discover we are being lied to. And once again the ethics of the Leftist MSM disgust me beyond words. And the BBC most of all because they are paid with public moneys and have a mandate not to do it.


  15. MarkyMark says:

    “Last night The Mirror were practically frothing with excitement as they boldly declared their “exclusive” that Musk is being watched by the Home Office’s counter-extremism unit with the headline screaming “Musk Hate Probe.””
    Army’s ‘information warfare’ unit monitored Covid lockdown critics
    Whistleblower reveals specialist military team spent time ‘monitoring the social media posts of ordinary, scared people’

    Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
    Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “suck


  16. atlas_shrugged says:

    With wind energy production plummeting below a power of 5GW can we expect another spike in energy costs tonight?

    So some gas power companies were charging around £5000/MWh for electricity generation which is over 50 times the average going rate for this time of year.

    The morons that decided to blow up the coal fired power stations should be prosecuted for malfeasance.



    • MarkyMark says:

      International design standards actually require that wind turbines can work at temperatures down to -4° Fahrenheit. Turbines engineered for cold climates—using technologies like cold-resistant steel and heaters to warm them—can work at temperatures down to -22° Fahrenheit.

      heaters to warm them?????


  17. Zephir says:

    Another… non english speaking enricher

    “Homeless man ‘with blowtorch’ in LA is tackled and zip-tied by furious locals as cops confirm latest wildfire is ARSON – while Khloe Kardashian leads anger at ‘scum’ firebug”



  18. G.W.F. says:

    No comment



  19. Zephir says:

    What the UK police will have to do as the palestinian protestors refuse to move their starting point away from a mosque when asked to.

    “Rare mass protests break out in China over teenage death plunge ‘cover up’ as crowds charge riot cops who respond with brutal violence.”



  20. Fedup2 says:

    President Trump got an unconditional conviction today after which he is formally a criminal and felon . He will appeal .

    I know what I’d do – I’d reform the justice department – fire all the democrat appointees – and then go after every democrat for criminal offences ,… they will continue to use law fare – so Trump must ….


  21. vlad says:

    The BBC and msm are all happy to repeat ‘poor’ Jess Phillips’ claim that she received a deluge of hate after Musk’s tweet about her being a rape genocide apologist. Aw, diddums.
    But where was the outrage over all the REAL hate directed at Trump (Nazi, Hitler, fascist etc) that fuelled at least TWO actual assassination
    attempts, as opposed to some hurty – and well deserved – tweets.


  22. Fedup2 says:

    Saddest thing about running out of energy is that the Marxist regime will still be there – however many old people it kills ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      The Great Leap Forward disaster, characterized by a collapse in grain production and a widespread famine in China between 1959 and 1961, is found attributable to a systemic failure in central planning.



    • MarkyMark says:

      “Ed Miliband: we only use the smaller of our two kitchens”
      This article is more than 9 years old




    • JohnC says:

      Unfortunately Fed it seems nature makes (in my estimate) 48% of people left-wing and 52% of people right-wing.

      The Right deal with life. The Left however think they are mentally superior to everyone else and think their own theory of government is how it should be. They believe it so much, many more of them become activists to try and achieve it. Hence they become journalists or go into politics.

      The rest of us just want to get on with our lives.

      Unfortunately we are now witnessing the result of what we have tolerated by sticking our heads in the sand.


  23. Up2snuff says:

    Post-TWatO Watch #1 – the Naomi Alderman series on great brains that have shaped our world

    This was interesting because it revealed the dichotomy of woke liberalism which I think M/s Alderman is captured by. For the programme in the series on George Washington, Naomi pointed out that he was a slave owner. Yesterday’s programme, on Martin Luther and today’s programme in the series on Malcolm X they were considered to be anti-semitic. Oh woe, twice and thrice woe! It is sure hard being a woke liberal.


  24. Terminal Moraine says:

    I heard on BBC radio this morning a new term re: the California fires: ‘climate whiplash’.

    The source turns out to be a paper in Nature. But 1) the paper was published just yesterday (9th Jan). And 2) the authors explicitly state:

    “Although it is clear that the overall global frequency of hydroclimate whiplash events has increased, there remains considerable uncertainty regarding the spatial pattern and magnitude of these changes. The spatial patterns vary markedly between reanalysis datasets and model simulations.”

    It’s a catchy phrase even though the MSM don’t understand or care about the problem of conclusions that overreach the observational data. Propaganda is as simple as repeating an uncertainty. As it was for C19, so it is for climate science.



  25. MarkyMark says:

    “In more than 7,000 messages between 2017 and 2020, the officer was said to have sent and received jokes, pictures and videos, it was heard previously.

    He sent an image of the late Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, with the comment “message from the other side, tell the Muslims there’s no 72 virgins left”.

    There was also a series of racist messages about Chinese people, the hearing was told.

    Jokes about sex with a girl with Down’s syndrome, and mockery of the late Duke of Edinburgh’s car crash, were also in the chatlog, as was a video in which there was a child with a naked bottom, the panel heard.”


    Met officer sacked over racist and sexist messages


  26. non-licence payer says:

    DT Headline “This Reform candidate reposted a ‘racist’ Matt cartoon. He ‘was sacked’ by a housing association”
    “Saba Poursaeedi suing for political discrimination after he says he was fired over links to the party and for sharing Telegraph drawing”

    The claimant worked for a housing association and clearly struggled with the employee standing as a Reform candidate. What does the HA not understand about the unacceptability of this behaviour? The DT have worked out that they cannot risk comments on this one.


  27. Zephir says:

    where’s the riots for this racist fat black bastard ?

    “Horrific moment hulking driver BODYSLAMS single mother to the ground for unthinkably small reason”



    • Zephir says:



      • Zephir says:



        • JohnC says:

          Always remember that people like him and Goerge Floyd are the people the BBC are protecting. They think their own agenda is more important.
          Lets hope they all get to experience something similar first-hand to educate them and what they are doing.


          • Lefty Wright says:

            George Floyd.
            Now I read somewhere online a while back that George Floyd once held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman while demanding money.
            If that was fake news then that is unforgivable. However, if that was true—— well—???????


            • JohnC says:

              The truth is that George had a small gang he was the leader of. They knocked on her door then forced their way in when she opened it. Then they proceeded to ransack her house looking for drugs. She was pistol-whipped as they tried to get her to tell them where the drugs were.
              Not sure if she was pregnant or not – but that’s just a technicality. George was the lowest form of scum – and the Left buried him in a gold coffin while none of the MSM told us what he was really like.
              My contempt and disgust at those extreme hypocrites – like Pelosi who actually thanked George for dying – has no bounds.


              • Lefty Wright says:

                The Left sure do have some strange heroes.


                • JohnC says:

                  I am 100% certain their private opinion of Floyd is very, very different to the one they say in public.
                  They are the most stupendous of hypocrites.


  28. vlad says:

    When the BBC decides to “fact check” Trump’s claims that the devastating fires are the fault of the Dems, in particular Governor Noisome and Mayor Bass, you just know it’s going to be an exercise in obfuscation and exoneration of their favourite political party.

    And so it is. Amidst a ton of verbiage, selective quotes and misleading figures, the conclusion is that none of those responsible did anything wrong – according to the BBC. So why exactly is one of the wealthiest places on the planet going up in flames?

    Well it’s all to do with extreme weather conditions, you see (ie Climate Change).

    “The disaster isn’t as bad as it is because there’s a lack of resource, the reality is there’s a limit to how effective wildland firefighting can be under extreme conditions like we experienced this week.”



    • JohnC says:

      Trump said ‘F*ck the smelt fish. Humans need the water and this is the only way’

      The liberals said ‘We must preserve the smelt fish because if they go, it’s just a sign that something else will be next’.

      So under lefty Gavin Newsom, all the water from the melt and runoff in the North was left to go straight into the sea.

      Net result = LA burns to the ground because there is no water to put out the fires.

      An excellent example of what happens when ideology trumps real life.

      And the BBC are lying by omission and obfuscating the truth because they are STILL pushing the same agenda which caused it all. Which also means of course they will NEVER admit Trump was right.

      IMHO, the truth about climate change is that it happens whatever we do. It is natures cycle. We must learn to adapt to it. We cannot ever hope to stop it. Instead, we will spend countless trillions simply to slow it down a tiny amount.

      It seems that we are finally seeing the consequences of left-wing politics across the world. But they will not stop. They think their ideological dream of a socialist planet where far-left ideology makes everybody happy and content still has a chance. The ingredient which has spoilt that stew throughout history is that underneath their veneer of hypocrisy and virtue signalling, they are all chock full of hate, jealousy and spite.


    • digg says:

      BBC, Utter, utter twats!


  29. Fedup2 says:

    It seems that Rachel from accounts is due to go to Davos after her china crisis – presumably mimicking TTK avoid her third world failing state – and discussions going on about who replaces her . I’d recommend Lammy – I think he’d be the first negro chancellor so the Marxist s will wet themselves … he can then finish off the UK economy and bring on the revolution we so richly deserve .. 77 brigade to note …


  30. G.W.F. says:

    BREAKING: Reform UK leader Nigel Farage tells
    the UK government should consider allowing Shamima Begum back home.



    • Zephir says:

      He’s been got at somehow…


      • JohnC says:

        These days I need to see the full, unedited video of what someone said and the context in which they said it before I believe anything I see in the MSM.

        They are treacherous, lying b*stards. We live in a time which is now 100% politics. The concept of ‘journalistic ethics’ is long gone.


        • Lefty Wright says:

          Yep!! If they refuse to give you the truth you make your own and it serves ’em right!
          However a “bastard” is a child born out of wedlock so is totally blameless.
          No! These so called people are savages and first degree criminals.
          EXTERMINATE !!


      • MarkyMark says:

        His Lordship to revoked?


  31. Zephir says:


    Searching the Newspaper archive 1950-1965, there are a number of sexual assaults on children by Pakistanis in England dating back to this period.

    1960: A 13 year old and her 17 year old friend indecently assaulted in a house in Nelson, Lancashire. Later jailed


  32. Zephir says:


    1962: In what sounds like a ‘classic’ grooming case a 14 year old girl in the care system was found with multiple Pakistani men. This was 63 years ago.


  33. Zephir says:


    On Wednesday, Keir Starmer ordered his MPs to vote against a national enquiry into rape gangs

    In Opposition, he demanded NINE enquiries. So what was more important to him than rape gangs?

    1. April 2020: Inquiry into the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic
    2. May 2020: An enquiry into Dominic Cummings’ “eye test excuse”
    3. June 2020: An inquiry into Robert Jenrick’s links to Tory donor Richard Desmond
    4. August 2020: Starmer demanded an inquiry into a Covid contract awarded to Ayanda Capital
    5. March 2021: Starmer called for an inquiry into allegations of serious sexual misconduct in schools
    6. March 2021: Starmer demanded an enquiry into the financial relationship between David Cameron and Lex Greensill
    7. April 2021: Starmer demanded a “full inquiry” of Boris Johnson over “Wallpapergate”
    8. August 2023: Starmer called for an inquiry into the murder of babies by Lucy Letby
    9. January 2024: Starmer urged ministers to launch a public inquiry into the “failings” that led to the Valdo Calocane Nottingham street killings

    CONCLUSION: 6/9 of Starmer’s inquiry demands were specifically designed to damage the Tories & specifically Boris Johnson

    Is attacking his political opponents more important to Starmer than defending 1000s of raped girls?


  34. Zephir says:


    This is Fahima Mahomed. She says the term ‘grooming gangs’ is racist


    • MarkyMark says:

      Fahima 🇿🇦🇬🇧
      Neurodiversity Coach/Broadcaster, BSc(Hons)Business Management,Certified in NLP & CBT,MSc in Psychology & Neuroscience of Mental Health at Kings College London
      Media & NewsLondon, Englandlinktr.ee/fahima_fmJoined June 2012
      1,515 Following


  35. JohnC says:

    Night-time curfew imposed in fire-hit areas of LA as police warn against ‘despicable’ looting

    No information about the looters of course. Nor the fact they have brought in the National Guard to stop them.

    And …
    ‘We’re witnessing mass devastation, Kamala Harris says’
    ‘This devastation is “multi-generational and is going to linger for quite some time,” the vice president says.’
    “There are moments where we should find optimism in the heroism of people,” she adds.

    Goodness me BBC. How desperate are you to cling to her by printing those embarassing shallow statements as front-page news ?.

    ‘Winds will remain a threat until early next week, Biden says’
    How about telling us what the weather forecasters say BBC ?.

    ‘Biden promises to help LA families recover and rebuild’
    What ?. He’s out of office and dropped from the news forever to cover up his his mental state in a couple of weeks.

    ‘Climate trends make explosive fires more likely, scientists say’
    Scientists who depend of climate change for funding that is.
    No ‘without providing evidence’ for these people from the BBC.

    ‘Swimmer loses 10 Olympic medals in Palisades Fire’
    Is that the worst that has happened BBC ?.
    Not that bad after all then. I thought thousands of people had lost everything.


  36. digg says:

    What an appalling shithole is the USA due to its feral greedy immigrant population….


    Coming to the UK in due course….


  37. MarkyMark says:

    “England REALLY IS using 1984 as a playbook on how to run their government.”


  38. MarkyMark says:

    “20. The Party should increase the ethnic diversity of its staff.”


    Click to access Chakrabarti-Inquiry-Report-30June16.pdf

    Angela Merkel: German multiculturalism has ‘utterly failed’


  39. MarkyMark says:

    SHANGHAI NOON: Rachel Reeves will land in China today to hunt for growth at her moment of greatest danger so far. In some parallel universe, this weekend might have been a PR win for the chancellor — returning to “pragmatic” engagement after a deep freeze under Tory security hawks. But with borrowing costs soaring, a nightmare potential squeeze on spending, a tariff-happy Donald Trump arriving in the White House and the Times branding her “rattled,” it’ll be a wild ride.



  40. tomo says:

    Three lesbians all caled Kristin are at the top of the LA Fire Department and arsonists and nuggets about Karen Bass.


  41. tomo says:



  42. non-licence payer says:

    bBC or democracy.


  43. tomo says:



  44. Eddy Booth says:

    “Governor invites Trump, urges him not to ‘politicise’ ”


    Accusations of politicization seems to be latest fall back tool of the far left.


    • vlad says:

      Don’t politicise our collapsing economy = shut up or else.
      Don’t politicise the Pakistani muslim rape gangs = shut up or else.
      Don’t politicise the invasion of mostly muslim migrants on our shores = shut up or else.
      Don’t politicise the fires sweeping through California because of the ideologically driven incompetence of the Dems = shut up or else.
      Etc etc.


  45. StewGreen says:

    Fed’s a bit late
    saw a troll spouting this
    “You should know that Isaac married Rebekah at age three.
    He didn’t wait for her until she turned 9.
    it is in your bible.”

    Of course I checked The bible doesn’t say anything about her marriage age

    Rather Genesis tells us
    Sarah was 90 when Abraham was 100 (17:17).
    Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born (Genesis 21:5)
    Sarah died at aged 127 (23:1-2).
    Isaac was 40 when he married Rebekah (25:20).

    These give you truths
    Sarah was 90 when Isaac was born
    Isaac was 37 when his mother Sarah died from 127-90

    Genesis 22 talks about God telling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac an episode called the binding
    22: 20 Some time later Abraham was told,
    … 22:23 Bethuel became the father of Rebekah.
    Sarah died

    Now some people ASSUME that all those3 things happen at real close time
    That get you to Isaac was 37, Rebekah was born
    People then infer that since Isaac was 40 at marriage Rebekah was 3

    However if the 3 events are years apart
    eg If people ASSUME Sarah died a decade after the binding
    that puts Isaac as 27 at the binding
    and if Rebekah was born soon after by the time they marry when he is 40 , 13 years have past

    24:15-30 does recount that prior to marriage Rebekah carried a pitcher of water on her head and ran a few loads until it fed all 10 camels .. a toddler couldn’t do that


  46. Zephir says:



  47. Zephir says:
