281 Responses to Weekend 11th January 2025

  1. MarkyMark says:

    Surely this should mean all 650MPS need to be fired? SEVEN REPORTS – NET ZERO ACTION.

    “Kyle Defends No Rape Gang Public Inquiry, ‘Victims Have Already Had Seven’”



    • Fedup2 says:

      I like the complaints be non paki Asians being associated with them – keeps things stirring . The BBC must be desperate to kill this – and looks like labour HQ has been onto BBC news not to report the arrested ex labour minister for queer paedo


  2. vlad says:

    We knew this, but here’s further confirmation:

    The BBC has been accused of “whitewashing” Palestinian news outlets that glorify terror attacks on Israel…



  3. Zephir says:

    The shit stirring scum are at it again….

    “Fury over plot to boycott Holocaust Memorial Day in Gaza row – ‘disgraceful!’

    As the world gears up to remember the Holocaust, a contentious campaign urging a boycott of the memorial day has stirred deep emotions and heated debates.

    It is understood the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) which has links to Iran has written to 460 councils and universities demanding them to snub official commemorations set to be held a fortnight today.

    The group says it is “morally unacceptable” Gaza is not included as a “genocide” alongside the Holocaust.

    On January 27 millions around the world will commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi regime’s notorious death camp, where 1.1 million perished, including 960,000 Jews, 74,000 non-Jewish Poles, 21,000 Roma people, 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war and up to 15,000 other Europeans.

    Prisoners who were not exterminated in gas chambers died of starvation, exhaustion, disease, or were individually executed, beaten to death or killed during medical experiments, as part of what the Third Reich called the Final Solution. The camp was liberated by the Soviet Red Army.

    Karen Pollock, chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said the IHRC’s call for a boycott was “shocking and disgraceful”.



    • moggiemoo says:

      Is it a parody organisation?


      • Zephir says:

        This is the cult responsible for multiple genocides and wars around the world, dedicated to the genocide of jewish people as stated over and again, for example by hamas, and yet still attempt to play the victim:

        A website so full of lies and deceit it would take all day to address, but some outstanding examples below:

        “IHRC was the first Muslim organisation to address human rights issues from an Islamic perspective, and for 28 years, we have been championing justice and Muslim causes all over the world!

        The events of the last year have served as a painful and jolting reminder of the trials we continue to face as an ummah. To add to the list of crises afflicting the Muslim world, we are now subjected to the horrific depravity of a genocide unfolding in front of our very eyes, prosecuted by forces that are ideologically driven by a deep-rooted hatred of Islam.

        The images coming out of Gaza and Lebanon are grisly and traumatic and difficult for any person of conscience to bear. Still more unbearable is the active complicity of western governments in aiding and abetting the mass slaughter.

        Even before the genocide it was abundantly clear that in today’s world Muslim life does not carry equal value. Governments everywhere are attacking Muslims because we are seen as a potential challenge to their repressive rule. In many cases that has involved clamping down on the practice and expression of Islam itself.”



        • Zephir says:

          Can you actually believe they have the bloody nerve to say this as well , when jewish and many other people are scared to leave their houses in London ?


          In the face of a relentless campaign of intimidation towards pro-Palestine protestors, we have provided some resources to help you know your rights and to empower demonstrators.


          It has always been the case that the Metropolitan police has attempted to intimidate and create obstacles to censor pro-Palestinian protestors. All our research has shown there is always a very different standard of policing protests, with a very strong and obvious pro-Israel bias. You can see evidence of this in our 2010 report here.

          These attacks have stepped up exponentially and become more brutal in the last year. Some of these cases have been documented in two IHRC reports, entitled The Authoritarian Drift of the European Democratic State: the Crackdown on Pro-Palestine Movements, Parts 1 and 2 available here

          A lot of the cases have involved taking advantage of the ignorance of protestors, often being unaware that they are being wrongfully harassed or detained. It is important that in the face of such a brutal system, that you are aware of your rights, and if involved in organising, that you have the resources to make sure others are as well.”


  4. MarkyMark says:

    If Keir Starmer does not know what a penis is then how can kids get raped with one? Keir Starmer also does NOT KNOW what a working person is – so how can they pay taxes?


  5. Zephir says:

    The starmer mob do like spouting about misinformation. In that spirit here is a clear example of them lying to the public:

    They want all academies under state control, and are lying that they are doing the opposite:



  6. JohnC says:

    ‘Not even Donald Trump can repeal laws of physics’ – former governor of California

    ‘Former Governor of California Jerry Brown has taken a swipe at US President-elect Donald Trump’s criticism of Democrat officials’ handling of the wildfires in Los Angeles.’

    That would be ‘Former Democrat Governor of California’ there BBC as it is a very important part of the story. Yet you don’t tell us anywhere.

    Another massive lie by omission.


    • tomo says:

      Monnbeam Brown?


      I suppose the juvenile cubicle berks don’t know much about him beyond the campaign PR in their inbox…?


  7. Fedup2 says:

    Not BBC – it seems the visit to China by Rachel from Accounts is now ending and she may be back for Tuesday – before heading off to Davos at the end of the week .

    Will she still be in a job ? I think it’s unlikely TTK will dump because it will weaken him …. But with a bit of luck the Marker will still be negative toward the British economy and interest rates keep going up – so she is gonna need more taxpayers ‘ money to service the interest on the national debt …

    .. and if President `trump declares economic war on the British Marxist regime that will really bring the pains on . It will also enable TTK and Rachel to blame America on their failure . Which won’t go down at all well …..


    • Zephir says:

      Bring on the US Sanctions for this lying, fascist, authoritarian government, at the very least for their human rights abuses on political prisoners.

      For attempting to influence a foreign election in the US.

      For imprisoning people for their words.

      For serial lying to get into power.

      For lying over and over once in power.

      For lying about a 22 Billion black hole and lying about Boris Johnson and the previous government at every opportunity

      For lying about their qualifications to be able to run an economy, lying about purchases of council houses, lying about those corrupt payments and gifts buying political influence.

      (see above regarding another of their attempts at state control and the lies they spout about it.)


    • non-licence payer says:

      This coming week is a big week for economic data and Rachel from accounts is unlikely to be very happy. but that is what happens when you are arrogant and thick and there is a fawning bBC that thinks that everything is fine.

      I already have my short positions in place and copious quantities of popcorn.


  8. Zephir says:

    If anyone really knows Iran, it is this man, who’s father still lives there…

    A paramilitary organisation responsible for many terrorist attacks over the years but now backed by the Soros mob, EU and WEF, if you can believe that..

    My enemies enemy is my friend ?


  9. MarkyMark says:

    I see Simon Schama is on BBC … still being paid…..Simon Schama taught Diane Abbott …. Simon Schama ….

    Historian Simon Schama: ‘unelected President Musk’ will test Trump administration


    Suggest you watch the whole debate…to form your own opinion of Simon “BBC on 200K” Schama, whose salary is from a TV Tax extracted from people who are struggling in the UK, a license that had 180,000 (near Simon’s Wage) prosecuted due to none payment. And sent 70 people to jail.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Schama not big on democracy but big on defending paki rape gangs – so fits very well with their BBC …I bet he has a US passport


      • MarkyMark says:

        “In the United States
        In 1980, Schama took up a chair at Harvard University as Mellon Professor of History. His next book, The Embarrassment of Riches (1987), again focused on Dutch history.”


  10. MarkyMark says:

    “Former Labour MP arrested during paedophile sting months after being suspended from the party
    11 January 2025, 23:19”


    A social media video reveals a man who identifies himself to be the ex-Labour MP Ivor Caplin being handcuffed by police.

    Sussex Police have confirmed they have arrested a 66-year-old man on suspicion of engaging in sexual communication with a child.




  11. Guest Who says:

    The Big Trombone +1 Brigade gets a mention here a fair bit.

    Are these guys the, linked or just another quaint feature of democracy?


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      The mutton crew were a really nasty bunch during covid. They set out to destroy the reputations of honest medical doctors who were trying to warn the public about the dangers of the vaxxxx.


  12. tomo says:



  13. Zephir says:



  14. JohnC says:

    Front page world news at the BBC:

    Former Little Mix singer Jesy Nelson pregnant

    Dear shallow BBC idiot:
    Nobody outside your bizarre BBC bubble cares.

    At the BBC nowadays, this is what they think is ‘culture’.

    Brought to you by:
    Mummy will be very proud. I’m sure all the family have been emailed to see the story she wrote.


  15. tomo says:

    Incoming !!!

    Duck!, run for cover, the homophobes and waycists are attacking!

    BBC Wildlife: Deploy the squirrels and Chris Packham



    I wonder what the count accumulated total is at Broadcasting House?


  16. tomo says:



    • MarkyMark says:



    • Lefty Wright says:

      Wot? Swap one tax for another tax?
      Make the buggers compete properly for their funding.
      No audience – no money, especially no public money


    • non-licence payer says:

      Opposition MPs should declare that if this reform is forced through by Labour, the opposition (future government) will not honour the new charter and will make the bBC pay per view or similar within weeks of an election. There cannot be consensus on this proposal.


    • vlad says:

      BBC funded from taxes would be a disaster. It must NOT be allowed to happen.


  17. wwfc says:


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tomo – do you know if that is real ? I’ve seen the online comments but doesn’t seem real or parody …..


      • tomo says:

        Anything seems possible in California…

        – even switched around (i.e. mirrored) video.

        If you want confirmation of that POV from a native – Mark Groubert and chums have a rambling (and entertaining imho natter about it all on YT America’s Untold Stories on Friday)


    • digg says:

      The only possible reaction to that video is whatthefuckisactuallygoingoninamerica.

      It’s full of totally batshit crazy bastards.


  18. digg says:

    Looking at the wide spread of the fire maps in LA it is almost impossible to come to any other conclusion that they were pretty much all down to arson.

    The fact that highly organised looters moved in after the fires, some dressed as firefighters seals the deal for me.

    If the US administration has any balls it will track down these sub-humans and put every last one of them away for life.

    The only way to deter these filthy leeches on society is to catch them and extract ultimate sanctions. They have given up the right to live alongside normal citizens.


    • vlad says:

      “If the US administration has any balls”… remember, this is super-liberal California where crime goes unpunished, especially diverse crime.


  19. Fedup2 says:

    Just a week to go before the adults return to the White House …new thread time …