Start the Week 13th January 2025

The BBC continues to fail to report the truth of its ‘ failing Marxist government – crashing the economy – covering up and organised sex attacks . And Lisa Nandy – the Far Left culture Secretary is mulling over putting payment for the BBC into general taxation ….

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349 Responses to Start the Week 13th January 2025

  1. Zephir says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      UK empties jails of criminals to arrest those who did not want kids murdered! Wow!


  2. Marco says:

    Roger Bolton on GB news overtalking the presenters saying how wonderful the BBC are ,he sounded like the usual establishment type ,had to turn it off because he would not listen he just kept rambling on about how diverse the programming is and all the rest of it , completely dillutional I am afraid .


  3. MarkyMark says:

    The new rulers of Cambodia call 1975 “Year Zero”, the dawn of an age in which there will be no families, no sentiment, no expressions of love or grief, no medicines, no hospitals, no schools, no books, no learning, no holidays, no music, no song, no post, no money – only work and death.

    John Pilger, Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia (1979)[1]



    • Zephir says:

      Moron, who keeps posting this


      • MarkyMark says:

        Rich Moron with two kitchens and a brother in USA saving children ** ignores children in UK.


        • Guest Who says:

          But has the national broadcaster in his pocket.

          “What it boils down to is the BBC are just repeating the unsubstantiated claims of the ‘experts’ at WWA, without bothering to do due diligence, presumably because WWA are the experts after all, but also because the know-it-alls at BBC Verify are too thick to challenge the ‘science’ of extreme weather attribution being peddled by outfits like WWA – not that they would be inclined to do so anyway. As such, they are either wilfully or unwittingly, but either way, negligently repeating misinformation without doing due diligence, something which they accuse the ‘far right’ and ‘conspiracy theorists’ of doing all the time. But good luck with trying to get them to admit that is what they are doing.”


  4. MarkyMark says:

    Four councils back motion to classify ‘Asian grooming gangs’ as an Islamophobic term
    Oxford, Newcastle, Manchester, and Calderdale councils are expected to back a report claiming the phrase perpetuates harmful stereotypes

    ‘Asian grooming gangs’ …. change to ‘‘Asian rape gangs’ so it is not Islamophobic!???!?!

    “However, the move has been criticised by others, including shadow home secretary Chris Philp – who pointed out that Oxford, Newcastle, Manchester and Calderdale are all areas where young white girls have been raped.”


  5. pugnazious says:

    Lol…I see this was mentioned yesterday by Stewgreen on this site…..

    ‘Who is Ivor Caplin? Former Labour MP who criticised Elon Musk, now embroiled in child sex scandal’

    Curiously still no sign of it on the BBC website. What might have been said in a BBC editorial meeting? Maybe something like….’We shouldn’t report this as it will make critics of Musk seem like they have something to hide which is why they attack him so hard…it may give credence to Musk’s comments…we’ll cover it, briefly, only when it gets too big to ignore…and then we’ll downplay and discredit the story’.

    Just guessing.


  6. JohnC says:

    Attempted murder charge after nurse stabbed

    … and finally – after the standard 48 hours delay for the story to die down a bit – we are told the name of the barabrian who stabbed the nurse in Manchester ….

    Drum roll please …

    Rumon Haque

    We aren’t told anything else of course because of racist discrimination and the need to ‘protect’ the murderers from people who might get angry.

    But google tells me the name ‘Haque’ is:
    ‘A common last name in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh’

    Our country is in a desperate state now and needs to suppress any negative information about all the immigrants we have taken from 3rd world shitholes.

    And the longer they do it, the more of them arrive and the more the Leftist apologists such as the BBC need to do it. It became a self-sustaining, non-recoverable path towards catastrophe long ago. We are nearing the end-game and they have no idea what to do about it. So they have doubled-down and now we are being actively oppressed by a desperate far-Left government.


  7. Fedup2 says:

    Tim Stanley in the DT writing a column about paki rapist gangs . WARNINB – if you have high blood pressure don’t read it because the Stanley kid has Lost His Way and Moral Compass …
    STARTS Whenever there’s a story about Muslims breaking the law, a reader writes me an email with the sarcastic subject heading “nothing to do with Islam”. I’ve become a bête-noire for a certain type: “dhimmi Timmy” who publicly insists that Islam isn’t a problem either because I’m wet, ignorant or trying to keep in with the establishment (who exactly?! Sadiq Khan?). As the centre-Right embraces the language of civilisational conflict and deportations – catalysed by the grooming gang scandal – I find myself defending a small island of cosmopolitan conservatism.

    Why do I do it? Because I’m old-fashioned. I believe the state should leave religious citizens alone, even if they hate it, and though I’d limit immigration to the tens of tens, I take the view that once you’re here, you’re part of the family. I might loathe Shamima Begum, for example, but the notion that because her parents are Bangladeshi we can revoke her citizenship is deeply troubling. Blood and soil stuff. Not very British.

    Begum is undeniably an example of how evil ideas or backward cultures can create the impetus for human beings to do bad things, but those who claim Islam justifies murder or rape risk putting themselves on common intellectual ground with terrorists – and at odds with the millions of Muslims who abhor both. Where in the Koran does it order men to ply children with alcohol and drugs and sodomise them? I await the letters.

    If we are saying “Islam is behind this”, we also have the problem of France. There 51 men have been found guilty of raping an unconscious housewife: all ages and backgrounds. Unable to pin it on Muhammed, the defence latched on to their clients’ high sex drives and addiction to porn, as if they were victims of the opposite cultural context to that found in rural Pakistan.

    Discussing Rotherham on GB News, an ex-Labour MP told me that gang-rape was a potential consequence of Muslim sexual repression, much as Catholic celibacy fuelled paedophilia. Yet in France, we learn that rape is the fruit of libertarianism …

    The sordid truth is that it is a human problem, that sexual assault has occurred at all times in all places. Emphasising Islamic theology removes a little agency from the rapists – as if they had been brainwashed – and distracts from the fallen state of man, his moral vulnerability. Though I agree that Western civilisation is generally good, I cannot shake off its responsibility for the Holocaust – a culmination or deviation, I don’t know – or the fear that it might happen again, precisely because the influence of civilisational values is skin deep.

    The historian Christopher Browning, in his 1992 book Ordinary Men, documented the crimes of Reserve Police Battalion 101, which was invited – not compelled at gunpoint – to round up and kill Jews. Browning observed that a portion declined; a larger one reluctantly took part; a smaller group enjoyed it. These were not classic, indoctrinated Nazis. They were ordinary family men, few of whom immediately exhibited great anguish.

    Browning’s point is that during and after the war, they almost uniformly suppressed any stress: but at their trials, some broke down, and one committed suicide – because people found out what they’d done!

    Faith is about worship and submission, but also the exercise of a God-given conscience – an ongoing effort to figure out what one is supposed to do. In this sense, the Christians of 101 and the Muslim rapists not only broke religious commandments but were never living authentically religious lives. Desire and conformity filled the gap where the conscience should have flourished.

    A healthy civilisation acknowledges the capacity of man to be evil and designs society to mitigate it, through education, art, laws or shame, and the worrying thing is that Britain seems to be giving up on this. It has no moral programme, no animating spirit. Muslims very much do – and that is a reason to admire them. Muslim MPs spoke up against assisted suicide. Muslims have reacted with unity against the killing of Palestinians – while millions of Jesus-fans turn a blind eye to the murder of Christians in Nigeria.

    The UK trundles along with superficial values that psychopaths can exploit, even deploying the race card to deter scrutiny. How pathetic to cry at this late stage “we’ve been invaded!” when we’ve opened the gates, torn down the protections and hollowed out the spiritual core of the country to the point where sexual abuse was considered a fact of life in major cities, including by white officials we laughingly call “cultural Christians”.

    Reading about the Oxford case, I discovered that the gang used to rape girls at a fleapit hotel called the Nanford. Twenty years ago, that’s where I used to stay whenever I visited the university. I was shaken by the possibility that the other side of my bedroom wall, that was going on.

    Why did I lodge there? Because I was a poor student and it was cheap, and Oxford is a city of wealth and poverty so extreme that the meeting point between the two – ie, a safe, affordable hotel – has been priced out of the market. This is a metaphor for Britain. It is a country so divided, so lacking a healthy middle ground of cultural exchange, that we can live within inches of each other yet remain as strangers. Let’s not open that gulf further by ostracising good Muslims.ENDS

    My subscription to the DT is up soon – im thinking of dumping it …

    Unusually for the DT comments are not allowed over what this dolt has written .. I think I know exactly why – he is a kidult c word


    • Zephir says:

      The muzzie mob are very quickly on the streets whenever something “offends” them, not his time though, not a bloody whisper.

      Except to complain about the hundreds of paki child rapists being called “asian”


    • MarkyMark says:

      It’s nice that Tim Stanley can speak out about it and write his point of view …. maybe we should all move to Pakistan to talk about it?


      …. and ask the moderates what they think…..

      “…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
      – Douglas Murray (2016?)


      • Fedup2 says:

        It’s the sort of apologist crap someone would write if they’d taken a big bung . It’s obscene …. Drawing parallel s with wartime atrocities is so – infantile ?- naive ?- stupid ? As to be insulting …..
        He reminds me of the attitude some one who has never been hit or mugged has before it happens to them …

        Btw – the number of labour MPs calling for a full inquiry is now 4? Paul Waugh and Sarah champion have signed up …


        • MarkyMark says:

          Got to give them awards for trying!

          “In other words, Islam isn’t just compatible with Western values; it started to espouse and establish them long before western democracies. Islamic and Western values are one and the same, and they have been for longer than you could possibly imagine.“

          “The Prophet Mohammed declared all men were free – no one being superior to another except by way of righteous conduct. He further took great steps to abolish slavery and liberate women across the Arab world whose status as chattel was widespread. This was long before similar battles were won in the West against unjust slavery and for the liberation of women.”


      • vlad says:

        Those poll results are completely bogus. Does anyone really believe that, when asked by British pollsters if they support the savage murders of journalists, muslims will reply honestly – knowing how that will sound to British ears? Of course not.

        If they were asked the same questions when back in Pakistan, the answers would be very different indeed.


    • pugnazious says:

      Stanley’s probably thinking of converting…he’s already gone through a few versions of Christianity.

      What he misses is that they targeted the girls because they weren’t Muslim…they were ‘white trash’…or Sikh or Hindu. If they’d targeted Muslim girls they’d have been strung up from lamp posts.

      And as for the Koran authorising such stuff…of course it does…it promises not just land and riches for Muslims who fight the good fight but women as well…sex slaves….just ask the Yazidis. Non-Muslim women can be taken as sex slaves.


      • Fedup2 says:

        So mental issues then – I won’t bother with him any more – he’d do better at the Guardian ….


        • tomo says:

          Some clues as to Stanley’s position

          Standing in 2007 as Welfare Officer, his manifesto comprised a handwritten note simply stating: "This is hand-written because I was too drunk to write a manifesto. There is no better testament to my character."

          Regular contributor to CNN

          Gigs at Sky News, CH4 News and BBC News

          Joining the Labour Party at the age of 15 – received into the Catholic Church, aged 23 – are we supposed to take this utter tosser seriously?


          • Fedup2 says:

            Tomo – thanks – my uneducated assessment of him having ‘mental issues ‘ is now supported by facts . No RC wouid come out with crap supporting evil like his dire column . I won’t be repeating anything else by him again . …..

            BTW – that pro Islamic rapist piece has now been replaced on the DT website by some TTK thing – but they allowed comments and people are asking about his disgusting defence if Muslim paki rapists ….


    • JohnC says:

      I stopped reading that article as soon as I saw ‘nothing to with Islam’. Tim instantly made a naive idiot of himself.

      It has everything to do with Islam. Those ‘good Muslim men’ feel absolutely justified in using these white girls for their own pleasure because they do not conform to Islamic rules for women – ie they wear makeup and show bare skin. It’s the worst kind of racist hate : they consider their ‘victims’ to be worthless.

      They key indicator which everyone like Tim is choosing to ignore is that these rape gangs are not warped individuals who know it’s wrong and do it in secret – they are large groups of men who all think Islam approves of it and know none of the others will grass them up to the infidels. That’s why it’s a national disgrace that it is swept under the carpet by people like Starmer.


  8. tomo says:

    BBC Headline

    Artificial intelligence presents a “vast potential” for rejuvenating UK public services, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said on Monday.

    so it’s rubbish then


    • MarkyMark says:

      ““vast potential” for rejuvenating UK public services” – Add 50% pay rise to train them all! Plus golden pensions!


    • Fedup2 says:

      Should work well with NHS fax machines ….


    • vlad says:

      If investing in AI helps the economy, well and good.
      But I fear it’ll be one more step in dehumanising our lives, and in granting the programmers, the corporations and the government ever more control over us.


      • tomo says:


        I use it

        and I see and hear people talking about it

        I bet Tim Stanley could knock out 2000 words on it

        FFS _ Starmer et al look like baboons sneaking up on a parked space rocket and prodding it to check if it’s edible.


  9. vlad says:

    Hey BBC, at least some of the wildfires are arson, and at least some of the arsonists are illegal aliens.

    You going to report that?


  10. MarkyMark says:

    No Tulip on BBC Politics page – the corrupt anti-corruption minister!


    It’s like Keith Vaz never left!



  11. Eddy Booth says:

    Looks like someone broke the unwritten treaty, between homosexuals and Muslims, not to target each other; at least not untill normal society is destroyed.
    Judge coming down hard on them for breaking the agreement.

    “Gang who used Grindr to rob victims jailed”

    Hadza – 16 years and two months

    Alezaway -16 years and five months

    Hassan – 16 years and nine months

    Omar – 17 years and three months

    Shariff – 12 years


  12. MarkyMark says:

    Asking AI (ChatGPT) about it’s future project …

    Question “The recent Postal Horizon scandal shows that projects can run for a long time and even mean people are jailed, die in jail, when corporations and politicians lie or hide information. It took a tv programme for this scandal to be revealed – why will this be different especially when AI might be used to cover the tracks?”

    The Post Office Horizon scandal is a sobering example of how long-running projects, when poorly managed and cloaked in secrecy, can lead to devastating consequences. The scandal underscores how systems designed to improve efficiency and accountability can instead become instruments of harm if misused or if failures are concealed. Your concerns about the potential for AI to be used to obscure rather than illuminate truth are valid, especially given AI’s capacity for automating decisions and generating persuasive but misleading narratives.

    Why Could AI Pose Similar Risks?
    Opacity of AI Systems:

    Many AI models, especially those based on machine learning, are considered “black boxes,” making it difficult to understand how decisions are made. This lack of transparency could be exploited to obscure errors or misconduct.
    AI for Narrative Control:

    AI could potentially be used to generate false records, manipulate public perception, or even suppress evidence, compounding the problem of accountability.
    Complexity Enables Denial:

    Just as the Post Office relied on the complexity of the Horizon system to dismiss complaints, AI systems could similarly be weaponized to deny blame, with corporations or governments deflecting responsibility onto “the algorithm.”
    Biases and Errors:

    AI systems can perpetuate biases and errors, disproportionately harming vulnerable groups, much like the Post Office scandal disproportionately affected sub-postmasters.


    What You Can Do:
    Advocate for Transparency:
    Push for mandatory, publicly accessible audits of government AI projects.
    Demand AI Regulation:
    Support initiatives that require ethical frameworks and accountability in AI systems.
    Encourage Media Scrutiny:
    Highlight the role of investigative media in exposing potential misuse of AI.

    Criminal liability should extend to executives and politicians who knowingly mislead the public or suppress evidence.


  13. digg says:

    The lefty powers that be are moving at speed to drown out the rape gang debate which is overshadowing Labour with a 90 degree side-swipe….

    This whole thing smells of a Smoke and Mirrors diversion exercise to turn down the heat on Labour in General and Starmer in particular….


  14. Eddy Booth says:

    What’s going on here.
    Why are they attacking Biden?
    He could do no wrong for years

    “How Biden tarnished his own legacy”
    Anthony Zurcher


    • JohnC says:

      That article is absolutely packed full of lies by omission Eddy.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Almost unreadable – from the 2020 bunker non campaign – the theft of the election – the crucifixion of the J6 victims – 4 years of MSM lies over the dementia – the huge borrowing feeding inflation – throwing rubbish judges onto the federal bench – the subversion of the DoJ – gutting of the military – the freeing up of Putin and Hamas —— not so much mentioning of that …..that Zurcher should be ashamed together with the whole MSM …


    • tomo says:

      Zurcher is creepy, very, very creepy


  15. Fedup2 says:

    Advantages of AI

    1 makes it more efficient for paki rape Gangs to target white children
    2 makes it easier to plan beds in NHS corridors
    3 faster design for useless cycle lanes
    4 identifies homes where invaders can be put free of charge
    5 enables the state to drive more people to suicide

    Get the picture …?


  16. vlad says:

    The suspect in the Oldham hospital stabbing has been named as Rumon Haque, “from Royton in Greater Manchester” according to the BBC.
    A good Mancunian name if ever I heard one.


  17. wwfc says:

    Jailed: Gang of robbers who lured dating app users into ambushes and left victims with broken eye sockets


  18. StewGreen says:

    7pm BBC2 a NEws Special about the families thousands of BRITISH CHILDREN gang raped by Pakistani gangs ?

    No of course not
    … if they pick one gang rape victim’s family to air
    What family will they air ?

    … Yep, the French woman’s


  19. StewGreen says:

    7:30pm BBC2 @CliveMyrieBBC hosts celebrity charity #Mastermind

    Tonight’s celebrities are Danny Miller*, Josie d’Arby, Elizabeth Rizzini and Qasa Alom

    Wow a white man ..even straight .. He must have a lot of woke-brownie points.He’s an actor
    – She a black person from Newort who started on C-BBC
    – she’s a BBC weather presenter
    – “Qasa Alom” BBC Asian Network and BBC Five Live
    Born in Birmingham to a Bangladeshi family


  20. Zephir says:

    More starmer lies, will they ever stop ?

    Keir Starmer set to break election pledges as infrastructure projects are delayed. New research finds Keir Starmer’s government is delaying critical infrastructure projects, costing taxpayers billions. Labour is on the brink of breaking two key election promises due to unnecessary delays to major infrastructure projects, new research shared with the Express has revealed.

    The Britain Remade think tank, which campaigns to remove barriers to economic growth, has found that delays to major infrastructure planning in the first six months of this Labour government have led to 930 further wasted days.

    They suggest these delays are now jeopardising a whopping 57,000 British jobs, and over £14 billion in investment.

    Schemes delayed by the Labour government in its first six months include the Lower Thames Crossing, the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange, the relocation of the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant, an expansion of Luton Airport, the North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park, and the West Burton Solar Project.

    Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves came to power promising to secure economic growth, partly by unlocking planning blockages they claimed had built up under the previous Conservative government. The Prime Minister also pledged to approve 150 infrastructure projects by 2029, however Britain Remade says he is now on track to deliver just 72.

    “These are not schemes that are held up because they are waiting for a local planning committee to give them the go ahead, these schemes are sitting on ministers’ desks and could be given the green light with the stroke of a pen.”


  21. Zephir says:

    This is what we let into this country.



    • moggiemoo says:

      Let? Don’t you mean encourage?


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Blimey it’s the Ku Klux Klan in disguise.


    • tomo says:

      The toxic plod in Avon & Somerset going on portentously about domestic violence…

      The “we won’t investigate for the sake of community cohesion” applies especially to the RoP folk.

      Seen in even rural shires where there’s low numbers – Muslim males can batter their wives with near absolute impunity – iirc – quiet a few Imams have opined on the best methods.

      I’d wager that the numbers of recorded incidents are properly skewed.


      • Fedup2 says:

        ‘We re coming for you’ … cue malicious prosecution suit … stupid thing to say – unless woke of course


  22. tomo says:

    “There were no lesbians in Fife in the 1960s”

    Echoes of Lord Ali

    Beards … or something


  23. Fedup2 says:

    Sturgeon moves in with top Scottish dyke – shock …


    • Flotsam says:

      Presumably Sturgeon hopes to distance herself from her husband’s alleged crimes and hopefully continue her political career. It is hard however to believe that she wasn’t fully aware of what was going on and complicit.


      • tomo says:

        Bit of an open secret north of the border as I understand it….

        There’s this club….


  24. tomo says:



  25. StewGreen says:

    Hey Twitter AI please list Labour peer/MP Nazir Ahmed’s convictions

    Attempted Rape: He was found guilty of two counts of attempted rape against a young girl in the early 1970s.
    Buggery: He was convicted of one count of buggery against a boy under the age of 11, also in the early 1970s.

    These convictions relate to sexual offences committed when he was a teenager, and the legal term “buggery” was used for the specific charge at the time of the offences
    (The sentence of gay rape of a child was reduced to 6 months)

    How long was “Nazir Ahmed” in jail ?
    Nazir Ahmed was originally sentenced to a total of five years and six months in prison for three sex crimes committed in the 1970s.
    However, upon appeal, his sentence was reduced to two years and six months.

    it’s highly probable that Nazir Ahmed has been released from jail by January 2025. However, without specific information on his exact release date, this conclusion is based on typical sentencing practices rather than definitive evidence.


  26. StewGreen says:

    Claire Fox in the Lords speaks clearly for the people
    video via Mr Rotten Politics


  27. tomo says:


    archived here

    Not a surprise, should it be addressed by redundancies?



  28. StewGreen says:

    Leo Kearse on fire
    Grooming gangs – the leftwing establishment double down – Keir Starmer, Jess Phillips and the media



  29. Guest Who says:

    You really have to wonder how dumb the bbc is.
    Charity staff ‘harassed’ after Musk shares X post


  30. StewGreen says:

    Angry Bootneck commenta on the BBC travesty of a news story about the stabbed nurse.

    He’s frank cos he’s in California so under US free speech laws


  31. Zephir says:

    Nice to see the far left democrats in a fire ravaged state are getting their priorities sorted…. by suing elected president Donald Trump….

    “California state leader calls out Newsom for ‘lumping together’ wildfire relief, anti-Trump session.
    Newsom “recently expanded the current special session that was focused on suing the Trump administration to also include Los Angeles wildfire relief,” according to State Sen. Brian Jones, R-Calif.

    “I’m encouraged that Governor Newsom heard our calls to take action on the LA wildfires in a special session,” Jones said in a statement. “However, lumping this emergency response together with a politically motivated special session to sue Trump is unnecessary and, frankly, insulting to those struggling through this disaster.”

    “Fire victims deserve a response that is both respectful and non-partisan, but instead, Newsom is politicizing a tragic crisis that should focus solely on aiding those in need,” the Republican added. “Sadly, these special session bills will likely include inappropriate provisions targeting the incoming federal administration alongside vital disaster relief for Californians.”


  32. JohnC says:

    Gaza ceasefire deal being finalised, Palestinian official tells BBC

    ‘The terms of a deal between Israel and Hamas for a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages are being finalised, a Palestinian official familiar with the negotiations has told the BBC.’
    ‘It comes as US President Joe Biden said a deal was “on the brink” of coming to fruition, and that his administration was working urgently on the matter.’

    We’ll skip over how the BBC are the go-to news company for Muslim terrorists who know they’ll get a sympathetic ear and move on the the point that this is very clearly because of Trump and his threat of action if the hostages are not released.

    But the BBC don’t mention that until near the end and make no link to it and this possible deal. They infer in the second sentence that it’s all Joes doing:

    ‘It comes as US President Joe Biden said a deal was “on the brink” of coming to fruition, and that his administration was working urgently on the matter.’

    Well done again Trump. And the are BBC lying by omission and inference yet again.


  33. Marco says:

    BBC breakfast news just did a piece on our economy and higher cost of borrowing for the UK government with a usual clone presenter with her graph as the backdrop , guess what they said why this has happened , a large picture of TRUMP at the side of the graph , these people are beyond help I am afraid .


  34. Fedup2 says:

    It doesn’t look as though the BBC is to put out the daily 30 minute sneer that was ‘the first 100 days ‘ with Kathy and Christian this time round …..
    Why wouid that be ? It it be that the bbc is detecting that people are fed up with the far left ? Whether in the UK or US ? That serious trouble is coming …?


  35. tomo says:

    Meanwhile on the BBC “front page”


    Still wrestling with how to blame Trump for the fires in LA then.


  36. AsISeeIt says:

    Brace yourselves… There’s nothing reamarkable about the BBC headlining California local news as their top story for about the umpteenth day in a row: LA braces for stronger winds as fires continue to burn (BBC)

    And its not as though there’s anything original about the BBC headline: LA fires death toll rises to 24 as high winds expected (BBC top online news headline, 13 January 2025)

    Brace yourselves for this news…

    LA fires death toll rises to 16 as firefighters brace for intense winds (BBC top online news headline, 12 January 2025)

    What is remarkable, however – and I’m going to remark upon it – is the jokey blokey Daily Star, our BBC’s habitual ‘and finally’, making it up to the giddy heights of number three in the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff’s online line-up of print press front pages and that organ’s jokey blokey comic headline getting a foot in the door of the BBC’s own headine to the print headlines: ‘Another lettuce’ for Reeves and ‘ruthless’ spending cuts on the way (BBC)

    (Don’t bother to brace yourself for ruthless spending cuts – that won’t ever happen under Labour)

    Should we be popping out for another lettuce? (Daily Star)

    Lettice and Lovage was a comic and satiric play by Peter Shaffer. It is centered on a flamboyant tour guide who loves to embellish the history behind an English country house and who butts heads with a fact-conscious official at the house. The play was written specifically for Dame Maggie Smith, who originated the title role of Lettice Douffet (Thank you Wiki)

    Daily Star: Thought for the Day: Will Ratchel Reeves romaine? – let me explain and contextualise, as it were: Liz Truss leaves stage as lettuce banner unfurls… at a public event after a banner showing a picture of a lettuce and the words “I crashed the economy” was unfurled above her. In 2022, during Ms Truss’ 49 days as prime minister, the Daily Star newspaper created a live web-cam feed to test whether her term in office would outlast a 60p iceberg lettuce. (BBC, August 2024)

    Whereas: The Prime Minister gives his embattled chancellor the dreaded vote of confidence… Keir Starmer gave… “his full backing” and insisted she wouldn’t be sacked (Daily Star)

    Or did he?

    PM throws Reeves’s future into doubt… Starmer twice refuses to say if she will be in her job next year – before aide backtracks (Telegraph)

    Twice, you say?

    ‘Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.’ [Matthew 26:34]

    Time for a calm down dear…

    I lived Nicole Kidman’s fantasy with a younger man – with startling consequences (Daily Mail)

    Sometimes these segueways write themselves…

    A former Labour MP has been arrested during a paedophile sting only months after he was suspended from the political party due to serious allegations… Video footage of the arrest has been posted online and a man wearing a black trench coat and a red cap can be seen, being held by police officers. (LBC) – Red cap? Surely Ivor Caplin is no Donald Trump MAGA fan?

    My favourite Brighton spot… Affinity Bar… Ivor Caplin, former Labour MP for Hove is a gay man. For Pride week he takes us to his favourite spot in Brighton, Affinity Bar. (BBC Radio Sussex, August 2023)

    Mr Ivor Caplin MP, Hove… voted strongly for the policy… Homosexuality – Equal rights… Commons… 22 Jun 1998 Crime and Disorder Bill — Reduction of Age of Consent for Homosexual Acts to 16 (The Public Whip, ‘Counting votes on your behalf. Find out how your MP votes on the issues you care about’)

    Moving swiftly on… to distracting foreign affairs…

    How’s them Russia sanctions workin’ out fo’ yer?

    EU yards carry out crucial repairs for Russian Arctic gas tanker fleet… Moscow enabled to reach market… French and Danish groups used (Financial Times)

    Our friends and allies in Europe, eh?

    Britons face paying 100 per cent tax on properties in Spain (Telegraph)

    Non-EU buyers face 100% property tax in Spain’s bid to fix ‘grave’ housing crisis (FT)

    Now there’s a possible solution to the British housing crisis our Angela Rayner hasn’t yet considered.

    Building 1.5 million homes will only ‘make a dent’ in housing crisis, warns Angela Rayner (Big Issue)

    And finally, as they say. Mr AsI is keen to honour the Daily Star’s rightful place as star of the ‘and finally’ spot.

    So on the subject of – and in answer to: Starmer’s AI superpower play faces tough audience (FT)

    We’ll award the final word to the Daily Star: Psycho scumbag chatbots ‘to save Britain’


    • Guest Who says:

      Speaking of the Pippster…
      Downing Street says Rachel Reeves will be chancellor up until the next election.
      “You heard from the PM this morning. He was very explicit – he has full confidence in the chancellor and he’ll be working with her in the role for the whole of this Parliament.”

      See what she did there?


      • Zephir says:

        There it is again, as alluded to, every time they cock up, they are :

        “working with”


    • AsISeeIt says:

      Psycho scumbag chatbots ‘to save Britain’ – that’s no way to talk about Two-Tier Keir & Rachel from accounts


  37. Guest Who says:

    Marty has a poll.
    Quite a few anti-BBC replies saying “I never watch it”. Genuine question, does that also mean you never go to the website, listen to the radio stations or podcasts?

    Telling he interprets no desire to watch as ‘anti BBC’.

    Least popular is popping it on as a forced propaganda tax regardless of watching. Surprised that high.

    In the spirit of Labour public mandates that will be it then, as closest to the

    Here’s a balanced one from Pippa Pepperpot (unlikely to be the Graun’s Beff/Laura sycophant):

    “I used to have BBC radio on in my house pretty much all day long.
    I watched the news, a lot of programmes…..and then?
    Something changed, and I could probably date it to the Brexit referendum. I voted Remain, but I knew many people who hadn’t, and I was probably on the fence.
    But I just couldn’t stomach the condescending, openly biased attitude that I was suddenly seeing everywhere (not just on the BBC).
    And at the same time there was an explosion in podcasts, YouTube videos that spoke more to people like me.
    And suddenly, I realised that I was only watching the BBC for a handful of hours a week.
    And I have never gone back.”

    Some are more direct.


  38. Guest Who says:

    BBC Labour ploughs on simply pumping out propaganda

    Sky too.

    Nobody outside the Westminster bubble fooled or on board a more.

    Ed to get an electric banjo?


  39. Zephir says:

    Did he say the same about Truss ?

    “Keir Starmer was struggling to contain turmoil in the Treasury last night as pressure mounted on Rachel Reeves and her deputy Tulip Siddiq. As the pound took another battering on the financial markets, the Prime Minister was forced to throw a protective arm around his embattled Chancellor.
    Sir Keir said that, despite stuttering growth, surging government borrowing costs and a growing business backlash, Ms Reeves was doing a ‘fantastic job’ running the economy.

    Markets piled further pressure on the Chancellor, with long-term government borrowing costs hitting a new 27-year high yesterday and the pound suffering for a fifth day in a row

    The president of the CBI warned that Labour’s controversial workers’ rights charter would cost jobs and become ‘an adventure playground’ for employment lawyers

    Sir Keir signalled that the Treasury may have to make emergency spending cuts within months unless government borrowing rates fall back

    Ms Reeves returned from a controversial trip to China where a promised reset of relations with the communist superpower produced just £120 million a year in extra investment

    Ministers are braced for more gloomy economic data which is expected to show that both inflation and growth are off course”


  40. Zephir says:

    Did he say the same about “Tory sleaze ” ?

    “No 10 was also forced to voice ‘full confidence’ in City minister Tulip Siddiq, who is facing growing pressure over corruption allegations which she disputes, but which are now being examined by the PM’s sleaze investigator.

    A Bangladeshi politician called for a full corruption probe into whether Ms Siddiq, whose aunt ruled the country with an iron fist until last year, had any involvement in money being ‘looted from a Third World country’”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tulip will get fully cleared – left in place for a month or two and then moved on . This might be a bad move because is she comes from a family whose main occupation is corruption – she ll be good with money so could make an ideal chancellor .

      And if she screws up it will get us nearer to a general election / serious trouble …


  41. Zephir says:

    The BIG pharma lie:

    “Medicating misery by doling out antidepressants is based on a myth: NHS psychiatrist PROFESSOR JOANNA MONCRIEFF reveals the shameful truth about Big Pharma.

    It’s the social media hashtag adorning everything from pictures of sunsets to girls’ nights out: ‘serotonin moments’, a phrase now synonymous with happiness.
    Serotonin, of course, is one of the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) that carry messages between nerve cells in the brain. This hyper-focus on serotonin reflects how deeply embedded it is in our society that a serotonin imbalance or deficiency is what causes depression.
    Indeed, all mental health problems – as they’re now referred to – are overwhelmingly seen as medical conditions arising from a chemical imbalance, or something similar, which needs correcting with drugs just like other diseases.
    In the case of depression, the prescription is likely to be for antidepressants, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) – Prozac is the most famous – which claim to ‘fix’ levels of serotonin.
    So widely believed is this idea of antidepressants being a chemical ‘fix’ for an ‘imbalance’ that you can now also buy antidepressant-themed paraphernalia joking about their widespread use: T-shirts, keyrings and bags carry slogans such as ‘If you’re happy and you know it, thank your meds’ and ‘Today’s good mood is sponsored by antidepressants’.
    But what if I told you this idea of a chemical imbalance is a myth?
    The fact is the theory that depression is caused by low serotonin is not supported by reliable evidence. Put simply, the emperor has no clothes – and this matters, because our widespread use of antidepressants for mental health problems is grounded in this myth.

    Data shows that 8.6 million people in England were taking an antidepressant in 2022-23 – almost 19 per cent of adults. Increasing numbers also use anti-depressants long-term, often for years. More than half of those taking antidepressants in England have been taking them for at least a year – and these are mainly SSRIs.
    Having been a senior NHS psychiatrist for more than 20 years, alongside conducting research and academic work, I’ve witnessed how the myth that antidepressants normalise an underlying brain dysfunction has facilitated the successful promotion of highly profitable drugs – drugs whose harmful effects were never properly investigated.
    At the same time, the quest for money and professional status has lured the psychiatric profession (whether individuals are consciously aware of it or not) into promoting these barely useful and potentially harmful drugs.
    And the hubris of the scientific community has also made it unwilling to consider challenges to its worldview, however well evidenced those challenges are.
    People have been profoundly misled about antidepressants.
    Not only have they never been shown to rectify a chemical imbalance or any other abnormality, but – as I shall explain – they actually interfere with the normal state of the brain, just like alcohol and other mind-altering drugs. This is how they can produce potentially devastating side-effects – from rare suicidal thoughts to severe sexual problems.
    My view on depression is that it’s a complex emotional state usually arising from life difficulties, rather than a biologically determined condition. I have no problem if people choose to take antidepressants. And, of course, they should only stop taking them under medical guidance.
    But I also want people to be properly informed about what they take. This was my aim in 2022 when I published a comprehensive overview of research into depression and serotonin in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.
    It showed that, despite decades of heavily funded investigations, there was no convincing evidence that depression is caused by an abnormality in serotonin.
    This review is now one of the most widely read and influential scientific papers of modern times, ranked by Altmetric, an online influence tracker, in the top five per cent of all papers.
    People are reading this paper because they are stunned to find that the link between depression and serotonin is not backed up by evidence. The view of depression as a brain disorder is seen as the unalterable truth.
    Serotonin is a chemical found in various parts of the body – most is located in the gut and in blood cells known as platelets. Only around 8 per cent is in the brain.
    One academic from Oxford University said ‘it would be surprising if such a widely distributed brain neuromodulatory system [i.e. serotonin] was completely uninvolved in the complex experiences that make up clinical depression’.
    But this is the equivalent of saying blood is involved in depression because it’s also ‘widely distributed’ all over the brain.
    In fact, there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of studies attempting to identify how brain chemicals affect emotions, intelligence and behaviour. They have shown little evidence of any links.
    While my team and I weren’t the first to suggest the serotonin depression theory was unproven, no one was aware quite how weak the evidence was. For example, because you can’t stick needles into people’s brains, it’s generally agreed that the most direct measure we have of serotonin in the brain is the concentration of the main breakdown product of serotonin known as 5-HIAA – a molecule in the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain, which can be analysed via a lumbar puncture.
    We identified 19 studies that looked at this. Overall, they found no difference in the level of this molecule when comparing people with and without depression.
    Surprisingly, our review also found research suggesting long-term antidepressant use may reduce serotonin levels.
    Three studies involving a total of 2,469 post-menopausal women showed that those who were using antidepressants for any condition, such as depression, pain or anxiety, had lower serotonin levels than those not taking antidepressants. So despite the theory that SSRIs boost serotonin, this was evidence that they may reduce serotonin, at least when used for a sustained period.
    You wouldn’t know any of this from reports regularly describing how serotonin produces ‘a sense of wellbeing and happiness’ – nor from members of the psychiatric profession who reacted to our paper with disdain and panic, which truly shocked me.
    Although I’ve been challenging the mainstream story about antidepressants for decades, the publication of the serotonin paper meant I could no longer be ignored by the psychiatric establishment.
    It went into attack mode and tried to neutralise our findings and divert attention from their implications for our use of antidepressants, in order to avoid public debate.
    It deluged the academic literature and the public with a host of other unconvincing studies and alternative theories, dressed up with complex language and technical details.
    The UK’s Science Media Centre coordinated the initial response to our paper. Its mission is to improve the public understanding of science – a laudable aim – but it receives funding from numerous pharmaceutical companies as well as the industry’s trade association, the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. Its spokesmen on mental health regularly include advocates of drug treatment and biological interventions.
    Ironically, the Science Media Centre had originally been approached by my university, University College London, to collaborate on publicising the paper, as it does for other important research.
    But it then withdrew that offer and released a briefing featuring seven psychiatrists criticising the paper. A spokesman for the Royal College of Psychiatrists was also quoted, reassuring people about antidepressants.
    Subsequently a group of 36 psychiatrists submitted a response to Molecular Psychiatry, the journal that had published our paper. They disputed minor points of methodology and claimed there was some evidence for the role of serotonin in depression. They continued to attempt to discredit the paper, both online and to anyone who would listen.


  42. Zephir says:

    But pharmaceutical companies are ultimately interested in profit. And the potential side effects of SSRIs are significant.
    Known to prolong bleeding time, they have been linked to haemorrhages, birth complications and strokes. Evidence suggests they reduce bone mineral density, causing osteoporosis and fractures. In younger people, antidepressants can cause agitation and impulsivity (and, though it is rare, suicidal behaviour).
    Severe withdrawal reactions are also associated with them, and these sometimes last for years.
    Another potentially devastating and sometimes long-term complication is sexual dysfunction. Antidepressants can reduce sexual desire; delay and minimise orgasm intensity; and cause erectile problems and delayed ejaculation.
    No one should be prescribed antidepressants without being warned about these effects in the strongest possible terms, yet the medical community has not been quick to publicise them.


  43. Fedup2 says:

    Trumps first week

    Monday – get the job . Pardon all J6. Start the wall
    Tuesday – deal with DoJ – fire thousands of federal democrats
    Wednesday – get fracking
    Thursday – meet Putin and square up Ukraine
    Friday – take over California
    Saturday visit wall start deporting
    Sunday – game of golf – tell TTK he is toast


  44. Guest Who says:

    The use of #1degreeofseparation is a time honoured attempt used by the BBC and other MSM over and over, which fools no one.

    This chap must be a BBC sub.
    That tweet isn’t comparing Truss to a lettuce, nor mocking her for being compares to a lettuce.
    It’s referencing the comparison to highlight Truss’s hypocrisy.
    If your bar is “it is a tweet and it has the words Truss and Lettuce in it” then fair enough

    On a thread started by an msm gob used to wind up the brain dead daytime tv classes.


  45. AsISeeIt says:

    We’ve all heard about: ‘Right decision’ to hold Bradford 2025 launch… The leader of Bradford Council has insisted that it was the “right” decision to hold the City of Culture launch in sub-zero temperatures. (Aisha Iqbal BBC News (Yorkshire))

    Bradford, City of Culture, eh?

    But here’s a brand new moniker for a northern town: …Sarah Campion MP for Rotherham, a grooming hot spot… (Daily Telegraph)


  46. Fedup2 says:

    Now that Rachel from accounts has slipped back into the third world UK I wonder if TTK will tell her to keep her head down until they go to Davos next week ? Anyone who counts will be in Washington on Monday the 20th so there should be plenty of room in the bars . …


    • harry142857 says:

      According to reports (unsubstantiated, seems doubtful) Two Tier Kier hasn’t been invited and Nigel has.


      • Zephir says:

        I hope she was suitably chastened by the Chinese government regarding English political prisoners such as the Southport protesters and Tommy Robinson and people being arrested, put on remand until they pled guilty, then jailed for expressing their opinions whilst rapists, drug dealers and assorted other thugs were set free to make space for them.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer joins a panel on repowering the world at Davos




  47. Zephir says:

    Corruption and tax evasion ..hidden by the bbc:

    “Special Counsel David Weiss’ final report on his years-long investigation into Hunter Biden determined the first son’s drug abuse could not explain away not paying taxes on millions of dollars of income earned off of his “last name and connections.”

    “As a well-educated lawyer and businessman, Mr. Biden consciously and willfully chose not to pay at least $1.4 million in taxes over a four-year period. From 2016 to 2020, Mr. Biden received more than $7 million in total gross income, including approximately $1.5 million in 2016, $2.3 million in 2017, $2.1 million in 2018, $1 million in 2019 and $188,000 from January through October 15, 2020,” Weiss wrote in his final report, which was released Monday.

    “Mr. Biden made this money by using his last name and connections to secure lucrative business opportunities, such as a board seat at a Ukrainian industrial conglomerate, Burisma Holdings Limited, and a joint venture with individuals associated with a Chinese energy conglomerate. He negotiated and executed contracts and agreements that paid him millions of dollars for limited work,” Weiss continued.

    Hunter Biden, 54, had a busy year in court last year, when he was convicted of two separate federal cases prosecuted by Weiss. He kicked off his first trial in Delaware in June, when he faced three felony firearm offenses involving his drug use, before pleading guilty in a separate felony tax case in September. ”


    • Zephir says:

      Weiss continued in his report that Hunter Biden “spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills,” and that he “willfully failed to pay his 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 taxes on time, despite having access to funds to pay some or all of these taxes.

      “These are not ‘inconsequential’ or ‘technical’ tax code violations,” Weiss wrote. “Nor can Mr. Biden’s conduct be explained away by his drug use-most glaringly, Mr. Biden filed his false 2018 return, in which he deliberately underreported his income to lower his tax liability, in February 2020, approximately eight months after he had regained his sobriety. Therefore, the prosecution of Mr. Biden was warranted given the nature and seriousness of his tax crimes.”


      • Zephir says:

        The tax case charges carried up to 17 years behind bars, but the first son would likely have faced a much shorter sentence under federal sentencing guidelines. His sentencing was scheduled for Dec. 16, but he was pardoned by his father, President Biden, earlier that month.


  48. MarkyMark says:

    New word soup “Kemi: ‘Peasants’ from ‘Sub-Communities’ Make Up Rape Gangs”


  49. Eddy Booth says:

    ‘We remortgaged to buy our kids’ ADHD medication’

    “ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a condition that affects people’s behaviour – making it harder to concentrate and manage time.”

    In other words normal kids growing up.

    Parents used to look after their children by ensuring they have a good education, start an apprenticeship etc.
    Now they try to get them ‘diagnosed’
    Leading to enhanced benefits, now or when they sign on, excuses for poor exam results, or if they one day end up in court , etc

    Basically there’s years long NHS waiting list to get diagnosed, so these parents fork out

    “£8,000 for assessments which led diagnoses for both children and now pay a further £500 each month for their medication.”

    And the children are taking drugs , probably Ritalin, to increase their dopamine levels.
    Can’t be sensible


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      ADHD children can sometimes be accused of not paying attention. When challenged they can often recite word for word what the teacher last said. They may be in a world of their own and only sparing a few brain cells to concentrate of what is being said whilst engaging the rest of the cells on more interesting activities.

      So it could be true that they are unable to pay full attention to the task in-hand. However if they are interested or engaged in a topic (perhaps of their own choosing) then they are able to devote 100% attention.

      Much of the ADHD manufactured crisis needs to be pushed back on the teachers and on the feminisation of our schools. This may explain why it is overwhelmingly boys who get diagnosed. Drug companies and the legal system have been mining a lucrative vein.


  50. Fedup2 says:

    With 99 % of kids classified as ‘special needs ‘ maybe that growth industry needs a look too …