Midweek 22nd January 2025

The BBC is in deep shock over the actions of a new US president . And the Labour Regime in the UK does its usual whitewash of Islamic terrorism ……

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641 Responses to Midweek 22nd January 2025

  1. pugnazious says:

    It is remarkable that as Wrecker Reeves & Co tear up planning laws to enable builders to concrete over Britain and are eager to increase planet destroying flight capacity at Heathrow there is barely a peep out of the BBC….of course they support Labour almost regardless but it must indicate that they realise how much trouble the economy is in and that reality strikes….maybe nut zero can be put on the back-burner…solar powered of course.


  2. pugnazious says:

    ‘The great lie of British politics is that there is no alternative, that all parties should be the same, that the Labour-Lib Dem-Tory consensus of the past few decades is the only sensible or moral way forward.

    Trump 2.0 has exposed the idiocy of this approach.’

    From the Telegraph….worth a read….not anything you would ever see on the BBC….it doesn’t do ‘reality’ ironically despite it’s ‘reality check’…and of course it is the BBC and other media that has forced the Partys into the ‘centre ground’ and for them to lose all their founding principles and character.

    ‘Britain is being systematically lied to by our delusional political elite’

    Britain is cooked. Thirty years of malgovernment, ideological derangement and relentless self-sabotage have ruined us. We are careering towards quasi-bankruptcy, our international reputation shot, our society fractured, our citizens impoverished, unhealthy and demoralised, our public sphere strewn with litter, and our institutions discredited. Crime and disorder are at intolerable levels. Those who can are fleeing.

    Little of value is ever built, and certainly not enough homes or infrastructure. Our energy costs are the highest in the world, and blackouts loom. Goods, services, housing, transport and healthcare are rationed by government fiat, and congestion, over-regulation, bureaucracy and propaganda grind down anybody with any ambition, courage or creativity.

    We are craving a hard reset, but Keir Starmer, our worst prime minister in fifty years, is doubling down on the toxic mix of socialism, class warfare, uncontrolled and often low-grade migration, confiscatory taxation, net zero extremism, regulatory zealotry and woke nihilism that has brought Britain to its knees. He is the ultimate non-player character, unable to imagine a different way forward, convinced of his righteousness as Britain races towards fiscal armageddon.

    The scale of the catastrophe appears belatedly to be dawning on Rachel Reeves. The Chancellor is bigging up a trade deal with China, signalling her support for expanding Heathrow and seeking to speed up infrastructure projects. Such granular initiatives make sense, but don’t amount to a coherent plan, let alone a diagnosis of our pathologies: they are panic moves from a clueless administration whose tax raids and attacks on business have trashed the economy.

    We have been living beyond our means since the financial crisis, convinced that we can go on spending on the NHS, benefits and triple-locked pensions while embracing every policy guaranteed to deliver reduced growth. We have vilified capitalism, risk-taking, money-making, the rich and bankers, and embraced virtue-signalling and wokeism. Many of our fellow citizens believe that the state owes them a living. Yet the maths don’t add up. Zero growth in GDP – our new self-inflicted normal – combined with 2-3pc growth in public spending leads to IMF bailouts.

    Some hoped socialism could “work” if combined with a massive increase in the labour supply. Yet the desperate, anti-democratic experiment with extreme levels of migration has failed, in social as well as economic terms: it hasn’t boosted productivity, GDP per capita is falling and too many of the recent arrivals will end up taking out more from the welfare state that they will pay in tax.

    Barring a miracle, the UK is at most two years away from a 1970s-style fiscal implosion; we are facing what Ray Dallio calls a “debt death spiral” even before Donald Trump forces us to spend more on defence, or imposes tariffs on UK exports if we persist in waging tax and regulatory war on US companies.

    The great lie of British politics is that there is no alternative, that all parties should be the same, that the Labour-Lib Dem-Tory consensus of the past few decades is the only sensible or moral way forward.

    Trump 2.0 has exposed the idiocy of this approach. The President’s agenda for renewal is astonishingly radical, and may establish him as one of the most consequential Presidents. Britain’s only hope is to copy almost all of his reforms, minus the protectionism against friendly states or the attempts at grabbing new territory.

    Trump has signed hundreds of executive orders or other proclamations in his first few days. He has announced a massive expansion of every kind of energy production: he understands that growth since the industrial revolution has been driven by abundant cheap fuel, and low cost electricity is essential for AI, data centres and tech firms (Starmer’s hopes to boost AI in the UK are doomed for that very reason).

    Trump wants to mine and drill and exploit natural resources. He is pulling out of the Paris agreement – which is ignored by emerging economies – and terminating federal laws forcing the adoption of electric cars. He supports clean tech, but only in the context of choice and market competition, not top-down green central planning. He has imposed a moratorium on new regulations of all kinds, and wants to introduce a one in, ten out rule.

    Reeves’ recent China trade announcement amounted to $600 million over five years; Trump has already unveiled an AI private sector investment project worth $500 billion. The US under Trump is entering a new boom, led by machine learning, driverless cars, massive medical progress and the commercial exploitation of space. He is abandoning or reversing all of Biden’s anti-billionaire, anti-Silicon Valley measures; his strategy is to outgrow America’s own fiscal woes and unfounded liabilities, and he is determined to entrench a pro-growth tax system. He is pro-legal skilled migration, but is launching the greatest crackdown in history against illegal migrants and South American gangs. He wants to shrink the size of the US state, break the Blob and force civil servants to work for, rather than against, elected governments. He has banned working from home for federal employees.

    He aspires to turn the US workforce into a high-performance meritocracy again, a move that could unleash another tidal wave of productivity. That will require reembracing Martin Luther King’s dream of a colourblind society. In the most stunning move of his presidency to date, Trump rescinded Lyndon Johnson’s Executive Order 11246 – which led to the establishment of “affirmative action” and “positive discrimination” – and has immediately banned federal contractors and federally-funded universities from practicing race-based discrimination.

    He has suspended – prior to sacking – every single DEI HR federal employee. It’s an enormous shift, a true revolution. Trump also wants to rescue students from critical race theory, which has encouraged anti-Semitism and anti-Asian racism. One order instructs the federal government to investigate DEI at “institutions of higher education with endowments over $1 billion.” Another demands the expulsion from the US of anti-American extremists, including students. We can but imagine how strong the USA could become if its best and brightest ceased being indoctrinated in nihilistic ideas, and were encouraged instead to think freely.

    The ideological gulf, and difference in prospects, between the UK and the US has never been so great. Britain has a choice: we can double down on our mistakes, and race towards miserable irrelevance, or we can swallow our pride and learn from Trump. Which will it be?’


    • Fedup2 says:

      Pug – thank you putting that up . The author is a little loose on the responsibility for the demise of the UK – it uses ‘we’ … did this . Well I didn’t . ..

      2025 sees the beginning of an international social and economic experiment . Common sense on the US . Insanity in Europe – with the UK exhibiting the most extreme forms of self harm .
      The future of the UK is easy to predict- accelerating decline – the best getting out – a third world failing state in the making … the rise of nationalist terrorism to combat Islam taking over …. With no prospect of a real opposition – unless Reform pulls itself into a coherent national party – the Tory party is dead but won’t lie down .

      By 2026/ 7 the sums just won’t add up any more . The Marxists will achieved nothing . The $ dollar stronger – the £ weaker – with the Marxists wanting to rejoin the EU as a ‘solution ‘ …. Maybe that’s the overall plan ….

      I recognise that there isn’t much ‘fun’ in what I often write here – as seen by the above … but it’s the consequences of realism .


  3. andyjsnape says:

    bbc promotion for the eu:-

    EU ‘could consider’ UK joining pan-Europe customs scheme

    “Maros Sefcovic was referring to the idea, backed by some UK business groups, of Britain joining the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention (PEM).” – Some UK business groups – “some” – I guess others weren’t available for comment or the bbc just didn’t ask

    This government doesn’t give a sh*t about the majority voting to leave the eu


    • pugnazious says:

      Yeah…they mentioned that we must lay out the benefits…no mention of the disadvantages…..as the EU rep says we must give up sovereignty….which was the core of Brexit…take back control.


  4. andyjsnape says:

    Listening to the radio this morning.. a policeman had texted into the studio some ideas for them to use (re advertising for the radio station). The lady broadcaster mentioned this is a great idea by the police… (paused) and realising she wasn’t allowed to say policeMAN anymore, then said policeperson!

    Utterly ridiculous what the media has become, led by the likes of the ASA (advertising standards) / government

    I guess some diversity manger is behind the rules at the station

    Trump has the right idea, get rid of the lot and save the money


  5. pugnazious says:

    The BBC’s favourite rent-a-racism cop is back..

    ‘Don’t expand terrorist label, says former anti-terror chief’
    ‘Mr Basu told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme extending the definition of terrorism to encompass people like Rudakubana would be wrong.
    Mr Basu suggested the people the prime minister was pointing to were not terrorists but “violent individuals” who used “any ideology as an excuse for their violent actions”. ‘

    Wonder why he is so keen to avoid suggesting Rudakubana had any ideology.

    This is the Anil Basu who said…

    ‘Neil Basu, the former head of counter-terrorism policing, was particularly critical of Farage, who he accused of giving “succour” to the far-Right, as well as “undermining the police” and “creating conspiracy theories”. Public figures such as Farage, Basu advised, should “keep their mouth shut”. ‘

    So the protests were far-right and dangerous…and White…however…..if you’re a black or Asian rioter?

    ‘Police must view legitimate anger with care – we need to listen to our communities’



    • MarkyMark says:

      Public figures such as Farage, Basu advised, should “keep their mouth shut”. ‘ FOR THE SAKE OF DIVERSITY? HA HA HAH AH AHAH A H!


    • Fedup2 says:

      TTK will be desperate to widen ‘terrorism ‘ to include any dissent from Marxism – he started with 2 year sentences for twitter comments to crush free speech – later he ll come for us .- got your list 77 brigade ?


  6. JohnC says:

    If you watch this:

    Then look at the BBC headlines, it’s like 2 different worlds. They focus entirely on their own agenda issues.

    The difference between Trump and Biden is night and day.

    If Trump had just been elected here in the UK, he would have signed the order to reform the BBC on day one. They are the biggest threat to our country : they ‘enable’ the things which will destroy us.


  7. andyjsnape says:

    Good morning, someone on here yesterday mentioned about this stabbing in Germany, and if the bbc would eventually report it..

    I managed to find it buried:-

    Toddler and man fatally stabbed in German park

    Guess this wouldn’t be on the main page, as the bbc wouldn’t want alarm the public even more, so we can just roll over and except the take over here


    • JohnC says:

      Notice how they make no reference in the headline to the fact the murderer was a Muslim from Afghanistan andy.

      Another very relevant piece of information hidden by the BBC. Contrast to how they ALWAYS put ‘far-right’ in the headline if it relevant.

      This is their sick bias. Lies by omission are the most dirty kind.


  8. Guest Who says:

    Observations such as this are likely water off a duck’s back to establishment politico-media shills, but I can’t help continue to notice how they continue to enthusiastically embrace, or try to defend TTK reeling out endless unmanifestoed, no mandate idiocy as they lose their rags over Trump doing exactly what he was voted to do.


  9. Fedup2 says:

    The third world evil child killer is to be sentenced today . I reckon he will refuse to hear it . In a way – you know – the slaughter of those girls and attempted killing of many others is ‘one thing ‘… but the production of risin pushes him into a different league of evil .

    I really hope someone offs him in prison …but to a sizeable Muslim population of prisoners he will be a hero .…. He ll get some minimum ‘life ‘ sentence which will mean nothing ….


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Fedup2

      Broadmoor would be a good start and finish for it


    • Sluff says:

      Yep. He got in under the age 18 wire so he’ll get a lighter sentence and they will certainly play the mental health issues card.
      What a shame he didn’t wait a year or two. Then TTK would have given him the vote !!!!!


    • JohnC says:

      Sentenced quietly today. Headline gone from the BBC by end of tomorrow.
      Story rarely mentioned ever again.

      It stinks of the Left from start to finish. Tommy Robinson was moved from that prison to stop him finding out details of the terrorist. Then his plea changed suddenly to ‘guilty’ to avoid any actual trial. And now the whole thing will be quickly buried.

      This is the stuff of third-world shitholes.


  10. Sluff says:

    BBC favourite Emily ‘St George’s Flags’ Thornberry was being ‘interviewed’ on Toady about Labour attempts to rejoin the EU.
    The interviewee made a statement which led Thornberry to exclaim ‘very well put’

    I thought the job of the BBC ‘journalists’ was to hold the government to account not to feed them their lines and agree with them.
    Clearly the biased BBC have other ideas.


  11. Sluff says:

    Over 10 years ago, a certain Labour MP who I knew slightly suggested only half jokingly ‘why don’t we measure the amount of sewage as a way to estimate the population’.

    Well fan my brow with a dishcloth. The usually discredited Thames Water have done just that and have estimated there are over half a million illegal migrants living in London.
    That’s over 10% of the population. In passing it shows the difficulties of water companies in a new light. No wonder the sewage overflows when there is 10% more s*** than can be estimated from official government population figures, a factor absolutely never mentioned.
    But it also shows the utter absurdity of the UK’s open border pro mass immigration system.

    Surprise surprise. No figures on the scale of the problem are available from the Home Office. And don’t you think the Health Service, Educashun Department and Transport departments, among others, might be interested too?
    Apparently not. Don’t want to stem the unceasing flow do we?


  12. MarkyMark says:

    The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.

    The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.

    Copied from Eddy


    “There were no signs of any allegiance to a single cause – which is why despite pleading guilty to downloading a terror manual, his case has never been treated as a terror investigation.”

    Surely if they have allegiance they are multiple terrorist threat!?????????


  13. MarkyMark says:

    “I will tread lightly on the voter.
    I will smash the gangs.
    I will be transparent.
    Economy! Economy!
    81% Net zero by 2035”




  14. MarkyMark says:

    Shadow Home Secretary Chris Philp tells Guido:

    2025 …. “I’m appalled London is so full of illegal immigrants. No wonder housing, transport, and the NHS are under such pressure. Most of these illegal immigrants likely aren’t paying taxes either. We urgently need to step up deportations—and I’d support any law changes needed to stop spurious claims around human rights, modern slavery, or asylum from preventing removals.”
    see order-order.com

    ……….. Shadow Home Secretary Chris Philp CONSERVATIVE ……………….

    Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
    2016… The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.



    • Sluff says:

      Definition of refugee.
      Anyone who wants to come here to ‘get a better life’ or to marry a close relative they have never actually met.


  15. AsISeeIt says:

    Loitering in UK waters edition

    British sub surfaces to warn Putin spying ship (Larisa Brown, Defence Editor, Times) – presumably the formerly serious paper of record refers there to the word submarine – rather than the BDSM-related abbreviation for submission or submissive to a dominant (foreign policy – cooked up elsewhere in some else’s interests?)

    UK ‘will not shy away’ after alert near vital cables (Times) – so suddenly there’s some vital interest which lies just off the British coastline and warrents calling in the Royal Navy for our protection?

    Nuclear sub warns off Spy ship (The ever-excitable Daily Mail); We can sea you, Vlad! Defence secretary John Healy has warned Russia… after revealing a Kremlin spy ship has been ‘loitering’ in UK waters (giveaway Metro)

    I’m inevitably reminded of that quote from Samuel Johnson: ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel’. The line was not, as is widely believed, about patriotism in general but rather what Johnson saw as the false use of the term “patriotism” by William Pitt… and his supporters. Johnson opposed most “self-professed patriots” in general but valued what he considered “true” patriotism (Thank you Wiki)

    UK fires broadside at Putin as Russian spy ship returns to stalk British waters (FT) – methinks we’re firing blanks… and our politico-media complex well know it….

    British forces no longer fit for purpose, former UK service chiefs warn. Armed forces near breaking point with navy underfunded and air force at edge of capacity, Commons committee told… the navy has many fewer surface ships (Guardian, This article is more than 7 years old)

    In February 2023 the then Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace went to the Treasury to argue that the MoD needed at least an extra £11Bn, really just to maintain the existing programme in the face of inflation and other challenges. He was eventually given £5Bn which was mostly earmarked for replacing munition stocks given to Ukraine and the AUKUS submarine project… Wallace knew the game was up and he could no longer keep up the pretence that UK defence was in a fit state to meet the unavoidable challenges that are coming. (Navy Lookout, ‘Independent Royal Navy news and analysis)

    “In the Navy” was a song by American disco group Village People. It was released as the first single from their fourth studio album, Go West (1979)

    Sometiems these segueways write themselves…

    Battle of the YMCA… Original members of the Village People are at war with Johnny-come-lately members of the band for playing at the Donald Trump inauguration (Daily Star) – Ooooh, get her! Handbags at dawn?

    Lack of sailors

    On 4th January the Telegraph reported that HMS Argyll would be scrapped in addition to HMS Westminster, mainly due to lack of sailors. We first reported HMS Westminster would be axed in May 2023 but the MoD has refused to answer repeated subsequent Parliamentary questions about her future… on 5th January The Times reported that a lack of sailors means HMS Bulwark will not rejoin the fleet as planned following her ongoing refit and will join HMS Albion in long-term reserve… warships kept in reserve tend to decay rapidly without expensive ongoing maintenance… The loss of two more frigates would leave the RN with just 9 in commission (plus the 6 destroyers). Already on a knife-edge, at this point the credibility of the whole fleet becomes doubtful. (Navy Lookout)

    “Ship Ahoy! (All the Nice Girls Love a Sailor)” was a 1908 English music hall song.

    Master and Commander

    Your pin-up warming the cockles of the hearts of those chaps on the quarter deck this morning (frontpage full-colour feature photo on the cover of the regime-central mouthpiece the Times) is: Mastering the future: Gurvin Chopra, 23, who became the first in her family to read and write after her parents fled the Taliban in Afghanistan, has just gained a master’s degree in human rights at Bristol University (Times) – I’m so that pleased that 13 years of British military involvement in Afghanistan (at the behest of the US) turns out to have been so worth the blood and treasure expended there – more human rights experts are exactly what the ailing British economy needs right now – just ask Keir Starmer.

    The Guardian’s cover page pin-up mind you is: ‘She nailed it’ Praise for bishop who made appeal to president for mercy… Trump called Mariam Budd ‘nasty’ after she implored him to show clemency to migrants – a sudden unacustomed attack of religiosity there at the Gruan. Perhaps, Mariam, he’s just not into you and your migrants – more of that ‘just not into you’ sentiment coming here soon…

    Oh, and while the mainly female interest Times has our attention: Why gender pay gap may start with child’s play… a study found… as boys overestimate their abilities and demand more than girls do (Times) – calm down dears.

    And finally… let’s have a Mr AsI patent credit where credit is due feature. For once it’s kudos to Kate Lister in the junior poundshop Guardian that is i news where she more often than not pens rich fodder for our calm down dear meterial – this morning, however, she cautions: No, your date isn’t a narcissist, he just doesn’t like you (i news)

    Channelling perhaps the title of the 2009 romcom movie He’s Just Not That Into You


  16. Foscari says:

    “Listen up” BIG BROTHER is giving you a directive.
    I have instructed our news presenters at the BBC
    to refer to the young man who caused the collateral damage
    to some people in Southport , as the MAN. On no account
    am to hear anybody in our diversity department referring
    to the young gentleman as terrorist or worse still what
    religion he might or not belong to. Just because he has
    gone to pray in a particular establishment in prison,
    doesn’t mean anything. Instruct the News department
    we want to see the folk in Southport singing ” Kumbaya”
    and the like.” ” So really BIIG BROTHER it’s similar in a
    way to how we described the gentlemen from Hamas”


    • MarkyMark says:

      Political language, which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (Divorce) and murder respectable (Grooming), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Divorce Bill)”



  17. Fedup2 says:

    The Plymouth ‘serious incident ‘,has the whole emergency circus response – including a hazmat outfit …. Another ‘Cardiff choir boy ‘? Do as you are told – don’t speculate ….

    Amazon and Argos have been contacted for comment …


  18. Fedup2 says:

    Labour action plan for knife crime

    1 ban Amazon and Argos
    2 knife sharpeners to be outlawed
    3 all knifes to be licenced
    4 knifes may only be borrowed from the council knife library
    5 use of the word knife to be made an arrestable offence
    6 compulsory first aid training for knife wounds
    7 government to issue stab vests for all ( £300 each )


    • MarkyMark says:

      7. Forks to be looked into by a committee for 4 years.


    • MarkyMark says:

      All restaurants to conside NON-DIVERSE cutlery and use only SPOONS to save lives. New 24/7 media campaign on BBC paid by tax payer to continue.


  19. atlas_shrugged says:

    Times Radio today being a total disgrace and pushing the ‘market’ origin theory of the covid plandemic.

    Although they conceded that scientists were deeply divided they never interviewed a ‘lab-leak’ expert. They also conveniently forgot to mention a US committee has found that the lab-leak is the most likely option and another committee found that Peter Daszak, a gain-of-function maniac, has just had all his state funding removed.


    They also recommend he should be criminally investigated.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    In the US the firing goes not – the head of the democrat prison service is gone … a proper clean out of DEI dross … next on the target list is NGO s …

    And there are X rumours that the JFK files may be released today … gulp ….


  21. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – toadily short of a presenter

    Wimmins Doubles with Emma Barnett and Leila Nathoo (apologies if I have spelt that name incorrectly) but I have heard her before on the BBC. Quite unlike the wimmin bringing us radio news from the USA – haven’t heard her before on the BBC. Sorry, cannot remember her name. She might be another new recruit, flown across the Atlantic at great expense to TellyTaxpayers and the Global Warming gases the BBC state, frequently, that are so bad for the planet! This USA-based Beeboid brought us her TDS in her radio report.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Imagine that ? President trump declares that only the US flag will be flown on federal buildings ( the ones he isn’t going to sell off ) so no Hamas , no rainbow or other crap …


      • MarkyMark says:

        Who pays the bills? China?
        ” US flag will be flown on federal buildings ”

        China to Require All Places of Worship to Fly The National Flag, Expanding Xinjiang Policy

        The report, published on Tuesday by the official Global Times newspaper, followed an earlier article detailing a new pilot program through which the Islamic Association of China (IAC) will outfit Muslim Chinese nationals making the holy “hajj” pilgrimage with GPS tracking devices, ostensibly to ensure their safety during the trip.


    • Sluff says:

      On the subject of flying across the Atlantic at great expense.
      The BBC flew BOTH Clive Myrie AND Sophie Raworth over to Washington to present the BBC1 news from there.

      They then interviewed the…..errrr……BBC Washington correspondent. In person.

      And the BBC, like all statist lefties, complain about underfunding.


  22. StewGreen says:

    Plymouth incident : British Stand summarises
    – There was a domestic
    – man got stabby
    – armed police are all over looking for him
    – Strangely the establishment don’t provide a name or photo
    .. https://youtu.be/zAQGZyGS3T8


  23. Up2snuff says:

    Constantly and annoyingly framing the narrative on Farming Today.

    Climate Change. Climate Change. Climate Change. Climate Change. I wish it would get a hurry on and change! It is a constant …. drip, drip, drip, just like an annoying dripping tap. Even the farmers repeat the rubbish about Climate Change. I wonder if that is a condition that the BBC imposes before an interview. “Do you believe in Climate Change? If so, you can appear on the programme as an interviewee.”


    • Sluff says:


      Any weather these days of any kind is entirely due to climate change and global warming.

      Oh. And I love Big Brother.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Sluff, farmers are experts at weather forecasts and know that on a farm they will get ‘weather’. Any sort of weather. But I think the BBC get farmers on to Farming Today who will toe the BBC line on Climate Change just to please Justin Rowlatt. 😉


  24. Sluff says:

    The government wants to ban knives.
    But in view of repeated poor driving skills in places as ‘diverse’ as NOLA, Magdeburg and Nice, surely we should ban cars?
    Ed Miliband and Justin Rowlatt must be creaming their pants at the possibility.


  25. Flotsam says:

    Smarmer always says how important the Law is, how it must always be respected……………..unless it’s a nuisance and gets in the way of his grand plans to concrete over the Country. Oh! “The Law it’s a pain, Nimby’s filing appeals, delaying projects”, completely forgetting that Planning is a legal process, that Nimby’s are exercising their legal rights, protecting Britain from damaging developments.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Prince Charles to get funding from ‘blot on the landscape’ windfarms
      This article is more than 12 years old
      Upkeep of Clarence House and some travel costs to be paid from income on crown estate, which rents out land for turbines

      Prince Charles is set to benefit from the erection of onshore windfarms in England and Wales despite once declaring them a “horrendous blot on the landscape”.


      King Charles’s Crown Estate has posted a record annual profit of £1.1bn as investments in offshore wind came to fruition. The profits of the Crown Estate, which is made up of land across Britain and most of Britain’s seabed, go directly to the Treasury.25 Jul 2024


  26. MarkyMark says:


    “The request came as a result of the Jay Report, which found abuse in Rotherham had been ignored by agencies including the local police force.



  27. MarkyMark says:

    “Crickets. An embarrassingly long silence at Davos. Klaus discovers no one cares to ask them any questions.

    Scholz & Schwab stand exposed at the WEF, realizing even their Davos devotees no longer swallow the lies. The grift’s played out. No one’s buying it anymore.”


    Davos tickets cost $28k
    Tom HallJanuary 24, 2018

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has grown from a small meeting in the 1970s, when academic Klaus Schwab organised the bespoke gathering.

    “Davos or Westminster?” Starmer: “Davos”

    “Scary how he didn’t even hesitate to basically admit he won’t be following any form of democratic process… absolutely staggering! Like a psychopath he doesn’t even see anything wrong with that !…Wow!” Comment


    • vlad says:

      Of course he prefers Davos, where he’s among his own kind of elitist, leftist, statist, globalist autocrats.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance.[1] This typically includes acts such as participating in a war against one’s native country, attempting to overthrow its government, spying on its military, its diplomats, or its secret services for a hostile and foreign power, or attempting to kill its head of state. A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor.[2]”

        its secret services for a hostile and foreign power,

        its secret services for a hostile and foreign power,



  28. MarkyMark says:

    Live from Davos: Chancellor Rachel Reeves meets business leaders to showcase the UK

    Ministers in Davos to spotlight UK’s investment offer to global business leaders
    Ministers will be banging the drum for Britain at Davos this week, with the most visible UK Government presence in recent years pitching the UK’s investment offer to top business chiefs.

    Ministers will meet CEOs and investors to bang the drum for British business

    Business and Trade Secretary, Jonathan Reynolds said:

    Britain is back in business under this government, and our Plan for Change is already delivering for working people.

    The UK is the most connected market on earth, and we will continue to be the home for innovative businesses looking to face outwards to the world. We’ve lifted barriers to investment and secured £63 billion at the International Investment Summit, creating thousands of jobs in the process. These investments promise better wages, stronger communities, and better services and I’ll be at Davos to build on this momentum.

    The UK Government’s presence at Davos will also be the most visible in years, with print and out of home marketing promoting the UK’s connectivity, openness and opportunity to coincide with the summit.

    Rain Newton-Smith, CBI Chief Executive, said:

    Boosting global trade remains a central component of the government’s growth mission, and that’s why it is so important to use this opportunity to fly the flag for British business and secure vital investment for the UK economy.

    As we navigate a world of uncertainty and tensions, the UK must use its position as a G7 nation to champion free and fair trade and the benefits it delivers not just for our economy and society, but also in delivering the investment needed to tackle climate change and other global challenges.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Even the idea – now of davos – and the timing …. 3 days after the arrival of the true president – truly wasted air … the only purpose it has is for those who want to kill Trump to conspire against him …. Or unemployed democrat DEI types trying to find a useless overpaid job …

      Those tariffs may start on 1 February in the Real World ….


    • Up2snuff says:

      MM, Jonathan Reynolds “Britain is back in business under this government, and our Plan for Change is already delivering for working people.”

      Yes that is correct. Sainsbury’s to cut 3000 jobs and close their in-store cafes. Labour: leading the UK into a recession with high inflation and loss of paying work.


  29. Fedup2 says:

    Trump names Sean Curren head of the secret service . Apparently he was the one ‘switched on ‘ when the true president was shot at ….
    I reckon Mr Curren will be looking to fire the DEI hires …

    And suspended DEI employees have had their emails turned off .. nice touch


  30. MarkyMark says:

    Council BANS whites from cushy jobs: UK now woke ‘CAPITAL of the world’ while Trump ends DEI GRIFT


    • vlad says:

      Well done Christys for contrasting Trump’s actions against the woke DEI ‘identity politics’ nonsense and our own obscene situation.


  31. vlad says:

    Trump gets down to business.
    The business of smiting thine enemies.



  32. Flotsam says:

    It’s interesting to find, for real, how public consciousness has been infected by the fake global warming scam. I overheard a conversation in a charity shop in which a lady bemoaned the fact that she had been sunburnt while on holiday. Her companion replied, “it’s global warming isn’t it”. It’s obvious that if man made global warming is true, the intensity of the sun’s radiation at the surface of earth will actually be less than before.
    The BBC are doing a very good job with their propaganda.


  33. digg says:

    I notice already the the left-wing press in the USA are moving to denigrate the Trump administration in general and Trump in particular as if they had all attended some left-wing war strategy meeting.

    CNN, New York Times, Washington Post all singing from the same derisory hymn sheet.

    I guess the USA must brace itself for a few years of this while the rats in these media scurry about looking for dirt.

    Wouldn’t it be good if the West had a really impartial media including the UK instead of this constant newspeak garbage?


  34. MarkyMark says:

    ” The warnings claimed explosive devices had been planted and referenced political grievances regarding the treatment of Muslims.”


    More than 240 schools across Hungary have been targeted by bomb threats, causing widespread evacuations and significant disruptions on Thursday, according to local media reports.


  35. Althepalerp says:

    Flee the UK and take your money with you while you still can.


  36. Fedup2 says:

    The third world child murderer has played up in court . His defence says he hasn’t eaten or taken fluids in the last few days . Let’s hope he starves to death ..


    • MarkyMark says:

      “hasn’t eaten or taken fluids” – saving the planet and no need for NHS fat jab! BBC verified MAN OF THE YEAR!


  37. JohnC says:

    Southport killer yells from the dock as his sentencing hearing gets under way

    I’m not interested in this utterly corrupt fiasco. It’s been a cover up and lies from the start – which Starmer and the Left have doubled-down on since they jailed all those right-wing protestors who were angered by the initial cover up.

    I read that Tommy Robinson got moved (from the maximum security prison for Muslim terrorists where he was sent for a simple ‘contempt of court’) because they were worried he would pick up ‘from the grapevine’ just how committed a Muslim he was.

    Then I see this in the BBC article and I see why:
    ‘There is no evidence that he ascribed to any particular political or religious ideology – he wasn’t fighting for a cause.’

    It seems an Al-Qaeda terrorist training manual doesn’t count as evidence !.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Yes a cover up from the start. And surprising the extent to which the media from left to right have collaborated. The media will refrain from giving details of the killings, to protect the relatives they say. Or would details about the killings reveal similarities with other Jihadist murders?


      • JohnC says:

        What it tells me G is that our government have a way to tell all the newspapers when to not report a story.
        And when they do, they all keep their mouths shut – which implies it is an actual law. No doubt it is worded as ‘National Security’ or something but we all know now that when it comes to the tinder box of the multicultural experiment, they will be found guilty of breaching it no matter how convoluted the argument from the prosecution.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Jon Sopel: ‘It was wrong of the BBC to publish presenters’ salaries – I felt violated’
          The journalist shares the highs and lows of his 39 years at the Beeb and why he’s branched out to make a new podcast with Emily Maitlis


          “They said: ‘Jon, we’d like to ask you about your salary cut.’ I said: ‘What salary cut?’ They said: ‘It’s today’s headlines.’ I was incandescent. It was a fraught time, horrible. It was a bad decision to start publishing presenters’ salaries. To have everybody suddenly knowing what you earn feels a violation of your privacy. I never signed up for it but now it’s enforced upon you.”

          Having taken his ‘voluntary’ pay cut, Sopel was on about £225,000.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Maybe a terrorist who follows multiple terror groups is x4 terrorist?


  38. Jeff says:

    Well, at least we now know who is ultimately to blame for the Southport massacre. You see, on hearing about this young Welsh choirboy’s interest in Al Qaeda, the ricin found in his room and his penchant for slaughtering young girls, I (mistakenly) jumped to the conclusion that Islamism might have played a part…But, au contraire, as Delboy used to say…it was actually all down to Amazon…Of course it was.

    How do we know this? Firstly, of course, our esteemed and honest leader, Sir Kim Jong Starmer, pointed the finger and then his able lieutenant, Yvette Goebbels Cooper, corroborated his findings. On top of that nearly all of our trustworthy newspapers also led with headlines such as, “AMAZON SOLD KNIFE TO KIDDY KILLER”. Come on, you can’t argue with such erudite truthfulness, can you…

    I’m getting a bit worried…you see, only recently I’ve bought a battery powered chainsaw, several garden tools (all potentially lethal) and all from Amazon. Oh…and only last week I purchased a fourteen pound sledgehammer from Wickes.

    If I suddenly go on the rampage who will get the blame?


  39. Fedup2 says:

    Not BBC

    Ok – I confess – I studied criminology for a while – I gotta scout badge in it …. It’s a pretty lefty subject so a lot of the Marxist crap really grated . Im of the flog em and hang ‘em brigade .

    But it strikes me how the third world child killer sort of comes from the same ‘thought process ‘ as that evil bastard who did dunblane in 1996- and thankfully topped himself . His motive was never worked out . I reckon he thought about the most evil thing he could do – and did it .

    This character – with added Islam as a motivation – went through that same evil ….. I think it’s really sad the state can’t or won’t kill him ….. that’s proper justice – as well as throwing his family back to Rwanda of course …


  40. Fedup2 says:

    4 people stabbed at ASDA in beddington londonistan 10 am today – Thursday …..


    • MarkyMark says:

      Asda’s current slogan is “Get the Asda Price Feeling”.


    • JohnC says:

      All media following the new rules I see:
      No description of who got stabbed or who did the stabbing – even though they are all known and there must have been several witnesses.

      This is what fascism in it’s purest sense looks like. If the government don’t like it, it is suppressed. And everyone fears the consequences if they don’t do as they are told.


    • StewGreen says:

      Actual address is Beddington Lane, Croydon
      By coincidence there’s a new biz in that area

      “Krept and Konan Open Saveways: UK’s First Supermarket Tailored to Black, Asian, and Ethnic Communities.

      A 15,000 sq. ft. supermarket in Croydon, focused on Black, Asian, and ethnic communities. Opening February 1 at 102 Beddington Lane, it offers halal meat, exotic fish, world”


  41. Fedup2 says:

    Sean Hannity interviews President Trump in the Oval Office .trump says the JFK file release is a problem . The Secretary of State – pompeo – advised it’s not the time to release the files.
    Didn’t get any more than that … but it implies a foreign state was involved in the killing … so which one ? Cuba ? Russia ? Both ?


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      > it implies a foreign state was involved in the killing … so which one ?



      • MarkyMark says:

        Lilly Allen says he would have been assassinated anyway so does not matter who assassinated him!


  42. MarkyMark says:

    “Gaslighting is a type of emotional abuse that involves manipulating someone into doubting their own reality. It’s a form of coercive control that can happen in relationships or in the workplace. ”




    • vlad says:

      “Terrorism has changed”

      No it hasn’t, Starmer.
      It’s still muslims doing what their scriptures and their imams tell them to do.
      (Whether they use a legal knife or an illegal one; whether they’re affiliated to a terror group or not!)


      • MarkyMark says:

        Reminds me of ..

        “It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}

        I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38


      • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

        But the really big question: when Starmer gaslights the population, is the gas “carbon neutral”? Just asking for a friend.


  43. MarkyMark says:

    “Terrorism has changed” (c) Keir Starmer


    “Toddler and man fatally stabbed in German park”

    Joachim Herrmann, Bavaria’s interior minister, said the suspect was previously detained at least three times for violent behaviour, but was released after he had psychiatric treatment. He was due to return to Afghanistan after his claim for asylum was rejected.


    The UK government’s ambition is for the new Afghanistan citizens’ resettlement scheme to resettle 5,000 Afghan nationals who are at risk due to the current crisis, in its first year.18 Aug 2021


  44. StewGreen says:

    R4 now the Southport MP says the killer will probably be sentenced as an adult
    Hmm that is not the law. He was 17 so under it he cannot be sentenced to whole life.


  45. vlad says:

    “Many Brits will be wishing Donald Trump is our Prime Minister after he went to war on woke…the BBC just don’t get it”

    But there is one place in this country where they are not looking over approvingly at Trump. And that is — as ever — the BBC.
    The corporation loathes him. And it has long since dropped any pretence of neutrality.
    I watched an edition of Newsnight on the evening of Trump’s inauguration.
    Presenter Victoria Derbyshire had a face like a smacked arse.
    At one point she tried to claim that Trump ally and billionaire Elon Musk had made a Nazi salute.
    It was an absolutely preposterous allegation.
    Musk simply raised his hand in the air in a salute to the crowd. But to Derbyshire, he was a Nazi.
    Former Tory MP Penny Mordaunt had to gently put her right.
    But then, on the BBC’s flagship News At Ten, the full level of spite and contempt for Trump came out.
    How about the following, from some berk called John Sudworth?

    This is what the joker said:
    “On the campaign trail, Donald Trump drove his message of fear all the way to the White House, but it was based on a misconception.

    Rather than an invasion, America has long been dependent on the work of these migrants in agriculture and manufacturing, making them both essential and dispensable.
    “For his opponents these feel like dizzying and dark times.”

    Well, thanks ever so, John. That’s very neutral of you, sunshine.
    In short, the Americans, driven by “fear” all voted the wrong way. And for the wrong reasons.
    Sheesh, maybe the Americans should ask you what way to vote in future, John.
    I’m sure you, with your long experience of America (he’s been there about five minutes) can put them right.
    Such colossal arrogance and naked bias.
    It’s not as if the BBC hasn’t been warned.
    There have been countless independent reports into the BBC’s liberal-left bias — its open support for Palestine, its hatred of Brexit, its disdain of Nigel Farage and the Tories…



  46. andyjsnape says:

    Keep up the “good” work bbc your near there:-

    Reddit groups ban X links in protest at Musk arm gesture

    The guy waves and you try to turn it into a Nazi salute with your “reporting”. The bbc is long overdue closing down


  47. StewGreen says:

    Connor Tomlinson about apologist on SkyNews
    “Sky News have had the head of Liverpool Muslim Council, Tawhid Islam has just stated that diversity is our strength and this was a crime against women and not terrorist related. ”

    @Tawhid_Islam1 Chartered Accountant, foodie, LFC#YNWA, traveller, film buff.
    Carpe Diem# operations lead@LRMnet_
    He hasn’t tweeted since May 19th


  48. Fedup2 says:

    Because of the liberal treatment of ‘children ‘ the Southport killed can get a ‘whole life ‘. So the judge should sentence to ‘life ‘ – with a minimum of -say 80 years – that shouid do it if he cannot be hanged …

    Somehow the court has stopped for ‘ lunch ‘ after the videos of the scene were shown … ugh …


  49. StewGreen says:

    New Starmer meme



  50. StewGreen says:

    bbC today ‘I had anti-government views so they treated me for schizophrenia’
    .. that’s not Britain it’s China
    In Britain the establishment just waits then jails you for a long time