Midweek 22nd January 2025

The BBC is in deep shock over the actions of a new US president . And the Labour Regime in the UK does its usual whitewash of Islamic terrorism ……

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641 Responses to Midweek 22nd January 2025

  1. vlad says:

    The loathsome BBC are still milking their deceptive image of Tusk, below.
    Anyone with an ounce of integrity understands that he was sending out the love from his heart to the crowd.
    The BBC knows it too, of course (even they’re not THAT stupid), so they resort to their trick of using a third party, in this case Reddit:

    “Reddit groups ban X links in protest at Musk arm gesture”

    And they proceed to repost the ‘nazi’ salute.

    Other outlets use similar mendacious tricks, including: “Many see this as a Nazi salute”, or “the far-right are delighted at Musk’s gesture”, etc.

    The web is full of such headlines, including from ‘respectable’ outlets.

    Don’t think it doesn’t matter. Images are powerful. It will stick in the minds of many low-information readers.

    Which is, of course, the intention.




    • Up2snuff says:

      vlad, I seem to recall that the ‘Nazi salute’ was a straight arm at right angles to the torso, that is to the front.


  2. andyjsnape says:

    German frontrunner vows border ban on irregular migrants after knife attack

    “irregular” migrants

    They are ILLEGAL, and how ever you change the name doesn’t change this

    bbc just do one


    • MarkyMark says:



    • StewGreen says:

      by Jessica Parker & Paul Kirby
      Berlin correspondent & Europe digital editor


    • StewGreen says:

      Go back to the source VIDEO
      and see what words Friedrich Merz actually used
      “Die illegale #Migration muss gestoppt”
      He writes in his tweet and says at 10 seconds

      How is your German translation compared to the BBC’s ?


      • StewGreen says:

        German newspaper “Merz kündigt „faktisches Einreiseverbot“ für illegale Migranten an
        23. Januar 2025, 12:46 Uhr”

        T-online chooses this title : Irreguläre Migration: Merz will “faktisches Einreiseverbot”
        But in the text quotes
        He also said that he wanted to reject all attempts at “illegal entry.” He specifically spoke of wanting to reject people with a right to protection without valid entry documents.
        (Zudem wolle man alle Versuche der “illegalen Einreise” zurückweisen. Ausdrücklich sprach er davon, auch Personen mit Schutzanspruch ohne gültige Einreisepapiere abweisen zu wollen.)


    • StewGreen says:

      It’s been stealth edited
      now the headline is
      German frontrunner vows permanent border controls after knife attack
      but they tweeted the old headline first


  3. wwfc says:

    BBC not welcome in Liverpool


    • Zephir says:

      This country is still a tinderbox, .listen to the people in this video, what they are all saying.

      and, some of the details regarding victims are horrendous.


  4. MarkyMark says:

    “Southport killer said ‘I don’t care, I’m feeling neutral’ after stabbings”

    “I need to be seen by a paramedic – I feel ill,” he shouts to the court.

    The judge has him removed again, saying the court is aware Rudakubana has been seen by two teams of paramedics who deem that he is fit to attend.


    We previously heard he had said: “It’s a good thing those children are dead… I’m so glad… so happy.”


  5. MarkyMark says:

    Women’s Justice Board begins plans to send fewer women to prison
    Cutting crime and reducing the number of vulnerable women being sent to prison is top of the agenda at the first meeting of the Women’s Justice Board.

    Transgender rapist Isla Bryson moved to men’s prison
    Published 26 January 202

    A trans woman who raped two women before she changed gender has been moved to a men’s prison, BBC Scotland understands.


    • Fedup2 says:

      How many people are going to be arrested by Liverpool plod when they attack the prison van – decoy or not – when that third world vermin is taken from the court to prison?

      I bet they get ‘the full force of the law ‘ from a TTK political kangaroo court . Those already locked up will look at today in despair over what TTK did to them ….


  6. MarkyMark says:

    Change begins.

    How Labour will serve Britain:
    A new Ethics and Integrity Commission
    Modernise the House of Commons
    Immediate reform of the House of Lords
    A reset between Westminster and Holyrood, Cardiff Bay, and Stormont
    Votes at 16

    cVotes at 16! Knives banned for under 18s! HA HA HAHA HA A

    Over the last 14 years, trust in politics has been shattered. Partying in Downing Street whilst the whole country sacrificed their freedom. Handing lucrative Covid contracts to friends and donors. Failing to expel MPs caught breaking the rules. The behaviour of the Conservatives has understandably led to a widespread belief that many politicians are in it for themselves.


  7. Emmanuel Goldstein says:


    I have information about an international arms dealer.
    Who do I contact about this gang.


  8. Zephir says:

    And the court heard shocking details about Rudakubana’s merciless attack, in which he stabbed one victim 122 times, and another 85 after storming into the building as they were making bracelets.


    • digg says:

      People will not forget the efforts to obscure the facts immediately after this murderous filth carried out the atrocities.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Southport killer said ‘I don’t care, I’m feeling neutral’ after stabbings”
        “I need to be seen by a paramedic – I feel ill,” he shouts to the court.

        NHS responds – please bang a pot to get service


        • JohnC says:

          And as if by magic, the BBC once again blame it on racist white people.

          ‘How red flags over Southport killer were repeatedly missed’

          ‘His time at Range High School ended in October 2019 when he took a knife into school. It would later emerge he told the Childline call centre that he did so because he had experienced racist bullying.’

          Given his character, I would venture that the ‘racist bullying’ was in fact just unfriendly reaction to his ‘anger issues’ and how HE treated others. But of course the BBC want him to be the victim.

          And then – of course – we are told he had mental issues.

          Then they blame COVID.

          The one thing they do not mention is that perhaps ‘Prevent’ didn’t lock him up because people like him get special treatment because of their skin colour – and perhaps they have thousands of others just like him on their books and he was nothing special. Just another violent black boy who risked them being called ‘racist’ if they flagged too many of them.

          But despite his character, the BBC gave him a job !!!!. I suspect the checklist for that interview just had one box to tick.


  9. Zephir says:

    Axel Rudakubana: Live updates as Southport child killer found to have ricin capable of killing 12,000 people


    • Fedup2 says:

      Notice – as always – the silence during the trial of the race industry – the Islam apologists – the Far Left ….. more candles more flowers – more deaths with politicians lying about the facts . Again ….


  10. digg says:

    Sainsbury’s shedding 3000 jobs, millionaires are leaving the UK in record numbers…. It goes on and on and will get far worse in the next few months. Reeves has started to dither but totally unable to join the dots and reverse course.

    Oh well if it takes the total destruction of quality of life in the UK to get rid of this lefty shower bring it on!

    People will not forget the nasty things this Government has done to pensioners, farmers, and a lot of Joe Public. While handing cash to their Union paymasters….

    People will also remember the vindictive, over the top legal actions of Starmtrooper simply to try to create an image of strength for himself

    They will reap what they sow!


    • Zephir says:

      Bring it on, and no mercy afterwards for them, the lot of them including their fanboys at the bbc


    • MarkyMark says:

      UK has unlimited supply of new workers everyday – doctors,nurses,retail workers….


      … but we have not jobs for them to go to?


  11. Zephir says:


  12. MarkyMark says:

    2025 … “Southport killer Axel Rudakubana has been detained at Liverpool Crown Court for life with a minimum term of 52 years and 190 days. Axel pled guilty to murdering three young girls, 10 attempted murders, manufacturing ricin and having an al-Qaeda manual on Monday” (order-order.com)

    2026 … Keir says he needs to make room and to stop being Islamophobic so will release all those locked as political prisoners such as Axel Adam Smith (name changed after marrying Shami Begum)


  13. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    With the sentences running concurrently you could say that he got away with all the other charges which were shorter than the main one for the 3 girls murder.

    For example, producing ricin has made absolutely no difference to his sentence.


  14. Zephir says:

    We can at least say one thing:

    Labour has lost Liverpool for living memory.


    • Fedup2 says:

      No – they are dumb – they’ll always vote for donkeys wearing a red rosette …
      … and they like other peoples taxes ( benefits ) too much …


      • Zephir says:

        People are slowly waking up and realising the extent to which they have been repeatedly lied to, and vilified, by starmers mob.

        It’s not about money anymore, it’s about lives and public safety.


  15. MarkyMark says:

    Remember to pay your taxes so murders can have free dental and food for life!

    “The NHS is obliged to provide the same level of care as to the wider public, but while wait times and the quality of care varies in jail, all prisoners have free access to dentists and standard treatments.”

    “No, prisoners do not pay a BBC TV license because prison authorities can assert Crown immunity. This allows prisoners to watch TV without a license. “


    • Lunchtime Loather says:

      For those of us that live in Wales that is very useful to know. Nigh on impossible to see a dentist, but go and beat somebody up and you’ll be seen!


  16. Fedup2 says:

    Watching president trump addressing the WEF ….. they kept on inviting him to appear in person next year . Each time he blanked them . At the end there was ‘muted applause ‘ – he is clearly their enemy …..
    And they are frightened about the threat of tariffs – apparently it won’t affect the UK because we don’t export anything any more ….. and I think it’s a $71 billion value of US imports – which is going to increase as we rely on their oil and gas …. Because of Marxist Green crap …


  17. Flotsam says:

    Liverpool. I was reminded of Liverpool because of the sentencing hearing today.
    Rape gangs have been a big subject recently but Liverpool is Marxist and woke central as well as having one of the most corrupt Councils. However, I’ve not heard anything of Pakistani rape gangs in Liverpool. I would suggest it’s been covered up.


  18. Zephir says:

    Grooming (rape) gangs and the Geneva convention:

    International Legal Prohibitions against Sexual Violence

    Sexual violence against women and girls both inside and outside conflict has a long history. Mass rape of women and girls was documented during World War II, as well as in more recent conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.250 Sexual violence has often in the past been considered as an inevitable by-product of armed conflict and has been mischaracterized by military and political leaders as a private crime or the unfortunate behavior of renegade soldiers. Rape is increasingly recognized, however, as a weapon of war, meaning that it is not a private or incidental crime. Rape as a weapon of war serves a strategic function and acts as an integral tool for achieving military and political objectives, not merely an act of violence that targets sexuality. It functions to subjugate and humiliate both the women and men within the targeted community. Furthermore, rape is generally not committed in isolation and victims are often subjected to multiple human rights abuses, which serve to further traumatize them. In conflicts in which civilians are the principal targets, sexual violence has become an even more deliberate and insidious weapon of war.

    Sexual Violence as a Crime against Humanity

    Unlike war crimes, crimes against humanity may be committed in times of peace or in periods of unrest that do not rise to the level of an armed conflict. The definition of and prohibition on crimes against humanity has been incorporated into a number of international treaties and statutes of international criminal tribunals, including the Rome Statute of the ICC.258 There is no single international treaty that provides an authoritative definition of crimes against humanity, but such crimes are generally considered to be serious and inhumane acts committed as part of a widespread attack against the civilian population, during peacetime or war. The statutes of both the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) make explicit mention of rape, when committed as part of a widespread attack against the civilian population, as a crime against humanity.259

    Both tribunals have played a critical role in setting precedents in the prosecution of conflict-related sexual violence, including articulating definitions and elements of many gender-related crimes.260 The statute of the ICC also explicitly identifies the acts of rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity as acts that can be crimes against humanity.261 Crimes against humanity, as serious international crimes, may also be subject to universal jurisdiction, meaning that national courts can be given jurisdiction to try a person suspected of a crime against humanity even if neither the suspect nor the victim are nationals of the country where the court is located and the crime took place outside that country. Acts of sexual violence committed as part of widespread attacks against civilians in Côte d’Ivoire can be classified as crimes against humanity and prosecuted as such.

    Sexual Violence as Torture

    International human rights instruments provide safeguards for women and girls at all times, including during armed conflict. These include protection from rape and sexual assault as forms of torture and other prohibited ill-treatment, slavery, forced prostitution, and discrimination based on sex. Armed opposition groups, particularly those in control of territory, have increasingly been under obligation to respect international human rights standards.262

    Côte d’Ivoire is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) and the regional African [Banjul] Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Charter), which all prohibit torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment by officials or persons acting in an official capacity.263 The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) provides for the right to freedom from torture, sexual exploitation, and abuse as well as liberty and security of person.264 The United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture has recognized that rape can constitute torture,265 as have the ICTY266 and ICTR.267

    Under the ICCPR, the African Charter and CEDAW, sexual slavery and forced prostitution in times of armed conflict constitute a basic violation of the right to liberty and security of person.268 Furthermore, slavery is a jus cogens norm from which no derogation is permitted and is prohibited under Article 8 of the ICCPR (which also prohibits forced labor), as well as the 1926 Slavery Convention.269
    Sexual Violence as Discrimination: A Violation of International Human Rights Law

    Sexual violence generally violates women’s rights to be free from discrimination based on sex as provided for under the ICCPR.270 Under Article 1 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),271 the definition of discrimination is considered to include “gender-based violence precisely because gender-based violence has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the enjoyment by women of human rights” on a basis of equality with men.272 The CEDAW Committee enumerated a wide range of obligations for states related to ending sexual violence, including ensuring appropriate treatment for victims in the justice system, counseling, support services, medical treatment, and psychological assistance.273 In a 1993 resolution, the UN General Assembly declared that prohibiting gender discrimination includes eliminating gender-based violence, and that states “should pursue by all appropriate means and without delay a policy of eliminating violence against women.”274 The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) also provides for freedom from discrimination on the basis of gender (Article 2). The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, guarantees the “[e]limination of every discrimination against women…and protection of the rights of the woman and the child”275 as well as the right to integrity of one’s person, and the right to be free of “…[a]ll forms of exploitation and degradation…particularly slavery, slave trade, torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment and treatment.”276 In February 2004, Côte d’Ivoire signed the African Union Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Right of Women in Africa, which came into force in November 2005; of these, Article 11 on armed conflict and Article 14 regarding illegal abortion are particularly relevant to this report.277

    Criminal responsibility for sexual violence

    Individual acts of rape or other sexual assault can be prosecuted as criminal acts. However an individual case of serious sexual violence can also be prosecuted as a crime against humanity if the crime was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against the civilian population.278 Each enumerated type of act, such as murder, torture, or rape, does not need to be committed on a widespread or systematic basis—it is the attack that must be widespread or systematic.

    Individual criminal responsibility for a crime against humanity, or for a serious violation of human rights or international humanitarian law can be established when an accused is proved to have either planned, instigated, ordered, committed or otherwise aided or abetted in the commission or the crime.

    Superior officers may also be liable for crimes committed by their subordinates on the basis of command responsibility. 279 Although the concept of command responsibility originated in military law, it now embraces the responsibility of civil authorities for the abuses committed by those persons under their effective authority. Both state and non-state actors (such as commanders of armed rebel groups) can be held accountable on the basis of command responsibility for crimes against humanity.280 Under the doctrine of command responsibility, commanders, or other superiors may be culpable for failing to prevent or punish crimes committed by their subordinates. A superior is responsible for the crimes of his or her subordinates when the superior knew or had reason to know that the criminal acts were about to be or had been committed, and the superior failed to take necessary and reasonable measures to prevent the commission of the offense and/or punish the perpetrators.281 The superior must either have actual knowledge of the criminal acts, or have information available to him or her that would put him or her on notice of the facts.282 However, it should be noted that the superior is under no duty to acquire such knowledge, and neglect to do so is not a basis for liability,283 although he or she cannot willfully ignore information available to him or her.284 The duty to prevent and or punish arises as soon as the superior acquires the knowledge that his or her subordinates are about to commit crimes, or have committed crimes.

    A commander will therefore be found guilty of rape if he or she stood by while the subordinate committed rape. In Côte d’Ivoire, if individual commanders and civilian officials had reason to know that subordinates committed rape, and failed to use all necessary and reasonable measures under their command to prevent and punish this abuse, they may also be found guilty of rape.”



  19. StewGreen says:

    @RupertLowe10 tweets
    I have had numerous whistleblowers come forward from within the Home Office who are working on asylum ‘interviews’.
    Thousands and thousands of foreign males are being wrongly granted refugee status. This is THE big problem.
    It is a scandal.
    I will be following everything up.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    The msm has chosen not to give details of what the third world murderer did. I’d like to know what the victims and bereaved think of that .
    That vermin maximised the horror as much as his imagination would carry him – but the msm sanitises it …. There is video of the scene – the plod body cameras – the aftermath inside and outside …. TTK would not want us to see them ….


  21. MarkyMark says:

    “It is within that context that we judge that the risk from terrorism is once again rising. By far the biggest terrorist threat comes from Islamist terrorism. It accounts for 67% of attacks since 2018, and about three quarters of MI5’s caseload. The remainder of the UK terrorist threat is largely driven by extreme right-wing terrorism, which accounts for approximately 22% of attacks since 2018 and about a quarter of the MI5 caseload. ”


    The desperate situation in prisons is laid bare. With four of the nine terrorist attacks in the UK since 2018 perpetrated by serving or recently released prisoners, we are told individuals may develop

    “a terrorist mindset…during their time in prison.”


  22. Zephir says:


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      I can no longer listen to Der Starmer’s voice. He makes me physically sick just listening to him and I have to turn off.


      • Zephir says:

        Agreed, and those bloody stupid glasses that he NEVER wore before or during the election… lies lies and more lies..


  23. Northern Voter says:

    Think what the headlines would have been if the Southport nutter had stabbed , I dunno, 96 Liverpool supporters? It would have been front-page news for days. The blatantly black broadcasting corporation would have run it ad infinitum. The rest of the MSM would of course helped them keep it going.


    • MarkyMark says:

      This man will explain why it’s just a misunderstanding … This-suspect-in-the-killi-010.jpg?width=445&dpr=1&s=none&crop=none

      Lee Rigby attackers “urged passersby to film incident”


  24. MarkyMark says:

    The future is bright in the middle east … colonialism? We’ve moved on from that …. ha ha hah

    “Neom: Saudi forces ‘told to kill’ to clear land for eco-city
    Published 9 May 2024”


    Col al-Enezi now lives in the UK for his own safety

    ** not london or southport?


  25. Zephir says:

    Transgender inmates panic as Donald Trump’s executive order sends them packing to men’s prisons


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      You could imagine they might quite like it in with real men.


      • Zephir says:

        Maybe, the real ones, the others that thought it a good wheeze to find an easier passage may find their passage might change


    • Fedup2 says:

      Seems some J6 hostages are being kept in – still and being moved to other prisons to defeat lawyers and us Marshalls trying to get them out ….


  26. Eddy Booth says:

    So will the BBC do an investigative article on his parents, how they broke into our country from Rwanda, what violence or destabilisation they were involved in over there.
    What they knew about the Axel Rudakubanas intentions.

    Also why the media reported the family as Nigerian?

    The daily mail tries , but its a muddled report.

    “How Axel Rudakubana’s church-going parents are linked to the Rwandan genocide – from his father’s army experience during 1994 ethnic killings to connections to the current ruling party”



  27. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Now that the Welsh boyo has been sentenced some reporting restrictions have been removed.

    So then, as I understand it, if somebody had mentioned his name earlier, the case against him would have been dropped (prejudiced) and he would have avoided being charged.
    That’s what we were told was the reason for being kept in the dark.

    That appears to be how the law works (although you can say anything if the suspect is far right) (which seems to be the majority of the population now)


    • Fedup2 says:

      That one – a lie – is often rolled out when the circumstances don’t fit the woke narrative . It’s believed that juries will be prejudiced if too much detail is in the public domain . And was really pre – internet – thinking .

      Today the system pretends people on juries don’t google stuff about a case ….. and that we – the public – aren’t entitled to know stuff about crimes .

      This has morphed into a woke fog used to deceive us from knowing – and is filled by experience and common sense .

      Every so often some deluded lefty Moans about the ‘dispropionate ‘ number of negros – coloured – whatever – in prison – well another one has been added today . I really hope he tops himself ….

      Also – I really pray for those involved . The ‘survivor guilt ‘ must be horrendous on to of the PTSD . and I hope the press really leave them alone if that’s what they want . Really don’t want to hear of any of them suffering more ….


    • BRISSLES says:

      I always liked the name Axel – even suggested it as the name for a new great nephew, but now ….. because its not exactly common, it will forever be associated with the devil incarnate – or does that honour belong to Damian ?


  28. Zephir says:

    Never forget:

    “Let me now turn to a tiny mindless minority in our society”

    “A gang of thugs that proceeded to throw bricks at police officers”

    Pre judging, despite refusing to allow any comment or speculation on someone that stabbed a child 122 times.


  29. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    For once I’m against Reform’s Lowe and Anderson.

    I do not want the government to have the power of the death penalty, even for this Welsh lad.

    I don’t trust them and if they get that power they will slowly ratchet it in to include more and more than terrible crimes such as the Amazon stabber.

    They say with dna and the like they can be more certain of who committed the crime but anybody could plant evidence and set somebody up to get them convicted.

    Any government that can get people to believe you can change from a man to a woman just by saying it can easily get a jury to convict somebody they wish to get rid of.


  30. Zephir says:

    The problem is EG, what is the difference between someone mentally ill and someone who wants to stab innocent children or any other victims (or repeatedly gang rape) ?

    It is obvious to me that this one is Broadmore material, but, how many more are religiously motivated to kill and rape (only one religion)

    That’s mental illness also.

    And, before anyone talks about the moderates, how many of them in THIS country completely ignore mass muslim perpetrated genocide in Yemen and elsewhere, and burning of Christian churches, yet attack Isreal for trying to recover hostages after the mass rape and murder committed by palestinians.

    And conveniently ignore that palestinians are the scourge of even the muslim world.. Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait they have attacked them all. Any doubt about that, look at the wall Egypt has put up to stop them.

    BUT if Israel dare to defend itself, well look at the placards and the lies around London that the lying muslim shits who know very well what they are like, perpetrate.


  31. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Strangely the interview Nigel Farage did recently where he said that the Muslim population will increase in Britain and we must accept that ( he wants their votes I take it). The one where he reveals he has done a u-turn on deportation. It seems to have been scrubbed from the internet.

    I have done several searches on TooYube, Bitchute & Rumble using different wording but can’t find it. It wasn’t that long ago and things aren’t usually that hard to find. I wish I could remember who the interviewer was.


    • Zephir says:

      F@ck their vote.

      The sooner we all wake up to the fact that pandering to this vicious violent mob makes them worse, the better.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Lu, of course the Muslim vote will increase – by dint of birthrate. Those born today will, in 2041 be able to vote (with millions more waiting in the wings). By then it will only be black people in advertisements, on tv, and medics in hospitals, but I expect it will be left to whitey to drive fire engines and be in the military if we still have one. The judiciary and police will be Asian as will accountancy firms. The demographic in 15 years time will be unrecognisable – and the boats will still be coming.


    • StewGreen says:

      Lucy if you can’t remember where you saw such a Farage video, that suggests it was not a reliable source
      I spot a Rob Boyd tweet
      “Here is the video where Nigel Farage says Reform need to embrace the Muslim vote if they are to gain political traction”
      it cites a now deleted tweet video
      In the replies people complain the video has been edited

      I see clips from the Winston Marshall show on 17/11/24
      discussed here https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/nigel-farage-is-right-to-talk-about-british-muslims/.

      ‘If we politically alienate the whole of Islam, we will lose,’ Farage said on the Winston Marshall Show. While he reiterated the need to crackdown on radical extremists, he said ‘we have to do everything we can’ to bring the majority of British Muslims ‘with us’ and ensure they are part of the national community.


  32. Zephir says:

    From the archive, 1951: Assassination of King Abdullah
    This article is more than 73 years old
    Arab assailant killed

    Shots at gate of Jerusalem mosque

    Younger son installed as regent
    Sat 21 Jul 1951 16.19 BST

    King Abdullah of Jordan was assassinated at the entrance to the El Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem. His assailant, who was shot dead by the bodyguard, was an Arab who had been a member of a military force associated with the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem.


  33. Zephir says:

    If only there was a pattern…



  34. Zephir says:



  35. Zephir says:



  36. Zephir says:



  37. Zephir says:



  38. Zephir says:



  39. Johnda says:

    BBC reporting on job loses bbc pointed out it’s only 2% of the work force . So that’s ok then. 🤡🤡🤡 the report trying to place most of the blame elsewhere than the government totally disgracefull


  40. Terminal Moraine says:

    R5 now and Clare McDonnell asks —

    Do we need a Prevent-style programme to tackle the rise in male violence against women? Her guest says there’s a strong link between domestic abuse and terrorism and the police should be “following up intelligence that men are misogynistic, that they are cruel, that they are violent.” The guest is previous police & crime commissioner Dame Vera Baird (also an ex-Labour MP).

    Prosecutor Deanna Heer said it appeared Rudakubana had tried to decapitate one of the girls. You won’t read that on the BBC. You have to go to Indian or Malaysian press where they’re not under orders to contain public unrest.

    The agenda is clear, and it’s also a crock of sh*t.



  41. vlad says:

    Predictably, the 2 articles about Trump on the BBC’s home page are both negative.

    – “US judge temporarily blocks Trump’s order to change birthright citizenship”

    – ”A mockery’: Trump’s new meme-coin sparks anger in crypto world’

    Inside, it’s not much better as the BBC reports on those scary Jan 6 ‘rioters’.

    – “Freed Capitol riot ringleaders regroup – and vow ‘retribution”

    (I’d want retribution too if I’d been sentenced to 18 years for nothing and spent 4 in some disgusting prison.)


  42. Eddy Booth says:

    “We’ve just heard from Detective Chief Inspector Jason Pye who says the attack by Rudakubana was the most “harrowing and large-scale investigation our force has ever dealt with”.”


    What was there to investigate?


    His father
    “An article in the Southport Visitor described how Alphonse had passed his black belt in karate, saying he had started training in his native Rwanda in 1996, where he had studied for around three years before moving to Britain in 2002.”

    So who was the prime minister in 2002🤔
    Tony Blair – lets rub peoples noses in diversity.

    “Alphonse is a taxi driver who started a company called Redknapp Ltd in December 2018, when he listed his job as ‘trader’ and nationality as British.

    The business activity of the company was given as retail sales via mail order or via the internet, as well as accounting and auditing activities and bookkeeping activities.”

    Sounds like a Turkish barber, Chinese nail bar , type enterprise .


  43. Zephir says:

    First story in my email latest news feed, not entertainment news feed , just…news :



  44. Zephir says:

    Looking a little further reveals all about their far left marxist contempt:



  45. Zephir says:



  46. Zephir says:



    • tomo says:

      Now do eBay


    • StewGreen says:

      AOL is not a company
      “Verizon merged AOL and Yahoo into a new subsidiary called Oath Inc. in 2017.
      In 2021, Verizon sold AOL and Yahoo to Apollo Global Management for $5 billion.

      I have helped AOL mail customers
      cos essentially they are now using a YahooMail interface


  47. Zephir says:

    You can NEVER talk to us

    But we will tell you whatever we want to

    Kind regards AOL


  48. pugnazious says:


    Silence is Green….the BBC remarkably quiet about Labour going for growth at the expense of the planet….something that would normally have Justin Rowlatt wailing and sobbing about planet killing Tories and the climate emergency…..especially odd given that the nut zero tsar, who just told Trump that nut zero is unstoppable[as Trump stops it], now gets a dose of reality and a bit of arm twisting no doubt and says…’economic growth mission – our number one priority.’

    If only the BBC had listened to Nigel Lawson who was concerned not so much about whether climate change was happening but how we would deal with it and how much it would cost[in money and lifestyle terms] to do the things the BBC and friends were inssiting we had to do to save the planet….instead the BBC demonised Lawson and the GWPF.


  49. tomo says:

    Should we allow him the mental incapacity defence? – when it all goes predictably Pete Tong?

    – I say – ABSOLUTELY NOT



    • StewGreen says:

      That Miliband retweet got ratioed out of the park, as usual
      Torsten Bell didn’t get ratioed
      cos he saw how it was going & #BannedReplies
      Typical #GreenBlob want you to PAY, but not have a SAY


    • MarkyMark says:

      Ed Miliband interviewed by Russell Brand – video highlights

      Russell Brand interviews Ed Miliband with the pair agreeing over the need for ‘credible change’. Miliband tells Brand that people as well as politics make change happen. The Labour leader says he would stand up to Rupert Murdoch, who he says is less powerful than he used to be. The interview was recorded at Brand’s house in east London on Monday and published on Wednesday on his YouTube channel, the Trews