Leo Kearse essay
– The reason Southport and the rape gang scandal are pivotal isn’t just because children were killed.
– Unlike America, Britain is a socialist country – we have a large, intrusive state and we surrender a huge amount of autonomy and resources to the state.
– The implicit contract is that the state will then do what’s best for us.
This worked when Britain had established a homogenous, high-trust society with social codes that ensured everyone both had individual rights and contributed to the common good – whether that’s forming an orderly queue, returning a shopping trolley, or being kind to children instead of raping and killing them because your community sees them as infidel whores.
– Southport and the rape gang scandal reveal that this contract has been broken. The state won’t protect us.
– The reasons for this are even more disturbing.
-Britain previously suffered terrorism – the IRA killed hundreds of Brits. But the IRA were the enemies of the British state. Now the terrorists are on the same side as the state.
– Axel Rudakana’s reading material focuses on the oppression of black and “indigenous” people by white colonial Europeans. He declared the need for a “white genocide”.
-Labour are beholden to far-left ideology that orders it to “abolish whiteness”, “decolonise”, and bring “social justice” to “white privilege”.
– To paraphrase the woke professors who celebrated girls being raped and killed in the Oct 7 attacks (and as Axel Rudakabana’s defence might posit) – what did y’all think these words meant?
– So the state is in the awkward position of being ideologically aligned with Axel Rudakabana.
– When the IRA was attacking Britain, Britain was a country. Now we’re “The Yookay” – a borderless economic zone with no national or ethnic identity. It’s a weird confluence of atheistic communism and neoliberalism. There’s no such thing as a “British” person – we’re all just interchangeable GDP generating nodes on an economist’s chart, and none of us have any claim to this country. To say we do is racist and nationalist.
– For decades now the state (I mean the “total state” – including the media, academia, Tories, big business and public sector establishment) has been ideologically committed to a credo that says “diversity is strength” and “multiculturalism is good”.
– The state has been frantically importing people who would be historically seen as not British as quickly as possible (the Muslim population of the UK almost doubled in the last decade).
– This worked well for a while as immigration tended to be lower numbers, higher value (eg Ugandan Asians) and more assimilable (Caribbean immigrants tended to be Christian and have similar values).
– But as the trickle became a torrent, we started sucking in millions of people with radically different values who formed separate communities. The idea that the children of migrants would “become British” turned out to be a lie, as second generation migrants often cling harder to identities to cope with alienation.
– And unlike their home countries – which usually strictly shut down any extremism – Britain is too soft, liberal and championing of multiculturalism to provide a corrective to any zealotry.
– Some would say the state has irresistible incentives to do this:
– the Ponzi scheme of the economy can be kept going for another few years if we just import more people, any people;
– the bargaining power of British workers can be broken by having an infinitely elastic labour market;
– once settled, the imports will vote leftward, “curing” Britain’s resolute conservatism and maintaining the leftward lean of the establishment;
– and many in the state still believe that these gang rapes and killings are just unfortunate bumps on the road to a multicultural utopia (a utopia that eludes Syria, Lebanon, the Balkans – but Britain! yes Britain will achieve it!).
– Meanwhile, the state protects its preferred “communities”. And the state protects itself, covering up its culpability and smearing anyone who dares peek under the veil as “far-right” or “racist”.
– The state’s social engineering has been obvious to some, but very effective. Even now, the left’s commentators and thought-leaders are hard at work, minimising what happened and questioning the incentives of anyone who looks at these crimes. I will undoubtedly be smeared as “far-right” for the words you’re reading right now.
– Getting back to the contract between citizens and state; while the state focused on protecting itself, it stripped away any structures that could have protected British girls as part of the “patriarchy” – chivalry, community spirit, politeness, natural justice – civil society was relinquished to the state, which replaced these social structures with state powers to police behaviour and speech.
– As the state grew in size and power, it used these laws as weapons to protect itself and attack its critics. People are now jailed in Britain for stickers or memes, or for understandable anger.
– Even now, Keir says the Southport killings happened not because his system brought a genocidal killer to Southport, but because of “a new type of online extremism”.
– He’s pivoting away from the obvious to point the finger at a mythological “far-right”, a euphemism for his enemies. He’s cynically exploiting this incident to bring through rules to punish anyone who pushes back against his suicidal ideologies.
– He’ll also clamp down on Amazon selling knives – which will be as effective at stopping terror as forcing an 80 year old woman to take off her slippers at the airport.
– The contract with the state is broken. The state won’t protect you or your family. In fact if the state perceives you as a threat, it will come after you. Just as the fathers of rape gang victims were targeted. Just as whistleblowers were targeted. Just as the victims themselves were targeted.
– If you want to see how it ends, look at Iran. In 1979 socialists marched alongside Islamists to overthrow the West-leaning Shah. Mojahedin-e-Khalq, a Marxist group, supported the Islamic leader Khomeini’s rise to power by spreading the message that he was the awaited 12th Imam returning from occultation.
(It didn’t end well for the leftists btw – after the revolution, in six months close to three thousand leftists were killed by Islamists, with many more sent into exile or imprisoned).
– The only thing between the British far-left and their socialist utopia is the British people.
– So don’t expect Keir to take steps to defuse the situation. Which he could do – he could acknowledge people’s concerns, implement robust border control, ensure arrivals integrate, break down siloed cultures in Britain before they balkanise, cap migration, deport criminals.
But it’s in the far-left’s interests that this gets worse.
Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that involves manipulating someone into doubting their own reality. It can happen in relationships, the workplace, or other situations.
“So don’t expect Keir to take steps to defuse the situation. Which he could do – he could acknowledge people’s concerns, implement robust border control, ensure arrivals integrate, break down siloed cultures in Britain before they balkanise, cap migration, deport criminals.” Leo Kearse essay
“When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the nation with his plan to repel them. However, in the middle of the address, he breaks down, demanding the troops simply follow their consciences instead. Most of the troops immediately desert their posts and join the civilians as they flee north, and the south is quickly overrun by the migrants.”
Stew – thank you putting that up. When people lay out the ‘wrongs’ very seldom are remedies suggested . Unfortunately some of the potential remedies might well fall foul of a broadcasting act or public order act – as seen by the victims of TTK – and the knowledge that the online world is the subject of extreme’ community tension ‘ monitoring where words and sentences are automatically reported to ‘ authorities’ .
By 2029 the marxists will have done their own obama biden election fixing variant- whether it be by cancelling elections – such as the coming local non elections – or fixing rules to ensure they are re elected – with the help of the same sort of msm which shielded biden for 5 obscene years …
‘Trump told’ ??. ‘massive’ ??. Did a schoolboy write this article ?.
Apparently Trump ‘has been told’ by Labours business secretary. There, that should sort it all then.
As ‘reporting’ clearly isn’t the best tool in your box ‘Fasil Islam’ of the BBC, what other qualifications do you think you have which might have clinched the job for you ?.
On Matt Goodwin last night the immigration lawyer (Ivor Sampson?) said it would take too long, decades, to deport all the illegals ‘known’ to be here.
In truth, you could double the figure we are told because the numbers we are allowed to know are ALWAYS grossly underestimated and he was going by the numbers some of our rulers have admitted are here.
I remember the liberals, Clegg if I remember correctly, saying it’s not worth building nuclear reactors (to generate electricity in the UK) because they would not come on line for 20 years.
That was a little over 20 years ago meaning they would be on line now and we would not have any power supply problems because of the reliance on the lefty renewables.
You have to start somewhere and if their illegals saw lots of other illegals being deported they may well go on their own to some other soft country.
Illegals watching would likely avoid coming to the UK thus preventing a deportation problem.
In 20 years time if no action is taken there may well be more non Brits than indigenous and that means the UK is no more.
You could start at the hand car washes, the nail bars, the Turkish barbers, the take aways and the sweat shops. After that, you might have to think for a few minutes about where to go next. It’s not that hard.
Another coloured face on the front page – this time a woman who left her 4 young kids at home to die in a fire – she got 10 years …
Elsewhere the 3 judges who gave the Muslim kid back to her family which killed her can be named next week … but I suspect it might be going to the Blair Supreme Court ….. can’t see them allowing their mates to be named …
Bliss – president trump pardons 23 pro baby protesters who the ‘catholic ‘ joe Biden locked up …. He’s really sticking it to the baby killers … wimmins hour will have a fit …
Thought for the day: Just as the BBC, by its sheer mass, exerts a sort of gravitational pull on the whole intellectual climate of the nation, dragging the Overton window way over to the woke left; so will Trump’s America start to re-order things towards the right, first in America, then worldwide. In fact, it’s already started.
Warning to the BBC: Trump’s America will massively out-mass you!
You are history. Obsolete. Yesterday’s news. Passé. Last season. Moribund. You just don’t know it yet.
In other words, if we stopped all economic activity overnight, switched off all the lights and froze to death, it would have an insignificant impact on the world, let alone on made-up climate change.
And by the way, why should we believe the Chinese data? A totalitarian country where the Communist government tells you whatever it wants.
“But they are by no means the only country with rapidly rising emissions which dwarf those of the UK. India and the rest of Asia emit almost as much carbon dioxide as China. Asia as a whole emitted 22.6billion tonnes of CO2 in 2023, while the UK’s emissions were 0.3billion tonnes.
In 2015 all these countries signed up to the Paris Climate Agreement which we were told was going to save the planet. Yet they have carried on as if Paris had never happened.”
“No, countries are not fined for not meeting the Paris Agreement. The agreement does not include financial penalties for noncompliance. ”
“While the NDC process is mandatory for nations that are Parties to the Paris Agreement, and there are no penalties if a party fails to meet its NDC, the content, implementation, and achievement of the NDCs themselves are not legally binding. Countries have full discretion to determine their NDCs.3 days ago”
The American communists will try to do to Trump what they succeeded in doing to Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s.
McCarthy wasn’t wrong about everything and he could sure sniff out a communist and of course, they ruined him.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead Midwife
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trus
The overarching aim and purpose of the role of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Midwife is to support OUH maternity to achieve equity of health outcomes for all social groups accessing our Maternity Service; targeting support and interventions to the most disadvantaged groups to improve service quality and address inequalities of access, service provision and healthcare outcomes.
measure and improve diversity at GDS
create an inclusive working environment through our networks
embed inclusivity at all levels of GDS, including leadership
ensure diversity and representation at all levels
We have a strong group of networks operating across the organisation, nearly all of which are sponsored by a senior leader.
These networks include:
REACH network
The mental health and wellbeing network
Disability at GDS
LGBT+ group
GDS introverts network
Social mobility network
Women’s network
Decorative image: Three (3) causally dressed colleagues, walking through a workspace together
Our networks challenge everyone in the organisation to think about how we can be more inclusive in every aspect of our work.
I feel that biased BBC ought to provide a new descriptive service for our blind readers. So I am going to have a go with the above photo – here goes:
Picture shows a fat man-hating diversity hire who has a pretend job in the midwifery unit. This normally involves sitting on a fat arse all day in front of a rainbow screen doing F-all.
You can normally swan around at home all day on full pay. Then once a month there is a covern meeting where you can push out all the hate-male and get press releases about how wonderful all the sisters are.
Did you know that wimmins-aid was started by two man-hating lesbians in Islington?
DT reports that the true president has yet to speak to TTK
4 days after taking office …. Personally I’d go beyond 40 days – apart from saying it would be a good idea to release the political prisoners ….
I mean – after what starmer has said about president trump across the months and years – why would he have anything to do with him ?
Maybe starmer will have to speak to him when mandelson is bounced as ambassador / EU / china spy ….
‘The Southport attacker was under NHS mental health care for years before he carried out the murders of three young girls, a hospital has revealed.
Alder Hey Children’s Hospital said that Axel Rudakubana was treated by its services between 2019 and 2023.
It said, however, that by February 2023 he had stopped engaging with mental health teams entirely.’
Nicky Campbell owes the Tories an apology for he claimed that cuts to mental health services meant Rudakubana went untreated and was a ticking timebomb just waiting to go off…the blood of those girls was on Tory hands….oh yeah…Brexit was blamed as well….no Polish care workers…er…but they’ve been replaced by African migrants in so many cases….which, see below, would make Rudakubana feel at home surely?
The BBC has of course moved rapidly to weaponise the attack and use it to portray Britain as racist and harmful for Blacks…they cobbled together a programme today saying just that…blacks have been blocked from access to mental health services due to systemic racism….and the opinion that Blacks are mentally unstable [an opinion they tell us was developed during slavery…escaping slaves were ‘mad’ to want to escape] is now, Adam Fleming told us, ’embedded in the NHS today’….really?
One problem is, apparently, that Blacks don’t want to access services because ‘white people are over-represented in the ranks of the psychotherapists’…Blacks don’t trust Whitey and so need to be treated by Black psychotherapists….hmmm…wouldn’t those black psychotherapists just be called uncle toms and racists as they are part of the white system just as those black cops who beat up a black man were called racist? What we need obviously, is a completely separate Black nation where whites don’t exist…and an Asian one for people like Nihal who has a mental breakdown when he sees too many Whites.
No irony that when you might suspect the problem with Rudakubana was that he had been fed an inflammatory diet of anti-White, anti-British hate by the likes of the BBC the BBC thinks the answer is to have a programme that doubles down on that narrative and essentially supports the view that Blacks are so oppressed that they should lead separate lives?
The BBC is the most dangerous organisation in Britain.
‘In Nigeria, the disparity between available healthcare services and need for mental health services is palpable.
Nigeria faces significant challenges with mental health, including a shortage of mental health professionals, inadequate infrastructure, and poor public attitudes.
Lack of access to care: About 80% of people with serious mental illness in Nigeria are unable to get adequate care.’
Different groups have different genetics
eg pale skin allows vitamin D production in low sunlight
Simon Webb argues black African genes cause males to have higher testosterone.
And that correlates to some mental health problems
“Fuck me!! Tuned into
and I just knew how it would go….callers somehow calling the monster a victim, blaming mental health!! 1 caller even bought up the film Jumanji!!
How Is a radio station allowing him to be called a victim??!! Fucking liberals”
Rolls Royce have won an order to provide nuclear reactors for a new set of submarines for Australia.
This by definition is proven, existing technology with supply chain and design already in place.
Could we possibly get some for domestic electricity production?
yesterday BBcNews go caught inserting woke-supremacist language in a headline
and then stealth edited it
The German politician had actually used the normal phrase “illegal migrants”
A man has been sentenced to 10 years after he admitted raping a woman in Stafford.
Abiola Raji, 32, of Stafford, was sentenced at Stafford Crown Court yesterday (Thursday 23 January) after he pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to raping a woman.
At about 8pm on Sunday 21 April last year, a woman was walking near to the Vine Hotel on Salters Street when she was approached by Raji and attacked.
Meanwhile, BBC’s webshite misdirecting and obfuscating over the California fires:
“A number of climate-related factors may push Californians to leave home over the next decade. Scientists believe that a warming world is increasing the conditions that are conducive to wildland fire.
From 2020 to 2023, wildfires destroyed more than 15,000 structures in California, according to CalFire. At least 12,000 structures have been lost in the Los Angeles wildfires that broke out at the start of this year.
The state faces other impacts from climate change as well, including flooding. Sea level rise could put half a million California residents in areas prone to flooding by 2100, according to the state attorney general’s office.
As extreme weather has become more frequent, home insurance rates in the state also have continued to rise. More than 100,000 California residents have lost their home insurance since 2019, according to a San Francisco Chronicle analysis.”
ITV local news Alan Lewis stole £900 from a farmshop and drove away wih the worker on the bonnet
He’s got 33 previous convictions
Guess how long he got ?
“Lewis pleaded guilty to six charges, including dangerous driving, theft, and driving while disqualified and uninsured
…. sentenced to 18 months in prison, of which he will serve half before being released on licence.
He was also banned from driving for two years and seven months.”
Trump’s victory was the defeat by the new media of the old media in which the leftist culture was entrenched. A neat summary of things…the likes of the BBC are the self-appointed guardians of what is correct and acceptable…in their view. It’s good that they no longer hold the monopoly on information….and thus power.
Perhaps if we had a Trump in charge things would be massively different…the BBC might no longer exist, at least as it does now…perhaps the licence funding would be shared out with the likes of GB News or similar….or perhaps some radical reshaping and change of direction which would force a more representative range from the BBC….lol…the BBC that constantly tells us we must have more Blacks in every corner of life so that they feel ‘represented’ but doesn’t give a damn that the majority of the population don’t think the BBC represents them at all….and I’ve never met anyone with a good word to say about the BBC.
We are petitioning for a National Referendum on Assisted Dying
We believe that the decision to introduce assisted dying legislation in the UK, is a matter of such fundamental import to the future of our nation and to us as citizens, that it must be decided as a nation, not by Members of Parliament alone.
Starmer rules out whole-life sentence for Southport killer https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2025/01/24/international-law-whole-life-sentence-rudakubana-healey/
But he did mandate prison sentences for anyone who attended the riots.
Every person who attened the protests and did not commit a violent crime (and that does not include buying or throwing eggs or calling the police or their dogs names) should have their sentences quashed.
But they are right-wing. And Starmer would like to do much, much more to them because underneath that devious and false virtue-signalling front, he is full-on far-left. Judge him by his actions. Not his words.
Whoever gave the order to withhold the information should be exposed and removed from their position. But of course we already know who that was. The BBC could do if they wanted to : they got rid of Boris for far less. Says as much about the BBC as it does TTK.
Today The Climate and Nature Bill has been adjourned until July, but in reality, it is dead.
Private Members’ Bills rely on limited parliamentary time.
With the session likely ending in the autumn, the Bill will not have time to go through all the necessary stages.
Apparently the bill was too extreme even for Starmer , so he whipped MPs to vote no.
There is a line up to get boarding passes at the airport.
A man steps up to the counter, notices the woman behind the counter has huge breasts. He say “I’ll have two pickets to titsburg.’
Realizing what he said he apologizes profusely.
The woman says “it’s OK sir, it happens.”
The man behind him buts in and says “ Yes this is a very interesting phenomena, I’m a psych professor at the university, and I study this kind of phenomena.
For example, this morning I was sitting at the breakfast table with my wife, and I meant to say “Would you please pass the Cherios dearest one.”
But instead I said “You fucking bitch, you ruined my life,
Harry – yes – plenty of thoughts – but these are serious times … I’d love more people to find us – even those who might argue for the BBC … not trolls .. but people who can evidence the fairness of the BBC – but then they’d also prove the existence of unicorns ….
Nigel Kim Darroch, Lord Darroch, a never never never never Trumper, EU stooge and anti-Brexiteer and now climate change fanatic.
Wonder why I keep hearing him on the BBC so often these days.
Chiles had him on his show today and it was basically Chiles feeding him a loaded question and letting Darroch froth at the mouth for a couple of minutes about Trump and then doing it again and again….all negative mockery….apparently Trump claiming God saved him from the assassin’s bullet somehow means Trump thinks he is the new Messiah…it’s very dangerous…and very Hitler. Never mind America is way more religious than the UK and the Deplorables more often than not go to Church every Sunday.
Darroch oozed out a continous flow of bile towards Trump…a classic lie was that Trump has created the mistrust in politics[just as he created the post-truth era…pre which the media and politicians never lied…copyright BBC]. Trump’s refusal to accept the 2020 result was what done it. Hmmm…didn’t Truimp get elected in 2016 precisely because voters didn’t trust politicians…you know…The Swamp? A swamp created by those very same politicians and their media stooges….and people like Darroch who can’t open their mouths without lying.
Chiles then asked Darroch what he thought of the storms in the UK…an odd question you might think….but of course Chiles knew what Darroch would say…it was all planned…Darroch being fully onboard the climate change bandwagon…and of course Trump is the bad guy once again…and China is the climate change hero coming to save us…with its new coal fired power stations no doubt that it builds at an ever increasing pace….Darroch feeding us the BBC’s own narrative about China…completely ignoring the huge, huge CO2 pollution wafting out of its factories and power stations and spinning us tales of EVs and solar panels.
Great that we had such an arrogant, patronising, patrician, bigoted, dishonest, lying, morally corrupt person as our ambassador to the US. And then there’s Peter Mandelson.
Great that the BBC knows what good ‘copy’ they will get from the likes of Darroch and that he will say all the things they would love to say openly.
‘Asylum seekers loitering outside school is ‘cultural’ issue, say police’
‘Migrants have been staying in a hotel outside the village for around three years and are among thousands living in temporary accommodation across the country.
However, in recent months there has been increasing concern over young men loitering near Deanshanger Primary School, including claims of filming.
Sgt Clarke said that after speaking to people directly and having her officers “attend the hotel”, they had not identified a risk to anyone and “there is no evidence to support that any offences had taken place”.
She added: “While I fully appreciate the community’s concerns, I ask that people don’t take this matter into their own hands, but continue to speak to the police about any incidents they witness or any concerns they have. We are well linked in with the hotel and can deliver some work there around appropriate behaviours and different cultural expectations.”’
No problem…can’t see any real issues…but in which culture is it alright to hang around a school with young kids and film them and….then what?
I note in the Telegraph that a Just Stop Oil protester has asked for her trial to be delayed so she can do her University exams.
A 10 day trial will now be held in October.
Here’s the thing. 10 days. TEN DAYS. FFS.
What is there to discuss. They did it. People saw them. They were arrested. It should take one day maximum.
Or is this another example of TTK. Endless time in court so the Marxists can use the court as a campaigning tool.
People using hurty words against asylum seekers get fast tracked and jailed within days.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
Leo Kearse essay
– The reason Southport and the rape gang scandal are pivotal isn’t just because children were killed.
– Unlike America, Britain is a socialist country – we have a large, intrusive state and we surrender a huge amount of autonomy and resources to the state.
– The implicit contract is that the state will then do what’s best for us.
This worked when Britain had established a homogenous, high-trust society with social codes that ensured everyone both had individual rights and contributed to the common good – whether that’s forming an orderly queue, returning a shopping trolley, or being kind to children instead of raping and killing them because your community sees them as infidel whores.
– Southport and the rape gang scandal reveal that this contract has been broken. The state won’t protect us.
– The reasons for this are even more disturbing.
-Britain previously suffered terrorism – the IRA killed hundreds of Brits. But the IRA were the enemies of the British state. Now the terrorists are on the same side as the state.
– Axel Rudakana’s reading material focuses on the oppression of black and “indigenous” people by white colonial Europeans. He declared the need for a “white genocide”.
-Labour are beholden to far-left ideology that orders it to “abolish whiteness”, “decolonise”, and bring “social justice” to “white privilege”.
– To paraphrase the woke professors who celebrated girls being raped and killed in the Oct 7 attacks (and as Axel Rudakabana’s defence might posit) – what did y’all think these words meant?
– So the state is in the awkward position of being ideologically aligned with Axel Rudakabana.
– When the IRA was attacking Britain, Britain was a country. Now we’re “The Yookay” – a borderless economic zone with no national or ethnic identity. It’s a weird confluence of atheistic communism and neoliberalism. There’s no such thing as a “British” person – we’re all just interchangeable GDP generating nodes on an economist’s chart, and none of us have any claim to this country. To say we do is racist and nationalist.
– For decades now the state (I mean the “total state” – including the media, academia, Tories, big business and public sector establishment) has been ideologically committed to a credo that says “diversity is strength” and “multiculturalism is good”.
– The state has been frantically importing people who would be historically seen as not British as quickly as possible (the Muslim population of the UK almost doubled in the last decade).
– This worked well for a while as immigration tended to be lower numbers, higher value (eg Ugandan Asians) and more assimilable (Caribbean immigrants tended to be Christian and have similar values).
– But as the trickle became a torrent, we started sucking in millions of people with radically different values who formed separate communities. The idea that the children of migrants would “become British” turned out to be a lie, as second generation migrants often cling harder to identities to cope with alienation.
– And unlike their home countries – which usually strictly shut down any extremism – Britain is too soft, liberal and championing of multiculturalism to provide a corrective to any zealotry.
– Some would say the state has irresistible incentives to do this:
– the Ponzi scheme of the economy can be kept going for another few years if we just import more people, any people;
– the bargaining power of British workers can be broken by having an infinitely elastic labour market;
– once settled, the imports will vote leftward, “curing” Britain’s resolute conservatism and maintaining the leftward lean of the establishment;
– and many in the state still believe that these gang rapes and killings are just unfortunate bumps on the road to a multicultural utopia (a utopia that eludes Syria, Lebanon, the Balkans – but Britain! yes Britain will achieve it!).
– Meanwhile, the state protects its preferred “communities”. And the state protects itself, covering up its culpability and smearing anyone who dares peek under the veil as “far-right” or “racist”.
– The state’s social engineering has been obvious to some, but very effective. Even now, the left’s commentators and thought-leaders are hard at work, minimising what happened and questioning the incentives of anyone who looks at these crimes. I will undoubtedly be smeared as “far-right” for the words you’re reading right now.
– Getting back to the contract between citizens and state; while the state focused on protecting itself, it stripped away any structures that could have protected British girls as part of the “patriarchy” – chivalry, community spirit, politeness, natural justice – civil society was relinquished to the state, which replaced these social structures with state powers to police behaviour and speech.
– As the state grew in size and power, it used these laws as weapons to protect itself and attack its critics. People are now jailed in Britain for stickers or memes, or for understandable anger.
– Even now, Keir says the Southport killings happened not because his system brought a genocidal killer to Southport, but because of “a new type of online extremism”.
– He’s pivoting away from the obvious to point the finger at a mythological “far-right”, a euphemism for his enemies. He’s cynically exploiting this incident to bring through rules to punish anyone who pushes back against his suicidal ideologies.
– He’ll also clamp down on Amazon selling knives – which will be as effective at stopping terror as forcing an 80 year old woman to take off her slippers at the airport.
– The contract with the state is broken. The state won’t protect you or your family. In fact if the state perceives you as a threat, it will come after you. Just as the fathers of rape gang victims were targeted. Just as whistleblowers were targeted. Just as the victims themselves were targeted.
– If you want to see how it ends, look at Iran. In 1979 socialists marched alongside Islamists to overthrow the West-leaning Shah. Mojahedin-e-Khalq, a Marxist group, supported the Islamic leader Khomeini’s rise to power by spreading the message that he was the awaited 12th Imam returning from occultation.
(It didn’t end well for the leftists btw – after the revolution, in six months close to three thousand leftists were killed by Islamists, with many more sent into exile or imprisoned).
– The only thing between the British far-left and their socialist utopia is the British people.
– So don’t expect Keir to take steps to defuse the situation. Which he could do – he could acknowledge people’s concerns, implement robust border control, ensure arrivals integrate, break down siloed cultures in Britain before they balkanise, cap migration, deport criminals.
But it’s in the far-left’s interests that this gets worse.
“Southport and the rape gang scandal reveal that this contract has been broken. The state won’t protect us.”
Government commits more funding to protect UK Muslims
The government has committed to providing UK Muslims with more than £117 million of protective security funding over the next 4 years.
Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that involves manipulating someone into doubting their own reality. It can happen in relationships, the workplace, or other situations.
“So don’t expect Keir to take steps to defuse the situation. Which he could do – he could acknowledge people’s concerns, implement robust border control, ensure arrivals integrate, break down siloed cultures in Britain before they balkanise, cap migration, deport criminals.” Leo Kearse essay
“When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the nation with his plan to repel them. However, in the middle of the address, he breaks down, demanding the troops simply follow their consciences instead. Most of the troops immediately desert their posts and join the civilians as they flee north, and the south is quickly overrun by the migrants.”
Is Leo Kearse still on GB News?
His usual Saturday night show has had different presenters recently.
Is he another one binned for telling truths.
I like his show and hope he’s just on holiday or having a short break.
Stew – thank you putting that up. When people lay out the ‘wrongs’ very seldom are remedies suggested . Unfortunately some of the potential remedies might well fall foul of a broadcasting act or public order act – as seen by the victims of TTK – and the knowledge that the online world is the subject of extreme’ community tension ‘ monitoring where words and sentences are automatically reported to ‘ authorities’ .
By 2029 the marxists will have done their own obama biden election fixing variant- whether it be by cancelling elections – such as the coming local non elections – or fixing rules to ensure they are re elected – with the help of the same sort of msm which shielded biden for 5 obscene years …
Trump told not to put massive tariffs on UK
‘Trump told’ ??. ‘massive’ ??. Did a schoolboy write this article ?.
Apparently Trump ‘has been told’ by Labours business secretary. There, that should sort it all then.
As ‘reporting’ clearly isn’t the best tool in your box ‘Fasil Islam’ of the BBC, what other qualifications do you think you have which might have clinched the job for you ?.

On Matt Goodwin last night the immigration lawyer (Ivor Sampson?) said it would take too long, decades, to deport all the illegals ‘known’ to be here.
In truth, you could double the figure we are told because the numbers we are allowed to know are ALWAYS grossly underestimated and he was going by the numbers some of our rulers have admitted are here.
I remember the liberals, Clegg if I remember correctly, saying it’s not worth building nuclear reactors (to generate electricity in the UK) because they would not come on line for 20 years.
That was a little over 20 years ago meaning they would be on line now and we would not have any power supply problems because of the reliance on the lefty renewables.
You have to start somewhere and if their illegals saw lots of other illegals being deported they may well go on their own to some other soft country.
Illegals watching would likely avoid coming to the UK thus preventing a deportation problem.
In 20 years time if no action is taken there may well be more non Brits than indigenous and that means the UK is no more.
1 illegal in 2 MPS out. Repeat.
You could start at the hand car washes, the nail bars, the Turkish barbers, the take aways and the sweat shops. After that, you might have to think for a few minutes about where to go next. It’s not that hard.
Yep : Immigration lawyer, Ivon Sampson says the deportation of over a million illegal immigrants in Britain is ‘an impossible task’.
video : https://x.com/GBNEWS/status/1882527341747785852
UK airports handle more than 300 million passengers each year
Pakistan and Iran are said to have deport 2m Afghanis in 2024
Another coloured face on the front page – this time a woman who left her 4 young kids at home to die in a fire – she got 10 years …
Elsewhere the 3 judges who gave the Muslim kid back to her family which killed her can be named next week … but I suspect it might be going to the Blair Supreme Court ….. can’t see them allowing their mates to be named …
By their acquittal of the defendant on the count of child cruelty the jury had been of the view she “was trying her best”, the defence added.
where was the father ?
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
Published 3 October 2012
Hugh Grant urges police to investigate Sun owners
He had an affair with Mike Obama?!
That’s a divine brown T- shirt he’s got himself there!
No, Divine Brown was definitely a female.
Bliss – president trump pardons 23 pro baby protesters who the ‘catholic ‘ joe Biden locked up …. He’s really sticking it to the baby killers … wimmins hour will have a fit …
Thought for the day: Just as the BBC, by its sheer mass, exerts a sort of gravitational pull on the whole intellectual climate of the nation, dragging the Overton window way over to the woke left; so will Trump’s America start to re-order things towards the right, first in America, then worldwide. In fact, it’s already started.
Warning to the BBC: Trump’s America will massively out-mass you!
You are history. Obsolete. Yesterday’s news. Passé. Last season. Moribund. You just don’t know it yet.
UK has a secret weapon – Ed Miliband – we must save the world from Climate Change….. (c) BBC Verified Non disputable fact. Science is settled.
In other words, if we stopped all economic activity overnight, switched off all the lights and froze to death, it would have an insignificant impact on the world, let alone on made-up climate change.
And by the way, why should we believe the Chinese data? A totalitarian country where the Communist government tells you whatever it wants.
MM, according to the Guardian about Y2K, – and they should know – Oceania had larger emississions of CO2 than the USA. You could usefully do to read this article by Paul Homewood about emissions of CO2 worldwide: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-climate-scaremongers-no-bbc-hurricanes-are-not-getting-worse/
“But they are by no means the only country with rapidly rising emissions which dwarf those of the UK. India and the rest of Asia emit almost as much carbon dioxide as China. Asia as a whole emitted 22.6billion tonnes of CO2 in 2023, while the UK’s emissions were 0.3billion tonnes.
In 2015 all these countries signed up to the Paris Climate Agreement which we were told was going to save the planet. Yet they have carried on as if Paris had never happened.”
“No, countries are not fined for not meeting the Paris Agreement. The agreement does not include financial penalties for noncompliance. ”
“While the NDC process is mandatory for nations that are Parties to the Paris Agreement, and there are no penalties if a party fails to meet its NDC, the content, implementation, and achievement of the NDCs themselves are not legally binding. Countries have full discretion to determine their NDCs.3 days ago”
The American communists will try to do to Trump what they succeeded in doing to Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s.
McCarthy wasn’t wrong about everything and he could sure sniff out a communist and of course, they ruined him.
The slithering left. Hopefully they’ll get done for fraud. It goes to show how vigilant we need to be in anything & everything we manage to win back.
DEI hides under another rock! AH AH AHAHAH!
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead Midwife
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trus
The overarching aim and purpose of the role of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Midwife is to support OUH maternity to achieve equity of health outcomes for all social groups accessing our Maternity Service; targeting support and interventions to the most disadvantaged groups to improve service quality and address inequalities of access, service provision and healthcare outcomes.
£46,148 to £52,809 a year PA pro rota
It’s important to us that we represent the society we serve
We want to have a diverse workforce and an inclusive working environment.
To make it happen, we:
measure and improve diversity at GDS
create an inclusive working environment through our networks
embed inclusivity at all levels of GDS, including leadership
ensure diversity and representation at all levels
We have a strong group of networks operating across the organisation, nearly all of which are sponsored by a senior leader.
These networks include:
REACH network
The mental health and wellbeing network
Disability at GDS
LGBT+ group
GDS introverts network
Social mobility network
Women’s network
Decorative image: Three (3) causally dressed colleagues, walking through a workspace together
Our networks challenge everyone in the organisation to think about how we can be more inclusive in every aspect of our work.
Working class white males not included.
But does anyone know what all these groups actually are?
I recall the words of Matthew Parris.
By explicitly including groups you implicitly exclude everyone else
I feel that biased BBC ought to provide a new descriptive service for our blind readers. So I am going to have a go with the above photo – here goes:
Picture shows a fat man-hating diversity hire who has a pretend job in the midwifery unit. This normally involves sitting on a fat arse all day in front of a rainbow screen doing F-all.
You can normally swan around at home all day on full pay. Then once a month there is a covern meeting where you can push out all the hate-male and get press releases about how wonderful all the sisters are.
Did you know that wimmins-aid was started by two man-hating lesbians in Islington?
P.S. I have lost my rainbow lanyard.
I think Elon is having fun looking at the fraudulent re titling and the tipexing of ‘diversity ‘ – gay – trans – and the other poisons …
DT reports that the true president has yet to speak to TTK
4 days after taking office …. Personally I’d go beyond 40 days – apart from saying it would be a good idea to release the political prisoners ….
I mean – after what starmer has said about president trump across the months and years – why would he have anything to do with him ?
Maybe starmer will have to speak to him when mandelson is bounced as ambassador / EU / china spy ….
Be funny if TTK calls Trump and hears “Your call is very important, we are experiencing a ………. etc”
Oh right….Telegraph reports….
‘The Southport attacker was under NHS mental health care for years before he carried out the murders of three young girls, a hospital has revealed.
Alder Hey Children’s Hospital said that Axel Rudakubana was treated by its services between 2019 and 2023.
It said, however, that by February 2023 he had stopped engaging with mental health teams entirely.’
Nicky Campbell owes the Tories an apology for he claimed that cuts to mental health services meant Rudakubana went untreated and was a ticking timebomb just waiting to go off…the blood of those girls was on Tory hands….oh yeah…Brexit was blamed as well….no Polish care workers…er…but they’ve been replaced by African migrants in so many cases….which, see below, would make Rudakubana feel at home surely?
The BBC has of course moved rapidly to weaponise the attack and use it to portray Britain as racist and harmful for Blacks…they cobbled together a programme today saying just that…blacks have been blocked from access to mental health services due to systemic racism….and the opinion that Blacks are mentally unstable [an opinion they tell us was developed during slavery…escaping slaves were ‘mad’ to want to escape] is now, Adam Fleming told us, ’embedded in the NHS today’….really?
One problem is, apparently, that Blacks don’t want to access services because ‘white people are over-represented in the ranks of the psychotherapists’…Blacks don’t trust Whitey and so need to be treated by Black psychotherapists….hmmm…wouldn’t those black psychotherapists just be called uncle toms and racists as they are part of the white system just as those black cops who beat up a black man were called racist? What we need obviously, is a completely separate Black nation where whites don’t exist…and an Asian one for people like Nihal who has a mental breakdown when he sees too many Whites.
No irony that when you might suspect the problem with Rudakubana was that he had been fed an inflammatory diet of anti-White, anti-British hate by the likes of the BBC the BBC thinks the answer is to have a programme that doubles down on that narrative and essentially supports the view that Blacks are so oppressed that they should lead separate lives?
The BBC is the most dangerous organisation in Britain.
Bloody Nigerian racists…
‘In Nigeria, the disparity between available healthcare services and need for mental health services is palpable.
Nigeria faces significant challenges with mental health, including a shortage of mental health professionals, inadequate infrastructure, and poor public attitudes.
Lack of access to care: About 80% of people with serious mental illness in Nigeria are unable to get adequate care.’
Different groups have different genetics
eg pale skin allows vitamin D production in low sunlight
Simon Webb argues black African genes cause males to have higher testosterone.
And that correlates to some mental health problems
Nicky Campbell has special information
“Thnks. I talk about it a lot. But he was not a Muslim”
Anyways if the guy stopped getting NHS mental elf treatment in 2023 Campbell would say “see Tory cuts”
a sweary listener annoyed at the mental health tone
.. https://x.com/20Paw7/status/1881665714190516304
another .. https://x.com/4thWaveStevie/status/1881643381677326773
“Fuck me!! Tuned into
and I just knew how it would go….callers somehow calling the monster a victim, blaming mental health!! 1 caller even bought up the film Jumanji!!
How Is a radio station allowing him to be called a victim??!! Fucking liberals”
Rolls Royce have won an order to provide nuclear reactors for a new set of submarines for Australia.
This by definition is proven, existing technology with supply chain and design already in place.
Could we possibly get some for domestic electricity production?
Only if we were in a country not run by windmill obsessed freaks.
yesterday BBcNews go caught inserting woke-supremacist language in a headline

and then stealth edited it
The German politician had actually used the normal phrase “illegal migrants”
A man has been sentenced to 10 years after he admitted raping a woman in Stafford.
Abiola Raji, 32, of Stafford, was sentenced at Stafford Crown Court yesterday (Thursday 23 January) after he pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to raping a woman.
At about 8pm on Sunday 21 April last year, a woman was walking near to the Vine Hotel on Salters Street when she was approached by Raji and attacked.
Meanwhile, BBC’s webshite misdirecting and obfuscating over the California fires:
“A number of climate-related factors may push Californians to leave home over the next decade. Scientists believe that a warming world is increasing the conditions that are conducive to wildland fire.
From 2020 to 2023, wildfires destroyed more than 15,000 structures in California, according to CalFire. At least 12,000 structures have been lost in the Los Angeles wildfires that broke out at the start of this year.
The state faces other impacts from climate change as well, including flooding. Sea level rise could put half a million California residents in areas prone to flooding by 2100, according to the state attorney general’s office.
As extreme weather has become more frequent, home insurance rates in the state also have continued to rise. More than 100,000 California residents have lost their home insurance since 2019, according to a San Francisco Chronicle analysis.”
Something missing in there, methinks.
Very good watch
“We have to bleep the R (rape) word on YouTube rather than use grooming gangs.”
Superman stands for truth, justice and the American way, so he is literally a Nazi.
If a sense of humour was appropriate, which is debatable
starmer, they really fucked up there
Not humour anymore
During the deabate on paki mass rape of white children:
ITV local news Alan Lewis stole £900 from a farmshop and drove away wih the worker on the bonnet
He’s got 33 previous convictions
Guess how long he got ?
18 months
That is less than for an off the cuff tweet
“Lewis pleaded guilty to six charges, including dangerous driving, theft, and driving while disqualified and uninsured
…. sentenced to 18 months in prison, of which he will serve half before being released on licence.
He was also banned from driving for two years and seven months.”
Is he a ‘do as you likey’?
Another very good watch
Trump’s victory was the defeat by the new media of the old media in which the leftist culture was entrenched. A neat summary of things…the likes of the BBC are the self-appointed guardians of what is correct and acceptable…in their view. It’s good that they no longer hold the monopoly on information….and thus power.
Perhaps if we had a Trump in charge things would be massively different…the BBC might no longer exist, at least as it does now…perhaps the licence funding would be shared out with the likes of GB News or similar….or perhaps some radical reshaping and change of direction which would force a more representative range from the BBC….lol…the BBC that constantly tells us we must have more Blacks in every corner of life so that they feel ‘represented’ but doesn’t give a damn that the majority of the population don’t think the BBC represents them at all….and I’ve never met anyone with a good word to say about the BBC.
We are petitioning for a National Referendum on Assisted Dying
We believe that the decision to introduce assisted dying legislation in the UK, is a matter of such fundamental import to the future of our nation and to us as citizens, that it must be decided as a nation, not by Members of Parliament alone.
The depressed should be allowed to end their life, says AC Grayling
‘I had anti-government views so they treated me for schizophrenia’
Wait ….. could these be linked?
Starmer rules out whole-life sentence for Southport killer
But he did mandate prison sentences for anyone who attended the riots.
Every person who attened the protests and did not commit a violent crime (and that does not include buying or throwing eggs or calling the police or their dogs names) should have their sentences quashed.
But they are right-wing. And Starmer would like to do much, much more to them because underneath that devious and false virtue-signalling front, he is full-on far-left. Judge him by his actions. Not his words.
Whoever gave the order to withhold the information should be exposed and removed from their position. But of course we already know who that was. The BBC could do if they wanted to : they got rid of Boris for far less. Says as much about the BBC as it does TTK.
Today The Climate and Nature Bill has been adjourned until July, but in reality, it is dead.
Private Members’ Bills rely on limited parliamentary time.
With the session likely ending in the autumn, the Bill will not have time to go through all the necessary stages.
Apparently the bill was too extreme even for Starmer , so he whipped MPs to vote no.
topic on GBnews now
Muslims only boys club with honour beatings and FGM for the ladies!
Labour news : It’s mosogny, racism etc etc
There is a line up to get boarding passes at the airport.
A man steps up to the counter, notices the woman behind the counter has huge breasts. He say “I’ll have two pickets to titsburg.’
Realizing what he said he apologizes profusely.
The woman says “it’s OK sir, it happens.”
The man behind him buts in and says “ Yes this is a very interesting phenomena, I’m a psych professor at the university, and I study this kind of phenomena.
For example, this morning I was sitting at the breakfast table with my wife, and I meant to say “Would you please pass the Cherios dearest one.”
But instead I said “You fucking bitch, you ruined my life,
The good news. This site goes from strength to strength, 632 posts and counting is quite amazing.
Harry – yes – plenty of thoughts – but these are serious times … I’d love more people to find us – even those who might argue for the BBC … not trolls .. but people who can evidence the fairness of the BBC – but then they’d also prove the existence of unicorns ….
Nigel Kim Darroch, Lord Darroch, a never never never never Trumper, EU stooge and anti-Brexiteer and now climate change fanatic.
Wonder why I keep hearing him on the BBC so often these days.
Chiles had him on his show today and it was basically Chiles feeding him a loaded question and letting Darroch froth at the mouth for a couple of minutes about Trump and then doing it again and again….all negative mockery….apparently Trump claiming God saved him from the assassin’s bullet somehow means Trump thinks he is the new Messiah…it’s very dangerous…and very Hitler. Never mind America is way more religious than the UK and the Deplorables more often than not go to Church every Sunday.
Darroch oozed out a continous flow of bile towards Trump…a classic lie was that Trump has created the mistrust in politics[just as he created the post-truth era…pre which the media and politicians never lied…copyright BBC]. Trump’s refusal to accept the 2020 result was what done it. Hmmm…didn’t Truimp get elected in 2016 precisely because voters didn’t trust politicians…you know…The Swamp? A swamp created by those very same politicians and their media stooges….and people like Darroch who can’t open their mouths without lying.
Chiles then asked Darroch what he thought of the storms in the UK…an odd question you might think….but of course Chiles knew what Darroch would say…it was all planned…Darroch being fully onboard the climate change bandwagon…and of course Trump is the bad guy once again…and China is the climate change hero coming to save us…with its new coal fired power stations no doubt that it builds at an ever increasing pace….Darroch feeding us the BBC’s own narrative about China…completely ignoring the huge, huge CO2 pollution wafting out of its factories and power stations and spinning us tales of EVs and solar panels.
Great that we had such an arrogant, patronising, patrician, bigoted, dishonest, lying, morally corrupt person as our ambassador to the US. And then there’s Peter Mandelson.
Great that the BBC knows what good ‘copy’ they will get from the likes of Darroch and that he will say all the things they would love to say openly.
They don’t learn do they?
‘Asylum seekers loitering outside school is ‘cultural’ issue, say police’
‘Migrants have been staying in a hotel outside the village for around three years and are among thousands living in temporary accommodation across the country.
However, in recent months there has been increasing concern over young men loitering near Deanshanger Primary School, including claims of filming.
Sgt Clarke said that after speaking to people directly and having her officers “attend the hotel”, they had not identified a risk to anyone and “there is no evidence to support that any offences had taken place”.
She added: “While I fully appreciate the community’s concerns, I ask that people don’t take this matter into their own hands, but continue to speak to the police about any incidents they witness or any concerns they have. We are well linked in with the hotel and can deliver some work there around appropriate behaviours and different cultural expectations.”’
No problem…can’t see any real issues…but in which culture is it alright to hang around a school with young kids and film them and….then what?
Just who are we allowing into our country?
What could possibly go wrong. And to print that this week…no wonder so many kids are missing from school.
I note in the Telegraph that a Just Stop Oil protester has asked for her trial to be delayed so she can do her University exams.
A 10 day trial will now be held in October.
Here’s the thing. 10 days. TEN DAYS. FFS.
What is there to discuss. They did it. People saw them. They were arrested. It should take one day maximum.
Or is this another example of TTK. Endless time in court so the Marxists can use the court as a campaigning tool.
People using hurty words against asylum seekers get fast tracked and jailed within days.