Vlad – I won’t watch it but I think – by the sound of it – that this character wants to keep if job / ratings by being ‘controversial’
…. I personally cannot see the purpose of ‘phone ins ‘…
Yes – listened to him – he is deranged …. And his version of facilitation of a killer by selling knifes is just beyond words … so I won’t waste any more ….
But perhaps taxis shouid be banned because he was taken to the scene in one – the driver shouid be locked up too – and who ever the driving tester was who gave him a driving licence … and the petrol station used to fill the taxi shouid be closed down … the tanker that bought the petrol – the refinery …. Dee Dee Dee …
Imagine – the idea of the US pulling out of NATO being floated again … I guess it’s a bargaining chip to get the parasite nations to spend on their own defence rather than exist using US taxpayers ‘ cash ….
In relation to Storm Eowyn…
I caught our local BBC Radio station presenter introducing the “climate expert” Jim Dale as a “Senior Metereologist” which was news to me. I have looked up JD before and found he has no formal metereological qualifications. I re-checked today and found he has practical experience in the Navy but little more. I’m greatly in favour of practical training but I suggest that he is woefully unqualified to comment on an escoteric Science such as climate Change.
Today, in relation to the Eowyn storm he once again blamed the frequency and intendit of storms on main made climate change. The BBC are misleading the public by describing JD as a “Senior Metereologist” in their mission of promoting the climate crisis.
What I find more alarming in a way is the fact that he is listed on a register of expert witnesses for legal cases involving Weather.
Me Dale is a very successful self promoter ie expert bullshitter.
When I was in the RN, meteorological officers were what we called schoolies. That is Instructor Officers told to do the met for flying the helicopter, that is, if the ship had one. Basically they looked out of the bridge windows and got met from the UK via teleprompter.
About this Welsh lad having the terrorist training book.
There’s a good case to be made about everybody having a copy of this book.
If you know how the enemy is going to do his attacks you may be able to use the knowledge to escape.
For example.
If the procedure for a school massacre is to lock the doors so that the children cannot escape then if you are aware of a back door or fire door, some other way out, you could lead children out that way.
If their procedure is to bomb then come in with weapons then you might be able to find a hiding place because they might think that you think the bomb was the only attack.
Basically it’s the ‘know your enemy’ thing.
Maybe this terrorist book should be issued to everyone.
As I said earlier the Authorities in Liverpool are woke Marxists as well as there being endemic corruption. Decision making in the Police, Council and Schools is dominated by woke PC madness.
The executive order, obtained by DailyMail.com, said: ‘More than 50 years after the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Federal Government has not released to the public all of its records related to those events.
‘Their families and the American people deserve transparency and truth. It is in the national interest to finally release all records related to these assassinations without delay.’
He made a similar promise in his first term but gave way to the CIA and FBI who argued that some documents should be kept from the public for fear they would reveal national security secrets.
During his first administration, Trump had promised to release all the files related to John F. Kennedy, but an undisclosed amount of material remains under wraps more than six decades after Kennedy was killed Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. The primary suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald, was killed two days later by Jack Ruby.
After appeals from the CIA and FBI, Trump blocked the release of hundreds of records. Trump said at the time the potential harm to U.S. national security, law enforcement or foreign affairs is “of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in immediate disclosure.”
“I have now determined that the continued redaction and withholding of information from records pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is not consistent with the public interest and the release of these records is long overdue,” Trump’s order states. “And although no Act of Congress directs the release of information pertaining to the assassinations of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I have determined that the release of all records in the Federal Government’s possession pertaining to each of those assassinations is also in the public interest.”
January 23, 2025
PROVIDING AMERICANS THE TRUTH AFTER SIX DECADES OF SECRECY: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order entitled Declassification of Records Concerning the Assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.
The Executive Order establishes the policy that, more than 50 years after these assassinations, the victims’ families and the American people deserve the truth.
(1) Present a plan within 15 days for the full and complete release of all John F. Kennedy assassination records; and
(2) Immediately review the records relating to the Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations and present a plan for their full and complete release within 45 days.
“I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
It is indeed informing, that so many black people in America embraced the Luther King quote above.
Then, there were so many, when they realised that DEI inititiatives gave them preferential treatment based on the colour of their skin, suddenly forgot about that quote.
Just saw President Milei of Argentina give a speech to the WEF at Davos. He was brilliant outshining Trump in his denunciation of Wokery and Globalism. The audience were put to the sword, none were spared , no prisoners taken.
He said exactly what all of us would have liked to have been able to say .
It’s a great watch if you can find it on UTube . I saw on the Times of India (!) site it just popped up .
He really stuck it to them – bet he doesn’t get an invite to the evil WEF again … thanks for putting that up …- nice to hear the UK being singled out for TTK repression …pallid applause…
Snippet … “everyone and how much has changed in
such a short time a year ago I stood
here before you
alone and spoke some truths about the
state of the western world that were met
with some surprise and astonishment by
much of the political economic and medor
establishment of the
West and I must
admit that in a way I understand
it a president from a country that as a
result of systematic economic failure
for more than 100 years as a result of
having uh the country taken weak stances
in major Global conflicts and as a
result of us having closed ourselves off
to trade we had lost practically all
International significance over the
years a president of such a country
stood on this stage and told the entire
world that they were wrong that they
were headed for failure that the West
had gone astray and that it needed to be
redirected the president of that country
Argentina who was not a ician who had no
legislative support no backing from
Governors Business Leaders or media
groups in that speech here standing before you I told
you it was the beginning of a new
Argentina that Argentina had been infected with socialism for far too long”
“(Argentine) was the Ghost
of Western Christmases yet to come
because we had already experienced
everything you were going through and we
already knew how it would end”
“it is our moral duty and our historical
responsibility to dismantle the ideological edifice of sickly wokeism until we have succeeded in rebuilding our historical Cathedral until we have ensured that the majority of Western countries once again embrace the ideas of Liberty”
Sorry everyone I don’t know why the link did not work yesterday. This is the link where it is revealed that the Tories knew about the details of the Southport “incident” at the same time as Labour. Hope it works
Unless it involves their favoured muslims, I don’t recall the bbc ever alluding to the human cost of this war, from both sides :
“President Donald Trump called for an end to the Russia-Ukraine war as part of his first sit-down interview since returning to the White House, saying Russian President Vladimir Putin should never have launched his full-scale invasion in 2022.
Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity an estimated 850,000 Russian soldiers and 700,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died since the onset of the war.
“These are human beings that are just being slaughtered on this battlefield by the millions. They’ve already died, and the cities — the cities are like demolition sites,” he said in an interview that aired Thursday on “Hannity.”
This from someone the bbc are happy to slander daily, whilst bleating about the human cost in gaza without fail.
“Settle now, and STOP this ridiculous War! IT’S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE. If we don’t make a ‘deal,’ and soon, I have no other choice but to put high levels of Taxes, Tariffs, and Sanctions on anything being sold by Russia to the United States, and various other participating countries,” Trump wrote.”
Read and digest, far left EU warmongers including starmers mob and the red blue mob.
“Zelenskyy was fighting a much bigger entity — much bigger, much more powerful. He shouldn’t have done that because we could have made a deal and it would have been a deal that would have been — it would have been a nothing deal,” Trump said. “I could have made that deal so easily, and Zelenskyy decided that ‘I want a fight.’
Trump’s special envoy for Ukraine and Russia, Ret. Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, told “America Reports” earlier this month that he’d like to see the war come to an end within 100 days of Trump taking office. “
Quite an amusing little parody of Christianity. Oh how we all laughed.However, I can’t wait to see the sequel i.e. — an amusing little parody of Islam.
Do I hear the sound of knives and swords being honed? And of course the screams of ISLAMOPHOBIA from the BBC and the rest of the Blob.
Exactly as predicted, the horrific murder and it’s absolutely disgraceful cover-up by imported enrichment which stoked the Southport riots has already been dropped by the BBC.
We have one small sub-pane on the UK page only – and it’s from yesterday. It will be gone completely by tomorrow and the whole thing buried – if they can get away with.
Contrast that with the number of ‘live-updates’ and headlines about ‘Partygate’ the BBC ran which removed a duly elected Prime Minister.
Let’s hope Trump manages his ‘great reset’ in the USA and it gives people the confidence to vote for the same here.
If one person can stop a war that’s killed hundreds of thousands in Ukraine almost immediately , and has already secured the release of Israeli young girl hostages kept by terrorists during the Biden administration for over 400 days underground…
I tried reading it but it’s like a ‘BBC Verify’ report. It meanders and waffles and you struggle to see what their point is because they want to avoid reaching obvious conclusions. They want to obfuscate. Especially when you see them desperately trying to infer ther ‘far-right’ are as guilty – or even more guilty – than the Muslims. The facts say otherwise.
The point they are missing is this : it’s not the labels which anger people so much, it’s the clear and deliberate methods they use to hide and protect extremeist murders by Muslim immigrants whilst immediately putting a picture of any white right-wing extremist up on the front page along with a full description of what he is. We are sick to death of blatant, anti-white racist discimination which is now throughout our society.
For me though a key point is this : far-right extremists are just violent yobs full of hate. Muslim extremists do it because they think it is right to do it. They firmly believe God wants them to do it. I remember reading how they were trying to sever aircraft hydraulic pipes with their teeth and bring it down when they were being flown to Guantanamo bay. That’s a special kind of desire to kill. And until you can bring Islam out of the stone age, you will not solve anything whatever you do. Instead the BBC think the solution is for us to embrace it.
Trump says something or Badenoch does and the BBC steps in instantly to try and say something to negate it.
Trump releases files on JFK and MLK and the BBC tells us it’s not important…there’s not likely to be anything in the files worth seeing….I await with interest the level of BBC coverage when they do get released.
Badenoch says, in relation to Southport, that we must do more to integrate people into Britain…BBC response is to instantly try and shoot her down by saying the judge had said that the killer was born and bred in Britain. And yet we know that second generation migrants are more likely to be radical and discontented and anti-British…and, erm, what did Starmer say in his recent speech?
‘No – this goes deeper.
A growing sense that the rights and responsibilities that we owe to one another. The set of unwritten rules that hold a nation together, have, in recent years, been ripped apart.
More and more people retreating into parallel lives, whether through failures of integration or just a country slowly turning away from itself.
Wounds that politics, for all that it may have contributed, must try to heal. ‘
Odd how the BBC so soon forgets…but then it is one organisation that has done more than most to spread disharmony, division and hate based on race.
I would suggest that the bbc photo editors have a look at the UK demographic for a start.
Divisive and insulting for all those in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Suffolk, north and south Norfolk, Lincolnshire and elsewhere. Never represented EVER yet criminalised if they don’t pay the bastards over inflated salaries and gold plated pensions whilst daily insulted and slandered as a far right minority.
‘UK-born children of migrants ‘feel more discriminated against’ than foreign migrants’
‘People born in Britain to migrant parents are more likely to feel discriminated against than migrants who are new to the UK, research suggests.
For second generation migrants, born in Britain, the sense of being discriminated against increases to 30%.’
And the parents bear no responsibility in this for failing to integrate ?
Of course not, it’s our fault somehow or somewhere.
Slavery, colonialism or something,
whilst providing free education, safety from war and genocide, free healthcare, job opportunities with DEI initiatives, and protection from racism and discrimination in law.
On a morning when our media set about mourning the Southport girls and have at last got the green light to villify their killer…
One notes of course he didn’t target his local Rwandan community centre or their African dance class for his rampage – but the less said about that the better.
Some old habits die hard…
Despite all our popular titles going with frontpage photos of child victims the junior poundshop Guardian that is i news can’t resist presenting for us yet further evidence of its feminist-flavoured anti-family stance.
Interview Jameela Jamil Not becoming a mother is one of the best decisions I’ve made (i news)
And in case you were wondering: Taylor Swift on having a baby — her mixed feelings about being a mom… “But let’s say I’m 30 and still touring: I wouldn’t want to have a family, because I couldn’t balance it. But I really have no idea about the future. It’s so unexpected. Trust me!” It’s worth also adding, in her song song “But Daddy I Love Him” from The Tortured Poets Department, she does have a lyric when she screams “I’m having his baby,” but then jokes right after “No I’m not, but you should see your faces.” (Hello!) – so I think that’s a no.
And in the words of comic Jimmy Cricket “and there’s more”
Work has been the love of my life – and a better partner than any man… At 66, unmarried and child-free, Jaci Stephen is glad she prioritised her career; her working life has been the most rewarding relationship of her life (i news)
Jaci Stephen is a UK & US award-winning journalist for the UK’s biggest newspaper, the Daily Mail, and a columnist for MailOnline.
Sad cat ladies?
Amusingly under the i news feature column title Family…
Family For the love of dogs! We’re gentle parenting our pets – no wonder they’re needy (i news)
Come, come now Mr AsI, all this talk of the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff and all your misogyny… it’s enough to have London Mayor Sadiq Khan call you out with his cry of Maaaaate!
Leave these boss girls alone, why can’t you. Let them have their say in the media, they’re not always bad-mouthing men – well, they do a bit perhaps?
Jaci has had bad luck with men: ‘Liars, cheats, flakes; self-obsessed, selfish; mean, money-grabbing, unreliable’ (i news)
Over to the FT to see how our boss girls are doing – now they’re running things.
Davos dash leaves Reeves with mountain to climb (FT) – as we’ve noted many times before Financial Times headlines read like cryptic crossword puzzle clues – so let me translate: Chancellor… has taken her bid to reset relations with business to the Alps. After weeks of sinking confidence in the wake of her Budget tax rises she headed to Davos… But the reception from the World Economic Forum crowd was mixed, with many executives still unconvinced by her growth mantra (FT)
Speaking of bad budgets
Turmoil inside competition watchdog deepens as budget error forces job cuts… Chief Sarah Cardel said that the job cuts would not affect all of the CMA (FT) – well, that’s a relief – because if they all got the sack that would be a proper bonfire of a quango.
Roula Khalaf is Editor of the Financial Times, a British-Lebanese journalist.
Seems the market-watching FT has dropped a bollock this morning: Due to a technical issue, we are unable to publish up to date market prices. The Market Data pages inside contain Wednesday’s prices. We apologise to all our readers (FT)
Well, I guess some people will still take the FT for the globalist editorial line and the relentless promotion of girl bosses.
More women make it on to US company boards but fewer reach the C-suite. New data shows progress on diversifying leadership of US companies is one step forward, two steps back (FT, May 24)
Lack of diversity in UK executive pipeline… Currently, there are only nine female chief executives in the FTSE 100, or 9 per cent… (FT) – a stunning bit of mathematic anaysis there – who says you need to have been an expert economist to run big stuff like the UK Treasury?
How Makiko Ono became one of Japan’s few female CEOs (FT)
I guess Ono is a common Japanese girl’s name… with slightly unfortunate connotations, however.
From the Japanese artist and widow of John Lennon Yoko Ono, a Yoko is a disparaging term for a woman seen as controlling, a hanger-on who stifles her mate’s achievements and stirs up conflict. It’s based on a belief that Yoko Ono caused the breakup of the Beatles. (Dictionary.com)
The Tory party are certainly not immune to boss girl issues.
Shh! Badenoch in plea to Truss… Tory leader Kemi Badenoch says she wants a period of silence from Liz Truss (The Guardian there, certainly not shy to intrude on private grief, as they say)
A storm is arriving. And to be fair it does look nasty.
On Toady, Amol ‘Mumbler’ Rajan interviews a lady who runs a hotel in an old lighthouse by the sea in Wales. She is very upbeat in the old fashioned ‘we ‘ll get through’ manner.
The power has been cut off.no electricity. She is speaking in a dark room.
‘But’ she says. ‘We have gas so we can make breakfasts’.
So she can cook and eat. And maybe keep warm in the kitchen.
But of course if she had to rely on wind power, electric heating, or heat pumps, she could do none of those things.
That gas. Really it’s quite useful. What a shame the BBC did not line up Ed Milliband for an interview immediately afterwards.
One of the advantages / disadvantages of listening to ‘today ‘ is the nuance – the omissions .
Today is a good example . They have a windy day in the winter – it’s the lead news – the ideal distraction from Southport . The BBC wants Southport to go away quick . The picture a coloured demon to disappear . I can tell .
The BBC cannot consign Southport to the usual ‘ mental issues ‘ – he was proven to be ‘sane ‘ and evil …. They don’t want to talk about him – nor how his family – and millions more of enemies landed up in the UK …..
So they do the victim statement – from a 14 year old survivor . ‘A collective isn’t that awful ‘. But that killer would have ‘got off’ on victim statements – he ll enjoy rereading them is his cell – the same way that paki paedo gangs swap them .
The bbc / Marxists are desperate to move on – no discussion of the value of these imports – no – let’s talk about something called ‘grommet and Wallace ‘ ……..
And there is President Trump . The shock is passing – the resistance is growing – anything is picked up and magnified – an Elon arm wave – a comment in a WEF speech . The bbc can’t wait to get back on the offensive with the blob … they really want him dead …..
But back to ‘prevent ‘ – which is like having a house flooded when the sewage shouid have been stopped from coming in the first place ….
Imagine all those Muslims at the mosque today swapping jokes about axel . An inspiration for the next attacks ….
Somebody on X picked up an early day monitor by a femsle liberal MP calling for more birthday cards with girl footballers on them . I know it got a mention here yesterday .
But I was surprised that the issue hasn’t got ‘traction ‘ on the BBC ( or has it ?) and ideal Southport distraction ….
… and it looks like their commons has a new airhead self publicist ….
….now back to president trump as he goes to North Carolina and California to announce the end of the democrat FEMA …. boom ..
Overview of Saudi Arabia’s Tax System
Unlike most countries, Saudi Arabia does not impose a tax on any form of personal income. This is true for both residents and non-residents of Saudi Arabia. There is also no inheritance tax, gift tax, or stamp duty. Because of this, many expats consider Saudi Arabia to be a tax-free country. However, there are still some forms of taxation, such as:
Corporate income tax
Value-added tax (VAT)
Social security tax (for residents)
Zakat (a religious wealth tax on nationals of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] countries)
Corporate Tax for Non-Residents and Businesses
While there is no personal income tax, non-Saudi and non-GCC residents who engage in business activities within Saudi Arabia are subject to a corporate tax rate of 20% on their net adjusted profits.
My, soon to be ex wife, Chinese , who finally got employed here spent days and days weeping and wailing when she saw the difference between her gross and net salary.
As you said, they don’t tax wages in other coutries.
I spent a while telling her the neighbours with an SUV car (motabilituy scam) and Amazon deliveries weekly who have never seen employment in their lives need to be looked after.
She didn’t understand, she needs to be educated. To be quite honest, I gave up.
That curve thing about taking more tax reducing economic activity seems to be working well … Rachel from accounts has tried to tell the 10 000 plus multi millionaires who have left the UK that she doesn’t really mean to harm non does or very wealthy people – so come back ….
I mean – would you ? Political posturing in opposition is a game ( see Kemi ) but when you really do stuff – it can bite .
The mini non budget is on 26 march – 61 days – she ll be after more of your money … pensions – easy to attack – and she’ll rely on envy …..
The real lessons from the the demon who murdered 3 girls in Southport are not that Amazon should be more regulated, but:
– less immigration from the dark continent.
– less Islam, which was at least partly his inspiration.
– less woke sensitivity about so-called ‘islamophobia’ and ‘racism’ which is what hampered numerous agencies from stopping the monster earlier, similarly to the grooming gangs.
So much contradiction between data … who to believe?
….As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall. {by Baroness Warsi – jan2013 }
Proud to be British – but what is British? Is being British having freedom to draw cartoons …
“ Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.” {by Douglas Murray}
Never believe anything those bogus surveys say.
The respondents will of course say they’re proud Brits, especially if the interviewer is a white Brit. In their mosques or among themselves, they’ll say something very different.
Good point Vlad – I remember the Benghazi, Libya attacks the LOCAL gov were saying in English tweets – “How can we help you.” whilst in Arabic tweets supporting the attacks.
The UK Gov said “You do know we are listening to both comms?” to which the Arabic tweets ended.
BBC website: – “the appalling details of the crimes – coupled with misinformation about the killer’s identity and background – sparked violence on the streets.”
LOL, I think, Beeb, the “misinformation” on the streets was more correct than the “information” you reported.
There’s a great game being played in the US . Federal ‘diversity officers ‘ being renamed as ‘executive officers ‘ and the like – there are loads on the X . Great fun – get fired for fraud too …
The racial element of Southport has well and truly been ignored – as though the state is still hiding the truth from the true British people – holding off a response until the third world invaders have achieved the numbers needed to win a battle ….
“Our elite class has empowered the end of our civilisation “
Ex-Marine: We Lost in Afghanistan and We’re Losing at Home Too
“James Glancy served in the Royal Marines as a Captain during the War in Afghanistan.”
Comment “At the same time this was uploaded, there was a deadly stabbing in Germany of an adult and child, by an Afghanistan immigrant. Cementing the point.”
While America is EXPLODING with positivity, confidence, optimism, energy, creativity and enterprise, we send that sad nonentity from accounts to Davos to beg for a deal.
Meanwhile, Trump tells the WEF and the EU to go make love to themselves.
PS. Does anyone else find this image highly symbolic of Trump’s dominance over the WEF pygmies?
Weird how Dan Hodges* is shilling for Starmer and saying “the far right” are the big threat
@LeoKearse replies
There’s a weird delusion on the left that if Starmer had released information about the Southport attacks, Axel Rudakabana would be freed to walk the streets.
It’s obviously complete bollocks.
Normal people, are not *far-right* for having concern that the big problem is not ONE crazy guy,
but rather an establishment which is addicted to COVERING UP things they find inconvenient.
They ARE concerned not just about 3 girls but the thousands of potential future victims.
* Dan Hodges is Daily Mail, but it is not really a righty paper.. it is very often establishment these days
Dan tweeted on Jan 19 I find it staggering how many people on the Right are so openly hoping Trump undermines and denigrates Keir Starmer, and damages Britain.
Whatever you think of him he’s still *our* Prime Minister,
and has just been democratically elected by the British people. Trump has not.
(9,200 Likes … bots ?)
* #WEfiles
#2 Starmer was NOT democratically elected
FPP and rigged media is not democracy
Leo Kearse replied
I had high hopes for Starmer prior to the election.
Then he called me “far-right” because I don’t want girls to be stabbed to death,
or gang raped, or tortured.
Donald Trump is better for Britain than these hard-left morons.
“* Dan Hodges is Daily Mail, but it is not really a righty paper.. it is very often establishment these days”
Too true. Just yesterday, Stephen Glover wrote a long opinion piece in the DM on what an “absolutely horrible man” Trump is, and how awful his policies are.
The ‘legacy media’, the msm still just don’t get it. But they will. As their readership / viewership continues to collapse, and when the Trump tsunami hits our shores for real – they will.
Afghan refugees feel ‘betrayed’ by Trump order blocking move to US https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cz0l97ee2xmo
“It’s like the United States doesn’t actually understand what I did for this country, it’s a betrayal,” Abdullah tells the BBC.
‘betrayed’? Isn’t Afghanistan a great place to live under ISLAM?
In December, women were also banned from training as midwives and nurses, effectively closing off their last route to further education in the country. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c20kn0d7d30o
Team Starmer “Don’t mention terrorism it might lead to guilty person walking free”
Team Starmer yesterday
“A TEENAGER has been arrested in connection with alleged offences under the Terrorism Act
It is understood police are investigating links to right-wing extremism.
Assistant Chief Constable Andy Freeburn said: “Shortly after 9am on Thursday, 23 January, 2025, a 16-year-old male youth was arrested outside the Inverclyde Islamic Centre, Laird Street, Greenock, in connection with offences under the Terrorism Act.”
They then used Terrorism Act to arrest another youth elsewhere and then released him
Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that involves manipulating someone into doubting their own reality. It can happen in relationships, the workplace, or other situations.
In Blighty we’ve all known for years that the only real barrier to “stopping the boats” is the complete lack of political will to do so.
USA -hundreds of illegal immigrant criminals have already been deported via military aircraft. 538 illegal immigrant criminals including a suspected terrorist, four members of the Tren de Aragua gang, and several illegals convicted of sex crimes against minors.
Removed from the streets in 36 hours. These are thugs whose whereabouts and crimes were well known by local officials, but Democrats refused to detain them.
In Clint Eastwood’s film “High Plains Drifter” (1973) the stranger tells the townspeople of Lago, who are trying to hire him to defend the town from three vengeful gunfighters, “the only problem this town’s got is A SHORT SUPPLY OF GUTS. You people don’t need me, …”
Just like Britain under the pink Uniparty of LabConLib. They are all too frightened of criticism. Maybe Trump can be the new sheriff in town, in the US at least.
Fedup2Feb 10, 21:27 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Seems TTK is to visit the true president at the end of February .. seems 2025 … will there be…
StewGreenFeb 10, 21:25 Start the Week 10th February 2025 “Karim Khan, the British chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, has been barred from entering the United States by…
Fedup2Feb 10, 21:20 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Zephir – the Marxists are at the stage where the number of invaders is now beyond deportation so sooner or…
MarkyMarkFeb 10, 21:15 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Jeremy Corbyn almost always voted against stronger laws and enforcement of immigration rules https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/10133/jeremy_corbyn/islington_north/divisions?policy=6734
ZephirFeb 10, 20:55 Start the Week 10th February 2025 @ F2 This should provide some perspective : “Labour ‘not a serious party’: Migration madness as deportation flight images published.…
Fedup2Feb 10, 20:37 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Marxist propaganda machine trying to deceive us into thinking they are doing something about illegals – suppose those who want…
Fedup2Feb 10, 20:34 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Taffman – reform is now the ‘default ‘ vote because decent people won’t vote blue or red … reform really…
taffmanFeb 10, 20:06 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Hot off the press!…….. Reform UK & Nigel Farage get the full support of the majority of the people of…
Philip_2Feb 10, 19:50 Start the Week 10th February 2025 How Trump is halting the funding of BBC bias “AS THE Trump administration begins reorganizing and cutting major funding to…
By a series of mental contortions worthy of an Olympic gymnast, the deranged James O’Brien manages to blame Bezos and Musk for the Southport killing.
I don’t recommend you waste your time watching the clip, unless you have an interest in pathological madness, and how a sick mind works.
Vlad – I won’t watch it but I think – by the sound of it – that this character wants to keep if job / ratings by being ‘controversial’
…. I personally cannot see the purpose of ‘phone ins ‘…
This is beyond controversial, it’s psychotic.
needs the shit kicked out of him
Yes – listened to him – he is deranged …. And his version of facilitation of a killer by selling knifes is just beyond words … so I won’t waste any more ….
But perhaps taxis shouid be banned because he was taken to the scene in one – the driver shouid be locked up too – and who ever the driving tester was who gave him a driving licence … and the petrol station used to fill the taxi shouid be closed down … the tanker that bought the petrol – the refinery …. Dee Dee Dee …
Imagine – the idea of the US pulling out of NATO being floated again … I guess it’s a bargaining chip to get the parasite nations to spend on their own defence rather than exist using US taxpayers ‘ cash ….
BBC seemed to have missed this one
100 pages of redacted paper!
In relation to Storm Eowyn…
I caught our local BBC Radio station presenter introducing the “climate expert” Jim Dale as a “Senior Metereologist” which was news to me. I have looked up JD before and found he has no formal metereological qualifications. I re-checked today and found he has practical experience in the Navy but little more. I’m greatly in favour of practical training but I suggest that he is woefully unqualified to comment on an escoteric Science such as climate Change.
Today, in relation to the Eowyn storm he once again blamed the frequency and intendit of storms on main made climate change. The BBC are misleading the public by describing JD as a “Senior Metereologist” in their mission of promoting the climate crisis.
What I find more alarming in a way is the fact that he is listed on a register of expert witnesses for legal cases involving Weather.
Me Dale is a very successful self promoter ie expert bullshitter.
Nostrildamus the ex deck swabbing matelot performing fuckwit – trousers another £300.
That “expert witness” talent agency that markets him must do quite well too.
Click to access E4323.pdf
He was great in the Carry On films though.
Memories are made of this.
Was he not in the ‘Carry On’ films?
When I was in the RN, meteorological officers were what we called schoolies. That is Instructor Officers told to do the met for flying the helicopter, that is, if the ship had one. Basically they looked out of the bridge windows and got met from the UK via teleprompter.
About this Welsh lad having the terrorist training book.
There’s a good case to be made about everybody having a copy of this book.
If you know how the enemy is going to do his attacks you may be able to use the knowledge to escape.
For example.
If the procedure for a school massacre is to lock the doors so that the children cannot escape then if you are aware of a back door or fire door, some other way out, you could lead children out that way.
If their procedure is to bomb then come in with weapons then you might be able to find a hiding place because they might think that you think the bomb was the only attack.
Basically it’s the ‘know your enemy’ thing.
Maybe this terrorist book should be issued to everyone.
Liverpool ‘child asylum seekers’ found to be adults
Published 8 December 2018
Twenty-four asylum seekers who claimed they were children after being sent to Liverpool were found to be adults, the city’s council has said.
The authority said another 15 asylum seekers “should have been identified as children” by the government and accommodated in London instead.
A Home Office spokesman said age-disputed cases remain “a very challenging area”.
Liverpool City Council wants to recover £657,000 for supporting the children.
As I said earlier the Authorities in Liverpool are woke Marxists as well as there being endemic corruption. Decision making in the Police, Council and Schools is dominated by woke PC madness.
The executive order, obtained by DailyMail.com, said: ‘More than 50 years after the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Federal Government has not released to the public all of its records related to those events.
‘Their families and the American people deserve transparency and truth. It is in the national interest to finally release all records related to these assassinations without delay.’
He made a similar promise in his first term but gave way to the CIA and FBI who argued that some documents should be kept from the public for fear they would reveal national security secrets.
During his first administration, Trump had promised to release all the files related to John F. Kennedy, but an undisclosed amount of material remains under wraps more than six decades after Kennedy was killed Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. The primary suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald, was killed two days later by Jack Ruby.
After appeals from the CIA and FBI, Trump blocked the release of hundreds of records. Trump said at the time the potential harm to U.S. national security, law enforcement or foreign affairs is “of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in immediate disclosure.”
“I have now determined that the continued redaction and withholding of information from records pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is not consistent with the public interest and the release of these records is long overdue,” Trump’s order states. “And although no Act of Congress directs the release of information pertaining to the assassinations of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I have determined that the release of all records in the Federal Government’s possession pertaining to each of those assassinations is also in the public interest.”
The deep state is f@cked
January 23, 2025
PROVIDING AMERICANS THE TRUTH AFTER SIX DECADES OF SECRECY: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order entitled Declassification of Records Concerning the Assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.
The Executive Order establishes the policy that, more than 50 years after these assassinations, the victims’ families and the American people deserve the truth.
(1) Present a plan within 15 days for the full and complete release of all John F. Kennedy assassination records; and
(2) Immediately review the records relating to the Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations and present a plan for their full and complete release within 45 days.
What are you, a bloody echo chamber or something ?
Linked to USA site – was hoping for more detail.
Good to have different sources i.e. not just BBC!
Unt im Deutschland
There should award recognition for that?
Once again, America is back.
“I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
It is indeed informing, that so many black people in America embraced the Luther King quote above.
Then, there were so many, when they realised that DEI inititiatives gave them preferential treatment based on the colour of their skin, suddenly forgot about that quote.
Trump addresses World Economic Forum in Davos
“I love how straight he talks. He doesn’t say different things to different groups of people. His message is consistent and he does what he says.”
“Everything Schwab and his WEF cronies didn’t want to hear. I hope they’re all crapping their pants.”
Just saw President Milei of Argentina give a speech to the WEF at Davos. He was brilliant outshining Trump in his denunciation of Wokery and Globalism. The audience were put to the sword, none were spared , no prisoners taken.
He said exactly what all of us would have liked to have been able to say .
It’s a great watch if you can find it on UTube . I saw on the Times of India (!) site it just popped up .
Never mind we have a robotic, vicious, vindictive serial liar as a leader
He really stuck it to them – bet he doesn’t get an invite to the evil WEF again … thanks for putting that up …- nice to hear the UK being singled out for TTK repression …pallid applause…
What a brilliant speech by Milei
Snippet … “everyone and how much has changed in
such a short time a year ago I stood
here before you
alone and spoke some truths about the
state of the western world that were met
with some surprise and astonishment by
much of the political economic and medor
establishment of the
West and I must
admit that in a way I understand
it a president from a country that as a
result of systematic economic failure
for more than 100 years as a result of
having uh the country taken weak stances
in major Global conflicts and as a
result of us having closed ourselves off
to trade we had lost practically all
International significance over the
years a president of such a country
stood on this stage and told the entire
world that they were wrong that they
were headed for failure that the West
had gone astray and that it needed to be
redirected the president of that country
Argentina who was not a ician who had no
legislative support no backing from
Governors Business Leaders or media
groups in that speech here standing before you I told
you it was the beginning of a new
Argentina that Argentina had been
infected with socialism for far too long”
infected with socialism for far too long
“(Argentine) was the Ghost
of Western Christmases yet to come
because we had already experienced
everything you were going through and we
already knew how it would end”
“it is our moral duty and our historical
responsibility to dismantle the ideological edifice of sickly wokeism until we have succeeded in rebuilding our historical Cathedral until we have ensured that the majority of Western countries once again embrace the ideas of Liberty”
Sorry everyone I don’t know why the link did not work yesterday. This is the link where it is revealed that the Tories knew about the details of the Southport “incident” at the same time as Labour. Hope it works
Just by mistake tuned to QT as they were discussing how we might avoid a repeat of the Southport atrocity.
This country is Donald Ducked isn’t it.
When people ask “what use are the Liberal Democrats?
Oh God!! These MPs must have nothing to do. Time to cut parliament to 100 MPs max.!!
Scrap parliament altogether. We can take our orders from Brussels, like we have been doing all these years.
Could be worse …. what’s Clarkson moaning about?
I didn’t realise that white SA farmers are being export restricted to UK /EU (claim in the replies…)
This is a South African politician pushing for land theft, Pemmy Majodina.
I’m sure she cares very much about the poor. 🤦♂️
Certainly resetting the bar for that daft ism bint getting excited about cultural appropriation that somehow got the bbc worked up.
Unless it involves their favoured muslims, I don’t recall the bbc ever alluding to the human cost of this war, from both sides :
“President Donald Trump called for an end to the Russia-Ukraine war as part of his first sit-down interview since returning to the White House, saying Russian President Vladimir Putin should never have launched his full-scale invasion in 2022.
Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity an estimated 850,000 Russian soldiers and 700,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died since the onset of the war.
“These are human beings that are just being slaughtered on this battlefield by the millions. They’ve already died, and the cities — the cities are like demolition sites,” he said in an interview that aired Thursday on “Hannity.”
This from someone the bbc are happy to slander daily, whilst bleating about the human cost in gaza without fail.
“Settle now, and STOP this ridiculous War! IT’S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE. If we don’t make a ‘deal,’ and soon, I have no other choice but to put high levels of Taxes, Tariffs, and Sanctions on anything being sold by Russia to the United States, and various other participating countries,” Trump wrote.”
“and various other participating countries”
Read and digest, far left EU warmongers including starmers mob and the red blue mob.
“Zelenskyy was fighting a much bigger entity — much bigger, much more powerful. He shouldn’t have done that because we could have made a deal and it would have been a deal that would have been — it would have been a nothing deal,” Trump said. “I could have made that deal so easily, and Zelenskyy decided that ‘I want a fight.’
Trump’s special envoy for Ukraine and Russia, Ret. Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, told “America Reports” earlier this month that he’d like to see the war come to an end within 100 days of Trump taking office. “
Quite an amusing little parody of Christianity. Oh how we all laughed.However, I can’t wait to see the sequel i.e. — an amusing little parody of Islam.
Do I hear the sound of knives and swords being honed? And of course the screams of ISLAMOPHOBIA from the BBC and the rest of the Blob.
“Aisha runs from her tent clutching here teddy bear as Mohammed says it’s God’s request … pulls up his trousers.”
4 min 30
Exactly as predicted, the horrific murder and it’s absolutely disgraceful cover-up by imported enrichment which stoked the Southport riots has already been dropped by the BBC.
We have one small sub-pane on the UK page only – and it’s from yesterday. It will be gone completely by tomorrow and the whole thing buried – if they can get away with.
Contrast that with the number of ‘live-updates’ and headlines about ‘Partygate’ the BBC ran which removed a duly elected Prime Minister.
Let’s hope Trump manages his ‘great reset’ in the USA and it gives people the confidence to vote for the same here.
If one person can stop a war that’s killed hundreds of thousands in Ukraine almost immediately , and has already secured the release of Israeli young girl hostages kept by terrorists during the Biden administration for over 400 days underground…
and the bbc hate it
who’s the enemy ?
As if by magic they have put up this:
‘Could calling attacks like Southport ‘terrorism’ help to prevent them?’
I tried reading it but it’s like a ‘BBC Verify’ report. It meanders and waffles and you struggle to see what their point is because they want to avoid reaching obvious conclusions. They want to obfuscate. Especially when you see them desperately trying to infer ther ‘far-right’ are as guilty – or even more guilty – than the Muslims. The facts say otherwise.
The point they are missing is this : it’s not the labels which anger people so much, it’s the clear and deliberate methods they use to hide and protect extremeist murders by Muslim immigrants whilst immediately putting a picture of any white right-wing extremist up on the front page along with a full description of what he is. We are sick to death of blatant, anti-white racist discimination which is now throughout our society.
For me though a key point is this : far-right extremists are just violent yobs full of hate. Muslim extremists do it because they think it is right to do it. They firmly believe God wants them to do it. I remember reading how they were trying to sever aircraft hydraulic pipes with their teeth and bring it down when they were being flown to Guantanamo bay. That’s a special kind of desire to kill. And until you can bring Islam out of the stone age, you will not solve anything whatever you do. Instead the BBC think the solution is for us to embrace it.
Trump says something or Badenoch does and the BBC steps in instantly to try and say something to negate it.
Trump releases files on JFK and MLK and the BBC tells us it’s not important…there’s not likely to be anything in the files worth seeing….I await with interest the level of BBC coverage when they do get released.
Badenoch says, in relation to Southport, that we must do more to integrate people into Britain…BBC response is to instantly try and shoot her down by saying the judge had said that the killer was born and bred in Britain. And yet we know that second generation migrants are more likely to be radical and discontented and anti-British…and, erm, what did Starmer say in his recent speech?
‘No – this goes deeper.
A growing sense that the rights and responsibilities that we owe to one another. The set of unwritten rules that hold a nation together, have, in recent years, been ripped apart.
More and more people retreating into parallel lives, whether through failures of integration or just a country slowly turning away from itself.
Wounds that politics, for all that it may have contributed, must try to heal. ‘
Odd how the BBC so soon forgets…but then it is one organisation that has done more than most to spread disharmony, division and hate based on race.
I would suggest that the bbc photo editors have a look at the UK demographic for a start.
Divisive and insulting for all those in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Suffolk, north and south Norfolk, Lincolnshire and elsewhere. Never represented EVER yet criminalised if they don’t pay the bastards over inflated salaries and gold plated pensions whilst daily insulted and slandered as a far right minority.
It’s ‘positive discrimination’ which is illegal.
They will say it isn’t – but at the end of the day, BAME people are being given jobs instead of white people as a result of it.
Just watch TV ads. Therein lies the truth.
From the BBC itself…lol…
‘UK-born children of migrants ‘feel more discriminated against’ than foreign migrants’
‘People born in Britain to migrant parents are more likely to feel discriminated against than migrants who are new to the UK, research suggests.
For second generation migrants, born in Britain, the sense of being discriminated against increases to 30%.’
When it suits the BBC forgets its own narratives.
And the parents bear no responsibility in this for failing to integrate ?
Of course not, it’s our fault somehow or somewhere.
Slavery, colonialism or something,
whilst providing free education, safety from war and genocide, free healthcare, job opportunities with DEI initiatives, and protection from racism and discrimination in law.
That will be because the BBC are constantly telling them they are discriminated against.
I bet if you did some random samples and quizzed them why they feel so discriminated against, few could come up with many actual examples.
Still rubbing our noses in Bliar’s diversity ain’t they the treacherous barstewards.
Thommo still working his magic.
Lurch best watch his back.
Intruding on private grief edition
On a morning when our media set about mourning the Southport girls and have at last got the green light to villify their killer…
One notes of course he didn’t target his local Rwandan community centre or their African dance class for his rampage – but the less said about that the better.
Some old habits die hard…
Despite all our popular titles going with frontpage photos of child victims the junior poundshop Guardian that is i news can’t resist presenting for us yet further evidence of its feminist-flavoured anti-family stance.
Interview Jameela Jamil Not becoming a mother is one of the best decisions I’ve made (i news)
And in case you were wondering: Taylor Swift on having a baby — her mixed feelings about being a mom… “But let’s say I’m 30 and still touring: I wouldn’t want to have a family, because I couldn’t balance it. But I really have no idea about the future. It’s so unexpected. Trust me!” It’s worth also adding, in her song song “But Daddy I Love Him” from The Tortured Poets Department, she does have a lyric when she screams “I’m having his baby,” but then jokes right after “No I’m not, but you should see your faces.” (Hello!) – so I think that’s a no.
And in the words of comic Jimmy Cricket “and there’s more”
Work has been the love of my life – and a better partner than any man… At 66, unmarried and child-free, Jaci Stephen is glad she prioritised her career; her working life has been the most rewarding relationship of her life (i news)
Jaci Stephen is a UK & US award-winning journalist for the UK’s biggest newspaper, the Daily Mail, and a columnist for MailOnline.
Sad cat ladies?
Amusingly under the i news feature column title Family…
Family For the love of dogs! We’re gentle parenting our pets – no wonder they’re needy (i news)
Come, come now Mr AsI, all this talk of the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff and all your misogyny… it’s enough to have London Mayor Sadiq Khan call you out with his cry of Maaaaate!
Leave these boss girls alone, why can’t you. Let them have their say in the media, they’re not always bad-mouthing men – well, they do a bit perhaps?
Jaci has had bad luck with men: ‘Liars, cheats, flakes; self-obsessed, selfish; mean, money-grabbing, unreliable’ (i news)
Over to the FT to see how our boss girls are doing – now they’re running things.
Davos dash leaves Reeves with mountain to climb (FT) – as we’ve noted many times before Financial Times headlines read like cryptic crossword puzzle clues – so let me translate: Chancellor… has taken her bid to reset relations with business to the Alps. After weeks of sinking confidence in the wake of her Budget tax rises she headed to Davos… But the reception from the World Economic Forum crowd was mixed, with many executives still unconvinced by her growth mantra (FT)
Speaking of bad budgets
Turmoil inside competition watchdog deepens as budget error forces job cuts… Chief Sarah Cardel said that the job cuts would not affect all of the CMA (FT) – well, that’s a relief – because if they all got the sack that would be a proper bonfire of a quango.
Roula Khalaf is Editor of the Financial Times, a British-Lebanese journalist.
Seems the market-watching FT has dropped a bollock this morning: Due to a technical issue, we are unable to publish up to date market prices. The Market Data pages inside contain Wednesday’s prices. We apologise to all our readers (FT)
Well, I guess some people will still take the FT for the globalist editorial line and the relentless promotion of girl bosses.
More women make it on to US company boards but fewer reach the C-suite. New data shows progress on diversifying leadership of US companies is one step forward, two steps back (FT, May 24)
Lack of diversity in UK executive pipeline… Currently, there are only nine female chief executives in the FTSE 100, or 9 per cent… (FT) – a stunning bit of mathematic anaysis there – who says you need to have been an expert economist to run big stuff like the UK Treasury?
How Makiko Ono became one of Japan’s few female CEOs (FT)
I guess Ono is a common Japanese girl’s name… with slightly unfortunate connotations, however.
From the Japanese artist and widow of John Lennon Yoko Ono, a Yoko is a disparaging term for a woman seen as controlling, a hanger-on who stifles her mate’s achievements and stirs up conflict. It’s based on a belief that Yoko Ono caused the breakup of the Beatles. (Dictionary.com)
The Tory party are certainly not immune to boss girl issues.
Shh! Badenoch in plea to Truss… Tory leader Kemi Badenoch says she wants a period of silence from Liz Truss (The Guardian there, certainly not shy to intrude on private grief, as they say)
One could look at it this way, the theory of evolution is all about adapting to survive.
You move to the UK. You bring with you all the hatred of other tribes in the war torn country you came from with you.
Do you adapt to the UK ?
Or, as I have witnessed, have collection boxes in your corner shop for Syrian terrorists, what do your children focus on at home ?
Tribal hateful mindset brought to the UK
Why do you think Saddam Hussein was a “monster” and why do you think Assad was a “monster” ? and anyone else that has to rule these people ?
A storm is arriving. And to be fair it does look nasty.
On Toady, Amol ‘Mumbler’ Rajan interviews a lady who runs a hotel in an old lighthouse by the sea in Wales. She is very upbeat in the old fashioned ‘we ‘ll get through’ manner.
The power has been cut off.no electricity. She is speaking in a dark room.
‘But’ she says. ‘We have gas so we can make breakfasts’.
So she can cook and eat. And maybe keep warm in the kitchen.
But of course if she had to rely on wind power, electric heating, or heat pumps, she could do none of those things.
That gas. Really it’s quite useful. What a shame the BBC did not line up Ed Milliband for an interview immediately afterwards.
When they do, maybe they could get Che to organise the panel?
Meanwhile, from Zany Mentoes Bedded of the now utterly lost Economist:
‘Welcome to Donald Trump’s imperial presidency’
Doing what he was voted in to do.
Guessing she is totes cool with TTK’s impositions of stuff not mentioned to snag a no mandate % of national votes?
“Let me now turn to a tiny mindless minority in our society”
“A gang of thugs that proceeded to throw bricks at police officers”
Meanhile, a week before, let us not forget, the muzzies were on the rampage
One of the advantages / disadvantages of listening to ‘today ‘ is the nuance – the omissions .
Today is a good example . They have a windy day in the winter – it’s the lead news – the ideal distraction from Southport . The BBC wants Southport to go away quick . The picture a coloured demon to disappear . I can tell .
The BBC cannot consign Southport to the usual ‘ mental issues ‘ – he was proven to be ‘sane ‘ and evil …. They don’t want to talk about him – nor how his family – and millions more of enemies landed up in the UK …..
So they do the victim statement – from a 14 year old survivor . ‘A collective isn’t that awful ‘. But that killer would have ‘got off’ on victim statements – he ll enjoy rereading them is his cell – the same way that paki paedo gangs swap them .
The bbc / Marxists are desperate to move on – no discussion of the value of these imports – no – let’s talk about something called ‘grommet and Wallace ‘ ……..
And there is President Trump . The shock is passing – the resistance is growing – anything is picked up and magnified – an Elon arm wave – a comment in a WEF speech . The bbc can’t wait to get back on the offensive with the blob … they really want him dead …..
But back to ‘prevent ‘ – which is like having a house flooded when the sewage shouid have been stopped from coming in the first place ….
Imagine all those Muslims at the mosque today swapping jokes about axel . An inspiration for the next attacks ….
It has taken severaL years but the Trots have succeeded with their deep entry tactics in controlling both the Labour Party/Govt and the BBC
And much else besides.
HA HA HA! It’s all in the name of saving the MONEY oh PLANET oh MONEY …..
“Labour MPs ordered to sink landmark climate and environment bill
Exclusive: Supporters of bill say Labour has already insisted on removal of clauses requiring UK to meet targets agreed at Cop and other summits”
Starmer: New UK target for 81% emissions cut by 2035
Somebody on X picked up an early day monitor by a femsle liberal MP calling for more birthday cards with girl footballers on them . I know it got a mention here yesterday .
But I was surprised that the issue hasn’t got ‘traction ‘ on the BBC ( or has it ?) and ideal Southport distraction ….
… and it looks like their commons has a new airhead self publicist ….
….now back to president trump as he goes to North Carolina and California to announce the end of the democrat FEMA …. boom ..
Happy Birthday!
“You survived another year in the UK – you get extra points for living in London!”
Overview of Saudi Arabia’s Tax System
Unlike most countries, Saudi Arabia does not impose a tax on any form of personal income. This is true for both residents and non-residents of Saudi Arabia. There is also no inheritance tax, gift tax, or stamp duty. Because of this, many expats consider Saudi Arabia to be a tax-free country. However, there are still some forms of taxation, such as:
Corporate income tax
Value-added tax (VAT)
Social security tax (for residents)
Zakat (a religious wealth tax on nationals of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] countries)
Corporate Tax for Non-Residents and Businesses
While there is no personal income tax, non-Saudi and non-GCC residents who engage in business activities within Saudi Arabia are subject to a corporate tax rate of 20% on their net adjusted profits.
For the very first time Mr MM
I feel I need to respond in a positive manner.
My, soon to be ex wife, Chinese , who finally got employed here spent days and days weeping and wailing when she saw the difference between her gross and net salary.
As you said, they don’t tax wages in other coutries.
I spent a while telling her the neighbours with an SUV car (motabilituy scam) and Amazon deliveries weekly who have never seen employment in their lives need to be looked after.
She didn’t understand, she needs to be educated. To be quite honest, I gave up.
Maybe we need to be educated, just a thought
Take more of her money for penance! HA HA HA HAHA !
I have surmised her philosphy:
“what’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine”
I just wished I learned that earlier….
That curve thing about taking more tax reducing economic activity seems to be working well … Rachel from accounts has tried to tell the 10 000 plus multi millionaires who have left the UK that she doesn’t really mean to harm non does or very wealthy people – so come back ….
I mean – would you ? Political posturing in opposition is a game ( see Kemi ) but when you really do stuff – it can bite .
The mini non budget is on 26 march – 61 days – she ll be after more of your money … pensions – easy to attack – and she’ll rely on envy …..
The problem is
The realist markets don’t listen to a lying incompetent marxist
Search words “Labour” x 0
Search words “Rachel” x 0
Search words “Reeves” x 0
Search words “Reeves” x 0
Minister x 0
Government x 2
Record jump in number of firms in financial distress
The real lessons from the the demon who murdered 3 girls in Southport are not that Amazon should be more regulated, but:
– less immigration from the dark continent.
– less Islam, which was at least partly his inspiration.
– less woke sensitivity about so-called ‘islamophobia’ and ‘racism’ which is what hampered numerous agencies from stopping the monster earlier, similarly to the grooming gangs.
How many other Radukabanu’s are there in the UK?
How many agree with what he did?
So much contradiction between data … who to believe?
….As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall. {by Baroness Warsi – jan2013 }
Proud to be British – but what is British? Is being British having freedom to draw cartoons …
“ Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.” {by Douglas Murray}
Never believe anything those bogus surveys say.
The respondents will of course say they’re proud Brits, especially if the interviewer is a white Brit. In their mosques or among themselves, they’ll say something very different.
Good point Vlad – I remember the Benghazi, Libya attacks the LOCAL gov were saying in English tweets – “How can we help you.” whilst in Arabic tweets supporting the attacks.
The UK Gov said “You do know we are listening to both comms?” to which the Arabic tweets ended.
Vlad, I’ve been told that very thing by an ex-Muslim.
“what we would say to your face was very different than how we would speak behind your back”
There’ll be plenty planning bigger attacks right now … and enjoying the horror …
240 schools shut in HUngary due to Islamophobia!
BBC website: – “the appalling details of the crimes – coupled with misinformation about the killer’s identity and background – sparked violence on the streets.”
LOL, I think, Beeb, the “misinformation” on the streets was more correct than the “information” you reported.
The bbc was getting some treatment outside Liverpool crown court ..
Spot on popeye! The BBC have truly become the Ministry of Truth…
There’s a great game being played in the US . Federal ‘diversity officers ‘ being renamed as ‘executive officers ‘ and the like – there are loads on the X . Great fun – get fired for fraud too …
“Diversity is our strength” to “Executives are our strength”
The racial element of Southport has well and truly been ignored – as though the state is still hiding the truth from the true British people – holding off a response until the third world invaders have achieved the numbers needed to win a battle ….
What battle? The population isn’t even allowed to complain, never mind fight back. They’ve already won.
Fair comment – I was playing out what the inevitable religion/ turf wars would look like ….
P{opcorn time
We need more woman on birthday cards….
“Our elite class has empowered the end of our civilisation “
Ex-Marine: We Lost in Afghanistan and We’re Losing at Home Too
“James Glancy served in the Royal Marines as a Captain during the War in Afghanistan.”
Comment “At the same time this was uploaded, there was a deadly stabbing in Germany of an adult and child, by an Afghanistan immigrant. Cementing the point.”
While America is EXPLODING with positivity, confidence, optimism, energy, creativity and enterprise, we send that sad nonentity from accounts to Davos to beg for a deal.
Meanwhile, Trump tells the WEF and the EU to go make love to themselves.
PS. Does anyone else find this image highly symbolic of Trump’s dominance over the WEF pygmies?
Article: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/2004645/donald-trump-attacks-european-union-davos-speech
Weird how Dan Hodges* is shilling for Starmer and saying “the far right” are the big threat
@LeoKearse replies
There’s a weird delusion on the left that if Starmer had released information about the Southport attacks, Axel Rudakabana would be freed to walk the streets.
It’s obviously complete bollocks.
Normal people, are not *far-right* for having concern that the big problem is not ONE crazy guy,
but rather an establishment which is addicted to COVERING UP things they find inconvenient.
They ARE concerned not just about 3 girls but the thousands of potential future victims.
* Dan Hodges is Daily Mail, but it is not really a righty paper.. it is very often establishment these days
Dan tweeted on Jan 19
I find it staggering how many people on the Right are so openly hoping Trump undermines and denigrates Keir Starmer, and damages Britain.
Whatever you think of him he’s still *our* Prime Minister,
and has just been democratically elected by the British people. Trump has not.
(9,200 Likes … bots ?)
* #WEfiles
#2 Starmer was NOT democratically elected
FPP and rigged media is not democracy
Leo Kearse replied
I had high hopes for Starmer prior to the election.
Then he called me “far-right” because I don’t want girls to be stabbed to death,
or gang raped, or tortured.
Donald Trump is better for Britain than these hard-left morons.
“* Dan Hodges is Daily Mail, but it is not really a righty paper.. it is very often establishment these days”
Too true. Just yesterday, Stephen Glover wrote a long opinion piece in the DM on what an “absolutely horrible man” Trump is, and how awful his policies are.
The ‘legacy media’, the msm still just don’t get it. But they will. As their readership / viewership continues to collapse, and when the Trump tsunami hits our shores for real – they will.
Trump told not to put massive tariffs on UK
Afghan refugees feel ‘betrayed’ by Trump order blocking move to US
“It’s like the United States doesn’t actually understand what I did for this country, it’s a betrayal,” Abdullah tells the BBC.
‘betrayed’? Isn’t Afghanistan a great place to live under ISLAM?
In December, women were also banned from training as midwives and nurses, effectively closing off their last route to further education in the country.
I guess the Conservatives could have stopped this .. oh wait …

Liverpudlians abuse BBC news teams and kick them out over the Southport cover-up.
The people are waking up to their tricks!
Excellent. Well done them.
Team Starmer “Don’t mention terrorism it might lead to guilty person walking free”
Team Starmer yesterday
“A TEENAGER has been arrested in connection with alleged offences under the Terrorism Act
It is understood police are investigating links to right-wing extremism.
Assistant Chief Constable Andy Freeburn said: “Shortly after 9am on Thursday, 23 January, 2025, a 16-year-old male youth was arrested outside the Inverclyde Islamic Centre, Laird Street, Greenock, in connection with offences under the Terrorism Act.”
They then used Terrorism Act to arrest another youth elsewhere and then released him
Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that involves manipulating someone into doubting their own reality. It can happen in relationships, the workplace, or other situations.
In Blighty we’ve all known for years that the only real barrier to “stopping the boats” is the complete lack of political will to do so.
USA -hundreds of illegal immigrant criminals have already been deported via military aircraft. 538 illegal immigrant criminals including a suspected terrorist, four members of the Tren de Aragua gang, and several illegals convicted of sex crimes against minors.
Removed from the streets in 36 hours. These are thugs whose whereabouts and crimes were well known by local officials, but Democrats refused to detain them.

Someone is laughing and getting his benefits today!

In Clint Eastwood’s film “High Plains Drifter” (1973) the stranger tells the townspeople of Lago, who are trying to hire him to defend the town from three vengeful gunfighters, “the only problem this town’s got is A SHORT SUPPLY OF GUTS. You people don’t need me, …”
Just like Britain under the pink Uniparty of LabConLib. They are all too frightened of criticism. Maybe Trump can be the new sheriff in town, in the US at least.