448 Responses to Midweek 5th February 2025

  1. non-licence payer says:

    Lobbed up, on the head and straight into the net.


    • digg says:

      Lucy Letby….

      Beginning to look like a cabal of professional health care professionals decided to sacrifice a junior nurse to save their arses to me. Possibly involving shared Masonic lodges with the investigating cop.

      If this turns out to be the case I really hope they end up doing time!


      • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

        If this is true, then it’s yet another example of what one historian called (in a pre-English Civil War context) “multiple dysfunction” in the British state.

        How many more scandals are there to be revealed? I note inter alia so far: the NHS infected blood transfusions; the Post Office Horizon computers; Covid vaccine harms and the ruinous lockdown response; repeated NHS failures; inaction and coverups of child-rape in Rotherham, Telford, Rochdale, Derby, Oxford, and less well-known ones in Yeovil, High Wycombe, etc; MPs claims for expenses; foreign influence over politicians; missed opportunities to prevent terror attacks such as Manchester Arena on 22/5/2017 and Southport in 2024; catastrophic levels of legal and illegal immigration, against the expressed wishes of the people; failure to commit to new nuclear power stations when older ones are due to reach the end of their useful life; absurd net zero and decarbonization policies crippling industry and citizens with very high energy prices; fetishization of international law over our own traditions; two-tier justice according to your religion, race, sexuality, gender; the BBC as it staggers from one disaster to the next; etc.

        No doubt you can think of many more. This is MULTIPLE DYSFUNCTION in a failing state.


      • Up2snuff says:

        digg, the only problem with that explanation is the fact that Letby wrote ‘I am evil’ and ‘I did it’ after the baby deaths. That could be explained by PTSD and that a neo-natal nurse, trained to save babies lives, was so distraught, upset and consumed with grief that what she wrote was not true. But those writings have to be explained

        Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi does have a very good point, his explanation rings true.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:


        The masons are not what they were. Our local lodge has closed down and been demolished for flats.


  2. non-licence payer says:

    The greatest cheerleader of emotion in UK political decision taking is the bBC.

    Question has the integration of emotion into our decision taking process improved or deteriorated the state?


  3. atlas_shrugged says:

    It is of interest that our adversarial system is always looking for one thing and one person to blame. In truth life is more complicated than that.

    I am with digg that other parties who also can be blamed never seem to take the wrap.

    A complete overhaul of our medical and justice system are probably now due.


    • Square-Eyed says:


      I agree with your comments and those of the others above.

      Surely a National Day of Prayer for our country is long overdue. The last it seems was in 1947.

      “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” (Psalm 33:12) You can figure out for yourself what happens to a nation that goes in the opposite direction.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      ‘Lessons learned’


  4. Zephir says:

    The U.S. will “take over the Gaza strip,” level it and rebuild the area, President Donald Trump said during a press conference Tuesday evening after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    “The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it too,” Trump said Tuesday evening in a joint press conference with Netanyahu. “We’ll own it, and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous, unexplored bombs and other weapons on the site.”

    “Level the site and get rid of the destroyed buildings, level it out, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area. Do a real job. Do something different. Just can’t go back. If you go back, it’s going to end up the same way it has for 100 years.”



    • JohnC says:

      The elephant in the room which the BBC will not mention is that none of the other Muslim countries nearby want anybody from Gaza. For obvious reasons : as a general rule, they are either terrorists or support the terrorists.

      Not to worry though : I’m sure they can come here while TTK Starmer is in charge.

      Meanwhile the BBC’s panties are wringing wet again.


  5. Scroblene says:

    There’s the usual negativity from Beeboids and Fa(i)lling Sky about President Trump trying to reshape and build things in Gaza, where all the MSM seem to do is enjoy seeing everything destroyed.

    ‘Comments’ from various ‘experts’ all seem to ‘poo poo’ any plans for making a bold decision to reform an area which needs to be done anyway, and why rely on spineless politicians and terrorist groups and other factions, to make any difference other than the status quo, so they can keep on whingeing forever?


  6. JohnC says:

    What annoys me Scrobs is that the Left don’t give a shit about the Palestinians. If they were fighting another Muslim country and slaughtering each other like they are in Africa, it wouldn’t even make the news. They are painting them purely as ‘victims’ so they can virtue-signal and push their white-guilt, anti-semetic, anti-Right agenda.

    If only we could ship the BBC staff out to actually live among Hamas for 6 months before they are allowed to report on it. The poor luvvies would be horrified.


    • Scroblene says:

      By coincidence John, I actually wrote another paragraph about the ‘victimhood’ which Beeboids dribble about, but thought I’d gone on enough!

      So thank you for adding a very useful point for me!

      I don’t think there are enough 5 star hotels for Beeboids to stay over there too…


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I think the Palestinians need to learn that if you keep on making war on your neighbour, and keep on losing, then there will be consequences. How many Germans are there in Poland or the Czech Republic these days?


  7. andyjsnape says:

    What we know so far about Sweden school shooting

    Does anyone know if this was the Religion of peace again? bbc doesn’t really give me a of clue, which suggests it is


    • Fedup2 says:

      Andy – somehow i think it wasn’t a Welsh choir boy – although it might be a Swedish convert for a change … but the rule is – the longer they hold off the details the more Islamic it is …..

      Sad to have had so many cases that we get to read between the lines …


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Religion of Pierce more like.


  8. Fedup2 says:

    I think president trump reads our site – I suggested flattening the Gaza Strip and sending the Hamas terrorists / Palestinians to Egypt and the like .

    The remaining land will be a mix of golf courses and resorts with nice views of the sea .. there ll also be a plan the hold the olympics in Gaza in 2080 …


    • JohnC says:

      Morning Donald. Love your work so far : keep it up.

      Put a big wall around Gaza because once it’s done nice because all the locals will be smuggling themselves back in to take whatever they can get.


  9. Doublethinker says:

    It’s many years since I have enjoyed watching tv so much. I spent some time watching the British commentariat reaction to Trump’s latest bout of executive orders. The likes of Andrew Neil, Adam Boulton, Lewis Goodall , Andrew Marr etc.
    It was a brilliant watch . They simply can’t believe what is happening.The last thirty years of Wokism and Globalist economic orthodoxy , which has impoverished tens of millions of Westeners but which has enriched them and their chums, is being rolled back in just a few weeks.
    Boulton is by far the best. The lard buckets jowls quiver as he denounces Trump . How dare the President do exactly what he promised? How dare he attack and destroy those institutions so painstakingly built by the long marchers over the past decades, with just the stroke of a pen?

    Basically they all assumed that the political ratchet would apply, the leftist globalists advance their grip , the conservative right win an election but they don’t roll back the left’s gains, instead they accept them. The left win an election and the advance begins again.

    Well Trump isn’t playing that game any longer, this time he is undoing decades of leftist advances in a few weeks.


  10. pugnazious says:

    The shooter in Sweden must be white as ‘mental health’ hasn’t been mentioned yet.

    The BBC already speculating as to identity and motive and setting the narrative claiming he’s a local and the victims are all migrants…though the police haven’t released any information yet.

    BBC goes on to say ‘gang violence’ has increased hugely in Sweden in recent years…without mentioning that the gangs are migrants.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Imagine a country as ‘nice ‘ as Sweden ruling out such a thing as ‘non gang related ‘ – but import the third world – get the third world .
      If the dead are all ‘ illegals / asylum ‘ jobs the BBC will go into full State mourning with TT`k holding national vigils with the ‘community ‘…


  11. AsISeeIt says:

    Jordan and Egypt reject the idea of Palestinians being resettled – while the Palestinian ambassador to the UN says “our homeland is our homeland” (BBC)

    Ah, the old blood and soil argument…

    Blood and soil (German: Blut und Boden) is a nationalist slogan expressing Nazi Germany’s ideal of a racially defined national body (“Blood”) united with a settlement area (“Soil”) (steady on Wiki)

    Happily, here in this Exciting Economic Zone (TM Rishi Sunak) we don’t believe in that sort of thing anymore.

    Labour plan ‘creating path to citizenship’ for migrants (Daily Express)


  12. Fedup2 says:

    Double – I think the blob is still in collective shock about the sheer activity of the true presidents ‘ government – ads this Gaza plan and its ‘a collective nervous breakdown . … after all Donald Trump has form in the Middle East – the Abraham accords – which the msm don’t talk about …

    If he imposes a 10% tarif on the EU they’ll all need ‘counselling ‘ …
    Same if he goes for a chat with Putin over Ukraine and the future of NATO …


  13. andyjsnape says:


    Met apology for friend who found drag artist dead

    Why do people think they still have to fund the bbc for this garbage to come out


  14. Marco says:

    Is starmer trying to upset Trump on purpose so he can blame him when Rachel from accounts tanks the economy ?


    • tomo says:


      I think you’re attributing a skill to Starmer that he (or his idiot minions) doesn’t (don’t) possess.

      Hanlon’s Razor on steroids seems to be the Labour thing?

      This government is an unmitigated shitshow.


  15. atlas_shrugged says:

    Good news:

    Moderna Stock Dumps After RFK Jr. Approved as HHS Secretary by Senate Finance Committee


    One hurdle cleared and more to follow.


  16. tomo says:

    Swamp creatures

    Fatso Vindman shows up at USAID … wassat about?


    and more….


    BBC America must be staggering about, shell shocked?


  17. atlas_shrugged says:

    FSU-backed Vice-Chancellor is reinstated
    In an important victory for free speech, the anti-woke Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham has been reinstated – though his case highlights the risks faced by those who challenge prevailing orthodoxies.

    Last October, FSU member Professor James Tooley was suspended by the university’s governing body, known as the Council, following what its chair Mark Qualter called “a number of serious allegations”. These were at first unspecified, but turned out to have come from Prof Tooley’s estranged wife – and to consist of the possession of a junior air rifle and a previous relationship with a woman in India.



  18. Zephir says:

    Anyone can plainly see it is not Gaza that is the problem, it is the Gazans, which is why no one, but no one wants them. Even their fellow muslim neighbours where they have tried to fester insurrection via terrorism wherever they go, Jordan, Kuwait and Egypt included.

    That includes the so called “civilians” which includes the women and children, who were clearly seen spitting and abusing young female and male hostages and widely celebrating the attacks on Israel and the 9 11 attacks.

    They are a lost cause, taught to lie, attack and hate from childhood.

    Why spread their murderous, violent, intolerant, western hating mindsets elsewhere to fester around the world ?


    • G says:


      I can’t help but think DJT knows all that. Any basic search of YT will return numerous vids on other Arab nations not wanting the Palestinians. Perhaps the unsaid message is, ‘take care of the results of your what your religion has caused’.


  19. Zephir says:


  20. StewGreen says:

    #NewsSuppression re the January 23rd Croydon stabbing spree
    Man only just named
    Babah Sesay, 30, has been charged with grievous bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon after five people were stabbed in a frenzied knife attack in Croydon and taken to hospital.
    ByZahra Khaliq News Reporter

    Mr British Stand on YouTube has been on this
    And asks why a stabbing spree is not charged as attempted murder.

    A few accounts on Twitter have that name, but all have it as a double barrel surbame from Sierra Leone
    One has a furst name of Muhammad
    I wonder if Croydon man has a first name.


  21. Fedup2 says:

    That alon had some trougher who runs the ‘electoral commission ‘- a laugh out load moment – he wants to ensure the electoral system ‘remains fair ‘ – at which point my porridge went on a journey …
    ‘Fair ‘
    All they talked about was funding – but of course – Elon wasn’t mentioned – it was an ugly dance around an elephant .

    Nothing of the corruption of postal voting or how a Marxist regime is suspending local elections or how reform is hugely under represented … very bbc


  22. Zephir says:


  23. Zephir says:


    Oldham, yes them again…

    “UKIP to review by-election ‘evidence’ amid fraud claims.

    UKIP is “reviewing the evidence” before deciding whether to make a formal complaint about what it suggests may have been electoral fraud in the Oldham West and Royton by-election.

    Leader Nigel Farage has claimed people with “bundles of postal votes” had turned up at polling stations and some wards had voted exclusively for Labour.

    But Labour-run Oldham Council said it had not received any complaints.
    Prior to the by-election, there had been suggestions that UKIP could run Labour close but, in the event, Labour candidate Jim McMahon romped to victory with a 62% share of the vote.

    Speaking in the wake of the defeat, Mr Farage told the BBC that “we will file a formal complaint against the abuses that our people saw yesterday”.

    He said Oldham’s Asian population had voted for Labour in large numbers, even though, he claimed, some did not speak English but were signed up for postal votes.

    He claimed to have seen ballot boxes in which “99% of the votes were for Labour” and “this does not seem to be consistent with modern liberal democracy”.

    “Some very odd things happened,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today. “There was a 15% increase in the number of postal votes yesterday and stories of practices that should not be happening in a modern democracy.”

    “Some of the things we’ve seen before in Birmingham and Tower Hamlets I have reason to believe were happening in Oldham yesterday”.

    The Metropolitan Police is investigating 16 allegations of electoral malpractice in relation to this year’s mayoral election in Tower Hamlets, relating to voter of registration and the improper distribution of election literature in the east London borough.

    The election was re-run after incumbent Lutfur Rahman was convicted of electoral fraud during the 2014 poll and removed from office.

    Conservative MP Stuart Jackson said he shared Mr Farage’s concerns about “postal voting on demand” and would be raising the issue of the “integrity” of postal voting in a debate in Parliament next week.

    He tweeted: “Timing unfortunate but Farage is right on “community” postal voting. Time to scrap postal votes on demand.”

    In a report earlier this year, the Electoral Commission, external named Oldham West and Royton as one of the constituencies alleged to have a “greater risk” of voter fraud. ”



    • Zephir says:


      “Scrap ‘on demand’ postal voting to curb fraud, says judge.

      In January, the Electoral Commission said it was particularly concerned about 16 council areas in England.

      In some of those areas, the BBC has heard allegations that political activists are pressuring families into voting for their candidate, or taking ballot papers away to fill them in, which is illegal.

      BBC Radio 4’s File on 4 spoke to a man in Derby who said his mother had her postal vote cast for her by activists who turned up at her house and pressurised her into letting them fill in her ballot paper.

      He said: “Campaigners came to the house and they asked my mum to vote for them and actually my mum, not being able to read English, she didn’t know where to put the cross, so one of the people put the cross in the box for her and said, ‘There you go now you can just sign it and we will take it off you.’

      “Your votes are supposed to be anonymous but when people come to your house and are literally doing it for you that is not you voting is it? That is them voting for you and voting for themselves.”

      Mr Mawrey, a deputy High Court judge and election commissioner, said in one case last year he had come across 14 different ways that postal ballots could be manipulated. “


    • G says:

      Maybe, next time round, everybody else should play the same game with Reform bundles of votes. Just to make a complete mockery of the system……….


  24. tomo says:

    Reform policy initiative?

    – give the BBC the USAID treatment

    – eh?

    (Cutting funding to BBC shouldn’t be confined to DJT…)



  25. tomo says:

    USAID the BBC



    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      All that money paid presumably for anti-Trump and anti-Musk propaganda.


      • tomo says:

        … and the rest….

        – it’s a long, long list


      • Fedup2 says:

        I mean …. Surely …. Any sane American taxpayer would look at that spending and feel sick ? 2.5 million dollars to a foreign state broadcaster – the effing BBC – insane ….

        I reckon by the time Elons ‘ crew is done with USAID they’ll be saving American taxpayers billions ….

        Of course the British would never remotely find out what the uni party spends overseas for ‘ commercial ‘ reasons …


    • vlad says:

      Lefties funding lefties – what a surprise!


  26. JohnC says:

    Starmer voice coach was not key worker, Labour sources admit

    After all the daily ‘live updates’ about Boris and Cummins not observing lockdown rules, isn’t it astonishing how this story is nowhere to be found on the BBC news page ?.

    The whole outrage was a complete farce at the time – but as TTK used it to the full, it’s only right he be hoisted by his own petard.

    Shame on your double standards BBC. And shame on those who are supposed to ensure you don’t have any.


  27. Fedup2 says:

    Stop the clocks …

    Kay Burley ( who ?) retires from sky news ( £600 k pa ) after 226 years ….

    Interesting – I note that another big characters on US broadcasting have also gone to count their money since the true president turned up ….


  28. vlad says:

    Any news yet on the identity of the Sweden mass shooter?
    Usually such delays mean a cover-up. Think Southport.

    Whoever he turns out to be, Swedish or foreign, in just a few years Sweden has transformed from one of the most peaceful countries on the planet to a war zone due to mass immigration.
    Thank you, liberals.
    You listening, Starmer?


    • popeye says:

      BBC reports that police raided the flat of a 35-year-old man, so they know his name. Disclosing his name wouldn’t prejudice his trial; he’s dead! So why not?

      Stupid question, I think we can guess why not.


    • Lunchtime Loather says:

      When they ask “What do we know?” who are / is the “we” they refer to? It sort of suggests that it is the BBC but the article following suggests they know nothing and are making it up.


    • G says:


      Short reply: “no”.


  29. tomo says:

    Welsh choirboys run amok in Brussels?



  30. andyjsnape says:

    Naga Munchetty: Scammers spread fake nude pictures of me on social media

    Some sad B’s out there lol


  31. vlad says:

    Well of course Starmer’s – erm – ‘voice coach’ was an essential key worker.

    Here she is working hard in a porn flick.




  32. Terminal Moraine says:

    The Times reports on our Home Secretary:

    “Cooper has revealed that she is considering proposals backed by Idris Elba and surgeons to ban kitchen knives having a pointed end in an attempt to tackle knife crime […] ‘We are looking at the point that Idris Elba has made … we will look at all any issue that might make children safer'”.

    During C19 Matt Hancock said he took inspiration for the vaccine rollout from the film Contagion with Gwyneth Paltrow and Matt Damon.

    How do people take this country seriously?



    • vlad says:

      How about tackling the people at the other end of the knives, Cooper?

      Or would that be racist?


  33. andyjsnape says:

    Labour MPs form anti-Reform pressure group

    I’m wondering why the likes of the government mouthpiece, bbc, hasn’t gone all out on Reform, as we know when they don’t like something remember partygate – well who could forget, and the constant negative reporting on Trump

    Maybe behind the scenes at the beeb they are thinking if they do negative reporting on Reform this will get the backs up more of the electorate.. who knows, time will tell


  34. tomo says:

    The buraucrats won’t leave the scene until the carcase is stripped…




  35. Terminal Moraine says:

    R4’s Aaronovitch isn’t enjoying Twitter much any more:

    I’m just not in the business any more of social media rows. It used to be a kind of fun, but since the far right moved in en masse to this platform it is simply depressing
    The “far right” didn’t move in. Normal people stopped getting censored.



    • tomo says:

      Fat twerp doesn’t care for any visible challenge to his opinions – or, heaven forbid the occasional insult – prissy, protected establishment hack.


  36. Fedup2 says:

    Farage was given a question – it was about pensioners freezing to death – the response was brutal – including from the Marxist speaker –
    They are all frightened of him . Vote Reform – there’s no choice – even if they are going easy on evil Islam …


  37. tomo says:

    Yeah, it’s the Daily Mail…..

    but, just maybe they have a point publicising this?



  38. Zephir says:

    And this, how Christians, standing up for their beliefs are treated by the new far left nazis in Ireland:

    “Father of Irish teacher imprisoned for ‘refusing to call a boy a girl’ blasts ‘disgraceful’ Gardai for’ abusing’ his family – as he’s released from prison after 45 days”




  39. Zephir says:



  40. Zephir says:



  41. Zephir says:



  42. Fedup2 says:

    The slaughter of 3 innocent souls in Nottingham has had the inevitable lessons won’t be learnt inquiry .the relatives rightly want a public inquiry to name and shame the negligent NHS staff who let another third world nut job onto the streets to kill .

    This – btw – was the one who got away with ‘a diminished ‘ when in a proper country he’d have been hanged .

    Names won’t be named . No individual responsibility . The 3 are still dead ….


    • Zephir says:

      Yes, when you see where some of our “guests” have come from, with the actions of many of their previous compatriots, (and RE Haiti a previous post yesterday) God help us:

      “Hundreds of women are raped then burned alive after rebel group breaks into prison and forces its way into female ward.

      Hundreds of women were raped and then burnt alive after Rwandan-backed rebels sparked chaos by storming into the Congolese city of Goma, it has emerged.

      The atrocity took place during a mass jail break from the Munzenze jail last week, as M23 fighters clashed with the Congolese army during deadly gun battles.

      According to the UN, female inmates were butchered in their wing in the notoriously overcrowded prison after men forced their way in and went on a rampage.

      While thousands of male criminals managed to flee the lock up, the area reserved for women was torched to the ground, Vivian van de Perre, the deputy head of the UN peacekeeping force in Goma, said. ”



    • MarkyMark says:

      “The report revealed some people at a senior level in the police and children’s social care thought the extent of the problem was being “exaggerated”.

      Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.””


      ** note, no one provided answers


  43. Zephir says:

    Talking of far left nazis, with their gold plated pensions:

    “Couple’s fury as they are wrongly charged £70,000 by council for extension at their home after ‘failing to fill out the correct paperwork’.

    A retired couple have been forced to remortgage their home after a council slapped a £70,000 charge on them for a new extension.

    Steve and Caroline Dally were hit with the bill when they unwittingly failed to fill in one of the forms required for their planning application.

    The couple say they have been ‘traumatised’ buy their five-year fight to overturn the charge and will probably have to sell their home in Godalming, Surrey, to pay it off.

    Mr Dally, 65, won planning permission to demolish and replace the existing extension on their four-bedroom house in 2019.

    But when he tried to amend the application for a slightly different design, Waverley Borough Council hit them with a £70,000 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

    The CIL is more usually applied to major housebuilding projects to help councils pay for the extra public services required for new homes.

    Home extensions are not liable but Mr Dally had not seen the form he needed to sign to exempt him from the charge – and the council gave him no right of appeal.

    He claims the council gave him just 60 days to come up with the £70,000 or risk being sent to prison and having his home repossessed.”



    • MarkyMark says:

      “‘If I committed an act of terrorism and was found guilty I would have the right to appeal – not under CIL,’ he said.

      ‘They pursue you relentlessly to get the money out of you. There’s no compassion, there’s no understanding.'”


    • tomo says:

      Waverley Borough Council hit them with a £70,000 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

      This will have been a decision taken by an individual official. In my experience it’d be an official with some history of animosity towards anybody improving their lot ….

      Should be named and not hide behind “the council”


      • moggiemoo says:

        I’d sell the house and use some of the money to go after the individual responsible, and I don’t mean get a lawyer.


        • Zephir says:

          Same here m.


        • tomo says:

          Happened in West Wiltshire – the council planner was a proper poisonous individual, given to making stuff up and using abuse of process and admin tricks to block developers she didn’t like, vindictively and very deliberately – broke the law lots of times – but had that “can’t touch me” mindset.

          One chap went after her via the courts, solid case, the council and the local “masons” folded and gave him a pile of concessions and disguised bribes to get the action dropped.

          She moved to another council several hundred miles away but give the “victim” guy his due, he added a couple more names (her sidekick and a manager) to the action iirc….


  44. Zephir says:

    “And Mr Dally fears that he may be just one of many who have fallen foul of the bureaucratic oversight.

    He knows of one man who was charged £200,000 and a woman looking after her husband with dementia who was hit with a £40,000 bill.

    ‘There will be a lot of people in Surrey that will be impacted by the same and will not know which way to turn.’

    “In 2018 a man in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, was slapped with a fine of £21,774 after he failed to fill in the same form while applying to build an extension to care for his widowed stepfather.

    Mark Walker, 52, wanted to be close to his step-dad John Robert who was suffering from a heart condition and cancer, and who had recently survived a stroke.

    But he was hit with the bill – plus a £2,500 surcharge – by Three Rivers District Council, which demanded immediate payment.”


  45. MarkyMark says:

    “I hope that raising awareness of this scam may at least make it less worthwhile for the criminals involved, and it serves as a useful reminder to not believe everything that you read about me – and be careful what you click on.”




    5 Live Drive
    15 Jan 2025

    During a live two-way on the Gaza ceasefire deal we talked about the possible release of ‘Palestinian prisoners’. At one point during the discussion the correspondent in Jerusalem mistakenly referred to them as ‘hostages’. We apologise for the error.



  46. andyjsnape says:

    So its confirmed that some local elections are postponed

    The bbc website under UK news, has Gaza as the main picture, and a smaller image of the elections being postponed – news nearly buried and only just come out


  47. Zephir says:

    Hurrah, Hurrah ! ..champagne at the bbc ! ….Swedish mass killer photo released

    HE’S White !!!! quick, all stations go, get his bloody picture up NOW !… far right far right far right

    Haven’t we been telling you over and over the dangers of far right whites ??

    A menace to society, women and children can’t walk the streets safe anymore etc etc etc


    • Zephir says:



    • micknotmike says:

      Afternoon Z,

      A lot of comparisons being drawn with Norwegian Anders Breivik. Some of my information may not be 100%, but I believe that he blew up a government building, and then moved on to an island camp being used for a meeting/love in/usual worthy causes for young lefties. I think around 60 were killed on the island, when Breivik arrived in a police uniform, claiming he was sent to ensure that the violence didn’t erupt there.

      His actions were mainly driven by him being unable to stand by while his home country was handed over to the mu55ies and other assorted undesirables.

      His manifesto is online, over 1000 pages and I’ve not got through it yet. It starts with the Knights Templar, I think.

      He refused to apologise for his actions, saying (More or less)
      “You may not agree with what I did, but in sixty years time you will understand why I did it.”

      Whether you agree or not, it’s a point worth hearing.


      • Zephir says:

        Overheard in the bbc corridors:

        “I’m coming in my panties just thinking about it but…were there any black or muslim victims ?”


      • MarkyMark says:

        “When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the nation with his plan to repel them. However, in the middle of the address, he breaks down, demanding the troops simply follow their consciences instead. Most of the troops immediately desert their posts and join the civilians as they flee north, and the south is quickly overrun by the migrants. Some of the last troops to stand their ground take refuge in a small village, along with Calguès, an old man who has chosen to remain at his home, and Hamadura, a Westernized Indian who is terrified of his “filthy, brutish” countrymen and prides himself on having more in common with whites than Indians”



      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        In 60 years’ time Norwegians will be too busy praying 5 times a day to worry about Anders Breivik.


  48. MarkyMark says:

    “The Chagos surrender deal is in complete chaos. Yesterday the Mauritian PM announced he had managed to get significant additional concessions out of the UK government on Chagos. Ramgoolam said the new deal he had managed to get frontloaded payments from the UK and linked them to inflation, as well as imposing the requirement for a Mauritian veto on any possible 40-year extension on the UK’s lease of Diego Garcia. Trigger complete panic mode in Whitehall…

    Downing Street refused to comment on the possibility that the UK could now pay £18 billion to hand over Chagos – the FCDO then put out a punchy statement overnight saying Ramgoolam’s claims were “entirely inaccurate and misleading.””



  49. vlad says:

    This clip isn’t very informative, but it’s fun to watch the end.

    Some Swedish journo is trying to play down the crime wave in Sweden and the latest shooting in particular, blaming the far-right for exaggerating the crisis, and blaming unemployment, bla bla. Typical socialist mindset.
    Mike Graham is having none of it, ending up asking how you say Complete Plank in Swedish.

    As a dedicated fact-checker and verifier, I googled it: “komplett planka”.

    Eat your heart out, Marianna!

    Never let it be said we’re not professional here at Biased BBC.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Disabled man on a mobility scooter breaks up fight

      Watch: Australian Journalists Punched, Kicked, And Rammed With Car In Sweden’s ‘Little Mogadishu’ No-Go Zone


  50. Zephir says:

    No doubt where the bbc stand, of course:

    “Trump’s Gaza plan will be seen as flying in face of international law”



    • MarkyMark says:

      “international law” is great when you don’t follow it!


      How China is bending
      the rules in the
      South China Sea
      Oriana Skylar Mastro
      Beijing’s misapplication of international law in the disputed
      waters is more complex than it seems on the surface.



      • Fedup2 says:

        I think Presidenr Trump is playing the Gaza chess game. He knows the UN Security Council will veto the plan so it will be their – UN – problem and not his .

        Really couldn’t imagine the true president putting his military at real risk over Gaza after what he promised in the campaign – however good the climate is for golf courses …

        But the idea of flattening Gaza is an attractive idea ….


        • MarkyMark says:

          “Trump and his officials are framing his call to – in his language – permanently “resettle” all Palestinians out of Gaza as a humanitarian gesture, saying there is no alternative for them because Gaza is a “demolition site”.”

          Resettle in Chinese work shops?



          Travel Notice
          It is currently recommended to avoid all non-essential travel to this area due to armed conflict and serious safety risks.


        • G says:


          As I have no doubt you know, when a leader in “difficult” situations, you become aware if negative patterns form. If they arrive in sequence – Danger – immediately change the approach. Some call it Murphy’s law. DJT’s vision? – Change the sequence/pattern /history of Gaza. Common sense to the ‘leader’.


      • G says:


        “……..waters is more complex than it seems on the surface.”

        Submarines as well?