From a child bbc presenter who should have been on children’s news round. The limit on payment card for tap payment is 50 euros in Europe that’s £35.00 . Wow where does he get his money changed . It works our an about 1.47 as opposed to real rate of 1.18 clown!!!!
BBC reporting January was the busiest month for the religion that is the NHS.
98,000 people per day in hospital beds.
Which is 96% of the total capacity.
They also go on to mention that nearly 14,000 of those were medically fit to be discharged!!!!!!!
That’s a ratio I’ve not seen before but there is no BBC Verify follow up. Surely a massive massive scandal. But verify are probably too busy checking how many squares of toilet paper President Trump used and whether he lied about it.
Time to link NHS and social services you might think but then again it might be easier and quicker to watch paint dry.
I learnt a new phrase today: “Home Secretary backs knife arches in schools as she warns of ‘growing violence’ caused by social media”.
Knife arches sound quite agreeable, like a unique architectural feature and certainly much less symbolic of a declining culture than metal detectors. Like diversity bollards, we’ll soon treat them as a normal aspect of modern life. Just part and parcel of living in a country run by idiots.
Idle thought but is release of the voice coach news part of an internal squabble within Labour ranks. It is only a matter of time now before someone plunges a proverbial knife in the back of this talentless ‘leader’.
No, but there may be some Iranian spy photos lying around !
Read the outcome of the trial earlier of Daniel Khalife, the young man from an Iranian family, who as a teenager joined the army. He somehow managed to gain access to unauthorised areas and download information to usb sticks and take photos,which he then passed on to the Iranians. Then contacted MI5, in the hope of working as a double agent for them – He was caught, sent to prison and then escaped under a delivery van, only to be caught again. – did I just make that up?
(It reminds me of Percy Toplis, who although a ‘wrong-un’ made a mockery of the military security and the police of that time.)
Another incredulous story.
We all have a right to a normal life – don’t we?
Report in Express:- Benefits cheat begs to be deported from UK to BULGARIA – but £50m he stole still missing.
– it’s understood that only around £1 million has been recovered so far, and it’s feared that the total amount stolen could exceed £54 million.
The Mail Online reports Stoyanov, who is on IMMIGRATION BAIL in the UK, has now demanded he has the ‘right to a normal life’
Speaking through a TRANSLATOR at a confiscation hearing last week, dad-of-three Stoyanov said to the judge: “Why should my wife and children, all of whom have health issues, continue to suffer?. …..”Where is the fairness in that?”
I wonder where the money could be ???
According to a report published by Al Jazeera, titled “Why are Afghan refugees leaving Iran?,” Afghan refugees are fleeing due to a lack of basic human rights. One Afghan refugee said: “There is no chance for a future in Iran. For the Iranian government, it wasn’t enough that we are Muslims like them. I had to pay bribes to work, and the police were always harassing me.” Another said: “We don’t want our children to face the same problems and racist treatment (as a Muslim in Iran).” { mar2017}
“A project will highlight the history of drag shows in working class pubs in the 1980s and 90s […] A grant of almost £25,000 has been given by Historic England as part of its Everyday Heritage scheme. Its chief executive Duncan Wilson said it would ‘shine a light’ on the stories of working class people and ‘their extraordinary contributions to our shared history’.”
Historic England: “We protect, champion and save the places that define who we are and where we’ve come from as a nation.” It really is an obsession.
The senior law officer in Keir Starmer’s Labour government said there was a ‘moral’ argument that the UK should pay slavery reparations, praised Just Stop Oil and branded Donald Trump an ‘orange tyrant’.
Recently rediscovered podcasts recorded by Attorney General Lord Hermer before he became a minister show his outspoken views on a number of contentions issues.
And they contain positions at odds with those recently expressed by the Prime Minister.
The former human rights barrister, who worked in the same chambers as Sir Keir, backed the removal of statues of ‘slave owners’ and controversial British Empire figures like Cecil Rhodes, who appropriated a large chunk of southern Africa.
As recently as 2023 he said that JSO protests who brought chaos and travel misery to the streets of London with a string of high-profile demonstrations were ‘inspiring’ actions by young people ‘concerned about the future of the planet’.
And in 2020, after Trump lost the US presidency to Joe Biden, he told the podcast the Republican was an ‘orange tyrant’, a ‘coward’ and an ‘autocratic populist’ who ran a government of ‘chaos and hatred’.
The Attorney General said that pledges to ‘stop the boats’ or ‘control our borders’ are ‘de-humanising’, it has been revealed.
The Times reported that Lord Richard Hermer, who is the Government’s chief legal adviser, made the comments on a podcast in January last year.
He said he was ‘acutely conscious that slogans such as stop the boats, control our borders, so on and so on, are capable not only of being distracting, but also de-humanising’, according to the newspaper.
Lord Hermer is a friend of Sir Keir Starmer and was handed a life peerage by the Prime Minister in July so that he could join the Labour Government.
Apparently the current leader of the dead blue party is waffling on about making things tough for illegals – her first ‘policy announcement ‘ .. how can they be so stupid as to think anyone – anyone -will vote for them ever again . Vote reform – if only because there’s no one else ..
Only 11 people have left the country as a direct result of Theresa May’s “go home or face arrest” van advertisements, the scheme’s official evaluation report has revealed.
The evaluation report also reveals that 1,561 text messages were received in response to the advert’s invitation to text for free advice and help with travel documents. But unfortunately for the Home Office, 1,034 of the texts were hoax messages which took 17 hours of staff time to deal with.
The home secretary finally bowed to the wave of criticism last week and announced that the van pilot scheme would not be extended, saying it had been “too much of a blunt instrument”.
Excellent news
Bank of England desperately cuts the interest rate – and value of the £ – to try give that girl from accounts a chance to keep her job …
And her ‘project destroy the economy ‘ is going full ahead …
“A Ugandan rugby player who claimed asylum in Wales has been jailed for four and a half years after raping a woman in Cardiff.
Cardiff Crown Court heard how Philip Pariyo, 32, became close friends with the woman involved, before he attacked her in a flat in the city in June 2021.
Pariyo had repeatedly denied raping the woman, but was found guilty of the offence in December 2024.
He had represented his country in Rugby Sevens in the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow before disappearing.”
Maybe the titles are adding a bit of truth… “Ugandan rugby international jailed for rape” normally “Welsh Rugby international jailed for rape”
Defending, John Ryan said Pariyo had claimed asylum on the basis of being accused of being homosexual, and feared returning to Uganda, where it is illegal to be homosexual.
After that the pair became friends, and in 2021 Pariyo and the woman stayed in the city with two other people – including Pariyo’s girlfriend, who was pregnant at the time.
He’s actually a transgender lesbian and so is in fact homosexual…sorry….she’s actually a transgender lesbian and so is in fact homosexual. Possession of a penis isn’t a problem…a woman can have a penis…and can grow a cervix apparently. Hope that clears it all up….if not please refer to the Labour Party’s guide to modern madness.
Of course, ever eager to be impartial – when it suits- the BBC present the Far Left side of the argument.
‘In a statement, Human Rights Campaign president Kelley Robinson said that the order “exposes young people to harassment and discrimination, emboldening people to question the gender of kids who don’t fit a narrow view of how they’re supposed to dress or look”.
“For so many students, sports are about finding somewhere to belong,” Ms Robinson added. “Not partisan policies that make life harder for them.”’
I wouldn’t call LBC radio ‘far right’ but listening in this afternoon (I was driving my petrol car) the presenter was right behind Trump. As was Sharon Davies, the attractive darling of the pro women-in-sport way of thinking.
If only the UK had a leading politician who could just cut through the c***. But no doubt TTK is still deliberating legalistically as to whether a man can have a cervix.
Sluff – I think either the True `president or his press sec was asked whether the ruling would affect the coming olympics in the US – typical lefty msm … anyway the reply was ‘we are sure the Olympics committee will see our stance ‘.. which shut the nonsense down …
Today the Donald has been on X going ballistic over the corruption of USAID …. Which might be Pam Bondi ‘s first big test as AG …
Could feel sorry for the swamp – but not so much ..
US census says the world population. Is 8. 1 billion . Of that 8.1 billion – 20 million pay for the BBC .. which on my maths suggests 8.080 billion don’t contribute to the BBC … so why shouid a foreign government pay anything to the UK state broadcaster …?
It’s all another scam to get all the boat illegals online with their brand new SamdroidIphone 34000s to find out which lawyers can keep them here indefinitely. And where the best benefits are available for the families, the grandparents and other hangers-on.
What’s wrong with foreigners using the bloody World Service FFS!
“This week I was in Davos to speak at #WEF25 on modern slavery and human trafficking. By raising the political momentum on this issue and encouraging greater collaboration, we can eradicate this heinous crime and free the more than 50 million victims worldwide.”
“Sorry to be saying farewell to Ambassador Hartley, who has done so much to strengthen the Special Relationship during her time with us in the UK.”
“It’s time that social media platforms take action to ensure they cannot be used for child sexual exploitation or the grooming of children online.
“According to the latest figures Miliband is on a salary of £983,073 and got a £117,701.25 bonus last year – something IRC staff said was “demoralising.” As Trump (joined by Milei) concurrently pulls out of the World Health Organisation Starmer has ramped up UK funding of the organisation. Will Dave persuade the PM to stump up for his bumper pay package, or jump ship for a cosy job with Labour?”
Marcus Rashford is selling his smashed up Rolls Royce at a fraction of its original price after the luxury £700,000 car was wrecked in a collision with a 74-year-old grandmother in September
Digg – I am hoping that maybe someone from reform – eg Cummings – in in Washington watching how to destroy the democrat blob … but im sure these days that would be asking to much ..
But the barriers to change in the UK are far too high to be easily overcome – cutting down the treasury – FCO – MOD – Home Office – Justice /CPS will be a huge Challenge …
I have an NHS to sell you … “In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.”
Yes there are TWO of them!
There have been multiple briefings over the past few weeks about David Miliband’s potential return to the fold. The better brother was said to be in the running for Mandelson’s new job, and talk has made it to the Express today that he is tipped by some for a role in Westminster. Trump may be responsible…
With the new Trump administration working to cut down USAID which it says is “beyond repair,” funding has been frozen for the International Rescue Committee. The humanitarian aid charity has been run by Miliband, its president and chief executive, since 2013. In 2023 the IRC got $587 million from US federal and local agencies, part of which came from USAID.
Thanks Trump. Why is he meddling in the US, and why is his brother ED MILIBAND in the UK meddling in things he does not understand such as Power and Electricity….
“It was reported that his total IRC remuneration for 2019 was c. $1 million.[5][67][68][69] According to tax filings hosted by ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer, the International Rescue Committee CEO salary was $466,209 in financial year ending September 2012. In financial year ending September 2022, the salary was $1,142,413.
… … …
The Daily Telegraph’s investigation of expenses claims by Members of Parliament reported that Miliband had claimed for gardening expenses and approximately £30,000 in repairs, decorations and furnishings for his constituency home in South Shields. A spokesperson said: “At every stage, David Miliband followed the procedures and rules as laid out by the parliamentary authorities”.[79]”
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the institution run by Hamas. For the institution run by the Palestinian Authority, see Ministry of Health (Palestine).
Why not just give the Chagos Islands to the USA.
At least let the Chagos Islanders decide their own future.
They should have a vote, no change, Self governing, USA or Mauritius.
We should at least be told why Tool and the Gang are so set on giving the Islands away and paying (the equivalent of a labour black hole) for the privilege.
Nigel and Co. have a huge amount of work to do in four and a half years time just to repair the damage being done by the fanatics currently in power.
Could it be the end of the ‘labour’ party as well as the conservatives?
“Peter Mandelson has been confirmed as the new U.S. Ambassador ” …. “Suddenly, Trump is no longer a “danger to the world”, “little short of a white nationalist and racist” or a “reckless bully“as he’s said in the past, but the “antidote” to complacent “globalist” politicians who were complacent while wages stagnated and inequality grew. ”
Excellent news – another 1100 jobs lost as Vauxhall vans Luton announces closure because of the Green crap Marxists – keep going TTK – bank predicts a massive 0.75% growth in 2025 – doubt that – have a good recession once the NI changes come in in 8 weeks time …
Moggie – technically I think it is just foreign capital using the last of British workers …. The Green target will be achieved because there is no economic activity …
Senora O’Blene would have loved to see that! She taught games to real girls, but could also beat the men as well, so President Trump – you’re a star up there with her…
All those “men”who have waved through transgenderism in women’s sports should hang their heads in shame listening to a real man saying it how it really is. At last an end to this evil bastardisation of the human race to what are actually either freaks of nature or blatant chancers.
Just as Mother Nature intended.
I never heard of a feminist or a misogynist being offended by the term MOTHER Nature.
Perhaps this could be the subject of a rational debate.
I’ve never been a fan of social media . I’ve never commented anywhere but here ( 77 brigade to verify ) – but reading stuff on X at the moment is just so entertaining – whenever the girl from accounts comments the responses are just so juicy …
Fed, apparently I have an account with X, but God knows how that happened…
I think that now’s the time to get going with another alternative press even more, (this BBB place will always shine first when I get the coffee around dawn – ahem), so thanks for the nudge, and have a drink on me, well, preferably in a glass…;0)
The interest rate cut will help ease cost of living pressures, but I am still not satisfied with the growth rate.
That’s why we are going further and faster for growth, taking on the blockers and ripping up unnecessary regulatory barriers, to get more money in people’s pockets.
‘Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned over women and tasked with supporting them financially. And righteous women are devoutly obedient.”’
Andrew Tate said that and was savaged on 5 Live today for being a misogynist and evil influence on young men.
Oh…er…actually that was a quote from the Quran by BBC Bitesize for schoolchildren telling them Allah’s Will…women come second to men and must obey.
But that was in essence the same thing that Tate said and was quoted saying by the BBC today…and condemned for.
Tate is of course a Muslim…but the BBC forgot to mention that.
They also forgot to mention feminism which can be as toxic as anything Tate said…the BBC itself loves a bit of anti-male feminazism as it lectures boys about their inner toxic masculinity and then denegrates them as ‘male, pale and stale’. Woman’s Hour is just a female Andrew Tate show with a constant anti-man drumbeat.
The BBC tells men that they should hate themselves…which is why they turn to someone like Tate who tells them to be proud to be a man.
Once again the BBC’s malign messaging does more harm than good…it is a poisonous and toxic influence on young minds for so many reasons.
Luckily, young minds don’t care a toss about what ageing beeboids spout, Pug, or if they do hear anything, they won’t bother when Gloriette next door asks them around to hear the Rolling Stones’ new LP while her mum and dad are down at ‘The Dog and Duck’…
I suggest Track Four is the best one for ‘getting acquainted’ but don’t tell Brissles…
Steve Coogan has been banned for driving for two months instead of six, after telling the judge that a lengthier ban would impact the filming of his popular TV comedy series The Trip.
Coogan previously escaped a lengthy driving ban, on another occasion in 2019, after successfully arguing that a new series featuring his much-loved character Alan Partridge could not be filmed on public transport.
Back in 2014 on national television a brave girl attempted to raise the issue of Pakistani child rape gangs getting away with it, because the police were too scared of being called 'racist'.
“The report estimates 1,400 children were sexually exploited over 16 years, with one young person telling the report’s author that gang rape was a usual part of growing up in Rotherham.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
I don’t know if you recall – but before the true president took office – we wondered whether the BBC would put on that obscene anti Trump ‘ 100 days ‘ show like they did in 2016?
I think if they had done it this time they’d have needed more than 30 minutes each day – and Kathy and Christian shouid have needed treatment for their nose bleeds and counselling for the magnificent first 16 days . Is it really just 16 days ?
Btw – all the Marxist regime can do in Britain is to cancel local elections it knows it will lose … and which the msm is ignoring …
BBC VERIFY Cost saving unit – (exposed as false news)
‘Back in Spring of last year Guido discovered that the art project known as BBC Verify was staffed by an incredible 63 people with combined salary costs of a £3.2 million. And it still managed to confuse hectares for acres in its farm tax analysis…
By December the BBC had managed to shave off two staff from the team, which produces around two stories a day including such zingers as “Five key impacts of Brexit” which fails to mention anything positive about Brexit. Good news, until they tell you that staff costs have risen by £100,000 at the same time…
Now that we’re in the new year Guido can report that Verify has stuck with its 63 staff while paying them even more. Salary costs are now £3.4 million – an increase of £100,000 a month. Crucial funding for Marianna Spring be fooled by more wombat memes…’
Phillip – in a way it reminds me of what DOGE found with the use of tax money to subsidise the media – for instance subscriptions to ‘politico pro ‘ of $75 000 a year .
How much does the British state ( bbc ) on – say – The Guardian ? – using our money ?
I did read some years ago the the BBC is the largest single group buyer of the Guardian newspaper in the entire UK. And all staff are recruited via the Guardian, as the BBC was the largest advertiser in the Guardian for some strange reason.
“In my view, ‘bias’ is too blunt a word to describe the subtleties of the pervading culture. The better word is a ‘mindset’. At the core of the BBC, in its very DNA, is a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left.
By far the most popular and widely read newspapers at the BBC are The Guardian and The Independent. Producers refer to them routinely for the line to take on running stories, and for inspiration on which items to cover. In the later stages of my career, I lost count of the number of times I asked a producer for a brief on a story, only to be handed a copy of The Guardian and told ‘it’s all in there’.”
Margoyles at one point expressed her discomfort at being out of her depth exposed to rich Australians at a polo match… that’s the Margoyles with estimated personal net worth of four million quid….
Not much more you can say about that really except maybe fame chasing fraudster. Never liked her!
Brilliant takedown of the barking marxist Phillipson MP and her new education wreking bill by Katharine Birbalsingh, Headmistress, Michaela Community School:
Once we become the 53rd state my expectation would be that you would take urgent action to deal with our immigration crisis, reduce our taxes, slash the number of public sector employees, end the nonsense of Net Zero and sack anybody engaged in the ‘diversity’ industry. Perhaps you will also have room in Guantanamo for those who have shredded the social contract and flung it down the toilet, (or ‘the john’, as you would say). I am happy to provide you with a list of names of those who deserve incarceration.
Right after I said how grateful I was for everyone being there and selling out the show, this little man in the front row decided to let his true colors shine ✨ Always stand up for yourself!! And if you’re going to be rude, at least have the decency to LOOK ME IN THE EYES 👀 ❤️
More ludicrous rhetoric from the BBC’s antisemetic Yolande Knell.
They have a video up there and I would bet my hat that all of those people speaking are saying pre-written, pre-rehearsed speeches.
Just watch them as they speak. They talk without pausing or any look of concentration on their faces. It all just spills out yet has every BBC agenda buzzword crammed into it. And they are all shifting their eyes from the camera to the sides as they go.
Which incredibly significant part of the story do the BBC leave out this time do I hear you ask ?.
This part:
‘When looking at ethnic appearance, the ONS found that 12 of the 40 victims under-18 in 2023/24 were white, 11 were black, 16 were another ethnicity – including Asian and mixed – and one was not known or not recorded.’
‘In other words, 30% of victims under the age of 18 were white, 28% were black and 40% were of another ethnicity.’
So 68% of the stabbing victims were not white. And as a rough guide, the perventages of the ethnicities who gave it are roughly equal to those who got it.
68%. From less than 20% of the population. In other words, non-whites are NINE times more likely to murder someone by stabbing than white people.
No wonder the BBC have left that bit out. Another MASSIVE lie by omission in favour of their political agenda.
Panicked college students deleting online info after Trump’s promise to deport Hamas sympathizers.
Worried college students at some universities have begun deleting the names of pro-Palestine protesters published online in response to Donald Trump pledging to deport ‘Hamas sympathizers’.
Trump, 78, signed a January 30 executive order to cancel the student visas of anyone who had shown support for the Palestinian terror group.
In response, the editorial board at The Exponent, an unofficial newspaper serving Purdue University, announced in an article that it would be ‘removing the names, images and likenesses of every such student from our website published since Oct. 7, 2023’.
It said the move aimed ‘to protect the identities of pro-Palestinian students’, adding that it ‘refuses to be party to such a blatant violation of the First Amendment rights of potentially hundreds of Purdue students’.
‘Further, in future coverage, no such information or images will be published online or in print by the Exponent — no exceptions — until this autocratic attack on free speech is overturned,’ the article, penned by anonymous ‘editorial staff’ added.
Purdue University is a public research facility in West Lafayette, Indiana specializing in science, tech, and engineering studies. The college told in a statement that they are ‘unaffiliated’ with The Exponent, which is an ‘independent foundation’.
The Exponent is currently overseen by editor-in-chief Seth Nelson, who writes about ‘poverty, homelessness and drug addiction’ according to his LinkedIn.
Trump’s executive order targets people living in the US on visas, including students, who broke laws during demonstrations following the October 7, 2023 attacks in Israel
The president said he would instruct his Justice Department to ‘aggressively prosecute terroristic threats, arson, vandalism and violence against American Jews’.
He added: ‘To all the resident aliens who joined in the pro-jihadist protests, we put you on notice… we will find you, and we will deport you.
‘I will also quickly cancel the student visas of all Hamas sympathizers on college campuses, which have been infested with radicalism like never before.’
“Pro-Palestine organisers were planning first huge demonstration in London as October 7 massacre unfolded in Israel.
A Freedom of Information request showed that organisers phoned the force at 12.50pm on October 7, 2023, just eight hours after Hamas first fired rockets into Israel.
The request was also made just as militants targeted the Nova Music Festival, leaving 364 people killed and hundreds more injured.
As the planned march was more than seven days away on October 14, police deemed the call to be ‘sufficient means’ of notification.
At least 15 were arrested at the October 14 protest in the capital, which saw protesters clash with police in Trafalgar Square as activists launched bottles, placards and flares at officers.”
One likes to highlight those little clues to The State of the Nation to be found in reports one sometimes comes across in the news. A glance beyond the top headlines this morning reveals several of these such lesser news lines.
Departure boards’ lost trains anger passengers in the Times intrigued your Mr AsI.
Network Rail has infuriated communters by removing train listings from departure boards early in an attempt to stop people rushing to get on board… Passengers said it was patronising and questioned whether the government-owned body had the right to decide if they should rush
I’m now envisaging the Rev Awdry’s Fat Controller mistakenly under the impression he’s running a nudge unit rather than his railway.
H.M.S. Pinafore
Navy embraces saris in the name of diversity… Hon Captain Durdana Ansad, a former BBC World Service journalist… wears her white sari beneath a mess jacket… Officers are now permitted to wear “cultural dress” (frontpage feature photo in the Telegraph) – further comment would seem superfluous.
What would Francis Drake have made of this?
Harland and Wolf clincher… Spain’s Navantia paid £93mn to buy the shipyard that built the Titanic, far above its initial offer, after clinching a deal on a Royal Navy contract (FT)
Frontpage full-colour feature photo in the Guardian can simply be described as… quintessential Guardianista: Wicked wonder Oscar nominated British star Cynthia Ervio – you guessed it, she’s black – and not exactly a Naomi Campbell or a Beyoncé when it comes to looks: …is centre of attention after being named woman of the year at Harvard University’s Hasty Puddings Theatrical parade – a pair of pink-haired white youngsters lean in to kiss a smiling Ms Ervio on her two cheeks.
Oh, how different the reaction
Jenni Hermoso tells court Rubiales’s kiss ‘tarnished’ World Cup win… Spanish footballer says she has not been able to ‘live freely’ since incident in 2023 that changed her life (Guardian, 3 days ago)
Talkin’ ’bout my generation
At 50, I was bullied out of my job by over-indulged and spiteful snowflakes (Daily Mail)
There is a feeling abroad that a sizeable segment of our younger generation – and one has to blame our education system here – celebrated traits seem to be flippant anti-patriotism, sad talentlessness and the impression it is cool to be unseriously posing as androgynous: Olly Alexander Bombing like that on Eurovision was iconic (i news)
In case you’d forgotten: Olly Alexander breaks silence over ‘nuls points’ Eurovision score…Pop singer came 18th after performing his song ‘Dizzy’ at the final in Sweden… as he addressed his disappointing final scores… recieved the dreaded nuls points in the public vote and just 46 points from the jury, leaving him in 18th place out of 25 countries… singer seemed to put on a brave face as the scores were announced at the live final, laughing and cheering with his team, and celebrating as Switzerland’s Nemo was crowned the winner with a huge 591 points. (Independent, May 2024)
Asiseeit …. So early ! Sometimes when I see media stuff I know im getting old because I have no idea who the stars and celebrities are ? Im no homosexual so have no idea about Eurovision and a whole list of famous queers and trannies …( are they the same thing ?)
I woke early and in such exciting times turned on the radio news to find the ‘top story’ is that 3 gold diggers are accusing a dead Egyptian shop keepers ‘ brother of sexual assault sometime in the past – yawn – but good business for the lawyers … off switch …
I’d rather hear about lefties losing it in the US . …
“Most Democrats have opted to remain silent in response to President Donald Trump’s executive order banning transgender athletes from women’s and girls sports.
But one Democrat spoke out against it and was heavily criticized.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, spoke out against Trump’s executive order in an X post Wednesday.
“On National Girls & Women in Sports Day, Trump is: – banning trans kids from playing sports – trying to cut Title IX women’s and girls’ athletics grants -removing references to women, female and equality on government websites,” Crockett wrote.
“LET ME BE CLEAR This. Doesn’t. Protect. Women.”
Crockett’s criticism of Trump drew fierce backlash from other X users.”
“Boston University staff member made social media post saying DOGE employees are wanted ‘dead or alive.
The social media ‘Wanted for treason, dead or alive’ ”
Over a dozen Venezuelan criminal illegal migrants sent to Guantanamo Bay: ‘Highly dangerous’ people.
The US plans to house ‘the worst of the worst’ at the detention facility until they can be flown back to their home countries.
More than a dozen Venezuelan criminal illegal migrants are on their way to the U.S.’ most secure prison — the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp (GITMO) in Cuba — some of whom are members of the violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA), according to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sources.
TdA is an international criminal group that has been terrorizing U.S. communities from New York to Colorado. As one of his first actions, President Donald Trump issued an executive order on Jan. 20 instructing the State Department and other government agencies to move to designate TdA as a “foreign terrorist organization.”
Fox News learned that along with TdA gang members, the 13 Venezuelans being flown to GITMO include a murder suspect and a man who claims to have escaped from a Venezuelan prison.
The men are expected to be held at the detention center that is being expanded to house tens of thousands of criminal immigrants.
lol night and day compared to the last racist idiot Biden put in. Her only skill was to not answer the question. It was laughably obvious that she got the job because she was a black activist.
I would like to say my faith in democracy has been restored but I realise the USA escaped a fascist Left dictatorship by the skin of it’s teeth. They were busy importing enrichment into swing states to make sure they could not lose next time and a bullet just 1 inch to the right and they would have got rid of Trump forever.
But we are where we are and I’m sure this only the beginning of the delights Trump is going to serve up. And his example gives us a real chance that the people will vote for similar change here.
LOL….BBC just admitted that Trump may have a point abut Gaza…it is uninhabitable with no water and power infrastructure, so many buildings destroyed and unexploded munitions everywhere.
Sooo….what’s the solution? All those who jump up and down in rage about Trump’s suggestion do tell how you would rebuild Gaza….and what to do about Hamas.
The BBC wheeled in Darroch once again yesterday…wonder why they keep on using a man whom they know hates Trump…naturally he has nothing good to say about Trump and Gaza…he talks of the ‘Far-Right’ Israeli cabinet members who would like to clear Gaza and settle it…they are a problem…but fails to mention that Hamas and others want to clear Israel and wipe out the Jews and want a ‘one state policy’.
Israel always under the microscope whilst the Palestinians literally get away with murder.
It’s easy for the BBC because anyone they use from the FCO swamp is gonna sing its own song . I don’t think any President Trump crew is going to lose sleep over any view someone from the British swamp says – and the Fox News presenters noticed the BBC getting handouts from USAID …. perhaps the bbc can explain why it is being funded by foreign governments …
Comrade Milliband junior interviewed about Green crap . I have never heard such an insane fool . He wants to spend 22 billion of our money on ‘carbon capture ‘.. which is unproven technology …. 22 billion ….
What happened to Milliband – the creature is a megalomaniac who cares not a jot about today – us right now ….
We knew the Marxists getting power would be painful – but bloody helll .. it looks even worse now with the Trump regime drill baby drill ….
Long time to 2029 – if elections are allowed then …
Rachel Reeves tells cabinet UK still faces £100bn black hole over next five years
This article is more than 3 months old
Chancellor’s words will be interpreted as signal she will not give in to ministers over cuts she imposes in budget
Miliband, Karen from Accounts, Rayner, Philipson, Nandy, Howler Powell, FrizzHead… is there one of Starmer’s cabinet who is not a total airhead Marxist?
Not bad for the “party of the workers”? (smirk smirk}
However, this comes as no surprise to me as I am old enough to remember that in an American election campaign in the 1960’s Democrat senator Hubert Humphrey boasted that the Democrats had a “monopoly on prosperity” for which he received a slap on the wrist from President Johnson. Hush your mouth. I think the Senator was telling an embarrassing truth and I assumed that a similar situation would soon occur in Britain where the Labour Party can no longer claim to be the party of the workers but the party of the wokers.
“That is “literally” not true. The BBC is funded by millions of people paying a licence fee. “BBC Media Action” is a charity which supports local media around the world to fight disinformation which is quite a big problem these days. Don’t you agree ?
Do you notice how the killings in Sweden have just ‘gone ‘?
Is there a narrative ? What happened ? Who was killed ? Why ?
I get the feeling it was someone fed up with having their country invaded and turned into a sewer . So European regimes won’t want to publicise that too much …
They are all very interested in everything except the murderer and his motives. They are barely mentioned.
I can’t beleive I’m saying it but Trump’s success in getting back into power is nothing short of miraculous. He survived every attempt of the global establishment to remove him, an assasins bullet grazed his ear, another assasin was spotted just before he came into view and now he is ruthlessly going for all those things which are morally and ethically wrong by every law of nature.
He’s better slow down a bit because I don’t want to lose my disbelief in divine intervention and destiny.
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
tomoMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black? Politicians have rounded on…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Uk gov to create a new team of 1000 people to look at how to make 100 cuts! HA HA…
There was also ‘something ‘ in Dundalk where a new arrival attempted to abduct a kid – there was an old ‘hue and cry’ because plod did zip ….
From a child bbc presenter who should have been on children’s news round. The limit on payment card for tap payment is 50 euros in Europe that’s £35.00 . Wow where does he get his money changed . It works our an about 1.47 as opposed to real rate of 1.18 clown!!!!
BBC reporting January was the busiest month for the religion that is the NHS.
98,000 people per day in hospital beds.
Which is 96% of the total capacity.
They also go on to mention that nearly 14,000 of those were medically fit to be discharged!!!!!!!
That’s a ratio I’ve not seen before but there is no BBC Verify follow up. Surely a massive massive scandal. But verify are probably too busy checking how many squares of toilet paper President Trump used and whether he lied about it.
Time to link NHS and social services you might think but then again it might be easier and quicker to watch paint dry.
I learnt a new phrase today: “Home Secretary backs knife arches in schools as she warns of ‘growing violence’ caused by social media”.
Knife arches sound quite agreeable, like a unique architectural feature and certainly much less symbolic of a declining culture than metal detectors. Like diversity bollards, we’ll soon treat them as a normal aspect of modern life. Just part and parcel of living in a country run by idiots.
knife arches – one of the five pillars of Islam
Londoners ‘at risk from terrorists on mopeds’ after barriers on bridges widened for cyclists
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Idle thought but is release of the voice coach news part of an internal squabble within Labour ranks. It is only a matter of time now before someone plunges a proverbial knife in the back of this talentless ‘leader’.
Any Chinese SPy photos?
No, but there may be some Iranian spy photos lying around !
Read the outcome of the trial earlier of Daniel Khalife, the young man from an Iranian family, who as a teenager joined the army. He somehow managed to gain access to unauthorised areas and download information to usb sticks and take photos,which he then passed on to the Iranians. Then contacted MI5, in the hope of working as a double agent for them – He was caught, sent to prison and then escaped under a delivery van, only to be caught again. – did I just make that up?
(It reminds me of Percy Toplis, who although a ‘wrong-un’ made a mockery of the military security and the police of that time.)
Another incredulous story.
We all have a right to a normal life – don’t we?
Report in Express:- Benefits cheat begs to be deported from UK to BULGARIA – but £50m he stole still missing.
– it’s understood that only around £1 million has been recovered so far, and it’s feared that the total amount stolen could exceed £54 million.
The Mail Online reports Stoyanov, who is on IMMIGRATION BAIL in the UK, has now demanded he has the ‘right to a normal life’
Speaking through a TRANSLATOR at a confiscation hearing last week, dad-of-three Stoyanov said to the judge: “Why should my wife and children, all of whom have health issues, continue to suffer?. …..”Where is the fairness in that?”
I wonder where the money could be ???
According to a report published by Al Jazeera, titled “Why are Afghan refugees leaving Iran?,” Afghan refugees are fleeing due to a lack of basic human rights. One Afghan refugee said: “There is no chance for a future in Iran. For the Iranian government, it wasn’t enough that we are Muslims like them. I had to pay bribes to work, and the police were always harassing me.” Another said: “We don’t want our children to face the same problems and racist treatment (as a Muslim in Iran).” { mar2017}
“A project will highlight the history of drag shows in working class pubs in the 1980s and 90s […] A grant of almost £25,000 has been given by Historic England as part of its Everyday Heritage scheme. Its chief executive Duncan Wilson said it would ‘shine a light’ on the stories of working class people and ‘their extraordinary contributions to our shared history’.”
Historic England: “We protect, champion and save the places that define who we are and where we’ve come from as a nation.” It really is an obsession.
Is that the new Doctor Who and his sidekick?
Elizabeth II the first British Queen to vist a mosque.
Was the Queen at the back with the Woman? HA HA AH AHA H!
The senior law officer in Keir Starmer’s Labour government said there was a ‘moral’ argument that the UK should pay slavery reparations, praised Just Stop Oil and branded Donald Trump an ‘orange tyrant’.
Recently rediscovered podcasts recorded by Attorney General Lord Hermer before he became a minister show his outspoken views on a number of contentions issues.
And they contain positions at odds with those recently expressed by the Prime Minister.
The former human rights barrister, who worked in the same chambers as Sir Keir, backed the removal of statues of ‘slave owners’ and controversial British Empire figures like Cecil Rhodes, who appropriated a large chunk of southern Africa.
As recently as 2023 he said that JSO protests who brought chaos and travel misery to the streets of London with a string of high-profile demonstrations were ‘inspiring’ actions by young people ‘concerned about the future of the planet’.
And in 2020, after Trump lost the US presidency to Joe Biden, he told the podcast the Republican was an ‘orange tyrant’, a ‘coward’ and an ‘autocratic populist’ who ran a government of ‘chaos and hatred’.
The Attorney General said that pledges to ‘stop the boats’ or ‘control our borders’ are ‘de-humanising’, it has been revealed.
The Times reported that Lord Richard Hermer, who is the Government’s chief legal adviser, made the comments on a podcast in January last year.
He said he was ‘acutely conscious that slogans such as stop the boats, control our borders, so on and so on, are capable not only of being distracting, but also de-humanising’, according to the newspaper.
Lord Hermer is a friend of Sir Keir Starmer and was handed a life peerage by the Prime Minister in July so that he could join the Labour Government.
22 de-humanising at Manchester concert.
3 de-humanising at Taylor Swift dance group.
1400 de-humanising in Rotherham.
Apparently the current leader of the dead blue party is waffling on about making things tough for illegals – her first ‘policy announcement ‘ .. how can they be so stupid as to think anyone – anyone -will vote for them ever again . Vote reform – if only because there’s no one else ..
Only 11 people have left the country as a direct result of Theresa May’s “go home or face arrest” van advertisements, the scheme’s official evaluation report has revealed.
The evaluation report also reveals that 1,561 text messages were received in response to the advert’s invitation to text for free advice and help with travel documents. But unfortunately for the Home Office, 1,034 of the texts were hoax messages which took 17 hours of staff time to deal with.
The home secretary finally bowed to the wave of criticism last week and announced that the van pilot scheme would not be extended, saying it had been “too much of a blunt instrument”.
Excellent news
Bank of England desperately cuts the interest rate – and value of the £ – to try give that girl from accounts a chance to keep her job …
And her ‘project destroy the economy ‘ is going full ahead …
She was a chess champion you know…came 26th or something…
Judged by her career entries on Linkedin, the tournament in question was more likely Mousetrap or Twister.
I think Snakes and Ladders is a more apt game for her. With her skills at the snakes bit being her key strength.
CHESS NOTES (No. 7 in an occasional series) by ‘The Bishop’.
“A reader has sent me the following short game. I have yet to ascertain the authenticity of it.
White: Rachel Jane Reeves Black: Anna-Pauline Messe.
(1) f2-f4, e7-e5; (2) g2-g3, e5 x f4; (3) g3 x f4, Qd8-h4 mate.
Or in old descriptive notation:
(1) P-KB4, P-K4; (2) P-KN3, PxP; (3) PxP, Q-R5 mate.”
“A Ugandan rugby player who claimed asylum in Wales has been jailed for four and a half years after raping a woman in Cardiff.
Cardiff Crown Court heard how Philip Pariyo, 32, became close friends with the woman involved, before he attacked her in a flat in the city in June 2021.
Pariyo had repeatedly denied raping the woman, but was found guilty of the offence in December 2024.
He had represented his country in Rugby Sevens in the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow before disappearing.”
Maybe the titles are adding a bit of truth… “Ugandan rugby international jailed for rape” normally “Welsh Rugby international jailed for rape”
Defending, John Ryan said Pariyo had claimed asylum on the basis of being accused of being homosexual, and feared returning to Uganda, where it is illegal to be homosexual.
After that the pair became friends, and in 2021 Pariyo and the woman stayed in the city with two other people – including Pariyo’s girlfriend, who was pregnant at the time.
homosexual asylum seeker .. with pregnant girlfriend rapes woman ….. *sigh*
He’s actually a transgender lesbian and so is in fact homosexual…sorry….she’s actually a transgender lesbian and so is in fact homosexual. Possession of a penis isn’t a problem…a woman can have a penis…and can grow a cervix apparently. Hope that clears it all up….if not please refer to the Labour Party’s guide to modern madness.
Over 50% gas usage again today.
Windmills 16%
May be a bit late to the party.
But The Donald has only gone and done it again !!!!!
Trump signs order banning transgender women from female sports
Of course, ever eager to be impartial – when it suits- the BBC present the Far Left side of the argument.
‘In a statement, Human Rights Campaign president Kelley Robinson said that the order “exposes young people to harassment and discrimination, emboldening people to question the gender of kids who don’t fit a narrow view of how they’re supposed to dress or look”.
“For so many students, sports are about finding somewhere to belong,” Ms Robinson added. “Not partisan policies that make life harder for them.”’
I wouldn’t call LBC radio ‘far right’ but listening in this afternoon (I was driving my petrol car) the presenter was right behind Trump. As was Sharon Davies, the attractive darling of the pro women-in-sport way of thinking.
If only the UK had a leading politician who could just cut through the c***. But no doubt TTK is still deliberating legalistically as to whether a man can have a cervix.
“don’t fit a narrow view of how they’re supposed to dress or look”
UK Labor MP thinks ‘men can grow a cervix’
Many thanks for posting an image of a male cervix.
Seeing is believing I guess.
Sluff – I think either the True `president or his press sec was asked whether the ruling would affect the coming olympics in the US – typical lefty msm … anyway the reply was ‘we are sure the Olympics committee will see our stance ‘.. which shut the nonsense down …
Today the Donald has been on X going ballistic over the corruption of USAID …. Which might be Pam Bondi ‘s first big test as AG …
Could feel sorry for the swamp – but not so much ..
USAID Was Secretly Funding The BBC
awwww…. bless
75% do not have free press or pay the BBC TV License with threat of prison?
BBC’s international Charity? WTF?
With our partners, we reach more than 100 million people in need around the world, in more than 30 countries and 50 languages!
We work to provide impartial, impactful, trustworthy media to people in need so that they can make informed choices to transform their lives.
£500 can pay for equipment for an information Hub in refugee camps
Abby Netherwood has raised £296.00
I’m fundraising for BBC Media Action’s Ukraine Crisis Appeal
US census says the world population. Is 8. 1 billion . Of that 8.1 billion – 20 million pay for the BBC .. which on my maths suggests 8.080 billion don’t contribute to the BBC … so why shouid a foreign government pay anything to the UK state broadcaster …?
Wtf would the BBC know about delivering trusted information?
It’s all another scam to get all the boat illegals online with their brand new SamdroidIphone 34000s to find out which lawyers can keep them here indefinitely. And where the best benefits are available for the families, the grandparents and other hangers-on.
What’s wrong with foreigners using the bloody World Service FFS!
“Good to join
at #WEF25 for an important discussion on Data for Action Against Forced Labour.
Almost 28M people are in forced labour globally. Reliable data is key to tackling this human rights abuse.
We need trust & collaboration to build transparency on the issue.”
“This week I was in Davos to speak at #WEF25 on modern slavery and human trafficking. By raising the political momentum on this issue and encouraging greater collaboration, we can eradicate this heinous crime and free the more than 50 million victims worldwide.”
“Sorry to be saying farewell to Ambassador Hartley, who has done so much to strengthen the Special Relationship during her time with us in the UK.”
“It’s time that social media platforms take action to ensure they cannot be used for child sexual exploitation or the grooming of children online.
My question in the Lords today 👇”
“According to the latest figures Miliband is on a salary of £983,073 and got a £117,701.25 bonus last year – something IRC staff said was “demoralising.” As Trump (joined by Milei) concurrently pulls out of the World Health Organisation Starmer has ramped up UK funding of the organisation. Will Dave persuade the PM to stump up for his bumper pay package, or jump ship for a cosy job with Labour?”
Marcus Rashford is selling his smashed up Rolls Royce at a fraction of its original price after the luxury £700,000 car was wrecked in a collision with a 74-year-old grandmother in September
Look look – none of that’s real’s money for funding secret projects in Area 51 … .. I’d love to hear anyone defending that crap …
Area Underpants where there are 86 Genders!
@ F2
They didn’t have to defend it while it was all under the table and all turned a blind eye.
I wonder how many kick backs as well …
2.1 million dollars to help the BBC “value the diversity of Libyan society”…..
WTF! I am literally speechless at this!
That is pretty much a bribe to me!
The scary thing is that this is probably the tip of the iceberg of the foul rot that infests our National broadcaster!
We need a UK Trump and Musk!
Stop paying the Telly Tax.
Digg – I am hoping that maybe someone from reform – eg Cummings – in in Washington watching how to destroy the democrat blob … but im sure these days that would be asking to much ..
But the barriers to change in the UK are far too high to be easily overcome – cutting down the treasury – FCO – MOD – Home Office – Justice /CPS will be a huge Challenge …
Stop paying the Telly Tax.
(Illegitimi Non Carborundum)
I have an NHS to sell you … “In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.”
Yes there are TWO of them!
There have been multiple briefings over the past few weeks about David Miliband’s potential return to the fold. The better brother was said to be in the running for Mandelson’s new job, and talk has made it to the Express today that he is tipped by some for a role in Westminster. Trump may be responsible…
With the new Trump administration working to cut down USAID which it says is “beyond repair,” funding has been frozen for the International Rescue Committee. The humanitarian aid charity has been run by Miliband, its president and chief executive, since 2013. In 2023 the IRC got $587 million from US federal and local agencies, part of which came from USAID.
Thanks Trump. Why is he meddling in the US, and why is his brother ED MILIBAND in the UK meddling in things he does not understand such as Power and Electricity….
From Wiki on David Miliband:
“It was reported that his total IRC remuneration for 2019 was c. $1 million.[5][67][68][69] According to tax filings hosted by ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer, the International Rescue Committee CEO salary was $466,209 in financial year ending September 2012. In financial year ending September 2022, the salary was $1,142,413.
… … …
The Daily Telegraph’s investigation of expenses claims by Members of Parliament reported that Miliband had claimed for gardening expenses and approximately £30,000 in repairs, decorations and furnishings for his constituency home in South Shields. A spokesperson said: “At every stage, David Miliband followed the procedures and rules as laid out by the parliamentary authorities”.[79]”
I think the Gazan Ministry of Health might benefit from some Sesame Street counting lessons.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the institution run by Hamas. For the institution run by the Palestinian Authority, see Ministry of Health (Palestine).
** Hamas does not really exist!
Why not just give the Chagos Islands to the USA.
At least let the Chagos Islanders decide their own future.
They should have a vote, no change, Self governing, USA or Mauritius.
We should at least be told why Tool and the Gang are so set on giving the Islands away and paying (the equivalent of a labour black hole) for the privilege.
Nigel and Co. have a huge amount of work to do in four and a half years time just to repair the damage being done by the fanatics currently in power.
Could it be the end of the ‘labour’ party as well as the conservatives?
Or CHina!
“Peter Mandelson has been confirmed as the new U.S. Ambassador ” …. “Suddenly, Trump is no longer a “danger to the world”, “little short of a white nationalist and racist” or a “reckless bully“as he’s said in the past, but the “antidote” to complacent “globalist” politicians who were complacent while wages stagnated and inequality grew. ”
Anyone know if the boats have been ‘stopped’ or if the gangs have been ‘smashed’?
Or has the reporting been censored?
The gangs have been given pointless knives to deflate the boats – each boat gets them £1000 and a hotel room
“We aborted healthy babies after NHS mistakes, couples tell BBC” 2025
“Muhammad overtakes Noah as most popular boy’s name” 2024
Excellent news – another 1100 jobs lost as Vauxhall vans Luton announces closure because of the Green crap Marxists – keep going TTK – bank predicts a massive 0.75% growth in 2025 – doubt that – have a good recession once the NI changes come in in 8 weeks time …
Next industry to close please ….
I’m surprised to learn that we still have any industry to shut down.
Moggie – technically I think it is just foreign capital using the last of British workers …. The Green target will be achieved because there is no economic activity …
No, we buy all our economic activity from nations with progress, innovation and commercial expertise.
Labour have never understood what that means, they just peddle the dogma of long-dead theorists and star-gazers – much like TTK’s sorry lot nowadays…
Wot! No more blokes in skirts? YIPPEEEEEEEEE____________
Senora O’Blene would have loved to see that! She taught games to real girls, but could also beat the men as well, so President Trump – you’re a star up there with her…
“The war on women’s sports is over.”
All those “men”who have waved through transgenderism in women’s sports should hang their heads in shame listening to a real man saying it how it really is. At last an end to this evil bastardisation of the human race to what are actually either freaks of nature or blatant chancers.
Just as Mother Nature intended.
I never heard of a feminist or a misogynist being offended by the term MOTHER Nature.
Perhaps this could be the subject of a rational debate.
I’ve never been a fan of social media . I’ve never commented anywhere but here ( 77 brigade to verify ) – but reading stuff on X at the moment is just so entertaining – whenever the girl from accounts comments the responses are just so juicy …
And Fox News on YouTube is on fire every day …
Fed, apparently I have an account with X, but God knows how that happened…
I think that now’s the time to get going with another alternative press even more, (this BBB place will always shine first when I get the coffee around dawn – ahem), so thanks for the nudge, and have a drink on me, well, preferably in a glass…;0)
Scroblene – thank you – I just find the lies on X hilarious – such as those peddled by the likes of TTK or that accounts ‘ girl…
And – yes – I’ll take a malt . Cheers …
Scrobs – same here with Arsebook. Apparently I have a profile listing my age as 120 ! 44 years to go then 😀
The interest rate cut will help ease cost of living pressures, but I am still not satisfied with the growth rate.
That’s why we are going further and faster for growth, taking on the blockers and ripping up unnecessary regulatory barriers, to get more money in people’s pockets.
‘Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned over women and tasked with supporting them financially. And righteous women are devoutly obedient.”’
Andrew Tate said that and was savaged on 5 Live today for being a misogynist and evil influence on young men.
Oh…er…actually that was a quote from the Quran by BBC Bitesize for schoolchildren telling them Allah’s Will…women come second to men and must obey.
But that was in essence the same thing that Tate said and was quoted saying by the BBC today…and condemned for.
Tate is of course a Muslim…but the BBC forgot to mention that.
They also forgot to mention feminism which can be as toxic as anything Tate said…the BBC itself loves a bit of anti-male feminazism as it lectures boys about their inner toxic masculinity and then denegrates them as ‘male, pale and stale’. Woman’s Hour is just a female Andrew Tate show with a constant anti-man drumbeat.
The BBC tells men that they should hate themselves…which is why they turn to someone like Tate who tells them to be proud to be a man.
Once again the BBC’s malign messaging does more harm than good…it is a poisonous and toxic influence on young minds for so many reasons.
Luckily, young minds don’t care a toss about what ageing beeboids spout, Pug, or if they do hear anything, they won’t bother when Gloriette next door asks them around to hear the Rolling Stones’ new LP while her mum and dad are down at ‘The Dog and Duck’…
I suggest Track Four is the best one for ‘getting acquainted’ but don’t tell Brissles…
I think the BBC is terminally ill and is in serious need of some “assisted dying”
“Coogan spared lengthy driving ban to film The Trip”
Steve Coogan has been banned for driving for two months instead of six, after telling the judge that a lengthier ban would impact the filming of his popular TV comedy series The Trip.
Coogan previously escaped a lengthy driving ban, on another occasion in 2019, after successfully arguing that a new series featuring his much-loved character Alan Partridge could not be filmed on public transport.
Media culpability evidence? What evidence?
“The report estimates 1,400 children were sexually exploited over 16 years, with one young person telling the report’s author that gang rape was a usual part of growing up in Rotherham.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
“Starmer reckons Palestine belongs to the Palestinians.. So England belongs to the English, then.”
Perfect point MM…
I don’t know if you recall – but before the true president took office – we wondered whether the BBC would put on that obscene anti Trump ‘ 100 days ‘ show like they did in 2016?
I think if they had done it this time they’d have needed more than 30 minutes each day – and Kathy and Christian shouid have needed treatment for their nose bleeds and counselling for the magnificent first 16 days . Is it really just 16 days ?
Btw – all the Marxist regime can do in Britain is to cancel local elections it knows it will lose … and which the msm is ignoring …
BBC VERIFY Cost saving unit – (exposed as false news)
‘Back in Spring of last year Guido discovered that the art project known as BBC Verify was staffed by an incredible 63 people with combined salary costs of a £3.2 million. And it still managed to confuse hectares for acres in its farm tax analysis…
By December the BBC had managed to shave off two staff from the team, which produces around two stories a day including such zingers as “Five key impacts of Brexit” which fails to mention anything positive about Brexit. Good news, until they tell you that staff costs have risen by £100,000 at the same time…
Now that we’re in the new year Guido can report that Verify has stuck with its 63 staff while paying them even more. Salary costs are now £3.4 million – an increase of £100,000 a month. Crucial funding for Marianna Spring be fooled by more wombat memes…’
Phillip – in a way it reminds me of what DOGE found with the use of tax money to subsidise the media – for instance subscriptions to ‘politico pro ‘ of $75 000 a year .
How much does the British state ( bbc ) on – say – The Guardian ? – using our money ?
I did read some years ago the the BBC is the largest single group buyer of the Guardian newspaper in the entire UK. And all staff are recruited via the Guardian, as the BBC was the largest advertiser in the Guardian for some strange reason.
I’ve got a feeling when you add all the public sector subscriptions to the Guardian it’s 50% or more ….
From “In Their Own Words” (here, on this site):
Peter Sissons (quoted in January 2011):
“In my view, ‘bias’ is too blunt a word to describe the subtleties of the pervading culture. The better word is a ‘mindset’. At the core of the BBC, in its very DNA, is a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left.
By far the most popular and widely read newspapers at the BBC are The Guardian and The Independent. Producers refer to them routinely for the line to take on running stories, and for inspiration on which items to cover. In the later stages of my career, I lost count of the number of times I asked a producer for a brief on a story, only to be handed a copy of The Guardian and told ‘it’s all in there’.”
BBC2 now Miriam Margoyles
Thankyou BBC the lefty lesbian doesn’t get enough coverage on the BBC ../sarc
Funny how the BBC goes for Larger Than Life Types – -maybe TV needs ‘ characters ‘ – not for me ….
Margoyles at one point expressed her discomfort at being out of her depth exposed to rich Australians at a polo match… that’s the Margoyles with estimated personal net worth of four million quid….
Not much more you can say about that really except maybe fame chasing fraudster. Never liked her!
That’s the same Margoyles that, on television, described Donald Trump as a piece of shit.
Lets hope Trump destroys starmer for this .
Kennedy really is a box office politician – the democrats hate him as much as Ted Crux …
Ted Cruz is an absolute star.
He demolishes the Democrats arguments with pure common sense.
Brilliant takedown of the barking marxist Phillipson MP and her new education wreking bill by Katharine Birbalsingh, Headmistress, Michaela Community School:
Their motto must be:
Where there is education excellence exterminate it.
Once we become the 53rd state my expectation would be that you would take urgent action to deal with our immigration crisis, reduce our taxes, slash the number of public sector employees, end the nonsense of Net Zero and sack anybody engaged in the ‘diversity’ industry. Perhaps you will also have room in Guantanamo for those who have shredded the social contract and flung it down the toilet, (or ‘the john’, as you would say). I am happy to provide you with a list of names of those who deserve incarceration.
Make England American First (MEAF)!
When Leftie woke women try to do comedy.
She called two men on the front row gay then completely lost it when they heckled back.
What amazes me is how the wokies in the audience cheer the woman even after she turned into a screaming nasty creature from hell.
Needed a smack in the mouth for abusing someone like that while SHE has a mic in her hand.
A metaphorical smack in the mouth I think you mean Z.
Once he showed he wasn’t one of ‘them’, she turned real nasty.
An excellent example of her kind. And so were the audience – she should have been booed off the stage,
‘We won’t go out of Gaza’: Palestinians express shock and defiance at Trump plan
More ludicrous rhetoric from the BBC’s antisemetic Yolande Knell.
They have a video up there and I would bet my hat that all of those people speaking are saying pre-written, pre-rehearsed speeches.
Just watch them as they speak. They talk without pausing or any look of concentration on their faces. It all just spills out yet has every BBC agenda buzzword crammed into it. And they are all shifting their eyes from the camera to the sides as they go.
I call another great big fat BBC lie.
Majority of teen homicide victims killed by blade, says ONS
The story is also in the Evening Standard.
Eight in 10 teenage homicide victims ‘killed by knife or sharp instrument’
Which incredibly significant part of the story do the BBC leave out this time do I hear you ask ?.
This part:
‘When looking at ethnic appearance, the ONS found that 12 of the 40 victims under-18 in 2023/24 were white, 11 were black, 16 were another ethnicity – including Asian and mixed – and one was not known or not recorded.’
‘In other words, 30% of victims under the age of 18 were white, 28% were black and 40% were of another ethnicity.’
So 68% of the stabbing victims were not white. And as a rough guide, the perventages of the ethnicities who gave it are roughly equal to those who got it.
68%. From less than 20% of the population. In other words, non-whites are NINE times more likely to murder someone by stabbing than white people.
No wonder the BBC have left that bit out. Another MASSIVE lie by omission in favour of their political agenda.
Panicked college students deleting online info after Trump’s promise to deport Hamas sympathizers.
Worried college students at some universities have begun deleting the names of pro-Palestine protesters published online in response to Donald Trump pledging to deport ‘Hamas sympathizers’.
Trump, 78, signed a January 30 executive order to cancel the student visas of anyone who had shown support for the Palestinian terror group.
In response, the editorial board at The Exponent, an unofficial newspaper serving Purdue University, announced in an article that it would be ‘removing the names, images and likenesses of every such student from our website published since Oct. 7, 2023’.
It said the move aimed ‘to protect the identities of pro-Palestinian students’, adding that it ‘refuses to be party to such a blatant violation of the First Amendment rights of potentially hundreds of Purdue students’.
‘Further, in future coverage, no such information or images will be published online or in print by the Exponent — no exceptions — until this autocratic attack on free speech is overturned,’ the article, penned by anonymous ‘editorial staff’ added.
Purdue University is a public research facility in West Lafayette, Indiana specializing in science, tech, and engineering studies. The college told in a statement that they are ‘unaffiliated’ with The Exponent, which is an ‘independent foundation’.
The Exponent is currently overseen by editor-in-chief Seth Nelson, who writes about ‘poverty, homelessness and drug addiction’ according to his LinkedIn.
Trump’s executive order targets people living in the US on visas, including students, who broke laws during demonstrations following the October 7, 2023 attacks in Israel
The president said he would instruct his Justice Department to ‘aggressively prosecute terroristic threats, arson, vandalism and violence against American Jews’.
He added: ‘To all the resident aliens who joined in the pro-jihadist protests, we put you on notice… we will find you, and we will deport you.
‘I will also quickly cancel the student visas of all Hamas sympathizers on college campuses, which have been infested with radicalism like never before.’
Meanwhile the appeasers here..
“Pro-Palestine organisers were planning first huge demonstration in London as October 7 massacre unfolded in Israel.
A Freedom of Information request showed that organisers phoned the force at 12.50pm on October 7, 2023, just eight hours after Hamas first fired rockets into Israel.
The request was also made just as militants targeted the Nova Music Festival, leaving 364 people killed and hundreds more injured.
As the planned march was more than seven days away on October 14, police deemed the call to be ‘sufficient means’ of notification.
At least 15 were arrested at the October 14 protest in the capital, which saw protesters clash with police in Trafalgar Square as activists launched bottles, placards and flares at officers.”
Hasty Puddings Theatrical parade edition
One likes to highlight those little clues to The State of the Nation to be found in reports one sometimes comes across in the news. A glance beyond the top headlines this morning reveals several of these such lesser news lines.
Departure boards’ lost trains anger passengers in the Times intrigued your Mr AsI.
Network Rail has infuriated communters by removing train listings from departure boards early in an attempt to stop people rushing to get on board… Passengers said it was patronising and questioned whether the government-owned body had the right to decide if they should rush
I’m now envisaging the Rev Awdry’s Fat Controller mistakenly under the impression he’s running a nudge unit rather than his railway.
H.M.S. Pinafore
Navy embraces saris in the name of diversity… Hon Captain Durdana Ansad, a former BBC World Service journalist… wears her white sari beneath a mess jacket… Officers are now permitted to wear “cultural dress” (frontpage feature photo in the Telegraph) – further comment would seem superfluous.
What would Francis Drake have made of this?
Harland and Wolf clincher… Spain’s Navantia paid £93mn to buy the shipyard that built the Titanic, far above its initial offer, after clinching a deal on a Royal Navy contract (FT)
Frontpage full-colour feature photo in the Guardian can simply be described as… quintessential Guardianista: Wicked wonder Oscar nominated British star Cynthia Ervio – you guessed it, she’s black – and not exactly a Naomi Campbell or a Beyoncé when it comes to looks: …is centre of attention after being named woman of the year at Harvard University’s Hasty Puddings Theatrical parade – a pair of pink-haired white youngsters lean in to kiss a smiling Ms Ervio on her two cheeks.
Oh, how different the reaction
Jenni Hermoso tells court Rubiales’s kiss ‘tarnished’ World Cup win… Spanish footballer says she has not been able to ‘live freely’ since incident in 2023 that changed her life (Guardian, 3 days ago)
Talkin’ ’bout my generation
At 50, I was bullied out of my job by over-indulged and spiteful snowflakes (Daily Mail)
There is a feeling abroad that a sizeable segment of our younger generation – and one has to blame our education system here – celebrated traits seem to be flippant anti-patriotism, sad talentlessness and the impression it is cool to be unseriously posing as androgynous: Olly Alexander Bombing like that on Eurovision was iconic (i news)
In case you’d forgotten: Olly Alexander breaks silence over ‘nuls points’ Eurovision score…Pop singer came 18th after performing his song ‘Dizzy’ at the final in Sweden… as he addressed his disappointing final scores… recieved the dreaded nuls points in the public vote and just 46 points from the jury, leaving him in 18th place out of 25 countries… singer seemed to put on a brave face as the scores were announced at the live final, laughing and cheering with his team, and celebrating as Switzerland’s Nemo was crowned the winner with a huge 591 points. (Independent, May 2024)
Asiseeit …. So early ! Sometimes when I see media stuff I know im getting old because I have no idea who the stars and celebrities are ? Im no homosexual so have no idea about Eurovision and a whole list of famous queers and trannies …( are they the same thing ?)
I woke early and in such exciting times turned on the radio news to find the ‘top story’ is that 3 gold diggers are accusing a dead Egyptian shop keepers ‘ brother of sexual assault sometime in the past – yawn – but good business for the lawyers … off switch …
I’d rather hear about lefties losing it in the US . …
One does not have to look too hard…
“Most Democrats have opted to remain silent in response to President Donald Trump’s executive order banning transgender athletes from women’s and girls sports.
But one Democrat spoke out against it and was heavily criticized.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, spoke out against Trump’s executive order in an X post Wednesday.
“On National Girls & Women in Sports Day, Trump is: – banning trans kids from playing sports – trying to cut Title IX women’s and girls’ athletics grants -removing references to women, female and equality on government websites,” Crockett wrote.
“LET ME BE CLEAR This. Doesn’t. Protect. Women.”
Crockett’s criticism of Trump drew fierce backlash from other X users.”
“Boston University staff member made social media post saying DOGE employees are wanted ‘dead or alive.
The social media ‘Wanted for treason, dead or alive’ ”
Over a dozen Venezuelan criminal illegal migrants sent to Guantanamo Bay: ‘Highly dangerous’ people.
The US plans to house ‘the worst of the worst’ at the detention facility until they can be flown back to their home countries.
More than a dozen Venezuelan criminal illegal migrants are on their way to the U.S.’ most secure prison — the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp (GITMO) in Cuba — some of whom are members of the violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA), according to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sources.
TdA is an international criminal group that has been terrorizing U.S. communities from New York to Colorado. As one of his first actions, President Donald Trump issued an executive order on Jan. 20 instructing the State Department and other government agencies to move to designate TdA as a “foreign terrorist organization.”
Fox News learned that along with TdA gang members, the 13 Venezuelans being flown to GITMO include a murder suspect and a man who claims to have escaped from a Venezuelan prison.
The men are expected to be held at the detention center that is being expanded to house tens of thousands of criminal immigrants.
Some comments below the above:
I just learned more about my government in 13 minutes then I have in 4 years. Damn
Holy moly! A press secretary that can actually speak & answer questions!!!
She actually answers questions, what a stark contrast from last Press sec.
It’s so refreshing to see a press secretary give straight forward answers.
Peter Doocy actually getting answers is a breath of fresh air
When you have the truth, you will never stumble in your words
Holy shit… the press secretary is actually answering questions…. havent seen that in 4 years 😂
lol night and day compared to the last racist idiot Biden put in. Her only skill was to not answer the question. It was laughably obvious that she got the job because she was a black activist.
I would like to say my faith in democracy has been restored but I realise the USA escaped a fascist Left dictatorship by the skin of it’s teeth. They were busy importing enrichment into swing states to make sure they could not lose next time and a bullet just 1 inch to the right and they would have got rid of Trump forever.
But we are where we are and I’m sure this only the beginning of the delights Trump is going to serve up. And his example gives us a real chance that the people will vote for similar change here.
Anybody voting for change will be labelled far right and jailed.
LOL….BBC just admitted that Trump may have a point abut Gaza…it is uninhabitable with no water and power infrastructure, so many buildings destroyed and unexploded munitions everywhere.
Sooo….what’s the solution? All those who jump up and down in rage about Trump’s suggestion do tell how you would rebuild Gaza….and what to do about Hamas.
The BBC wheeled in Darroch once again yesterday…wonder why they keep on using a man whom they know hates Trump…naturally he has nothing good to say about Trump and Gaza…he talks of the ‘Far-Right’ Israeli cabinet members who would like to clear Gaza and settle it…they are a problem…but fails to mention that Hamas and others want to clear Israel and wipe out the Jews and want a ‘one state policy’.
Israel always under the microscope whilst the Palestinians literally get away with murder.
It’s easy for the BBC because anyone they use from the FCO swamp is gonna sing its own song . I don’t think any President Trump crew is going to lose sleep over any view someone from the British swamp says – and the Fox News presenters noticed the BBC getting handouts from USAID …. perhaps the bbc can explain why it is being funded by foreign governments …
Comrade Milliband junior interviewed about Green crap . I have never heard such an insane fool . He wants to spend 22 billion of our money on ‘carbon capture ‘.. which is unproven technology …. 22 billion ….
What happened to Milliband – the creature is a megalomaniac who cares not a jot about today – us right now ….
We knew the Marxists getting power would be painful – but bloody helll .. it looks even worse now with the Trump regime drill baby drill ….
Long time to 2029 – if elections are allowed then …
Rachel Reeves tells cabinet UK still faces £100bn black hole over next five years
This article is more than 3 months old
Chancellor’s words will be interpreted as signal she will not give in to ministers over cuts she imposes in budget
Miliband, Karen from Accounts, Rayner, Philipson, Nandy, Howler Powell, FrizzHead… is there one of Starmer’s cabinet who is not a total airhead Marxist?
Credit to a rare Beeboid here.
More typically though…
9 comments in 2 Days
Buyers regret …. 2024 … “Labour wins backing of more than 100 business bosses”
“Tunde Adeniran, Co-founder, Lerno;;Tom Adeyoola, Co-founder, Extend Ventures;;Max Alexander, Former CEO, Secret Cinema;;Joanne Anderson, Director, Innervision;;William Anderson, Director, Barton Legal Limited;;Iain Anderson, Chairman, H/Advisors Cicero ;;Amul Batra, Co-Founder & Chief Partnerships Officer, Northcoders Group plc;;George Bevis, CEO, CanDo;;James Bielby, CEO, Federation of Wholesale Distributors ;;Karen Blackett, UK President, WPP;;Pete Bowyer, Director Association of International Retail;;David Brindley, President, Bidpath ;;Richard Burge, Former CEO, London Chamber and Commonwealth Enterprise Council;;George Burn, Partner, BCLP;;Hugh Campbell, Managing Partner GP Bullhound;;Tony Carney, Managing Director, Huyton Asphalt Civils ;;Rachel Carrell, CEO, Koru Kids;;Phil Chambers, CEO Orbex;;Mark Claydon, Director, Trustech Smart Healthcare Ventures Limited;;David Cleevely, Former Chair, Abcam and Rasberry Pi;;Rachel Coldicutt, Executive Director, Careful Trouble ;;Paul Corcoran, CEO, Agent;;Lou Cordwell, Founder, Magnetic;;Nick Corston, Co-founder/CEO, STEAM Co. CIC;;Andrew Croft. Director, Social Enterprise UK;;Alasdair Croft, Managing Director, AmpEV Ltd ;;Jack Curtis, Founder, Carbon Jacked;;Eleanor Deeley, Joint Managing Director, Deeley Group Ltd;;Alexandra Depledge, CEO, Resi ;;Professor Kishan Devani BEM, Director, Dev Yogi Ltd;;Philip Dewing, CEO, Unity Healthcare Recruitment;;Mark Dickinson, CEO, Intrinsic Semiconductor Technologies Ltd;;Anand Doobay, Partner, Boutique Law;;Warren Downey, CEO, Specialist Risk Group;;Sarah Drinkwater, General Partner, Common Magic;;Noel Dunne, Founder & Managing Director, Creative Alliance;;William Eccleshare, Chair, Inspired Thinking Group;;Ben Evans, CEO, IDEA [incorporating London Design Festival, London Design Biennale, Global Design Forum];;Jane Featherstone, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer, Sister;;Richard Flint, Investor ;;Matthew Freud, Chairman, The Freuds Group;;David George, CEO, Bikmo;;Mark Glover, Executive Chairman, SEC Newgate UK;;Jonathan Goodwin OBE, Co-founder, The Founders Forum Group and J Goodwin&Co;;Neil Goulden, Chairman, Neil Goulden Consulting Ltd;;Ben Govier, Owner, Dylan’s Ice Cream;;Richard Greer, Chair, Asia Strategic Holdings;;Helene Guillaume, Founder and CEO,;;Vikash Gupta, CEO, VAR Capital;;Charles Harman, Former Vice Chairman, J.P.Morgan Cazenove;;Matt Hastings, Founder and CEO, Ideaonomy;;Brian Hay, CEO, The Cardinal Partnership;;Benny Higgins, Former CEO, Tesco Bank;;Andrew Higginson, Chair, JD Sports Fashion plc;;Tim Hincks, Co-CEO, Expectation;;John Holland-Kaye, Former CEO, Heathrow;;Damian Horton, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Eloy;;Ryan Hudson, Founder & Creative Director, Ministry Creative;;Alan Hughes, Chairman, Unity Trust Bank plc;;Rupert Keeley, Director: NewDay Group; Dubai Financial Services Authority; Unzer GmbH; Team8 Fintech. Adviser: NatWest Group;;Tom Kerridge, Chef, The Hand and Flowers Pub;;Dan Kieran, Co-founder, Unbound;;Ben Kilbey, Founder and CEO, Bold Voodoo;;Stephen Kinsella, Founder, Law For Change;;Jack Kirkland, Chairman, Bowmer + Kirkland;;Stefan Kulik, Managing Director, Royal Mail Health;;Darius Kumana, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Wrisk;;Tony Langham, Founder and Non Executive Chair, Opinium;;Nic Laurens, Managing Director, SEVERN Diamond Ltd;;Paul Lindley, Founder, Ella’s Kitchen;;Piers Linney, Co-founder, Implement AI Ltd;;Sanjay Lobo, CEO, OnHand;;Chris Locke, Chair, Caribou Digital;;John Mahon CBE, Former Director General for Exports; former CEO of UK Infrastructure Bank Department for International Trade;;Kevin McGrath, Chairman, Regional REIT plc;;Kevin McKeever, Founder & Managing Director, Lowick Group;;Frank McKenna, Group chair & Chief Executive, Downtown in Business Lrd;;Zandra Moore, CEO, Panintelligence;;Gill Morris, Executive Chair, Inflect ;;Mark Mullen, Chief Executive, Atom Bank plc ;;Jamie Murray, Director, PD Investments Ltd;;Paul Naha-Biswas, CEO, Sixley;;Rajay Naik, Chief Executive Officer, Skilled Education;;Sue O’Brien OBE, Chair and Non Executive Director, Right Strategy;;Lukas Oberhuber, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer,;;Amanda Owen-Meehan, Director and Founder, Amanda Owen Meehan Consulting Ltd ;;Andy Palmer CMG, Former CEO, Aston Martin;;Jonathan Patrick, CEO, Consultant Connect ;;Janet Pope, Chair, Charities Aid Foundation Bank;;Charles Randell, Former Chair, Financial Conduct Authority;;Rena Rani, Director, Propel – Education Management ;;Ruben Rasalingham, Chief Operating Officer, Behold.aiTechnologies Limited;;Will Read, CEO, Sideways 6;;Xavier Rees, Group CEO, AMV BBDO;;William Reeve, CEO, Goodlord;;Ben Rometsch, Co-Founder and CEO, Flagsmith;;William Sargent, Executive Chair, Framestore ;;Asi Sharabi, CEO, Wonderbly;;Chris Simmons, Founder and Managing Director, Simtec Materials Testing Ltd;;Chris Slater, Founder & CEO, Oka, The Carbon Insurance Company;;Giles Slinger, Director, Fledger;;Nick Smallman, CEO, Working Voices ;;Stella Smith, Founder & CEO, pirkx;;Mike Soutar, Chairman, Electric Gallery;;Tommy Stadlen, Co-Founder, Giant Ventures;;Alex Stephany, Founder & CEO, BEAM;;Mark Stephenson, Managing Director, Stephenson-Mohl Group;;Colin Stevens, CEO/Chairman/NonExecutive/Trustee, Click Consultancy Ltd;;Jason Stockwood, Founder, 53 Degrees Capital;;Sir Bill Thomas, Chairman, Spirent Communications Plc ;;Alexis Toft, CEO and Founder, Toft Ventures Ltd;;Jimmy Wales, Founder, Wikipedia;;Sir Malcolm Walker CBE, Founder, Iceland Foods;;Richard Walker OBE, Executive Chairman, Iceland Foods ;;Emily Wallace, Managing Director, Inflect Partners;;Louis Warner, General Partner, G-Force;;Mark Welsby, Managing Director, Hawkstone Interiors;;Becky Willan, CEO, Given Agency;;Sean Williams, CEO, AutogenAI;;Emma Woods, Chair, Ancient+Brave and Tortilla Mexican Grill plc ;;Phil Zeidler, Non Executive Director, Admiral Pioneer; Perci Health; Aplyid; Cranfield University; Ride High;”
Not bad for the “party of the workers”? (smirk smirk}
However, this comes as no surprise to me as I am old enough to remember that in an American election campaign in the 1960’s Democrat senator Hubert Humphrey boasted that the Democrats had a “monopoly on prosperity” for which he received a slap on the wrist from President Johnson. Hush your mouth. I think the Senator was telling an embarrassing truth and I assumed that a similar situation would soon occur in Britain where the Labour Party can no longer claim to be the party of the workers but the party of the wokers.
Our BBC.
It had a slim chance once.
No more.
#ccbgb by… a fair margin.
Toenails might regret this one. Too.
“That is “literally” not true. The BBC is funded by millions of people paying a licence fee. “BBC Media Action” is a charity which supports local media around the world to fight disinformation which is quite a big problem these days. Don’t you agree ?
paying a licence fee UNDER THREAT OF PRISON
Do you notice how the killings in Sweden have just ‘gone ‘?
Is there a narrative ? What happened ? Who was killed ? Why ?
I get the feeling it was someone fed up with having their country invaded and turned into a sewer . So European regimes won’t want to publicise that too much …
Fedup2 can you please shut up for the sake of diversity please?
2023 …. “How gang violence took hold of Sweden – in five charts
This article is more than 1 year old
Scandinavian country has second highest gun crime death rate in Europe, with poverty and inequality among driving factors”
I was thinking exactly the same this morning.
They are all very interested in everything except the murderer and his motives. They are barely mentioned.
I can’t beleive I’m saying it but Trump’s success in getting back into power is nothing short of miraculous. He survived every attempt of the global establishment to remove him, an assasins bullet grazed his ear, another assasin was spotted just before he came into view and now he is ruthlessly going for all those things which are morally and ethically wrong by every law of nature.
He’s better slow down a bit because I don’t want to lose my disbelief in divine intervention and destiny.