31 Responses to Midweek 12th March 2025

  1. wwfc says:

    first again lol


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Good job Ww -Douglas Murray – on X reports that he won a major libel case against The Guardian today . Doesn’t say how much he got but let’s hope it bleeds them to death


  3. JonathanR says:

    It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if the population voted for one. Just like the elites attempt to overturn Brexit. However the people voted it just would not be implemented Roumania is a perfect example. In Britain it is worse. The Islamists and their woke enablers have infiltrated every political party, the civil service and every quango. It seems that the last hope of Reform UK has gone the same way.


    • JohnC says:

      Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states.

      Final ruling bars far-right Georgescu from Romanian vote

      Another ridiculously lop-sided BBC article from the ultra-Left , anti-Semite Sarah Rainsford.

      The summary is:

      Right-wing candidate wins vote.
      Vote gets overturned and re-run ordered.
      Right wing candidate disqualified from running.

      Exactly what they tried to do to Trump.

      They key is buried deep in the article:
      ‘To European leaders and many in Romania it looked like Russia was trying to weaken Europe and undermine its liberal values.’
      ‘That is still the opinion of many Romanians who fear a man who admires Vladimir Putin and dislikes Nato.’

      Not the majority though is it BBC ?. Typical BBC lies which infer something as being hte general truth.

      They get ‘far-right’ in there 8 times. Every single right-wing party is ‘far-right’ now at the BBC and to the fascists Left.

      The EU are the new Nazi fascists. And once again they have their sights on world domination. It sounds ridiculous – but it’s true. And the BBC are fully complicit. They should be outraged by this even but they are not. They have utterly failed their journalistic ethics. Again.


      • Up2snuff says:

        JohnC, I think you are right about the EU wanting global domination. They wanted to expand into the Middle East. Do I recall correctly that the EU had its eyes on Turkey becoming members?

        I once wondered whether the ten horned ‘beast’ of the books of Daniel & Revelation in the Bible was the EU but of course the EU then exploded my Biblical ‘musings’ by expanding its membership to 27 and then 28 nations with the UK included.

        But be very certain that what God foretells in the Bible will happen – eventually.


    • Deborah says:

      I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer.

      However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words out of context by very selectively decide the start and finish of a clip, attack Musk (and not what he finds), attack Melania, in spite of the Muller report clearing him still refer to Trump as linked to Russia, etc etc. But there has been a fine display from the MSM trying to bring Trump down or blacken his name after they recovered from the shock of him winning.

      And similarly what I am not sure is whether the MSM saw an opportunity to bring down Reform, whether Reform did it to themselves, or whether there are people specifically involved in Reform with the sole purpose of bringing it down. Whatever went on I don’t think Nigel did brilliantly in how he has handled this episode.


      • JohnC says:

        What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole world. They completely misrepresent the truth for their own political ideology and they don’t care one bit what effect their lies (because deliberately misrepresenting the truth IS a lie, even if the detail is true) have on the whole of society.

        The constant anti-Trump rhetoric has created an immense amount of hate among young activists. If you browse any of the big forums like Quora and Reddit, the hate is absolutely extreme. And anyone who does not buy into the group-think is attacked with such vitriole, I am certain they would be ‘removed from society’ if they had the power. This hate is fuelled by the constant criticism and negativity from the likes of the BBC.

        Now the BBC have learned what they can do (deposing Boris and all the ministers who were actually conservatives was a left-wing coup orchestrated by the BBC in conjunction with the civil service. No other way to describe it), they have expanded it to everything right-wing.

        If this was a spat within Labour, it would barely make the news. And I’m sure there are still more left-wing activists within Reform with bad intent. And whatever damning statements they make when they come from their cover will be front-page BBC news.

        We should not underestimate just how nasty the Left are. I was reading this morning how they are trying to ruin a fish and chip business because it showed some support to reform.

        Online trolls target Glasgow chippy after Reform UK event

        Scottish podcast cuts ties with Glasgow chip shop over Reform links

        The comment in the second one fully support ruining this man. These fascists don’t want democracy, they want a left-wing dictatorship where they can destroy those they hate. They are the real Nazis.

        Marianna-pants-on-fire should create one of her troll accounts on Quora and imitate someone right wing and see how much hate she gets. That’s why her remit has been very deliberately limited to ‘misinformation’. They know the ‘hate’ which is destroying society is from the Left.


        • Doublethinker says:

          I agree with your comments except the labelling of Boris as a true Conservative. He may got us half out of the EU but he massively increased immigration , which was just about the worst thing that he could have done, and then he prevented a peace settlement in Ukraine in 2022 when the war was just a few weeks old.
          I think that we should focus on whether politicians are Globalists or Nationalists. Boris was definitely a Globalist and I think he only used Brexit for personal advancement or perhaps as a Globalist plant to defuse the feelings of the population.
          Farage is certainly a Nationalist but he seems to have reached the conclusion that the growth of Islam in our country is inevitable and therefore Reform must come to terms with it.
          I find this conclusion very unpalatable and it is also based on the highly dangerous assumption that Muslims will tolerate a multi religious society. History tells us that whenever they have sufficient power Muslims always force conversion to Islam by the book or by the sword. I expect this to be the case in the UK in the second half of this century unless a very firm stand is made in the next decade.
          Who has the courage to take the leadership role in this stand and how they can recruit enough support for it is the main issue. They will face far more opposition from the ruling elite than Le Pen or Wilders has done and of course the brainwashed sheep of the British public wont offer much support until it is too late.


  4. JonathanR says:

    I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it is then Farage is just yet another wannabe elite


  5. JonathanR says:

    It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For instance Isabel Oakshot. When you find out that she is Richard Tice girlfriend and she can act like this Then all that she says from now on will be questioned That’s if I would actually listen to anything she says in the future. This video is about Farage and Lowe by someone who I do have time for


  6. andyjsnape says:

    Is the US really heading into a recession?

    Nothing better than the bbc to talk any economy/country into recession!



    • Scroblene says:

      As is expcted from the far-left BBC, tha S and P chart on the report doesn’t show the dreadful times that those companies were seeing under the Democrats!

      Half-way through 2020, the S and P showed that that even with the drop just recently, the US is still double what it was under Biden and his cronies.

      https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/SPY/ (look at the 5Y figures, not the first ones that appear).

      Somehow, the verify kids don’t go back that far, and certainly don’t want the general public to see the true facts either.

      More lies by omission…


      • andyjsnape says:

        Hello Scroblene

        I never believe a word the bbc choose to tell us and search the internet for more facts

        I checked yesterday the S&P over the years and noticed that It was doing loads better. Can only imagine the likes of the bbc waiting for a moment when it deeps and they report it straight away and 5 minutes later it improves, but the bbc leave the report up for hours and the left lot believe it!


    • MarkyMark says:

      Liz Truss destroyed the World’s economy! HA HA HAHA! So Rishi saved us!


  7. andyjsnape says:

    bbc promotion for refugees:-

    ‘I’m proud of being a refugee who came to the UK’

    Always 1 sided reporting when the left feel its how we should all feel


  8. Doublethinker says:

    The first 50 days of President Trump has been glorious. Much has been started but of course little has yet been completed .
    The Globalists are regrouping , his opening salvos have caught them by surprise , they never expected such radical measures to be taken. I think that much of the ‘panic’ on the global money markets is a concerted effort by them to blunt Trump’s effectiveness and to weaken the US economy.
    If they can do this then they might get the Dems back in control of the House after the mid terms in 2026 . This would seriously limit what Trump can achieve in his final two years and also damage Vance’s chances of succeeding him.
    Trump needs to keep on hitting them hard and I think he must reveal all the illegal dirty tricks they used from 2016 onwards in order to discredit them in the eyes of the American public. He must be seen as the defender of American democracy against the anti democratic Democrats!


  9. Flotsam says:

    Canada anointing Carney to be PM and run in the next General Election is a shocking object lesson for Britain in how corrupt modern politics, MSM and the legal system is and how the left wing have taken over. Trudeau managed to prorogue Parliament to prevent being removed as Prime Minister and delay the General Election.
    Prorogue Parliament, remember the last time when we heard about that process? It was when Boris Johnson attempted to prorogue Parliament and was prevented from doing so by the Supreme Court in a very controversial Judgement. Canada’s head of State is the Monarch of Great Britain, it was the King’s representative in Canada, the Governor General who gave permission for the prorogation and yet their Courts found it to be legal.
    What we seem to be seeing is a complete undemocratic left wing and Establishment capture of the West.

    The video which explains some of this, previously posted by Tomo is well worth a watch.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
      “I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response

      “… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
      -Jacob Rees Mogg


  10. Fedup2 says:

    Shocking news – a ‘member ‘ of the Labour Party who is an aid to Wesley Wes streeting has been charged with exposing and pleasuring himself toward a 13 year old girl … a girl !

    Morality and the Marxist far left are not close friends … innocent until proved guilty … and of course a TTK court will do the necessary …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Bradford City of UK Culture 2025.
      Iraqi MPs and women’s rights groups have reacted with horror to the Iraqi parliament passing a law permitting children as young as nine years old to marry, with activists saying it will “legalise child rape”.


      Woman declared dead appears in court by videolink from Nigeria to stop convicted fraudster from seizing her £350,000 London home

      Published: 18:56, 11 March 2025 | Updated: 22:32, 11 March 2025


    • MarkyMark says:

      Wes Streeting’s aide accused of exposing himself to a 13-year-old girl
      Sam Gould, 33, is alleged to have been sitting in his car performing a sex act with his trousers down
      Tim Sigsworth 11 March 2025 11:42pm GMT



      How paedophiles infiltrated the left and hijacked the fight for civil rights

      Harriet Harman and Jack Dromey in 1982 Photograph: Pa

      Others, like Fletcher, felt such a move would give a licence to older men to prey on young girls. Into this permissive climate crept the PIE, a group that actively promoted sex between children and adults and that was allowed not only to affiliate to the NCCL (in return for paying a £15 subscription) but enjoyed considerable recognition and support for its right to speak out on such issues.


  11. Guest Who says:

    Doctors try to stop under-eights drinking slushies

    Without getting an appointment, presumably? #ccbgb

    Missus is currently addicted to ‘House’, where Bertie Wooster’s Evil twin dispatches a diverse band of merry $pecialists around the neighbourhood to track down rare ticks in kids’ bedrooms.

    Had to laugh when an MRI got done within seconds and surgery soon after.


  12. andyjsnape says:

    Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit

    How nice in the name of green


  13. AsISeeIt says:

    PR guff and Yakety Sax edition

    Trump ratchets up Canada trade war with 50% aluminium and steel tariffs – frets the Financial Times

    Well, this sort of story is comfortably within the pink market-watching paper’s wheelhouse. A place this chap: Cargo ship’s captain arrested over North Sea crash – presumably was not.

    However, leaving aside our own domestic economic woes – and they are severe: British firms more gloomy than Russians… Businesses are more pessimistic… than heavily sanctioned Russia… suggested the UK was headed towards stagflation with bosses planning to shed jobs faster than other major economies (Telegraph)

    Nonetheless, it’s US trade policy that is – apparently – likewise the very top concern of our BBC’s online news headlines: EU retaliates after Trump tariffs on steel and aluminium take effect (BBC)

    Next week’s headline: ‘Trump demands Britain take the extra ‘i’ out of aluminium?’ I jest of course.

    Tariffs on aluminium – or is that aluminum? How will this impact the price of tinfoil for cooking the British Christmas dinner turkey? Let alone the entry cost of becoming a conspiracy theorist? I refer of course to the tinfoil hat. Remember folks, conspiracies do exist – otherwise Julius Caesar would still be alive in Rome rather than having ended up as a pin cushion for the senators in the forum. And remember this folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true.

    Turkey Lurky

    Speaking of turkey…

    Nato seeks improved ties… has urged the EU and Turkey to improve relations… (FT)

    Well, that didn’t take as long as we were once told

    EU referendum: Turkey joining EU ‘not remotely on cards’, says PM… David Cameron said Turkey joining the 28-member bloc… would take “decades” (BBC, May 2016)

    David Cameron fights off EU army plan… tells a Brussels summit that “it isn’t right” for the EU to have its own army and air force (Telegraph, December 2013)

    UK to lead Europe’s new mega-army in Ukraine with France, Turkey and Canada… Parliament will have a vote on deploying British troops to Ukraine, Keir Starmer says (Daily Express, March 2025)

    News from closer to home – or rather Press Releases from closer to home

    Plan to cut thousands more civil service jobs – grumbles the Guardian

    Quangos to be axed… Sir Keir Starmer told ministers to “take responsibility” and stop “outsourcing” decisions to regulators as he prepares to scrap quangos and cut red tape – trumpets the Times, wistfully.

    However: Classic PR guff is a mere sideshow diverting from… blunders – scoffs Kevin Garside in the left-leaning i news – but ths is of course the sports correspondent and it is a diss not on Keir Starmer but instead on Manchester United’s boss Jim Ratcliffe – he of the Man United creeping islamisation – rather than Sir Keir and King Charles and whatever they’re up to?

    Manchester United has opened a prayer room at Old Trafford, to allow Muslim fans and others to enjoy matchdays along with their religious obligations. (Let spread a welcome carpet – prayer mat indeed – for the debut hereabouts for The New Arab, London-based pan-Arab news outlet owned by Qatari company Fadaat Media… “relatively independent” in the context of the Arab world… “Sometimes the newspaper might be sensitive about what not to say, because you are not there to provoke the people that finance you.” – thank you Wiki – there’s a lesson for us all)

    As for religious obligations at the football… as a long suffering Spurs fan one professes agnosticism at best and am sorely tempted to go atheist.

    And finally, for those among us who somewhat regret the passing of the saucy Carry On-style medical comedy, brimming with innuendo, sexually inept yet horny junior doctors, nurses in smartly starched uniforms and battle axe starched matrons… we may be pleased to hear our health secretary Wes Streeting’s office is doing its best to bring back some of that – relatively – innocent fun (allegedly).

    Exclusive: health sec’s horror… Wes aide flashed girl, 13… Would-be MP arrested after following her… senior assistant to Wes Streeting exposed himself… Terrified teen banged on doors for help as Labour councillor and ex-parliamentary candidate persued her (The Sun)

    Cue the Benny Hill theme tune Yakety Sax


    • Fedup2 says:

      Asiseeit – i do wonder what the real effect of the NI hikes in 3 weeks will be – particularly the ‘threshold ‘ change which I fear will drive people out of business because their small profits get eaten up .
      This doesn’t affect me directly anymore but the Marxists seem intent on using taxes to destroy what’s left of the economy .
      I suppose the effect will be shown by the number of small companies ceasing to exist and unemployment going up .

      As for the Streeting ‘aid ‘ – im sure he has nothing to fear from the TTK Justice system – Mahmoud will just put up the approved sort of magistrate and the victim will go to prison … /gulag with her family and pet dog ( I made the dog up )


  14. Althepalerp says:

    Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit

    Ha Ha Ha.. .


  15. Fedup2 says:


    On my YouTube – for some reason . …I got fed footage of 2 Essex plod turning up on the door step of a citizen who had written to a person called ‘pipa doubtfire ‘. Pipa – it seems is in charge of BBC ‘revenue enforcement ‘( £155k per annum)

    The citizen wrote to pipa and in response she put in a harassment allegation against him – leading to 2 uniform plod serving a warning notice on him at his front door – which he recorded and put up on YouTube .

    I was studying the subtext – I reckon they were desperate to get him to ‘react ‘ and arrest him on thr usual TTK public order game – but he dun well… go see it – thoughts with poor pipa ( one p) …. Frightening times …

    ..I was then led to the ‘black belt barrister ‘ talking about those letters the BBC good people who have dumped / don’t need – a TV licence – I’d be grateful with both YOUtubes are put up here ….

    Isn’t it reassuring to know plod has the resources to go to the home of taxpayers to threaten them …?

    BTW – I wouldn’t write to
    Pipa Doubtfire
    BBC White City
    Room 4436
    201 Wood Lane
    W12 7TS

    Unless you want 2 plod at your front door …


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