245 Responses to Midweek 12th March 2025

  1. Lucy Pevensey says:


    There is nothing controversial whatsoever about calling for the mass deportation of illegal migrants and foreign criminals. I make NO apologies for saying so.

    Nobody can actually explain to me why it’s an unreasonable view to take…
    Considering that it’s the position shared by a big majority of the British people, it is remarkably underrepresented in Parliament…

    I certainly support it. How many other MPs do?

    Tell me – what’s the alternative? Because so many illegal migrants have been accommodated, we’re not allowed to call for their removal? They just stay, forever, hanging around?

    No. Defeatist nonsense.
    It doesn’t matter if it’s one million or two million or three million, the objective has to be deportation.

    If you’re here illegally, you go. If you’re a foreign national and you commit crime, you go. If you break your visa conditions, you go.
    Any self-respecting country would apply these rules.

    Why is Britain any different? Why do we tolerate it?

    We’re told it’s not possible. Why? Logistics? Total and utter drivel.

    More than 357.6 million seats were available on flights departing and arriving in the UK in 2024. It can be done.

    The cost? Well, we manage to find billions to host these young men in hotels and pay for their upkeep. I’m sure a plane ticket home would be seen as a worthy investment.

    If countries won’t accept their deported citizens – suspend foreign aid, restrict visas, apply pressure. Do it alongside allies, I can think of a man who would help…
    It can be done. It just requires the will to do it.

    Can’t deport them because of the law? CHANGE the sodding law. The Great Repeal Act is required.

    I find this depressing acceptance that these illegal migrants are here forever so dispiriting. And if you say otherwise, you’re some cruel monster? Who cares what these people think. We will never win them over. It does not matter.

    Call it what you want, but I support mass deportations.

    And you should too.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Ministers admit losing track of 5,600 asylum claimants”
      Published 19 January 2024 BBC

      “While there’s no publicly released, exact number for the UK’s terror watch list, reports suggest that around 3,000 individuals are considered a high priority by MI5, with a larger number of extremists, potentially over 20,000, being tracked. ”

      “MI5 had 40,000 jihadists on its terror watchlist. Sounds quite a lot…”
      “There are obviously a small number of dangerous, radicalises Islamist elements. But I don’t think they’re the real problem. The bigger issue is the large number of liberal, white, middle-class activists who fetishise Palestine/Israel as their trendy cause of the moment.”


  2. tomo says:


  3. AsISeeIt says:

    We learn of Polygamous Working and The End is destined to flop edition

    “I’m afraid it’s very bad news..” – that was Daily Mail cartoonist, Pugh, making the frontpage with his comic sketch of a GP’s surgery where a doctor at his desk is breaking the bad news to an NHS England bureaucrat sitting in the patient’s chair – and what a fine apposite opener to today’s press review from your very own Mr AsI.

    NHS England to be axed as role returns to government control – observes our BBC somewhat complacently. Nothing at all to worry about (as our medics will tend to reassure us prior to some procedures and certain recent mass innoculations). Can we imagine how this axing might have been described had a Tory-branded government done similar?

    Speaking of rebranding: Ex-Aberdeen boss overruled advisors to push through ill-fated 2021 rebrand… as Abrdn… requested the asset manager exclude their firm’s name from marketing material (FT) – what a StpdCnt

    Even the Guardianista Guardian is somewhat guarded in its initial reception of this Labour rebrand reform: Streeting scraps NHS England in ‘high stakes’ to imporve care

    10,000 staff facing sack as Starmer abolishes NHS England – suggests the formerly serious Times.

    Frankly, I doubt it. They’ll be plenty of reshuffling of job titles, ‘rebranding’ (if you will) and lots of rehiring of staff as consultants – we can be certain of that.

    WFH… WTF…?

    Revealed: UK civil servant held three government jobs at same time without their bosses knowing… WFH is blamed for ‘polygamous working’ (i paper)

    ‘We live in a world where everyone is lying’ – fret the showbiz luvvies Tilda Swinton and Joshua Oppenheimer on the cover of the Guardian – a politically intended remark from people who work in a world of story telling and make a living from make believe.

    ‘Musicals can be quite sinister’: Tilda Swinton and Joshua Oppenheimer on bonkers bunker singalong The End… Inspired by a Russian tycoon’s survival bunker, the pair’s post-apocalyptic tale takes in environmental collapse, our facades and delusions – and big ol’ show tunes – I’ll make a point of missing that.

    Even the Guardianista Guardian is somewhat guarded in its initial reception: Naturally, The End won’t be to all tastes. It’s a strange and unclassifiable work of art, which is another way of saying that it’s awkward, ambitious and risks becoming opaque. The review in Variety decried the “turgid” 148-minute running time and lamented the lack of a conventional “thriller element”. The End, it concluded, “feels destined to flop”.

    Speaking of things destined to flop… how’s that Ukraine war against Putin workin’ out fo’ yer?

    Putin questions Ukraine ceasefire plan as new drone attacks reported overnight (BBC) – following month after month, year on year of our BBC droning on propagandistically about the failing Russian economy, Putin having some near-death illness, then Putin being close to being overthrown…

    I’m oddly reminded of that classic scene in the comic movie Carry On Up The Khyber (1969) – Tilda Swinton and Joshua Oppenheimer take note how satire can be both popular entertainment and way less turgid – dinner is served – the famous ‘stiff upper lip’ scene from, with Sid James, Joan Sims, Roy Castle, Peter Butterworth, Angela Douglas, Terry Scott, Kenneth Williams and Bernard Bresslaw. This iconic satirical moment, set during the British Raj, showcases a quintessentially British refusal to acknowledge chaos, as Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond (played by Sid James) and his dinner guests persist in maintaining decorum amidst the bombardment of their residency.

    And finally

    The giveaway Metro gives us gratis: Thin Lizzo Svelte star… juxtaposed with: PM targets ‘flabby unfocused’ quangos


    • MarkyMark says:

      Carry On… Up the Khyber [Original Trailer]


      Despite the homophobic jibes, the fat gags and the relentless groping of female characters, the films were seen as the ultimate in family entertainment. They didn’t seem so bad at the time. At the very least, we can credit Carry On Cleo, which starred Kenneth Williams as a neurotic Caesar, with giving us one of the great comic lines: “Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me.”



    • Fedup2 says:

      Another industrial sized flop coming soon is a woke Snow White ( apparently ) with a new girl occupying the woke high ground once occupied by that girl who was in those potter films and the slightly more limp Kiera ..

      The latest iteration is – I understand – big for Hamas – and the like …


  4. MarkyMark says:

    “Another One Bites the Peanut Dust as Chabuddy G joins the Gladiators for Red Nose Day 2025
    A brand new ‘G’ladiator is stepping into the arena for Comic Relief!”


    Stacey Dooley hits back at MP Lammy’s Comic Relief ‘white saviour’ criticism Published 28 February 2019


    The Labour MP for Tottenham added: “My problem with British celebrities being flown out by Comic Relief to make these films is that it sends a distorted image of Africa which perpetuates an old idea from the colonial era.”




    “British Foreign Secretary David Lammy pictured in Chad close to the Sudan border, 24 January 2025 (Stefan Rousseau/AFP)”

    “My problem with British celebrities being flown out by Comic Relief to make these films is that it sends a distorted image of Africa which perpetuates an old idea from the colonial era.”


  5. Fedup2 says:

    Looks like Rachel from accounts is transitioning the blame narrative – it’s gone from 14? Wasted years to president trump .
    From now on all will be president trump – surely they must withdraw the state visit – im sure the emir of windsoristan doesn’t want to meet a kaffir like him ?


  6. vlad says:

    “The West is facing an Islamic holy war” – Melanie Phillips.


    WAKE UP!!!


    • MarkyMark says:

      “What was most mind-blowing, she said, was the revelation from 1993 when the FBI wiretapped Hamas members in a Philadelphia hotel room and recorded them talking “about how to make their messaging more palatable to an American audience and how when they’re speaking to people on the left, they’re going to speak in terms of social justice and apartheid.”


      The tiny mosque on the Outer Hebrides serving 60 Muslims
      Community hails UK’s northernmost mosque, which was completed with crowd-funding project led by charitable Yorkshireman.


      In the years since, Rashid split his time between the construction business he founded in the city of Leeds, in the northern English county of Yorkshire, and helping those in need.

      Despite its compact size, it features a prayer room, a washroom and entrances for men and women.

      HA HA HAH A! Segregation! HA HA HAHA “entrances for men and women” SHUT IT DOWN EQUALITIES COMMITTEES!


  7. Fedup2 says:

    Good to see the UN judge convicted of slavery in Oxford has found attention in the US …. The left cannot play the race card because the lady is coloured. Apparently she went to an extremist hotbed called ‘Columbia university – twinned with Hamas Gaza ‘…


  8. taffman says:

    We are being invaded !
    Our jails are being filled up with foreign criminals. Time to get rid of the UK Border ‘Farce’ and replace with The Royal Navy and Royal Marines.
    Next time, vote for Reform UK.


  9. vlad says:

    Douglas Murray clash with Nigel Farage & Matt Goodwin “No point in Reform without mass deportations”


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