The BBC’s Brexit Bubble


Looking at the BBC’s frontpage right now and there is story after story on Brexit, all with a negative tone to them…funnily enough there’s one story the BBC don’t seem to have noticed…from the Telegraph….

Two thirds believe Britain is on the right track following Brexit vote, new poll shows

Two thirds of people believe Britain is on the right track following the Brexit vote and most believe the economy will do well over the next year, a new poll has revealed. 

Research found that 59 per cent of people said the UK is moving in the right direction, including almost 30 per cent of those who voted to remain in the EU in the recent referendum. 

Wonder if that finding will be reflected in the BBC’s grand tour of Brexit Britain as it spends a couple of days seeking out the whingers and moaners and the let’s-have-a-2nd-referendum-until-they-get-it-righters…and not forgetting the two programmes dedicated to portraying East European immigrants as the victims of a vicious and growing racist pogrom.  The BBC ignores its own report which tells us….

True Vision – the joint police and Home Office hate-crime reporting portal – told 5 Live Investigates that recorded levels of hate crime are now similar to the levels seen in 2015.

So racist attacks have dropped back to the usual level…..shame the BBC rubbishes those official figures.


Coppers on the side of the Choppers

Image result for islam will conquer uk


The BBC always insists that controversial views be heard, well, controversial anti-establishment, anti-British views be heard.  If you’re an IRA terrorist you’re welcome, if you’re a Muslim terrorist you’re in, if you’re a Muslim radical preacher you’re in, if you’re someone like Anjem Choudary you’re praised as the next Ghandi, Mandela or Churchill.  If you’re white, working class, Christian and opposed to Islamic extremism you are ‘polluting’ the public’s minds, and you’re definitely not ‘in’, you, you have to understand, are racist, bigoted scum,…..oh you may be allowed onto the airwaves but only so you can be publicly denounced, vilified and humiliated by the BBC’s finest.

The BBC aren’t alone in this selective choice of voices that can be heard and approved….it took 20 years to silence Choudary, not that a prison cell will muffle him too much.  MPACUK shilled for the Jihadists and the police did nothing, various other organisations such as Mend, Cage and the MCB all peddle hard-line Islam and the police stand back, and they get plenty of airtime courtesy of the BBC.  The only people the police seem keen to hunt down, hound and harass are non-Muslims who raise their voices to criticise and expose the Islamic extremists.  Just look who the police decided to try and charge when C4 exposed Mosques that were preaching highly intolerant, anti-Western views….it was C4 that the police went after not the Muslim extremists.

And today who is in their sights once more?  Tommy Robinson.  Is the BBC interested in this ongoing saga of abuse of power and the harassment of a man out having a family meal?  No, not in the slightest.  If he was Muslim or Black the BBC would have an Olympic sized team on this, reporting every angle, every human-rights outrage…but not for Tommy Robinson.


The police have been politicised and are being used by the government to silence those inconvenient voices who raise awkward truths.



Carry on doctoring the truth

We just had a look at the BBC’s own review into how it handles statistics, a review that conveniently and not unepxectedly found the BBC to be somewhat right-wing and reliant on the Tory government for the facts.  The review started off with this statement….

At the heart of BBC journalism is a mission to deliver an accurate and impartial news service. Whether drawing on the expertise of its journalists or from external sources to interpret events or issues, the BBC aims to enhance audience understanding and knowledge about what is happening in the world. Part of the remit includes making sense of the blizzard of statistics that infuses so much contemporary debate, from the latest crime figures, to trends in the health service or the numbers claiming welfare benefits.

I don’t know if any of you have been listening to the BBC’s coverage of the Junior Doctors’ strike plans but from what I have heard, and it’s quite extensive, I’d say that accuracy and impartiality play little part in the BBC’s reporting aims and that enhancing the audience’s understanding and knowledge, making sense of events, is the least of the BBC’s concerns.

There is nothing new in this of course...we’ve been here before….

Junior doctors put patient’s lives on the line so they could get more saturday overtime whilst all the time claiming the strikes were about patient safety.  And the interest from the BBC now?  Zilch.

Exactly the same scenario is playing out now as the BBC neglects to inform us that the only, the only, issue is saturday pay…the health and safety of patients, the survival of the NHS, are not in the slightest genuine considerations for the Junior Doctors.  It’s all about pay.  But does the BBC tell us that?, does the BBC challenge the numerous Junior Doctors who fill the airwaves with their heartwarming assurances that this is all about saving the NHS and keeping patients safe?  No.

Here’s Nicky Campbell’s analysis (42:30) of the situation as he tries to educate a caller….

Do you understand their (junior doctors) concerns, not just about their working conditions but the situation within the NHS and the long term threats that many of those junior doctors perceive to exist?

Pretty one-sided there and not dealing with the real issue at the heart of the dispute…saturday pay…and not long after he also insists on giving the ‘alternate view so we can balance it.’ to another caller who is also against the strikes.

Peter Allen the day before insisted that the government’s contract be torn up and scrapped as it was clearly his opinion…this was a view repeated quite frequently on 5Live over the next couple of days.

The BBC’s coverage of the issues surrounding this strike is highly misleading and uninformative and without doubt pro the Junior Doctors side.

And one last thing…those doctors who say they have the safety of patients and the survival of the NHS at the forefront of their minds and then tell us they will leave the NHS if things don’t improve, ie, they don’t get more money, just where do these moral crusaders troop off to?  To private companies that pay far better and are all too often in lovely, warm, sunny climes.  So much for the doctors’ horror of the supposed privatisation of the NHS….not so terrifying when it comes to padding out the pay check…or as more colourfully put by one doctor…

“I don’t care about anything apart from extracting the best contract. Don’t give a shit about anything else.”






Flash Harry at your service




Last month the BBC Trust released the findings of its review of how the BBC handles statistics.  Naturally enough the BBC Trust wasn’t actually looking for a genuinely impartial and honest insight into the BBC’s use of statistics and so the Trust went to the tried and tested Cardiff University which has already pronounced the BBC to be right-wing.  So who better to go to for a balanced, accurate and sensible review of the BBC’s output than an organisation peopled by ex-BBC mandarins and left-wing academics.

Curiously enough they didn’t disappoint and produced the ever-so dodgy and shopsoiled goods from under their Flash Harry mac…the Guardian wasn’t slow to exploit the, er, findings…

‘BBC has high dependency on Tory government for statistics’

Two points on that…one, the BBC takes government figures and then spends a vast amount of time discrediting and undermining them…two, they take government figures as fact when it suits their own agenda…such as during the EU referendum when we were told by the BBC that there was little doubt of the accuracy of the government predictions of economic armageddon and the breakdown of society on Brexit.  The BBC’s ‘Reality Check’ was laughably and unmistakeably badly named as reality was the last thing that the BBC intended to provide the audience with.

The BBC Trust knew full well what the useful idiots of Cardiff University would provide them with and, just as with their science review in which they employed fanatical climate change advocate and BBC yes-man, Steve Jones, to do the review, they understood that there was little chance of the real nature of the BBC being revealed.  To have the BBC ‘denounced’ as right-wing is the perfect outcome for the BBC which they then use as ‘proof’ against its critics who accuse it, quite correctly, of being in the service of the Left.

The BBC is as corrupt and unaccountable as ever and it looks like they will continue to be so as the government backs away from a genuine attempt to rein in the BBC’s extremism and bias and ignores the fact that the BBC actively seeks to undermine and oppose just about every government policy such as on refugees, immigration, the NHS, welfare and the prevention of terror….and don’t mention Brexit.








PMI blues


Just a few weeks ago the BBC was trumpeting the then latest PMI figures that had dipped below 50 and in the BBC’s interpretation this definitely showed we were heading for recession due to Brexit.  This ‘news’ was constantly and loudly broadcast on the day the figures were released.

How different yesterday when the latest PMI figures [53.3] were released showing that ‘the month-on-month increase in the PMI level was the joint largest in the survey’s 25-year history.’

The figures were released at 09:30, the BBC didn’t report this until around 21:00 and the radio news was totally silent all day on this remarkable turn around in contrast to the very high profile the figures received last month.  Odd that the BBC was not chomping at the bit to get these latest ‘good news’ figures that give the lie to the BBC’s scaremongering about Brexit.

Interesting to hear Justin Webb interview Stiglitz on Wednesday as he slammed the EU and told us that if the EU acted in a rational way [note the ironic guffah from Webb…if so sceptical about the EU where was that in the run-up to the referendum?] the Uk could ‘do very well’.

Stiglitz tells us that the EU was supposed to bring solidarity and prosperity but has done the opposite and that the fact that the EU sees the only way to keep members in line, and inside the EU, is to threaten them must show that the EU doesn’t have a positive argument for itself and its supposed benefits.

Stiglitz tells us what we all know…that the only way the EU can succeed and make the Euro work is to have ever closer union…which was a major reason so many people voted to get out of the EU because staying in would inevitably mean we get dragged into that ever closer union…but this was not a line that the BBC cared to explore at all.

Instead the BBC concentrated on the economics..or the ‘economics’ as the Remain camp saw them…the BBC’s presentation parroted Remain’s propaganda unquestioningly even when making what were pretty outrageous claims.

Yesterday I heard Peter Allen get a bit hot under the collar when someone from the Electoral Reform Society suggested that the media were to blame for not properly informing the public during the referendum campaign.  The BBC was, ufortunately the source that the majority of people relied upon for their information….which, given the BBC’s very pro-EU reporting, might suggest Leave might have got an even higher percentage of the vote had we had a more balanced and honest narrative from the BBC.

Have to say most of the ERS’s analysis is mostly hot air…just look at this..

The society said the EU debate was in “stark contrast” to the 2014 referendum on Scottish independence, which it said had featured a “vibrant, well-informed, grassroots conversation that left a lasting legacy of on-going public participation in politics and public life”.

That’ll be right…the Scottish national socialist party’s anti- English rhetoric combined with total falsehoods about the economy meant that voters were had a ‘vibrant and well informed’ debate along with the stay camp’s ‘project fear’.  Such a shining example of how to run a referendum…not.

This is interesting though…

Referendums are a rich source of learning about public attitudes to politics and democracy. They expose views and feelings that are not given true expression or representation at general elections, given our distorted electoral system. At the Electoral Reform Society we have heard time and again from members of the public for whom 23rd June was the first time their vote had truly counted.

So, despite what the ERS are trying to claim, the referendum in fact represented what people actually thought and wanted to say, they were given a voice so often denied to them….and the referendum had a turn out far in excess of any recent general election.  Democracy in action.

The ERS is of course a campaigning group with its own agenda and is twisting its analysis on the EU referendum to support its own line.

I don’t think that voters were under-informed about why we should leave the EU by the Leave campaign but anyone in the Remain camp or undecided were certainly short-changed by the BBC which concentrated on the the supposed disastrous economics of a Brexit vote and which refused to explore the very extreme problems if we did stay in the EU and which painted anyone who spoke about immigration as a racist.

Leave voters were very clear why they wanted to leave….to escape the stranglehold of EU and its unelected politicians, to control immigration and to control our own destiny.  Simple.  To claim they didn’t know what they were voting for, which is the BBC’s own narrative, is just nonsense.  It was the BBC that didn’t know, or couldn’t accept, what they were voting for and no doubt all future debates about this will be ‘informed’ by the ERS analysis, conveniently avoiding the negatives about the Remain campaign, but loudly trumpeting any criticism of the Leave campaign thus adding to the BBC’s narrative that the referendum was invalid and that people were misled into voting Leave….and thus we should have a second referendum.

Note the interview with Gus O’Donnell in which Mishal Husain repeatedly asked if we should have a second referendum….O’Donnell is a Remain man who admits his ‘utopia’ would be to still be in the EU.  This is the man that the BBC chose to present a programme about Brexit.  The programme is designed purely to instill in us the idea that Brexit is so difficult and beset with problems that we are more ready to accept a suggestion of a second referendum to escape Brexit armageddon.

Also note the BBC’s road trip around the UK to check on how Brexit is effecting you…Unlikely Brexit is effecting anyone to any great extent at the moment.  The BBC will of course end up packing the programme with immigrants who claim to have been abused by racists due to Brexit.  Just more BBC anti-Brexit propaganda designed to paint a negative picture of a future outside the EU’s grasp.

The BBC seems to live in an entirely different world to most people and rather than report facts instead reports what it wants you to think you know.  It is corrupt, it is hugely damaging to democracy in this country and is a massive danger to society as it supports terrorism and cheerleads radical ideologies that bring only a new Dark Ages.




Liddle known facts




You may have noticed the BBC’s reluctance to bring to your attention the fact that Brexit hasn’t resulted in instant armageddon as promised by the Remain campaign.  Whilst the PMI figures were taken by the BBC as definitive proof that the economy post-referendum is in a nosedive any news that confounds the Remain alarmist’s claims is not reported or is downplayed…the BBC telling us that in such cases it is actually far too early to make sensible judgements on the effect of the referendum.

Similarly the BBC is all too eager to label all Leave voters as racists who instantly grabbed their KKK uniforms that had been gathering dust in the wardrobe ever-ready for such an occasion and went-a-lynching.

Oddly the BBC took little to no interest in the death threats, abuse and intimidation from Remain voters towards Leavers.

Similarly of course they take no interest in the Muslim racism and misogyny that is going on in France whilst proclaiming themselves appalled by the Burkini ban…the Spectator reveals a few home truths from abroad…

I have a fund of similar stories from female friends in France. There’s the one who was insulted by two women in headscarves while out jogging because she had on a pair of shorts; the friend who no longer travels on the Paris metro after a certain hour because, as a Muslim, she’s fed up with being insulted by men of her religion because she dares to wear a skirt and blouse; and the one who sold her baby’s car seat through an ad in the local paper. The man met her asking price but refused to shake the hand of a woman.

Then there are the cases outside my immediate milieu. On the first day of Ramadan this year a Muslim waitress in a Nice bar was assaulted by two men. ‘Shame on you for serving alcohol during Ramadan,’ one of them screamed, as he attacked her. ‘If I were God, I would have you hanged.’ Last year in Reims a young woman sunbathing in a public park was set upon by a gang of teenage girls. They objected to her bikini, reported the newspapers, although the town’s authorities insisted there was no ‘religious’ aspect to the attack. Few believed them.

That’s because such incidents are becoming more common across France.

‘We’re seeing the emergence of a police of mores who are principally targeting young women on the issue of modesty.’

This important point is blithely ignored by naive liberal writers, particularly those in Britain, who have little understanding of the extent of extremism in France.

The BBC naturally ignores the rape epidemic in Norway and Sweden and disgracefully tried to dismiss the attacks in Cologne by disingenuously claiming they were by ‘Germans’…and even claiming the poor, naive immigrants [Now that the BBC couldn’t ignore the evidence] were tricked into acting this way by the devious Far-Right.

Just what is wrong with the BBC that they not only refuse to report these events but go out of their way when forced to report them to explain them away or blame them on Western society rather than place the blame where it firmly belongs?

Rod Liddle in the Sunday Times relates a tale that must be all too familiar…the BBC was complaining that news of the alleged unfolding Brexit disaster has been kept off the airwaves and out of the Press by the ‘silly season’.  Strangely I can’t say I’ve noticed…the Press has been full of stories about Brexit and the ‘good news’.  The only organisations that haven’t been reporting on Brexit in full has been the BBC as Liddle pointed out on R4’s Media show [6 mins 30]…only to be cut off as the presenter told him ‘I can’t really go into Brexit at the moment.’   Hmmm…how odd.  One moment complaining about the lack of Brexit news, the next refusing to discuss Brexit ‘good news’.

How can the BBC complain about too much Olympic coverage when it itself saturated us with such news [Was it to distract us from the Brexit ‘good news’?] and the same BBC that sent 455 staff to work at Rio?  The BBC that covered the hockey final not on one TV channel but two…and of course on the radio as well.

Half the news all the time.  That’s what we pay for.

And on the subject of paying for the BBC and all that…the iPlayer…just why will the BBC not introduce a signing-in format to access the iPlayer?  You have to do so to access C4 and if you have an ad blocker they don’t let you watch until you switch it off.  Any chance that the BBC doesn’t want to put its claim that it is the people’s choice to the test?  If we had to subscribe just how many people really would?  Possibly everyone would do so…but it seems the BBC aren’t brave enough to put their own self-aggrandisement to the test.

I was amused to hear the BBC trying to attack the commercial companies as it talked about obesity….apparently the commercial companies should be made to stop advertising ‘junk food’ [whatever that is]…any thought that the BBC might just be trying to undermine their rivals’ sources of income whilst the publicly funded BBC sails merrily on whilst also massively encroaching on the commercial sector’s territory backed by that public funding?

Anjem who?


When the Law finally caught up with Anjem Choudary and after a decade of giving him prime-time platforms to spout his rhetoric with Mark Easton comparing him to Ghandi, Mandela and Churchill the BBC have decided that….

‘It wasn’t a game. The evidence now shows that Anjem Choudary is one of the most dangerous men in Britain. Not a bomb-maker. Not a facilitator. But an ideologue, a thinker, who encouraged others not to stop and think for themselves before they turned to violence to implement their shared worldview.’

Despite being constantly criticised for giving him airtime they continued to do so with a wilful disregard for the evidence….but then they have always supported the terrorists, their mouthpieces and other radicalisers, from the IRA to Hamas, to groups like the MCB, Cage and MPACUK…all of which still get airtime on the BBC.

Here’s an example of why MPACUK’s minions should also be in a cell….not given prominence, credibility and authority by the BBC…this page has of course vanished from MPACUK’s website but it’s still around……

The Obligation of Jihad

jihad“Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) hath Allah promised good. But those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,” Quran Chapter 4: The Women, verse 95.

A high rank, forgiveness and mercy are gifted from our beloved for those who are the Mujahideen. Those that struggle and strive to protect the religion, that protect the honour of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), that protect our brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity are gifted with these amazing favours!

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,He who dies without having fought in the way of Allah or without having felt it to be his duty, will die having a trait of hypocrisy”

Pretty clear that this is urging British Muslims to go and fight Jihad physically.

The BBC seem to have completely forgotten that they were one of the prime facilitators for Choudary’s career as radical mouthpiece and terrorist recruiter and oddly make no mention of that fact in their latest piece on him which celebrates the fact he has been ‘silenced’…..

How Anjem Choudary’s mouth was finally shut

For 20 years Anjem Choudary stood on street corners, in shopping precincts, outside mosques, embassies and police stations and used his megaphone to drive a wedge between Muslims and the rest of Britain. Now he has been convicted of inviting others to support the Islamic State militant group.

When the guilty verdict came, he said nothing.

Anjem Choudary’s mouth had finally shut.

No thanks to the BBC…and note Choudary has been radicalising people for 20 years…hmmm…long before the Iraq war then?

Was amused to see the Authorities will be removing ‘dangerous’ books that lead to radical thoughts from prisons….will that then include the Koran?

The Islamist Baroness Warsi was also shown up for the hypocrite and opportunist she really is.  She is a long term adversary of the anti-terrorist Prevent programme and not long ago was agitating for the government to engage with Msulim groups that were considered ‘beyond the pale’…presumably those such as Cage, MPACUK and the MCB.  She suggested that by not engaging with such groups the government was disengaged with the Muslim community….she was saying that these groups represent the Muslim community then?

Irony of ironies Warsi then attacked the BBC for giving Choudary airtime….

Criticising the BBC, Baroness Warsi, the former minister for faith and communities, said extremists should not be given platforms to express their damaging views.

Pity the BBC gives her so much airtime to peddle her own Islamist propaganda.

The reason that Choudary couldn’t be locked up before was because he was preaching the Koran and basic Islamic law.  Now when the government ministers tell us he was peddling a poisonous ideology you have to ask just what ideology was that then and if it is indeed ‘Islam’ what will you do about it?

Tom Holland: We must not deny the religious roots of Islamic State

Salafism today is probably the fastest-growing Islamic movement in the world. The interpretation that Isis applies to Muslim scripture may be exceptional for its savagery – but not for its literalism. Islamic State, in its conceit that it has trampled down the weeds and briars of tradition and penetrated to the truth of God’s dictates, is recognisably Salafist. When Islamic State fighters smash the statues of pagan gods, they are following the example of the Prophet; when they proclaim themselves the shock troops of a would-be global empire, they are following the example of the warriors of the original caliphate; when they execute enemy combatants, and impose discriminatory taxes on Christians, and take the women of defeated opponents as slaves, they are doing nothing that the first Muslims did not glory in.

Such behaviour is certainly not synonymous with Islam; but if not Islamic, then it is hard to know what else it is.

The French have gone for window dressing and banned the Burkini in places when the real problem is far more fundamental and which such petty headline grabbing policies do nothing to address because politicians are afraid to speak the truth…that Europe is being Islamised and that without deliberate action to prevent that it is inevitable that Muslims will rule over Europe in the very near future.

The BBC and its ilk refuse to address that fact and indeed do all they can to play it down and instead of revealing the truth about what Islam really means continue to sell us a false narrative of a religion of peace, tolerance and interfaith dialogue.

The reality is that Islam is not a pleasant ideology, it is backward, violent (even Tariq Ramadan admits it is so) and oppressive and has been the ‘end of history’ for so many of the countries that it has taken root in.  If Europe becomes Islamised where does that leave the liberal progression?  Who in the world will stand up for all those values the BBC likes to boast it stands for and yet ironically also backs the most brutal of religions which is in direct opposition to every value liberals profess to hold?

Western values need defending, at the point of a bayonet if necessary, as they have been for centuries as we stopped Napoleon, the Kaiser, Hitler and the Communists.  The BBC seems to think that to apply a little muscular liberalism goes against the whole ethos of liberalism….the result of such a weak policy will be no liberalism at all.

Syria shows what standing back patting oneself on the back as Obama did for his ‘considered’, diplomatic approach to the disaster, results in….an unfolding, massive bloody disaster that could have been averted with quick and powerful early intervention.

Europe will eventually also turn into a warzone.  It is inevitable.  It’s here already.  People just refuse to see it…and as I’ve said before the war is not just one of bullets and bombs….it is at heart an ideological war and the intended end result is the Black flag of Islam flying over the ruling houses of Europe….

There is a war being fought and it’s not just with guns, bullets and bombs.  The Media, far from being prejudiced against Muslims, is the weapon of choice for those who seek to make Islam the dominant religion and political force in Britain, and the BBC is at the forefront of the charge.  And, this is the important thing to note, those who are ‘fighting’ this media war are not the obvious ‘radicals’ like Anjem Choudray, they come dressed in western suits and talk of reform and tolerance but always blame Muslim ‘anger’ on British society, on that phantom menace ‘Islamophobia’.  Of course what is even more frightening is that these men and women have not just managed to position themselves as authorities on questions of Islam, its place in Western Society and ‘radicalisation’, as Media spokesmen of choice but have also inveigled their way into the heart of Government advising it on matters of religion and radicalisation.  Biased BBC

Andrew Gilligan gives us an example of how a Muslim group uses the media to attack the government and its anti-terror laws…

Muslim extremists’ ‘campaign of lies’ to undermine the government’s fight against terror

An organised campaign to undermine Britain’s fight against terrorism can be revealed today.

Islamist activists linked to Cage, a group known to sympathise with terrorists, are using coordinated leaks to mainstream news organisations, including the BBC, to spread fear and confusion in Muslim communities about the Government’s anti-terror policy, Prevent.

As the BBC now admits it is the ideologues, the propagandists, the rabble rousers who are the real danger…

‘It wasn’t a game. The evidence now shows that Anjem Choudary is one of the most dangerous men in Britain. Not a bomb-maker. Not a facilitator. But an ideologue, a thinker, who encouraged others not to stop and think for themselves before they turned to violence to implement their shared worldview.’

Shame the BBC still gives so much time to so many of these ideologues and snake-oil salesmen and women.




Spinning The Revolution




Whilst a real life political farce continues at the top of the Labour Party the BBC has decided that the real story is an anti-Farage fantasy, the sort of thing BBC producers have wet dreams about but couldn’t really do whilst Farage was in play politically.  Now he is ‘retired’ the BBC has sharpened the hatchet and is set to go to work on him…

Nigel Farage’s life after politics will be the subject of a new TV comedy screened this autumn.

‘Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back’ will see comedian Kevin Bishop portray the outgoing Ukip leader.

The half-hour show, commissioned by BBC Two, will be a combination of direct pieces to camera and footage detailing the ‘day-to-day reality of being Nigel Farage’.

The synopsis for the BBC Two show asks:’But what sort of life has he gone back to, and how does a man forever in the spotlight fill his days now he has nothing to do?’

Bishop said: ‘I’m delighted to be playing a character as colourful as Farage. He’s a gift to parody and I’m looking forward to bringing previously unseen aspects of his life to the screen.’

‘We hope we can create a lot of laughter while painting a portrait of such a divisive figure as he fills the empty hours of retirement.’


Why go to the bother of inventing a BBC fantasy version of Farage’s life when Corbyn’s is ready-made comedy, the stuff any satirist would dream of, or indeed any journalist…just not at the BBC?  Where is the BBC parody of Corbyn’s revolutionary politics?  Oh yes, already been done…see video above.

And Corbyn now says he didn’t take any of the empty seats (so now admitting seats were empty) because he wanted to sit with his wife…so instead he chose to sit on the floor and presumably forced her to as well.  Solidarity.  She must really love him.

Of course there is a more serious side to all this…Corbyn is not a nice man….but where on the BBC do you get the indepth investigation of his thoroughly nasty politics and views?  Then again when he says Hamas are dedicated to the good of the Palestinian people and bringing about long term peace and social justice and that labelling them terrorists is a big, big mistake he is just echoing the BBC’s own views as so often stated by its journalists.


Instead of the BBC we have to rely on Labour Party members for the critique…and this one isn’t even the half of it:

Why you shouldn’t vote for Jeremy Corbyn

What follows is an appeal to Jeremy Corbyn supporters to think again. It’s from Chris, a Labour party member, who does not want to give his full name for fear of abuse. He has compiled a vast, but by no means exhaustive list of the moral and political failings of the Labour leader.

You need to go to the Spectator to read it all but Corbyn clearly is  not a man you can trust or respect.





Keeping Corbyn on track


The leader of the Opposition and possible Prime Minister makes up a story about not being able to get a seat on a train in order to press his case for nationalising the railways.  This is a man who trades on his integrity and honour and tells us that he is bringing a new, honest, more caring approach to politics.  The BBC thinks the fact that he has been caught telling a lie is a mere ‘silly season’ story and not a revealing look at the real man and how he acts when he thinks no one is looking.

Who does the BBC attack?  The lying politician or the businessman defending his business?

Look at this hatchet job on Branson…The BBC asks ‘Why did Sir Richard Branson take on Jeremy Corbyn?’ and rather than just admit he was defending his business against the dishonest claims of a politician the BBC invents all sorts of reasons for Branson to complain….and suggests his complaints are all themselves manifestly dishoest, political and self-serving…as if Branson has no right to counter Corbyn’s lies.

First we read that…Branson tweeted stills from CCTV footage that appeared to show the Labour leader walking past empty seats on his way to record a video lamenting the poor service provided by the privatised railway.

No ‘appeared’…they were empty seats.


Then…Why did Branson plunge in – and why nearly a week after the incident?  

Perhaps he was taking his time, checking the facts and getting the evidence…the BBC could learn a lot from Branson.  The BBC thik this is suspicious.

Then the BBC tells us that There is a common feeling that nationalisation, a return to the “good old days” of British Rail, would make the problems go away.

Really?  Where?  At Momentum meetings?

The BBC tells us that privatisation has led to strikes…no that’ll be the dinosaur union barons who use the railways as a battering ram in their fight against the Tory government.

The BBC then tells us this was purely a political attack by Branson to defend his private company by a nationaliser….An attack on its most vocal proponent fits the bill.…no inkling that he might just be upset that Corbyn was lying through his teeth to promote nationalisation.

And finally more nonsense…it was all a stunt by Branson to draw attention away from BA who ferried in the Olympic team that the BBC claimed had bought its medals and didn’t really deserve them….

It’s not far-fetched to speculate that Branson, itching for an opportunity to knock BA out of the headlines, spied the row with Corbyn, and felt the opportunity too good to miss.

Yes, it is far-fetched, much like the rest of this so called report from the BBC.  Corbyn lied and Branson told the world.  The BBC doesn’t seem to like that for some reason.






Brexit Bingo


Is there any subject on earth that somehow, someway the BBC cannot connect to Brexit?  However remotely or not at all connected BBC presenters always manage to slip in a quick mention of the contagion that is ‘Brexit’.  Does help though if they compare notes or they might just end up as embarrassed as Jezza…though the BBC are covering for him today….apparently the lies he told in order to steal the train service are not a story at all…it’s just the silly summer season and the right-wing Press have nothing else important to report.

Today we heard that the SNP had run up an ever increasing deficit…..the BBC told us that this was a useful plan…borrowing money to cope with the recession we all know is coming due to Brexit.   The SNP politician actually thanked the BBC for backing their narrative.

Trouble is the BBC told us only last week that the UK budget surplus of £1 billion, a ‘dramatic’ fall from £1.2 billion, meant the UK chancellor, Hammond, wouldn’t now have the money and flexibility to cope with the recession we all know is coming due to Brexit.  Incredible how the BBC spun a good news story of a surplus into one of doom and gloom.

So the Scots run a deficit and it means they can cope with the recession we all know is coming due to Brexit but an economy that ran a surplus won’t cope with the recession we all know is coming due to Brexit.

You couldn’t make it up…..but you don’t need to, the BBC will do that for you.

Odd how most people and organisations think we will avoid recession and yet the BBC continues to slip in suggestions that we are definitely heading for recession.

You can rely on the BBC to talk down the UK economy just as it slandered the British Olympic team by saying that ‘We are buying medals’.  Not a subject for discussion but an absolute statement last week from Mark Chapman.  The foreign press were whinging loudly that Britain had done so well…and the BBC couldn’t resist joining in attacking the success and casting doubt on it and negating the huge efforts that the athletes put in over the last 4 years to get to the Olympics.