Time for another open thread I think….for Syria!
Time for another open thread I think….for Syria!
The BBC was once supposedly a fine, respected news organisation, a public body that attempted to maintain the highest standards of impartiality, balance and accuracy. All that, even the pretence of all that, has gone out of the window in these days of relativity when one man’s terrorist is the BBC’s freedom fighter and the insidious corrupting effect of political correctness, which is anything but, being more about lies and cover up than truth in order not to hurt the feelings of the guilty.
That once fine body is now putrifying and rotten, corrupted by the very people charged with protecting the BBC’s privileged and elevated status, a status only given to it on the condition it maintained those standards of impartiality, balance and accuracy. Vast sums of money going into the pockest of the BBC’s new ‘elite’, moral arrogance and superiority, the sneering at those who don’t subscribe to the BBC’s views (and why should it have any?), the belief that they are the chosen ones ordained to lead the unthinking, unwashed masses out of the ignorance they dwell in, all have led to the corrupting of the BBC and its basic principles of producing news that people could rely upon as true.
If ever there was a time when a review of the BBC was needed it is now as the BBC sinks ever faster into self-reverence and hubris to protect the privileges of the gilded eilite who milk the BBC and its licence funds filling their own pockets whilst also exploiting the BBC’s reputation and facilities to peddle their own propaganda about politics, war and climate.
A prime example would be the BBC’s climate change reporting, now as corrupt and untrustworthy as anything produced by the state-run news organisations of the Soviet Union. We know that Roger Harrabin was in receipt of money from the climate change propaganda unit, the Tyndall Centre, which admitted the funds were to help create pro-climate change news and block news that was unhelpful to the cause….
Email 2496 explains why the Tyndall Centre funded the Harrabin/Smith seminars – the Real World seminars of the Cambridge Media and Environment Programme
Mike Hulme:
Did anyone hear Stott vs. Houghton on Today, radio 4 this morning? Woeful stuff really. This is one reason why Tyndall is sponsoring the Cambridge Media/Environment Programme to starve this type of reporting at source
Those seminars, signed off by Lord Hall, were highly successful in steering the BBC’s reporting along the road to becoming nothing more than a vehicle for disseminating climate change propaganda.
The BBC’s Harrabin worked in cahoots with a climate activist, Joe Smith, in order to pervert the BBC’s narrative and Harrabin admits his wish is to do the same world-wide…
“The seminars have been publicly credited with catalysing significant changes in the tone and content of BBC outputs across platforms and with leading directly to specific and major innovations in programming,” – Dr Joe Smith
“It has had a major impact on the willingness of the BBC to raise these issues for discussion. Joe Smith and I are now wondering whether we can help other journalists to perform a similar role in countries round the world” – Roger Harrabin
With such obvious evidence of blatant corruption can we expect the politicians running the BBC Charter review to hold the BBC to account and for things to change? Hmmm…unlikely as the government sees the BBC as a useful tool in its own climate change campaign….funding Harrabin to produce yet more propaganda…..
Roger Harrabin | Changing Climate | 8pm
@BBCRadio4. Roger is currently supporting OU-led project Stories of Change: http://www.open.edu/openlearn/nature-environment/the-environment/creative-climate/stories-change/about-stories-change?ONSCM=scm015&MEDIA=scm015ncomgen_tw143 …
‘An enterprising newsdesk might enquire how much the BBC spends on politically correct courses and who runs them. As for Cardinal Harrabin — for that would have been his rank in Galileo’s day — times are good. He has landed a sideline with the Open University, doing a series of climate-change interviews. We are paying. The £1.5 million project is being funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, a quango run by scientists and ‘parented’ by Sajid Javid’s Business Department. Sajid will be proud to see his budget being used in this important way.’
So much for the BBC’s claims of independence…not from government, nor from lobby groups.
The events of the last week should provide yet more compelling evidence that illustrate the BBC’s complete failure to maintain even a semblance of integrity and honour.
Consider the reaction of the BBC Trust to Quentin Lett’s ‘What is the point of?’ programme about the Met. Office…
A Radio 4 programme that claimed that the Met Office had exaggerated the threat posed by global warming as part of its “political lobbying” has been found guilty of serious breaches of the BBC’s editorial guidelines.
The BBC Trust said that What’s the Point of the Met Office?, broadcast on August 5 and hosted by the journalist Quentin Letts, had “failed to make clear that the Met Office’s underlying views on climate change science were supported by the majority of scientists”.
Much of the complaining was orchestrated by the BBC’s very own Roger Harrabin…and yet he is not censured at all…Quentin Letts tells us that…
‘All hell broke out. Cataracts and hurricanoes! The Met Office itself was unfazed but the eco-lobby, stirred by BBC environment analyst Roger Harrabin, went nuts.’
‘BBC journalists are meant to be impartial, but climate change hack Roger Harrabin is whipping up criticism online among Greens of a programme made by his own employer. Radio 4’s What’s The Point Of . . . ?, looked at alleged politicisation of the Met Office.
The show was made by the Mail’s Quentin Letts. ‘From what I can gather, Comrade Harrabin has blown his top,’ Letts says. ‘All the hot gas he is producing may rupture the ozone layer.’’
Given that, as the Telegraph says, ‘The What’s the Point of…? strand is a light-hearted, provocative show that takes on British institutions, asking what purpose they serve.’, what did the BBC expect…and have all the other such programmes about other institutions also been deemed to have broken broadcasting rules? No of course not.
And remember this is the BBC that dumped the Met. Office.
It seems that the Trust has itself been guilty of breaking a few rules here and has selected one programme to censure at the behest of the climate change lobbyists led by the BBC’s very own Harrabin who as I say seems to have escaped any opprobrium himself despite his clearly one sided approach to reporting climate change.
Then consider this morning’s ‘A point of view’ by anti-war and climate campaigner Sarah Dunant…one of those media luvvies who think their opinion is more valuable than those held by the rest of us because she is famous to a greater or lesser degree…ala Cumberbatch.
A more one sided and provocative rant in its half truths and distortions we could not expect to hear on RT or Press TV…and yet it’s on the ‘respected’ BBC. Will the BBC Trust be investigating? No of course not…Dunant is fully onboard the BBC narrative being anti the Iraq war, pro climate change and full of excuses for Muslim terrorists…Muslims naturally being the victims of the West’s policies and in this programme Dunant manages to link all of them together….the Iraq war, terrorism and eco disaster. Bingo.
It is one of the most outrageous pieces of conspiracy theory driven tripe you’ll ever come across and yet this is in effect the BBC’s own narrative on these issues. Listen and weep.
Time for the BBC to be put to bed and Lord Hall to be dragged either into court for breaching the legal requirement to produce impartial news or in front of a committee of MPs who aren’t afraid of the BBC’s power and reach.
Interesting to note just how important the Greens think the BBC is to the cause claiming the Met. Office, a main contributor to the IPCC, used the resources and authority of the BBC to provide credibility and backing for its narrative….and disaster, all that influence and power is gone.
The BBC is still blithely ignoring the terrorism angle as much as possible when reporting the killings in San Bernardino….apparently the significant fact is that the massacre was by a ‘husband and wife’…..
Officials say a husband and wife shot dead 14 people and wounded 21 in the city of San Bernardino.
The Married Couples of Britain lobby group are complaining of marriagephobia and the profiling of married couples as terorrists.
How does the BBC manage to miss this?…
San Bernardino shooting: Syed Farook ‘used social media to contact extremists watched by the FBI’
Whilst religion doesn’t get a mention as a motive for the killings the BBC are quick to jump on politicians who ‘pray’ for the victims…oh look…it’s Republican politicians who get the BBC’s malign attention….
BBC Trending
After a mass shooting, politicians ‘shamed’ for offering prayers
It’s political boilerplate to offer “thoughts and prayers” to the victims of violence, and the majority of Republican presidential candidates took this approach after a shooting in California left 14 people dead and more injured.
On the other hand the Democrats get the seal of approval for using the opportunity to mention gun crime….despite this obviously being somewhat different to the usual…
Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders went a different route, and made statements about gun policy. “I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now,” wrote Clinton.
Kevin Connolly’s professional instincts are clearly in conflict with his BBC indoctrination……here is an entirely misleading heading that might give the impression that the British vote to bomb IS in Syria was thought a bad thing….
However if you read the body of the report it is almost entirely positive about the prospect…and ends with this….
And that sums up a lot of the reaction to the British debate you hear in Amman – a wider role for the UK is seen as something to be welcomed.
Not so sceptical after all…..oh hang…the BBC has another go at getting the right attitude…
Media scepticism eh? just which ‘media’ would that be?…
Syrian state media has reacted with scorn after MPs in the UK voted to attack so-called Islamic State targets in Syria.
Or there’s this sceptical lot…
Iranian broadcast media devoted extensive sceptical coverage to the air strikes, with state TV saying Britain had opted to intervene in Syria “under the pretext of fighting terrorism”.
So President Assad’s ‘state media and his allies in Iran who run the Iranian state media, Press TV included, aren’t keen on British interference in their war….a warin which Assad has supported the Islamic State as the enemy of his enemy…the Free Syrian Army.
Hilariously there’s this from the BBC…
The Arabic press showed little enthusiasm about the development, with papers reporting the news rather than commenting on it.
Rafiq Khouri of Lebanon’s private Al-Anwar daily said he did not expect much from the British bombing of IS.
“The critical factor in an aerial war, which those who launch it admit, is that it cannot eliminate IS without ground troops… And the same applies to the Russian air strikes except that they achieved in one month more than what Washington did in over a year,” he wrote.
So there’s no comment…accept immediately the BBC quotes some comment…and then goes on to report in guarded tones that the Arab press looked to be reporting positively on the vote.
What a load of tosh from the BBC.
The BBC has been banging the drum loud and often for the climate change lobby for the Paris conference bringing us endless tales of impending disaster caused by climate change…man-made climate change of course.
The BBC’s Matthew Price is just one of many BBC journo’s who have no doubt benefited from a motivational briefing from Roger Harrabin to steer their environmental reports in the right direction. Price is certain that the island of Vanuatu is about to vanish beneath the waves…mainly because the local chiefs tell him that is the case…and that the rich nations need to stump up some cash to help out.
Strange thing is as far as I can see the sea level has remained fairly consistent for over 20 years…..if anything the sea level is going down….
The BBC makes a lot of noise about Muslims being victims of ‘Islamophobia’, most such ‘attacks’ actually being online, will the BBC be making as much noise about a far worse persecution…the ethnic cleansing of Christians…by Muslims…this being the BBC that not long ago told us that Christians were thriving in the Middle East and enjoying life to the full in Gaza?….
From Breitbart:
EuroParliament Prez: Christians ‘Not Safe In Our Continent’
In a high-level meeting on religious persecution in Brussels, the President of the European Parliament (EP) said that Europe cannot afford to continue ignoring the fate of Christians, who are “clearly the most persecuted group” in the world.
In Wednesday’s meeting, EP President Martin Schulz said that the persecution of Christians is “undervalued” and does not receive enough attention, which has also meant that it “hasn’t been properly addressed.”
Schulz’s concerns were echoed by EP Vice President Antonio Tajani, who warned that Europe sometimes “falls into the temptation of thinking we can ignore this task,” referring to the protection Christians throughout the world who suffer persecution.
Speakers cited the work of Open Doors, a human rights organization that monitors the persecution of Christians, noting that 150 million Christians worldwide suffer torture, rape and arbitrary imprisonment. Christians in Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Pakistan, North Korea and Nigeria are among those hardest hit.
The Open Doors report for 2015 found that “Islamic extremism is by far the most significant persecution engine” of Christians in the world today and that “40 of the 50 countries on the World Watch List are affected by this kind of persecution.”
“The West must break the silence on the persecution of Christians in the world,” said Tajani, and Europe must promote “a model of society in opposition to religious radicalism and brutal and criminal projects, such as creating an Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria and then extending its tentacles into to Libya.”
“It should shake us up,” said Schulz, “that on our continent, Christians are not safe.”
Muslims shoot people at Christmas party….motive? Unknown.
I like the BBC’s reaction to the killing of 14 people in San Bernardino…..of course the BBC makes very limited to no mention of the religion of the killers….however the BBC does have an angle on this….San Bernardino: What makes this shooting different?
The BBC were naturally hoping this would be a white supremacist killing spree and are happy, on finding it is the usual suspects, to distract people’s attention from the probable motives of the killers by linking them to other mass shootings in the US.
So what is so different about this shooting? Is it that the killers were both Muslim, or both wearing tactical clothing, body armour and cameras and had laid explosives….clearly indicating long term planning.
No, that’s not the difference. The difference is that the two killers were married to each other…sweet.
According to Shooting Tracker, a website that tallies gun violence in the US, there have only been eight confirmed cases of mass shootings being carried out by more than one attacker in the past year.
Woman involved
Female involvement is particularly rare, with 98% of mass shootings carried out by a man. This is the first mass shooting in over a year where a woman has been involved.
A bizarre and irrelevant distraction from the real story and the probable real motive and the important facts about the killers’ identity and background.
Good that CAIR has crept into the picture to manage the media image of Muslims….why is no one in the Media mentioning that CAIR is hardly respectable and is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood in America?
The BBC is blitzing us with unadulterated pro-man-made climate change propaganda with green activists allowed free rein on the airwaves to say the most outrageous things….then repeated with sincere, uncritical approval by the BBC presenters.
What we are being told is that CO2 is the cause of global warming…..em…except where’s the proof? Not only is there no proof of that but in fact CO2 is not the most powerful so-called greenhouse gas…water vapour is. Is water vapour a pollutant? CO2 is being denounced as a pollutant, one that the West is guilty of having produced and now we must pay the price for our sins…our moral obligation to fund the corrupt third world countries whose politiicans know a good scam when they see one. Lovely new airport in the Maldives.…shame it will be under water very soon, won’t it?…what optimism those Maldivian politicians must have.
Curious that the world is about to burn if we don’t reduce CO2 emissions to, well, zero, if you believe, and yet, such is the urgency and the danger that nations like China, India and Brazil, which are pumping out huge quantities of CO2 emissions, are to be allowed to keep on pumping. Odd that. Anyone looking on with an impartial eye might think that those demanding the West close down its industry whilst allowing other nations to ramp up theirs might, just might, have an agenda that is completely unrelated to the climate.
Anyway here’s a reminder of just what the BBC produces on behalf of the climate lobby, just one of many, many films the BBC airs in order to manufacture our consent….
And here’s what they don’t want you to see:
Lord Hall makes a big play of the BBC being non-political and a lot of noise about interference from politicians….which is all nonsense when you think about it.
The BBC is in essence a creation of the politicians set up to use soft power to control the unruly unwashed. The BBC though oversteps its political masters’ boundaries and tries not only to influence how we, the Public, think and behave, but also to pressurise politicians to steer government policy in particular directions. No wonder politicians want to interfere in how the BBC is run. The BBC has set itself up as a government in all but name.
Much as I claim the BBC is ironically, after itself issuing constant ‘warnings from history’ about them, to blame for the rise of the Far Right due to its promotion of immigration and Islam Robert Aitken suggests the BBC’s attempt to stifle debate on the EU will lead to ever greater scepticism about the benefits of membership and may lead to a vote for Brexit.
Aitken finishes his piece with this statement about the power of the BBC to influence politicians…
‘The point about the BBC is this: if it gets behind an idea it can exert almost irresistible pressure on a government. If BBC journalists had been in favour (themselves) of a referendum collectively they could have made it happen. But, almost to a woman, they set themselves against a vote throughout the ’90s and into the new century; indeed they still endlessly repeat the trope that the referendum was forced on the government by Eurosceptic Tories – ignoring the polling evidence which shows the electorate has long wanted to have its say.’
The BBC does have enormous power over politicians, knows it, and has never been shy about using that power to pressurise politicians to alter their policies in a way that then reflects the BBC view.
Any wonder politicians think they have a right, a need, to rein in the BBC? If the BBC wants politicians to stay out of its business then it should stay out of theirs and not try to govern Britain by the backdoor.
Remember when the Telegraph was castigated for allegedly downplaying stories about HSBC as HSBC was a major advertiser at the paper? The BBC went all out on the story as it involved the Tories as well and was in the long run up to the election.
Wonder if they will do much digging over this story from Bishop Hill?…
‘Some years back I was discussing the state of environmental coverage in the media with someone from the Telegraph. I commented that I thought it was very strange that the Tele had taken Geoffrey Lean on as a correspondent given that his views were pretty much anathema to most of its readers.
“Ah, that’s simple” I was told. “He’s not there for the benefit of the readers but because green advertisers want him”. This made perfect sense at the time.
Now, as we all know, times are increasingly hard for the green blob, with George Osborne apparently wanting to put the whole renewables industry on a starvation diet. So it was interesting to see this from Lean on Twitter this morning:
@RichardHCNourse. Thanks. I’m touched. But it looks as if none will have one: Telegraph is pushing me out….
— Geoffrey Lean (@GeoffreyLean) November 28, 2015#
Somehow I doubt it.