Lawson Was Right, Bob Ward Was Wrong

‘There is no rise in the number of reported major floods events over the past 129 years……it is unclear if climate change is implicated in recent flooding.


This report demonstrates why the likes of Nigel Lawson should have a place in the debate, the so-called debate, on climate change and its effects.

The BBC seems to have done a volte face and is not only reporting things that might cast some degree of doubt on climate change but also links to the much derided GWPF….an organisation that Harrabin especially has been quite negatively aggressive towards but for this report he provides a link to them.








The BBC is also reporting this:

Global warming slowdown ‘could last another decade’


Though it is still hedging its bets with Harrabin’s favoured reason for the ‘pause’,  as they call it, ocean warming getting top billing (even though the IPCC admitted having no data to prove that):

The latest theory says that a naturally occurring 30-year cycle in the Atlantic Ocean is behind the slowdown.

The researchers says this slow-moving current could continue to divert heat into the deep seas for another decade.



Has there been a sea change at the BBC with a decision to give more coverage to information that is ‘inconvenient’ to the consensus?

Will Bob Ward now be demanding that Roger Harrabin must be banned from BBC airwaves…….a heretical climate denier?

I’m sure there is a stiff letter on its way right now to Fraser Steel.

Harrabin is now having to admit the evidence for floods caused by climate change isn’t there….and, shock horror…immigration, or ‘population growth’ as he coyly puts it, is a major cause……..


‘Growth drives UK flooding problems’

Part of the UK’s problem with flooding is self-imposed, new research suggests.

The study says the number of reported major flood events has increased, but in parallel with population growth and a boom in building in vulnerable areas.

It says it is unclear if climate change is implicated in recent flooding.

The researchers admit their study is a fragment of a complex picture. They have not, for instance, been able to account for the benefits of flood defence spending.

Neither have they factored in land use changes like road-building, ploughing grasslands or draining marshes – which all contribute to floods.

But looking at the broad picture, they conclude that when population growth and building growth are taken into account there is no rise in the number of reported major floods events over the past 129 years.

There has, though, been a rise in the number of reported small flood events.

Dr Clarke said he had been misquoted as ruling out climate change as a contributor to recent floods.

“We have categorically not ruled out a link between climate change and flooding,” he told BBC News. “We just can’t demonstrate that there is a link.



Someone had better tell the government:

UK storms: Hammond says climate change ‘clearly a factor’


Matt McGarth might need a heads up:

Climate impacts ‘overwhelming’ – UN

Some impacts of climate change include a higher risk of flooding and changes to crop yields and water availability.


Roger Harrabin better have a word with himself:

Have we learned our lessons on flooding?

‘…tracts of the UK lie under water, and scientists warn this is likely to happen more often with man-made climate change.’

He puts the blame for the worst effects of the floodng on government policies on flood defences….will Harrabin now look at the effect of Labour’s immigration policies?  Probably not as the BBC’s complaints head honcho, Fraser Steel is also a director of an immigration advisory and campaigning company.




Believe, Unite, Fight


The BBC, and most of the other media, use Ajmal Masroor as a Muslim spokesman asking his views on all the current issues concerning Muslims…..such as what would Sharia Britain look like, is it Islamic to punish people so cruelly ( he blames the Old Testament) and why are young Muslims being radicalised?

We’ve had a look at him before in ‘Blowback’.

Harry’s Place asks:

Is Ajmal Masroor an Extremist? (The answer is yes)

Stand for Peace asks, and answers, the same question:

Ajmal Masroor describes himself as an Imam, broadcaster and politician. Although Masroor advertises himself as a moderate voice, he propagates some of the usual conspiracy theories peddled by extreme Islamist groups.


The Telegraph yesterday thought he was a suitable person to ask about radicalisation:

Three steps to combating Islamic extremism in UK
Muslim Council of Britain spokesman Ajmal Masroor says the government needs to be “more consistent with their foreign policy” and in order to deter British citizens fighting with Islamic extremists in Iraq

“First we need to inculcate the spirit of solidarity, togetherness and our unique identity, and that is we live in this country and it is our home,” he said
He emphasised the need to tell young Muslims, that whatever their grievances that there was no justification for picking up the gun, and “that it cannot be done in the name of Islam”.
Finally the government needed to be “more consistent with its foreign policy”, not support dictatorships and encourage the spread of democracy in the Middle East.



I think anyone who thinks he is suitable as a spokesman for the Muslim community should perhaps think again.

They should listen to this recent speech he gave at Palmers Green Mosque.


ajmal masroor1







When Muslims say they are radicalised by Gaza…who is whipping them up into a frenzy of righteous indignation about the suffering of their fellow Muslims?  People like Masroor…who calls Israelis racists, savages and murderers….blaming Britain, the USA and the Zionist lobby for all the suffering of the Palestinians.



Masroor advises Muslims on the best lines to take when talking to the Media…there are ten main points that in summary say that the Zionists control the world, Palestine, all Palestine must be free and Israel destroyed…peacefully of course…that is the Muslim’s jihad…and Muslims must use their money and power to change government policies.

1.  Zionism is  a secular philosophy, a defunct philosophy a philosophy that is rotten to the core based upon racism and the supremacy of the Jewish people and it cannot be accepted in any  narrative.  It is no different to any supremacist ideology today and we must stand together against all forms of extremism.

2.  Zionism is anti-Judaism, against the teachings of Moses.  God does not want Jews to have a home, not in Palestine, not by lying, stealing and murdering.

3. Israel has created the biggest open prison in the world.  1.7 million people sardined into  a tiny strip of land…how did that happen?  They came from the neighbouring land occupied and stolen by the Zionists.
The blockade of Gaza is on 3 sides by the Zionists, on the fourth by the Pharoahs….the Jews are worse than the Nazis.

4.  Israel refuses to allow food and medicine into Gaza…a war crime as the Israelis try to starve the Palestinians.

5.  Israel contaminates the water of Palestine…another war crime.

6.  Israel bombed the power plant…another war crime.

7.   Israel deliberately targets women and children….a war crime.

8.  Israel is a racist, apartheid state and must be peacefully dismantled, a racist state should not exist.  Israel wants all of Palestine.

9.  Who is responsible for creating Israel?  Britain is.  Britain created this monster, Britain must sort it out.

10 One country could end the misery of the Palestinians immediately by bringing Israel to its knees…the USA,  Don’t blame the people of the USA, they are brainwashed by the Zionist media, owned and funded by the Zionists, 60% of people in power are funded by the Zionist lobby.
The existence of Israel is bad news for the USA, Britain and Europe.


We must struggle until Palestine is free, until Palestine is totally free, when all the people are equal and free,  that’s our struggle, that’s our Jihad!

We must unite and become powerful again.  Imagine if all 3 million Muslims withdrew from every financial institution…unite together, become powerful, believe in Islam like it should be believed in, believe truly.  Part of that belief is to unite, to enable us to fight with our wealth and establish ourselves as powerful in this country.

Why is it that 200,000 Jewish people, those who hold positions of power, those who wield the Zionist mantra and use it to gain power and force the politicians to bend over backwards, why is it that their values and their views our stronger and more worthy than the Muslims?

I have news for you.  We are nearly 4.5% of the population of this country, our economic muscle is stronger and more powerful that it was 20 years ago but what we lack is unity amongst ourselves.
If we are united and we went to the Tories and offered them more money than the Zionists they would take it.
We should use that power that we have, the money, to fight and struggle in the cause of Allah.
The Jewish community is very smart, we must learn from them.  Their Zionist brothers have abused their Jewish identity and held our government and MPs hostage.

The government must suspend all arms sales to Israel, stop Israeli trading privileges and prosecute the Israelis for war crimes.
We must boycott all products from Israel and boycott all companies that support the Zionist state of Israel.
We must establish a lobby group to change government policy.

You must believe in Allah and struggle for Islam against injustices in the world.
Rise up and believe.
Part of our belief is struggle, we don’t struggle enough.
Israel was illegally established on Palestinian land, Britain had no right to partition that land.

The conflict is between savages and the civilised world.
The savages murder and intend to obliterate innocent people by dropping bombs on schools, hospitals and mosques, in crowded markets and residential areas, that’s what savages do.
The argument is very simple…we must stand firm with the Palestinians and support their right to have their land returned.



Is there any wonder why Muslims in Britain become so radicalised against Israel, and indeed against Britain and the USA, when fed such inflammatory invective by an Imam.

Makes you wonder how his collar hasn’t been felt by the anti-terror cops.

Still, good to know the Media propagate his views on how to stop radicalisation.


You couldn’t make it up could you?








Hogging The Headlines

Poster for 'I Was a Shoplifter'



Good to hear the BBC raising important issues that prick the social conscience of the nation and remind us of the callous indifference that the Tories have for the suffering of the poorest in society.

Last year Labour’s PCC, in Durham, Ron Hogg, launched a new scheme to help those forced into a life of crime by ‘Austerity Britain’:

Police going easy on skint shoplifting mums in Austerity Britain

Durham Police Commissioner Ron Hogg said Austerity Britain meant the force was adopting a more ‘humane’ approach to such crime.

As Tory cuts bite into benefits and hit the most vulnerable in society, cops are working with support agencies to prevent some offenders going to prison.



Today we learn it’s been a grand success:

Scheme to help women stealing food to feed families declared a success

Police across the region say food theft has increased in recent years due to pressure on family finances due to economic factors.

Products such as cheese and meat among the most stolen items, according to one report.


One report certainly did say that...but it was the more expensive, and resellable foodstuffs that were being nicked:

Meat and cheese. There is growing interest in the more expensive cheese such as parmesan.



Ron Hogg made an appearance on 5 Live today (19 mins 30 secs) where the presenter, Chris Warburton, introduced him as the PCC from Durham…forgetting to mention, several times,  that he was the Labour PCC from Durham….Warburton also stated that police in Northumbria, Derbyshire, North Wales and Devon and Cornwall were making similar noises about shoplifters….failing to mention that they were respectively..Labour, Labour, LibDem…oh and Devon and Cornwall has a Tory PCC…however the Chief Constable has been making a lot of political comments about cuts to his budget…wonder what caught the BBC eye?:

Devon and Cornwall police chief says gaps in funding are going to get worse


Labour’s Bob Jones, the police and crime commissioner for the West Midlands, also got in on the act when ‘last month suggested that the increase in shoplifting was partly caused by benefit cuts and job losses, which have pushed “desperate” Birmingham parents to steal food and nappies to feed and clothe their families


Hogg delighted in telling us that ‘Typically with welfare reforms and other such things [society is failing the vulnerable]…in an environment now where payday lenders are thriving, where loansharks are thriving, where foodbanks are thriving…this is in 20th century Britain and it ought not to be happening…and we have here a very unforgiving approach to welfare due to welfare reforms.’


Nothing at all political about this I’m sure…however as the British Retail Consortium tells us that 80% of offenders are at least second time offenders, and others suggest at least 60% may be stealing to feed drink and drug habits, and this scheme is for first time offenders who shoplift specifically for food because they don’t have enough money to eat you might suspect the offenders ‘rescued’ by Ron Hogg and his scheme might actually be far fewer than the impression he gives…no actual figures are mentioned…and there are no links to the police breakdown of the shoplifting figures which Hogg tells us that once you ‘drill down’ into them reveal this horrifying statistic about starving Briton’s forced to steal to live.

That lack of the data means we have absolutely no way of checking the claims made by PCCs whose politics may be colouring their statements to a very great extent.

How much of this rise in crime is due to retailers such as the Coop  and Asda who have become more proactive in catching and reporting shoplifters?

How much is the rise due to changes in police reporting procedures and a reclassification of each crime?…..‘For 2013, we estimate that Christmas losses in the UK in the six weeks from mid-November to end-December will be as high as £978 million. This figure is based on a new classification of crimes and a different source of data compared to last year.’


You have to ask why these police forces are highlighting food theft especially when food theft by people literally on the breadline is probably very limited….the biggest problem is organised gangs stealing high value products:

‘A key factor driving the upward trend in the cost of offences is thought to be the impact of organised crime gangs, who are systematically targeting higher value items. Half of fraud is thought to be committed by organised groups.’


You might conclude that the highlighting of food theft is politically motivated when much more serious theft crimes go unmentioned...both Labour politicians, and Police disgruntled with ‘Tory’ cuts, have a reason to keep this ball in the air as we approach an election….and it looks lke the BBC is quietly helping them out.


But should we trust the BBC to get it right?

The Centre For Retail Research thinks perhaps not:

The BBC claimed this:

‘Research by retail consultants Global Retail Theft Barometer and Checkpoint Systems has suggested a new wave of middle-class shoplifter is targeting high-end delicacies from supermarkets in order to maintain a lifestyle they could no longer afford.’


When in fact:

‘Nothing irritates us at the Centre more than hearing that we believe that shoplifting by the middle classes is now a significant problem driving retail theft upwards.

The most recent claim about our alleged views on the criminality of the middle classes when they enter a shop can be found on the BBC website page entitled Why Do Well-off People Shoplift? (found at

This references our findings in the Global Retail Theft Barometer (GRTB), which of course we produce every year.

There are many other press articles referring to our findings on middle class shoplifting.

In fact we have never researched whether the middle classes are stealing more.

We have never ever published anything stating that middle-class crime is driving retail crime, or that prosperous people are shoplifting much more than they did before.

We assume that middle-class crime is on the rise as is crime by other sectors of the community. We do not know and we never have stated that middle-class criminals have become a much bigger problem for retailers than a few years ago.

The story about our alleged opinions started in 2009 as a result of publicity for the GRTB. What we actually said in the 2009 edition of the GRTB (page 25) is shown here:

quote from 2009 GRTB

That is our only reference to middle class shoplifting.’











Tears Of A Clown


Jon Donnison


Jon Donnison gets ever more bizarre:















Still relying on children to get people to look at his ‘journalism’ though….











He’s so popular that he has to limit those who want to read  and respond to his schtick:

jd 1








Some unfortunately he can’t block…the truth is out there…just not on Donnison’s Twitter feed:







Always tickles me how numbnuts Israel hating Donnison doesn’t have a clue what is going on in Gaza and yet keeps bluffing it like he does……claiming Hamas didn’t kidnap the Israeli teens….








Who is the Plitnick Donnison links to?…..a lefty peacenik:

Mitchell Plitnick is the former Director of the US Office of B’Tselem: The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories and was previously the Director of Education and Policy for Jewish Voice for Peace.


Why not listen to Hamas and the terrorists themselves?:



A longer video of Hamas commander al Arouri’s speech – as broadcast on Al Jazeera – can be seen here courtesy of MEMRI.

“Our goal was to ignite an intifada in the West Bank and Jerusalem as well as within the 1948 borders [Israel]. The activity of the people has broadened to include all the occupied land, reaching its peak in the heroic operation, carried out by the Al-Qassam Brigades, in which three settlers were captured in Hebron. There has been a lot of confusion regarding this operation. Some said that this was a conspiracy of the occupation [Israel]. That’s not true. Your brothers in the Al-Qassam Brigades carried out this operation to support their imprisoned brothers who were on hunger strike.”


Al Qassam being the military wing of Hamas.


The terrorist killers of the three teenagers admit it was a Hamas operation:

Hossam Kawasmeh, arrested on July 11, admitted to leading cell which abducted and murdered Gil-Ad Schaer, Eyal Yifrach, and Naftali Frenkel; He received funds from Hamas.

Kawasmeh received funding for the terror attack from Hamas members in the Gaza Strip. He was arrested by Yamam, an elite counter-terror unit, following a tip from the Shin Bet.



Here Donnison tries to tell us Hamas is not like ISIS….

jd 2







Trouble is, in essence it is true……their aims are the same and they work together indirectly…ISIS has few if any direct links with Hamas but it is an offshoot of Al Qaeda which is in Gaza….


Here is what a senior Hamas member said in 2007:

Zahar went on about the inevitability of Islamic rule in Gaza, the West Bank and across the Arab world.
“We believe that this is the era of change, that the coming decades will see Islamic rule in Arab countries,” he said. “I am not speaking about hopes here. I am just reading the reality. Today, even the thief, before he commits his crime, asks god to help him.”
“In a few years [Islam] can gather supreme power in the form of money, power, armies, human beings… from Morocco to Indonesia.”
“How are we going to manage the relationship between the West and Islam? If we are going to see each other as enemies we will see world war IV.”


…..and Hamas works hand in hand with Al Qaeda terrorists of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades:

Abdullah Azzam Brigades launches rocket attacks from Gaza

The Abdullah Azzam Brigades, which is named after al Qaeda’s co-founder and Osama bin Laden’s mentor, was formed by Saleh al Qarawi sometime after 2004 as an offshoot of al Qaeda in Iraq, and was tasked with hitting targets in the Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories) and throughout the Middle East.


And here is Al Qaeda expressing its brotherhood and solidarity with ISIS:

“We announce solidarity with our Muslim brothers in Iraq against the crusade. Their blood and injuries are ours and we will surely support them……We stand by the side of our Muslim brothers in Iraq against the American and Iranian conspiracy and their agents of the apostate Gulf rulers.”



Sickeningly Donnison tries to hijack the Holocaust to defend his own anti-Israel stance against allegations that reporting such as his is responsible in part for a rise in anti-Semitism:









Donnison then links to a BBC article that is trying to play down anti-Semitism around the world….because it is implicated in its rise with coverage from the likes of…guess who…Jon Donnison….






Despite ‘The UK Association of Chief Police Officers, which has released statistics on hate crime since 2009, has talked of a “significant rise” in anti-Semitism since the latest fighting began in Gaza in early July’  apparently we’re, and they are, mistaken…’s not so much a rise in anti-Semitism…. it’s only an increased awareness of it…our perceptions distorted by a few eye catching, high profile mass killings…difficult to identify a trend…the picture is mixed…the questions asked in polls fail to adequately identify if it really is anti-Semitism….it could all be based on criticism of the Israeli government…and anyway….“We have many surveys, even before 1990. What they show is a decline in prejudice towards minorities, and especially towards Jews. Actually Jews are the best accepted minority in France….the Jews remain the most accepted group in France. We see the same thing in Europe.”

Ultimately it’s all in the Jew’s own little minds….’While the overall trends are harder to discern, the current nature and level of anti-Semitic incidents are enough to make some Jewish people feel afraid.’


Shame the BBC doesn’t ask a particular community how they feel about Jews….Kinda think wouldn’t then be ‘the most accepted group in Europe’ for that group.

Perhaps the BBC should also be asking who is carrying out the most anti-Semitic attacks.


Finally we have this from Donnison…..ironic considering Donnison’s exploitation of dead and injured women and children to peddle his support for Hamas:









So just how well did Donnison do?

He’s wrong about Hamas not kidnapping the Israeli teens.

He’s wrong about Hamas/ISIS not being alike.

He’s wrong about there being little anti-Semitism…which is the not so subtle drift of the BBC article he links to.

He relies on pictures of dead and injured women and children to get any interest in his stuff…and that interest is going to be mostly from pro-Hamas people praising his ‘journalism’.

He doesn’t like criticism of his ‘journalism’.  Which must be difficult for him all considered.


Suggest he go walk-about in Oz and stay away from Twitter and the porn.










Crocodile Tears

Islaimist fighter on parade in the Syrian province of Raqqa, 30 June 2014



The BBC tells us that….

US President Barack Obama has said the beheading of US journalist James Foley is “an act of violence that shocks the conscience of the entire world”.

Mr Obama compared Islamic State (IS), the group which made a video of Mr Foley’s killing, to a “cancer” and said its ideology was “bankrupt”.


I’m not sure why suddenly, when a journalist is killed, this behaviour from ISIS is suddenly ‘an  act of violence that shocks the world’s conscience’ when ISIS is well known for beheading people, never mind crucifying them or burying them alive, and at the end of July released a video showing the mass murder of hundreds of Iraqi men tied up and bussed out to the desert just as James Foley was….where was the ‘shocked conscience of the world’ then?


Indeed the BBC’s Frank Gardner admits as much:

Shocking as it is, the video of James Foley being beheaded by a masked jihadist is not without precedent.

But he goes on…..

Pursuing an extreme form of Sunni Islam, IS has persecuted non-Muslims such as Yazidis and Christians, as well as Shia Muslims, whom it regards as heretics.

These grisly murder videos are abhorrent to most Muslims and non-Muslims alike and they’ve even been discouraged by Osama Bin Laden’s successor as a “vote loser”.

“It (ISIS) attracts the worst kind of psychopaths,” he said. “This is not about religion. It’s not even about territory.”


Gardner plays down the religious aspect to all this….which is in fact, obviously,  central to everything ISIS does….Gardner is making a claim that ISIS carries out everything it does for no reason other than they are ‘psycopaths’,  thus Gardner tries to separate their actions from the ideology of Islam.

Unfortunately what ISIS is doing is like a full colour, live action replay of history, the history of Islam when Muhammed first swept across the Middle East introducing Islam to the world at the point of a sword taking advantage of the weakness of the Roman and Persian empires just as ISIS exploits Obama’s reluctance to stand and fight for Western values at a time when the rest of the Arab world is in turmoil…..Muhammed slaughtered whole people’s, beheading the men and enslaving the women and children….sound familiar?

This has everything to do with religion and territory….hence ISIS proclaim an Islamic Caliphate.


And as for Al Qaeda distancing itself from the extreme violence of ISIS as the BBC constantly tells us…..maybe not so much:

“We announce solidarity with our Muslim brothers in Iraq against the crusade. Their blood and injuries are ours and we will surely support them……We stand by the side of our Muslim brothers in Iraq against the American and Iranian conspiracy and their agents of the apostate Gulf rulers.”


Other than those issues Frank Gardner is totally correct.


The BBC goes on to explore the intention behind the release of the video and the possible political fallout from it.

James Foley: Extremists battle with social media

PJ Crowley: James Foley video not intended for US


The BBC looks at the use of social media and the uploading of violent images and pictures of dead Muslims as propaganda intended to shock and recruit new ISIS members to ‘defend Islam’.

The BBC tells of urgent attempts to close down such propaganda.

Which you might think was more than a little ironic when the BBC itself has spent a great deal of time and effort broadcasting similar propaganda for Jihadists.

Only today the BBC was telling us every 20 minutes or so that the Israelis had killed the wife and daughter of a Hamas member, clearly intended by the BBC to incite a negative reaction to Israeli military actions in Gaza…in other words pro-Hamas, pro-terrorist propaganda exploiting  the deaths of a girl and her mother.

Recently the BBC has been encouraging a positive image of the ‘Caliphate‘….a questionable approach when establishing a ‘Caliphate’ is a prime motivation of ISIS.

The BBC rounded up its discussion, in which 90% of the comments were pro-Caliphate, by saying that ‘For many Muslims the Caliphate is something to aspire to, to unite the community and provide a sense of security…the idea of the Caliphate’s resurrection is not forgotten.’

No kidding!


Then of course we have the output from the various BBC journalists in Gaza whose preferred choice of report centres around dead and dying children and women, blown up hospitals and schools.  There is little about Hamas, its fighters and their real intentions.

The BBC’s choice of image and tone is hardly different from that which ISIS might choose to utilise in its own propaganda.

It is therefore something of an irony that the BBC reports with a straight face the outrage at ISIS’ exploitation of social media and its shockingly violent and graphic videos that are intended to grab world Media’s attention when the BBC itself indulges in a not too dissimilar course of action.


The BBC explains why this sort of propaganda is a problem….

Frank Gardner, the BBC’s security correspondent, said the video could encourage people to join IS.


Ever wonder just how many British Jihadi recruits were ‘encouraged to join’ by the BBC’s acceptance of the extremist’s narrative that foreign policy was to blame for the ills of the Muslim world and that Muslims, both in the UK and worldwide, are oppressed by non-Muslims?



..the BBC goes on….

The Metropolitan Police said it was investigating video footage posted online showing Mr Foley being killed.

It warned that “viewing, downloading or disseminating” the video may be an offence under terrorism legislation.


Perhaps the likes of the BBC’s Jon Donnison will get their collars felt for promoting a narrative favourable to Hamas terrorists?



The BBC also tells us….

Sunday Times photographer Paul Conroy, who worked alongside Mr Foley in 2011, said: “Without him… these tyrants will get away with things without people probing and pushing to show people what’s really happening in these war zones.”


Perhaps the BBC would like to show us where they have ‘probed and pushed to show people what’s really happening in a Gaza controlled by the ‘tyrants’ of Hamas.’







Nazi flag flown by Palestinians from a Mosque in Beit Omar



The BBC have a great reluctance to mention anything to do with *****….as mentioned earlier they concentrate on other things that set the anti-Israel tone for the viewer, listener or reader.

And again, look at the BBC’s MIddle East page and these are some of its top stories:



No sign of this day old report though on the BBC [via BBC Watch):

Israel says it foiled Hamas plan for massive attacks on Israel, coup against PA


93 arrests made, Shin Bet says, thwarting Hamas preparations for third intifada; Abbas says revelation a threat to Palestinian unity



Absolutely astonishing that the BBC ignores this massive story considering what is going on in Gaza and the fact that Fatah and ***** have recently formed a Unity government.

Can it possibly be that once again when a report comes out that shows ***** in a bad light the BBC looks to cover up for them?

Listening to the World Service the preferred term to describe Israel’s ‘opponent’ is ‘Palestinian factions’. …still no mention of *****.





Setting The Tone


Babysitting, Hamas style



Fascinating what the BBC concentrates on in the Gaza conflict…not the fighting, or the reasons for it but the buildings turned to rubble, the children injured and the infrastrucutre damaged….all reports designed to make the audience react in a way sympathetic to the Palestinians and angry towards the Israelis….note all the sub-headlines….all about the damage, Israel, the blockade…but no ‘Hamas’…


bbc headline israel



And what of that headline…Israel hits Gaza after new rockets?

What….did Israel get a new delivery of rockets and decide to launch them at Gaza?

Funny how when Hamas & Co launch attacks on Israel and Israel responds the BBC always reports that ‘Israel strikes Gaza…..after rockets’

It’s never ‘Hamas launches unprovoked attack on Israel and Israel strikes Hamas’ military locations.’



























Police arrest a protester in Ferguson (18 August 2014)


The BBC’s preferred narrative when reporting from Ferguson, a town they’d never heard of before but are now expert in its racial profile and dynamics, is that this  was a racially motivated killing by a white cop in a town divided by race with community tensions on a knife edge.  That is the thrust of their reporting on this event with little time given over to the police version of events.


The BBC gets ever more irresponsible in the manner it reports news events.  Look at the way it chased the story about Cliff Richard…..desperate for a scoop they acted like a ‘sensationalist tabloid’ blackmailing the police, or as one media pundit coyly put it, exerted ‘overmuch pressure’, so that they could get in on the story…otherwise, apparently, they threatened to ‘go to press’ regardless of what stage the police investigation was at.

The BBC’s ever present glorifying of Islamist terror and ideology…its apologist reporting on 7/7, its support for Moazzem Begg and the BBC recently suggesting that the ‘Caliphate’ now being imposed by the violent and extreme ISIS might be a good thing, never mind its support for the terrorists of Hamas…. is highly dangerous and the BBC’s narrative feeds directly into the radical’s recruitment drive encouraging Muslims to feel they have a legitimate grievance against the West.

It has long adopted a similar approach to the Black community, the BBC’s aim seemingly to foster a feeling amongst them that they have always been ‘victims’ of White oppression and that they still are….’whitey’ can’t be trusted.

The BBC doesn’t just limit itself to inflaming tensions in the UK, it is happy to contribute to stirring up racial conflict in all white areas of the world…#BBCtrending: The racist video that’s shocked Australia (no ‘shocked’ reports of black people abusing whites on trains?) and elsewhere is more than happy to label white Americans as racist, no doubt aiming to keep this narrative of global white racism current in the minds of all Black or ethnic minority people home and abroad.

With respect to that the BBC seems to have imposed a bit of a blackout on the news with regard to the shooting of Michael Brown….or rather a blackout of news that might suggest all is not as the ‘witnesses’, the ones used by the BBC, say it is.

Facts and relevant new information are thin on the ground if you listen to the BBC, the BBC prefering to stick with the racist, politicised speculation of those seeking to whip up a riot. The BBC has a habit of being very, very slow with its reporting of certain information but all too ready to report pure speculation or obviously partial claims that fit a particular agenda.

I have heard several BBC reports over the last few days and none have mentioned that the Police officer was assaulted and injured or that Brown ‘bum rushed’ him in an attempt to assault him again.

Victoria Derbyshire had a look at the events but from a very, very one sided approach…..all we got was ‘racism’, ‘execution’ and ‘police brutality’.

That’s despite a clear reported version of what happened, one that seems to be corroborated more each day….and yet the BBC fails to fully outline that version of events.

I heard almost from the start that the police officer tried to detain Brown but Brown struck the officer who was then injured.  Brown ran off, then stopped, turned and rushed at the officer who shot him.  Brown was near 300lbs and the officer was reportedly responding to a call that Brown had committed a robbery…though the BBC reports Brown was merely stopped for walking in the street.


Forensic pathologist Shaun Parcells raises his hands


Here the BBC have a very limited report on events…limited from the police point of view…the witnesses claiming a police ‘execution’  and the family’s forensic experts get plenty of space:

Ferguson protests: What we know about Michael Brown’s last minutes

The BBC merely refers to a ‘scuffle’ between Brown and the police officer, no mention of an injury, and goes on to suggest Brown may have been shot with his hands raised, there is no mention that he rushed at the officer…..“Michael jerks his body as if he’s hit and he turns around and faces the officer with his hands up,” she said. “And the officer continues to shoot him until he goes down to the ground.”


The BBC gives us this very short description of the Authorities’ version of events:

What have the authorities said so far?

The day after the shooting, St Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar told reporters that Mr Brown or Mr Johnson allegedly pushed Officer Wilson back into his car as he was trying to get out, and proceeded to physically assault the officer. At some point, they struggled over Mr Wilson’s weapon. A shot was fired in the car, at which point the officer got out of vehicle, and shot Mr Brown.





H/T  Llareggub

It now seems that the officer suffered a serious injury to his face:

BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 10:00 AM

The Gateway Pundit can now confirm from two local St. Louis sources that police Officer Darren Wilson suffered facial fractures during his confrontation with deceased 18 year-old Michael Brown. Officer Wilson clearly feared for his life during the incident that led to the shooting death of Brown. This was after Michael Brown and his accomplice Dorian Johnson robbed a local Ferguson convenience store.


It also seems that witnesses back up the police version….as outlined in the audio on the video we looked at yesterday:







Nothing from the BBC on these revelations.



An irony that the ‘protestors’ are now shooting innocent bystanders as they ‘protest’ about the shooting of an ‘innocent’ man.








BBC Scaremongers About Student Loans



On Thursday Martin Lewis, financial guru, kicked off about the media’s scaremongering about student loans (12:22)…Victoria Derbyshire is particularly guilty of this….having camped out on several student protests on the issue without making any real  effort to detail the way the student loan system works nor to challenge the student’s claims about the system….and many, many politically motivated comments from guests go uncorrected on BBC programmes about this issue as they attack the government.


Lewis had a good old rant about the media….which is slightly abridged here…..

‘I get angry…this constant ‘Are you not worried about the cost? Are you not worried about being in debt?’  ….now the kids have actually done their work and understood this…they understand that you don’t pay to go to university….but I’ve heard on every television channel this badgering of students ‘Are you not scared of the debt?’…and you know what…they’re going to be if the media does not stop focusing on this rather irrelevant ‘How much are you borrowing?’ and start focusing on how much you will repay which is actually what counts.

The media needs to grow up, the students understand it, their parents understand it…but I have to say that the biggest ignorance about how student finance works tends to be in journalists who deliberately try and create a scare story constantly fixating on the figure of debt….and the way the questions are phrased to the students, the way that we are trying to drag out of them ‘Come on admit that it is scary!’

They say there is no smoke without fire but sometimes there is only smoke because someone is ignorantly waving a match underneath to make it burn…’





Hamas Get Their Money’s Worth


Jon Donnison has been shipped out of Gaza back to his new stomping ground in Oz.  Lucky them.

Still, it hasn’t stopped him bothering us with his anti-Israel schmutter:

israel racist donnison





Donnison has many, many other fascinating insights about Gaza but oddly not much about Australia.   I won’t bore you with the complete run down but he also links to the other usual suspect, Kevin Connolly:


donnison connolly





What indeed does the future hold for the children of Gaza?

Connolly says:

I find myself worrying what the future holds for them.

Gaza is cursed by history and geography as surely as it is blessed by nature.


No, Gaza is cursed by having a murderous bunch of thugs in charge.  If the children’s future is blighted by war and oppression perhaps they should look closely at their own government which has led them down the road to ruin for the last 70 years.


Connolly however has a degree of sympathy for poor old terrorist Hamas:

In times of peace it has no diplomatic cards to play against the Israeli government. When violence flares, as it has done this month, it can at least demand concessions in return for agreeing to stop again.

These confrontations are hopelessly asymmetrical. Many of Hamas’s rockets are out-of-date or home-made, compared with Israel’s powerful and sophisticated weapons.

This is a desperate time for Hamas.



So unfair…Israel defends itself against terrorism and thousands of rockets launched at it and successfully prevents many thousands of casualties in Israel…and Connolly thinks that’s a bit unfair.


Connolly goes on to tell us:

And yet, decisive victory seems to elude Israel, just as it eludes Hamas. The fighting will probably end in ways which are ambiguous and unsatisfactory, just as it has in the past.


I wonder why a decisive victory eludes Israel…could it be that when it begins an operation to crush Hamas the BBC et al start their own campaign to crush Israel and stop the war?  Perhaps if Israel were able to take over Gaza and eject Hamas they might be able to turn Gaza around and improve the future prospects of all those children….perhaps the BBC should stand on the side of those who seek to destroy Islamic terrorists.



But wait….the children have no prospects?  Who then attends all those universities and colleges in Gaza?



Gaza Strip Universities


Here’s a list of faculties in the Islamic University in Gaza….’Rocketeering’ is night classes only:

gaza uni








Guess the BBC isn’t telling us the whole truth…not the real cause of any limited futures and not the prospects that many Palestinians do actually have.

And who built much of the infrastructure in Gaza?

In the years after the 1967 War, Israel invested heavily in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, building hospitals, universities, public schools and new roads, improving the water supply and increasing the production of electricity available to the Palestinians.

In the 1980’s Israel completely refurbished al Shifa hospital…only for Hamas to use it as a base for their HQ.

And why is Palestine reliant on so much foreign aid?

Economic decline followed the onset of the Intifada which began in December 1987. The Palestinian economy suffered another blow after the first Gulf War, which disrupted the economies of the Gulf Region, where many Palestinians found work. (Palestinian support for Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait resulted in many Palestinians being forced from that country after the war.)

Just as Palestinians living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip enjoyed substantial increases in well-being under Israeli rule before the Intifada shattered economic relations between Israel and Palestinians, the increase in living standards for Palestinians in the 1990s was set back sharply as a result of the terror war launched against Israel in 2000.



And what of that ‘World’s biggest open prison‘?

There certainly are restrictions on movement but it seems Gazans can travel out of Gaza quite legally….Gaza has many travel agencies:

We went from Gaza to Egypt and from Egypt to Turkey legally.