The BBC long ignored the Daily Mail’s revelations about Harman and Co at the NCCL. The BBC didn’t investigate the claims and only began to ‘report’ the story when Harman made her defence.
The BBC on the other hand has been quick to report a story in the Times about Tory MP Peter Bone.
Curious what catches their eye.
Having said that Newsnight did put the boot into Harman……
Harman tells us that…..
“I think if there is anybody who has over the years supported indecency it is much more the Daily Mail than it is me and that’s the frank truth of it.”
Of course it was the Daily Mail that introduced 24 hour drinking, or a free for all gambling regime where gambling machines were as addictive as ‘crack’, or engineered the destruction of the economy or put young Brits on the ‘scrapheap’ preferring instead to import millions of cheap labourers.
Sorry no, my mistake…it was in fact Harriet Harman’s very own Labour Party that did that.
Unfortunately for Harman it’s not just the Mail that recognises she may have something to answer for…here’s the Telegraph in 2012:
How Hattie’s friends defended paedophilia
By Damian Thompson Politics Last updated: October 19th, 2012
‘….attitudes towards paedophilia in the 1970s were bizarrely relaxed – and not just in Catholic presbyteries or BBC dressing rooms. This was the era when activists on the radical Left lobbied long and hard for changes in the law to reflect a more “enlightened” attitude towards sex between adults and minors.’
The National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), which – in its evidence to the Criminal Law Revision Committee in 1976 – had said the following:
“Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage… The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of paedophilia result in lasting damage.”
In 1977, months before the future deputy leader of the Labour Party took up her post, the NCCL was quoted in the Evening Standard on the subject of the infamous Paedophile Information Exchange, the “information” in question being disgusting pictures of children involved in sex acts which members would pass to each other in plain envelopes. “NCCL has no policy on [the Paedophile Information Exchange’s] aims – other than the evidence that children are harmed if, after a mutual relationship with an adult, they are exposed to the attentions of the police, press and court,” said a spokesman.
Perhaps that attitude informed Harman’s take on photographs of children being OK…as long as there was no harm to the child…..but…..
“Our amendment places the onus of proof on the prosecution to show that the child was actually harmed,” she wrote.
So she thinks there is no prima facie belief that such behaviour is harmful and so should be allowed to continue unless proved harmful?
Very relaxed and liberal.
Also from the Telegraph, 2009….not a paper that Harman can try to dismiss as ‘puerile’ :
Harriet Harman under attack over bid to water down child pornography law
Harriet Harman’s political judgement has been called into question after it emerged that she once advocated the watering down of child pornography laws.
Whilst Newsnight did a reasonable job that hasn’t continued throughout today…None of the actual claims about the NCCL were aired in detail, instead we had Harman’s denials and defence and her tweeting of a Daily Mail story in a desperate attempt to throw a bit of mud back……
This is the actual Mail story in its Television and celebrity news section……
Inside Courtney Stodden photo album: Teen bride as an innocent 12-year-old… posing with sisters in first bikini shoot
Personally, having read the Mail for years, I can’t say I’ve ever noticed it urging us all to go out and chase young girls in bikinis.
However, make of it what you want but if it is ‘titillating’ and the ‘sexualisation of children’ as Harman claims, and the BBC has repeatedly repeated that for her, then what to make of this from the Left’s own progressive little rag, The Huffington Post (prone to publish plenty of revealing photos as Guido reveals….and yet no disparagement from Harman just as she does as she dumps on the Sun for its page 3)…..
The Huffington Post devotes a whole section to little Courtney…..
And look…they report the same story that the Mails does about the girl:
Courtney Stodden: Young Photos Before She Was Married
Follow Video , Courtney Stodden , Courtney Stodden At 12 , Courtney Stodden At 13 , Slidepollajax , Young Photos Of Courtney Stodden , Celebrity News
A new batch of photos became available today that were taken when Courtney was about 12 or 13, her mother Krista Stodden told Celebuzz.
While some of Courtney’s poses in these older photos are still suggestive, there is no denying that she actually looks like a teenager. One of the photos is of Courtney with her older sisters Ashley and Brittany in a hot tub, who their mother says are both married with husbands their own ages.
The Huffington Post publishes photos of Courtney Stodden when she was 12 or 13 and link to the same picture that the Mail reproduced:
Courtney Stodden Before She Was Famous
Why no outraged feminist fury from Harman?
Other Media publications aren’t averse to a bit of ‘titillation’ either…the Guardian celebrating Kate Moss being the ‘object of our gaze‘ and ‘turning heads’ since she was 14…..
Kate Moss at 40: supermodel still turning heads after 25 years
Croydon-born beauty has been the object of our gaze since she was 14 but shows no sign of losing her place at the top
and the BBC isn’t averse to using her, though older (19), in its own celebrity news where we see that a half dressed, drinking and smoking Kate Moss is…
Kate Moss: Crazy, sexy, cool
Link via a proxy server as this BBC Worldwide site not available in UK:
The BBC has been ‘pouring’ over Harman’s story all day…and yet manage to shed little light on the issues.
Sheila Fogarty said she would be keeping a close eye on what would no doubt be the dominant news story today.….and yet not much of interest came forth despite the underwhelming, lacklustre efforts of John Pienaar to explain things…..just the usual repetitions of Harman’s denials and counter smear against the Mail….but as shown above that’s a classic case of hypocrisy from Harman…shame the BBC gives it so much credence.
This BBC report does little to enlighten us as to the ‘evidence’ that the NCCL did act in concert with the PIE….neither quoting from nor linking to any of the documents that are fairly damning for the NCCL and which the Mail has revealed in its own stories.
This is the best the BBC can do:
The newspaper initially accused her of having “tried to water down child pornography laws” during her time at the National Council for Civil Liberties
And that’s despite having the documents available themselves as Newsnight stated in the interview with Harman.
It does look like the BBC is doing a fine job, Newsnight aside, in covering up for Harman and downplaying the claims whilst highlighting her own claims about the Mail.
How times have changed when they tried to smear Lord MacAlpine without any evidence or bothering to talk to him personally…but then he was a Tory.
The BBC should really check what the real people think:
Harperson Squirming Like A Stuck Pig
And Guido reminds us:
Harman: “No One Should Be Complacent” About Historic Abuse