Another gang of abusers….all of a certain culture…but not a particular race….race only being an issue with regard to the way the Police may have reacted…not prosecuting because of the possible appearance of being racist.
Islam is the common factor between the offenders…that’s not to say Islam makes them abusers…what it may suggest is that they came to believe that as Non-Muslims are dehumanised, deemed worthless, they can freely abuse them without any shame or guilt.
If you sit back and say ‘I am uncomfortable with being associated with any debate about Islam’ that is a betrayal of both the abused girls and Muslims themselves who become tarred with the label ‘abusers’ because the debate is left in the hands of the Far Right who will define what a Muslim is.
If someone had said the same about slavery…‘I’m uncomfortable being associated with any debate on the white community’s part in slavery’..because you don’t want to label every white person a ‘slaver’, then slavery would still exist…the same for segregation in America…or Apartheid.
That is the very attitude in the BBC that this site seeks to challenge…that of not tackling an issue because of its perceived sensitivity or because it favours a certain ideology, whether religious or political, and looks to downplay any criticism of it….whilst happily attacking opposing views or thinking…such as Christianity.
If these had been gangs of Christian men targeting only Muslim girls there would be a huge outcry and questions raised about Christian values and teachings….just as there was in fact about the BBC ‘culture’ that allowed Savile and Co to abuse young people for years.
You have to engage in the debate in order to prevent it spiralling into polemic and becoming highly polarised and sectarian…if you leave it to the extremists on either side you get extremism.:
As long ago as 2001, Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP, was making claims about Asian grooming gangs…..He was making his allegations to stir up ethnic strife. Right-thinking people, aware of the BNP’s record as liars, presumed that these stories were just racist demagoguery. No doubt Griffin feels vindicated today: for telling the truth before anyone else. And yet it was thanks in part to his thuggish intervention that society felt able to ignore the scandal. And thus the abuse continued.
Even the BBC is starting to address certain highly sensitive subjects that previously it had ignored or denied were an issue.
Today Nicky Campbell presided over an extremely open and wide ranging debate on the recent spate of child abuse cases….specifically looking at race, religion and culture.
This is what Julie Siddiqui, from the Islamic Society of Britain, had to say:
‘If we are seeing patterns emerging we can’t stay quiet….people not speaking out is extremely dangerous.’
Other Muslims admitted that one problem was that in the Mosques and sermons whilst there were exhortations to treat Muslim women with respect there was no similar demand to do the same for Non-Muslims…which led to them being ‘de-humanised’ in the eyes of some Muslims.
As I said Islam doesn’t turn them into abusers, that must be in their nature already, but it may give them an excuse to treat Non-Muslims in a manner they wouldn’t treat Muslim girls….and that is an issue that should be looked at…as part of a wider examination of why and how these abuses happen.
Mark Easton, of all people, being very pro immigration and culturally sensitive, has also dipped his toe into the debate about race and Islam in regard to the ‘Asian’ gangs abusing non-Muslim, mostly white girls.
Uncomfortable truths of child exploitation in Britain
People will look for someone to blame….There are none so blind as those that will not see…..
Perhaps there is an unconscious and misguided calculation that to act risks damage to something of broader value than the well-being of a single child – public confidence, institutional reputation or community relations.
One wonders if that last concern has a bearing on why we have seen a series of high-profile court cases in which men from predominantly South Asian backgrounds have been convicted of sexually exploiting young girls.
Although he studiously avoids the word Islam himself, he reports that the Far Right are blaming Muslims….Easton himself oddly seems to point the finger at the race of the abusers….‘black and particularly Asian perpetrators remain over-represented.’…but at the end of the report there is a sudden cut to quotes from Muslim community leaders…which makes the association without Easton himself expressly making the link:’
In Oxford, an imam who knew some of the grooming gang as they were growing up, has talked of the responsibilities of the wider community. “I can say it’s a problem of the whole Muslim community and we have to rectify it,” said Sheikh Hojjat Ramzy.
“I say to them, my brothers, my sisters, wake up. You are in England. You are British. You must integrate. You must look after the children. There is an issue and we cannot put it under the carpet. Enough is enough.”‘
The BBC should be praised for raising these issues…as even the ‘Press’ seem reluctant to do any more than label the gangs ‘Asian’…which in itself is wrong….as Race has little to do with the selection of victims….many actually being ‘Asian’…just not Muslim.
However will the BBC’s new found bravery translate into a wider examination of Islam as a whole…looking at the history and creation of the Koran, the genuine ‘life’ of Muhammed, the actual teachings and meaning of Islam and the cultural impact that it is having on secular/Christian European countries, and will have in the future on Britain?
I doubt that….I think the BBC will slip back into its bunker and avoid the issue.
But it is definitely a debate that should be held…just as the one on mass immigration that the BBC sidelined but the effects of which were serious and damaging to Britain…forced on it by a small group of politicians and ‘liberals’ imposing their view of what life should be upon everyone regardless of consequences.
That is surely what the BBC is meant to defend us against…the abuse of power and misinformation by challenging those in power to justify their actions and by informing and educating the Public…..but it betrayed those values and it betrayed by doing so, the people of this country…previous immigrants included, who came here because of the values and life that ‘Britain’ offered…only to find that Britain was turning into the very thing they had tried to escape from.