The BBC brings us the odd interview with Brexit supporters though far more with Remainers, but more insidious is the relentless undercurrent of pro-EU propaganda that is slipped into programming under the guise of other subjects. Guests interviewed on say their latest book or record or some non-directly EU related subject will often volunteer, or failing that be asked to talk about, their opinion on the EU and/or Brexit. They may not mention Brexit but tell us how wonderful the EU is, how great it is to be able to travel so freely and have so much cultural interchange, knowing we will get the message. BBC presenters always love this and even when Brexit is damned in no uncertain terms they never bother to intervene and qualify what is being said. The presenters themselves very often use the same tricks slipping in sly references to the EU that make it appear as if we just can’t live without it and life would be infinitely worse without it.
Roger Harrabin is one such person. Having corrupted the BBC’s climate change programming turning it into propaganda he has turned his dubious talents towards the EU.
This morning on the Today show (08:52) we were told that no-one understands how EU legislation has brought down prices of products, increased efficiency and increased innovation…as if none of that could have happened in Britain if it had stood alone…or in co-operation with other sovereign states…such as the US. Oddly he didn’t mention Grenfell Tower which had to be clad to meet EU regulations on climate change, to reduce CO2 emissions, increase thermal efficiency and lower costs.
A few days earlier he was banging the drum for one of his green Guardian mates, Monbiot, and making a case for ‘rewilding’ Britain…essentially the Highland Clearances all over again as George and his liberal cosmopolitian elites want to clear the hill farmers and their sheep from the Scottish and Welsh hills in order to have a rural playground for themselves. The land should be put back to some idyllic golden age using ‘EU’ subsidies.
Farmers are getting too many subsidies in money that ‘comes from the EU’…curious how that money ‘comes from the EU’ but when the Leave camp said we would get the infamous £350m back from the EU the BBC set about destroying that argument telling us it wasn’t EU money as it was money that came back to us anyway being spent on projects in the UK…hmmm…like farm subsidies? So it’s not EU money…or is it? Depends of course what the BBC is trying to sell us.
Following the plug for rewilding we had a bit of alarmism that farming would collapse, farmers out of jobs and the countryside and environment destroyed if we Brexited.
We even had a programme about the rise of the beard in current fashion…now how uncontroversial could that be? The BBC however can always find an angle…men who grow beards are looking back to a safe past in current times of trouble and uncertainty [code for Brexit…and ‘Trump’]…they even managed to lever in ‘Islam’ into the discussion…not that Muslims suddenly growing beards was a sign of anything. They managed to find a Muslim who said he was just too lazy to shave or just liked a beard…very little to do with religion. Now that’s just untrue….why does the BBC not mention that after 9/11 Muslims suddenly became more devout and as part of that began growing out their beards as well as dressing the apart…including women in headscarves and veils?
Even in death you can be a soldier for the EU as Martin Roth, the former head of London’s Victoria & Albert museum, was recruited, posthumously, for the cause, as we were told by Today that he was very upset at the rising ‘nationalism’ and was keen on cultural collaboration overcoming geopolitical concerns. Oddly one of those cultural collaborations of the V&A is with China…hardly the EU….just how on earth did the V&A manage to organise such a thing outside the safe confines of the EU? And of course there is nothing nationalist about China.
How will we survive let alone thrive out in the cold?
Who knew the sinister and malignant Vince Cable was in Zulu.
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Over the centuries the British have saved Europe from the ravages of Napoleon, the Prussians, Hitler and his Nazis, and the Soviet tank armies poised to storm across Europe. Liberty, freedom of speech and democracy are not an accident of history, they came at the point of a bayonet with some guts behind it. The likes of Vince Cable betray all who went before to defend those values with their lives. He breaks The Faith, extinguishes that Torch that was handed on. A man who fought in World War II, who had his leg blown off by a German tank shell, who was then shot as he was medevaced from the battlefield on a stretcher…is Cable saying he is not entitled to vote because he’s ‘old’?
It is a remarkable thing that someone so illiberal and so undemocratic as Vince Cable should be leader, by dint that no one else wanted the job, of the Liberal Democratic party. A man who thinks only people who think like him should be allowed to vote. A man who is fully prepared to tell the grandest of lies, to bend the truth out of all recognition, in order to gull people into voting his way. A man whose use of violent, intemperate language that seeks to demonise and scapegoat a whole class of voters is nothing short of ‘hate speech’ designed to whip up anger, discontent and a backlash against that group. The LibDems, if they were wise, should immediately remove him from the leadership role. The police should certainly step in and investigate Cable for his reckless incitement and his wild claims against Brexit voters, especially in light of the massive intimidation, bullying and threats of violence that Leave voters and politicians are forced to suffer and endure from Remain activists…unrecognised by the BBC of course.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC reacts to Cable’s madness as he rages about McCarthyism, Brexit thought-crime and Brexit Jihadis and the Old ‘shafting the young’. As far as I remember that was only on BBC premises by a BBC employee.
Cable seems to want you to believe that Brexit was only voted for by the over 65’s, there may be a growing number of older people but I hadn’t realised there were 17.4 million over 65. And even if that had been true that’s what’s called Democracy Vincent. You cannot pick and choose those who you want to allow to vote.
So far the BBC has not treated us to one of its interpretations or analyses of his ramblings….just this abridged collection of his worst anti-Brexit comments as is the BBC way so that we get the full-on concentrated bile of his words so that we can fully understand the true horror and folly of Brexit. No doubt the BBC will be smoothing things out for him tomorrow on the Today show…’maybe he’s a bit overstating things but essentially he’s right isn’t he children?’ The same ploy the BBC used to downplay Project fear’s maddest and wildest alarmism.
Battle on Brexiteers….the odds are stacked against you, the game rigged, the goal-posts constantly moved…but eventually they will have to salute you and your victory.
What shocks me about the BBC: occasionally it isn’t biased
The corporation’s prejudices are so obvious as to be blinding – and they obscure its baby steps towards impartiality
There’s one thing that bothers me a lot about the letter sent by ‘more than 70’ MPs to the director-general of the BBC complaining about bias in its coverage of the Brexit debate. There are 650 MPs in the House of Commons, of whom 330 are Conservative. So does this mean that more than 570 of our elected representatives, including the vast majority of Tories, think the BBC is doing a bloody good job and is an exemplar of impartial reporting? If so, I suspect they have been secretly lobotomised — perhaps by members of the BBC’s impeccably fair and impartial editorial board. In the dead of night. Silently, without remorse. Chloroform, a hacksaw, a scalpel.
My guess is that the DG, Sir Tony Hall, will not give a monkey’s about the letter, for the reasons I’ve outlined above. But even if it had been signed by all 650 MPs, he would also be sanguine, hunkered down behind that familiar defence of: ‘If all sides think we’re biased then we must be getting it right’ — a self-justifying falsehood if ever there was one. We live in an age of fatuous petitions and round robins and most of these are best ignored. Especially those which come from a very small minority indeed of our politicians. Hall will probably dispatch some overpaid, half-witted, oleaginous middle-managing BBC gimp to placate the complainants while assuring them that they are wrong in every respect and that, within the BBC, everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds. As it always is.
And yet the complainants are right, surely. Even the pre-referendum coverage, generally praised for its lack of bias, occasionally betrayed the BBC’s pro-EU mindset and its astonishment that anyone might contemplate voting Leave. After the referendum, Radio 4’s PM programme ran a regular feature called ‘Brexit Street’, in which a reporter was dispatched to sound utterly nonplussed by the troglodytic inhabitants of a road in Stockton-on-Tees that had been firmly for ‘out’. Weird, peculiar, uneducated people, was the gist. And yet, as we know, Brexit Street was simply a part of Brexit Town. And Brexit Town was just a part of Brexit Region. And Brexit Region was in Brexit Country.
The horror when this unexpected eventuality dawned upon the BBC was one of my greatest pleasures of last year. The presenters and reporters looked magnificently shocked on 24 June, as if they’d all been touched up or, in some cases, perhaps violated by a gibbon.
Since then the gloves have come off. Encouraging financial news — of which there has been a great deal — is reported always with baleful caveats: just you wait, you thick bigots. Gloomy financial news — by and large, just the falling of the pound — leads the news programmes with Armageddon headlines. And, as the letter to MPs rightly asserts, the BBC is never happier than when finding someone who voted Leave and now regrets it — despite the fact that the polls show the country has not remotely changed its mind.
It was pretty much ever thus with the BBC. I may have told you before about the comment made to me when I was editor of the Today programme about complaints from Eurosceptics which claimed our coverage was guilty of bias. I had been inclined to take the complaints very seriously. But a senior BBC apparatchik said to me: ‘What you have to understand, Rod, is that these people are all mad.’ That was the BBC’s controller of editorial policy, since you asked.
The BBC Brussels office, meanwhile, was implacably pro-EU: stories of bureaucratic profligacy and incompetence were routinely knocked down. Its impartial and fair-minded chief correspondent wrote a book about the populist movements then springing up across Europe — Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands and the Front National in France, to quote two examples. The book was called Preachers of Hate. None of this was ever queried by the Beeb bosses.
In fairness, this was a long time ago, around 2002, but stuff hasn’t changed at New Broadcasting House. I was told that not a single person on Newsnight had voted Leave — although subsequent investigations rounded this up to ‘one’. The BBC is deeply, institutionally biased towards a soft-liberal, naïve, middle-class view of the world, especially with regard to immigration, Europe, Islam, homosexuality (yes, they manage to square that tricky little circle in their own minds) and all race issues.
But the corporation is at its most obviously biased away from the news programmes, which at least have to genuflect towards a notional impartiality. None of the other programmes — such as Countryfile, TheFood Programme or The Archers — are required to follow the guidelines. And they certainly don’t. Give a listen to The Food Programme just once and tell me if you think the presenters and producers have ever been near a McDonald’s, unless it was to daub it in paint.
The bias is so evident, so obvious, so blinding that it sometimes obscures the good things the BBC does and the baby steps it seems to be making towards impartiality. For instance, there was a recent documentary on (supposedly) gender dysphoric children that actually shocked me with its even-handedness. Another documentary, fronted by the excellent Adrian Chiles, revealed that the Leave voters in his home manor of the West Midlands were actually not unthinking bigots at all. And check out the BBC’s China editor Carrie Gracie — superb reporting and analysis day after day. There is not a better foreign correspondent alive, I think.
Elsewhere, though, there is too much unthinking, liberal mush. As John Birt once pointed out, the BBC found it very difficult to come to terms with Margaret Thatcher’s victory in 1979. It is having precisely the same problems right now — and, sadly, that well-meant letter won’t change anything.
Niall Ferguson writes in the Sunday Times that Trump, bad as he is, is not the tyrant America should fear. So who is the real tyrant?
The modern American left…[it] thirsts to get rid of one of the most fundamental protections that the constitution enshrines: free speech.
He goes on to list the Left’s often violent attempts to silence those whose opinions they don’t want to hear and don’t want anyone else to hear. Ferguson then illustrates the convoluted thinking and warped rationalisation to excuse such crimes…a New York Universty professor writing in the NYT [of course] tells us that..
The idea of freedom of speech does not mean a blanket permission to say anything anybody thinks….freedom of expression is not an unchanging absolute…it requires the vigilant and continuing examination of its parameters.
The good professor thought that if anyone had their feelings hurt by anything said then that cannot be allowed…apparently we must balance the right to free speech with the obligation to be all inclusive….if free speech, however truthful, means a negative view of certain communities with the result that that community feels that it cannot fully express its own culture and beliefs then we must keep quiet and not criticise those cultures and beliefs even if they are in direct contravention of the legal and cultural practices of the nation this community has embedded itself within.
Ferguson says ‘If the criteria for censorship is that nobody’s feelings can be hurt, then we are finished as a society’.
He finishes with this…
Mark my words, while I can still publish them with impunity: the real tyrants, when they come, will be for diversity (except of opinion) and against hate speech (except their own).
I’ve got news for him…the real tyranny is already here…and it’s the BBC, the BBC that does not concern itself one little jot with this massive threat to free speech but instead fills the airwaves with far fetched fantasies about the rise of the Fourth Reich.
Want to speak freely about Islam, immigration, climate change or the EU? Not on the BBC.
The BBC is keen on shutting down and denouncing those who utter hate speech and yet this is the BBC which calls Nigel Farage a Nazi and labels UKIP voters as Far Right and racists, the BBC which labels Leave voters as violent racist little englanders….or mad as Rod Liddle reveals...
A senior BBC apparatchik said to me: ‘What you have to understand, Rod, is that these people are all mad.’
The BBC which dismisses all white people as racist, all white men as ‘male, pale and stale’….needing to be replaced by black or brown faces. The BBC is one of the biggest, most divisive and dangerous purveyors of hate speech in the country….Vince Cable aside it would seem.
Essentially say anything about Islam and you’re heading to the slammer regardless of its truth…for instance the first definition is one that is central to Islam itself…Islam is one single religion [Hence the separate Shias and Ahmadis are not considered Muslim], the Koran is unchangeable and timeless…Islam cannot be ‘reformed’…Tariq Ramadan is a fraud pulling the wool over gullible liberal eyes who are all too eager to believe. And yet say that and you will apparently get your collar felt. As for the rest….seems a pretty good description of Islam rather than Islamophobia.
One for BBC journalists to pause and consider before they continue to help stir up a race war with sensationalist and false claims that all white cops are racist killers…so many of the ‘black deaths’ have been at the hands of cops of non-white origins…….just why are cops so nervous and fast on the draw when approaching people in vehicles?
Good old Drunker, never lets us down as he always provides the proof of why we should leave the EU in our dust.
Today he encapsulates perfectly the BBC narrative on Brexit…the very same narrative that the EU would love you to ‘understand’….it’s going to be very, very complex, much much too difficult…perhaps we should just call the whole thing off….
The European Commission is leading the EU’s Brexit negotiations on behalf of the remaining 27 member states.
Although he offered his full confidence to Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, Mr Juncker warned that Brexit would be extremely complex.
“People will become more and more conscious of the density of problems on a daily basis, without always being able to provide a coherent answer to these problems,” he said.
The BBC works hard to assure us of that supposed density of problems on a daily basis….ne’er day goes by without the BBC providing a doom-laden prediction of what Brexit will entail….and all too often it is spurious, sensationalist and vastly over-exaggerated and takes absolutely no account of the fact that economics was not the reason for Brexit and yet the BBC bases its whole narrative for staying in the EU on the supposed financial cost of leaving..hence we had the trail for ‘Any Questions’ asking ‘Is this our future in Europe now and is it a price worth paying [for Brexit]?’
We also had this recent piece of outrageous scaremongering from Newsnight essentially telling us Brexit means we are grounded and we’ll never fly to Spain again:
Pro-EU Lord Hall Hall is the enemy within. We know he was greatly upset by the Brexit result and blamed the BBC for not getting the correct message across. He is now in the process of rectifying that by overseeing a BBC that is blatantly and relentlessly pumping out misinformation and pro-EU propaganda that is meant to damage British interests and to ensure the Brexit negotiations fail. The BBC’s loudest message is that the government is in chaos, doesn’t know what it wants to achieve and is completely unprepared for the negotiations. A classic example of this was when David Davis and his team were photographed at the negotiating table with the EU team. The EU team posed with piles of papers whilst the Brits put nothing on the table.
John Humphrys, one of the BBC’s most respected and experienced journalists, seriously suggested on the BBC’s flagship news programme that this showed the Brits were completely unprepared for the negotiations. Why on earth would he peddle such a blatant untruth on the basis of a photograph that was set up before the negotiations had actually started? This was not the negotiation. What Humphrys failed to tell people was that the Brits had a big team behind them for the negotiations…and Humphrys should have known that as the BBC itself mentioned it in a web report…
A UK government source told the BBC that 98 British officials were in Brussels for the negotiations.
So why did the BBC’s premier news programme promote what is obviously a lie, an anti-British lie designed to make the government look bad? Why is it peddling EU propaganda that the British team is in chaos and is totally unprepared with no idea of what it wants to achieve?
The EU’s preferred tactic is to negotiate in public via the Media and the BBC is the willing fellow traveller who provides the headlines and narratives that the EU wants. The EU wants to portray the British as in chaos, unprepared with no plans or any plans they do have are unworkable, unreasonable and ill-thought out whilst its own position is rational, reasonable and in the best interests of everyone…if only the Brits would accept what we, the EU, offer then negotiations could continue quickly and smoothly…however the unreasonable and intransigent British are making a deal impossible. The BBC happily peddles this lie.
Here is an example of the BBC pushing EU propaganda and portraying the Brits as unprepared….
The call to “get down to business” from David Davis is meant to signal that the Brexit talks are entering a serious phase after an opening session of pleasantries and procedural discussions.
That might raise eyebrows on the European side where there’s a perception that Britain dithered for months after the Brexit referendum before getting down to talks.
Hmmm….we couldn’t start negotiations until Article 50 had been signed off…and that was delayed due to enormous opposition from the pro-EU Remainers trying to prevent it happening. Any delay was down to the EU side not the British government.
Today we had a classic example of the BBC twisting someone’s words that damned the likes of the BBC and the Remainders who resist Brexit and turned them into an attack on the government when they actually back the government.
Ex-Governor of the Bank Of England, Lord King, was on the Today show this morning [08:10] stating that the opponents of Brexit had better get on-board as Brexit is going to happen and they should support it and do the best they can to ensure we have a successful exit from the EU…one way of doing this is to back the idea that we have the nuclear option of leaving the EU with no deal if necessary. This he told us was a vital negotiating tactic. We had to have a credible fallback position that would make the other side think they had better deal fairly, with no such fallback putting pressure on the EU we would have no leverage and be forced to accept whatever terms were imposed upon us. He also told us that the media were producing hysterical reports on Brexit and were damaging British interests. Did he mean the BBC? Here’s a clue to his meaning…
This [no deal better than abad deal] ought to be something people can agree on irrespective of whether they voted for Brexit or not.
What was the BBC’s immediate reaction to his words? They immediately span them into a lie claiming that Lord King had ‘urged the government to come up with a credible fallback position’. But that was not what he said. He wants remainers to back the ‘no deal ‘strategy’ whatever their feelings as Brexit is happening and we need to be in a strong negotiating position to get the best terms. The BBC is trying to make out that the government is unprepared and has no fall back…funnily enough the government does have a fallback, the famous ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’ position…exactly what Lord King was talking about….the BBC of course knows this as it has long sought to undermine that and paint it as a mad and ruinous strategy….
“No deal is better than a bad deal.” Those fateful words made it into the Conservative manifesto, in relation to Brexit.
It sounds plausible, of course. And rather like the Leave campaign’s “take back control” slogan, it rings true on an emotional level. Why on earth should we accept an insulting and punitive deal offered by Europe? Better, surely, to just walk away.
But it’s a delusion; a perilous mis-framing of the situation Britain faces going into in these negotiations.
The UK needs a “credible fallback” in case no EU trade deal is reached during Brexit negotiations, former Bank of England governor Mervyn King has said.
Lord King said British negotiators needed to show Brussels the country has an alternative over a bad trade deal post-Brexit.
Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Lord King said: “We are where we are, and we are in a negotiation and it’s important that the negotiation succeeds.
“But it cannot succeed without a credible fallback position and that is something which I think is a practical thing that the civil service ought to be taking a lead on.”
Oh hang on the BBC slips in as if almost irrelevant and not actually the government’s main fallback position….
Previously Prime Minister Theresa May has said: “No deal is better than a bad deal.”
Ah but…it adds this to suggest that ‘no deal’ actually isn’t on the table which is complete nonsense…
Previously, Brexit minister Steve Baker said the government was preparing for all possible outcomes over Brexit talks, but added a no-deal with Brussels was unlikely.
What Baker was saying that a deal was likely which is totally different from what the BBC implies.
We also have this….
Lord King said: “I don’t know what the economic consequences of Brexit will be, that’s the only honest answer.”
If I remember rightly what he said was that there will be an economic shock of some description but long term we will bounce back. Why does the BBC not mention that?
King is a Brexit supporter and would not be saying the things the BBC says he has in their own intepretation of his words. He knows May’s position is ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’ and he also knows, as the BBC and Independent’s ‘analysis’ of that stance show, that the opponents of Brexit are trying to undermine that negotiating position of having a nuclear no deal fallback…he was not telling the government to develop a fallback but was telling the likes of the BBC to start to support the British Brexit negotiations by not talking them and the ‘no deal’ strategy down.
Seems he failed to persuade them as they came straight out after the interview spreading misinformation and lies about the things he had said.
Another example of BBC pro-EU propaganda? There are long queues at airport check-ins as new security measures are put in place and the EU countries fail to provide the necessary staff and systems to cope with this. Some might suspect that this was a deliberate tactic by the EU in order to generate the headlines and photographs about chaos on the borders as checks are imposed on travellers with the intent that this create an image of what might be the result of Brexit for Brits travelling to the EU. The BBC conveniently picks up with that narrative as Any Questions asked ‘Is this our future in Europe now and is it a price worth paying [for Brexit]?’
This is complete rubbish…. the queues are a result of EU incompetence [or machiavellian black propaganda] and even a moment’s thought would tell us that such an idea that having to go through passport control will cause massive delays is a nonsense. Just how do we manage to travel to any country outside the EU without such queues? There are no such queues when you travel to America or India or Australia etc etc etc…..because they have systems that work…glitches aside. Having to flash your passport if you want to enter the EU will not mean 4 to 8 hours in a queue. Just more BBC EU scaremongering and alarmism.
“I know I am banging on about it, but we do have to take the long view, this is all because of a Conservative Party that put their own views ahead of the people.”
Em….the ‘People’ voted for Brexit…Owen Jones’ current position on Brexit?…
I campaigned passionately from a left-wing perspective for Remain during the referendum campaign, in rallies across the country, on television, in my Guardian articles (like here, here, here, here, here, here, and here), on social media, in YouTube videos (like here and here). I received threats of torture and violence as a consequence, which was pretty unpleasant.
May is implementing Brexit, Jones opposes it…just who is putting their views ahead of the ‘People’?
And Owen Jones’ real view of the ‘People’?…
Britain would only exit on the terms of right-wing xenophobic populism.
As austerity-ravaged Greece was placed under what Yanis Varoufakis terms a “postmodern occupation”, its sovereignty overturned and compelled to implement more of the policies that have achieved nothing but economic ruin, Britain’s left is turning against the European Union, and fast.
“Everything good about the EU is in retreat; everything bad is on the rampage,” writes George Monbiot, explaining his about-turn. “All my life I’ve been pro-Europe,” says Caitlin Moran, “but seeing how Germany is treating Greece, I am finding it increasingly distasteful.” Nick Cohen believes the EU is being portrayed “with some truth, as a cruel, fanatical and stupid institution”. “How can the left support what is being done?” asks Suzanne Moore. “The European ‘Union’. Not in my name.” There are senior Labour figures in Westminster and Holyrood privately moving to an “out” position too.
For those of us on the left who have always been critical of the EU, it has felt like a lonely crusade. But left support for withdrawal – “Lexit”, if you like – is not new. If anything, this new wave of left Euroscepticism represents a reawakening. Much of the left campaigned against entering the European Economic Community when Margaret Thatcher and the like campaigned for membership.
The case for Lexit grows ever stronger, and – at the very least – more of us need to start dipping our toes in the water.
Russian long jumper Darya Klishina tells BBC sports editor Dan Roan “it doesn’t matter about the flag” before competing at the World Athletics Championships in London as a ‘neutral’ athlete.
That gives the idea that she isn’t bothered about being identified as from a particular nation but that is just not true….she makes it clear that this is unfortunate and she wants to identify as Russian…the only reason she said ‘the flag doesn’t matter’ is because she says everyone will know anyway that she is Russian….a completely different meaning to that suggested by the BBC write up. Lazy journalism or just stupid student politics?
Lilian says she is afraid to tell people she is a Grenfell survivor, for fear of the reaction.
From the clip most abuse seems to be because some people mistakenly think the Grenfell victims are milking the system not because of the race of the person.
And anyway wasn’t it the Grenfell residents and ‘professional black’ MP David Lammy who didn’t want a white man in charge of the inquiry? So who is being racist?
Had to laugh as I listened to the BBC being outraged at what they allege is anti-White propaganda in South Africa as PR company Bell Pottinger is accused of trying to encourage the idea that South Africa’s problems are due to the menace of supposed ‘White monopoly capital’ and is thus ‘stoking racial tensions.’
You have to laugh because the BBC itself is guilty of ‘stoking racial tensions’…anti-white and anti-Jewish.
Martin Peake’s petition‚ with about 10,450 signatures‚ is on the website‚
In his petition Peake requests that former Bell Pottinger partner Victoria Geoghegan‚ who was directly involved in the campaign to blame tensions in South Africa on “white monopoly capital”‚ be indicted in The Hague.
Peake writes: “Bell Pottinger‚ a morally corrupt British company‚ has spent the last few years in a divisive campaign of racial and moral social decay that has left South Africa scarred‚ set back the lifeworks of great men like Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu‚ and resulted in the deaths of countless innocents as a result of their racially charged hatred. We demand a formal enquiry into this company‚ its directors and officers‚ and in particular Bell Pottinger’s senior Africa partner Victoria Geoghegan‚ and the indictment of these people at the ICC at the Hague.”
Peake‚ who said South Africa will always be home despite the fact he no longer lives there‚ said he is angry about Bell Pottinger’s campaign to use the term “white monopoly capital” and to blame problems on the country on elite groups of white people.
The BBC, which constantly tells us that the problem in the UK is the ‘monopoly’ of the ‘pale, male and stale’ in society and which encourages ethnic minorities to believe they are the victims of white oppression and racism…and that Brexit has encouraged this making Britain a ‘nastier more racist place’. The BBC which encourages the world to think of itself as a victim of White Western imperialism and colonisation and wants Whites to admit their guilt and atone for it and as part of that they must be ethnically cleansed from the face of the earth by bringing in an endless stream of ‘brown people’ to interbreed and thus breed out ‘whiteness’….we know this was the Labour Party’s plan as Andrew Neather told us they wanted to ‘brown Britain’….a bombshell revelation that the BBC refused to report because of course it goes along with such a policy. The same BBC that demonises Israel and invents Jewish war crimes and thus makes Jews a target all across the globe…the BBC telling us that in fact Jews should expect to get attacked because of the ‘crimes’ Israel commits in Gaza.
The BBC is a very dangerous left-wing mouthpiece pushing highly toxic and inflammatory narratives that are intended to stir up racial tensions and conflict. Its support for Irish nationalist and Muslim terrorism, its support for black rioters, its support for anti-Israel terrorism, its support for the hard-left Corbyn whose support base has an underlying foundation of violence and intimidation as well as elements of anti-Semitism and his own open support for terrorists, shows us why the BBC is so dangerous as it not just fails to challenge these narratives but gives them almost unalloyed support.
As a black ‘diversity officer’ tells us that Whites should ‘geddit’ [ie be killed] people in Britain should wake up to what is going on and how that can only get worse as the likes of the BBC recklessly incite anti-white racism and violence and encourage mass immigration of people who have no intention of integrating and being ‘British’.
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