I happened to catch a BBC report on the imminent findings of the investigation into the Islamification of certain schools in Birmingham this morning just after 7am. BBC only managed to find parents and schoolchildren who PRAISED the schools they attended and who were shocked, yes shocked, at this outrageous slur that they were being Islamified. One pupil helpfully pointed out that in her school, the Muslim population attending the school was around 99.9% “there are a few others” she added. Funny how the BBC miss a story within the story, isn’t it? It struck me that this was the BBC getting a pre-emptive strike in ahead of the official report which comes out next week. The meme is that we have little to worry about with State schools that are almost 100% Muslim and which are much loved by the parents and pupils. Clear?


I read that  “Pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region have claimed a resounding victory in a “self-rule” referendum, saying 89% voted in favour. In Luhansk, another eastern region, the results – also expected to show a strong backing – will be released soon. BBC reporters at polling stations spoke of chaotic scenes, no voting booths in places and no electoral register.”

Gosh, that comes as a surprise, doesn’t it? The BBC has been to the fore in downplaying the wishes of anyone in Ukraine who takes a pro-Russia sentiment. This morning, on Today, they interviewed a perfectly lucid lady from Donetsk (sounds like the start of a bad limerick!) and all they could do was quote that the PEW research group in the USA had conducted a poll that shows most Russian supporters want to be remain in the Ukraine. It’s funny how the BBC is so pro self determination unless it is in parts of the Ukraine. I wonder is it possible that the BBC is shilling for the EU, using the Ukraine as the handle?


A Biased BBC reader brings this to our attention;

“Charlie Bloom, https://twitter.com/chasobursledon the man who ranted at Nigel Farage ‘as a nazi’ on BBC Question Time on 9th May, is not a member of the public as required by BBCQT rules, but has been outed as a planted LibDem activist from Eastleigh.

1. Blooms former partner is Louse Bloom (LibDem councillor Eastleigh) http://www.eastleigh.gov.uk/meetings/mgMiniSite.aspx?UID=170; her new Partner is also a LibDem Councillor Keith House http://www.eastleigh.gov.uk/meetings/mgMiniSite.aspx?UID=197
Bloom’s two daughters are Libdems;
Daughter Caitlin Bloom is former LibDem councillor for Eastleigh Grange Park East. Now Deputy President at De Montfort Students Union

2. Bloom’s ‘attack’ on Nigel Farage was pre planned with the collusion the BBC at least 24 hours in advance.

a) It was clear he had no question to ask. Statements are not permitted as the audience is supposed to as a question to the whole panel; it was clear Dimbleby knew this from his introduction.

b) Blooms rant was too polished to be off the cuff, and had clearly been professionally rehearsed with production staff.

c) Both Bloom’s daughters were tweeting about it, 24 hours before recording of QT

Caitlin Bloom @CaitlinBloomDMU · May 8

So tonight dad will be on #bbcqt to grill @Nigel_Farage let’s see what he has to say…

d) Eastleigh LibDems face losing their MPs seat to UKIP’s Diane James in 2015; who us now ahead in the polls; and mist of their council seats

The BBC/Dimbleby clearly knew Bloom was not going to ask a question; but go off on a ‘UKIP are Nazis’ rant. It was clearly pre planned with producers to try and damage Farage,. As Both Blooms daughters were tweeting he was going to ‘get farage’ the day before.

Dimbleby clearly didn’t pick him by accident!

Yet another clear example of a breach of BBCs obligation to be unbiased!.

Not the first time either. This is a rerun of the Amy Rutland incident of 2013, a previous attempt at BBC/ Leftist Party collusion.


Once is careless, twice is deliberate!”


Wel then, the BBC have gotten hold of another story that will be used to demonise OUR soldiers as they face the most savage enemy imaginable;

Photographs which appear to show at least one UK serviceman posing with a dead Taliban fighter are being treated “extremely seriously”, the RAF says. The pictures were taken after a 2012 attack on Camp Bastion, UK troops’ main base in Afghanistan. They first appeared on the website Live Leak. Two RAF Regiment members have been withdrawn from front-line duties.

The taking of so-called trophy photographs is strictly forbidden and military police are investigating The images show some of the damage caused in the attack, but two appear to show at least one member of the RAF Regiment giving a thumbs-up sign while kneeling next to the bloodied body of a dead insurgent. It is not clear whether the same serviceman is in both pictures.

You just KNOW that this one will run in the same way and hold the same legacy as the instance when US soldiers urinated on the bodies of dead Taliban or when Alexander Blackman killed a wounded Jihadist.  The media seem to believe that in warfare one plays by the Queensbury rules. The Taliban don’t, they just kill in the most savage way possible. But when one of OURS steps slightly over an idealistic line – BANG – the inquisition starts.


I am reminded by a Biased BBC read that there is a Select committee gathering evidence on the future of the BBC.

“I don’t believe that this has been covered before, but the select committee is currently gathering evidence which it will put before the government in a report sometime in September. The remit is wide and includes issues of Bias, monitoring, who should oversee the complaints, the licence fee, and many many other areas of concern to us.

People can submit their thoughts at the Culture Media & Sport web page on a section named ‘Future of the BBC’
The more we are able to represent our position, especially in well written cogent form then the more chance we will have to influence the outcome positively.”


The BBC drool over Michelle Obama when they are not still doing all they can for her husband. Her recent engagement on the issue of the kidnapped Nigerian girls by Boko Haram has gotten the BBC all excited and now comes the news that ..

US First Lady Michelle Obama is to deliver her husband’s weekly presidential address to condemn last month’s abduction of Nigerian girls. First ladies normally refrain from outspoken foreign policy remarks, but Mrs Obama has been a vocal campaigner for the release of more than 200 girls.

How very noble of her. I suppose the BBC might take a minute to enquire as to why it is that Michelle’s husband went along with Hillary Clinton’s view that these Islamic savages were NOT a terrorist group? I suppose the BBC might take a further minute to ask where has Michelle been over the past few years as Boko Haram have been slaughtering men women and children? Some might see this entire #bringbackourgirls twitter campaign as little more than ego-indulgence from leftist sirens and ciphers. But not the BBC! By the way, has the BBC asked what the African Union has been doing to help vanquish Boko Haram?