It’s not that long ago since Comrade Ed Miliband was pushing the Co-Op bank as the template for all banks. Naturally time has proven him to be disastrously wrong and this morning comes the news that the Co-op Bank has lost £1.3 billion. It has also paid its CEO £2.9m pay package and £1.2m bonus.  And yet, had you tuned into the TODAY programme on BBC Radio 4 this morning just after 7am. you would have heard a surreal attempt to play this catastrophic state of affairs down. Evan Davies (I think) repeated the idea that this scale of loss “had been pretty much as expected” and that the CEO’s massive payout can’t be attacked because he was not in charge when the losses were made. It was an incredible sanitisation of Miliband’s preferred banking model which contrasts so strongly with how the BBC deal with banks such as Barclays. Bias? You can bank on it.


Here’s an interesting instance of clear BBC editorial bias. Hat tip to George R..

“This decision is good for Martin McGuinness, peace and for Sinn Féin.” says BBC Political Editor Martina Purdy
-from –
“Martin McGuinness to attend banquet with Queen when President Higgins visits UK”
‘Daily Mail’ has:-
“Ex-IRA commander Martin McGuinness WILL be a guest of the Queen at Windsor Castle banquet”

Why is it as if Martina is a cheerleader for Butcher Boy McGuinness….



If only we had a BIASED BBC viewing tax! Joking. The great thing about our site is that it’s free to come here and you have no obligation to agree or differ! It’s all about opinion and choice. HOWEVER, the site is now hosted on a big server that copes (mostly) with the traffic we get and it is now time to renew that. The annual hosting cost is £540. This has already been paid on your behalf but I would appreciate it if you help share the burden. I’m going to put up a pay pal donate button thingy and hope you will find the generosity to help us keep things going for another 12 months!


Good Morning everyone. First of all, my apologies for the site availability over the weekend. This was caused by a server migration issue and is not resolved. It was not specific to Biased BBC but did cause us a problem.  Anyway, we are back in time for a whole new week of BIAS. I see the BBC have kicked off with the latest doom-mongery from the IPCC climate hustlers, you may have a view on that. The floor is yours….


BBC in celebratory mood today as the moment draws nigh when “gay marriage” becomes legal thanks to nice Mr Cameron. But hang on a moment, there is a cloud on the horizon..

“About one in five British adults would turn down an invitation to a same-sex wedding, research suggests.”

Oh no. Homophobes! How VERY dare they not bow down to the new orthodoxy.