Biased BBC reader Keith has made this interesting contribution on a most topical aspect of BBC output….
“After watching the sickening “Woolwich: The Untold Story:, I feel that a number of issues need to be raised. It has been asserted that the Security Services tried to recruit Michael Adebolajo, on the bases of an allegation made by a close friend of the convicted murder, Abu Nusaybah, who also happens to be a member of al-Muhajiron.
It has been further implied that Drummer Rigby’s death could have been prevented, but because of funding being stopped by the Coalition Government to the charity Streets, even though apparently it failed to prevent the radicalization of Adebolajo in 2008. It was cut in 2011.
How did Peter Taylor arrive at hat conclusion, and why didn’t he enquire why the funding was stopped? The TV show clearly implied that this was to do with the Government spending-but there could be other reasons why the funding was cut.
But sloppy journalism aside, what should be of higher concern is the BBC own role in propagating the views of  Choudary- whom over the years the BBC has allowed extensive airtime.
This Guardian report however highlights a number of interesting facts concerning the broadcast by both the BBC and C4:
1.How did C4 and the BBC know of the links WITHIN HOURS of the murder, that one of the suspects was “very relevant” because he “knew one of the suspects and helped radicalise him”?
2.How did the BBC know of his travels in Kenya, yet according to Peter Taylor, British Intelligence was not aware of his movements.
3.That during an interview with Omar Bakri Muhammed, that Bakri received a telephone from Choudary , who was fully aware that the BBC was in town.
What relationship does the BBC have with Islam4UK? How come they knew he was involved in recruiting of Islamic radicals, yet have given him airtime. How did they arrive at the narration that this was Britain’s fault, and seemingly airbrushed over other key issues regarding islamic radicalization.
It seems that the BBC knew Choudry, knew his reputation, yet although banned in France, and of interest to the security forces, seems able to escape the attentions of the BBC-an organization which can doorstep everybody else, but a well known radical.
This was motivated by spite, to try and set the agenda against the Security Service, while deflecting their own involvement with al-Muhajiroun and latterly Islam4UK.”


Well, I could not bring myself to watch BBC Question Time from South Africa last night – first time in ages that I found myself in such a position. The BBC Mandelathon continues entering the second week now and it’s really all become far too much. I was on the BBC Moral Maze programme the other evening and it was all about the template Mandela set for ‘forgiveness”- never once did it enter BBC minds that Mandela should himself have been on his knees seeking forgiveness for the terrorism he once commanded! Anyhoo — the floor is yours….


95 year old man dies after long illness. BBC goes into full on Saint Mandela mode with Mark Mardell calling him “a secular saint”. It’s been amazing watching the sanitisation of Mandela’s life with the very notion that he supported terrorism verboten. As I watch Newsnight he is being compared to Lincoln.


I received this very well written and detailed example of BBC BIAS and wanted to share!

“I have done some research on today’s items on the BBC website concerning Iran and Syria, with results that you may find of interest. To cut to the final conclusion, the BBC is hiding from its readers essential information on the Iranian involvement in Syria on the side of the murderous Assad regime, reported amply by other MSM. This allows them to present the deal between the western powers and Iran as an unblemished positive development, rejected only by Israel. Iran is consequently whitewashed, Israel vilified as usual, and the persecuted Syrian people sacrificed to this simplified and distorted narrative.

Although I am Israeli and naturally worried about the rehabilitation of Iran, it seems to me that the true Czechoslovakia of this ‘peace in our time’ approach is in fact Syria, with BBC approval. I wonder if they even realize where their blinkered view of the Middle East has led them.

Here are the details: One BBC report on Syria fails to mention Iran at all. Another, discussing the proposed peace talks for Syria, mentions towards the end that the Syrian opposition powers object to the participation of Iran. Nothing is said as to why Iran is at all relevant in this context Contrast this with the reports on Syria from other MSM, which do refer to Iran’s role, and of which I link two of many: France 24:


To which may be added a leading blog, and a left-wing one at that, the Huffington Post:

As noted, the deal with Iran is treated by the BBC as an unrelated subject, opposed only by Israel. Even the opposition of Saudi Arabia goes unreported:


It’s interesting how the BBC itself is actually seeking to be the Opposition to the Coalition..

The government has denied BBC reports it is seeking a commitment from energy firms to hold their prices down until 2015.

The companies told BBC News ministers had asked them to keep bills on hold so long as there is no significant move in global wholesale energy prices.

Government sources deny this, and say they are focusing instead on boosting competition and reducing green levies to cut annual bills by about £50.

The BBC has decided that Miliband’s stunningly cynical and undeliverable policy to “freeze” energy prices for 18months is beyond serious critique as you would have concluded had you heard the easy trot afforded Caroline Flint on Today this morning.