I suppose most reasonable people would think that anything that can be done to improve the level of service given by our GP’s to the most frail members of society is on balance a good thing? Yet the BBC has been sneering all morning at the announcement by the Coalition tha 100,000 of the most frail patients in England will be identified and given a named GP to co-ordinate their care.

The move has been agreed by the British Medical Association and NHS England in talks over next year’s GP contract. Ministers had been pushing for doctors to take greater responsibility for the most vulnerable patients in society to relieve pressure on hospitals.

The BBC are suspicious of this and they have been quick to allow that politics giant with SUCH a great record on Health, Andy Burnham, a platform to whinge and bitch and never a mention of the fact that it was LABOUR that presided over the change in GP contracts that provided so much extra £££ for the GP’s in exchange for so much less CARE for us. Labour’s brass neck is perhaps predictable but the BBC’s wilful compliance with it is sickening.




Wonder if anyone else watched BBC QUESTION TIME last night? It lived up to its reputation for unending leftist bias of course and none more so than when the question came about whether the Typhoon in the Philippines that has caused such tragic loss of life was caused by …yes, global warming.

What struck me about the ensuing debate was the zealotry of those on the panel who all proclaimed that it was most likely the case that global warming (or climate change, as they subtly switch narrative when it suits them) was to blame and that it was indisputable that global warming WAS STILL HAPPENING! Poor old Nigel Lawson did his best to put forth a reasoned case to suggest that what was being proclaimed as fact by the panel was in fact at variance with reality but he was shouted down. We also had someone proclaim that banning carrier bags might help end Hurricanes and of course we have to fully embrace “renewables” and all the “free new deal” jobs they bring (none) Lawson was attacked on all fronts and the audience was also seemingly stacked with climate fantasists. You wonder how this can be when poll after poll shows the UK population increasingly sceptical of the AGW agenda. However the BBC is a key driver of the watermelon agenda and last night showed that when it comes to conducting a rational debate on the science of the matter, the BBC aren’t remotely interested. You see it is a matter of faith for these Gaia worshippers…




Guest post by Graeme Thompson aka “hippiepooter”

How do we combat Jihad?

We recognise it for the Act of Treason that it is.  We recognise that the global counter-terrorist war we have (half) been engaged in is a war against the Jihad being waged against us.  Whether Jihad is prosecuted against us by violence or by the black propaganda of internal enemy organisations like Cageprisoners, we deal with Treason accordingly, we deal with captured enemy accordingly.

Any Muslim who says the West is waging a war against Islam is committing Treason.  Any non-Muslim who says the West is waging war against Islam is committing Treason.  It is enemy black propaganda.  At time of war, aiding and abetting the enemy should lead to immediate incarceration.  We should have military tribunals to deal with these incarcerations according to the rules of war.  We need to have our own Guantanamo’s.  Not just for our domestic jihadists, but for those on the Marxist left and the Jew haters who make common cause with Jihad.  After 12 years of being at war, it is time we got up to speed on what being at war means.

Unlike Melanie Phillips whom I hugely admire, I have a lot of time for the Prime Minister’s diplomatic hypocrisy over Islam in the wake of the Woolwich Jihad atrocity.  There are a lot of British Muslims who practice their religion through the prism of the common humanity that binds us all.  The last thing any decent human being wants to see is a violent backlash against innocent British Muslims at the hands of opportunist racists like the EDL.  President George W Bush did of course set this great example of restraint and tolerance in the wake of 9/11.

However, too much diplomatic hypocrisy leaves us vulnerable.  We encourage the enemy to think we are utterly stupid, we encourage ourselves to be utterly stupid.

One still marvels that most of the country thinks that when waging a counter-terrorist war there is something wrong with having TPOWs (Terrorist Prisoners of War) in Guantanamo or wheresoever.

Who has been at the forefront of fomenting this suicidal idiocy?  The BBC.

The anti-western narrative of its predominantly left wing news and current affairs coverage of the Afghan and Iraq wars has played directly into the hands of jihad propaganda.

Possibly, the best example of the BBC’s complicity with the enemy, is that brainchild of former Guantanamo inmates Moazzem Begg and Binyam Mohamed, Cageprisoners.  It could not be more patently obvious that Cageprisoners is a Jihadi propaganda organisation.  The best argument in favour of Guantanamo is that Jihadists want to close it down.  Moazzem Begg and Binyam Mohamed should be in a British Guantanamo yesterday.  BBC journalists like Steve Evans and Angela Saini who do their propaganda work for them should enjoy a nice friendly chat with officers from MI5 on the meaning of Treason, and be left in no doubt that the next time they commit it they’ll be in a jail cell within 24 hours.

That’s how wars are fought.  If we don’t fight this war we’re in, we’re going to lose it.

Had we heeded Churchill’s warnings about Hitler we could have avoided WWII, let’s hope we heed his warnings about Islam before we end up in WWIII.


I listened to an item on the BBC Today programme this morning (around6.45am) concerning the fact that Obama himself has weighed in on the all important matter… of the naming of the Washington Redskins. It seems that the Great one has been able to take time out from less weighty matters such as the collapse of his “signature” Obamacare programme to suggest that the use of the term “Redskin” causes offence and perhaps the owner of the club should do something about it.  Native Americans are unhappy it seems and every good liberal shares their pain. The BBC reporter was entirely on the side of those seeking to see Washington scalped off the Redskin name but conceded at the very end of the item that the Billionaire owner of the Redskins has utterly rejected the idea. He added that it still might come eventually. Totally one sided piece.


You do have to contrast the BBC’s unremitting hostility to the Sri Lankan Government (which defeated the Tamil Tiger terrorists) with is fawning over other far from ideal administrations such as South Africa. Cameron is, sadly, playing along with the meme so allowing the comrades to push as much poison as possible the way of Rajapaksa. It’s almost as if the BBC regrets that the Muslim Tamils were beaten by the elected government….


You would need a heart of stone not to smile at the BBC’s desperation to cloak the news that the UK economy is indisputably on the mend. It’s not so many months since Miliband, Balls and Cooper were never off the State Broadcaster imploring the Coalition to abandon current strategy and adopt “PlanB” – the Labour recipe for success. Now, as it becomes crushingly clear Labour got it so badly wrong, the BBC allow the quiet shelving of “Plan B” and instead all we get is the “cost of living” swerve, also gratefully taken up by the BBC as the new and preferred attack route on the Coalition.


Oh my, it’s so tricky for the BBC. Yesterday we heard David Blunkett warn of riots on our streets as Roma queue up to bring us their multicultural riches and now today Jack Straw reveals that Labour got it badly wrong with their (deliberate) embrace of Open Borders. I am sure the BBC will give both these mea culpas from their political wing every due prominence. Now, back to the Philippines…