Seen this?

The number of senior BBC managers paid more than £150,000 has risen, despite assurances the figure would fall. A National Audit Office report said there were 98 people on that salary level last year, up from 89 in 2012. The BBC said reductions in the overall number of senior managers mean some staff now have more responsibilities, which has been reflected in their pay.

It’s the “special funding model” which allows these scavengers to fill their boots at our expense.


The BBC’s fake news agenda is in full flow during the French Presidential election. Last night, the BBC chose to run with poll forecasts showing Macron in the lead even as the actual results showed Le Pen in the actual lead. Then, when Paris – that most enriched of French cities – came in for Macron, the BBC switched to actual results! Lamentable pro Macron bias. This morning it has become even more ludicrous as the BBC chooses to cast Macron as “the outsider”? WHAT? This former Rothschilds banker provided economic guidance to uber Socialist President Hollande! He is supported by Merkel and Obama. I see Osborne has rallied to his side. Blair supports him. He is the quintessential INSIDER, but the BBC are on one of their predictable fake narratives. What a fake broadcaster.


It’s perfectly obvious that the Conservatives led by Theresa May are going to record a historic victory in June. The only question is just how big will the majority be? This is bad news for the BBC and in typical form it will now spend the next six weeks trying to undermine May and prop up the useless Corbyn and Farron. I note that Laura Kuenssberg has already been sneering about May’s “broken promises” and assuring us that the polls “will narrow” before Election Day. The one thing that is certain is that if you look to the BBC for fair and balanced media coverage of the Election you won’t get it. I REALLY wish that Theresa May would include an election pledge to remove the BBC License Tax. That would surely be a vote winner!


So, another Islamist attack in Paris. One Police officer dead, others injured. How will the BBC cover this given that France prepares to go to the polls? Well, I listened to BBC Radio 4 Today this morning and they were speculating that this terror attack might well bring extra votes to…..Francois Fillon! Yup, despite the fact he is just another part of the bland cowered French establishment the goold old BBC reckons voters may flock to him rather than…Marine Le Pen!!! Incredible bias. They can barely say her name without blurting out “far-right” – and I caught a profile of her the other evening on the BBC News and they used – yup – footage of Hitler. Ken Livingstone would be proud of them.


Get this.

Three white men were killed and another wounded when a black gunman opened fire in Fresno, California, in a suspected race attack, police have said. Kori Ali Muhammad shot 16 rounds in 90 seconds in the shooting spree on Tuesday, said Police Chief Jerry Dyer. He shouted “God is greatest” in Arabic when arrested but this was a hate crime not terrorism, Mr Dyer believed.

“God is greatest”???? — the BBC choose avoid saying what he ACTUALLY said..”Allahu Akbar” Sickening sanitisation. He was a Muslim killer.