I see that the BBC has taken the catastrophic failure of the  Al-Madinah free school in Derby to create the impression that ALL free schools are a disaster unlike the wonderful State controlled sector (well, the part of that which isn’t ON STRIKE today) I heard an interview on Radio 4 just after 5pm which was a full on onslaught into the concept of free schools which managed to avoid the one central fact in the whole matter – namely Al-Madinah’s problem isn’t that it was a FREE school but rather that it is an Islamic school. It’s quite a wonder to match the BBC seize the total dysfunctionality of Islam and twist it into a contrived attack on the Coalition.


I woke up at 6.30am to hear a BBC presenter on the Today programme ponder “Was this the end of the Republican Party”? This related to their cave-in over the raising of the Debt ceiling, allowing Obama to spend another £1trillion or so that the US doesn’t have. Mark Mardell was then invited on so he could ruminate on the “stupid” strategy of the GOP and how hopefully now that Obama has taught them a lesson, they will not repeat the madness of ..erm…seeking to live within Budget. I have to admit how disappointed I am by the GOP’s roll-over but the BBC’s delight at this is quite nauseating, as is it’s WILFUL dismissal of the reason a “debt ceiling” exists in the first place.


It’s not BIAS as such, more an insight into the mindset that prevails at the highest level in  the BBC.

“I deserve my £330,000 BBC salary, say Yentob: Executive defends his pay packet and admits he feels uneasy about salaries paid to top star”

It’s a bit rich, if you’ll pardon the pun, to read Yentob revelling in the ££££ we pay him even as the organisation over which he presides demonises many groups of people earning so much less than £330,000.




Quite remarkably, the BBC leads is news coverage AGAIN with a pro Ed Miliband anti Daily Mail story. It seems to me that the BBC has lost all perspective on this non-story and had decided to run with it as hard as possible with the intent of a/Seeking the head of  Paul Dacre b/Cowering the Mail from running future such stories on hardline Marxists c/Damaging the Mail in as many ways as possible d/Promoting Ed Miliband as the advocate of all that is noble and good.  Alastair Campbell has not been off the BBC with his smearing of Dacre and the Mail’s editorial line. The behaviour of the BBC on this story  has been breathtakingly BIASED and just as worrying, effective. The LibDems have put the boot in and the Conservatives seem embarrassed and unwilling to stand up and say that Ralph Miliband DID hate British values. The sanctimonious preening of the Left in general and the BBC in particular on this issue has been astounding. What say you, gentle reader?


It seems that the BBC has decided that Alastair Campbell is the new champion for journalistic integrity and decency in public life. He hasn’t been off its’ major news programmes in the past few days, castigating Paul Dacre and The Mail in general. It is truly nauseating to listen to Campbell being given such prominence as he heads up a full on assault on The Mail. IF ONLY we all read The Mirror and The Guardian, and listened to the BBC. Right?


I had the misfortune to watch this classic piece of bullying from Alastair Campbell on Newsnight last evening. In my view, Maitlis let Campbell control the “debate”, she permitted hectoring, outrageous allegations and vicious ad hominem. Why? Because Campbell was saying what the BBC believe. I had an exchange myself with Campbell earlier today on Twitter. I suspect he is not a fan of me or this website.


Hi Folks! Here’s a brand new shiny Open Thread for you. It’s the day of Cameron’s big speech at #CPC13, wonder how the comrades will cover that one? And what about the partial close down of the American Government – I believe the Panda cams are off in Washington zoo, that is how serious it has become and how reckless those evil GOP politicians are. Then we have Netanyahu daring to cast doubt on the intent of Rouhani. I am sure the BBC will cover these, and other issues, with their usual neutrality. Enjoy.