Had to smile at the way in which the BBC has contrived to eclipse today’s Conservative Party conference headlines by painting Red Ed as the victim of the evil Daily Mail. It appears that whilst Miliband is allowed to bring his father into the  political world, none may comment negatively on that renowned Marxist. The 5pm news ran it for 10 minutes – making sure we all view Ed with deep sensitivity. I mean, how DARE anyone suggest that someone who hated the Monarchy, property rights, our form of Parliament and our defence of the Falklands be considered bad for Britain when such views are virtually de rigeur in BBC circles? Your views on this manipulation today?


A guest post by Graeme Thompson who comments as ‘hippiepooter’.

Were any B-BBC readers aware that in the last 3 months 3 street preachers have been arrested?


Information here, here and here (Christian Concern represents all three preachers but at time of writing it’s website is down), and on the latest arrests here as well from none other than Rod Liddle.

One would have thought that such an extremely disturbing development would merit the close attention of any public service broadcaster with a remit to uphold and facilitate the values of democracy.  Surely, if the BBC were that broadcaster, it would generate a wide-ranging public debate on the issues these arrests raise for British democracy and whether the Police are being used as an instrument of those who seek to undermine it?

Perhaps the reason this has not happened is that for the past 40 years the BBC has been an instrument of the subversive left to undermine democracy.  Best not to give due coverage to such an issue as three street preachers being arrested in 3 months lest the British public rouses from it’s slumber to defend it’s democracy from political correctness.

One of the most inane and depressing cliches of the modern age is “political correctness gone mad”.  It’s like saying, “racism gone mad”. Both are intrinsic evils.  After the Holocaust, we’re all aware of the dangers of the latter, but the former, even after Stalin’s gulags and 20 million body count, we’re dangerously deluded about.  And that is how the subversive left at the BBC like it.

Political correctness is an anti-democratic ideology of the Marxist left that seeks to impose totalitarianism by stealth.  Since it reared it’s ugly head on US Campuses in the late 80s with ‘speech codes’ rooted in Marxist precepts to paralyse freedom of expression through fear, it has been patently obvious what it’s evil intent has been to anyone with a modicum of moral sense.  Unfortunately, the public mind has been addled by drip-fed BBC propaganda to be spectacularly complacent and naive.  The crowning success of BBC PC mind control has been coopting the ‘Conservative’ Party into adopting looney left social policies such as homosexual marriage and child adoption that hitherto were a province of the Socialist Workers Party.

Political Correctness has an antipathy towards Christianity.  Britain’s judeo-christian values are the bedrock of our democracy.  This is why in as many months in London, Basildon and Perth, three street preachers have been arrested.

Britain is either a democracy or it is politically correct.  The more political correctness we have, the more of a shamocracy we are.  Not exactly Putin’s Russia, but not too far away from it either.  The police officers responsible for arresting the street preachers (ie not necessarily the arresting officers, but their senior officers who gave the orders) have committed a criminal abuse of police power. They have had street preachers subjected to arrest and false imprisonment on patently spurious grounds to impose political correctness.

There was a time when animosity towards coloured people existed in an otherwise excellent police force to a disturbing extent.  Racism is a breeding ground for fascism and it demanded attention.  However, the head of steam the BBC worked up over the issue exceeded the extent of the problem.  The issue was grossly overblown by the BBC’s Gramscian left to use as a propaganda vehicle to undermine established order.  Our very dutiful police force could not defend itself politically because it had to be outside of politics.  Society failed to do so with the result we have today.  A British police service neé force a pale shadow of what it once was.  Once the pride of the nation and the best in the world, now a national embarrassment that can’t nick anyone, unless they fall foul of political correctness.

One could contend that three street preachers arrested in three months is an even graver threat to British democracy than allowing racism to go unchecked in the Police Force.  Yet it is met with a deafening silence by the BBC.  There can be no other reason for this other than that a critical mass of left wing subversives at the BBC see these totalitarian arrests as fulfilling the propaganda objectives of their political assault on the Police since the 70’s.  Instead of serving democracy the Police are serving the totalitarian left.  Peel Lost, MacPherson Fulfilled, to paraphrase Milton.

Apart from ex-BBC man and Speccie blogger Rod Liddle, are there any other secularists who think freedom is worth defending?  What we’ve seen in London, Basildon and Perth is the tip of tyranny.


Well, as the  IPCC Summary for Policymakers is prepared for release tomorrow to trumpeting from the hype merchants, the BBC can be relied upon to once again try to convince an increasingly cynical population that mankind IS driving global warming …sorry..I  mean climate change. By way of balance, may I commend this essay? Brace yourself for what lies in store tomorrow.


The one thing that you can be certain about is that Roger Harrabin is an unapologetic cheer-leader for the AGW mob.

“Scientists are more certain than ever that greenhouse gases from human activities are heating the planet, the head of the UN’s climate panel says. Rajendra Pachauri made the comments in an interview with BBC News. The panel is due to deliver its latest report on the state of the climate later this week in Stockholm, Sweden.”


Chris Patten is the kind of guy who walks the plank last. So no big surprise to read that he has suggested that three out of five senior BBC managers could lose their jobs.

The former governor of Hong Kong praised the corporation for becoming more efficient but said viewers do not expect BBC bosses to be paid massive salaries and he wants to see a smaller, more accountable group in charge. Speaking at the Prix Italia in Turnin last night, he said: “There are still too many senior managers, around 2.5 per cent of the workforce at the last count.”

Cutting the bloat won’t remove the bias. Were the BBC uncoupled from the drug of the License Tax it would move instinctively to become less top heavy. That’s where the cut has to happen.