I can’t resist sharing my glee at the BBC’s obvious horror that Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood puppeteers are on the run in Egypt.  I know it is very unclear where things may go but the BBC meme that the “Arab Spring” is an irreversible force for good has been shattered and all we get is BBC talking heads bemoaning the loss of “democracy”.  Watching Jeremy Bowen has been a particular delight as he squirms with the uprising that the BBC cannot rationalise! I mean how on earth could any people resist a descent into an Islamic caliphate. Still, there’s always Tower Hamlets….


Remember this?

“I always think that impartiality is in our DNA – it’s part of the BBC’s genetic make-up.”

That was Helen Boaden, the then director of BBC News. It was 2011

And then today….

Helen Boaden, the BBC’s former news director, has admitted the corporation held a “deep liberal bias” in its coverage of immigation when she took up the role in 2004.

Oh my.


Excellent post on Elder of Ziyon.

Remember Howard Gutman? He is the US ambassador to Belgium who made an outrageous and ignorant speech in 2011 saying that Muslim antisemitism is nothing like the traditional European type, because it is really a result of Israeli policies.

A DS [Bureau of Diplomatic Security] agent was called off a case against US Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman over claims that he solicited prostitutes, including minors.

“The agent began his investigation and had determined that the ambassador routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children,” says the memo.

“The ambassador’s protective detail and the embassy’s surveillance detection team . . . were well aware of the behavior.”

Undersecretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy ordered the investigation ceased, and the ambassador remains in place, according to the memo.

Gutman was a big Democratic donor before taking the post, having raised $500,000 for President Obama’s 2008 campaign and helping finance his inauguration.

Just taking care of business, right? Odd how the BBC misses these kind of stories…


Mandela still alive, BBC breathlessly informs us. It is remarkable how MUCH attention the BBC lavishes on the former South African President. I will be sorry when he dies as this will cause grief to his family and Nation … and leftists everywhere. However Mandela’s long association with communism, with terrorism, and with dislike of the USA needs covered too.


A Biased BBC reader sent me this and I am simply sharing. It concerns how the BBC covered the protests against the recent Bilderberg conference.


use of clearly biased label ‘Shock jock’ to describe Alex Jones, and subsequent editing and highlighting of certain aspects of his interview on iPlayer (see attached screenshot) “Andrew Neil described him as ‘the worst person he’d ever interviewed'” Andrew Neil’s concerted effort throughout coverage of Bilderberg on the Politics show on BBC to scoff at, discredit and devalue the opinions of opposition to Bilderberg.  At the end of the interview he does a crazy loopy hand signal to viewers, insinuating that his guest is crazy.  This is clear, unacceptable bias.

See this interview with Bilderberg researcher Tony Gosling:


See this BBC reporter (quite difficult to hear her questions but they are clearly biased, she was briefed to antagonise Jones clearly)


I was at the Bilderberg Fringe Festival (a space for peaceful protest and platform for opposition of the group’s meetings to publicly state why they oppose it) where I saw firsthand how the BBC was biased in it’s coverage.  It’s really opened my eyes, before I trusted the BBC to an extent. One of the speakers at the Bilderberg fringe festival was child actor Ben Fellows who has been involved in a criminal investigation into Kenneth Clarke’s alleged link to the paedophile ring as uncovered in the BBC via Saville-gate.  I can only imagine that the BBC are concerned that further evidence is going to come to light about not only their ingrained corruption but it’s links to Parliament.  It’s a total can of worms.”