Hi folks. I am currently on vacation in Australia but I just couldn’t let this one pass. Here is the considered view of Mark Mardell as regards our website Biased BBC, and as contained in an email shared with yours truly.

What a disgusting website ! Talk about lies and bias!

Just what irked Mark to abandon his famous impartiality…? Well, it seems that this post caused him to damn us…

Biblically Inspired Extremism

Can’t see the problem myself? Can you?


Dd you see this?

The Commentator has learned that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the British publicly owned news organisation, has forged student credentials for its journalists in order that they could gain access to the secretive North Korea.

An e-mail from the director of the London School of Economics (LSE) on Saturday stated that the BBC used the visit to plant three journalists inside North Korea at a risk to the university and its students on the trip.

The letter states that a trip organised by the LSE’s ‘Grimshaw Club’ was used as cover by BBC journalists without the knowledge or consent of the London university. “The School authorities had no advance knowledge of the trip or of its planning,” it said.


I wanted to create a specific post for Question Time tonight.

‘David Dimbleby presents Question Time from Lady Thatcher’s former constituency of Finchley.  On the panel are Conservative Cabinet Minister Ken Clarke MP, Labour’s former Home Secretary David Blunkett MP, former leader of the Liberal Democrats Ming Campbell MP, Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee and Lady Thatcher’s authorised biographer Charles Moore.”

I can’t liveblog it but I can those of you watching it …and I will be…to leave your opinions here. I fear the worst…