On Easter Sunday, the BBC decides that its lead story is an attack by four Churches on the Coalition plan to try and reduce Welfarism in the UK.Conveniently, this dovetails into the Labour meme that welfare cuts are aimed at “the most vulnerable” and “the poorest” rather than the skiving subclass that parasites off those of us who can be bothered to get out of bed each day and work. There is a dreary and relentlesss drip drip drip to the BBC output which continually undermines the best intentions of this Coalition. Miliband must be delighted to have his broadcast division so active and always present in our living rooms. 


A Biased BBC reader send this and thought it worth sharing!

‘BBC 1 Breakfast are bringing me alarming reports that England football fans ‘sang racist chants’ recently. This all has to be gone into and investigated they insist, since it simply has to be stamped out.
I’ve come to be a little wary of what the BBC tell me. Particularly when there is a vagueness about their reports and some PC issues at stake. I know the impression that they want to give the mass audience – racism is everwhere, England football fans are evil and racist. But is this true? Afterall the BBC told me earlier this week that Liverpool football fans were all saintly and innocent.
So five minutes of my own investigation informs me the ‘bonfire song’ is a regular feature of the terraces often deployed by – for example – Newcastle fans against their local rivals from Sunderland . Not very pleasant but where’s the racism? Is their blackness the one and only thing the Ferdinand brothers are known for?
Could it be that England fans are little better informed about their sport and its stars than the BBC Breakfast front bench wishes the rest of the nation to know about?
Rio Ferdinand has been banned for eight months and fined £50,000 by the Football Association after being found guilty of missing a drugs test.
IT was football’s wildest holiday, when future England stars Rio Ferdinand, Frank Lampard and Kieron Dyer were caught on camera in sex romps.
In April last year Leeds player Michael Duberry and Manchester United’s Rio Ferdinand were accused of indecent assault and threatening behaviour in a Leeds nightclub.
The claims were made during the rape trial of a Leeds man, who was later convicted.
Martin Luther King claimed his victim said she had been indecently assaulted by Mr Duberry and threatened by Mr Ferdinand in the club, before the rape by Mr King took place.
The CPS said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute the players.
BBC plays down Moyles ‘faggot’ row
The BBC has dismissed as “banter” an incident on Chris Moyles’ Radio 1 show today in which footballer Rio Ferdinand called the DJ a “faggot”.
Rio Ferdinand fined £45,000 by FA over ‘choc ice’ tweet
Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand has been fined £45,000 after being found guilty of improper conduct over comments he made relating to the John Terry racism
The 33-year-old defender, who has played 81 times for England, was given a six-month ban despite being represented by lawyer Nick Freeman, nicknamed Mr Loophole for his ability to get celebrities off driving charges.
Anton Ferdinand was today charged with assault and violent disorder after an incident outside Faces nightclub in Ilford on October 2.
Prosecutor Alex Agbamu said Ferdinand had offered a number of explanations for events that night, claiming he had acted in self defence and fearing he would be mugged for his £64,000 watch.
The court heard that Emile Walker was allegedly assaulted by a group of men outside the nightclub including Ferdinand and another man identified by Mr Walker as Ferdinand’s cousin, who has not been named.
England needed Rio to be like Nobby Stiles, not out partying with Harry Styles.
‘What reasons?’ Rio Ferdinand once asked. Obviously, he had forgotten about his intricate, pre-planned programme that day.
It must have slipped his mind, too, last month when he announced he would pack his bags and go straight there if selected by  England. No mention of an intricate pre-planned programme in that statement, either.
Indeed, for a programme so intricate, not to mention pre-planned, Ferdinand does seem to have rather a peculiar attitude to it.
Traipsing around behind the latest pop fad while the England manager remained in the dark about an impending crisis, Ferdinand seemed to epitomise the self-absorption of so many modern footballers — more Harry Styles than Nobby Stiles.
When discussing his controversial withdrawal from the latest England squad, Rio Ferdinand spoke of his strict fitness regime and how both ‘rest and recuperation’ was a crucial part in allowing him to continue to compete at the highest level.
What he did not first mention was that that strict regime allowed him to work as a pundit for Al Jazeera in a job involving a 15-hour round trip.
Controversial: England’s fans were understandably unhappy at Rio Ferdinand’s withdrawal from the latest squad
BBC: Don’t take their word for anything.


The teaching unions are revolting.  Looks like the NUT are going…wait for it…to pass a vote of “No confidence” in Michael Gove.  Oh, and Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw. Were I Gove,  I would be encouraged to get the comrades gander up  -but the BBC clearly see the wrath of the Unions as a major damnation for the Education Secretary! I was on BBC5 Live last night debating the Teacher Unions whingeing for mediocrity with a spokesman for the NUT. What surprised me were the number of “teachers” who phoned in, immediately declared they were NOT members of a Trade Union, and then promptly agreed with most aspects of the NUT jihad against Gove. I’m sure the BBC were singgering all the way to the news headlines.


With lots of changes to Welfare coming in next month, the BBC has been to the fore in pointing out these will hut “the poor”. I was on BBC Three Counties earlier this week debating these changes with someone from the Resolution Foundation (A Labour front masquerading as a “independent think tank”. The issue under debate was the reduction in subsidy from Central government to local government in housing benefit. Basically, there is a 10% reduction and Councils either learn to spend less and so keep council taxes as they are (already way too high in my opinion) OR they ask those who currently make no contribution to council tax to cough up a few pounds.  This is presented as Apocalypse Now by the BBC and the clear meme is “evil conservatives hurting the poor”   It strikes me that the BBC really does behave as the official opposition to ANY change to UK welfarism and maybe that it because as the recipient of over £3 BILLION a year, it likes the idea of something for nothing?


Following on from my Mandela post, I see the Telegraph reports that  BBC staff who went on strike yesterday said they were prepared to return to their desks if Nelson Mandela died, however the staff’s generosity stopped there.

After news that the 94-year-old was in hospital broke, union leaders declared that in “the sad event of his death, and for BBC news coverage of that story only” the staff would postpone the strike.  However when the strikers were asked whether the ailing Lady Thatcher, scourge of the unions in the 1980s, would be treated in the same manner, there was a marked change of approach. Both Bectu and the National Union of Journalists said simply that they had not considered what they would do in the event of the 87-year-old former prime minister’s untimely death.

The visceral loathing of the brand of Conservatism that Margaret Thatcher espoused is clear. The comrades will rush back to ensure the sanctification of Mandela but their demonisation of Thatcher continues.  Given how blatant this – is in what way can we expect them to be unbiased when they then cover stories in which authentic conservative values are in play?