Well, it may have been budget day for you running jackals of the capitalist oppressors of the workers BUT back in the Narnia of the BBC, we were treated to an programme called “Lenin in Letchworth” …

In 1907 Lenin attended a congress of exiled communists in London that helped plan the overthrow of the Russian tsar a decade later. It was during this momentous event that the Soviet Union’s future leader is said to have visited the English garden city of Letchworth.

I listened to most of this programme and it may have had some tenuous historical merit BUT it was quite remarkable to hear the endless positive spin afforded socialism!


Hi folks! Been away for a short while but am b-b-back! Now then, I know today was Budget Day and wondered what you reckoned to BBC coverage. Personally, I found it hard to distinguish between the line taken by Ed Miliband and that retailed by Stephanie Flanders! I feel sorry for Osborne – the ONLY way the BBC was going to give him good coverage was it it started adopting the fiscal recklessness of Brown and Balls!

Oh and the BBC non biased headline? “Osborne – stick with us despite the gloom!”


Had to laugh at an interview that took place on Today with the CEO of building compant Costain this morning around 7.20am, The interviewer was desperate to get him to say that the Coalition had made a fatal mistake by cutting back on capital infrastructure projects “too fast” (aka Labour ideology) and he said the opposite. Hilarious stuff, How it must sicken the BBC when they don’t get the answers they want!