Well, that’s what Jeremy Paxman thinks;

“It was ‘common gossip’ at the BBC that Jimmy Savile liked young girls before he was outed as a paedophile, it emerged today as the Corporation released 3,000 pages of redacted evidence into their handling of the sex abuse scandal.

Newsnight host Jeremy Paxman made the claim as the evidence gathered during an inquiry into the show’s decision to drop its Jimmy Savile sex abuse investigation was published this morning by the BBC in a bid to be ‘open and transparent’. But there were accusations from Tory peer Lord McAlpine that too much evidence was redacted in the release, which came out at 11am.

Mr Paxman said it was ‘common gossip that Jimmy Savile liked young girls’ and also spoke of the ‘terrible’ BBC press operation, adding that ‘there is a real problem in finding spokesman who will defend an articulate point of view’. He added that ‘the news division has essentially been taken over by radio… these people belong to a different kind of culture’.

Mr Paxman, 62, said the behaviour of the BBC over the Savile investigation was ‘contemptible’. He also told the inquiry that ‘the important question’ was how Savile had been allowed to rise to prominence within the BBC. He said: ‘What was the BBC doing promoting this absurd figure, this absurd and malign figure? And I think that has to do with the fact of the BBC having been aloof from popular culture for so long.”


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I had the great misfortune to catch most of BBC Question Time last evening, recorded at St Paul’s. We had the usual biased panel; Saint Vince Cable (left and much loved by the BBC)  Michael Heseltine (He stabbed Thatcher in the back and is fervently pro EU)  Rev Giles  Fraser (Raving left)  Diana “Divide and Rule” Abbott (Left) and by way of “balance”, the maverick Peter Hitchens.  The part of the debate which REALLY galled was concerning the “white flight” from London — 600,000 WHITE Britains have fled the capital in a decade.  The general consensus is that a/ It is WRONG to record how many White people there are in the Census  2/ Immigration made Britain and London and 3/ Don’t mention Islam.  Abbott was particularly galling, I have to say, claiming on several occasions that the exodus is all about class, not a sense of no longer feeling at home in London as parts of it resemble downtown Jihadistan. Isn’t this the same Abbott who tweeted that “whites like to pay the divide and rule” tactic and who also accused London taxi drivers off being racist? For her to sit there and preen as the very modern incarnation of multicultural magnanimity  was nauseating.  Even by BBC Question Times, this was appalling bias.


I was on the BBC this morning discussing what is termed the call “from MP’s” to “name and shame” those companies who are not paying the requisite amount of tax. I HAD wanted to bring up Margaret Hodge’s personal experience of minimising her tax affairs via the Stemcor company in which she has a “tiny” amount of shares (£1.8m) but was warned off the issue as the famously litigious Hodge might have chosen to take action against the BBC.  I respected the wish of the BBC on this occasion but it annoys me that they treat Hodge as some sort of crusader (Oops, that might offend a particular group) for fairness and “justice” when in fact she is a bully and a hypocrite and they KNOW it. I was not going to attack Hodge for tax avoidance but rather congratulate her since we should all be making every effort to starve the beast –  the State – of OUR cash.


This item by Mark Easton has got the attention of quite a few readers I can see. This is quite a neat dissection of it by a B-BBC reader…

“An article on the BBC website today by Mark Easton entitled ‘Why have the white British left London?’. Few of the glaringly obvious reasons are discussed; rather, it is all presented as something normal and natural. In fact, it’s largely down to those cheeky Cockney types having bettered themselves and retired to Southend and Clacton. Or as Easton summarises it: “It is a story of aspiration. It is a story of success.”

Occasionally, though, the truth seeps through and has to be managed. He states: “Some white British may have moved because their neighbourhood has been culturally transformed, the tea rooms and restaurants replaced by takeaway chicken shops and halal supermarkets serving the new arrivals.” Interesting use of the phrase ‘culturally transformed’ – or what other people might call ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing does not just mean men turning up with guns to force people out of the homes; it also means cultural transformation of neighbourhoods, as well as economic transformation as governments bring in low paid workers from overseas to make the place not viable for the locals.

Also notice how he refers to halal supermarkets for the new arrivals. What can he mean? Are Hindus from India, Catholics from Poland, Buddhists from Sri Lanka etc all clamouring for halal supermarkets? What Easton is basically saying is that when it comes to replacing a population, one type of migrant is preferred to all others. Just setting your expectations, you see!”

Think it might have been more apt had he signed off Allahu Akhbar, me old china.


Interesting treatment here by the BBC of two of the candidates in the forthcoming Eastleigh by-election.

On the one hand, we have Tory hopeful Maria Hutchings “provoking a backlash after suggesting her son would need private schooling to be a surgeon.”  Meanwhile, comments in a 1998 book by Labour candidate John O’Farrell have surfaced, in which he said he was “disappointed” that Mrs Thatcher had not been murdered by the IRA.

Not quite sure that challenging the merits of state schools quite equates to wishing the savage murder of a British Prime Minister. I also notice the BBC got a quote from Miliband condemning Hutchings but when it comes to HIS candidate wishing to see a British Prime Minister brutally murdered…erm..silence.

Still, how DARE Hutchings attack our wonderful State education system …..