Well, no sooner had the news come in about the terrible massacre at the Connecticut school than the BBC were using it to advance their agenda of restricting gun ownership. The Today programme had several segments this morning on the issue and the clear meme that MORE must be done to restrict the right to bear arms. Naturally Obama was also able to emote on the loss of the children AND then also launch into his political agenda.  Given that more people are killed on our roads each day than were killed at Sandy Hook elementary school, shall we ban cars? What happened at this school was appalling, an act of sheer evil and THAT is something you cannot ban but the BBC has form on this issue and so it has proven. I am sure all Biased BBC readers will share my sense of horror at the loss of these infants but it is also nauseating to see parasites like the BBC wilfully taking advantage of such to advance their own agenda.


Over the past week or so, I am sure you will have seen the BBC reporting on the street protests in Belfast and elsewhere as people register their unhappiness at the Union flag being brought down over Belfast City Hall – apart from a few days a year. Now, naturally all violence attending such protest is deplorable BUT I wonder how the BBC can get away with going to the likes of Sinn Fein Gerry Kelly so he can verbally bash those who protest and in some cases commit violent acts?

Kelly, as the BBC well knows, was one of the IRA gang who bombed the Old Bailey. He also attempted to murder a prison officer when he escaped from the Maze prison. He, along with IRA commander Martin McGuinness, sit in government and the BBC uses them to advance the absurd argument that “violence does not pay”??? The massive salaries these former IRA terrorists now command demonstrably proves violence DOES pay and yet as a faithful cheerleader for the appeasement process, the BBC never asks any TOUGH questions  lest the boat be rocked. Sickening.


Well, believing in six impossible things before breakfast is easy if you can swallow this unbelievable drivel from Ed Miliband as he tries to triangulate his party as the party of “common sense” on Immigration.

Naturally, the BBC are here to help Ed posture as the champion of “multi-ethnicity” and no really hard questions are asked of Sadiq Khan as he went to bat on the BBC Today programme.

The BBC abhors the factual argument advanced by Peter Hitchens on QT last night that when last in power Labour wilfully engaged in radical social engineering as a central part of its strategy using open borders to forcefully change the UK demographic forever. For Miliband to now pose as the friend of the indigenous UK population is surreal and yet the BBC will play along with this faux narrative, painting the Coalition and the Conservatives in particular as racists and bigots and ..god forbid..little Englanders for seeking to ensure that Bradford does not morph into Islamabad, although it may be too late in the particular case!

The BBC, like Labour, champions a multicultural agenda which is aimed at changing the face of Britain forever. Miliband can be assured an easy ride…in the same way as his “economic” policies have been soft soaped with hardly a mention of the fact Labour all but wrecked our economy.


A Biased BBC reader notes;

“Once again the BBC shows it’s anti British sentiments, trying to blame local people for crimes committed by foreigners.

What does a ‘Lincolnshire man’ suggest to you? Someone born and bred in Lincolnshire? Probably. At the very least an ethnic British person who has spent some years in Lincolnshire! And of course a quick glance at the article, and the photographs of white males would seem to confirm the impression – just what the BBC hopes, undoubtedly. There is no mention of these peoples true origins – Lithuania.

Does anyone think that if ethnic British criminal gangs were similarly operating in Krakow, that the Polish media would cover up for them and describe them as ‘Warsaw men’.

We and the Scandinavian countries must be the only countries in Europe with a rulign elite and media that hates it’s own people. How has this situation been allowed to come about?”



Here is a great instance of how the BBC wilfully distorts the truth in order to feed its anti-Israel agenda and openly breaches the BBC’s own editorial guidelines.


Certainly a published correction, official apology (& perhaps even sacking of the journalist & editor responsible for this propaganda piece) are in order. Don’t you think?


I watched Question Time last night, the final one of 2012, and to be honest it remains as biased as it was back in the aftermath of 9/11.  A panel full of leftists with a token “conservative” and a chairman who does not do impartial. Similarly, the “representative” audience  represents  BBC liberal views, not British society. And so it was last evening.

I felt sorry for Peter Hitchens, the token conservative. He was sneered (if not defamed)at by the appalling snidey Will Self and Dimbleby himself  seemed to relish attacking Peter when he got the chance. The entire tone of the discussion was classic BBC  trash. It was PRO gay marriage, mocking of Christianity (Not Islam though..no little questions about Mosques offering loving gays the chance to get hitched), massively PRO Immigration and multiculturalism and PRO legalisation of drugs. Hitchens was the only voice that was raised against these leftist shibbeloths ..so it was 5 against 1. That is the BBC’s idea of balance and it nauseates me.