Have a read of THIS BBC report on Gaza. Note how it suggests that Hamas terrorist-in-chief Khaled Meshaal has been “exiled.”  No he hasn’t. He chose to leg it when Israel dispatched his predecessor Sheikh Ahmed Yassin for an early meeting with the 72 virgins. This vile thug, driven by an almost demonic hatred of Israel, is afforded the “Arafat” treatment, sanitised of the terror and murder he presides over, and painted as a victim of those evil Jews. When it comes to all matters Hamastan, the BBC could NOT be more biased.


Gotta love the BBC. Today I noted a reference to the “right of centre” Policy Exchange (Today 8.52am). Now, I am unsure who decides what is the “centre” of British politics but if it is the BBC then I fear that Policy Exchange are more likely to be slightly right of hard Labour. But that’s not my point. Yesterday, the same BBC trailed the economic commentary from the Institute of Fiscal Studies as a means of bashing Osborne. There was no other caveat such as “left of centre” which is curious given THIS.    Part of my beef with the BBC is that downplays some bias (IFS) BUT upweights other bias (PE). It should be consistent in how it describes these “think tanks” rather than duplicitous. Don’t you think?


The BBC have found a new flag bearer for all that is right in the world ..yes, Margaret Hodge is the new Vince Cable.  Leading the Starbucks Jihad, this hypocrite is treated as if she is the very incarnation of fiscal decency. She has been all over the BBC claiming all sorts of imagined “victories” for “the people” (Labour)…. the small matters of her difficulties over MP expenses and her million pound shareholding in a tax avoiding company has been sanitised.  I am no fan of Starbucks  but the BBC has been manipulating news today to damn them even when they do change their corporation tax strategy.


This is the sort of informed critique of Biased BBC that comes my way…for your edification;

“I find it utterly ridiculous that you claim to be exposing the bias of the BBC while you are actually just asserting your own! Here in America the professionally that the BBC has is completely un-matched. The BBC is the most reputable news source in the world, That may be disputed, but only by fools who do not have the proper perspective, fools like you.

Also your senseless condemnation of Palestine and ought right Zionism is totally and completely un-warranted and heavily biased.  I Despise you and all your type. I hope that one day you can understand that what you are doing is dead wrong and that you will fix the harm that you extremists have done to our international community. Especially in regards to Palestine.”

For now go in peace, Aden Qamar”

I wonder what “for now” means?


Touching to see the BBC lead the news this morning with the Ed Balls line that “working families will suffer” as a consequence of Osborne’s benefit reduction plans. It’s a favoured Labour line to suggest that most Benefit goes to those in work but on modest income. Rubbish. Labour’s favoured clientele, the wilfully idle, are the primary recipients of this cash  and this is the Leftist way to try and obscure this central  fact. And when we are at, did “working families” suffer when Labour all but bankrupted the economy? Did those TRYING to get work suffer when Labour opened pour borders  to millions of immigrants? The hypocrisy from Labour does not vary but the BBC peddles a line that is virtually identical. It is an echo chamber for Labour talking points.


It seems a popular sport on the BBC these days to go after successful multinationals who use every legal trick to minimise the tax they pay here in the UK. Demonising the likes of Starbucks and Amazon has been an enthusiastic activity for the Broadcasting House comrades. The game is moving on however and now it is time to go after the “Big 4” Accounting firms who provide the financial advise to these multinationals and are thus “implicit” in the tax avoidance activity that so worries the political left and its broadcasting arm. So, I listened to the 7.39am item on Today when this was discussed and no less august a figure that Margaret Hodge was brought on to pronounce on these matters, effectively threatening the large Accountancy houses with the loss of government contracts if they do not stop helping large corporations. I guess Hodge does understand a few things financial, given her £1.8m shareholding in Stemcor and her lavish use of taxpayers money to fund her expenses. Such details are irrelevant to the BBC, it seems, as it does everything possible to present this harridan as the very model of financial probity.


Hi folks! Am back after a short break and just in time to hear the BBC chirping with delight at the problems Osborne is facing in his Autumn financial statement. I caught the Today broken earlier and their delight that Osborne was not going to hit some of his targets was visceral. There was the unholy trinity of Flanders, Robinson and Easton on at 8.10am to pronounce on the failures of the Coalition. How they miss the sunny uplands of the Labour years when the country was professionally steered towards bankruptcy.  The thing is, I have little sympathy for Osborne (who in my opinion has wimped out of making the really hard cuts to the State sector required) but when one remembers the kid gloves worn by the BBC  when Brown and Darling went a spending it is perfectly obvious a double standard in play here.