Well, I see that ol’ Yasser is being dug up today to see if he was poisoned by those evil Jews rather than dying of AIDS as his doctor stated. BBC following the Palestinian driven conspiracy with bated breath. When he was alive, Arafat got the kid glove treatment from the BBC and even has he lies rotted away, they STILL want to portray this vile monster as some sort of “victim”


I found THIS an interesting BBC report on the state of the NHS in Scotland;

“Hundreds of previously secret NHS reports into serious incidents, including 105 deaths, have been published by BBC Scotland. More than 300 reports into the most serious incidents in Scotland’s hospitals last year have been released. The reports include a person being blown up while on oxygen therapy after lighting a cigarette. They also detail deaths from fatal doses of medicine and missing equipment during a cardiac arrest.”

The BBC should be congratulated on exposing these massive failures within the NHS. I notice that blame for all of this is laid at the fault of the “bureaucracy” within the NHS, which may indeed be the case. I know this site throws many brickbats at the BBC over how it fawns over the appalling NHS but in this case it seems to have provided a public good and I will acknowledge it.


We are approaching the season of goodwill to all men. This has a resonance on Biased BBC and here is why. Our site traffic is fantastic and the post quota is rising. But so is some of the ad hominem abuse and it stops now. I want you all to engage and debate but to do without lowering yourself to vicious comments and attacks. I know that this site is regularly visited and read by BBC staff. I want them to feel they can come here and put their point of view WITHOUT being savaged, even IF we entirely disagree with what it is said. We need to have a civilised tone and I know most of you are polite, witty and to the point under discussion. So, do the site and the cause a favour and stick to the topic and no abuse please. If my request is not respected, I will deal with it in a more draconian fashion. The credibility of the site is as much measured in the contents as the posts, so please respect my wish and let’s debate in a civil way.