There will be black ties and solemn music at the BBC should Obama lose to Romney. I hope to God Romney does win IF ONLY to see the comrades chastened. I mean with KATY PERRY on his side, how could Obama lose? Have a read through this article by Andrew Marr and note THIS casual insanity…

“With a massive fiscal stimulus, Obama saved the economy from total collapse, and on the way saved the imperilled automobile industry.”

Really? He “saved” the economy by driving National Debt to unparalled levels. He “saved” the automobile industry by looking after his pals in the Unions care of the taxpayer. The politica left DOES chant this mantra of salvation but why does Andrew Marr state this as a fact? Isn’t the simple truth that the BBC’s Obamaphilia is now at fever pitch as the prospect of his defeat at the hands of Romney looms?


You have to dig to sometimes discern why the bias is there. A B-BBC reader points out:

“Another revolting sinophilic article on the BBC News website in their ‘Point of View’ series (usually meaning ‘the official BBC position’). It speculates that China in more democratic than the United States. Notice how the author – Martin Jacques – is coyly described as an “economist” rather than as, say, the editor of Marxism today from 1977-1991 or as co-founder of the left-leaning Demos UK thinktank.



BBC must be gutted to see Denis MacShane, one of their favourite pro EU go-to guys, being forced to resign from Parliament owing to expenses fiddling.  A Biased BBC reader observes;

“This evening (Friday)just after 5 pm Eddie Mair and Paul Mason were discussing the Dennis McShane resignation and the tone of it was that because he was reported by the BNP it was all their fault and not his. Now I have no time for the BNP but surely the fact is he is guilty never mind who reported it?”


My on my but the BBC must be sweating as Savilegate gets deeper and deeper. Did you read THIS in the Mail today?

“Screen legend Leonard Rossiter is the latest celebrity name to be embroiled in the sex scandal engulfing the BBC. The Rising Damp star, who died in 1984 aged 57, has been accused of performing a sex act as he watched three BBC staff trying to rape a male TV extra. An anonymous male accuser told The Sun the trio twice assaulted him at BBC Television Centre in West London when he was 18. He said Rossiter, who also starred in the much-loved series The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, watched the second 1960s attack. It is the latest scandal to hit the Corporation following the mountain of claims made about Sir Jimmy Savile. Today, the alleged victim branded the BBC a ‘cesspit of depravity’ as he recalled the assault, one of two he said he suffered at the TV Centre.

Hang on….Jonathan Dimbleby to the rescue!

“There has been a “disturbing relish” in the way critics have laid into the BBC over the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal, Jonathan Dimbleby has said. The broadcaster told the Times newspaper there has been a “witch-hunt” against the corporation, which had become “horribly out of proportion”. “The real focus should be on what Savile did wrong,” Mr Dimbleby said. It was “very distressing” that people were being “hounded” in a way that was “unwarranted” at the BBC, he added. Presenter Mr Dimbleby, who first worked at the BBC in the late 1960s said: “Paedophilia is a huge national problem that no one thought about 50 years ago and is now something that concerns everyone, but this has become a witch-hunt against the BBC.”

From my perspective, there is a disturbing culture within the BBC and a light seems to shining into it. showing us some very dark images, Mr Dimbleby.


Did anyone catch the extremely combative interview on Today this morning at 7.31am between Ed Davey and John Humphyrs? It concerned the welcome news that a new buyer of Horizon, the UK’s nuclear power building project, has been found – and is planning to build a range of new power stations across the country.

Naturally the BBC editorial line is to object to this and Humphyrs went after Davey with a vengeance, repeatedly insinuating that there was some deal or “understanding”  on future pricing between Government and Hitachi (the new owner). Davey actually fought back, contradicted Humphyrs and the interview was all the more enjoyable for it. It seems as if the luddites at the BBC would rather see the lights go out across Britain in a few years rather than embrace the benefits of Nuclear.