Well, the BBC were NEVER going let Hurricane Sandy pass without a little bit of climate alarmism. The Today programme were hyping it up this morning, with an “expert” on hand to inform us that these “extreme weather” events were without precedent and the listener was left with the clear impression that climate change is the game changer.  This is not news, it is insidious propaganda.


BBC been pushing the “Living Wage” agenda all day I see. Listened to Stephanie Flanders earlier as she was very disingenuous on the issue. She dismissed concerns that this “Living Wage” would actually cost jobs by comparing the critics of it to those who forecast that the equally socialist construct of a minimum wage would cost ” a lot of jobs”. She subtly avoided sharing with us just HOW many jobs the minimum wage cost nor, for that matter, where private business would FIND the extra cash demanded by the “workers”.


Most excellent post here on The Register!  Do read it.

“Far from the Jimmy Savile scandal, the director of BBC News Helen Boaden took the witness stand in London today.

A squad of Beeb legal staff, including two barristers, crammed into a small court room to support the£354,000-a-year news chief against her opponent, a North Wales pensioner who was accompanied only by his wife. The case is a six-year freedom of information battle in which the BBC is refusing to disclose who attended a seminar it held in 2006.

This seminar is historically significant. The BBC’s global reputation for news reporting stems from its unshakable impartiality; even in wartime its commitment to maintaining evenhandedness has occasionally enraged British politicians (and sometimes servicemen). Following that 2006 seminar, however, the corporation made a decision to abandon impartiality when covering climate change – and that’s according to the BBC Trust. This was an unprecedented decision for the BBC in peacetime.


I know I have referenced this in other posts but just to say I watched the BBC news throughout yesterday and there seemed to be a REAL determination to ensure that ANY good news concerning UK economic performance was doused. Items were constructed to ensure that any viewer would be left with the impression that we are still in deep trouble and that jobs are still being lost more than they are being replaced. Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders was a particular annoyance as she struggled to diss any notion of progress that did not involved tax and spend,


So, let’s look at the story first;

The shooting of a 36-year-old man in Newtownabbey on the outskirts of north Belfast has been described as a “ruthless, careless killing”.It is understood the victim was shot six times and died at the scene. At least two men are believed to have been involved in the attack.

Now, who does the BBC go to for a quote? Yes…

Sinn Fein Newtownabbey Councillor Gerry O’Reilly said there was “shock and anger” in the area at the murder. He said there was speculation among residents that dissident republicans were responsible for the attack, which he said happened in the man’s home.

Now, then, would that be the SAME Sinn Fein whose IRA brutally murdered almost 2000 people, maiming thousands more? Asking THEM for a quote on an alleged terrorist murder is akin to asking Ian Brady for a quote on child care provision.  Also note how O’Reilly is allowed to speculate on the nature of the killers..”dissident republicans” in this instance.  This story is designed to make the IRA seem quite a decent lot, with Sinn Fein the caring face of republicanism.  BBC Northern Ireland’s infatuation with Sinn Fein/IRA is repulsive but also significant. It helps sanitise their vile deeds and sustains the illusion that all is well.


The BBC’s bias was wonderfully illustrated by a little item on Today this morning just before 7am. They had tracked down an American professor who has authored a book that shows that contrary to Clinton’s assertion “It  may not be the economy, stupid” when it comes to determining the outcome of elections. Yup, and so Obama’s woeful performance on the US economy “may not hurt the President” and that mixed economic messages suggested Obama could not really be blamed on how the US economy was performing. Same argument was extended to many EU economies, bizarrely. By contrast, and this really amused me, the Professor pointed out that the UK’s economic performance could be laid directly at the feet of the Conservative element in Government! Magnificent Obama apologist and Conservative critic being allowed to opine without dissent.  As Helen Boaden would say (when she was not busy trying to stifle Savile’s critics) “Impartiality is in our genes”, right?


Gosh but it’s been a busy morning for the BBC. What with the UK economy moving out of recession and IDS promising further welfare reforms, the comrades are not happy. So, on Today we have several items aimed at minimising any praise for the Coalition on the economy front (Basically, it’s all to do with the Olympics) and IDS is going to cause millions of poor children to starve to death if one listens to this one-sided “debate” with Alison Garnham, chief executive of Child Poverty Action Group.