How the BBC loves Labour harpie Caroline Flint. She was given great prominence on Question Time last week and today her attack on the Coalition’s energy policy is the lead story in the UK.  What amazes me is the way in which the BBC co-operates fully with Labour revisionism of political history. It is if 1997-2010 never happened. (However the Thatcher years must never be forgotten.) The hyopocrisy from Flint and co is staggering but the BBC never actually challenges the meme. I suppose that is because they agree with it.


A Biased BBC reader writes…

“James Jones and the entire crew for THE MORMON CANDIDATE are masters of deceit and editing wizardry. I have Mormons living all around me. One has two daughters who left the faith and they are loved as much or more by their parents than their other four children. None is shunned or intimidated. Most Mormon families have some kids who bow out of the faith, and I’ve never seen any of them treat the non-believers as outcasts or personas non grata. Jones and Sweeney interview ex-Mormons like Romney’s cousin (seemingly paranoid) for “unbiased” views on the church. It’s clear that BBC’s raving lunatic Sweeney is manufacturing sensationalism, and he has a very clear agenda before he feigns doing journalism. Where’s the white paper on socialist president Obama and his “God Damn America” mentor, Reverend Wright? High school news junkies could be more objective than this team of idiots.”


It’s so touching. Even in the midst of the Savile sexual abuse maelstrom, the BBC lovingly reports Milibands plea for “an independent inquiry” into what actually went on.  Presumably judicial led, Ed, like ever other inquiry you call for on a virtually hourly basis? I heard Harman in the Commons also expressing her alarm at Savile’s crimes and how it had stained the much loved reputation enjoyed by trusted Auntie. Again the BBC is PRAISED even when we can see the decades of cover up. Amazing really.


A Biased BBC reader observes…

“File on 4 Alcohol Fraud has been discussing the rise of the problem this week. No mention of course of the close link with immigration, not only in the fraud itself, but the huge numbers of immigrant run corner shops selling dodgy alcohol and putting honest British businesses out of existence.

Perhaps most telling is that they chose to focus on this case of high end fraud, run by Brits (although with assistance from a Pole): http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-15888342

They ignored this Lithuanian run operation, where people actually died, even though it was more of a news story at the time! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-18154900

They also fail to warn against the risks of such brews,  or reveal  horror stories such as:



The BBC stands indicted concerning precisely who knew what and why some did NOTHING during the decades of alleged sex abuse carried out by BBC star and national treasure Jimmy Savile. I don’t know about you but I think this response is utterly inadequate…

“The BBC is to launch two inquiries surrounding sex abuse claims made against Sir Jimmy Savile, director general George Entwistle has announced. The first into why a BBC Newsnight investigation into Savile was shelved last year will start straight away. The other into whether culture and practice at the BBC at the time enabled Savile to carry out the sexual abuse of children will wait for police go-ahead.”

BBC investigating the BBC? No. Not good enough. We need a Judicial led independent enquiry that can challenge evert detail of this horrendous case. There was an interview on Today this morning at 8.29am with Sir Christopher Bland, the former Chairman of BBC Board of Governors. If ever there was a man well named, it is he. His arrogance and scorn for those “conspiracists” – as he calls those who challenge just what went on at the BBC and who knew about it – shone through! Think Justin Webb actually did a good job on him.