Monday morning on the biased BBC and Osborne meets Naughtie. The BIG point that the BBC want to hear Conservatives repeating is that they will force “the rich” to pay even more in taxes than they already do. I suppose Osborne is triangulating a bit when he says that he WILL make them pay more insofar as this can be achieved by reducing the top rate of tax a bit and thus encouraging people to reduce their efforts to avoid hanging over the fruits of their endeavours to Government but from a BBC perspective, it is clear they salivate over the very concept of soaking the rich. Maybe they should send some of their world class reporters across the channel to France to see how Hollande is getting on with his plan to achieve a similar result? Or, to save us money, just ask Estate Agents in London?


Last week, as Labour prepared for their conference, the BBC shilled about how “united” they were. One week on, as the Conservatives prepare for their conference, the meme is “division”…oh, and “cuts”….

“Further cuts to welfare, including curbs on housing benefit, may be needed to help fight the deficit, David Cameron has warned. Speaking on first day of the Conservative Party conference, the prime minister said housing benefit may be reviewed for under-25s.

He promised “further action” to ensure the rich “pay their fair share”. But senior Tories have ruled out a tax on expensive properties or a one-off “wealth tax” backed by the Lib Dems.

The BBC love the class war angle and depressingly Cameron serves it up to them.


I was on the BBC earlier this morning talking through last evening’s Presidential debate. It was bad, real bad, for Obama and even Mark Mardell was forced to accept that Romney “won.” So cue solemn music and black armbands. The new line is to say that whilst Romney may have “won” the debate, if the polls do not shift in his favour he will have lost! LOL – wonderful stuff and assumes that we all believe the pro-Obama polls.