Through the left wing prism of the BBC the “Arab Spring” is an unambiguously “good thing” – albeit with the odd “bump in the road”  (Copyright Obama) such as the slaughter and sodomisation of the occasional American ambassador. Hence the favourable reporting of…

David Cameron is expected to urge world leaders to do more to support emerging democracies of the Arab Spring, as he addresses the United Nations General Assembly for a second day in New York. In a keynote speech on Wednesday, the prime minister will say he is optimistic about the region’s future. He will also offer Egypt financial support and help with security.

No voices on the BBC to challenge this support for Islam rising just unmitigated support for helping Dar Al Islam. Who says that the BBC is anti-Conservative? It is PRO Conservative just so long that Conservative is playing the dhimmi.


Many people in this country are concerned about the vast amounts of money funneled into “Overseas Aid.”  Indeed there are even some, like myself, who would like to see this jamboree brought to a complete halt with the maxim charity begins at home in mind. HOWEVER, the BBC does not take such a line and is always keen to promulgate the idea that “Oversea Aid” is a good thing.  On Today this morning  we had an interview around 7.10am with World Bank’s new president Jim Yong Kim on the world’s richest countries’ promise to hand over 0.7% of their wealth every year to help the poorest – a target that David Cameron promises Britain will meet by 2015.  Kim Yong explained how splashing vast amounts of our cash abroad was a sure sign of “leadership” and how if it were to stop that might mean some “young men” in unspecified areas might just end up going back to violence! Really? I wonder who these young men might be, exactly? Last time I checked those leading the global Jihad could not really get any angrier without exploding, and they do that anyway! It would be nice for  the BBC to provide space to those who OPPOSE Foreign Aid. Instead it allows apologists for global extortion to come on and trot out asinine cliches without any challenge.


It’s not just Nick Clegg who is “sorry”...

“The BBC has apologised to the Palace after it revealed the Queen asked the Home Secretary why extreme cleric Abu Hamza had not been arrested for his vile preaching in Britain. Security Correspondent Frank Gardner said the Monarch told him she was so ‘upset’ by the content of his hate sermons, she contacted a senior minister to ask ‘why is he still at large?’

The Monarch’s intervention was revealed today as the hook-handed criminal lost his final appeal against extradition to the United States. She ‘was upset that her country and its subjects were being denigrated by this man who was using this country as a platform for his very violent, hateful views,’ Mr Gardner said. But within hours the BBC issued a grovelling apology in a letter to the Palace, admitting their reporter’s revelations from a private conversation with her was an ‘entirely inappropriate’ thing to do.

Did Gardner not realise he was breaking a private conversation? Did no one else in the BBC not see the problem? Or, are they so blinded by arrogance and self regard that they see no harm in breaking a confidence?


Just HOW pro-SNP is the BBC? I suppose they instinctively admire any Party that seeks to break up the UK and a Biased BBC reader advises;

“As a Brit who does not reside in Scotland I appreciate that this feature might seem a little parochial but I have to inform you that the BBC’s pro-SNP stance is well-known up here and is, quite frankly beyond belief – perhaps a little similar to the BBC’s love affair with Irish Republicanism?

This Sunday Politics feature (link below)  begins by focusing on the pro-independence campaign’s weekend march in Edinburgh; it was basically an advert for the Yes/SNP agenda with no balance provided from unionists,  who, if the polls are to be believed, constitute over two thirds of the Scottish populace; Unionists are the majority but you wouldn’t believe this by watching this biased package. There was no mention that the turnout was utterly feeble, with only 5, 000 nationalists turning up. In the feature you have shots of Alex Salmond and anti-English nasty bit of work, Margo MacDonald,  preaching to the converted,  and a cynical mention of how a unionist started a scuffle as a result of flying a Union Jack flag. I live in Edinburgh and can inform you that there were boos from hundreds, if not thousands, of Unionists as the march went by; the BBC doesn’t mention this or hint at this at all. Neither did it mention that Alex Salmond got booed by thousands at the Olympian homecoming in Glasgow a couple of weeks’ back.

After the feature in the ‘analysis’ section there was absolutely no attempt at getting the views of Unionists but instead we had a pro-independence interview with the Chairman of the Yes campaign; he was giving free reign to speak his mind numbingly boring/biased drivel with no interruptions from well-known SNPer Isobel Fraser. It was an utter DISGRACE! As an Englishman working up here I am disgusted by the BBC’s constant groveling to the SNP agenda. It really is awful and they get away with it on a daily basis.

Anyway, here is the link to the program.


Well, hasn’t today been Vince Cable day on the BBC? They have been salivating over him ALL DAY, and even his ludicrous idea of creating Britain’s very own Fannie May and Freddie Mac has gone without any serious economic analysis. Cable must be delighted how the BBC is playing along with his leadership bid and one wonders how Clegg must feel?


A B-BBC reader write;

“It is quite widely known that ‘child asylum seekers’ are a scandal, with many young adults claiming to be minors for all the benefits and care that being  ‘child’ reufgee brings, including the chance to be supported at school for a couple of years , improving your English and gaining some qualifications before havign to support yourself in Britain.

Chris Warburton standing in for Victoria Derbyshire was interviewing two such people this morning, who came here, supposedly as ‘child asylum seekers’.

The female from Afghanistan claimed that she had left the country with her uncle and had no idea where she was going, only that she was ‘leaving the country’. Of course Warburton laps up every word, apparently with no inclination yto question the more outrageaous claims of these people.

It seems common sense that since her uncle would have had to pay a large sum of money to the traffickers to take them half way across the world to Britain, he would have insisted on being reassured that their final destination would be Britain, and that they wouldn’t be dumped across the border in Kazakhstan or even Turkey. Greece, or France! Why are these questions never asked?

One cannot help but feel the BBC are so in cahoots with these interviewees, they probably pre advise them and stage the sob stories designed to convince hand wriinging Brits of the need to be eeven more genrous towards these colonisers.”


Hi all! I’ve taken a little break from the daily chores here but will be back next Monday. It’s funny but having endured BBC news in the past few weeks it makes me want to return here as their bias is not just visceral but also profoundly destructive in so many ways. But wanted to thank Alan, David DB and Craig for keeping the show rock and rolling in my absence and invite you now to comment on this OPEN THREAD! BBC been annoying you? They haven’t half been irritating me!