Wonder if you caught this debate on the BBC this morning? It concerns the proposed third runway for Heathrow and the debate was between Tim Yeo (Dripping wet alleged Conservative) and Tom Brake (Dripped wet Liberal Democrat).  Remarkably Yeo is NOW in favour of this proposal- but only because of spurious new EU carbon guidelines. But Brake was given the lion’s share of the time to reel out his opposition to the development and Yeo had little to say (Not necessarily a bad thing but where is the balance?)


Anyone else notice the rally of the BBC behind Sir Richard Branson’s (Labour backed) attempt to derail (sic) the decision of the Coalition to award the contract for West Coast mainline. Did you catch this pure PR that Branson got away with on Today this morning? Strikes me that the BBC are happy to use Branson in this way to advance a Labour meme whilst posing as defenders of the commuter.


The NHS worshipping BBC seem to have missed this great instance of how the NHS truly exports around the world;

An NHS doctor on leave from a London hospital was part of a heavily-armed extremist gang who took a British journalist hostage in war-torn Syria. The Kalashnikov-toting doctor – believed to be around 28 – told photographer John Cantlie he had taken a sabbatical from his medical work to come to Syria and fight a ‘holy war’. The bearded medic, who spoke with a south London accent and said he had a wife and a child back in the UK, told the captive photographer he intended to return to an NHS job in Britain after his time in Syria.

Am sure Today will cover it in detail tomorrow…


I see that the BBC has admitted that QUESTION TIME is biased;

The political sway of the audience on Question Time is governed by the leanings of the area where the episode is filmed, the BBC has admitted. Director-general Mark Thompson has revealed that the audience is selected to reflect the voter make-up in the region from which each edition of the topical debate show is broadcast – rather than the political landscape of Britain as a whole.

I don’t accept that this “admission” is adequate. Sure, the composition of the audience may be skewed in the way Thompson says – so MANY Labour leaning cities and towns to visit that neatly explains the howling moon bats that constitute the core of so many of the weekly audiences – but that is only HALF the story. It is the bias that is manifest in the composition of the panel, in the selection of the questions, in the behaviour of the Chairman, that so offends. Yes the raving leftist audience is a concern but Thompson is fooling no one with this deflection. In my view/


Well folks, stability seems to have been restored. It’s been very difficult in recent days seeing all that bias pumped out by the rancid BBC and not being able to provide you with a forum. But things look better now so I am providing you with this new Open Thread as the site begins to move up a few gears.


Well, the BBC have finally found one member of the Murdoch dynasty that they like and guess why? Yes, Elisabeth Murdoch has come out in support of the BBC licence fee in a speech to TV executives in Edinburgh.

Giving the annual MacTaggart lecture, the daughter of News Corporation founder Rupert also praised the BBC for its creative leadership. Her brother James delivered the lecture in 2009, and notoriously described the BBC’s size and ambition as “chilling”.

James called it right and since then the BBC have been after his head. Elisabeth calls it wrong and they love her.  The only solution to the BBC is to scrap the License Fee and let them fund their bias themselves.


Was listening to the BBC this morning as they breathlessly intoned the latest news about “right wing” mass killer Anders Breivik.  They know what they are doing when they wilfully attach that term to such a lunatic. Can’t wait for them to talk about left wing killers. They have no shame at all. I’ve been waiting to see if the site is stable before posting again but all looks well. Time to sort the BBC out.


OK folks, I may be tempting providence but looks like we are back in business. As ever, my first thanks go to ASE for his HOURS of work fixing this. None of you will fully understand the late hours (all unpaid) that has gone in to resurrecting the site. I believe there were corrupted data bases and the like involved – hence the total down time! Anyhoo – we are back and so wanting to say hello to you all. How has the BBC been treating you? I see they reckon George Orwell was “too left wing” for a statue.  He was nothing of the sort, he was too honest for the lousy BBC and his “Ministry of Truth” template was well embedded in his experience working for the BBC even back then.


Monday morning and the site seems a bit more stable.  We have been having nightmarish problems with our alleged server provider – who are utter crap – but thanks to ASE’s endeavours we may be making some progress in restoring service. I am so sorry this has been happening over the past few weeks, I appreciate all your concerned emails to me, but we are doing all we can. Thanks for your understanding. Now – back to BBC bias! Ready, aim…FIRE!