Give THIS  a listen. It’s a great example of the BBC being told what they do not want to hear by a Conservative MP. Evan Davis sounded desperate to cut Mark Reckless off – do listen and draw your own conclusions! I have to say that Reckless did very well in my opinion and refused to go down the road Davis wanted.

As a further point of interest, I was on the BBC (Radio 5 Live) on Saturday Night discussing the suggestion made in a forthcoming book by some of the new intake of Conservatives that the work ethic has gone missing in Britain. I agree – but Stephen Nolan used this to state that the Conservatives were saying that ALL British workers were lazy and idle. His bias and anti-Conservative hectoring were disgraceful, in my view. When I pointed out that if the work ethic here was so great, why did we have to import more than a MILLION foreign workers to do that jobs that “Brits just won’t do”? Silence on that. This was straight Tory bashing. At one point he said to me that he had been trying to get ANY Conservative to come on and defend these views without success. I pointed out that given his bias this was hardly a big surprise.

It is clear to a blind man on a galloping horse that the BBC, along with Labour and The Guardian, is the opposition to any possible Conservative Government. The BBC clearly IS the enemy within, funded at our expense to ensure that our Nation is relentlessly exposed to Leftism.


A Biased BBC reader writes;

“That poor self -regarding, humanity lover, , the only alleged abuser of women in the world to flee from justice and be applauded by left-wing women, the BBC, and the Guardian, yes, he, there’s only one, Assange, has put out a heart-shredding plea to, “Stop persecuting me.”

In his support, Ecuador, that great champion of Assange’s human rights today, but yesterday widely condemned world-wide for its depth of corruption and persecution of journalists, has stated:

“The evidence shows that if Mr Assange is extradited to the United States, he wouldn’t have a fair trial.”

Eh? What ‘evidence’? They don’t say. But that doesn’t stop them adding:

“It is not at all improbable he could be subjected to cruel and degrading treatment and sentenced to life imprisonment or even capital punishment.”

Blimey. Capital punishment too! But yes! The BBC found a local correspondent to add to this belief that he might be beheaded, as is certainly common in some parts of the world when they are dissatisfied with a person’s beliefs:  ‘Most supporters of the Wikileaks founder share this belief,’he commented.  Well yes, mate, they would, much as most supporters of the Pope share the belief that the devil doesn’t dwell at the Pearly Gates. But it sounds nice, rather like ‘most people’ if you don’t stop to examine it, as people often don’t.

The BBC’s indefatigable researchers were ready for it all of course. So don’t stop there. They had their usual reliable suspect ready. This latest BBC paragon of impartiality, a Professor Santiago Basabe, described as a ‘University lecturer’(and therefore authoritative) , let the world know, through the BBC’s tax-payer funded world megaphone web site, that:  “Many see Mr Assange as somebody who has fought for freedom of speech and freedom of opinion, which are also key components of the Ecuadorean government official discourse.”

WHAT! Only the BBC in all its mind-bending, left-wing, USA-detesting arrogance could try and get away with that. This comment can only be described, to put it mildly, as unbelievable.

Read here:  and here  how a columnist of the chief opposition newspaper was imprisoned for three years and chief executives fined millions of dollars  – why?  They ‘libelled’ President Correa by publishing an article that called him a “dictator” and challenged his version of events surrounding a 2010 police protest. Under Ecuador’s Criminal Code anyone who offends a government official may receive a prison sentence up to three months and up to two years for offending the president. Private broadcasters must interrupt scheduled programs to transmit government messages known as cadenas.

In July 2011 the Center for Economic and Social Rights, an Ecuadorian human rights group, reported that 189 indigenous people were facing terrorism and sabotage charges. Most of them were in hiding. Prosecutors apply a “terrorism and sabotage” provision of the criminal code for protests against mining and oil projects, and other incidents that have ended in confrontations with police.

And here’s the evidence of the President of Ecuador’s brother: Fabricio Correa said his brother’s image has “collapsed” over the past several years and he plans to challenge him for the presidency next year. He said that the President’s efforts to follow in the footsteps of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has betrayed the basic principles of the movement they both founded… Ecuador is today prey to corruption, loss of freedoms and democratic institutions, and an increase in crime and drug trafficking.   He added that’s the opposite of what they sought out to do when they created the movement Patria Altiva y Soberana (Proud and Sovereign Fatherland) in September 2005.
So, does Assange make you sick – by pleading for decency while running for protection to the thugs who run Ecuador?

If not, this should. He had the sheer bloody-cheek, in his smug complacency, to add the following to his appeal to the world.

… “The United States must pledge before the world that it will not pursue journalists for shining a light on the secret crimes of the powerful.”

Will Assange set the example? Will this world-powerful media person return to Sweden of his own free will, confident therefore of his innocence, to shine a light on his alleged crime of attempted rape?

You don’t need to go to BetFred or any of the bookies to get the odds on that…”


Many years ago, I remember Billy Idol’s Generation X singing about “Wild Youth”. Wonder had he rioting French thugs in mind? I was listening to an item on Today this morning just before 7am concerning riots which have been taking place in various French cities. It seems that in Amiens, around 100 “youths” attacked police, including firing live bullets at them. Other cities like Toulouse and Marseilles seem to have been similarly affected over recent weeks with, yes, more “youths” seeking confrontation with the forces of law and order. The BBC conclude that this is an issue about crime.  Got that, crime? No other issues are involved, thank Allah.


Have you seen THIS from the BBC “explaining” the causes of the Eurozone meltdown?  Wonderful stuff…

  • So what really caused the crisis?
  • There was a big build-up of debts in Spain and Italy before 2008, but it had nothing to do with governments. Instead it was the private sector – companies and mortgage borrowers – who were taking out loans

Thank goodness that Governments had NO responsibility and the wicked private sector can stand exposed. Right?  Do give it a read!!


BBC not happy that Government is using CPI rather than RPI as inflation measure to calculate public sector pensions, amongst other things. Jonty Bloom had an item on Today this morning about this with the not so subtle meme that basically this change will drive us all into poverty. Talk about inflating hype!  I suppose expecting the BBC to look at it from another perspective, namely cutting the bloated Public Sector and its totally unaffordable benefits is to be unrealistic?