It’s a real toughie for them, isn’t it? I mean the BBC seemed so delighted, ecstatic even,  that Bob Diamond has gone but now..gulp… Labour have been dragged into the whole “Who fixed Libor” scandal. And with Brown and Balls in the frame, along with other luminaries such as Darling, damage control has to be exercised.

Anyone catch Lord Myners on Today this morning being given a gentle canter around the topic. His line is that no one in Government would have been talking to the BOE about the need to lower LIBOR and that this is just a Tory wind up to distract from their own problems.  Thing is – I am sure that you, dear reader, like me, well remember the BBC droning on and on about the fact that the evil banks were NOT lowering LIBOR back in 2008. This was presented as a major impediment to economic recovery back then yet now,  as scandal threatens Labour, the memory banks are erased. It wasn’t a big issue it seems; no one in Government talked about it; wheat production was at record levels. HOW can the BBC let Labour get away with this outrageous revisionism? How can we let the BBC away with their duplicitous role in this? The FACT is that the BBC raised LIBOR lending as a massive issue, I can remember discussions on Today and elsewhere, but now it accepts the sanguine line spun by Liebor that it wasn’t an issue for discussion. That would have been inappropriate, it seems!! This is damage control being facilitated by the State Broadcaster.


Now WHO would have seen this one coming? 

John Simpson, BBC broadcaster, has admitted he used to be a tax avoider, placing his home with an offshore company until he saw the error of his ways.

Ah, the “error of his ways”. How touching and so moral. I wonder how many other highly paid BBC staff have similar tax evading arrangements in situ and why hasn’t there been a call  from the BBC for a full investigation into this sort of activity? Just wondering.


The news that Bob Diamond has resigned from Barclays was breaking news on Today this morning. The euphoria in John Humphrys voice was almost touching. Shortly afterwards the Chancellor was interviewed and the thrust of Humphrys questioning was whether Osborne had personally put pressure on Diamond to go. Osborne rightly pointed out that it is not the business of Government to tell a private company who it should employ, to the obvious annoyance of Humphrys! I thought Osborne did OK and his reference to Ed Balls “being in the dock” was met with studied silence!


Strange article here on the BBC magazine site, and this caught my eye in particular..

And indeed there were Jewish anarchists in Europe, as there are Muslim extremists now. But there was never a Jewish problem in France, any more than there is a Muslim problem now

Not sure the next of kin of those slaughtered in Toulouse might agree with that contention.


Interesting article here on the BBC concerning a massacre of Kenyan Christian by Islamic Jihadists. Now that’s the way I put it but the BBC article is more nuanced and it is quick to get a quote in from the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims condemning this latest atrocity from Al Shabab. The fourth paragraph almost suggests that Kenya had this coming for daring to deal with Al Shabab!


You would need a heart of stone not to laugh at the BBC’s slavish spin on the latest attempt by “EU Leaders” to try and salvage their crumbling “project”. Yes, it looks like Mr Personality Von Rompuy and the gang have saved the day after another tense summit “running right the right through the night” – as an open mouthed reporter tells us. If you read the BBC report, you can see that Hollande isthe new hero for the BBC, as he uses his unbridled Socialist power to force Merkel to..erm…gain financial control over all European Banks! The BBC and the EU have much in common. Both are removed from fiscal reality; both are determined to spin a specious agenda; and both are dedicated to the further whittling away of the Nation State, or what is left of it. It’s perfectly obvious that the BBC is incapable of allowing a balanced analysis of the epic failure of the Eurozone and the economies therein. Instead it operates as Brussels little echo chamber, relentlessly pushing out the EU press releases as IF they were news. Who knows, maybe they even help write them…