Biased BBC contributor Alan raises the folllowing point;

“A distinct case of hypocrisy from CIF when they tell us such ‘ravings’ from ‘Right Wing’ blogs created Breivik…..murdering non-believers, exterministic rhetoric, genocide…..where have we heard a case made for that  before?  The Koran.

If anyone reading this is in the fortunate position of being on a BBC programme and you raise the question of religion and violence or religious believer’s attitude to other religions or non believers and the BBC presenter tries to close you down for touching on a subject they won’t go near and suggest you are being racist or Islamophobic then draw their attention to this:

How Christian fundamentalists plan to teach genocide to schoolchildren
Good News Clubs’ evangelism in schools is already subverting church-state separation. Now they justify murdering nonbelievers. The CEF’s new emphasis on the genocide of nonbelievers makes a bad situation worse. Exterminist rhetoric has been on the rise among some segments of the far right, including some religious groups. At what point do we start taking talk of genocide seriously? How would we feel about a nonreligious group that instructs its students that if they should ever receive an order to commit genocide, they should fulfill it to the letter?

And finally, when does a religious group qualify as a “hate group”?

When the Koran is being taught in madrassas, Muslim faith schools, in people’s homes and in the mosques, and that Koran teaches the faithful to kill the non-believer, to subject non-believers and people of other religions to discrimination and not to make friends with them…is it not time to ask openly and frequently just when does a religious group qualify as a “hate group”?


A Biased BBC reader draws our attention to this!

“BBC “News” At One was reporting Amnesty International’s disapproval of the UN Security Council (UNSC) lack of action on Syria. Behind Sophie Raworth as she introduced the piece appeared the Amnesty International emblem together with an emblem from UNSC. The only problem was this was not the United Nations Security Council’s emblem, it was an emblem of the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) taken from the smash-hit computer game series “Halo” !!!

Story at The Register with link to YouTube on that page showing the clip. A possible explanation as to how the error occurred appears in The Register article:

“The blunder appears to be the result of a botched Google image search: a quick hunt for “UNSC” pulls up a lot of pictures from the interplanetary epic, but not many of the real security council. It is possible that the BBC image researcher has not played Halo.”

And after looking at that video I then came across this one which shows a “live” broadcast from Libya during the toppling of Gaddafi. Except the broadcast of the Green Square in Tripoli happened to be coming from India as mentioned in a reply on the BBC News editor’s blog:

Reply 10. At 03:15 30th May 2012, rosegirldeb wrote:

Such mistakes are very rare?? Last year the BBC showed pictures from India and claimed it was live footage of Libyans celebrating the fall of Tripoli! Incredible how we have to pay you money to lie to us.

And Dez complains no one is checking the likes of Biased BBC!”


BIASED BBC has just had another really successful month, our biggest ever, with in excess of a quarter of a million visits. I wanted to thank you all for supporting the site and for coming here. Along with my fellow writers, I try my best to provide you with daily output and then leave it for you to take the issue wherever you want. What makes this site so good is the quality of the comments and I am in your debt for providing such great insight on a daily basis.

A spin off from the blog has been the “Liveblog” that usually accompanies Question Time. One of the reasons I started this was it allows us all the chance to talk directly in real time to each other and flag up some of the outrageous bias that accompanies that programme. I also know that it’s also a weekly chance to relax a bit and make mock of the BBC and some of the Lilliputians that pop up on the programme! HOWEVER, I am increasingly unhappy about some of the comments being left. These are pure ad hominem, and they distract from the event. We live in a blog world where hostages to fortune cannot be given and there are people out there who wish the site did not exist, or could be classified in ways that would minimise our impact. I also think that we leave ourselves open to the charge of being hypocrites if we demand the highest standard of the BBC whilst lowering our own standards. So, I am unsure if I want to continue the LIVEBLOG, and seek your opinion. I will only continue with it if I can be assured people will not post offensive, possible actionable ad hominem. I am happy with witty comment, I don’t mind mild sexist comments, or even plain silly comments – but we HAVE to stop the nasty stuff once and for all.




BBC Question Time Liveblog 31st May 2012

You are all cordially invited to join in the fun for this evenings Labour Party broadcast  Question Time Liveblog. Adding their weight to the National debate will be Alan Duncan, Stella Creasy, Mark Oaten, Fraser Nelson and Victoria Coren. Strong alcohol is advised if you aim to last the entire duration or, alternatively, prayer.






The BBC led assualt on the Government continues apace this morning. First up we have the screaming headline that Andy Coulson has been arrested and charged with perjury by Scotland’s finest. This is deemed the single most important story in the UK this morning (Oh really?) but I suppose we can all understand WHY the BBC is hyping it…

BBC chief political correspondent Norman Smith said: “Unlike the arrest of Mr Coulson last year by the London Metropolitan Police – which centred on claims about hacking during his time as editor of the News of the World – this arrest relates to a period when Mr Coulson was working as David Cameron’s director of communications.”

Precisely – get Cameron. And the second biggest story in the UK today? Why, Jeremy Hunt is going in front of the Leveson Star Chamber.

Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt is expected to defend his handling of News Corp’s attempt to take over broadcaster BSkyB when he appears at the Leveson Inquiry into media ethics later. Mr Hunt has denied the company had influence within his office.

Yes, he may “deny” it but the BBC know better, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more!

There is a real Jihad against the Cameron Conservatives, which at one level is utterly disgraceful when compared with the easy ride Labour was afforded over all those years but at another level is understandable given Cameron’s refusal to take on the BBC but rather try to appease them. Same with Hunt. He should have gone on the front foot against the BBC but instead ran around trying to be nice to them. They devour you either way and so I feel little sympathy for Cameron and co as today generates further GRIM  headlines.


Fascinating to read from our contributor Alan that one of the biggest and most important  financial events is about to happen in the US with world changing effects and this is the world’s finest news organisation’s analysis:

‘Sorry, there are no results for  ‘taxmageddon’  in the category ‘News’.’

In the US in January 2013 there looms a massive financial decision….a ‘cliff edge’ moment, when the realities of the US economy will strike home.

Policymakers are facing difficult trade-offs in formulating the nation’s fiscal policies. On the one hand, if the fiscal policies currently in place are continued in coming years, the revenues collected by the federal government will fall far short of federal spending, putting the budget on an unsustainable path. On the other hand, immediate spending cuts or tax increases would represent an added drag on the weak economic expansion. ‘

The US has been running its economy on Plan A….which is the Ball’s Plan B here… is based on tax cuts and stimulus spending. Now those chickens are coming home to roost and a decision has to be made.

All that spending hasn’t really worked, it gives the illusion of growth but based on massive debt,  now they must decide either to continue down that road and grow the deficit further or raise taxes and make cuts in spending… reduce the deficit by 60% by 2014.

The BBC have avoided all talk of this as far as I can see, at least in the UK.  Why?

The BBC love a good stimulus on the quiet.

The fact that the Americans are in such a dilemma, are panicking about it, tells you everything…..the ‘stimulus’ programme hasn’t worked…the massive government subsidies haven’t worked….if they had the answer would be easy….change nothing…keep on with the low taxes and high borrowing (half US government spending is borrowed).

But no…..the economy is at the ‘cliff edge’…and that doesn’t sound like a good basis for an economic plan unless you dated Ed Balls and now work for the BBC.

Subsidies produce growth and jobs….really?   Well yeah….look at all those Green jobs from wind farm development and solar panels.

Let’s look how that went…..every so called green job cost 3.7 real jobs as money was diverted from the real economy….and look what happened when the subsidies were cut….the solar panel firms went bust….because their business was unsustainable in the real world.

That’s the key word…sustainable…once the subsidies are withdrawn can they continue to trade?

And of course the subsidies have to come from somewhere…Balls is yet to quantify exactly how he intends to fund his Brownian Motion where the money supply mysteriously moves money around in an expansive and random manner in the economy with no apparent relation to any outside influences at all.

The US  Congressional Budget Office states in clear language the options……continue with the stimulus and you will get 4.4% growth in the first year, make cuts and increase taxes and you will have 0.5% growth in year one and 2.3% in year two and the deficit will be cut enormously.  Carry on with the stimulus and it gives good apparent ‘growth’ but that is unsustainable…..‘Such a path for federal debt could not be sustained indefinitely, and policy changes would be required at some point. The more that debt increased before policies were changed, the greater would be the negative consequences—for the nation’s future output and income, for the burden imposed by interest payments on the federal debt, for policymakers’ ability to use tax and spending policies to respond to unexpected challenges, and for the likelihood of a sudden fiscal crisis.’

In fact we have experience of that already…Gordon Brown did exactly that…borrowed large in the hope that growth would come to his rescue….unfortunately events and a financial crisis(much of his making) meant there was no growth…..he was as much playing the ‘Casino’ bank’s game as he was taking huge financial risks that didn’t, and in all likelihood never would, pay off.

So years of massive stimulus and tax cuts have had little effect and indeed there has been neglible growth for a decade, and now they must choose to continue down that road and keep racking up the debt or to raise taxes and make massive cuts but deal with the deficit.

It’s a shame the BBC cannot, or will not, explain the options so lucidly and simply as the CBO does.  Of course if they did Balls and Miliband would have to dream up a ‘Plan C’ as the Public would be on to their scam….and I don’t think they have it in them.

No doubt Stephanie Flanders can guide us onto the right path and enlighten our thinking.


I’ll be was going to be on the BBC discussing the forthcoming strike by GP’s. I happened to read this item on the BBC which states as a fact, not an opinion, that “A majority of doctors voted in favour of action in a BMA ballot of 104,000 members over pension changes.” This is VERY misleading as you have to scroll down several paragraphs to discover that just 50% of BMA members actually bothered to cast a vote in the first place. It also ignores the fact that there are plenty of doctors who are NOT BMA members. So it would be more accurate to say that a minority of  doctors have voted in favour of industrial action. The pension pot required to sustain the current GP pension is well in excess of £1m, another factoid the BBC choose not to put on their website. We’ll sort if out later.


Remind me, what exactly is John Pienaar for, asks Biased BBC contributor Alan?  What does his ‘insights’ and ‘analysis’ bring to the picture?

His impressions are consistently either of an entirely bland stream of consciousness with little thought or a surprisingly different angle on a subject that hadn’t occurred to me as I listened to whatever he was later to dissect so incisively….and probably a take that no one outside the Labour party would think was based on reality.

Let’s cut out the middle man and have Balls or Miliband(whoever he was) present BBC politics.

Today’s effort was scrutinising Vince Cable’s performance at Leveson with a fine-tooth  comb….unfortunately it was a comb as effective as one  might be on Vince’s own follicly challenged pate out of which came the flood of excuses for his indiscrete declaration of war on Murdoch. Cable, rather than just shrug and say ‘yeah you caught me, and I meant every word’ shamelessly and pathetically squirmed like a schoolboy up in front of the Head.

Bluster and backtracking, excuses coming thick and fast and all accepted by Leveson as Moses accepted the 10 Commandments.

What was Pienaar’s analysis….’Well there you go….he’s innocent…under pressure, grumpy and being blackmailed by News of the World journalists who would seek to destroy the Lib Dems if he went against the BSkyB merger……who can blame him for an immoderate outburst?’

Of course none of these claims were investigated or substantiated….the word of the sainted Vince was good enough.

Just what use is Pienaar to anyone?  Just what use is Leveson when Blair and Campbell are cast as victims rather than the villains they were? Don’t you just love indepth, rigorous, challenging political scrutiny?

That’s why I watch ‘The Simpsons’.


Paul Krugman, what a guy. He’s the Nobel Prize winning economist who called for a fake alien invasion of the United States to spur a World War II-style defense build-up. The BBC wheeled him on this morning and salivated over his every word as he repeated his assault on the Coalition’s alleged austerity drive. Paul’s one of those economists who reckons you can spend your way out of debt but the BBC just love him. Quite. By way of balance, may I direct you to this excellent piece on FOX News which examines just how woeful Krugman’s record has been when it comes to forecasting on the economy! Enjoy.